Exeter Times, 1909-03-04, Page 811tH EXETER iiM1 S MAR. 4th 1JU9
new spring goods daily.
We are opening up Values are better than
they have been for several seasons -and our stock will we
t believe, be larger and mote varied than ever.
We have Added Another New Department
Ladies Ready -Made Suits
We are showing some very handsome Tailor-
made Suits for Ladies. 'These suits are made from
pure Wool (Chiffon Broadcloth. They come in
Blue, Black and Green. All silk lined and trim-
med with self stitching and Buttons. They are
just what you ate looking for. Our special price
per suit $15 50.
Our New
For Men
are Here
The new blocks are
very becoming. Shapes
are slightly smnllerand
very smart. "Men are
judged by the cone-
pany they keep and
young men by the
Mats they wear." The
KINO Hat is the re-
cognized leader. It's
REG �r; , , known the world over.
We have just put in stock a lovely lot of white cam-
bric Cndetskirts, beautifully tritntned with Val and Linen
Lace and Insertion, also Embroidery and Insertion effects,
The nicest lot we have vet shown. 1.25, 1.50, 2 00, $2.75,
We are showing a
lovely range of Linen Extra Special
•dn a 1! golL 1'1
and Zephyr Fancy
Wash Suitings in the
new stripe and broken
checks. great valets
1254 and 15c.
A new line of mirror fin-
ish Ladies Broadcloth,
pure wool, splendid weight
Brown, Navy, Green and
Black, correct for the new
suits or odd skirts. Spec-
ial price Wc.
A Swell Line of Ladies, Spring
Tailor-i"lade Coats
Fawn Covert Cloth, semi-fltting, silk stitched, with
the new button trimmings. 30, 32 and 30 inches long.
Exact copies of the latest New York models. These are
the smartest coats of the season. $5.50 and $7.50.
Bearsford fine shoes tor men. Miss Canada tine shoes
for ladies. The best lines we know of. Every pair sold
under guarantee. Your nlonev back if you want It. That's
fair, isn't it? We control these two lines for Exeter.
"Farm produce is as good as cash, bring it to us."
+++++++++++++++++. -:-.1-++++++++++++++++++++++++
Now is the time to have your Parlor Suite,
Couches and Chairs Upholstered.
House cleaning will soon In' in season. We do the uphol-
stering that will satisfy you and we will call and get the work
and deliver it again without charge.
We also Lay Carpets, Old or New
it will pay you to let us lay your carpet.
All kinds of repairing done. You can let us know either by card or calling
at the shop.
A package of seed of the D. & H. Colo: sal White Sugar Beet
will be given you fret if you write for our handsome new 1909
Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense size, is easily har-
vested, theacre in o
1 to c e
' ' ( 5 to . QQO bushels wcstctl, and yields 1, 00y
soil. Makes cows yield More milk. Fattens hogs quicker. If
prefereel we %sill send you a pat- .age of our Russian Giant Let-
tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed.
Write today and name your choice, also mention name of
this paper.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
A'Reactionary Storm Period has from the 8th to the 13th. central on
its center on the 3r1. 4th and 5th. the 10th. This is exactly coincident
This period is itt the culmination of with the annual crisis of solar mag -
the Mercury period. with Full Moon , netic perturbations. Low barometer
in apogee following immediately on I and electrical storms will begirt in
the (ith. The storm diagram shows, western parts by the 9th, and during
also. that a Mars disturbance enters; the 10th to the 13th. storms of insrk-
� aurain most parts
ed force aw 11 be 1 no t
about this time. A continued spell
of unsettled. Mercurial weather twill of the country. moving, of course. in
most probably come over from the' regular order front west to east. I he
close of February. but about the ith
to 6th. storm conditions will be quick-
ened and decided areas of rain. sleet
and snow will spread progressively
from tweet to east across the country.
