Exeter Times, 1908-10-08, Page 3C. P. R. FLYER WRECKED Crashed Through an Open Switch at Mimico Station. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS COST MONEY TO BURY MAN HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. 'iEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WAS PAW 1N POLAND. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own Curious holdup in Which Wealthy and Other Countries of Family was Mulcted for A despatch from Mimics) says: Jarvis, fireman on the C. P. R. Recent Events. Benefit of Poor. Through the apparent negligence of train, aged 28, single, 97 Mulock CANADA. a new switch,ztan and operator at Avenue, !West Toronto. He is sufTen thousand dollars would ap- Mivaice Station on Thursday night feriug from internal injuries, due V.\V.('..1. collectors at Stratford pear to ho a big sum to pa), nut one mala► was killed, another will t4, the inhalation of a great autuunt gathered on tag day $1,000 in aid forfuneral pr►nip, but fur the rigot likely die, and a third received in- of steam, his right leg is badly of their new building. to buy the ods of uno'K husband. juries which, although not of a fa- t•ealdr(1 from the hip down, and is Applications for annuities under And yet, the widow of a Polish Jew ta: nature, will disable him for also fractured below the knee, and the Government's plan have already las just paid that sutra fur file pri- sor•o' time. The collision was be- the toes on his right foot are badly been received at Ottawa. s ile ge in the I oltsh province of Ra- tween the fast C. P. R. train key- crushed. John Smith, 366 King The agent of the ;lrianitoba tion- dem, writes a Moscow correspond- ing 'Toronto at 7.15 and a Grand Street we. t, engineer un the Grand ornntont says work was found for ent. Mr Neuanark, a rich man, dice Trunk light engine, which ►vas 'Trunk Tight engine, had his right all who went west on harvesters' within the limits of his own coat - standing on t he siding at M unico. itar fractured, his right shoulder excursions. (mine of Radoln, but expressed a 'The engine was about two hundred disloeated and was bruised about Sir Thomas f�haughnesay denies ►►1st' in his will to be buried in the yards frorn the switch :Incl the C. the head. positively that the C. P. It. is Ue,_ neighboring commune of Kielce, F'. 1t. train, which was going at the The accident happen's'about uetiating for the purchase of the c'hietly because his parents were rats' of at. least. 40 utiles an hour at 7.40, the C. I'. R. train being a few Chicago Creat Western. buried there and he Lad passed that time, l►luwcd through the minutes late in leaving 'Toronto Vito Micolli was sentenced to his youth in the sante place. But gi (end and struck the tender of the Station. This train does not snake}rang at Montreal un November 27, the rabbi of the commune of Radom (Grand Trunk unk engine. Engineer a stop at Mitnico and was going at the same day that "('rooked Neck" objected to the dead man's wishes, John Smith, who was in the light a high rate of speed when it passed Smith pays the penalty for murder. saying that, by the rules of their engine, was violently thrown through Mimic() Station. Tho Deputy Postmaster -General C'oul- commune, a ratan must be !Airiest against the side of the cab, but his Grand Trunk engine had just comet(r sailed on Monday for Austro- where he lives and dies. fireman escaped injury, and there out of the roundhouse and was iia and Now Zealand to discuss "Very well," said Mrs. Neurnark. was but little damage done to the waiting on the crossing for the C. ! with those Governments the quer-train. "ibis colo was made because the train. P. R. train to pass. The crew was thin of joint contributions to t.ihe family gives motley to charities at The Ivan who was killed was Wil- working in the engine and little ex- all -red line project. the tune of the funeral. 