Exeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 8immomemellt 11t3.E E SETER TIMES SEPT 21tb 1908, lb i•++4 --1.+++++++++++++f+++++++++++++++++++++++++4 6.++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++.1.4.44++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 DON'T make a mistake business is good and going to be better. The best and choicest Tines of novelty goods will be scarce as the season advances, Our :stock is now complete. We have, the heleive, the the hest assorted stock we have ever shown, we are particularly strong on Dress Goody, Mantles and Millinery, $1 25 the yd. for the swellest Chevion stet )e Suiting that you .5 ill Eee this season, French goods come in Blen- ded stripes of soft Autumn tints. Blues, Browns, Greens, and Keds. S;,cts. the yd. for a lovely Black 1'affett:{ Silk, every yd. hears the makers guarantee; soft bright finish, as good as any regular dollar silk in the trade, _ $1.00 the 3d. for lovely new Chevion Dress Goody. in self colors. Black, Navy, Green, these carry a beautiful shot satin stripe. $1.25 the suit end for a real rich outbre stripe Dress Cloth makes a swell suit, Browns. Blues and Greens. *5.50 for a very swell Jack- ets new styles costes in tweed mixtures and stripe trimmed with inlaid velvet its l fancy braid. $11.00 for a real neat Jacket with inlaid velvet collar, and fancy braid trimmings, the co it. is made from a very fine cloth aid lined throughout. $121)0 for our great leader Box Kick 5') inch. long. made from pure wool cheviot, trim - ed with self strapping. Rare value. 515.00 for the finest range of ladies up-to-date Tailor made Jackets that we have shown. 1' All 50 inch. long; some loose *.+a. and sortie tight, others semi fitting. Blues,Black,Btowns, +•1 - and Greens. Of course the real swell jacket is tight fit• ting. Ask for one of our .Jacket catalogues, they ate free. +-i. MILLINERY we are ready with a display of Millinery that '1'; , appeal peal to the most refined taste. The styles this season V. are a complete change, some of the Bats are very large and plc- 1 tttreselue, Wings, Feathers and rich Flowers will be used in t. ' .abundance. Leather Browns and Blues, will he very pronounced in fancy •. combinations, A very taking effect will he Black Hats trimmed It. with Empire Green combinations, Miss Livingstone is again in charge of our show -rooms she has 1t 1-bria showing of modified copies of New York and Peri( Hats that i� are sure to be popular. Come in and study the New .Styles, 11.- bring ng your friends with you, you are always welcome. + + Remember your farm produce is taken by us just the sante as .+{. cash. Live Poulry of all kinds. Dried Apples, Butter, Eggs, etc. %T. A. STEW. ,RT .11 +++++++++++++++++•++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .+++++++++++++++++ 4 RELIABLE WATCHES Perfect in Construction Positive in Performance We again call attention to our grade of WATCHES Good Material, Fine Finish, and Accurate Adjustment are all combined in our High Grade Watches. have. Our aim is not PILLS FOR COATED TONGUES and it ,wouldn't lay a batt ide t to a question of price, but qual- buy a box of llowcy's Stomach and Market Be{►ort.-The following is the report of Exeter markets, eor• cot recte•i tip to `ept. '_Itl►. NEW GOODS THE OLD RELIABLE 'I:e:tt $t c1(0•:,ts. Party. 50 :5 chat,. I•.•:ts, t40 to KS cents. School has started again and the Boys Oats .45 to:47 c,•ttt5. Shorts $25. Bran, $20. Step into our store one door north of and Girls will need Clothing, Shoes, etc. 1lletitlt el 'Fr. ie 1e STAR. 1.60• Post Office,and see our NEW STOCK of yourBoy Feed Flour l.lt► t�) sl.�s.Does need a New Suit. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per buttt►hrl. Does he need new Shoes, Does he need new knee Pat ress esur� Does ::e need a new Hat. DuesGoods,an in wearing apparel.? I f he does it will pay you to bring him to us. We are headquarters for Clothing, oos ,"GOOD WEARING DUDS" for Boys, the kind that will stand the hard skating, any strong healthy boy will skuff thein too'. The kind •••••••••••••••••••••••••� that you will not bare to buy often. • vs LOCALS L i C =• ; 111 Girl need a New Dress. • Fqncy andDoes your G•••••••• •••••••• ; AA J Does she need new Shoes. Does she need new Hosiery Does she need a new Hat. Does she need anything in wearing apparel.? If she does it will pay you to bring them to us. We have the sort of Dresses, Shoes, hosiery, Hats, etc, a robust girl needs. The kind that wears well and always looks well, Coal, $7.25 a ton. Leo-. lee :t Butter 20c. Coal, 57 :t ton. Clog , liyew eight, t1.7;►. 1Ic:.r:. dr: _sud, ;-4r.-m. COATED TONGUE. are popular only in hospitals. Busi- ness mots and At renuous workers have no need of them. If you get one though, don't throw it away, but come to us and get it fixed. 'V ity+ like anything cls© it is al_ liver fills art<1 have them ready. Indigestion, bi11 otrsnes9 or a had ways cheapestin the end, cold coat the tongues Our hills If you want a good twill sl"" it. only 25c :1 box. reliable watch call on W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. us. A. MARCHAND Vedding Rings a Specialty. NSW FFILL WINTER SUITINGS OVER COATINGS PANTINGS AND VESTINGS Chctn.st and ()pticiant ExETI:It - ONTARIO. Phone 50 Farm for Sale 1)R, OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- i geon. will be at the Comtneroial Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. cn. to 4.30 p.1 in. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of ere ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday September £6th. 11 r. Sat::•l:1 Cudruore is on the sick, list. :NIA-. and DIi Thos. Harton attend- ed the fair at St. ys yesterday. Mal • Remember the 1. iel<1 Day games o -f and have your groceries delivered on short the Exeter . ch°°` '° be''leld Oct, 0. notice. The -best fresh Groceries always in Mr. lrw in, of ;No: %with, visited friends in 10 .A 1► last Friday, Dr. and Mr ltoulston left ycstcr- stock• day for 'I'otonto for :t 'visit. stock. Miss llertha Cobb:ctlich has re - ;tinted after :1 visit IU 'lotollto. Miss Mabel Mara is the guest of her sister. Mrs. :Col.,. itemetnber the Field Day games of - the'Exeter school to be 'held Oct. 0. Apprretiev iwantvil to learn 41rc•s Ey[ii Mrs. Trophy. of Montreal. is the staking. Apply to Miss 1Mary guest of Mr. and Mrs. I,. 11. Dick- Mr. A. 1)..V. Duncan, let Millsboro son. is visit:algrelatires in 'the %ICillll}• .,f Mrs. W. M. Martin. of Regina, is Exeter. Costs you nothing unless it the guest of Rev, and Mi' :damnMiss Florence \Cool, of London:. at the manse. is visititgat the )louse of Mr. 1):+lr!• Increases the weight, Miss Ainy Johns left last F ridsy Wood., ' for Sarn::t. to 11(.10 site is visiti:)g Mrs. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, ie Cure dyspepsia, and her e istt r. the guest of her sister, Mrs. Johni will Knight returns tl►it4 �eeek Snell. i Restores health. to Contin•:e his studies .11 the London Mrs. Buraviek, of ('ort ilurdtt, •is co:lege of medicine. the guest of her brother. 'Wm. Jiar- j Wi=0=Na Mrs. \V. .1. Huainan and ,Miss Cora row's. 1'ow'ell t -pent several 0:1ys in London Miss' •Mar. Mack has accepted ta! fast week. with a real estate afff:'eu au } Mrs. McDonald, of Chicago, is .here 'I'orolttc,., I Apositive cure for Dyspepsia.) on an extended visit with ;her par Miss I hoebc ltickbiel, c:f 'Zurich. vitt• Mr. and •Mrs. John Sell. rpeft a few days in t°wn 4)tt• guest W1-O-I1fL Tablets are guar - Mr. John Knox, Turnkey of the of Miss (Jennie Hardy. this week •Go�terich jail. spent SatI:rtt•ty the Mrs• anteed to cure all disorders gee�t of Much St>achntatl. from Boston, where she visited her lit,. aryl ?