The opposition of the planet Jupiter
with i•:, rt li and Sun. Febivary 28th,
is a most important factor in storms
and all terrestrial phenomena for at
least leo weeks before and after that
date. Look for high barometer and
cold Nave close on the heels of storms
of this period. Don't be surprised if
blizzards sweep the north and west
not far from the 4th. 5th and 6th.
The 4th to the 9th also constitutes a
decided s• i;mic period. hawing its
center on the 6th. There will be
quickened volcanic activity wtith
seismic shakes in many parts of the
Earth. at this and n later period in
)Li rch.
A'Regular e3tortu Period extends
combined periods of Earth and Mats
bear forcibly on this period. greatly
increasing probabilities of West Indict
storms. Iligh barometer and bliz-
zardous gales from the northwest
will wind up this period. hrinuiag
chi ng.' to much colder to most parts
of the country.
The7 Exeter curlers who were in the
consolation event at the recent hon-
speil held at Parkhill. but which was
postponed. owing to poor ice. went to
Parkhill Inst Thursday to play off
the games. The rink consisted of F.
1lawden. A. Taylor. G. Anderson. Ed.
.tones. in the first game• they de-
feated n l'nrkllill rink by n score of
16 to 7. They then drew a bye and
in the next round were defeated by
l'arkhill 17 to 7. In the finals Hen-
sel! defeated Parkhill. winning the
cut glass.
Market Beport.-The following u
the report of Exeter markets. Igor -
up to March ith.
Peas. t;5c.
Wheat Z;1.UU to Lee.
Oats 43 to 45.
Iterley 50 to 52 cents.
Shorts $23 to $24.
Miran $22•
Itlendid Flour, STAIR, *3.00.
Feed Flour 61.4U to $1.45.
Alsyke e6 to ria$ per. bushel.
C:over $5. to $6.
T.wothy $1 to $2 per. bushel.
Butter 22 cents per pound.
Eggs. 20 cents.
)lot;,. dressed. $8.50
I(ogs, liveweight. r6.55.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Ineeel Apples 6 cc►rte.
WANTED. -House to rent, Apply
at this office.
GIItL \\'ANTED -For house work
address Mrs. C. C. Fergusen, 55 York
St., London, Ontario.
•HIELI' \VANTi?D.-A man for gen-
eral farm work. Apply to Geo. Wil-
liams, Thames Road 1'. O.
geon. will be at the Commercial
Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eve ear and nose treated.
Next vi::it Saturday March 27th.
For school section No. 5 Usborne,
male, with second crass certificate
preferred. to commence duties after
Easter holidays. Apply to J. N.
Perkins. Exeter Ontario.
•••••••• o•••••••
The Titnes till Jan, 1010
for Seventy Five Cents,
'Tell your Neighbors a-
bout it.
Mr. 'Phos. 'Trick. of Clinton, is the
guest of Mrs. Samwell.
Miss Link. of Crediton, visited at
the home of \Vm. Kuntz last week.
Squire Leathorn. of London, spent
few days in town during the past
Miss Parish. of Essex, was the
guest of Miss Leah Retn,ner last
Mr. Murphy, of Clinton, visited his
brother 'Richard here Friday and Sat-
Miss Gertrude Statham, of Acton,
is the guest of her brother W J•
Mr. and Mrs. Carter. of Clinton,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bell last week.
Mr. W. S. ltalkwill, is ill at his
home on Andrew street, suffering
front kidney trouble.
Mr. John McIntyre was in Seaforth
Inst week attending the funeral of
th late W. 0. Reid.
f .•ssrs. J. A. Stewart and W01.
May attended the tnillinery openings
t Toronto. last week.
('resident -elect \Vm. II. Taft will be
uguttted as president of the United
Stales at Washington to -day.
Mr. W. W. Taman left Saturday
for Detroit. where he will spent the
week atte:•ding the cutting school.
Dir. and Mrs. Wilson. of London,
who were visiting their daughter Mrs.
W. I). Clarke. returned home last
Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Master
Wilfrid returned Monday, after it
month's visit in Toronto. Nnpanee
and Itow•naanville.