11'e will liam Quinn, 42 years of age, en pected an accident. The engineer' give you 300 or 400 rubles ($ ) gineer on the C. P. It. express, 145 was waiting to start along as seen GREAT BRITAIN. you will waive your right to bury Pacific Avenue, West Toronto. He as the express passed and the fire Sir George Truscott has been the hods in this commune." The leaves a widow, a son and a daugh- man was outside, which explains r rabbi agreed and Mr. R'eutnark s ter. The injured are:- Willis, how he escaped injury. elected Lord Mayor of London. relatives hastened to the commune Fenny postage between Great of Kielce to arrange for the funeral. Britain and the united States 13 Bla there they met with quite iii 62,000 DEFENDERS. ('Z.Ai{INA STILL VER!' IL1., now in feree. AN UNFORSEEN OBSTACLE.l3ritalm foreign trade for the The rabbi of Kielce bluntly refused *1111(1 ('ost Australia £100,000 Nervous Breakdown Shows no Sign first six months of the present year of Improvement. aggregated 11i+,003,ot)0. to bury the body in his commune. More. Says Esiing, i lou have given 400 rubles to A despatch from London says : A despatch from St.. Petersburg UNITED ST_\TI'S. yi ur own commune and now you ex - In the Melbourne House of Repre- says : It is understood that the pest' Inc to bury your relative in sentatives, on Tuesday, the Minis- Czarina's prolonged nertuuti beak- Three laborers were killed in a mine," he said. "I refuse to do COUNTRY I'ROI)L1C'l;. ter of Defence, Ewing, moved the down, arising frc,ln anxiety over ('ailruad collision near Poughkcep tangy thing of the vert. You must second readingof the defence bill, Ler husband and children, has not fie, N. Y. b1•r • hint inyour own cermnune." `Apples --$1.50 to $2.50 per bbl. , ► 1 )owdepehouse' near Charlotte ) Beans -Prime, $2 to $`2.10, and rand aid that under the bill the leen improved 1,y her long ya Ming N. CL, I,lev► till, killing ten persons The family begantobargain. They hand picked, e,.20 to $•1.2. Commonwealth would get, instead of cruise along the. coast of Finland. were r ady to pay the rabbi of Honey -Combs, 20,000 men, enlisted under the vol- Tier physicians insist upon her pas- and injuring twenty. Kielce the same sum they had giv- , No. 1, $1.50 to entary system, 52,000. costin only ingthe 'Winter in the smith. but she Seven person; were drowned by en to the rabbi of Radon(. 81.75 per dozen, and No. 2, in 60- £100,000 sterling more than they refuses to do so unless the Czar the sulking of a pleasure launch in "No," he answered. "Your rab- pound tins, 9„c; No. 1 extracted, are now paying. The main duty of and her children accutnp:►►Iy her. the ('•rlunlertt River near Chicago. hi gets 400 rubles for his poor du- 10 to Ile per pound. the British navy was to protect the This is regarded as irnl►ossille, but -accidents in the coal alines of the ing nothing. I rnust have 600 rubles Hay --No. 1 timothy quoted at $11 1 j„ United States caused the death of y gto $11.50 a ton on track here, and bract of tic, Empire, and Australia the family fear to tell her Majesty, sty, lot bur •1►1 Mr. ;\teurnark. caught to be able to say to Britain : whose nervous condition makes the 6.125 (nen during the last calendar The weather was hot and Mr. No. '2 at $7 to $8. "We have a national guard of 200,- thwarting of her wishes dangerous. Year• ;den:nark's body ought to have Straw -$0.70 to $7 on track. 