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Exeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 2
�,I„I»I_j„i,.i,.l..t..:.,t..;..{..r.;..i»t-.i••Iti• � Fashion Uints. �"1-tr-i"f-•I..j..i..j_I..j..i..i_ j»y.•}.-t•.t»i-+»!»i• FADS AND FANCIES. Prevailing flat ktyles are dri\ out puffs. Empire aprons are effective fur small girls. Cuff ruffles are as popular as throat frills. Muffs for the approaching seasolt are iniluense. An air of se\ erity marks the har:lsomest of the gowns. Many fashion prophets predict a ''green" winter. Pure olive oil way be used tt clean a black chip hat. Junipers still hold. their own, especially for girls. Si17c sto_•kings ere much more commonly wore than a year ago. Green is the artistic color for heme decorations this year. Sealskin promises to be the fav• orite fur for the corning fall. Stripes have asserted themselves tremendously in Madras waists. A great ninny colored and black coats are seen wish white skirts. Scarlet and blue macaw wings race a gond many of the simple hats. Short skirted costumes hang as straight and as limp as the long c.nes. Next season's styles almost sure- ly promise long and tight fitting Sleeves. Tor either house or street wear, frock and shoes match in correct ccst renes. Handsome pompadour silk para- sols are lined with green to give ad- ded protection to the eyes. Buttons are used on the latest gowns and costumes to an extent unheard of in former seasons. Among furs, squirrel, dyed a bril- liant brown, will snake some of the handsomest winter garments. It is probable that peau de silk, rt favorite eight or ten years ago, w ill be popul..r again this fall. Among the materials for smart tailored waists, ponge and madras are both enjoying a wonderful vogue. The latest vagary of the scarf is one of mercerized material, such as cotton voile, printed wash net, or hall silk gauze. I''oreiga letters tell of extreme simplicity in the costumes cf the most fashionable women at the big spas and seaside resorts. Cream white madras is often used for bedroom curtains where econo- my is desired. It comes out of the wash with flying colors. Favorite neck ruches for street wear are composed of wide, soft black ribbon, with wide white frills at top and bottom. Buttons with mirror centres, rimmed with gold, aro popular in Paris, and promise to make their way to this country soon. A white hat may be cleaned by scruhhing with a nail brush dipped in warns, soapy water and then cov- ered with white of an egg, beaten to a froth. The style of hats to snatch the gown is a thing of the past. A con- trasting color to harmonize is the latest thing from Paris. A new buttoned oxford has come in rather late, to he worn with the lingerie dresses, and colored stock- ings are fashionable with it. A favorite color just now is a de- licious shade of apricot, which blends admirably with the fashion- able black hatof immense dimen- sions. • The highirdle of fancy Parisian ricks and velvets is much worn, but it is becoming only to those with long and slender figures. There is a peculiar charm abeet the white hats of soft, pliable atraw simply trimmed with bows of white or delicately colored ribbon. The kid waistcoat. made of limp leather and elaborate midi braid, promises to have a great segue when the cool days come. Amt s.aeo of these waistcoats are hand painted. No longer is plain stitching the rrincipal decoration of the tailor ii,ade coat. Whether it he of cloth, linen. or silk it is trimmed either with braid or with straps or bands of different materials. A Pi1YSICAL WRECK!. A Resident of Ottawa finds Relief In Pe-ru-nay WAITING FOR -► FORTUNE. qtr. Blinkey Not Worrying Over It, but All Ready for It. Like many another man, Mr. Plinkcy is always hoping that some- thing will turn up. He's an anted -- gent man and he knows perfectly well that there isn't one chance in sc ven hundred and eighteen thou- sand million billion that he'll ever get a dollar that he doesn't work for and earn ; and still he's always hoping and thinking that something might happen. And so when he gets to