The Misses \Vinnie and Martha
Carling left Saturday for Brantford,
where they will reside with their
uncle 'Mr. Geo. ')canton.
Mrs. Scott, field secretary of the
Methodist Deaconess' work, 'Toronto,
preached in the James Street Meth-
odist church Last Sunday morning.
M. Y. McLean. M. 1'. of Scttforth,
who was quite ill. has almost re-
covered and expects to leave next
week for Ottawa to attend his par-
liamentary duties.
I'rof. \V. Brown. who for the past
two years has been organist of the
Trivitt Memorial church. has been ap-
pointed organist and choir lender of
the Clinton Wesley Methodist church
at a salary of $100. a year.
One of the horses tied in the Main
Street Methodist church shed became
n little fractious during the service
Sunday evening and co►nmenced kick-
ing. The result was a broken axle
and wheel on one of the vehicles.
Itev. 1'. M. Stevenson. of Toronto.
preached two very excellent verrucas
ill C3 Veil Presbyterian church last
Sunday. Rev. Stevenson was the first
to occupy the pulpit as it candidate
for the pastorate of the church.
Miss Annie Seldon, of Ingersoll,
who has been visiting her grandmoth-
er. Mrs. Hani ,ell, for several weeks,
has been appointed teacher in the
Dashwood Public School. and left
Monday to take charge of one of the
rooms of that school.
Last rnonth we sent out a number
( f accounts to those in arrears and
w• e are plensed to state a number
responded. There nre still a number
ho failed to send in their retnittnn-
'es. kindly look at your label and
-te what you owe and remit the
i'mount .
it • •. M. .1.Spencer.
ew of Toronto,
gave an interesting lecture entitled
"The Flower of the Empire" in the
Opera (louse Inst friday evening.
under the Auspices of the Literary
Society. of the Iligh School. 'There
was n good attendance and the lec-
ture was tench enjoyed.
in speaking of (rev. E. A. Fear. of
the M:1in Street Methodist church.
who filled the pulpit of the Etnpress
Avenue Methodist church London. last
Sunday. 1 he free Press says :-"Rev.
Mr. Fear preached n very strong ser-
mon in the morning. and in the even-
ing gave a very excellent discourse,"
'I'w•o rink+ of the Exeter curlers.
consisting of L. Palmer. 11. Gould.a
11. E. Iluston and Rev. (7ollin. and
N. I). )iurdnn. R. ))inney, it. N.
Taylor and It. G. Feldon went to
\\'ineham Inst Thursday and played
regained rinks of that town. The
rink skipped by Rev. Collins won out
by two shots. while 41. G. Reldon's
rink went down to defeat.
The boss and I had at little
friendly confab the other day and
be says 1 buve a pretty good
business head since 1 have gotten
so that 1 can keep the rollers and
presses clean and know enough to
keep matches uwuy from the gas-
oline can. 1 was telling hint if 1
were running the sheet I'd scud
out accounts to subscribers twice
a month. but be thinks once it
month or less is enough. Of
course it takes postage to send
out accounts, so if I were you I'd
rend in what you owe and save
are the trouble of licking the
backs of the stamps and the flaps
on the envelopes. That's my job
and 1 don't (tike il.
Phone 22
Mist Melntyre. of Montreal, is vis-
iting Miss Grigg.
Mr. I'arrot. of Mitchell, is visiting
at 'Mrs. GPo. Brooks'.
Mr. Trite, of Winnipeg, visited Mr.
1). 'McInnes last week.
Mrs. Colvin. of \Vest Toronto, is
visiting her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Malloy.
Mrs. Ed. Graham. of Goderich, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Linden -
Miss Agnes Young, of Motherwell.
was the Curet .al Miss Vera Campbell
last week.
Friday was a field day for Richard
Murphy. agent here for the Massey -
Harris Company, when be delivered
implements to over sixty farmers in
the neighborhood. During the noon
hour Main street was crowded with
wagons loaded with farming imple-
ments of every description. The
shipment consisted of four carloads.