00,1 trained then which will enable (ler relatives are anxious concern- .\ eir1lls lion escaped near New been quickly placed under the Potatoes --65c per bag, and Dela- as to keep inviolate our island con ing her. Brunswick, N. J., and, after roan( Wound. His widow, determined wares at 70c per bag on track. tinent, while you do bigger working ever the country all night, was not to spend 1,200 rubles on the Poultry --Chickens, Spring, dress- s'itlt the navy." - -� --"- killed by a plan with a shotgun. burial, applied to the police to force ed, 10 to llc per pound; fowl, ,) to RO1'Ni)HOFSE BURNED. --- the rabbi of Kielce to bury the body 9%.,'e; ducks, 11 to 12e per pound. G 1':N LIiAL. without delay, on the ground of $20.004) Damage Hone to C. P. R. Canada won the international public health. The police received THE DAIRY MARKETS. Building at Montreal. • r} nlna;t ie c onlpetitiun at ltc►n)e, the woman somewhat scornfully. Rutter -Pound prints, 22 to 23c; A despatch from Montreal says : Cardinal Merry del Val., Papal 'What� is all this fuss about a tubs, 20 to 22c ; inferior, 18 to 19c. Fire broke out in the Outrentoltt Secretary of State, is to retire. funeral?" they asked. The whole Creamery rolls, 25 to 26c, and sol - A despatch from Kingston says: roundhouse, on the Canadian Pacific A I- tench promoter has given matter is simple enough. You must ids at 24 to 24f,c. An explosion of dynamite near Railway early on Thursday and re- 1\ iihur Wright an order for fifty have the elan buried within a week Eggs --Case lots, 21 to 22c per Westbrook on 'Wednesday caused stilted in damage estimated at 820,- aeroplanes. of his death at the latest, or you, dozen. the death of Harry Smith and seri oPM oa. Ten locomotives were in the Floods about Hyderbad, in India, as his heir, will pay a fine of 300 Cheese -Large cheese, 13% to eously injured his brother from sl -ed when the fire was discovered have caused the less of hundreds of rubles, with an additional fine of 13 a per pound, and twins, 131/to Cleveland, Ohio. The then were and the employes of the company lives- 30') rubles for every day you keep 13';c. eiigag�d in blasting, when the dy- succeeded in getting six out of the Argentina will mak( an attempt the body above ground. 'Where did - n a,nite prematurely exploded. Har- !aiming building. Three were to obtain admission for her cattle Mr. Neumark die -in which dis HOG PRODUCTS. ry Smith, aged 35, received the full wrecked by falling timber and fire. into the British market. ti let `t"t , , force of the charge, dying alinw-t One locormotive, staltding o), the The defence bill before t he Au- "In the commune of Radom, Bacon -Long clear, 1.2 ,. to 13c instantly. His brother esea ted straliati I'arliarnlc'nt makes provis- answered Mr. �(oumark s widow, per pound in cap lots; mass pork, 1 truck in another p.•lrt of the sir t•:-$19 to t$19.f,0; short cut' $•2'3.50. with hi life. His arm was So barfly Lure, was riot damaged. i,,n for tale enlistment of 62, -- A FAT \VOMAN OF 45. 1, shattered, however, that he had to 11101). „• Hants ---Light to medium, 14;; to I'Ben, by the laws of the conn,% 5i, ; du. heavy, ''', c ; rolls be brought to the Kingston (,eller- -+ Twenty British sailors lost their try, he must be buried in the corn -Il 1' 12,.z to,1'3 = ' al 114 - ntal to have it amputated. lives in the wreck of the hip Lech ! 