Exeter Times, 1908-10-15, Page 5CREDITON NEWS FOR THE ALL SE3ASON The affectiveness of our assortment in Dress Goods, Men's Furnishings, Woolens, Furs, Ladies' and Gentle- men's Underwear, Blankets, Ladies' Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Coats, Millinery, Etc. As Business bringers for the fall trade was never more in evidence than at present. That is the striped Venetian Dress Goods in Brown, Blue, Black Green and Red at 6oc. per yard. Plain Venetians in same colors at 50c, 75c, 85c and $I.00 per yard. Big range of Coatings in Black Beaver. Broadcloths. Etc. from $1.00 to $2.00 per yard, Space is too limited to describe in detail our large assortment in the Dress (foods section. Call In and see for yourself before purchasing elsewhere. See Our Coats Paying highest prices for Seeds and other produce. S. BROWN • #THERE IS NO REASON Why you should not use the best kitchen Ranges made. Pandoras, Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and Saska-Alta. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire day and night, delight every user. Made of the very best material and guaranteed in every res- pect. Buy Them and save the expense of buying coal backs. Special attention given to EAVETROUG 1NG. • W. MOORE - KIRKTON New lhuI are "in 11" Isis fall Come and See Them We wish to extend to you an invitation to call and see the new Suitings .bat are "in it" this fall. These we are showing represent the choicest offered y the old and new world. The patterns are Right, they are Exclusive and we are proud of them. The Quality is Right too -up to the high standard we always carry. If you want a smart suit for fall, select your goods here we assure you the style, make and fit will he right. The price beyond a doubt, we quote the lowest price possible. This is acknowledged by our customers. and recognized by our competitors. Again We invite you, we are proud to show the new goods and talk price at all times J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Why not TrdIl6 near Homo? We are here to slake a success, we like the country and the people, we like our business, and strive to increaso by honorable means. The Best Goods and the Lowest prices socoiwtiat We believe in giving one dollars worth of goods for $1.00. WA fully expect (airtime; and think you will admit if our goods and prices re equal with those of other reliable merchants. it is just and right to patron- ize home enterprise. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar ttmtmnmtm mm Blankets for Horses and Mitts and Gloves for Men. uNuuiuulu luiuiuuuule 1( there is anything in Variety. If there is anything in Quality. if there is anything in exceptional Values. This should be your store for harness, Blankets and Mitts. Wool Blankets neat pattern., direct from the Woolen Men, raging in price from $3.IN) up. els.) Jute and Kersey Hlankete. MITTS AND GLOVES %Ve haven ellendid line in these goods, and our trade is growing because We have g.it the right kiwi (if eoods all the time. We've got Styles that can't be heat elsewhere, and we certainly have got values that are unknown else. Where. ('orae in and inspect for yourself. F. W. CLARK, Harness Mgker, Crediton. t Winchelsea Mr. Gco. Godbnit returned borves from Comber. Saturday Ino •ting. Mr. and Mrs. W. W: he. spent Coyne and hear M. Y. McLean to- tSunday and Monday visiting friends night in Ilannou's Hall at 8 o clock. In Crcd,too, Mr. (Dave Rata. of Philipsburg, Several from here attended the called upon his sister. Mrs. Lydia fowl :wryer at 1Vooelham. 