Exeter Times, 1909-03-25, Page 4GRAND TRUNK sYs EM•
4.HE EXETER TIMES, MAR. 25th 1909.
said grading and of the puyu rat
Coughs a n d to the Bt. Marys andsteel
Western id tar-
by It;tiltEt. ar of the elect num lire
to be used in the construction of the
whole ut said road, and the purchase
or other acquisition of the remain -
Colds tag right of sway for the remaining
gonion of said road;•uad the rcwaiu-
tug Five thousand dollars, (5,000) im-
mediately after the said Railway it
in operation between the Town of St.
Marys and the Town of Sarnia or
some other point on the tit. Clair
For the prompt relief and River or Lake Huron and when said
cure of Colder, loughs, Hoarse- station buildings, freight sidings and
nese, Loss of Voice, raid all cattle yards are completed ready to
affections of the Throat and uctluisitiou of the necessary Right of
lungs and for gener+il debility. Way from the Town of St. Marys to
Get a bottle of Perry's Cour• the Village of Exeter; Five thousaud
pound Syrup of White Pine dollars (•a&,000) upon the completion
with Tar or 1 trry's Emulsion be used.
of (Sod Liver Oil with Hypo- AND WHEREAS it is advisable
phosphaes of litre and Seel% that the Corporation of the said
Rolm at Township of Usborne shall enter into
the said Agreement.
Brownings Drug Store COUNCIiFui' RETHTE 11CORPO ATIONL
B Y- LAW NO O. I Aid to the extent of Twenty
�,j �• 1V thousand dollars, ($20,000) is hereby
granted by the Corporation of the
Township of Usborue to the St.
BY-LAW to authorize the issue of Marys and \\estern Ontario Itail-
lebeutur,•t of the corporation of the tt-•y Company in aid of the said Roll-
e its which '-s to be constructed from
Of Twenty 'Thousand Dollars, ($-0.,' of Sar ria orf ouseSt.lothe. to the Town
. osthe
poo) fur t •L`e1TPo`� v granting aid I St. Clair itii•er. or -TAmtluron.D The
t9 tlic extent Of Twenty thousand dol. said Twr'nty thousand dollars, ($20,.
Lars, (;20,000) to the Et. Marys and 000) to be udvanced to the Said The
,t. Marys and Western Ontario Rail -
Western Ontario Railway Company. way Company as set out in paragraph
WHEREAS it is advisable that J2 of this By-law.
the Corporation of the Township of 2 That if at any time within six
tt,'sborne grant aid to The St. Marys months after the final passing of this
and Western Ontario Railway to the Ity-law, the said Company enter into
eltent of Twenty Thousand Dollars, an Agreement with the said Corpora -
020,000.) lion of the Township of Usborne to
AND WHEREAS iu order thereto erect, equip and maintain a station
it will be necessary to issue deben. and Freight building, siding and Cat -
tures of the Corporation of the Town- tle yards for the proper handling of
ship of Usborne for the sum of Passengers, express and freight, at
Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($20,000) the roadway leatling from the Post
as hereinafter provided. tt•hich is the Office or Village known as \Vinohel-
tl ount of the debt intended to be sea to the Post Office or Village
created by this By -Law, the proceeds known as Elimville at some point as
of the said debentures to be ap. nearly as possible equally distant
plied to the said purpose and no from the Villages of Winchelsea and
ether. Eliutville; And shall further agree
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to that they will erect, equip and main -
issue the said debentures at one time tain a Station and Freight building
and to make the principal of the said Siding and Cattle yards for the pro -
debt repayable by yearly sums dur- per handling of passengers, express
ing the period of twenty years, be- and freight at the boundary line be-
ing the currency of the said deben- tween the Townships of Blanshard
lures, said yearly sums being of such and Usborne, at some point as near -
respective amounts that the aggro- 1y as possible equally distant from
gate amount payable in each yearthe Villages of hirkton and Wood -
for 'Principal and interest iu respect,.bam: And shall further agree that
of said debt, shall be as nearly as they will erect, equip and maintain
possible equal to the amount so pay- a Station, freight Building, Siding
able in each of the other nineteen and Cattle Yards, for the proper
years of said period, as shown in handling of passengers, express and
Schedule "A" hereto annexed. freight at some point in the Village
AND WHEREAS the total amount of Exeter: Aud shall further coven -