1' to 11/c; shoulders, 10,, to 10%c; 1 RECORD t:111 IN �1111'1.�II:N'1'.tuuno of Itadum, he said finally hacks, 17!; to 18c; breakfast bacon, re married men. Finless off the coast of I Tasmania. and returned to his glass of tea and t 1 -----_ -.a - _:1l ('ars Received at Port .Arthur The defeat of his troops, 1►efere' i►ti newspaper. l:, to 15/c. tONTO'S POPULATION. In One Day Over CR. T,i1,riz has persuaded the Shaof The Ne(1n,ark family went home Lard --Tierces, 13%c; tubs, 13; c; C. N. Persia to set (-hrt. 30 as the day forBurrowing and ordered the street pals, 14c. Figures Show 11,601 Increase Over the reassembling of Parliament. guardians to water the body with ESS Last Year. Premier Deakin of .Australia Ilan a solution of carbolic acid. Then BUSINESSAT MONTREAL. called President Roosevelt, urging they repaired to the rabbi and told Montreal, Oct. t;. -Oats No. 2 him that, after consulting the p0- white are quoted at 45 to 45c c ; liee, they had come to the conclu- Ne. 3 at 11 to 44;_c, and No. 4 at sign that the deceased man's wish- 431,j to •tic, with Manitoba old crop 0'. could not be carried out because No. 2 white at 47 to 47',c. No. 3 __. __4, t_ the law said he must be buried in at 46 to 46%c, and rejected at 45 Radom. But this time the rabbi to 45'c per bushel, ex -store. Flour t1"i'i•:.1 H i:R 111. M 1101,1)T .1sii01{F. (,f Radom was not so willing to bury --Manitoba Spring wheat patents, the late Mr. Neumark. He had got 86; seconds, $5.50; !Winter wheat Survivors of Star of Bengal inn 100 rubles for his poor and had patents,$5 to 35.10; straight rol- ._-----,t.- -- Second Shipwreek, leaved what happened at the cunt- iers, $4.40 to $4.50; do., in hags, BI{111511 RE`'E\1'1:s 1)I;('l.l\E, A despatch from Victoria. H. C., mune of Kielce. So he shook his As to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to $1..a. sr+y s : The steamer Hu1111)1 cit, 330 head and said nothing could be don(' Deed Manitoba bran, $:'1 to $:'2 The Year Will itesult in Deficit of tons, o11 ttit' twit.. between Seattle for a week, w hen the c,►mniune shorts, 825; Ontario bran, 821 to and Skagway, is ashore in Active council would meet. Then he could $22; middlings, 8.6 to 927 ; shorts, 11(►drtl in (loins' of Kent :{;_:►,11(W,AfW. , tat t Iie ease before thein. $26 per ton, including hags; ; pure County . Farmer.Pass. She strie k on rocks off Run- p p .1 despatch from London says: der island. The steamer will prove ''taut the body of my poor bus- grain Inollille, a!t30 to $3i►; milled .1 4le.p.tt( li fr.►rat ('!►athanl says: Further evidence (►f the depression but all the ,aihsen ers, 1'and must he buried at once, grades, 8.25 t4, $254 per ton. Pro - in (a total losi, Mrs (l'i rl;e .Jurd:u►, aged 28, wife ''i ltriti';h c.>'nluloree and lioa(11 a .' about t►vents fi►e in niti,,her, •ere cried the now distracted widow•. 'eft ♦isiuns-Barrels short cut mess, orners, gi1e11 by the revenue returns from saved. The stcatn('r bar,( en hoard ii in a terrible state and the pollee $22.50; half -barrels, $11 50; clear Oie• 1 farmer the ret.sll1 ar `f burns r'eeeisrd April 1 to Sept. 30. The receipts eighteen gnrvivurs of the ill- s give us till the day after tomorrow. fat back. $ : (Icy salt long 1, ar in ler honer when :► lamp ex )laded f"1 that period were ,£t,431,0(>D les .,hip kat of Bellied, which was lost Yon nlu>t bury it and done with. hi►('ks, Ile : halls (plane' beef. (n \Wedne-cl:ty. she i was almost t wan •l tiring the cerre.ponding i' . a r 11'r►am,l;•'1 Hut the rabbi was not easily fright- l , ..