Exeter Times, 1909-03-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIME , MAR. 4th 1909 CREDITON NEWS Seeds Seeds Seeds We wish to announce to the farmers requiring seeds that we have selected from the stock we have handled this sea- son, the very choicest seeds for our retail trade and offer the same at very moderate prices. We have in stock. Alsike, Timothy, Red Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy and Alsike Mixed, Millett, &c. We offer a good grade of Red Clover recleaned and free from Buckhorn and Ribgrass at $6 per bushel. C. ZWICKER, Crediton. Brown's New Goods The latter end of this month will find us well equipped in every depart- ment of our store. In the past three weeks there has been a constant arrival of new goods and the values are better than in the year W08. This spring of 190(1 will be an unsurpassed season of business for us owing to the fact that our assortment ib larger than ever thus giving pou a greater variety to choose is attending the openings itt London from, and Toronto. Mrs. Link is expected home this week and will take charge of the millinery department of this As already stated we have a big range of these and this week receiving firm this week. another shipment from Montreal to retail at 5c and 10c. Our 10c prints aro Messrs. August Heist and Joseph as good as the laic print were lust year and our 1:'}c prints which many Lawsonhhave purchased arrived auto hthe stores are not stocking this year owing to the good value in the 10c line. are village on Monday and caused consid- sohd threads of cotton without dressing and exceptionally soft and guaran- teed to wash. The blues are all Indigo and the blacks Aniline. Seo our all out to inspect it and are delight - special at 5c. ed that Crediton can boast of the Dress Goode, Lawny, Plain and Striped Dress Linens and first auto in this section. Ginghains, Silks, White Goods, etc... in great variety and up- to•date goods. Come in and we will show you through. Crediton SEEDS SE SEEDS We wish to announce to the far- mers requiring seeds that we have selected frotu the stock we have hand led this season, the very choicest seeds for our retail trade and offer the same at very .moderate prices. \Ve have in stock, Alsike, Timothy, Bed Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy and Al- sike mixed, Millet, etc., We offer a good grade of 'lied Clover, recleaned and free from Buckhorn or atibgrass at $0.00 per bushel. A call solicited C. Z\VICKE•lt. Dlr. G. K. Brown has recovered from his attack of rheumatisw. The family of ltev. E. 11. Ikan, who have been quarantined for the past two weeks owing to scarlet fever, are all doing well Mrs. Chas. Roesler, who bas been confined to her roots through illness, for the past few weeks, is now im- proving slowly. 11r. Aaron Brown and family, of Itlenheim. accompanied by Mrs. • -asst ::re visiting for a week at the • of .31r. Gottfrid Geiser. Mr. Ira S. Brown was in London over Sunday. Attractions are grow- ing strong. Mr. Samuel Brown is confined to his room on account of a slight at tack of grippe. Mrs. Link, milliner for S. Brown PRINTS Men, Youths and Boys Goods Just received a big shipment of Shirts and Collars from the celebrated W. G. & It. people. These goods need no introduction as we have bad this brand for the past four years. None better in Canada. Prices 75c to $1.50 for Shirts. Hats Just in. All new shades and shapes. See them before purchasing elsewhere. Ready -Made Clothing ince the arrival of our clothing we find that our stock is larger than ever . Styles are correct and values exceptionally good. We carry two of et brands manufactured, namely "Coppley, Noyes & Randall" (C N h R) atnilton• Ont., and Kaufman ltros., of Montreal. Prices run in men's rom $5.O0 to $1t1.110. Latter being exceptionally high clans goods. Showing special line of rain coats and coverts at a cheap price. Buyers of Seeds, Bides and all kinds of Farts Produce. Pay highest market price, Cash or trade. S. giRowN CRE1DITON. Announcement Having bought the business and good will of B. W. F. Beavers I am prepared to serve the peo- ple of the surrounding locality with the same high grade of goods as has