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Exeter Times, 1908-10-29, Page 3
iufrE SECURITY s Genuine Carter's tt1e Liver Pills. Moet Boar Signature of W-z-e-e-;=&7;;P-ze Ste Pac$ silo Wrsrper Mow. Vise, *matt sats u oast to take as oscura. Fou DIZ;tllilESt.EAaACBE. CART(RS fall FOR BILIOUSNESS. arrFtIR 7QRPI©LIYER. FOR CtltltSTIPATION• FOR SALLOW SIMI. FOR MEOW/PLUM Z`�rLT2R� I V$TP.A..! YAtu1,t. Imoo Turrell VagrtsDIe./w ' r CURE SICK HEADACHE. BRITISH POST•OFFICE. Nearly Sixty-five Tetters a Year Per Capita Received. The British Postmaster -General's annual report just issued shows that an average of nearly sixty-five let- ters a year are received per capita r.f population in the British isles. The number of postal packets of all sorts delivered was 4,972,070,000, or an average of 112.3 a person. The limerick competitions and similar semi -lottery schemes pro- ntoted by newspapers have counted for a good deal in the past year's vestal traffic. The number of pos- tal orders issued was 125,264,000, an increase of 222 per cent.. prin- cipally due to the heavy demand for sixpenny orders which people bought to pay the entrance fee for these competitions. People seem to be getting incise forgetful, as the undeliverable jackets showed an increase of over 11 per cent. They contained over $96,000 in cash and notes and $3,- 1i+3,000 in checks, money orders and ',tamps. Entirely unaddressed were 9.2,957 packets. HUMAN NATURE NOTES. Genius is often only timely talent. Oi greatest success in life is uyu- ;1;1y-unexpected. Prosperity smiles on the few, and laughs at the many. Babies are the ntainserings in the w nt(•ltee of the night. A girl in love is almost as miser - aide as one who isn't. The fairest flowers of joy spring it the soil of sacrifice. acid of envy eats all ltappi- ress out of the human heart. 1 t wait for your ship to carne 141Cliarter a tug and go to meet it. Other women are aleays stispici- ( us of at %01114111nc B,► doesn't talk much. \%'her., man talks of himself he i; apt ti) lie more eloquent than in- t(: rest ini;. Marriage may not be a failure, but it..eld►►m confess tip to expCcta- t kits. %%lien the wage is the end, the v-urk loses much, but the worker Icses more. Some women are for getting mar- ried. while others are forgetting teat t Bey are. Ho w many people are like ocean (+f stating that each }tersest qucs- wrtt a s --t hey make •1 lot of noise but toned by A hsatlo int stated f rum say nothing. tvhich of the tril►es he came, giving the name. DOMESTIC BLISS. 3. Thy matters; are good and right ; but --.lbs tylion employs the 11 .le - I have about tirade up my usual arts of the demagogue iii cur - Heed. John. that when I married tying the favor of the people. itt I married n fool. 4. Oh that 1 were made judge -A Husband -That reminds me of a hold plea for the eti►ttitlence and ie•mark you made just before we support of those when, Absalom s(cre married. You remember that. thus addressed. you said it would be lard to find 0. To all I,racl---To people from two people more alike than you an(1 all parts i,f the kingdom. Stole the hearts of the sten of S WE SOW SO SNNII WF REA One of Nature's Laws Which Was Never Known to Fail, ret urus in time to welcome the ar- rival of Absalom. 37. 1)avid's friend- The king's eentidential ads iser, as well as per- tonal er- tanal friend. f AT M A R IE N BA D. The Fatuous Resort is 100 Years Old --The King's Visits. Marienbad is celebrating this year its centenary. Just 100 years So they hanged Haman on the ' stanzas which immortalize I - is name ago the Abbot Pfrognr of Tell; the gallows he bad prepared for Monte- arc merely a part of the answer petit nlumastery of these Bohemian bigger i cai.