►0 , half -barrels. d p., $9: r,•i► te( r 'wrier! last year. :All items, except cried and sll,,,,k his hes/(I. p(•und lard, 83; to 9/4e; pure lard, 1 apse. near(} all her clothes ,tht.r, t►,u, Thu►► a decline. It is fi •laced "V,•u will pay the police fine and 12' to 13c ; kettle ren(1,'re(I. 1.3 to i.e.__i': ,lamed fee her h,,,1y leer that the year will result in a de- -- not I. Vtr the rest, yeti world not 131.?; ham,, 12',c to 1 14'; hreak- hl:�h:(n,h and otic child sur.ive her. licit of twirls F;:►,O+x),sw),). 111SI'1..1('1:1) 51'111' 17'H1•• base your husband buried here at fast bacon, 1-1 to 15c; \1indser ba- --- I;ene►(,lent Old (:e:pt 1 a111 ger- first and paid 100 rubles 14) take him con, 15 to 16e; fresh killed ahat- Mand/ ` 1 Isl. .!(►Mins, 1'' -ea- os il:1:.' a I,I:i, k elsewhere. New --I must 11'tse 1113 toir dressed hogs. •�'Illl.25 to 8111.:,O; (.� e•" turn. I w ill bury your husband as live, $7.25 to 97.50. Cheese -West- J , i'roulising Youth ---You fo house soon as \ ou like. But. first you ern. 12V. to 1.2;';;c ; I.a' tern. 12' ; to and be+ ~eery fer your own little boy must put down on this table 1S'►?tic•, linttcr-25c In round lots, • he's got two:" 20,11(x) RUBLES. 20c jobbing. Eggs --No 1. Its to 20e; - In 1,►1' the c„r111111111al selio„ls and hos- selects, 23 to 2te, per t1 ',. n r 1 } - _ * (iuod raci„115 1'it'ats You d than s�alvi l fin(!►ult, polleetinescheaper d 1-'NiTEI) STATES M .111 K 1•:TS. D�wiei B. Reardon I?e��d, �1I1t1 llOIllc`�,.� E e», .1„nes - " g , the en paying 1 11rs. blown, ►ehy is pair husband healthier, too, 0'r tit weather 13 Buffalo, Oct. 6. -\% heat Spring ),wing through all those strange ae- hot and I hear the street guardians wh0at firmer; No. 1 Northern, ear- ti,►us i is he training for a prize- are tired of P' uring ( arlielic on 14 acts, store, 81.05%; Winter fight 1" Mrs. drown -''Not at all; your linaand's body. ' strong; No. '2 white, $1.03. Corn -- Easier; No. 3 yellow, 81c ; No. 1 yel- low, 83c; No. 3 corn, 83 to 8:3;c ; No. 4 corn, 81% to 82c; No. 3 white, 82' c. Oats --Steady. St. Louis, Oct. 6. -Wheat --Cash, *1.00 9; September. rl.00%; De- cember, $1.60%; May, $1.03%. Minneapolis, Minn , Det. 0. -- Wheat - Sept., $1.01%; Dec., $1.- 01;x; May, $1.00; No. 1 hard, $1.- 0f% to $1 n1 -e • No. 1 Northern. $1.03ss to 81.03;s ; No. 2 Northern. 81.01N to $1.01;% ; No. 3 Northern, (►v',ic to 81.00'x. Flour -First pat ents, $5.75 to 85.60; second patents, 85.60 to $5.75; first clears, 84.45 to 8.1.55; Qrcond clears, 83.50 to 83.00. Bran -In bulk, $1a to $19.60. THE W'ORLD'SMARKETS ' FARMER'S WIFE MURDERED IMPORTS FROM 1'IiE 1.I. %DING TRADE ('EN'1'IRES. I'ric•('s of Cattle, (:rain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BItEA DS'l'L'FFS. Toronto, Oct. 6. -Flour - On- tario wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.50 in buyers' sacks outside for export. Manitoba dour, first pat- ents, 85.80, on track, Toronto; sec- ond patents, $5.30, and strung bak- ets , $5.10. Wheat -- Manitoba wheat for prompt shipment is quote(! at $1. - for No. 1 Northern, and $1.01 for No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay ',efts. For October delivery, No. 1 new is quoted at $1.02, and No. 2 Northern at $1, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat ---No. 2 white is quoted at 93c outside; No. 2 red Winter, 92%c, and No. 2 mixed, 9l' -'e outside. Oats --Ontario No. 2 white, 38;; to 39c outside; Manitoba No. 2 quoted at 44c, and rejected at 42c, Oodorich. Rye -No. 2 quoted at 79 to 80c outside. Buckwheat --435 to 07e outside. Peas --Prices nominal