'T-uesu:y \Ving, a kw days last week.' night. Mr. J. i'. Robertson spent Sandal' it is thought the burglars !who at Ailsa Craig. tter,d the Woodham ;tore last Mr. William Sebeoeder who left ;?neige ni lit made a call at Win- for Alberta on the home -seekers ex- ehel.ca carte Saturday morninJ. ctlreion is borne again. Be says time= but were evidently frightened away• are slack. They were ,teen by Mr. Stewart who Mr. Tho:. McCann. of Mensal►. Is was up at an early hour. Thursday clerking in Mr:. L. 1Ving'a store. She Afternoon they called et the holes is patting in a full Zine of stock. of iliICe Brown on the 'Ileums Rod M•. V. Ratt. ex -M. P.. of Parkhill, and as only Miss ithel Brown was at paid our .trurg a flying visit last home. one of them ordered her to get Tncsdny. thrin something to cat while Rhe Mr. G. Wambold is pattering Se other rem tined at the gate. Zees hone. a411.tsTORsAIL . Bean Os , P,t K"d Ycl Hate Alta Bee tt of &�/ii Shipka if you had taken two of Carter's Little Livor Pills before retiring you a 'l.l not have had that coated ton- gue or bad taste in tho mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional usa. Crediton The Old Southland Sextette, u colored concert company has been engaged by the Epworth League of the Crediton Jlethodist church, Ito give an entertainment 111 the hall here on Tuesday evening Oct, _'Uth. Their programme twill consist of a fine repertoire of music, rich in barinony and -varied 'aft selection, plantation Fangs, negro unelodiem. stamp meeting song;, negro lulla- bies, songs of the old southlaltd slav- ery days, choruses, quartettes, etc. Mr. 11. V. Enter. our primp manu- facturer, is putting in a pump just east of the butcher shop for the con- venience of the school children. ' 'Mr. Nicholson attended the funeral of Mr. Memo gchwartzentruber at Zurich on Sunday. Miss Kate Zwicker. of London. vis- ited for a few days with her brother Chas. Zwicker. Miss Ida Armstrong of Exeter. was the guest of her sister Miss May Armstrong on Sunday. 'e'•^ anniversary cervices of the C.... re =•t••thodist Church last Sun- day Vis.. s a succebs. Rev. J. E. J. Millyard of Dire. preached Iwo intert- estiug sermons and addressed an open meeting of the Sunday School on the afternoon. Appropriate music /was furished by the choir and a thank offering taken at each service. The annual concert was held on Mahe day evening and was largely attend, ed. The entertainment was address. ed by the Itev. \V. II. Hutt. of Ceti. tralia ; Rev. T. A. Steadman. of Cor- bett, and Rev. E. 11. Bean. There were also choruses, solos and 'recite. Cons, by local talent and others. Tho anniversary this year setas . u grand success financially, the offer- ings being greater than any previous Year. The proceeds amounted to over $150. Mr. Matson Was called to his home one day last week owing 4o the i11. Hess of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jarvis. of Brigden, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 8. Brown. left on aline - day to visit friends in Dashwood and Zurich. after twohich they will return home. The Sunday Sohool Convention. Composed of Stephen and Hay S. S. interdenoucinational, held in the Evangelical Church here last Friday was a grand success, the attendance afternoon au,t evening being very large. Very auk addresses mere de- livered throughout the day and spec- ial mention might be made of the addresses given by the Sec- retary of the Ontario S. S. Ate i Association. J. A. Jackson, B.' A. on the benefits of township organ- ization, in the morning, teacher • training in the afternoon. asst adult bible class movement in the evening. These lectures were very instructive as was also the address Iby Mr'. J. W. Wilson. of Greenway, on cradle roll and home department. Mrs. Wilson handled her subject very ably and was listened to with intense interest. In tho evening Itev. W. 1I. Mutt gave, a very inspirinj iud able i►ddrefls 041 soul saving in 8, S. ;work. As a ; result of this convention ,trhe above , townships have been organised with the following officers, Pres. J. 11. Boltzmann ; Vice P. Geo. • Sherif t, Harpley ; Seel?, Treas., 'rhos. Treve- thiok. Crediton ; Executive, the of- ficers with the pastors and Suptr- intendents of each school in the jur- isdiction. Trustees to draft. con- stitution, the officers and Ittrvs, Hicks andBean; Auditor. Wm. Lewis, Crediton. Very successful missionary ser- vices were hold in the Evnngelical church, Sunday last. Rev. L. i11. 