-Esther vii. 10. ri•ade by nature to Wor•dswortlh's uplands and the owner of all these i Thus in Shakespearean phrase gift of himself. ft rests and moorlands, was induced was Haman "hoist with his own pe- So st'ith respect to our relations },y the monk Heitenberger, his sec - tar." Or, in the more expressive to each other. A Persian proverb retary, and by 1)r. Nchr, his doctor, and familiar language of the street., says that if we would be sweet we ;,, erect a small shed over the spring i';' was "fried in his own fat." must lie among the flowers. Not of the Krcuzbrunuen, with a house It is a most striking instance of silly would we be known by the capable of holding seine ten beds t:l.at we call "Poetic justice." But ('('rill'any we keep ; we would fain and a few baths. i'. is vastly more than that. It illus- be made by the company we keep. Up to then the spring had been file writes: " I thought 1 would write trates a fundamental truth of the 1 et. the fact is that it takes more flowing fret in the moor, and it was and lot you know the benefit 1 Lara ro- g The largest cabbage farm m the universe. It declares that a titan than a holy fellowship to sweeten only by springing from stone to world is neat Chicago. [t is 190 15 I pulled i y horse i this li n erivud through the use of your Dr. Wood's usuallygets out of this world what a sour heart. stone that it could be reached. The I:cress Ill extern and telly near] Nurwe • Pine Syrup. A few lungs ago I ► J y WWI x.,�wti}r troubled with my luugas pee,ptu he puts into it. Hainan, choking \1'hat we get from other people is attention of Dr. Nohr had been call- one and a quarter rnrllron cabbages said I had Consumption and that I would c n the gallows which he had pre- chiefly their answer to what we car- tel to its wonderful properties. Ile not live through the fall. I had two doe - Fared for another man, pictures ry to °hent. For a roan to discover s;aw the possibilities of the place, A ten -year-old girl Haloed ]]liana would certainly } r 1 torn attending rue and they were eery inucic firth that subtle law by which the' evil in the world about him i5 not and thus laid the fortunes of the \%eisbc,n has *stun]-hcd the United e l t I I had t alarmed about mc. I wse in bed three w•l,ole creation snakes responses to ata, great a discredit to the world as monastery. As some pious peasant g months and a+b�'n 1 got up 1 could not walk, human life and human action. Ours it is to himself. When I hear peo- had hunga rudepicture of the three bed eo go on my hands and knees for 1C sneer at p lt,rce wcyeks, and my limbs ,+erased of no t.s indeed a wonderful universe; not 1 -Holy Virgin on a tree above the Polish, • F } (l It i u) cn 1 1 I t1 I 1 k + ft ,;ao to me. 1 },•::nu up all hoped of ever se much with respect to the gran- THE INTEGRITY OF MEN sluing, the abbot had the hamlet ail, Panis3 r .n6 iss t. getting better wise,► i happened to see in deur of its sunsets and the spendor christened Marion -Bad, the bath of 13.13.13. Almanac. that 1)r. 1v„(.i's Norway c f its stars as for the perfect hal- er the honor of women, I am chiefly the Virgin Mary. g 1 1 f } 1 1 r Pine Syrup was good for weak lungs. e ADCC of its forces. Haman's fate rorry that such scoffers have given Now the place is famous the world beyond 1 thought Ian.,titd fly a bottle and by the was in no sense cruel • it was ustl themselves away. It is always night over,writes the correspondent of l.elieved to be the oldest clergyman slowly under its breast,without its Brno 1 had used it I was a lot better, so got � justly. p �•more and it made a complete euro. 111 to a blind man.k earned. the Queen, and some 30,000 persons in England still fulfiilling active du- head or body being perceptibly tittle boy was also troubled with weak That law whose application: The world is a mirror reflecting seek the cure here every ,year, the ties. He was ordained in 18-11 and raised. lungs and it torso] )tint. 1 keep it in the the features we hold up to it. 11 'e majority in the hope that their too presentb.