at 88 to 10c outside. Corn -No. 2 American yellow nominal at 87',;c on track, Toronto, and No. 3 at 87c. Barley -No. 2 barley quoted at ;,7c, and No. 3 extra at 55c out- side. Bran -Cars are quoted at $20 in bulk outside. Shorts quoted at $22 t. $23 in hulk outside. ,y DEATH BY DYNAMITE. •One Man Killed and :Another In- jured in }'rontenac. A despatch frorn Toronto says: The population of the city of Toren- tt, is now 237,201, based on the As- sessment C'olnnlissioner's figures. This is an increase of 14,601 over the population of last year, 772,600. In - as 111811y citizens have been tinder the itnpres.si''n that the po- pulatien had gone lip to :,011,0+10. ,..e 1 si '+,111cnt commissioner's figures w ill preys. disapp,►inting. 1/'OM.tN F.t'1_.ti,I.V Bl'ii►N1:1). 1,1411111 A despatch fr,►o, 'Winnipeg says: The greatest grain movement so far this year was ac.'.,n,pliyhed on the ('anadhill Northern Railway on Wednesday. when 231 cars of wh.'at v. ere tereiIed at. Port 11 their. The chief officials of the line, wile are closely watching the work of 14),,y- ing the great crop; (hewn 1.1 1 he lake ports, are highly gratified at the ►►ay in which the task i; being Gone hint to visit Australia en his way to .Africa. 'I'lle President has re - Flied that it will he iulp(AMible to do so. P1ubably Fatally Injured, .\ de.p:atel. fret), Ottawa says : An ly teruiin.it . at a it , rocky he's tnerrly getting in form to heat \t lila the Neurnark family 1►(+- e�. 'ordinary affair oc:•erred on Point, fully forty feet. alcove the the carpets."part, t•► wail and plead and pretest. !Wednesday night as a result. of he - street !eve(. Fox bad been follow- - - But the rabbi was hrin and they which, 1). 1). Reardon, a driver for Ing the cot.ple, and, overtaking charming leo te` s (to dyspeptic went home 55ithutrt con,lt►g to any tl-ent, he got into an alts rciati.,n guest, 'shy) has 'well refusing dish agrcemeett. in the evening a po- thc Electric Transfer Company, is with 11e'aarcl„rt, which led to blows alter dish)---''I'ni so distre''ed. li,-ernan called to remind thein of dead. and Thomas Fox, a lab„Ter, era'a scuttle, each clan try ing to You've hadno dinner at all : ' the impending tine. Next 1101 ring rc ii(li'1.( at 61 Peres. Street,. is dy- throw the other over the cliff. 'fhe; Guest --Thank -Thank 3(,11 ---but 1 h:1. (• to the street guardians struck for ing It seems that both men were result was that het!' nicht .:,':It o.er, b: very particular about my 14.41." double pay -and got it. Sor,n after 1.113 il:g attentien to the same girl, Ileard,►n falling ,.n the jagged r •cks, - Mrs. Nenrnark went to bargain with whose identity for the present is w ith 1•er on top , f hien Itcal•don's air:. Kidd-'•Rca)ly, John: 1 wish the ra11►lii. But he stuck to his de - tinkle -rail. skull 5' • - 11" 11,•.1 ." ' . 1 1••'x'74 in- •:ou'd plsni-h this hey. He kept mind, and before evening, with the !(Theden was walking with the juries are 4.1 • i:ch a 1:,1• oi. • that he making Cie ttt:.•.•rest noistss. all i i • 'i,•e, the street gllnrdians and �f►ling lady on 1Vetlnesday night 01) 1, 11.'t. llkei•. to re' ,►,., . ihrt•ugh the ,.-4.; • this 1i7,!ning." I), ...i- Mr. Nelllllark's remains pre ss- Ash1►urn tarn Hill, at the ext ren:e •e l{ 110:) 11,,' tile': ,1:, („•• '(1 fight--. irrepressible 1 Llel - "Boo 11,(1,1' 1 i1 ,.for immediate attention, the end"r 1 aurier A1e;ni(' wt'. t, '.1 t!;'' i"5.: tic' a; i ' 1 t1;.• . a.' •'. '. 1'a► is I', - T,1n' :1't tet t :`1'' 1 t 1(1N 01 1 , -.' •:.:'t'( 14 became so unhearable that 51(0411, of St. Jean Baptiste1 i,trei t•• i'• ..