11'aguer, 1', 1':.. of the Northwerse pleatled Loth morning and eyeing. Although the weather .Was not fawn: able there ;was a good attend- ance and considerable over $150. was raised. Remember the Iteforin rooms are open over J. 11. lloltzmann's store every closing night from now tit -nil aftor elect. ion. lir. Thos. McMillan will speak to the Ton n Hall here. un 6nturda? evening, Oct. 24th in the interest of M. Y. McLean. the Liberal candidate. B'TE1'111:N COUNCIL The Council of tho Township of Stephen eau vetted in the 'Loon .flail Cteditun, un Monday, the 601, of October 1008, at 1 p.m. All members of the board were present with the xccpt.011 of M1. Jacob lielleruinna who was absent 011 account of illness. The minutes of ;tie previous lnceta-+ ant acre read and adopted. Medal V u2rth-Sander.•r that :n r.•fereuc.r to the complaint of John d'u'ne:tier nn.l others re. -const n action in The Mud Creek !)rain. the Clerk of the Toe n;hip be ilial rutted to ss t:le the 1•:ng.neer and inspector aptenate1l for the inspection and nate of drama to 'notify all persons in default to to repair their respective p"rt;ont na pa or:dad dor in Election 78 of the Alwnicip;tl /Drainage Act. and 11l'v thc:r failing to .10 so, after II tea- sonable length of tin"' had !Will Riven theta, then the Inspector ,hall cache the said 1113;11 10 4'e pro - Peri/ repaited fur the it h, as provnl- ed nor under the s:, .1 act. Carried. The bond of the Tnx Collector was laid cn 1he 1nble and accepted. The lollnii ing ordera were p3 -sed Chester Prouty. gratuity, $25.00: \1':1f1 ;d Latent, 0111 others, grading 1th 8. ltd.. X51.11 ; 1', Treilmer, ela- vel contract.), 2-5. l:.i.it, $81.61: de. Tre°hncr, bel. on gravel contract $57,91; Christian .Stade, comtn'r. G. E.S.R. D'4.25; It. O'Itonrke. rep. run s,•rt. .:. 11. -f.ft ; Ge',. conven- t Iven- t E.S.i1. Jpt.^5; .lelrn Klumpp, corn- u; r, 1:4.1t. $3.10; John G. Wenn rom- n''r. i .M.lt• t;{5..0 : ,1. Mor: i -on. gra nd contract. 5 tat 8. Rd. *20.35 ; It. Davy. ccnrm'r Ist. et. Rd. n2.611; Jacob Qucr'n, travel, n1.:10; i:d. 11'ihn.•r. (travel contracts E.S.R. C!ta•5n; 1{d. Fanner, nuna;n,-t romrnt, $512.00; M. Beaver and others, tupelo* 10 Cre 1'.ten bridge. 064.65; I'. 'rrelo n ''. gravel Ifo; talc, 16.50; G. nn. n nate cool rt)rcrn grannie. $10.'25; It. Bann fern. 1¢rnr••l contract, 1-2 14. 11. $89.00; it. rrnntlfnrd. gravel von: tract. 1 R. it,l, 1.23.r0: eidn ( Bevis. eomrn'r C. ltd. .$2.50: F. .MeKcever contract and gravel. $30.00; R. 11i11 rep. bri.lge unit crus. ut culvert,! *26.20 ; John 'iJrokty,.tsire, tile ustoss the toad, 11'1.43; Silas nrokun;hit••,' conifer and rep. cul sett, 119.35 :.11. 1 3. Knl,n. tile and te:uulun, F.5.50 ;1 Tho. llartnoll. ditck on 1.011,1011 1oad,' i X12,00 ; H. L. krait, gravel. r_'llK7: 1 operation was performed Saturday Ed. Ilreken,.hire, 11 of 11 Jnsia•ctot, and ►vas successful. $15.0U; Wm. Rollins. gravel, $60.56; ii r. Jacob honer/namewho a few Wm. !tellies. gravel. 8. B. • 1138.011; Robert Slone, rep. Ilickey's bridge %%tants ago s • Joseph's underwent hospital. an open'ndon is !trot c ie et t. culvert u .►. I' tat ,� . L75• h 1 01 A lgressink nicely, I$4.UU; Jo:. Sharron', rep. 'culvert. Quite a number of our young P5,5U; .1. 'Devine. rep. euivert, $1.00;11,cople attended rho Sunday Bohoors 8. Masson. rep. hr:dge, $2.'25; ,J- p•1 Convention at Crediton last Friday-. Muta, nail., .I1 ; \1'un. Ganders, 0011-1 A 11uuttxr of our young 11101 at- rnis,iOtiCt. 1•:.S.i(. 0.00; A. llodgins' tended the raffle match at I3oug:: i Co. Ltd. Ga;, emu: •1a�. Flynn• Mclsaas at Shipka and brought home covering 1%'0 bridges. $3.00' a number of Roasts. Thr ('c ::ieil adjuerr-e:i to ;fleet Miss Tillie Ehlers is very ill at 1,;0;11 in the '1'oswn �Iwll• Crediton. 01► present. hope we may ..00u see her Monday. the 7t11 of 'December next at out as usual. 