• brought him to the gibbet erected j y'P' has held his charge since I knew the lion was on the. eery' house all the time and would nut be with- fcr another guarantees all the can afford to be careless where we solid flesh may melt away. Above 1859• suint of charging, but my horse out it fur anything." live in proportion as we are care- all, Marienbad is proud of the fact The normal number of telegrams kept breathing hard, and I could Prire :.'S cents at all dealers. Beware of fruits and flowers which make life ful what we are. So also in theimitations of lir. Wood's d's Norway Pine worth living.that King Edward has been corning sent daily through t,:e London ('e i not get my sight steadily fixed be Syrup. Ask for it and insist on getting domain of business. Each man here for eight years. tral Office, which is the largest in low its, eyes. Then, just as I Raw i p ►S ► ALWAYSANSWERS. hears his own trade mark. the original. Put ug, in a yellow wrapper NATURE ANS« ERS. The King takes the cure very seri- the world, is about 160,000. About the crouching beast's bind quarters and three pine trees tho trade mark. Merchant and professor walk weal 500 000 words are sent every ni tet moving gently from side to side,[ Every force works against some ously. He walks down from his ho- g g !Alter force. Not a leaf moves but a differentswing. The automobilist tel, the 'Weimar, to the Kreuzbrun- in the form of Press telegrams when fired, and luckily my bulk' '-'rn:•k in some infinitely delicate measure comes to wear the automobile face, rich every morning at 8 o'clock, and Parliament is sitting. it, just between the eyes, an], crlsth• the stars a billion miles away make yet it is cowardly for a man to alternately strolls about or sits un- It is estimated that New Zealand ing into its brain, killed it instant- A BOMB FOR :1 BRIDE. k►Iarnc his own deformities upon the der the trees while sipping his two has an available coal supply of 1 response. Not a thistledown floatsPI y ,- ly, so that it never moved, hut still Infernal MachineSent as a 1I'ed• spirit of the age in which he lives. across a summer meadow but, the The baneful effects of corrupt bus;_ glasses. 200,000,000 tons, of which not more lay crouching on the ground. struck whole universe is sensitively sympa- In previous yea.; the crowd vas than 20,000.000 tons have been dead at the very last moment be- ding ]'resent. r.ess upon a man are chiefly reac- very troublesome. because of its touched. This was the first of the thetic with its errand. Wherever a fore starting on its charge Two men have been arrested on human hand is lifted in violence or tions of the man himself. The Juan consuming eagerness to observe his British Colonies to try the experi- w who comes uptown spoiled is the Since that time I have on several s uspieion of having sent an infernal 'eve all beneficent forces are in- every movement. But this year the *hent of State ownership of colliery occasions watched a cat wh^ i stall;- machine to a young woman in Aber- stantly aroused to repel the vio- man who went downtown ready for spectacle seemed to pall after a few property.1~ l the spoiler. Trade will probably Gays and he moved about as others A Swiss couple have recently ing a bird,gu through eves y n, ve� dean, Scotland, who was about to lance and reward the love. This is l make u5 the sort of folks we are ment made by that lion ---the same. be married. The intention had evi.- the sort of world we live in. Action villin to be. Gird. Ile was always accompanied married after�a courtship of forty- it:voluntarily twitching of ;tist tarn ctcntly been that the "gift" should and reaction, as Newton discovered,g' by either Major -Oen. Sir Stanley five years. They became engaged end of the tail, the same drawing 1e opened in the presence of both Nor can it be essentially different are forever equal. b`and by. Who shall even guess (larks u►• by Col. Ponsonby, or by in theta teens, but the young man t-► of the fore paws beneath the the bride and bridegroom, but for - \\'e commonly find what we are all that immortality niay mean ? set lr. vowed to make $50,000 before ask- chest-, and then the wavy mo, esuent tunately the machine, although After his, morning glasses the ing the young lady to marry him. , f the. loinsjust before the : finai complete ]coking for, whether trophies or description bus even furnished