•;•y iire•ris. 11; .1 calf'! ,►aa; at fire Trak::::' 1►(•f ,:'• '.se :t.1rt- II{ i. • p.: d 1'. • 20,000 rubles and the Church, where the roadway abrupt- • a,'aai'. :d•- 1' ra i 11,':1)0. c(;." 1 ft"1'•r•1l t .'.t plaice. Murderer Makes No Attempt to Escape and is Now in Stratford Jail. A despatch from Stratford says: !What bears every evidence of hav- ing been a brutal murder was com- mitted on !Wednesday afternoon at the home of 1Wn1. Peak, a respec- table farmer of Downie, two and a half utiles west of this city. The victim was Mrs. Peak, aged 65 years and her alleged murderer is a negro named Frank ltunchnlan. 3dra. Peak had been left alone in the house while her husband and two sons went to the fields. One of the sons, John, returned to tno house about three o'clock to get a drink of water, and found Hunch - man sitting on a step of the cellar stairs, and his mother lying (lead is the cellar, covered with blood, everything indicating that her head had beou battered against the cel- lar floor. The hands and clothing t i the negro were also bloodstained. The unfortunate w•oulan had evi- ct( tit ly been dead about an hour when found. Peak gave the alarm to the neighbors, then cants to the city and notified the police. When an officer returned the neighbors had Itunchnlan tied tip, and he was brought here and lodged in jail. He had evidently been drinking. The prisoner had the day previous just completed a terra of twenty nays in jail for vagrancy, having been committed from Listowel, and was wandering about the city on Wednesday forenoon. He had on, alien arrested, a policeman's over- coat, which ho had stolen from the men's quarters here. The negro, 1iunc}tman, refuses to Make any statement. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Oct. 6. -Selected steers and heifers sold at $4.40 to $4.65 per cwt. Choice cows were sold as high as $4 per cwt., and higher in a few special cases. An improvement was reported in the demand for feeders and stock- ers, as well as for distillery bulls and steers. Distillery feeders sold at. $2.40 to $3.75, according to their weights and duality. A firm market was recorded for milch cows. The best ones sold up to $65 each. The range for the gen- eral offerings was $25 to $00 each. Choice veal calves wens up about half a centto-day. The quotations were 3 to 61Ac per pound. Prices were unchanged in sheep and lambs. Hogs were weak in price at 86.75, fed and watered, for selects. WOMAN WINS MEDAL. Takes highest Prize of British Pharmaceutical Society. A despatch from London says: For the first time in the history of the British Pharmaecutical Society, they Persian medal, the blue ribbon 1'1 ize in pharmacy, has been won by a woman. The successful candi- date is Gertrude H. Wren. 140 WERE DROWNED. Steamer Runs Down Ferry Boat In a Turkish Harbor. A despatch from Constantinople says: A steamship on !Wednesday ran down and sank a ferry boat at the mouth of Smyrna harbor. One hundred and forty persons were drowned. UMBER DOOMED TO DIE J. F. Creighton Was Convicted at Owen Sound. A despatch from Owen Sound says: The trial of Janies Farish Creighton concluded on Thu rsda; , the prisoner being found guilty of the charges of murdering his wife and step -daughters in May last. The verdict was an unanimous one. In addressing the jury Mr. A. G. Mackay, counsel for the defence, pleaded that he be committed to an asylum for the remainder of his life. I The judge, however, summed up against the prisener, and, after the jury