`rtes. Fear and ['Mr. and sister for several week. of the stomach and build Mrs. W. S. I[owcy attended the hear- -�-_-- Mason nuptials at Toronto yesterday' REEVE BOWER'S MOTHERDI?ADtip those who € re weak and Mr. anti Mrs. Tho'. E. .11anifo:•cl. Itccrc A. (2. Ilobirr received the ! ► run down, O1 money le i xltrrt"t tot he l:zw 1y for aboutllsixgWoCks. Bad nevi's Iasi Thursday of the deaf h ' '1 r, an.t Mrs. how 1. d. of Lo„do„. ,of his mother, Mrs. Jane 'Iidbier, at funded. trueAs k)f file letter's Detroit where during .the past tett were the g rear; rsbe herr Made her home with! The Best and OnlyGuar= brother Mr. J. N. Perkin 0,1ring her daughter, airs. Joseph 1'. .Wells.' the past 1 eek. The deceased was 76 years of ag i anteed Indigestion Cure J. W. Doyle, of Lucas, ;woe the and tone weeks prior to ler death, c}t:,ice of the Conservatives of North son here. and was in a) on the Market. M:ddtesex at their convention 11:!(1 visited herI-� at Ailsa Craig on friday. M•-• and Mrs. J. C. Snell ver• in St • .tford last :week attending the ;fling of the latter's sister alis •-..i el I•'l.utn!1 to Mr. John Welsh , lienet'.1. 1')r. \Vc . Snell. of Chicago. ho visited his mother here for several 111110110 Phone No 22 `•l:. .1. W. We:sh has instructed J1r. Thoma. C.nn .roti, /Viet:oneer to sell that choice farm. lot 25. con. 1, 1-sborne. 0110 nit north of Exeter on which there is a (r.atne dwelling bolls... a large hank Lata and she -1 anti straw house. This farm is well watered. w itlt ene•half acre orchard ; 21a aores under cultivation and the 1'.):8ttoe ;erass. The farm t'lttst be so:d. if not sold privately on or be- fore the 7th. (lay of Octolser.141011., :will '!►e sold by 1'tblic auction to- gether with the chat tete on Oct1.. 1211.1. 1908. en ; he premises at Um-. o'clock. .1. W. Welsh. Proprietor. 1.'0 r t• rn1< and particulars apt►l, to sell ER Fowe parcntly good health. Thursday morning rite was file cictini of a Ask us about it. For sale at paralytic taroks which caused her death. Mrs. Bottler was born in Can - ads. �s�' Drug ads. and most of her life was spent COL Store. scar Chatham. Her hu�band, the (Try it at our risk.) late Arthur nobler died about 1(S )cars ago. The funeral was held trete the residence of her dat►ghter, weeks, return4-1 last weel, to 11:` Eery:ce hc;ng held at the douse, and horse. His tltOtller aCCottipanied )tint the remain. taken by trailt to I)res- as far ns 6t. Thomas• dont for interment. Mr. Geo. Pedlar, of Chicago. .ills., -t_ who has been visiting Lis brothel. John hems for +-on1e weeks, 1•it Tues- day .for lAlichigin 1'uints 1; -for' re- t+:rning 'to his home. Mr. Greenwood. of Totonto. nil e: one t line a resident of Este. r. Palls in town 071 Saturday :inti called on some of the old residenters. !whole he knew' a heti living .h'•re. Ilev. Godwin, of Parkhill. a form- er pastor. will preach eduettional 'ern -torte in the Main street erotic ; next t' :inlay rind iter. Fear :w ill preach anniver,a,y sermons at Fehr - Mrs. Ed. Drew', of Onlsil). Calif. and 1 r:inddaughter Dorothea. who have been here Pince before the death of Mrs. 1'. .1. knight, expect to teturrt 110me un 1' richt or MIetul:ly next. Mr. :Frani: .1. Iiniglt' - ; etUrteel hotne Friday mot ring f i o:u Yot kton, where lie 5p, tit the 1:4,t with his brother Fred. The trip evidently did Mr. Knight consider- able good. as he lochs much better than before 1•e went :,way. On Wednesday morning 0f this week the little eixtcen year old sots of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins. of the Lake road. fell into the creek. and becoming entanglctt in the wee:l° and long grass. teas drowned before help arrived. The body was founi a few minutes after the accident. After a continued Ito''gh1 ex- tending over six wc�•kt, the long welcomed rain reline Friday fright, and stone loo noon. 'flee farmers are now at their f t l i plowing and . iu many eases it fie.'- 11ipessib!e owing to the caked condition of the ground to make mesh progress and the fall heal so''wti w'►: net long "ell. 'I 1tt• rain was too light to rio mach good. The home of I)r. and Mrs. Wallace Mason. 