a ' l ete in its mechanism, had got King, if the weather is fine,takes 1Vhile he was staking this pile in trouble. "I never saw any such mint of what we shall be. Just one g'rtt�h. out of order, and did not work. sunsets as you paint," said a friend characteristic of the future is clear. a short walk in the park and drives America nearly 3,000 love letters -,� It is said that the Glasgow police to Turner. "Don't back to his betel, where he break- Lassa'• MAKES _tRTil•'l('I.11 ('1 f)1 1)S. 1;•g- y-ou wish you Heaven and hell will he the answers fasts on the balcony of his sitting -sive traced the sender as bclun could t'' was the reply. It is that to what we are. Not even Goc[ can Mr. George Ashworth, of Ilaw- ---- It to Glasgow. Inquiries show fuer aesthetic sense which makes put heaven into an unheave.nly. . room. The rest of the morning 1s and proclaims the artist. The in- stinctdevotedstate affairs;thencomes of beauty is what Words- worth carries with him to his ob- mrvation of the world. Aird the • GENERAL INFORMATION. interesting Bits of knowledge About 'Most Everything. The father of seven or more chil- dren i5 practically exempt from tux- ation in Frailt!e. No member of the British Royal Family in the direct line can legal- ly starry without the consent of the Crown. Germany's colonies are live times as big us herself, those of France e:ghtccn times, and Britain's nine- ty-seven times bi er than herself. The United States army is the smallest in proportion to the size of the country. It works out at nuc Juan to every twenty square miles. The largest bed of salt in the w(•rld is said tit have been discover - e(1 at Fort McMurray, Manitoba. It is 20s) feet deep, and extends for 30G miles. had its head pressed down on its cutstretehed paws, and its eyes each crop.were fixed on tae. Had I ridden by .t never have mov • •s c until ac go outofsight. States immigration authorities by As I raised my rifle and looked her ability to !Teak and read Rus- clown the barrel to align the sights start, French, German, Itali- ►, its heat saw ,e black . -it Spanish and English. 1 of hair at the end of its tail flicked The Rev. Angus Bethune, vicar lightly front side to side, and .see of Seaham,England, w io has just ore paws, that had been stretcnc(. attained the age of ninety-seven, is cut straight its nose, c rate o • �► 1.t't'1:1' ��Iu'r. i'. C. Selous' Experience With a Lion in Africa. Hunters and naturalists alike re- mark on the similarity of the lion ::rid the domestic cat when they sre preparing for the final rush on their Frey'. Ur. 1�. C. Selous, during a hunting trip in Africa, came near riding oyer a lion, an experience which he describes in "African Na- ture Notes and Itentiniscences,'' and which also leads hint to com- ment upon the great beast's like• lless to other members of the cat tribe. I once galloped almost on to a lion lying flat on the ground in glass only abtnit a foot in height before I saw it. When 1 at last made it out, I was directly in front til, and probably less than twenty yards away front it. PEOPLE SAID SHE HAD CONSUMPTION Il Was in Bed for Three Months. ]lead how Mrs. T. C. Birk, Hracrhi its •e, Ont., was cured (and alto.) her little 134•y ; .y the use of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP heart, and not all demons can pre - luncheon, a simple 'tint of boiled ail to keep a heavenly spiritoutfish, white meat or chickeand one of Beavers. Still. as we sow, we reap. t.1 those delicin ons compotes, with- GEOROE (.'LAI4K PECK, D.D. out which any meal seems incom- plete here, and a glass of either beer or white wine. Nearly every afternoon this year the King spent at the golf club, u'otoring up about half -past 3, for the links are high up on the moor- land, where the air is splendid and the turf like velvet. He watches[ the various competitions, for two of which he gave the prizes himself, THE S. S. LESSON IN'TERNATION.11. LESSON, NOV. 1. l.e«on V. Absalom Rebels Against Dat ill. Golden Text, T.xc►d. 20. 