Mr. D. A. Ross. who went to Cuba
last month in the interests of the
Sovereign Fruit Co., in which a num-
ber of Exeterites nre interested, re-
turned home last Friday with excel-
lent reports for the outcome of the
company. Next year it is expected
oranges will be shipped from the co►n-
pany's property. Mr. 'Ross brought
with him an orange grown on one of
the trees and it is an excellent speci-
The. Literary Society of the James
street Epworth League hell a de-
bate Tuesday evening on Woman suf-
frage. Miss Victoria Miners and T.
O. houthcott upheld the affirmative;
while :Miss May Rivers and Dr. alai-
loy had the negative. Many strong
arguments were brought out by each
side and the debate was entertaining
and instructive. 'Rev. Going, Dr.
ifright and A. E. Buswell. acted as
judges and decided in favor of the
Thursday preceding Good Friday
April 8th. has been selected as the
date for the Huron County Temper-
ance 'Convention to be held in Blyth,
It promises to be one of the most im-
portant conventions ever held in the
county, as the question of "the aboli-
tion of the bar" from every munici-
pality of the county not now under
local option is to be considered. Mr.
Jos. Gibson. of Ingersoll, Pres. of the
Ontario Alliance. has been secured to
speak. also Rev. T. O. McKerroll, of
Lucknow. and recently from Owen
Sound. is well as the local men. De-
legates will be in attendance from nll
the churches of the county and re-
presentatives from the various tem-
perance societies. The railways will
give single fare for the return trip
for this date.
Rev. Bowen. representative of the
Canadian Bible Society. delivered
three addresses in the interest of the
Society on Sunday last. In the morn -
morning he preached in the Trivitt
Memorial church and in the after-
noon addressed a mass meeting in
Town (Tail and organized n branch
with the following officers. ('resident,
R. N. Creech ; Secretary. N. D. Bur-
den ; Treas.. T. If. McCallum, to-
gether with the resident ministers
and two laymen from eneh church to
form a committee: During the past
fete years Exeter has not been doing
anything to aid this society. but a
committee will be appointed shortly
to canvass the town and revive again
the work in our midst. In the even-
ing Rev. Bowen preached in the
.fames Street Methodist church.
The anniversary of the Main Street
Methodist Sunday School held last
Sunday and \Tontlny. was the most
successful given by the Sunday School
for some time. Rev. Dewey. of Lon-
don. one of the ablest speakers in the
London Conference preached two very
effective sermons. The morning ser-
vice was to the children. the Bev.
gentletnan using a black board to
explain his text to the little ones. in
the evening his sermon ens to the
older people and was interesting
throughout. Besides being a good
preacher, Ilev. Dewey is it good sing-
er. and after the morning sermon he
and Mrs. Dewey sang n very pleasing
Orsett. in the nfternoon a nines meet-
ing was held in the Sunday School.
The ;music for the day wag supplied
by the children of the S;ntlay School
assisted by n few members of the
choir. and they indeed did remarkable
well. Monday evening the scholars
were entertained to n supper in the
basement of the church. after which
the little ones gave an entertainment
to a good sized audience. The pro -
(;ram consisted of drills. recitations,
songs eta And every one who took
part nequit(id themselves in n very
teen sing manner.
Mr. Saxon Fitton. the jeweller. ii
to he congratulated upon his success
in securing Mr. W. Ward Simpson.
one of the leading exponents of the
modern science of optics. to install
his new system of Optical Examin-
ation in Exeter. The shadow -test has
come• to be ecknowledg,•d ns the only
scientific method of rxarniniug eyes.
in recent years it has been adopted
by the leedine hospifnls of England
anti the continent of Europe. Mr.
Simpson has installed this system in
Toronto. Brantford, Berlin, Galt. and
other ('.inndian towns and cities and
on Monday. March 8th, he begins a
deueonstration in Exeter in Mr. Fit -
ton's jewwellry store. Doubtless a
very large number of our people will
take advantage. of Mr- Simpson's stay
here, to consult hire :boe:t their eyes.