'ie -onto. eas the scent) 4•(5- JO11r HERBERT I)EAD Mr. John Herbert, possibly the oldest 'person in Exeter dial :t1 his' Return tickets at single fate Oct - home, 'Exeter North, Sunday lest, ` oder lith to November 3rd. to points in his age beim; given as 97 years. The Temagami. points Mattawa to Port cause of his death was acute dysen•-s Arthur. To Georgian Bay and Mack- tery. The deceased was boat in ,1)c- inaw division; Port Arthur via N, N. vonshire, England, end for :t num- Co., and to certain points in Quebec, bee of years lived south of Elinlville, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and comirtt, to Exeter t;out.� twenty-six Newfoundland. or totrity-eight year: ago. For a) October 22nd to November :lyd; lotto time he was+ caretaker (,f the I Muskoka Lakes, Penetang, Lake of Exeter cemetery, which position he Bays, Midland. Maganetawan River. v. as :forced to give up on account of Lakefield, Madawaska to depot hat• - his advanced age. Although f roes- ( bor. Argyle to Coletconk, Lindsay to led with twitching of the nerved, Halihurton, Sharbot Lake via K. & 1'. which effected his whole hotly, ale I Ry., and points from Severn to North Bay inclusive. Return limit on all tickets, Saturday, December 5tlt, 1905 or until close of navigation, if earlier, to points reached by eteaniet s. Full information from town agent. .1. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union Depot, Toronto. Ont. GRAND TRUNKRY's EM HUNTERS E3XCURSI�N If you bring your Boys and Girls here for their "Duds" you can keep them well clothed at moderate cost. CARLINC BROS.- NewGroceryandStore. • 2 Doors North of Postoffice,oppositc,Wood's Meat Market Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women and Children, all sizes, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced. way c rl.:rgetie an.' it was renlarkah!c the amount of wot k he could per- form. In diecussiotla regarding ages of old re.idents, the mints of iMr. Herbert was always put at the head of the list, end n1010lip,lr it has of tt+tt been said 1I could not tell his exact age. it we.: known that lie had reach- ed lien rlv the (eel! 11 y stark. and if the lige l,(. given correct. he was cart Only :I rentarkabltt man for his years. Ile tea survived by an aged widow• who is quite ill, and a loon - her of children east grand -children. The f+'oer•1l was held t•esterd:ty, in- terment I)eittt' in the Exeter cerrlt'- t.'y. DEATH OF MRH. TAI'P Mrs. Ed, Christie received the sad news yesterday, while attending the demonstration at Clinton. of the death of her mother, Mrs. Tait at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Lantrnie, Detroit. the cause of her death was acute indigestion. Mrs. Lantniie vis- ited heie some weeks ago. and on her return. wan accompanied by Mrs Tait tsho intended relnaining until Christ• t relay of a very' pretty ' •d.hng. utas. Several days ago word was re- v hen their deughtc•r Pan -y .1. Ma- ceived that Phe was ill, but her condi- s-n. B. A.. was united in (1) )!ria go tion woe not considered serious and !o Mr. S. Loris • fear. Fot1 of lte•• her death came as a sad surprise. - ad Mr,. 1't ar. of Exeter. Th. Cele- The deceased was one of Exeter's • 1on4 ' a: performed et two o'clock oldest and most respected citizens, ,y ('hanceller Bute .e.di. of Vie- having been a resident for over 54 •oris. a‘siste.l Lt• the groom's father. years, (the was borne in Berstwick, NIT-. and Mrs. hear 'ill make their Yorkshire England, 7S years ago. home at Arnher.thurg, w }tet 0 Mr. and 57 years ago came to this country Fear has a prominent position w ith with her husband, living a short time a 1•trge dredging firth. in New York and London. She was 'lhc Iwo young 11,1= who played 1 married twice. her first husband being Thos. Cameron. Auct.. 1'1r(ltthlr. violin and mandolin on the streets Mr. Carling and from this union three ('01 RT OF 1;1:�'1Si0N 1'011 TOWN- •••Neral evening= hat week. were lie- children survive, Mrs. Ed. Christie, SHIP til' t;:�B[)RNE ing looked for ly their father a Mr. Exeter. Mrs. I:d. Howard, London, Notice is hereby 1'erillt. of Detroit. '1'la• father fend and Will Carling. of St Paul l:tyro that act tri brought the boys Deer to London to Nome time after Mr. ('arling's death will be held ACt.a v to tile Ontario (,lay tinning the Fair. and 0110 flay she married the late Sinclair Tait,, I Voters' Lists Act, i.y His Honor. the ,which was tried in (.oderich 1'uesdny . s,.., ,tecnhcr A. [). 