brought in their verdict, sail that he would have been greatly disappointed had it been different from what it was. Creighton was terribly affected when he heard the verdict and lead to be practically carried out of court, weeping bit- terly the while. At 8.30 on Thursday evening Mr. Justice Riddell sentenced Creigh- ton to be hanged on Dec. 3rd. In giving sentence, he Kaid that the ac- cused had been guilty of one of the most atrocious crimes known to law and he would hold out no hope of Executive clemency. He must seek mercy at a higher tribunal, where it was Clever refused to the peni- tent. AGED 118 !"EARS. Death of an Old Colored Resident of London. A despatch from London, Ont., says: One of the oldest residents of Canada passed quietly away itt the Aged People's Home, on Tuesday right, in the person of Rev. Alex- ander Mans, who had just attain- ed the 118th year of Itis age, and who was for many years minister of Horton Street Baptist ('Burch. He had resided in and about Lon- don for sixty years. For the past four years Rev. Mr. Mans had been an inmate of the Aged People's Hume, but up to his death was strong and active. He bac( no di; ease, but like an old cluck, simply ran down. He wa7 born of slae parents, and grew up in slavery, hut when a roan of shout fifty lie escaped and ('a111e to Canada. Mr. Xewwed-- "'!'hese pies aren't near as ,►,,d as the ones lnoth('r t:se(1 0 mgake." 11 rs. Ni eww rd "Yes, ails( your salary ain't near as good as the one my father used tc make. either!!" DIED OF STARVATION. Man Dropped lead While Wailing for Bread. A despatch from New York sa: 's : Standing in the "bread line" and clutching in his hand a ticket, wh'sh within a few nl(ntents would have given hire the food he so s' rely needed, a ratan of 45, early 4,11 Thursday suddenly crumple 1 up, pitched to the ground and d".1 He was neatly dressed, but appear el to have suffered from lack of n ►u► i=Brltent. The body has not yet been identified. PARIS (.1{EEN iN N't:l.I,. Man ('Itarged With .ttterllilt to Poi- son a t'anlily. A despatch from Ottawa says: 1 ntlienr Dacey. of Cantley, is in jail at Hull charged with attempt- ing to pei en lir. Robert 13rewlt, rneinl►c'rs of his family and other re sidentm of the township. It is said that „lit of shite he threw a quan- tity of Paris green into ;l eel) used 11 :1 number of families. PESTILENCE NOW FEARED Terrible Mortality Reported in the Flooded District of India. \ despatch from Bombay says: :1t 1)ewl►r4.lr o►er a thousand per- sons perished in the floods caused 1,.• the recent .•str.iordinary rains. it i4 feared that the unburied 1)0(Iie. 1 the victims 55 ill cause a pe sti- I, nee. The disaster at Ny derabad was 4 ill' of the most sudden and most appalling in the history- of India. it is calm ulate(I that :35,000 cubic fret water struck the city every sec - (n(1 the rush of the 11o4.(1 Lasted. A dense maga •►f houses ;►am swept P'teay One fourth of the city. where a hundred tle„s'and p''rFeie, lied. is now a vast qungnl1re of black mud, from which arises an appal- ling stench. in the neighboring Village of (ihanliguda a thousand (louses were destroyed. There were many heroic rescues 13 both ►► Sites and woke!: (111, ing thr catastrophe. Searching for ilia dead is now actively going on. 'fh(s w•erl:ers wear clothing soaked 55 ith di' infectants and their mouths am' n( ses are covered because of the bad odors Elephants are being used to demolish dangerously shat tered I,trildinrzs 'fhe estimates of the nllrnher ,►f (I"ad '. ary One Mao- ( 3 it at 10.0I)0.