We understand that Mr. Fitton pays
the expense of all examinations in
order to have the opportunity of
learning this new system by observa-
tion. ti
New Spring)
Are now ready for your Inspection.
New dress goode in all the leading col -
ore, in plain clothe, fancy stripes, and
plaids. All at seasonable prices. We
sell Gratton, ptints. All guaranteed
fast colors.
Gent's Furnishings.
The newest colors in shirts and ties,
fancy braces. also a full stock of boots
and shoes in all sizes.
Clean fresh groceries always in stock.
How Much Do You
Weigh yourself to -day. then begin
Weigh yourself two weeks from to-
day and sec how much you have
That's the way to test the qualities
of any tonic, and if honestly. re-
gularly taken 11ItICK'S TASTELESS
More than that it will put go and
lite into you; color in your cheeks,
and red rich blood in your veins.
Just say
to your druggist.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
Having decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business in Ex-
eter, I have placed a new and
up -to data rig on the road for
the conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. Calls at the office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
Ihe[e is BeauW In Ee Jo(
Eoloymc Mcdlclllol deny
Ensures brilliant complexions. It
nourishes the skin and tissues; heals
roughness and makes it smooth. It
is most economical. it is only necessary
to use sutilent to cover finger tips. It
is not greasy, it is rapidilyabsorbed by
the skin and its medicinal action is
arch that it prevents shiny and oily
skin, removes tan, blackheds, defects
and disfigurements of the skin and
improves bei complexions.
('reserves good complexions,
Sold at 25c. it jar., get it at
Canadian Express Building.
:A glimpse into the various sections of this store will convince you
that we have the goods and the prices too.
Our Dry Goods Section
To Farmers and Public
If you have any old Iron,
Rubbers, Rags, Copper,
Brass, Lead, Zinc, bring it
M. Jackson & sons
The Old Reliable Firm
Where you can get
market price
in cash.
All sizes iron pipe, also
iron posts on hand.
Main St, opposite Electric
Power House.
Mr. it. S. Lang. of St. Marys, wits
in town Monday.
Mr. Alf. Fairbairn. of Snowflake,
M u1., visited friends in town on
Miss Grace Cednlore returned Sae -
tinily evening from an extended visit
with relatives in the west.
Mrs. '5f..1. Downing.. of Mention.
is the guest of her brother Mr. C. 1'.
1Ioop,•r. (iidL•y st. for a few days.
Women's institute. - The regular
meeting of the \\-omen's (wail Me will
he held i'riday. March 5th at 3
o'clock in Senior's hall. Subject. dif-
ferent wept of preparing and serving
fish. All members requested to be
Present. Mr.. Cobblcdick, fres.
Is filled with the most approved styles of Dress Goods
Goods that are the most popular styles for spring. A splendl
variety to select from.
We are showing our new Prints and Gingha
The newest and best. Come and get yonr choice before the
are all picked over.
Our Notion Section
A section filled with all kinds of fancy Collars, Gloves,
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc.
Our Men's Clothing Section
We believe this section needs very little eulogy. The
fact that this department will tend to show that we sell only the
best and newest to be had in clothing.
Our Boot and Shoe Section
Your faithful servants "the feet" really need great care.
Good fitting footwear is an essential in our shoe section. On
the smartest and best fitting footwear is to be had. Styles t t
suit the eye and fit the feet.
We Repairs 40
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
..� TEACHERS of ripe scholar-
ship, wide teaching and busi-
ness experience in leading Can•
adian and American centres,
'nitwit* til by our chain of High.
(Trade Colleges, have built up a
superior, unapproached curriculum.
Each student ,. instructed privately at
his own desk. We :twist our graduates to
the hest poeitlon..
Three courses -- Commercial, Stenogra•
phy and Telegraphy,
Mail Courses. Enter any day.
Write for particulars.
Minion Busies Colin
GEO. Principal. (REO. SPOTTO�i, Priooipal.