12. Verse 1. After this -After Absa- lom's restoration to favor with his !ether, reported in the closing vers- e:, of the preceding chapter. 10. Fent spies -Secret emissaries, whose mission it was to sow among the people everywhere the seeds of (lisaffection toward the reigning king. Hel►ron -- Ahott twenty miles uthweq. of Jerusalem. The city its which David %vas first proclaim - et' king over the tribe of Judah. 12. Abithophel the Gilonite - A native of Gila, a small town six or seven miles northwest of Hebron. According to 2 Sant. 11. 3, taken together s:'ith 23, ;,1, this man was the grandfather of hath-sheba and I►t' advocacy of Absalom's cause is usually ascribed to a desire to :avenge the disgrace in which David A chariot and horses and men to had involved his family. Together run before him --Marks of ruvalty with his son Eliam and Uriah, the belonging properly to the snceeso('i' Ilittitc', he isincluded in a list of to the throne. Compare the sin►i- 1'atvi(1's distinguished army lead - ler pt•etens(ions of Adonijah re- ( IS given its 2 Sam. '23. 24-39. !sorted `n lest , unNovember uvctnber `'22. 14. Let us flee --The king s:!'erns: to 2. lit ,: ide the wny f the gate The gate to the king's palace, near have been taken completely by sur- a hich the king, according to °rice- Prise, no sufficient. reason appar- tal custom, was wont to transactcetly existing for his hasty flight business. especially such as related from his fortified capital. Per - to judit•ia1 matters.haps, however, there were grc►undsi Said, Thy sersatut is of one of the kir suspecting the luyalt:y of t he tribes; of Israel --The author's way population, whisk still included many Jeliusites. 11x1) GIVEN t'1', :tL.1. 11()1'1; ()1' 'Heart Trouble Cured by MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Airs. Andrew Savoy, Arettan'e, N,n., n nht•s : In tate year of l;kn 1 was taken •ick and did not think 1 routd live any Irngtli of time. My trouhlo was with m heart and people told] me that nothing eoutd he• done for a ease like mine. 1 eonsnitr.l Ligs ter) twin doctors but they could do For K. For seven weeks 1 could hardly - the floor, 1 had nn pain. but was.r► ,.,..tk nobod, rn the world can believe how 1 felt. 1 hal given up all hope, of living mild had giren coy little girt to my sinter in - One elk,' a friend carne to see rue, and Fall irg me by name. said. ' 1.i•nit•, if 1 %sere )c..► 1 would try a dose of M,lbnrn's Heart and Nerve fills a. they are good for bray, 1 ,Ub'e,' 1.17 hn'band u' ' the a 1Mr, but for two days 1 was not feeing at+) holt( r. hat on the fourth day my bit, bead Ratd. • believe those pills are thing )nu good.' 1 was able to ray 'Yrs. 1 feel a good deal better this morning.' lie Braid. ' 1a 1.11,1 will get jou another tax right away.' !took two boos and three do.ei out of the third one. and 1 arae perfectly well and hare not been sick since then. 1 will never ho without them in my home f •r Wit knows if it bad not bo•et► for til. 1• tr. '• li1.art and Verve fills. 1 would not heart bcen alive now.' f`i'r• Veeitt• rxr l►OT 1 .tes for $1.2S. i'•e T. Milburn Co.. Lotted. Toronto. Ont. Israel --The word "heart" in He - 1 rew psychology referred to the :eat of the intellect and conscience. rather than of feeling. The sense titee were the Inhabitants of Oath, f this statement, therefore, would seem to be that Absalom deceised and led astray his father's subjects, awakening in their minds suspicions against his father, the king, though, perhaps, not in any great degree captivating their affections. 7, Ferty --- Perhaps the word i "ic►nr ' ehould Be substituted for "forty" as it is in some ancient `y rias manuscripts. and also in -me editions of the Septuagint, that is, the earliest (,creek transla- t .on of the Old 'Testament. The t a rt ntor is dating. probably, from the time of the titral reconciliation of .Absalom with his father referred to in the preceding chapter. 8. (leshur--A district east of the Jordan, where. during the period of his late alienation front his father (2 Salt). 