required to be raised annually by a ant that the construction of the said
special rate for paying the said debt Railway, the erection of the said
and interest is the sum of Fourteen Stations, freight buildings, sidings
hundred and seventy-one dollars and and cattle yards, shall be completed
sixty-four cents, (51471.64) for the at or before the First day of Dccem-
period of twenty years. ber 1911: And shall deposit with the
AND WHEREAS the amount of the Treasurer of the Said Corporation,
whole rateable property of the Cor- the sutra of Five hundred Dollars as
l,oratiou of the Township of Us- security to the Said Corporation that
borne according to the last revised the said sum of $20,000 shall be re-
Assessinent Roll is $2,418,675.00. paid to the said Corporation without
AND WHEREAS the said Corpor- cost if the said Company fails to
ration has not non• any debenture carry out its agreement, then, and
debt teliatever, in such case the Corporation of the
AND WHEREAS the said Company said Township of Usborne through its
propose to erect, equip and maintain proper officers shall enter into an
a Station and Freight Building. bid- Agreement with the said Company to
ing and Cattle yards for the proper deposit the said sum of Twenty Thous -
handling of passengers, express and and dollars, ($20,000) to the joint
freight at the roadway leading from credit of the said corporation and
the Post Office or Village known as The St. Marys and Western Ontario
'Winchelsea to the Post Office or Vi)- Railway Company in some Chartcr-
lage known as Elimville at some ed Bank in the Village of Exeter.
point as nearly as possible equally and shall further agree that the said
istant from the Villages of Win- Twenty thousand dollars ( 1;20.000)
elsea and Elimville. shall be paid to the said Company as
he cnthe saidCompany
s• Five thousand dollars iry
rthcr agreed that theywill erect,thereofuponthe completion
of the
equip and maintain a Station and survey of the said railway from the
Freight building. Siding and Cattle Town of St. Marys to the Town of
Yards, for the proper handling of Sarnia or to some other point on the
of passengers, express
and freight, atSt i til{it
er or Lake 11
the boundary line between the Town- approval of he plans thereof by the
•ps of Blanchard and Usborne at Board of Railway Commissioners, and
e point ns nearly as possible eq. the completion of the purchase or
. a art Villages acquisition
f H• di tont r aothernecessary
s from the all ges ofof the
Kirkton and Woodham. right of way from the Town of St.
AND WHEREAS the said Com- Marys to the Village of Exeter; Five
patty have [urttier agreed that they thousand dollars ($5.000) upon the
will erect. equip and maintain a completion of the grading of the said
Station. Freight Building, Siding and portion of the said Raiiway; Five
Cattle yards. for the proper hand- thousand dollars (85,000) upon the
ling of passengers, express and frcigbt completion of the said grading of the
at sotue point in the Village of Exc. said portion and of the payment by
ter. The St. Marys and \Vestcrn Ontario
AND \VHEItI'.AS the said Company Railway Company of the steel and
propose to enter into an ngreeutent ties to be used in construction of the
with the Corporation of the 'Town- ttholt. of said road and the purchase
ship of l'sborie to so erect and con- or other acquisition of the necessary
'tract said stations. freight buildings, right of way for the remnining poi.
sitliorts rued cattle yards. and for the tion of said road. And (he remain•
completion of the said road on or be- ing hire thousand dollttrs ($5.000)
fors the first day of December 1:)11, immediately after the said railway
sse'i Agresti' nt to e e • is in operation K b. entered into , c tion bclu•cen the 'Town of
within six months front the date of St. Malys and the Town of Sarnia
t1, f••: 1 )•as:ning of this fly -yaw. or some other point on (h. St. Clair
as it \\delft:, S the said Cont- ltiwer or Lake Huron and when said
L..l ri, � hat 1h. said Corpora. station buildings,
freight gbt 'i
l,ngs and
Don .shalt. t, h• n the said ngreem.'nt is cattle yards are completed ready to
so executed deposit the stun of Ttt•en- h.• used: rand all interest accruing on
tv tltorrsInd dollars (aan.000) to the the moray so deposited shall belong
joint credit of the said corporation to 1h:' said corporation.