• •••••••N••N•••••••N•
;z' fi ATFQROe. ONT.
This school stands in the fore-
front as the largest and best
practical training school in
Western Ontario. We have
three departments,
All departments are in charge
of experienced instructors and
the courses are thorough and
practical. Our graduates secure
Igood positions. Students are en -
tering every week. Write for
our free catalogue at once.
application will be made to the Par-
liament of Canada at its present ses-
sion for :an Act to incorporate a
Company to be 'tented TIIE LONDON
COMI'ANY, with the following pa-
pers; -(1) To construct, equip find
operate a line of 1 -Miserly from a
point in or near thea City of London
to the Town of ,Sarnia, passing
through the Townships of London,
Lobo, East Williams, Adelaide, War-
wick, Plympton and Sarnia; .. also
frotn ea point in or near the city of
London Ito n point on Lake Huron
in (be County of Huron passing
through the !Townships of London,
Lobo, East Williams, West Williams,
:McGillivraY. Stephen, Hay Stanley
and Goderich, with power 10 build
branches or extensions from the
main lines not exceeding in each case
fifteen miles, such branches not to
extend »eyonel the •limits of the
Counties of Middlesex. Lambton or
)Huron (2) To construct and operate
telegraph and telephone lines nlon;
its railway, and to collect tolls for
the transmission of messages there-
on (3) To acquire and utilize water
and [;team Mower for the purpose of
compress:ng air or eenerntinr else•
t r:c:ty, and to dispose of t,urpins
power not required for the purposes
of the Compile CO To acquire elcc-
nee:1y or other power or (energy.
.rad to transmit the Rayne to any
place in the municipalities through
h.ch the railway ► authorized 10
be built, ttnd to dispose of tiny sur-
plus not required !or the purposes
of the .Company.
The sa:d hallway owl works are
declare -al to he for the general bene-
fit of Can'da.
IVi:l' & DItOM(:OLE,
Solicitors for the -\pplieinte
London. Ontario, 2nd "'stellate.. 190`.e
An Application will be Made to th.•
Legislative Assembly of the Province
el Ontario. at its next session 0', tli
:gra tford and at. Joseph Rodin' B,ail-
nay Company for an :\c( ext •:olir.)t
the t.rn.• for the• commencement ;end
for the conlplet:o•e of the Compiny's
1 1'. Vincent. Solicitor for the
A melee 0(s
Doled itt Ottawa this 21th day of
February A. D. 1909,
New Suitings in Greys, Tans,
Browns and Greens, Just
arrived styles same as cities,
but prices much lower. All
our stock is new and up-to-
Merchant Tailor.
GRAND 1 t ani' SYSTEM'
Low rates to certain points in Sask-
atchewan and Alberta, via Chicago or
Port Arthur, each Tuesday during
March and April.
Pacific Coast Excursion
Daily Until April 30th.
for $14.45
One-way second-class from Exeter
The Pioneer route is via Grand
Trunk and T. & M. O. 'Ry'a.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Ont
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
TilO 010 RcItd»16
Family Flo
It has the natural color a
flavor. 11a>; an army of satis
The quality of
has given us success.
A Man's Lif
A Man's life is 1,.11 of crosses an
temptations. Ile ( onles into that
world without, his censeut and goes
out against his will and the road is ex-
ceedingly rocky.
The rule of ('ontrnties is 0110 of the
important features of the trip.
When ile is very little the big girls
kiss him and when he gets big he kiss-
es the little girls and some of the big
ones loo.
11! he rallies n large family he is en-
dntsed '•y the Premier , lint if he rais-
e timer heq;e he is it thief.
Batt 1 ,eying the right Piano from the
right 1'• ople at the tight. Price makes
hint n. )her a chump, a tIcief or a brut
ntanav r. And his children will rise
up at .1 call hint blessed.
We bink we are the ► ight pe ogle to
buy ft. ne We Know oar !'intens and
('ricer are right: -Call and let us con•
vines you.
8. Mart1ua son