10. Absalom had fur a time 15. The king's servants --- These at least, seem to have remained en- tirely loyal to their sovereign. 17. All the pctog,le --.1 great mul- titude. In 1'cth-i nrhak --Or, ''at the Far House," apparently a public inn or stopping place on the highway leading ealsttvat•d toward the Jor- dan tenstall, Lucas, England, who has French -lmventor's Process for just completed his eighty-sixth tec•tittg Vineyards. year, has worked continuously for Messrs. Hardman Brothers at New- •1 french process for producing !sallies- \1'oollen Mills, Rawtenstall, for a period of seventy-five years, and is still in the same employment. He is Flow engaged as foreman ful- ling miller at these twills. In India. with its teeming and poverty-sstricken myriads, parents that the girl lied ker,t company with a than living in Glasgow. She re- turned to Aberdeen, front which artificial clouds: for the protection place she is said to have conte, and c•< vineyards from the sun has just ata` about to be While there to been invented.ar other men. \%hile at Aberdeen It consists of filling small wooden `l ,. received a box, whichshe boxes, open at the top, with an in- thought contained a wedding; pre - flammable composition reduced to a sent. «'hen It was open(.(], how- nt• etc', it was found to contain a re - tine powder anti pressed into a co oftete find it no easy task to marry ]pact mass. When this composition a t ('leer, and a 51rllicient tit;}• of eft their daughters, for a wife has which consists of equal parts of re- gelatine to destroy house awl all to be bun ht by the suitor. Widows sinuus and earthly matter -sset its occupants. ]hero was an in are cheap;K and when a father finds alight a dense cloud of smoke is genions contrivance whereby, whenover the vine- the box was opened, the revolver produced, hanging w.nuld be'discharged into the gela- yard long enough to protect the plants from the April sun rays, and tine. 1he parcel was despatched givethem a chance to recuperate from Birmingham; the revolver was* from the dangerous effects of the fully Cuckcet, and had the parcel frost, Leen opened by other than expert The inventor, M. Lestout, of Bor- lands the result would have been dt aux. claims that by this method disastrous. fifty acres may he protected ata Another report says that the two teen in custody are married men, and that the theory of a rejected lover may be dropped. lits daughter getting on in years, or else enjoyed a game of croquet Le snakes a widow of her by the o:' the lawn made expressly for simple process of marrying her to him. Tlten he would ask two or ,a hunch of flowers! When the flow - three friends: to take coffee with et s are dead, she is technically a him, either in front of the pavilion widow, and can be offered at a bar- oe in the summer house by the ere- gain price. quet lawn, and later walk down A novel surgical operation has home. Caesar, his wirehaired ter- just ben perforated on a leopard its rier, always accompanied his utas- Paris. The animal recently, while cost of about M2. in }cis (]inner, ulsc, bit his tail • ---� ter. The King's dinner, er want mast mould call a poor supper, itt also a lig,lit. ]meal, consisting of chicken er game and a compote, with one or two glasses of light Austrian wine King Edward gent 5c'teral times t•► the pretty little theatre here, a :d often invited some friend to a seat in his box. Early to bed and early t•• rise is the rule at Marienlsa.l, and no one observes it more car,•- fully than the ]ting himself. T111•: DO -IT -LATER LAND. you ever bought n handful Of the well -I -meant -to sand. That is used to build the castles In the do -it -later hind! It's a very pleasant country, And it's not s e far away hor you can go and hack again Quite fifty times a day. Is. ('herelltites. and all the pe. All the work yell have to do There the sun ie always shining, let bites;- -A Philistine i►odyguard Is to build yourself a ca'tic; which had remained loyal it► David It seems( very easy, too. r ince his sojourn eluting the Phil- Just 9011 say, "i'll do it later," istiness prior 1'► his ascension tt► the And your castle is: begun : throne of israel. But the strangest thing nisoet it 10. Ittai the Oittite-The (lit- 1,, no castle's ever done. a principal city of the Philistines. '23. The brook gide n-- Just east of the city wall. 21. Za(lok--- The leader of the Le- vitea, and, like Abiathar, a priest. :32. The top of the ascent, where Clot] was worshipped Duck] wag i•roeet'ding east war([ from the city, and hadnew-reachedthe summit 4.1 the Mount of Olives where front ancient tittles had been a sanctuary, (.r high place (1 Sam. 0. 