and the said The tit. Marys a. West- AND the agreement shall further
ern O taro Itnilway Co. is ra charlt•r provide that if the debentures issued
ed "•nt. ir• th• \'iiI:i_. of Exeter. and ender the authority of this Hy-Iraw
aj,•• :+„rljl stsid Corporation to shall not yield the sum or Twenty
inter into on agreetnent with the thousand dollars, ($20,00a1 then,
pail Company to pay the said stun of and in such case. the deposit by the
. Tte••nty thousand dollars 1$120.000) said Corporation of the proceeds of
to the said Company as follows: Five stall debentures `hall it- accepted by
the :sand dollars ($5.000) (hereof up- the Company as performance by the
on the comp!, tion of the survey of Corporation of that part of said
the said railway front the Town of Ar;reeturnt requiring deposit and the
St. Marys to the Town of Sarnia or to said Company shall accept such pro -
some other point On the St. Clair everts in lien of said spun of 'i'wenty
River or Lake Huron. the approval Thousand dollar, ($20.000). but the
of the plans thereof by the hoard of; said Company shall on final settic-
Bai:ttny Coning sioners• and the tnent be entitled to $a much but no
completion of th•• p!irchiss or otbrr more of the interest accruing on the
of lb • eroding of the said portion of money so depasit,•d as may Ir,• re -
the , i•1 Railway: hive thousand dol- .faired to inake up the full sum of
tar, - 000) upon the completion of 'I'tt enty 'Thousand dollars (A20.000)
L..r?, -,' 'ice ! '.-4
Troubled \'i h ii sou::;h? :' I:irki t:-: i. .-• , hiti,, or some
chronic line; tr(;ublc:' 'fi:•_rc is a m:.:• ;bade for just
these cascs--•:1}':r's Cherry Pectoral. :r doctor knows
all about it. Ask him what he think; of :t. No medicine
can over !.•1':t' the place of your doctor. Keep in close
touch t. 1 1,;2). .
1t him frequently, tI
trust him fully.
No alcohol in this cough medicine.
1.C.,1tier t o e 'ert,Mo s.
's Pills. Sugar-coated. All vegetable. Act directly
Dox, onty one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. As
e liver. Gently laza-
tor about than.
AND the Agreement shill also pro-
vide that upon completion of the pay-
ment of FS0.000 to the said company
any balance remaining deposited
ihall be paid out to said Corporation ,
by such chartered bank on cheque
signed by Treasurer or other proper
officer of said Corporation.
AND the said Agreement shall be
signed by the proper Officers of the
said Township and shall have the
seal of the 'Corporation :attached.
3 That for the purpose of raising
ing the said sunt debentures of the
said Corporation of the Township of
Usborne to the amount of Twenty
thousand dollars ($20.000) as afore-
said. shall be issued in sums of not
less than One hundred dollars (5100)
each, and such debentures shrill be
slgued by the Reeve of the said Cor-
poration for the time being and coun-
tersigned by the Treasurer for the
time being of the said Corporation,
and duly sealed with the Corporate
Seal thereof, which Seal, the Clerk
for the time being of the said Cor-
poration is hereby authorized and dir-
ected to attach to each of said De-
4 The said Debentures nod inter-
est may be payable at any place in
Great Britain or in this province and
may be made payable in sterling
money of Great Britain or iu;a_
eton currency', •
5 The said Debentures shall be dat-
ed upon the date of the issue thereof,
ettd as to both principal and inter-
est shall be payable in annual instal-
ments within twenty years from the
date of the issue thereof. Such in-
stalments to be of such amounts that
the aggregate amount payable for
principal and interest in tiny year
during the said period of twenty
years shall be as nearly equal as
may be to what is payable for prin-
cipal and interest during each of the
other years of such period of twenty
years, as hereinafter set forth. The
said debentures shall bear interest
at the rate of four per cent. per
annum from the date of issue there-
of. and the said interest shall be
payable yearly on the day of the
month which the debentures are is-
sued, the first of such instalments of
interest to become due and be paid
in one year after tho date of the is-
sue of the same.
6 During the currency of the said
debentures. there shall be raised an-
nually by a special rate on all the
rateable property in the said Corpor-
ation of the Township of Usborne the
sum of Fourteen hundred and seventy
one dollars and sixty four cents,
($1471.64) for the purpose of paying
the amount due in each of the said
years for the principal and interest
in respect of the said debt, as shown
in Schedule "A" hereto annexed.