the office in the morning he looks in the let- ter box there, not really with the oxpectation of finding a fortune, but nevertheless thinking that there nt'gl►t be something; not disap- pointed if there isn't, but wishing that he might find there a check for a million dollars from somebody or somewhere, or notice of some for- tune that had been left to him that he was now to come and claim. It's just the same when he goes home at night. He's been away all day, time enough for forty things to happen, for forty fortunes to come in, and he knows there hasn't !any come, and still it is not an ab- sclutely impossible thing, and so he's always kind o' hoping that he'll hear some good news when he goes home. He never does, he finds everything going along there placidly; there, hasn't been any fortune sent in or I brought in, and he knows they'd speak of it if there had been; but sometimes he says to \1 rs. Blinkey jokingly : "Anybody leave us two million dollars to -day 1" "No," says. Mrs. Blinkey smiling- ly. "One million t" "No." "Half a million, maybe," says Mr. Blinkey. "No, nor half a million," says Mrs. B. "Perhaps it was a hundred thou- sand dollars. We could do with that." "No, nor a hundred thousand." "Not a dollar?" says Mr. Blin- key. lin- k "No, not even a dollar," says Mrs. Blinkey. "Well, then," says Lir. Blinkey, "I guess I'll smoke my pipe," and be does this right cheerfully. But he's always hoping. SAVE THE CHILDREN. M R. R EN E ST. JEAN, 210 St. Patrick street, Ottawa, Ont., ('an., writes: "I believed a year ago that I could stand anything. I worked hard, kept irregular hours, and did net mind the loss of a few meals, but in six weeks I had changed to a physical wreck. "Eight bottles of Peruna brought back iluy strength." Mr. A. O. Harding, 503 W. 146 St., New York City, formerly one, of the leading druggists of Prescott, Ont., has been presented with a twenty-five year Medal of Honor in Odd Fellowship. He writes as fol- lows: "Ever since I have been handling Peruna, I have had a fine trade. Once a family buys a bottle, I am sure of selling them more, and it never fails to bring additional cus- tomers. "I have nothing better for ca- tarrh in all of its various forms. As a household remedy it is without compare, splendid for mowers and excellent for children." TOO RISKY. Although the tramp had seen a great deal of life, he was nu judge . f character, otherwise he would never have said what he did to Miss C of nelia Hawkins. When she said the hot weather months. Stomach that she would give him a good din- troubles, cholera infantum and diar- ncr if he would saw and split wood rhoea carry off thousands of little enough to pay for it, he attempted ones every summer, in most cases to appeal to her sympathy. because the mother does not have "Madam," he replied sadly, "I'd a safe medicine at hand to give rom tl Bab 's Own Tablets cure he glad to saw and split the wood,these trrnthleR por if given occasion - not physically strong. I have a I'd be glad to do anything, but I'm allyto the well child will prevent weak heart, madam, and I have to thtrouble coming on. . And the look out for it. You see, I carry mother has the guarantee of a guv- eminent analyst that the Tablets ins life in my hands, as it were,"contain no opiate or harmful drug. he said, with what was meant for a Mrs. Geo. :Iineault, Jr., Mont wan, deed:" smile. Louis,Que., says :—"Before giving "Indeed:" and Miss Hawkins Baby's wn Tablets to my little one gave an incredulous sniff as she glanced at the palms outstretched she suffered greatly from colic and for aid. "I suppose that's the rea- stomach troubles, and eried a great Son you don't wash 'em—for fear of deal. The Tablets se►o►n cured her and she is now a plump, healthy getting drowned 1" child who does not look as though she ever had an hour's illness." Passer-by—"Here, boy, your dog You can get the, Tablets from any has bitten me on the ankle." Dog dealer in medicine or by mail at 25 ___owner__��«ell, that's as high as cents a box from the Dr. Williams' he could reach. You wouldn't ex- Medicine ('o., Brockville, Ont. pect a little pup like hits to bite your neck, would yer 1" When a Iran brags about himself it's a sign that others merely toler- ate him. ALLING SICKNESS lits, F.ptlepav, St. Witty' Demo.. Nervous '1rouclts, I'a''., I.e cured by LILBIG'S 11T CUKt. fret trial bottle sent free on .ppiicatten. Write tho LIEBIG CO., Phoebe St., Toronto. LAND 4e1) and 640 acres 'or sale is Saskatchewan; great bargain..; send for full de3r,ipti..n. F. SONES, cumber, Out CLEANINGINWALKIMS OR LADIES's s s OUT. t3ui (1•wl be bone perfect!, sy our ?rests ,recess. Tel IS BRITIAN AMERICAN DYEING CO. NQNIttLLI• TOk0 O. (TTTAw• a t,;ULHtO WILSON'S FLY e - One packet has actually PADS killed a bushel of AfeN. — sou) etv — DRUCCISTS, GROCERS Alto GENERAL STORES 10o. por packet, or 3 packets for 26e. will last a whop asason. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house n;ay feel that the lives of their lit- tle ones are reasonably safe during S30.OUii PLR P01. N 11. - Market Price of `uakc-Venom Works Out at About This Price. Snake -venom has pro\ed so use- ful to medical science that the col- lecting of it is fast developing into a re•eognized business. Sold by weight, it fetches a higher price than any of the precious metals, the market price working out at aiout $30,000 per pound --troy. And when cine considers how dangerous and difficult it is to obtain the ven- om, these prices are easily under- stood. The snakes must he captured alive. To do so, many hunters catch the reptiles with their hands, hold- ing their slippery prey firmly till the poison is deposited in a bag or box. Sometimes the entire poison -sac is cut out. The operator lays open the snake's head, and, having de- tached the sac, seals it up until re- quired. Other operators irritate the reptile, causing it •to Lite through incliurubber bands, and de- posit the poison on a glass plate below. A venomous snake has two pcison-fangs in the upper jaw, and when goaded, it pierces the india- rubber, and pours its streams of poison upon the glass plate. The poison is afterwards scraped to- gether and placed in hermetically - sealed phials. The operators ' ork, as may be imagined, is often more dangerous than that of the collec- the path for the newly -married cou- tut•• hie to walk over. A stalwart but -A full-grown snake seldom ejects cher drove the carriage, and two more than one grain—troy weight-- others, with shin bones dangling of poison at a bite ; so, while the from their sides, acted as footmen. market -price is high, it takes some earning. An amusing instance of the use of trade labels is reported from a �� 1�5 in POOL Uealth Commissioner asked a dusky chiAef to produce his copy of a trading agreement. and was amused to find that the "honest" trader who had secured the trading concession from the chief had detached a label from a beer bottle of a well-known firm and affixed it to the agreement a: 3. The Eitravaaaure of Cheapness in a Sev,ittg Mach no IJ Every woman knows the foolish extrava- gance of buying anything for her houst3 just because it i5 cheap. Q Every woman also knows that what seem9 "dear" at first is often "cheapest in the end." J Yet the woman who will urge her husband to buy a thoroughly good overcoat because he gets severa' season's wear out of it, often buys some unknown sewingmachine for herself because of its "bargain"price. C Now the Singer Sewing Machine costs very little more than thrown -together, catch• penny machines. Yet one Singer will out- last several of the ordinary kind. Q The Singer has earned the reputation of running as smoothly at the end of its twentieth or thirtieth year as the day it was bought. Considering this, the Singer is i4 the end the cheapest machine to own. Sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Company TORONTO MONTREAL ' INNIPEO 312 Manning Chembars 633 Ssa,d of Trade Bldg 104 Main Street Everywhere, especially those dis- couraged by failure of previous treatment are invited to write for A. J e PATTISON & CO a free trial of my home treatment, with interest: s booklet, all post - Government stamp. paid in plain .vrappers, with the A singular revival is taking place ..ost reliable re'eren.•es and proofs in Paris for wearing the tooth of a which will encourage the most dis wolf or badger set in gold as a `heartened. You can thus quickly ! satisfy yourself, without cost that mascot. An old superstition eon- fleeted the wearing of such orna- I this treatment is what you loaf; ,nests as provucat'ed of good for- ]lave sought. I will reply promptly tune. The custom of wearing a 1 to all who write. Address, thumb ring is also being resurcitat- MHS. M. St MM ERS, ed, and at this present time a a.___.______. charming young actress on the Eng- lish stage is demonstrating the TOO DANGEROUS.! CORRESPONDENCE SOL.I.:ITED. vogue, partly, no doubt, because it Shopman — "Rolling -pin 1 Yes is in keeping with the period in sir ; here's one made of glass; the which she is living in the play, and latest thing out." partly in recognition of the fashion Henpeck — "But Great Scott, Writers on arboculture have bleak and cut my head all to Paris is patronizing. ratan, that thing would probably For" PANGO Neuralgia, Headache, pier- Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. from bine to time called attention c� . to the gradual disappearanceSo CENTS, Al.l. DRUGGISTS, OR 4 —.TOR TQ. cedar trees in this country, and .c Good Digestion Should Wait on COMPANY, • '1 of cc- AY(he!ssale Lyman tiros. & Co., Toronto and Meatraal ; Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, seems that there is a dealt-. Appetite.—To have the stomach: THE pA N G O • tcatlona, eros co., Lindon. dar wood generally. This has set well is to have the nervous y ToreMtO ,� the chemist to work, and a Berlin well. Very delicate are the diger- i ,r _ _ ___ ________ firm is now making an excellent five organs. In some 90 sensitive — `r hen clic} she begin to fear Mild Climate of Virginia substitute for the cedar casings of are they that atmospheric changes He The blacklead pencils from potatoes. affect them. When they benne dis- that he had married her for mon-�offste splendid eppp•,rt,►nules for stock raising, It is said that the potato case sub- arranged no better regulator is, c v 1" She—"Well, I believe her t,ttit firowtm, eisiryin and eneral farming. Hilts itself to the penknife as easily procurable than Parmelee's Vege-; suspicions were first aroused when w and .e lIn beio� is value, abat incres Sig table Pills. rhe •will assist ist the di- she ha'i to pay the min -stet.. cod value each year. blahs value,ibut are living as does the cedar wood, and, what y va%ue ia. Write for information to its more important, the cost is very treaties suffer that the hearty eater __ a• W. i; for information h less• will no it^on\enicncr and Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery (;ommiss;uu.ruf A`rtcuanr much ISichtuan�, Va will derive all the benefits of his Cordial is compounded specially to food. combat dysentery, cholera morbus A Pill For Generous Eaters. -- and all inflammatory disorders that ! �1 Ther© are many parsons of healthy Beauty is only skin deep. but a change of food or water may set Cobalt Has Made Good appetite and poor digestion who, men's cheek is often estimated at up in the stomach and intestines. send for oyer market letter. It after a hearty meal, are subject to more than its fact value. These complaints are more common will he mailed you regularly with - theysuffering. The food of which it summer than in winter, but they out cost. Sled us about they have partaken lies like lead 'n It will be noticed in the Singer are not confined t•, the warns " their stomachs. Headache, depres- Sewing Machine Company's adver- months, as undue laxness of the ` ` ):mothering feeling follow. ent that there are three ad- bowels may seize a man at any time. ' stun a ti. em JL One so afflicted is unfit for business dresses at the bottom of the an- Such a sufferer till find speedy re - or work of any kind. In this con- rouncernent. Any one writing will lief in this Cordial. A new ('ul►alt property in splen- the Parmelee's Vegetable Pills please address them at the nearest die: location, with tine prcapects, will bring relief. They will assist c ne of the three places to his post By relying on his own judgment the stuck e,f which $1.00 par, no per - the assimilation of the ailment, and office. a man may succeed in not accurnu- per- sonal liability, may be bought for used according to direction will re- gating a lot of money. 20 cents a share, in instalments of store healthy dikeation. Smart "Sad shout. the church — `2 cents a me,nth. organ l,einl; harried down, wasn't Chemists Have Trouble in getting Iron Into We handle all (' ,halt Stocks. " Girls-- Why couldn't they „„•I, ,tato that the system will aheorb an4 Ill„ u. Thea d shows Friend—"Ia hear her old p '1 out'" Smart—"I excuse fl by It, to •'irerr.'vttn" the best tonin a. husband her a doh -like levo- put it ,erfr,rtinn has been arhte.ed• 11 bunds and p _STEWART & LO :KWO0D tion." The Casual Gossip "Yes; none of the firemen could play on +reugthens- BROKERS. they say he is always growling at it. BREAKING 11' GENTLY. SI E.. Toronto. her l''18 Adelaide . If your children moan and are Foreman (at the door) ---"Did per Members of the Standard Stock Spots and t+totebo. �n fre - tee dna neck are restless during sleep. coupled, when hte•�l►ttntl Lev a new suit av clo'cs and Mining Exchange. often uter,'ly signs of foul 51•,.,.1. Apply V ater•. Awake, with a loss of appetite. pate— _ orate t•, +,bt.aln itnme Slat* relief a ► 1 take pickingUf file Tle►Se' �fl this lllOr•r11111', Mrs. O'Malley 1" countenance,Mrs. mor- !ley—"He did." • wearer's syrup t„ rid the blood of p„Iluth>n' hC etc, you rorty dr.pend upon it that l:c,reman—"They're rocined cn-_ Getting in touch with hien of of the primary cause of the trouble, is tirely." fairs may lead to success—hut the worms. Mother Graves'Norm Ex- 11 • moves Mrs. O'Malley—"How did tit hap- SATISl'l ED. "Please, sir," piped the tiny cus- tomer, whose bead scarcely reach - :d the counter, "father %cants some oak varnish." "flow much does your father want, nay little Iran 1" asked the thc►llmnn. 'Tether Faid you was to fill this, said the little fellow, handing over a hall -gallon can. It was duly filled, and handed ()ver. "Father will pay you co. Satur- day," said the recipient casually. Anil then the face 4 the shop - man grew dark. •'Wc• don't give credit here." he said. "Gimme back the can :" .Meekly the little lad handed hack the can, which was emptied, and handed back to hint with a scowl. "Thank you. sir," he said. "ha- sher said you'd be .•tire to leave enough round the sides for him to fiinish the joh he wants to do. And I think you Lav •, sir.', Its Power (:rows With Age. -- How many medicines loudly blazon- ed as panaceas for all human ills have conic and gone since 1)r. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil was first put up- on the inarket9 Yet it remains, doing more good to humanity than many a preparation mere highly vaunted and extending its virtues wider and wider and in a larger circle every year. It is the medi- cine of the masses. TIIE I)IMit ENCE. John—What is ability t Will—Ability is that to which a man owes his own success. "And what is luck 1" "Luck is that to \which all others owe their success." Some men will not admit failure if they can compromise for 10 cents en the dollar 33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annus) and arc in our opinion a good speculative investment: Crown Reserve, ('ity of Cobalt, C'oniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Tenliscaming and Treti)eway arc pupula' stocks and should increase in price. (:EN Ei{.►1, IN FOIMIATION. Til -Kits of Knowledge About 'Most Everything. Robert Womack, who discovo•re(1 Cripple Creek, the world's great- est gold camp, and sold his claim for $625, is reported to be living or charity at Colorado Springs. and a subscription for his relief has Leen started. The �c has y1ield- ed €29 ,5OJf, ,000 in The Chicago I'illlman ('ar ('„nl- ratty recognizes the %aloe of 1"►- liteness as a business asset • .1 }je terminator effected re company has jolt distributed the difficult part is to get them to 5(811(1 ►' Pen 1 Burn of $875.000amongst its con- f„r the troch. these pests, at once relieving the p Foreman- Foreman—"He was Mowed up be doctors and porters w11+► have been little sufferers._ a charge av dinnw tl;ite than to 1881E t). 34 09. Nothing wenn ,,.,... ugly 6ec• a person whose hands are cover- The largest mass of ice in the (•r' over with warts. Why have world is probably the one which these disfigurements on your per - The up nearly the whole of the it, ^ � son when 8 sero remover of all tcrio,r of Orc•cnland, it has warts, corns, etc., can be found in accumulated since before wheretee has The finest tea grown in the world Holloway's Corn Cure. c f history. It is believed to form isthe standard of quality used in a !,lock +t►(1.0`>0 square miles in preparing g "Salads Tea. Sold DEAR BOUGHT. aTe1. and to average a mile and 8 only in sealed lead packets. half in thickness. According to ,....,.._._....;.�--•-v•-•••• •-•••••••.•41111100..I./1111111000 The Husband (d u rl nR the quarrel) "You're always making bargains. these stahsticq, the lump of ice is reported upon as showing proper larger in volume than the whole Was there ever a time when you body of water in the \iediterran- eers (luring turtesy to he paste. pyear. cAstsu m didn't 11,',, r� can ; and there enough it it to equivalent to a month's pay has Tlt� �'�— Yes, sir; on my wed- carer the United isKingdom ugof Great eiifliZ (f lit been scut to each man.profs s tltin Britt seen milesrlthick with a layer So largo is the profit resulting 1, g aaa from the sale of margarine as ter that, it was stated at a meet- ing 4 the Middlesex County Coun- cil, some shopkeepers are willing to run the risk 4 being fined. The Council were informed that in some cases shopkeepers were making from ,t16 to £ 17 a week profit, and the fraud was most prevalent ita. the poorer districts. Butchers' boys in white ea eralls and aprons formed a guard of hon- or rtt the wedding of Miss starker and Mr. Bashford. at Reigate, 4270 F.nglencl When the ceremony Was over they strewed their aprons on A new sen;,ation. A real Va1ehpleasure. The big Chewing black Tobacco p 1 u g . A school for dogs has been es- tablished in Paris. The object is to teach them politeness. The ani- mals are trained to welcome visi- tors by jumping up, wagging the tail. and giving a low bark. When the visitor leaves. the dog accom- panies him to the door, constant - Is wagging his tail, and bows his farewell by bending his head to the floor. Iie is trainer!. likewise, to pick up a handkerchief, glove, or fan tl,nt has been dropped, and re- turn it to the owner. sawees•..r. SOU OF !0 persons suffer at some- time or other from Piles! So says a great medical authority. Tiler,. is no disease causes more ppain sr wretchedness than piles I and b almost immediate ease Zam-liuk bas wen the praise of thous -ands of sufferers. Ityeu are suffering let Zam-Iluk cure y.ti• Ir. Neil Devon,Webbwood Ont. suffered with piles eight years. A flew boxes of Zam• Iluk cured Lim. Ile since says:—"1 have had no return of the trouble so that 1 the cure is permanent." Mr. C. I'r .;t, I.•nnnuvi?1', 1'. Q., writes: ” I ha: r roved Zam-ituk it great one forile; from which I suffered acutely for a long time." Zam-Duk also cures arts, ulcers, burnt, abscess -a, poisoned wounds, boils, eczema, and all akin troubles. Soc. a box. alt drug- gists and stores or from 'lam-lluk Co., Toront ,. 3 boles frr $1.25. am=l3uk. Is CANADA'S BELT !.fall IS U2ED THE W01;tn ov:n Bell Organs Iwo also world famed solid for 1--e,' (a; ,>g No. 75 to the BCI PIano and Ort,ef Co., N., CUeIrt, 0i1 Every Farmer Knew h teoney M e•,eld sate by nslnz a t al:hanks •!forge Jack •of•sll 1 rade. Ua.•,11no ern• gine to saw wood, pump s'. or, grind feel, Aso., we would n ,t be able t , +'►ppty the demand. lit tht, aJ out am1 and 10 s, to -day. and w• will sand you our Ire* catelogas. ,N Arne A ,f.tre" fits Canadian fatrbt.e'ti Co., L'mlt?l. To- oats, OAS bivair*aL, Nir.ulpc`. CasCvYV.r.