13). 1n latter and New Testament times In the Northern Tterritory, that the road to Jericho and the Jordan Inst subtropical section of Austra- valley passed oa er the soot here shoulder of the. hill, by wny of Beth - tiny. I1u'hai the Arehite---The .1rc•hitcs the t'omntoiiwcaltIt Government, lived in the portion of the e,.url• some of the natives have a curious try through wldch the king ens new custom of rating a certain kind of passing, not f,,r (rem Bethel white, powdery clay. lnvestigatio►n (Josh. 16. 2). Toliutshai David does not indicate any pertieular fondness on the past of the aborig- inals for this particular diet, but the (lay would appear to serve a Though someone is always Building Working hard with might. andmalt], Yet no !teener is one started Than it tumbles down :hail,. After all, it's not so funny. Did you eter see a land -Haat tons alt made up of cast lt•s l;ui;t of well -I -meant to 5.8nrl' 11'S'11;.1LIAN CLAY 1:.1'1'EitS. Zia which 14 to be opened up for settlement nc►w that tt },:11 been taken over fr(t►n South Australia 1►y' dwelt in exile. '1legests n plan by which the intlrt. Syria --Hebrew. Aram. So called c nee of Ahithoplicl's counsel to titer the name of the fifth son of Absalom may be c(►ur01'1%1 t►'(1, alai Shet11. front whom the .t iginal 111- at the same time nn o.l(1 In. `;(`int to hrtbitanti of Syria were .it id to ha : e the king informing him of what late been tho descendants, transpiring in the capital. Hushai eat gr , gangrene met in, and it became nec- ci sary to amputate a portion of the tail to save his life. This leopard was laseoocd, thrown on his back, a piece of soft wood was given hint It gnaw, and while held by ten menthe veterinary proceeded with the removal of at portion of the tail and cauterized the wound. The animal roared considerably, but the opera- tion was declared su(•cessful. Under a new• Norwegian railway regulation. when husband and wife are travelling together the wife r ('eel only pay half-price. The idea may simply be to encourage family bre, on the theory that at Nt rw•eg i- nn who normally leaves his wife at home will be tempted to take 't'r along at. reduced rates. It will, if rr urse, b.` necessary. when tali ire, a husband -and -wife ticket, to li.t 1.lay one', marriage certificate and stake an a flidavit that the lady is one's 'wife, in order to prevent c rl- 1us.i.►n :tt th,' ticket office betwce t perfect sl rangers. LIVER COMPLAINT Tho chief Mike of the liver is #Ito secre- tion of bile, which is the natural regulator of the bowels. Whenever tho liver becomes deranged, and the. hilo duets clogged, liver complaint is prcxdty:edl, and itt manifested by the pre- sence of o ratipntion, pain under tho right ,,tt,ul�ler, sallow complexion, yellow eyes, slimy -coated tongue and headache, heart- burn, jaundice, sour atomo h, water brash, catarrh of the stomo•h, ett-. Liver Oomplaint tnsy 1,o curer] by avoiding theist, iva mentionedr,tusea, keep. ingthe trawnls free, ani arousing tho slug. gish liver with that grand liver regulator, LIVER COMPLAINT. r.r:o•,►.F.i t••o•t1, 11a•nilton,Ont "11.►ving soft -err,' with lit• r complaintfor yr;trtt and hiedall 4nrts .,f r. 