7 That it shall not be necessary
for the purchaser or intending pur-
chaser of the said debentures or any
of them to enquire ns to the perform-
ance by the said Railway Company
of any or all of the conditions neces-
sary under the provisions of this By-
law to entitle the said Company to
payment of the said money or any
part thereof.
8 That this fay -law shall come in-
to force and take effect on the day of
the final passing thereof.
9 That the votes of the Electors
of the said Township of l'aborne en-
titled to vote on this By-law be tak-
en on Monday, the Twelfth day of
April, 190:(, commencing rat nine o'-
clock in the forenoon and continuing
until Five o'clock in the afternoon of
of the same day at the following
places within the said Corporation of
the Town4ihip of Usborne by the fol-
lowing Deputy Returning Officers;
Polling subdivision No. 1. Town-
ship '
s irIli:
nvl r Si
D. Rt 0.,
George or•c h.Il
tt Poll Clerk
No. 2 Lot 6, N. Thames Road, John
\V. Homey. D. it. 0., Daniel Dew.
Poi: Clerk : No.3. S. 1-2 lot 3. Con. 10
l"=borne. Thos. Washburn. D. R. 0.
liiitrh Barry, Poll Clerk ; .No. 4, Pub-
lic !tali. Farquhar, John Duncan, Jr.
D. It. 0.. Silas Shier, l'oIl Clerk.
That h t 6nU+rdny. the Third day
of April 1909. at Two o'clock. 1'. M.
shall be the day and the Clerk's Of -
fie• ir. the Township iIa1! in the
Village of Elimville. shall be the
place where the Reeve shall attend
to appoint persons to attend at th-
various polling places aforesaid. and
at the final summing up of the votes
by the Clerk on behalf of persons in-
terested in promoting or opposing the
passage of this liy-law respectively.
11 That the Clerk of the Corpor.
;a tion of th • said Township of I's
borne shall attend at his office in
the said Village of Elimville at nine
o'clock, n. in. on Tuesday. the 13th
day of April 19(1.), to sum up the num-
her of votes given for and against
this Its -law.
The above is a true copy of the
proposed Ity-law which has been
into consideration r'r
n nt
id which
will be finally passed by the Council
of the Corporation of the Township
of Usborne in the event of the assent
of the Electors being obtained (here-
to. after one month from the first
publication in the Exeter Titnes news-
paper. which first publication was on
the 18th day of March, 190:1, and at
the hour. day and places herein fixed
for taking the votes of the Electors.
a pall will be held.
Dated rat Usborne this Fifteenth
d ay of March 190:).
Clerk of the Corporation of the
Township of ('sborne.
Schedule "A" referred to in the
annexed lly-;raw No. show-
ing how the amount of 81171,61 there
by required to be raised annually by
special rate is npportioned.
Year Principal interest Total
1909671.61 80(1.00 1471.01
11)10 8DA.36 773.2 1171.61
1911 726.48 745.16 1171.6;
i9(2 785.72
191 1;;177111...66611: 138.5.716.16''2 1;71,611.
1914 817.16 651. v 1;;1.61:
1915 919.89 621. G I?Slant
1916 813.84 587.80 tt71.61
1!)17 919.16 552.1s 1171.61
1918 1t65.02 51•'x.-2 1iTi.!il
1919 984.20
477. 1 1 .71.51
1920 1033.93 4':7.68 1471.61
1921 1076 32 316..'2 1171.61
1922 111832 31 .'j 1471.1i
921 1 11 n l Ii 1,(;o 1171.0:
1921 12.1).3+1 262.(i8 14 71.11
9i 12 i7.! G
218.68 1471.61
92 13t$ 2+ 783.6 1471.61
127 1300 6'i 111.01 1471.64
ii.i 1115.14 'tt5.5'2 1471,01
e navnv •ua,.,e-aw.
nen,: „ n ••.,,npi., n..
egetiblepieparatioitforAs -
tinQ thtsFoodandltegula-
the.Skunsei s afldliowtiiss of
I\1 \\ 1\ ( 44 ILD HI:N
t tessatd&est.Contains neither
Opnim,TMKorphine nor I mesal.