1 Ip• °" HENRY T:Tl.nl:n Klerk. The management of the Dashwood Planing laning Dlil1 Co. wish to announce_ --�'� to the putnne that they now have Rheumatism promptly driven from their factory rebuilt and the mach - the blood with Dr, >;lhoop's ltheu- inery nil in Phen and are ugaie uratic Remedy. Don't waste time ready to attend te all orders prompt - with common remedies. A test ly. The following are some of their will surely tell. In tablet or liquid specialties doors, sash, mouldings, forst. Sold by W. S. Iloweya • door and window frames, flooring and sidings, alt kinds of lumber. B. C and Canadian shingles, cedar posts. laths. fence slats, stair building and all kinds of turning done, cisterns all sizes, neater troughs all sizes, buggies, carriages, etc., also repair- ing done. , Mr. Hartman Elise, whobad his hand badly injured some days ago, is improving nicely. Two of our bowling rinks ;went to Exeter last 'Thursday to play the bowlers of that town, and although defeated put up an excellent game against the Exeter bowlers, DASKWOOD NEWS Dashwood Owing to pressure of other en- gagements there will be no .meet - Mg here Saturday night in the in- terests of Mr. M. Y. • McLean. the Liberal candidate. Mrs. Voelker, of Mien., is visiting relatives and friends in the village. MI'. and Mrs. £tis'• Kuntz of Greenway. visited .with the Jntter's parents. Mr. and firs. Attuust Schroe- der over Sunday. A committee of enthusiastic bowl- er, has been appointsul and have pro- cured suitable ground for a :new green. The property •Jest north of the grist still has been p11rchasot and work was started Monday get. ting it in shape for next year. Mr. Ezra Tiernan has purchased a young colt, aired by Non 1'arnle from 13. Cunningham. of !Chive. Mr. Ed. Nadiger has purchased :t fine two year old roadster and Mr. Wes. Mil- ler has sold his driver In Mrs. \Ving. of Shipka. Sir. and Mrs. Thee. Jarvis, of Brig - den. are the guests; of Mr. acid Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mrs. co.CEdighoffe'- was taken ,to St. Joseph's hospital, London on Fri day 10 undergo an ojserat.ion. The Centralia Mr. Samuel McCoy, one of the oI- est residents of this village died at his home here Sunday, Oct. after an illness extending over to year. Ile was 85 years of age and De- ceased well known in this section. I t- ceased was torn in County Tyrone. Ireland and came to Canada in 1835. settling with his parents to the town- ship of 'Darlington. Lated he moved to Centralia. where he has since re- sided. Ile is survived by a widow, one :on end one daughter. The fatter::l took place Tuesday Inter- ment being is the Exeter cemetery. SUBSCRIBE 'FOR THE TIMES. 1 T 0)4` - 'HAD FILES FOR 13 YEARS! PAIN SO BAD AT TIMES HE FAINTED One of the beat points abou, Zaln-Bak i.3 it cures chronic cases of piles as welt as thos3 of ,o recent standing. Captain A. W. Strachan, R.E., of St. Outharines, COnt.), a man who has served his country in India, C hina, Japan and Egypt, say° : "Nobody has saf'mesl greater avnnies than 1 havo through piles. For near 13 years this terri .lo sc•►ur,ae a'llieteid IIiO and at times the pain was almost too much for ice to bear -especially while enduring the beat and fatigue of forei,r► duty. "I think I tried almost every remedy known in India, Cl.ina, Japan and Egypt. While in lndi.a I swag in th 1 11 ).:pita; f.rr three weeks with bleeding piles, and thought 1 wont•► bo eompc.!cel to givo up the Service. " I have had to fall out when c.n tho maul► as I could not endure the pain any limner. Once I was picked up on the field for dead -the pain front tho piles waw so great. that I had fainted. Q•► "An Army o9ieet• bind rue about Z sun -Curs h:as•ing cereal a friend of his, so I decided to give it. a trial. from tb•t first annointing with this great herbal balm, T we; rcliaved, but even after using ono box 1 hardly flared to hope it would euro me permanently. i had got so much relief from it, however, that I decided to persevere, and by the time I had used Nevem! boxes, to my greet joy I was contp'etely cured. "Zeit,-Buk is worth its weight in gold. It has cured me and given me now over Birt ninths of perfect ease -something which I have not had for thirteen long years ! i trust this stetement of ruin() will load other sufferers to try /.an,-ituk an'i prove its great healing virtue." What Zam-Buk is, and What it Cures Zam•Bek is composed of the essence and eitrartsof healing her0. It contains t.. arnrnal fat er mineral !t .;sett, It Inn -,.r 4060 rancid like other ointments, never stains, nevor clog. thbQo rest of the skin. It heals s old sere., . ct"ma, chappe,l hand., ulcers, ttadly poisoned wound., arelp sores, oprn teres due to blood p'i.ontng, itch. It heaps lacerations, bruises and all skis, iptions and dieeisri. All druggists Tnd stores sell at tele a aes, or post free from %am -Bek ('o., oronto, for prioe. Free Box 1'...:1,.,0 and a 1 cent stem t sen! to Zsm•I4uk t'••., T.,rt,nto, *i11 ',btnin f..r you a s,trnllr Let. 3fen• tion this paper. 