'undies, 1 was t•ivioed to try \l ill•,tn+ ,'latra• l.i,, cr 1'ilJr, I matt sty, that af'er taking two aisle of them, 1 feel Finite a near man, and can strongly recommend them to anyone." t►s.eftll {►urposr In het nareit whiles Priem 2i rants per vial or for $i,i t. •t. game is scarce. nal' of star rig off hunger wheat all dr.t ,'rat or mailed direct by the Tho T. minium(: ►., Litnitnl, Tut -onto, (Int. \VAItS[I IPS TIt:1V I'.I. SLO\1'LY. The reason of this is not want of power to go faster, but a question of feel. The difference in consumption ( f fuel between, say, twenty knots' and ten knots' speed is extraordin- ary. 'Phis is clue to the greatly in- creased resistance of the water at high speeds. For instance, a tor- pedo-boat can steam fen knots ars hour with only 110 horse -power, but to do (limbic that speed, site must use 1.1:30 horsepower. In the ease of a first-elass (•ruisser it takes five times as ninth power to drive her at twenty as it does at ten knots. And an Atlantic liner will require at least seven times as much power fur the higher as for the lower speed. In the matter of coal it is found that covering}; six- teen knots in an hntr a vessel will consume ten times as much as cov- ering eight knots. Consequently, a warship d,►ing at long voyage . at l:cr hest speed would nerd five (,r tti\ titnett as 11111('11 eoal as she would burn on the salve voyage at a low - c • speed. 1101.1, i'lt11,11'1'I:SLI) TIIII:l I:` Siht'r IIoII Mating by Clockwork, `lade Robbers Nell 011•. Northumberland House. near ('Baring Cross, was in former days the town house of the (hikes of Northumberland. 111 the time of the first duke Some burglars broke into tate mansion, hoping to stake a great haul of prate, ear; Hone Notes. They managed to penetrate the strong room, w here among other treasures* was an antique sil- s r r doll which !mord 1►y clnck- work. The thieves accidentally touched the mechanism, whereupon the doll began to walk about, and it so terrified the ;nen that. they made nff with all possible speed without taking away a single thing. That dell is now at Sion !reuse, Ivlew•urt11, where the present Duchess (•f Northumberland gives the most delightful garden parties daring the London ttealltorr. Et ee these who tnarry for Lae alotne do not object to a little money g,'t the side. 4, 1)O THE LITTLE KINDNESSES How often du we think of the vaunt of little kindnesses'? Just consider for a moment your ideal o►f what a woman slieuld be, and you t: ill utast, likely find that she is net, a wiener' who does wonderful things hut one who does the graceful tittles creeds of tactful kindness. She is the woman who says the timely word of encouragement that (es Fels despair; who always has an eye tip the comfort of those about her ; whose quiet and unexpected minis- trations are like bairn to those 1.ruised by the world ; and who only asks to ututke happiness wherever she can her w hole life through. It is a big point for all of us to con- sider. So many people are apt t(, devote all their thought to the big tl.ings of life while they overlook the little kindnesses. We rash blindly ahead oser the stony road, which, by- au little thought, might ho land•• 51)1 t til and easy. COULD NOTCO TO iRK BACK WAS SO WEEK, Iib ka(he is the primary cause of kidney trouble. When the Zack aches or becomes weak it is a warning that the kidneys ar• Iiablo to become affected. Heed the warning; cheek the Backache and dispose of any chances of further (rouble. 11 yon don't, scripts comp;ications aro very apt to urine rind the first thing you know volt will have 1)rug►ay, 1)iebotr% nr MOON i)isease, the three moat deadly forms of Kidney Trouble. 3(r. James Bryant, Arir:h:at, N.S., watt troubled with 1►i, lick and used Dose's !Wiley fills, he writes: -"I cannot ray too melt about the benefit I receive.] after *sing three Boxes of 1)oan's Kidney fills. 1 was greatly trouble.] with an aching pain acro** the email of my hack. i could riot~ go to work anti my bock wilt stn weak I would have to sit dnwri. It "foul"! go aa -ay for a few days] hut would always return, 1 was advis,e•1 to try i oen'tt 1(idney fills anal 1 must slay they completely erred inc." I'ri(o 50 cental per bus or 2 boxes for Si 2.1 at all dealers or ma.'esl lirer-t o�n receipt of prior by TF• Doan i0.1ney i'tll Cu., 1'v•ontu, Outs