Airs • -
IA erne•
Ape fectRemedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms,Convulsions,Fevcri sh-
aess iindLoss OF SLEEP.
TacSimile Signature of
1115115th~ 'elft
i 1)osrti-3C1`.NTti
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
:NlN4slNNN...... NNNNN4f....N�.NNN.N..• 1
3 The LVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL (paid flet $3 500.000.00
RESERVE FUND =3,500,000_00
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted. Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
For Over
Thirty Years
Some day you may cat too much. Some night
(if you're a man) you may drink more than is
good for you. For all excesses in eating and drinking
is hest because it acts on the liver, moves the bowels
and gets rid of whatever may be overloading your
stomach. For any sickness of the sort -constipa-
tion or stomach and liver troubles take an NR tab-
let to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. 52
For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter.
To a few individuals the advantages
an the Editor of the Exeter Times- of the railway may be ample corn -
The Railway bonus by-law is now the pctsation for the outlay, especially
most important matter for the rate- in the villages where it will only cost
payers to consider and I think the their a few cents each ,year, but
the many? , is
h t o[ '
m it
worth h t
hequestion should be looked at
tnoncy. A great many are under the
both sides by emery person having n•
vote before marking his ballot for or( impression that the Township will
against the measure. It is a business get back rt fair part of the cost in
transaction. Is it worth the rnoncyr( railtwny taxes. but I -icannot see
:amount , ttherr
We will gain at all in that
to be laid to the Rail-
nay Company is 820,000. The amount `t•a}•' The land occupied by the rail-
way can only be
e assessed by the town -
o[ interest
est to
paid for the
i, aJ 32.FU. making t total payment
ship rat the value
o[ the
of 529.•132.80, or an annual payment farm lands. so the taxes will not be
of $1471.61 each year for 20 years. any more than if the land were still
The average tax on each 100 acre assessed with the farms. no gain ex -
farm, to pay this, trill be about $3.50 ceplt the taxers on the station build -
each year for twenty years. it'g• The farms cut by the railway
That $3.50 invested each year, and
allowed to accumulate interest at 4
per cent.. would at the end of 1w.snty
years amount to 5101.22, which is
the arnonnt it twill cost each avenge100 acre farm.
Willi. etre you getting in return(
I Any person ts ho is the sole head i Via Chicago aIl(1 St. Paul,
of a fannies, or any male over 18 Illinneapolis or Duluth;
years old may homestead a quarter
sectoni of available Dominion land in April (1-20. May 4_18, June 1-15;
Manitoba; Saskatchewan, or Alberta. 29. July 13-27, Aug. 10-21, Sept. '7 -
The applicant most appear in person 21. Tickets good for (Io days, Winni-
at the Dominion Lands Agency or peg and return $3.2.00. Edmonton and
Sub -agency for the district. Entry by return $42.50.
proxy may be had at the agency, on Proportionate rates to other points.
certain 'conditions. by father. mother
son. daughter, brother,Low rates for Settlers,.
intending homesteader. or sister °' 1
jDuties: -Six months residence upon
I and cultivation of the land in eaob r '1'o certain points in Saskatchewan
of three years. A homesteader inn} and Alberta each Tuesday during Mare
live within nine miles of his home and April.
stead on a tfarm of at least 80 acres ! Full information from
sorely owned and occupied by hien or '
his father, mother, eon, daughter, i J. J. KNIGHT,. Depot Agi•nt,
brother or sister. or write J. D. MCDONALD, Uviol
In certain districts a homestea.itrr Depot, Toronto.. Ont,
in good standing may pre-empt a
quarter section alongside his home-
stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties- 13USSELDALE
Must reside six months ineaoh of six
years from date of homestead entry .lir. Mark Clark left on Saturday
(inc:uding the Lima required to earn morning for Poole to visit his sister,
homestead patent) and cultivtae Miss Beatrice Clnrk. who is seriously
fifty acres extra. ill.
A Homesteader who has exhausted Mr. Jas. Park, who Las been con.
h:s homestead right and cannot ob. fined to the house since last fall is.
tain a pre-emption may take a pur- we regret to say. not improving.
chased homestead in certain districts Miss Ida .Melville bas returned
Price $3.per acre.Duties.-Must
sl home a
iter cndin • t
I 6 a couple of
reside six months in each of three weeks with friends in Mensal,.