1'109. Judge of the County of Huron at the they skipped away and got as fsr whom it will he tenleutbered kept a lan,l «'rdnerdar, was decided in f)tror 1 • Coatgworth ,4 Richard on, I11 all the latest Shades and To05nship hall. 1•:linttillr un �t ec1- :is Exeter. An item in the London `ownl. elute at the lower end of the { of 1io5rclifTe, who was awarded :3:J:i`•1, U.xecutor's Solicitor•, rarer tetatcd that the father ties !damages. prier nt.sctay. Sept 30th. 1905 at 10 o'e:oek lookin(t Car the boan 1 he :was The children snrviting from this 1111- _R _ Continental Life Jl:dg . I'�ltt 1'11S, at reasonable lyric, .s. ,,, ,he torelwon. (0 hear and deter. David M. of Nt. Paul, and Airs. i[00 hall taken two of Carter's Torontex comnlnnatcd with and on Thursday ton Are, I3___ -_� - -.__ -_ - See: the New I'tiettian Plates for mine in the of of error. and Mibi- cline up here for his runaway ehil'`.• A. Lanlntie of Detroit. Since the siottt :n the Voter.' List of the `last►- Little Liver Palle before retiring you ret►. marriage of her daughter, M. Lam- '0Q)11,1 not have hard that coated ton- the I'r(e!t'n; SeHRetn, iciPalit9 of the Township of t'sborr.t , mie, she MIMIC her home mostly with ; for l,a(1Q ease ►u which At v0 r.tl (:r )e 1 {rue or pari taste in the mouth this, i Dated at ��'ht:rn. lilts 14th c?a -t+ of SOW re•idcnta ti{iured, ttrrcu{►fed thtrtMrs, Christie. ntorr►inR. Keen a ti.11 with you for attention of the 11s is.trates aloes•. The lute Mrs. Tait WAR ranch (►(•lot• occaaionll nae. For Infante and Children. P.etnbcr, 1905. 1t W. TA ANFRANCIS MOItLEY .lay. Several Mil were cl+nt ¢'tt l►tf' by her lA1gP circle of t►celunin•,artcea -�-- - The K��d Yoe Hare Always 8od�ai W. Mr. Rev.'lle with assault an 1 'were and she will 1►e greatly missed. Ai ! CAIST�RZ1t1. Clerk Ry >�an tw TM K r,� raa MaN Akita 8e::�A 'Merchant Tailor. [lnc.d and i► hes been said that ttat•.�e though advanced in cats she w:19 to Division Cw'lt t w s. 1,4'41 in 7110 nett have lo•igetl 5 Collil.lit►r again- tttarkAbly active. , .- Bears the1.4gi? EXETER, -- ONTARIO. Town gall tsst 'Til r+clay •morning. st Mr. Hardie of a store ••••);MRIs tut- The remains will he brought from tipsters Signature of ' Judge ilo:t. of Goderich, presiding. ture. Detroit as Boon as her sons arrive there ; elf ' and brought to Exeter for interment. Eie rocerLes llfl Slioes Remember the field Day' games of the Exeter school to be held Oct. U. Ratti:n); (lig I!1tg-nn at the Exc.- ter itarga;n Stere all this ,week also for elle at half price. 1 cash register, 1 steel safe, 1 pair of counter scales. 1 silent salesmen. -.J. '' . Broderick. ELECTION 1)AY OCTOBER 261h. The cabinet in t-essiorl lest Wt(i- needay 1fternoon settled opon Mon- day Oct. 116i11 as polling clay for the general elections. The t,orttitiation will take place one ev, ck earlier Oct. 1!t. The proclamation dissolv- ing the Parliament was signed tt+y the last Will and Testament of the iii= Excellency on the ere of his de- said deceased, their christian and 1`-irtt:re for the ewc`tt. surnames. addresses and descript- ion', the full particulars of their To Whom it May ('oneern : This claims a statement of their )IC. fort 04 anyone 1Iittg 1:on1, Ur1 Cted. counts. and the nature of the scc'ir- it to the 71:11110 (►f .1oi•n Herbert ^.f :lice, if any, held try thetas. l x• to Nortk-.kens•• 1fencert. ANI) 1 UIt�I'lILit TAKE NOTICE - ••----- that after the said last mentioned Mrs. Graham, of toff ricjl. is visit- date:. the said executor will proceed ing h.