1v a Mllllncry dud Dress Goods, Our Dress Goods, Millinery and service are at their best right now. And are perhaps the choic- est and mostvaried range of New Autumn Styles it has been your privilege to see anywhere, Our Millinery Depart- ment You will find all the seasons Styles, and at prices that will sur- prise you. Visit our store before selecting your fiat it will pay you. In Dress Goods Our stock is complete, and is the largest and and best we have ever offered and we know our prices are as right as they can be and all the latest Fabrics rand Styles will be found here, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Siebert I& Co. Hartlelb Block. DASHWOOD, .. ss I ssssss I I I sn C�� Tlcmdu [fflholler eeee, ri,,Z.V OIE Now Conies Cooler Weather and Witli It the Necessity for Warmer Clothing. The time of ytar for heavier clothing is hear and we are ready to supplyiyour-jevery requirement Summer niay come for a day or;two, but colder weather is what we must expect with few in- teruptionsfrom now on, and with it comes al sorts of fall wants to 132 satisfied without delay. MEN, WOMEN AND CIIiLDREN, dont put off the ques- tion. You will expect to find us ready and we are, -so come. 6'l".No matter what you pay or how little you pay for a Suit here, you can be sure itLis tailored, line(] and ffinished in strictly high-grade way, and of the best fabric possible for the price. Highest prices pt.id for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, - DASHWOOD The Farmers Bank of Canada Capital $1,000,000 Total da.Assets $1,500,000 40 Branches throughout ('a Special Attention Given to Farmers' B1)84)1 6(4 Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest. ('urtt•nt Rates. 1 tuSAVINGS DEPARTMENT I)eposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principa' C Ytesoura monyear.ey is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt- ful institutions that so otten in the past have robbed Hien of their hard earned wealt h. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED \When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin cipal points in the I'niled States and Great Britain, 1.Ot•tt Murrn-(,'onrtcous Treatment. No Hcd Tepe, R.T. DUNLOP, Nan, DASHWOOD (Sc BRUCEFIELD old Weather IS COMING What about a nice Pandora Range A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, An Oak or Base Burner? We make a specialty of Eavctroughing, and Roofing. We hand - lc Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -Iron. Cement always on hand. A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing Coil and Barb Wire. Eggs rind Butter taken. Come and see us before you buy. Hardware D. T1 EMAN, Dashwood It i'n't so difficult to strengthen a weak stotnach if one goes at it cor- rectly. And this is true of .the heart and kidneys. The old fashioned st'ty- of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the heart or liidnejs is surd, wrong 1 Dr. Shoop first pointed out This error. "Go to tho weak or ail- ing nerves of these organs' , said lie. Each inside organ has its controlling or "inside• nerve.' \Vhen (be-' nerves fo l then those organs be surely fa'tcr. This vital truth is leading druggists everywhere to dis- (eerie and recommend 1)r. Shoop's Re- storative. A few days test will surely tell! Bold by W. b. Ifoswey. The work of re -railing the C, Tr R, IA) from Stratford to 'Holmes* viile was completed last week. The nese rails are 60 ;round. hlrs. Elizabeth 'Fraser, relict the late Hugh Fraser, of Myth at the home of her son Chart. - Blyth on Wednesday, of last aged 93 years. Tho deceased born in Nova Scotia and Was m over GO pears ago. lli.a Amy C. Eider, daaghter re Mr. and Mr'. Al. X. Elder, of Tl!Stbs was quietly marred nt the herrn, of the bride's parent,' 07) 1Ve.lne=d�l� Oct. Pth, to Rev. W. I, Moran. M. A, of Guthrie.