'years, cultivate fifty ncres and erect Sir. Jos. Ross and son Earl and Mr.
n house worth $300.1) Ilarry Cornish left for the west on
Deputy olthe Mlnieter of thetaterbr A number from here aver • gustst
N. 11. -Casa ho I
t r Berl Lli
n peon of hl r
t ,ad rents* ►w nt the China Wedding of Mr. and
molt willow. hepaid for llrs. Jas. lleatherington, Fullerton,
on Friday a
} tmng.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gilt visited f riende
in St. Mary's on Saturday.
Mr- .1. Hart. of Fullerton, and Mr.
A. liodgert were the guests of Mr.
Mrs. \\'m• pray, Foreteller, on Sun-
8. t. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,OOQe
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are isqued in denominations o
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payab!e in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,.
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated en the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank. 131a
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branoh ateo at Crediton.
Syoopis 01 Iile C000dioo Norm;West
Homeseekers' Excura
sions to Western
wa3 to be built in Usborne. at $15
per utile, when scarcely half of that
is divided among all the cities, towns
villages and townships in Ontario in
will army of them be depreciated in • proportion to population. and the
value from $500 to $1000 and must townships would gain exactly the
be assessed accordingly. lfoa will sante by the building of an equal
the loss of taxes thus caused be made number of miles in any part of the
up? The Township's share of Rhea Province. So far tts taxes are con-
1'rc,vincint Railway tax cannot pos-
sibly be increased more than $5 by
the taxation of a few utiles of rail-
ail -
k r pill 3
°P ti O F of
41.4 elt.44.4
N i
pair >� e
Tilt fact that CUROL !a equally g Sod
fe: baby and grown tiro makes it at o!.:-
Faptear ra the mo:bar's friend. 1.'r:•.
Je:feries of 5 Defoe St., Toronto, did not
knew Low is ria her hasp b: y of Pc:cma.
She says: 'My I -,:_:y Eoy, three nears cIJ.
suffered from a bad a't.,k of £:sema. It
Irrit.tcd the little fellow to badly twat Ire
could not sleep at right. I t of h:m to tat
drug store and got some a.1ve rade
y op for him, but this did n- geed.'
/ Two dxtors treated frim bet were
unab'e to relieve. One day a a mp'.e
of CUROL cies left at my boom. I
anointed ba5y with this and it did him
so much gnat teat (at once bought four
bIxts at a drug store on Ouecn St. Ho made good pro;•ress under the CUROL
treatment and the little fallow can now sleep well. :' 11 itching has gene and he fa
cared of this irtftatlrg Ec:rma."
"i enrol ter a wonderful salve such as CUROL i.s a boon to the working class
for it is s !.i at a }:rice well n•i'hn our reach."
Th,s is wit Irrat:es CUROL so pocular. Healing, soothing and Antiseptic,
it ccreale: IL'e fine( and surest healing substances 1`re world can product. Compare
Co:.t:f2v'.th tars setae advertised at deub'e the p Ice and Fiore oar sta'ement.
C V R O L You c. n do tilt, o.•itheut erg by s.enin.' fn:
1. the Leat remedy f r FREE a tree : a np'e (itt coupon). CUROLk. scala, ltn•l Lc;., Itln 6 j- is,sold by all Druggists ar.d Dealers al
morns 1 Icer,, C a t • • 25: a box or FostFaid from the CUROL
Ilam', I of,oneri at .t Mail this ALVE SFadins Ave . Tortoni .
Festering \\'.mnd..Itne• !'supe" tr r
rain and . II 1. �caes telt s �t every R
d Cott serer. F cry Itmr•
•Tgrt .�'rrrA. ('happt••I (l.•it/iI.1'f),
i1'mis. 1!r'., and n:1 1 or ' tat, ar! I
akin frr:raft et Nut •sprit's
trouble*. D. la it 1.ncli Iv •
r p re (at Mutt a: -1
!needle ' c.. 2''• (,
T�yi Gia
••..,.•....,.,.11.111121_ PVT.: Ir.., . e. -.s....
etyma wrest-. 1.
corned (be township stands to Jose
rather than gain. The above state -
Spent Dollar in vain but Zero -Ito
meats arc made to show other poo -k
plc the bit -gain at i se: it. If they Cured Her.
are not correct. 1 stand ready to be
to be corrected. following we give the testimony 01
Th•• men representing the St. Marys a lady who if she had known of 'lam•
and Western Ontario Railway Coal. Bilk earlier would have been saved
pony tire not at liberty to stake n nine weeks of agony:
birgnin with n municipality unless Mrs. Frederick Bryant. of 169, Hail-
ihe terms suit the Canadian Pacific way Avenue. Stratford, Ont.. says:-.