•rdaugllt,•r. Mn�. Cita,. 1.;u,len- to distribute Om, 'assets of the de- The anion; the parties entitled •:he date for Thanksgiving Uac, has thereto. having regard only to the been changed from Oct. 1!0 11 to Nov. claims of wh:ch be shall then have the 11th. notice, and that the said executor The .came: street Senility schoo: will not be liable for the said assets will holt[ 1It•iir annlla' itally day or any part thereof, to any person next Sunday. Rev. Walter �1illson, or person• of whos0 r.liut9 notice of l�:ngsv;lle will occupy the q"tlp't; shalt not hive been received by him at the time of such distribution.. The case of }t�)trc litre • vs Sawyer, DATEDat Toronto the third clay of T. J. WILSON. APPLES •- 8 ,. - N•WANTED Bring in your apples now, will take any kind and pay 25 cents per cwt. The Caledonia Evaporating Co. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter. i J. G. EARL, Manager. Valuable Farm Pro= perty for Sale • -3 Notice to Creditors. In tho matter of the estate of Robert Burns, late of the Tow u- shipof Iilanshard, in the County Consisting of the eust half of lot 7,8, (,f l'crth. Farmer, deceased. and the. south half of lot 11), Conces- sion 4,17shorne, containing 21X) acres, at. S. 0., 1807, chap. 1'_'J, that alt on which there is erected a good brick C1editors and others having.). tclaims dwelling, large bank barn, frame ;:tin�t the estate of the said Robert 1 stable and shed; is well suited for gen- dile n.. 40 ilo flied ort or about eral fanning or grazing. his prop - the 18th day1 of April. 1908. are rc- erty will be sold in block or in part to (rifted on or before the 12th ,day of e - suit purchaser. If not sola privately Get.. I90s to send by .post prepaid on or before the first of October, it or deliver to Messrs. (;ladman will be sold by public auction on the premises on October 111th I!hts Easy St.enhury, solicitors for theexecu- , terms of payment, tor of th estate of the Martin Bros. Prole. said deceased their christian and surnames, addresses and de'• For terms and particulars apply to criptions, the full particulars of their 'Phos Cameron cl lien'. tite statement. of the'1r• ac - Auctioneer, c.)unt 5 ;Ind the nature of the Ise - Farquhar. stirif ie., 11 any, Held by them. And ' further lake notice that after such last nvntioned date the sat i Execu- tor will proctred to distribute the assets of the deceased anions the 1)lrtire, entitled thereto. Karin: re- g. lid only to the cl:lima Of which claims against the Estate of the they €hall then have notice nne1 that late John Cornish, of the Village of the staid executor will not Is. liable Exeter, in the County of Huron. for the said assets or any Hart there - who died on or about the fifteenth of 10 11)3 pC14')1 or persons of whose clay of ,1ely, A. D. 1909, are request- claims notice t.hall not have been ed on or before the fift,:eenth clay of received by thorn at the time of such October, A. 1)., 1008, to Fend by dist 1 abut iott. post pr.vaid or deliver to the under- GI.A1)MAN R STANBU"I:Y signed Solicitors for the Reverend 5oliciton for 7=aitil ecutor Richard C. Evan,. the cxcc'itor of [)aced at Exeter, tIt.. Exl:►th tJ:ty of September. 190w. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to the revised Statutes of Ontario, that all creditors and others having SITUflTIONS.S with leading busines•' houses await our graduates. Loose -Leaf Ledger anti :t!1 modern (Alice tnetlie s which en4ut►• rapid advanc 1••":'' Gregg Shorthand taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. THREE COURSES:-MtenoQraphy, Commercial, 'telegraphy. Hotel any day, write for patticulare FAI '. TERM FROM SEPT. 1st. 1, o ,Busifiess Principal. •.1). ill O1 ION. 1 rincipa1. Th• uw•ard of $500. which aess of• fared 04 the capture of Moir the alleg . murderer of flet gt. Lloyd at the 1. :10011 barracks last Cos') Ft i- elay . •: `s been 8558 rd01 to 1'. .1. Fat - rc•llan 1 Mr. Draper. who tipt •i: t •1 him.