always been on sale here. 1 shall endeavor to serve all customer's with prompt- ness and courtesy. Eresh Goods Arriving Daily A Call Solicited JOSHUA J OHMS FARQUH 4R, The regular meeting of the Step- hen Council was held here on Monday. Miss Inman, of London. has been engaged to take charge of the mill- inery department of C. Zwicker. Miss Inman is now attending the millin- ery openings at Toronto and Buffalo and will be here sometime this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan $weitzer, who were visiting in Toronto a portion of last week, have returned home. Mr. 1Vizi. Lewis met with evhat might have resulted in n very ser- ious accident the other day. lie had received a box of drugs. and noticing that one of the bottles was fizzing somewhat, lee stepped back. The li- quid soon became settled, when Mr. Lewis advanced and shaking the bot- tle it exploded The acid for that PIL The simple but effectual remedy for Piles (blind or m bkeaing) u CLROL, CUOL is a pure A N T 1- S E P T IC SALVE poss- es lag wonder. ft 1 Penetrating, Feeling and Curative Powers. Sent for a Free Trial to CUROL SALVE CO., Spaeina Ave., Toronto. Ail Druggists ani :teres soil CUROL at25cabo:. TOLCtlf5 Tttt SPOT (WRY TIMI tune to fall last Sunday while ascend ing the stairs in his barn. and dam- aged the knee svhich caused him some trouble before. We hope he will soon be all right again. Miss Annie Passmore„ daughter of Mr. W. 11. Passmore, has gone to make a long visit with her brother at the Soo. Mr. I'erty repaired the telephone in the store on !l'uesdny in order that better service may be secured. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. F. Beavers left for Brantford 'on Monday. Eden. Mr. J. Bowden and grandchildren spent Sunday with Dir. and Mrs. S. Essery. Mr. G. (layman visited his parents on Sunday Inst. Miss Maggie Luxton and Miss Ida Caves have been suffering with sev- ere colds. Master Frank Coates returned home from Toronto last week. Mr. O. Harris and daughter. Miss Ada, of Fullerton were guests at Mr. J. Essery's over Sunday. A number from here attended the choir concert in 'Centralia on Mon- day night and all were delighted, both with the concert and the dainty luncheon served by the young ladies of the choir. DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood (Reductions in Winter Wear Mr. Ed. \Villcrt is at Loudon tak- ing treatment at St. Joseph's hospi-I tal. We hope soon to hear of his complete recovery. The Misses \Vionic and Martha Carling, assistant teachers of our public• school. left for their home in Exeter ou Friday, prior to leaving for Brantford. On 'l1tursday evening their young friends gave them a fare- well party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. '1•ieman. We are sorry to lose them, as they have made many warm friends, who join in wishing them every success in their new du - Mr. 1). S. Faust, postmaster. of Zurich, and Mise Lizzie England. daughter of the !ate Adam England, were quietly married on Feby. Ilth, Rev. A. 1). Gishler, officiating. Miss Ethel Kellertnann commences her duties as assistant teacher of our public school on \Vednesday. Miss Seddon, of Ingersoll. will fill the va- cancy wade by Miss Carling until Easter. :firs. Siebert spent the pest week visiting friends in 'Zurich. 1lr. and Mrs. M. Fenn, of Park- hill, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman. Mr. J. K. Goetz attended the an- nual meeting of the Tinter Printing Co. at Exeter and was re-elected as •t director. Mr. Siebert our general merchant is spending the week in Toronto. Special services will be commenced itt the Evangelical church next week. The I'ISning mill was running for a few days last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Philip Hartman, of .Parkhill, visited friends in town on Sunday. Mr. •Wm. Linderfield who has been in business in British Columbia and who recently sold out, is at present visiting his sister Mrs. Chas. Stein - ba gen. Mr. Peter Deitrich, of Inwood. who has been visiting friends here has re- turned home. Mr. S. Ireland who has been boli - Mrs. Frank 'Coates has been con- daying here has returned to his home fined to the house with it severe sore in Stratford. throat. 'Rev. S. Salton. a former pastor Nothing in the way of a Cough is evil! preach Missionary sermons here quite so annoying as a tickling. teas - on Sunday next. ing, wheezing, bronchia -Cough. The Mrs. Johns se•ho has been with- Mrs. quickest relief comes perhaps from a Brooks for the last month returned prescription known to druggists horse this week. everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Mr. John hssery attended the ban- Remedy. And besides. it is so quer at Farquhar given to Mr. B. \V. thoroughly harmless that mothers le. Bea vers. the retiring secretary give it with perfect safety even to of the I'sborne and Ribbert insurance i the youngest babes. The tender Company. on Monday evening. ! leaves .of rt simple mountain shrub, Dtr. and Mrs. S. '1[unter were was what was in the bottle, was guests at Mr. W.. Coates pr. Sunday. give to Dr. Shoop's Cough 'Remedy its thrown in 11 r. Lewis' face, while a remarkable curative effect. A few portion of the glass cut a gash in SEED BARLEY FOR bAI.F days' test band, and some other pieces About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley !Lowey. struck the window breaking a few grown :end kept for seed panes of glass. There was some lo- p ) purposes i Stli tion near at baud and Mel Lewis, This is a new barley that has row- r.k 1 with presence of mind, rubbed it on his face, overcooling the burning ef- fect of the acid. As it was his fac,• will tell. Sold by W. S. en to possess a remarkable clean stiff straw. excelling all other var- ieties, also gave the highest yield of was severely burned and it was some- grain per acre of all the barleys test - time before he was able to ace. ed in 1907 at the O. A. C. It has been A meeting called for the purpose of discussing the advisability of organiz- ing a branch of the X .M. C. A. was held in the Town Hall Monday night last. The meeting was addressed by Mr. A. itaillens, of London. Provincial Secy. of County work. The meeting was well attended and all present declared in favor of a branch of the Y. M. C. A.. which in all probability • Cgf®TOR=g. will be done this coming fall. Sow _Ribs Kind You Have Always WVMr. and Mrs. August hill spent Tuesday in Zurich. B6satan Mr. Geo. Eilber visited at his broth- of ter Christ's. of Zurich. Tuesday last. Dir. and Mr... Nicholson spent Tues- day renewing acquaintances in Zur- ich, 11r. Meek, piano tuner. of London. ONTARIO. was in the village Wednesday. II .E. Huston paid our village a flying visit Tuesday last. t:ithout exception the most popular var:cty with the experimental union throughout the province, ever 'since the first distribution in 1900 in two pound lots from the O. A. C. Price of small quantities $1.00 per bushel. Five bushels or over at reduced rates. JOHN ELI)Eit. IIENSALL P. 0., Lot 10, Con. 2., (lay. Judge 01 Su1tIll0, asap int itis fatnil)•. Mr. Peter Lamont left Inst week for G or;, Jle erects to return in a couple of weeks. The tnan who is a judg.t of goodothes zcellenceascrfotour Mp pK elsntterrss. the Croup positively stopped in 'd0 min- present. I3es flet the tontine business, Utes. with Dr. Shoop's Croup ur display of hew suitings. p,tntingCroup ''Remed a resolution expressing the regret of stings, etc., fairly blooms with are a till`' test alone will surely prove this the President nett Uuectory on the re- prinK appropriateness. If vtatruth. No vomiting, no distress. A signation of Mr. 13. W. 1.l3eavers who good judge of goois and the makeup safe and pleasing syrup -50c. Mold has so efficiently permuted the duties we can rettritity please you with a by W. S. Hower.of Sec. 1'rensurer, during the past. five suit of clothes, If voal are not a judge ------a-- }'eats and wihhirg hint every success of goods or tailnrinKin his new enterprise. GOOD 11011E 11i:C11''r. After the meeting was aver the Dir- Gct from any prescription pharuta- ectors and Agents entertained Mr. Then Come Here by all Veen: cist the followin^ : FluidaFxtrnct Dandelion. one-half I envers and o h ers a t an oyster sup- per at the 'Temperanceto a htuse follow - Conte for the reason that we. have posse.; Compound Karim!). one ot:uct• : ed by the usual toasts, when everyone the. reputation ofselling the hest. goods Cora; mind Syrup Marsapar'Iln. three. p1 emelt mode nspeech and sang '•11es and knowing h )w to make them, and ounces. a jolly good ft hitt,"etc The guest we live up to our repitali•,at. Yon Shake well i•t rt bottle tend lake a of the. evea,iug wee ptesented with an take ars chance when buying here. teaspoonful dose alter each nte•al and ad,irese expressing the high esteem in Jost select, yi or goods, lel 114 take at bedtime. which they beld hum es a personal your nte,tsure and you may safely The above is considered as th• most friend and as Hecretaty Trertsuter of . leave the rest, entitely to ne. Give tis certain prescription ever written to the• Fire insurance Company, and .t an opportunity to d. tnonstrate to von relieve Itacknche, kidney Trouble. israeitiful watch chain and locket to that we know our business from A to \Venk ltlndder and all fours of 1'ri- hen teminder of the pleasant hours i ► 1. We ask you not to buy your nary difficulties. This mixture: ne'- spent together at I.atwtitter, Spring Suit until you come and see prnnilitly on the eliminatire tiseu Drr. Reeve•r•s, Dear Faten('-We, the } what we can do for you. of the Kidneys, enabling them to fit- directors tend our worthy e•Illcrrs of ter and strain the uric acid and other the U.tborne & 'Gilbert Fite Insurance i Ba Boltzmann wast(• nintt, r front tIt" bloodwhich('o , here assembled. lake the privilegecrises 1perso atis►n.upon this occasion to extend to you C1.iEDI'l'UN. Moine persons aho softerttith thourntost ►rofnund respect and kind•affliclinns may not (cel inrlir, ,l sr.est regards fur the great• rend valued pL•►ce touch confidence in t his sitpl'sectlet's you hive rrnrlert•d lhe (utTl- mixhtre. yet those twho have tried it Ipnny duringthe period of flvr yenta ftlrlChIslay 1hi' results etre simply serpri-iriv.that )on haws occupied th.' offic. of 1ir. .)ohs Schafer ran•( -ter '.1re.the relief b,•ing effected twitnnt the :',crctary-'rntsurer and which wasrr. hneutaker., of Parkhill, , lis r. lightest injury to the stomach ordue• tersely to yon for the succrst o[ ast week visiting their mot, -. Mrs.,olher organs. Dlix .vine and n, the company, rind do thank yoe for emuth. tcIto has been 111111•• i,!. ' g' ' it n Irinl. Tr ,the many kind acts ae have n•c• iv (1 ' certainly come. hirhly recommended. titer. Mr('ormick opened her con- i from you. add as you are about to a feetioncre et ore for hnsincss on Mott- it is the prescription of an .min •+'t i leave us to rat r into a more import- '' nuthority. ethos. entire reputation, it day. ant undertaking. we wish you rind A quiet wedding ten : sole/untied is said. tens esfahl1 fed by it. Mrs. Ilea vers ever} prosperity. rand t !.•nrRsk dif.r, .uIy from onUnary ointments an•l here on Thursday evening. schen Mr. A druggist herr at home . when as n token Of such. tt r present you ` `dirt as I. .tier r•r 4 .''early pro", far .1I afro dears.., supply the ingredients or mix the ter •- scriptlon for our renders. also recom- rnends it as harmless. Farquhar A regular meeting of the Ushorne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held on Monday March 1st with all the directors and officers Mr. Warner Finkbeiner left for his home in Killarney. Man., Inst Wed- nesday. Mr. S..1. iSweitzer was in Centralia last Monday evening attending a concerti Mr. Geo. •Kellermann shipped rt car- load of scotched flax to New York. Mr. 'llalcolnt McIntosh left for his home in London last week. Mr. Joseph !llaist, of Crediton, vis- ited rt few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweitzer. For any ease of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver �� ('ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve We have just receive a lot of wife for you to do your medicine in market. splint, fencing with. We handle the celebrated Pageand Peerless fencing, Also C.'oil, I3arb Wire and Hog Fencing. Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere. A number of Large Gates, all sizes. 4'`="3 'r �" +•--•�.`-_F- -M- '� Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. Exciting Adventur -cls ' WHAT HE OWES TO ZAM-BUK. To Make R..om for Spring Goods No one buys Winter Goods now unless the price reduction is a good substantial one, It will pay even if you have to hold them over a big dividend on your investment, consist of y ou to buy Winter Goobs now, till next winter it will pay you Our Heavy Winter Goods Mens, Boys and Youths Overcoats, Ladies Misses and Children Coats, All Heavy Un- derwear and Tweed Dress Goods, Woolen Blankets, Horse Blankets and Robes 1b the early buyer we would say, look through our stock of Spring and Summer goods before you wake your purchases -It means Dollars and Ceuta to you. On account of the scarcity of produce we will extend the time for another Two %Veeke on our Spacial Sale of Dinner Sets. We have wade a number of glad hearts in the last few weeks by selling them good Dinner Sets cheap. Can we add your name to this list 1Ve want your trade. Farm Prodnce taken in exchange for Goods Siebert & Co, Hartletb Block. LASI-IWOOD, New Spring Goods Arriving every day. We have the newest and most stylish goods this store bas ever shown. Como and see our ew Goods before you do your purchasing. New Dress Goods fabrics t ottsisting of Striped Suiting., Serges, Panamas. Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustves, Satin Cloths, Voiles, Crispin Cloths, etc, etc. Our stock is complete with the most stylish LADIES' NEW WHIT(; WEAR -Shirt Waists, Gowns. Skirts, Corset) Covert's etc. NEW WASH GOODS New Prints, Gingham.. Linens, Fancy \'estitgs, Militias, Linen Suitinge the very latest, Shirtings etc, etc. flen's Spring Suitings p g g Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit- ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices right. All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal Woven -wire fencing. Highest prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASH WOOL) Fencing and Paints i Mr. Frank Scu lamore, the great. w it correspondent, who sent many rrerr��',11,0' o' the Canadian despatches during t se late Boer War, owes his health to Zem-Bute. Ile has passed unscathed through 29 battles, bait. a scratch whkh turned to blood - poisoning nearly ended his days. Zam-Buk saved him and he writes as follow3: "I !save proved Zarn-Buk such a blessing that want others to know of its merit;. The poisonous dye in some underclothing I was wearing got. into a scratch I hal sestnined ani blood-poisonins set tea. inflammation was follow. : by great, pair, and swelling, and then ulcer•; broke out on my leas. For some time I could not .vada a few step) nor even put. my feet to the gr•oued. Os my left le below the knee i had seventeen ulcers vh'ch caused holes, into which 1 could put, P a! • ria ht thumb. Os the r:_,ht leg I had fourteen titters. Malical treatment failed to re:icee, h'im -rely remedies .were aepiied in vain. Week (�!lowei week and 1 gradually got wort e, entd 1 wet worn out with pain and lac'< of dale. 0.i the advice of a friead 1 o,tai'ted sotto Zaw-Buk and left off everything else wale 1 tried it. It vented to give me almaet Intel:, relief from the pain, and in a few day,. 1 notical that it was heating some of the ethers. This wa; Cheering ini;ei, and gleity I pers•ay. rei with the Zan-Bu'e treotreeet.. by b'.t the poisenoas msttcr was drawn out.. Tire ulcers were h^sled, and new lse:.l.h/ sd.sgraa over t5a previattslyd.leased plates. 1 Sas now suite curd, and i:t gratitud?. i mei ..i1.s these facts that other safferors frost akin dual)! ms,' 1c3 3N of something wife.) will care tha:a. • Paints A big stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware From us 1'rcduce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood Weak Women To weak and aillnt women, there Is at least one way to help. Rut will, that wa , two treatme•rite, ^ ust bo eornhtnn,i. (ha.r Is loc*I ane Is (•onatitu- Urinal, but loth lire Important. trill .!runnel. era Shoop's Night (tare Is the 1,4 u 1. Ur. Shoop's 1G•,tonth•e. 1):•• 1'nnatitut oil. Thr.former-Pr. tthoop's`igi t(:aro-t topical mucous mombrane suppoittory rime 1y, while hr. sieve's Restoratlte la N hulty an Internal treat - meat. Tho Restorative r, sehea throushout the entire system peeking the repair of all novo. all tissue, aml.all blood ailments. Tire "Night cures. as 1ts rani', Impllea. da•• fts wort while you sleep. It soothes sore and Innen.. el raucous surfaces. heals local wcaknese•v ami discharges, white the Restorative. cases nervone 'aci P P te!Im ut trenewed a �i . RIvigor x ambition, owl amt ,tt n builds upw ev a a1f 1 tante', ` t r ti bringing t nl Strout mnow.�.l \,azsnsth ♦fisc, and energy. Take Lr. Nhorrp'a Restorativ,r-Tai,l.ts nr Lfqufd-as a grrrPral loofa kb- tba system. For po-Itf ve local help, us,• is well 1 A, Dr. Shoop's Night Cure 1). S. 1':tust. the papular sccrctnry 'take(• anted that he could either with this gold watch chain and locket of the 11ny Agricilteril Society. was married to \Iiss England. of Deeh- tv nod. Arthur aged 15 years. the youngest •1 son of `la end Mrs 11. Beichert of the Parr Linc .l i, d on Thursday of luta week. after 7111 illness of bet :t felt week... The funeral took place on Pride The revisal tneelinta in the Evan- gelical rheireh have t •salted in much good. 't goodly nnmlyr hnvinit de - sided for Christ and his tervir,•. (Rev. Methfesneh of Mifflin. u lin was assisting in the r iviwal nie,'tinke. WAS celled to hi. bone• owing to sick- M. M. No. 5, 1'dFlO1tNE Following is 1h.• report of M. A. No. 5. ['shortie. for 1 he moot h of Fehrat- erv.-111 elnss,'inns, AIdn \1'estleke: Jr. II el Ise. honors. haggis Moodie. 63 :.fr. 11 .liar. honors, Ferrol lli[t- gin+ 81. Orhy :stir, 88: pis. Arthur lora, 71 : let el a9, pass Gordon Per- kin.. 09, Cheri' Profit. ftl: .Me.rvitt Decennia f 0 \ rnold oldlord. (0• Miss dig during t'he past week. Sanday 1891. ,,, .re. ndr.•ete. Will) wore* ma !Irwin. rsrldrrn's carr heads " . Fern.. brete•c ree. 11 Is a al.r r•,' :hr -. 11 nl.o rears in retnetnbranet of the many hours n•. uc\. per. 1.'.»f" .✓ I aonlsg, frvALrnfalea. tsrthers rtrA. we have spent together. • , eat! oar .4 .•b yq►1 I. trot on 'run MM. 1. utdnf rr, l' Mr. Il(•rtvere. although taken cont- •, rhe I.rr:s .t1,rlyd, ycars-, rhr.nntllanr. n.nr,rl.JI.t. n.1 pletely by aurpr:s•• med.. a feeling .•y,,i.-r. All animists nal eon's tell al all• n 1.>,, or partend appropriate r •ply. el (Pr, from 9.rnr.A•,F /`e. T,rnrrla 'or yoke The auditory of th• Fire Ineurrinee' N+` .; h,,,.4 <x4' r. Co. made an audit and presented a report of the standing of the company a 7. on Murch 1st. when Mr. .1. John. tie- , :,--e e sumcd (h • nffie.• of Secy-Treaas Mr. Arnold i1 tries lost hie dog on .) "v's r 4 Mrs. Fhipley. of Woodhull !oath e...t:-r rit % 7f i , :37 4 1. ~vi..iti,l with her (laoehter for a few G RENT `-'!{eM-Cui'{ A.`a- `' ikflllt�iE:rr�*• Pelf � Robinson. Teach r. • r. Thos. llunkin had the mistor- f W. S. HOWEY. iHORRN iel.AltI\ ;--In 113'. Friday Feby. 20th to Mr. and Mr... James Dearing. n ;laughter. 1'INk-in Ii•tmilton Feby. 2Ith. to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fink (nee Olive We•strott formerly of Exeter) a dac►trhter. SCIiIt01:i)F:Ii.-in Stephen. on Feby 2:1rd. to Mr. and Mrs. John Schroe- der :t son. LOVE -In 1inride y. Sunday. Murch SETTLERS'l TRAINS. --TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCBEWAN,, Ry Canadian Pacific direct line Fcr Settles trartlene • a livestock cc,c an d effects Special Trains • leave Toronto f:ach 1t'ESnAY t■ MARCH ..d APRIL et 10.11p.m. Settlers and families without livestock .stock should use RegularTrains ieaving Toronto 10.18 p..a. dally Tourist S:eet.rg Cars Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Chard. for Hordes Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full information ant tree copy of " Setcars' Guide" or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A . C.P.R.• Toronto 11 . .1. CA111,1\0. Agent, t xetei Thames Road Th•• JIi's •a Rose and Maggio 1' more left on Tweedap for %nnco Mr. rind Mrs. G. O. 11 ayes, let their uncut• in Kintnere, N. 1)., .,t• 1st, to Ir.'and Mrs. 'Tom Love, n n visit with frien.le here. son. Mr. and Mrs. ,ins. White aro visit. r NIA PRIED ing Mrs. Whits'. .inter in Mtritford. FAUST -ENGLAND -on Thursd'iy- j SALE REGISTER. Petty.y. 11th. Mr. 1). Faust, of feeterdny. March Ilth. Auction said Zeirich to Misr. England. of Haab at Exeter of Threshing outfit and wood. live stock. T. Cameron, Auct.