Railway Co. If the C. 1'. It. arc "I scalded tray foot while preparing
building the road. they are able to napper. Next day the skin came of[
for rand n and quite r• crr
! tit capable 1 foot
blcof o f
to 3 t serious
1 ether it to their own ndvntnge after dition. 1 could not wear my shoe and
i. is built. had to lay up for nine weeks. During
Tt:\1'EPAYEI1 this time I used dozens of salves but
�• none did any good. in fact the wound
Women with pale co lorless faces developed into a running sore. I
%% Ito feel weak and discouraged. will got no rest day or night from the
receive both mental and bodily vigor lain. At this point n supply of %am -
by using Carter's iron fills, which link was obtained and a fete appli-
re made for the blood, nerves and cations had immediate effect in sooth-
Cornpicxion. ing the pain and irritation. A small
supply proved sufficient to heal the
scald, although i bad spent dollars
in other remedies. Nett- skirl has not
formed nicely over the open sore.
"%nut-L'uk is the most wondcrfu
..rid effrctise r.•enedy I haws used,
and I advise others to use it•"
%am-Buk is equally effective in
curing burrs. '4r. Geo. (Gilmore,
caretaker of the E. Clements Block,
Winnipeg. testifies as follows:-' I
TO sustained n series of bud burns while
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta 'ittenling to the large furnace_ which
h.abs the building. One burn on my
Special Traimlrata Toronto 2.00 r m. co at fiat wart pnrtiCulrlrty Itl(I rind gave
APRIL 8, 20 IAY 4,11 JUNE 1, ?is, 21 n►e great pain. i nppli. d ..erne %nm -
JULY 13, 27 AUO. 10, 24 SEPT. 1, 21 Bilk, anti In forty-eight hour. nll that
SeconJc!ae.t;cketefrom Ontaiottation.top'autal t mained of the burn wa. rt slight
NolthwrNpowlit .r,r. 'an t-Ieik seemed 10 take the
i inlawn to •
.•c magic it is 3 s)tlen•
u.,i,.,.n..,.' t•t., p handy, its healing
S . I drron!m and r•e. r-
112 5'• and i, ,., rr,r<••,:.n 1 ul•t.
('On is la ing simply mi rv..11ons.'•
,>,•Ji,r-•„r,..Aim(,)d.).f r...t-a;,t, ihere i. nothing to equal %nm -Rik
TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ray a family hallo. It.. uses are se
cn e':•e••tn;one. Comfor!. • tilde. It as bc•.•tl ,rot••'I n sure rare
tk M,t:.. I,.(IV grog;• -1 1
wet,bed,bee.tea1..,c.e.d atgrederiternv,tir.t.o for cP,( a. miuicsrorm. ,Ie•rs. nb-
Iocalaeeat. scr<•.•a. 1 1's. Std Ire. sapiniratink
Early eppt:cation mutt be made wo!,ndt. r its, bruises, chapped hands.
ASK toll HOMtattRtfS• PAMPHLET 0-,1.1 cr:1c •., and nil injtrir•. Ind ilis-
ta.taini,1'ate, and NI ielcr.natnit. I:1r1,1n d v 4-11 into t h • part ref -
Apply ,o'wove C1•0 Ae•etttoll. L.Ti.orp.. 1 i' ,rate; rIOU rna1i•m. u-ciatic0,
D.N pan Ar.T,ru.to. etc. All druKpi-tv and
ONLY DIRECT LINE 80 CHANCE CF CAR$ 1 1 . 3 at rt hex. or post
'-� ���•-a��l i1 •.• from /,am -11 rontt*, on
W. .1. ('Alt INC. Ag•-nr. rr•ccipt of rice.
F' rl: