Exeter Times, 1908-07-30, Page 8lr
'11 H lJ k± X E 1 1J k 'I' 1 £4. f S JULY 30th I U0s,
Gent's if you want to Keep Cool you want one of
our nice nifty Grey unlined Suits, they are right in line
with the Newest Style; dcn,t wait, Come right along and
sec them $Io.00 suits for $8,00.
Gent's if you want a pair of Fancy Stripe Worsted
l'ants, they arc travellers samples bought at a special
discount here is where you can get a good selection at
Si 75, 2 O0, 2,25, 2.75, 3.00, 3 50.
It you want to sec the newest line of Men's Tics you
can see them in all shades, "Tan, Brown, i Tory, and
Grey " with nice stripe to give it the correct Blend; they
have that real soft Silky effect; Just the thing to wear to
visit the "Old Boy's".
If you want to Brighten up your hoanc with a lovely
decorated Parlor Lamp, we have them the finest you
will see any place, direct from the makers in order to
give you good value; if you see them you will ww ant
one. $2 75, 3.5o, 4 50, 5.eo, 5.5o
40 Choice Toilet Sets to choose from, the decoration
is entirely new and exceptionally handsomely made of
the finest grade of semi porcelain and has that deep
gloss milk white •l,laze with gold tracing that will harmo-
nize with the furnishings of any roots.
Boy's we have the finest range of Boy's Knickcr Pants
that has ever been shown in town they are a sample lot
bought at reduction they come in Light Grey Tweed and
:Worsted. just the thing to stand the Scuff and Brush, to
clean 75cts. S5, 95, and $1.0o.
Remember we want your live Chicks, Hens. and
Ducks, for which we will pay market price. Will take
any day but Friday and Saturday.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4++++++++++++++++
Gifts to the
A Few Good Suggestions
Never before were we in a better
position to offer yon an extensive sel-
ection it, suitable, useful and accept-
able Wedding Gifts and the closest
price on every article from works of
highest artistic merit to the lowest
price Make it greatly to your advan-
tage to buy here.
Beautiful Silverware such as
Cake Plates, Tea Sets. Fern
Dishes, Itisrtlit JAI'S, Marma-
lades Salad Bowls, I3ake
Dishes and many other hand-
some pieces.
Rich Cut ([lass, Vases, Sugars
and Creams, Olive Dishes,
Butter Tubs, Oil Bottles, Car-
efree, Tumblers. Berry Bowls,
Celery Dishes. Etc.
Wedding; Rings it Specialty.
We are Always Busy
foessitise fashionable dressers realize
that we turn out the most stylish gar-
ment, while mu' charges are reason-
able. From the selection of the fab-
ric, lining. thread, etc., to the com-
plete finishing of the garment, our
work is characterized by thorough-
tress and attention to detail. \Ve keep
all our old customers and nd,1 to their
hummer daily.
Merchant Tailor.
-WANTED-A amara boy to learn
-Mrs. Frank Wood and Fou Clair,
are camping at Grand Bend.
-Miss Vera Rowe visited with rel-
atives in Clinton on Tuesday.
-Next ;Monday, August .3rd,
Exeter's Civic holiday.
-Miss Olive Prior is
latives in Kippen.
-Miss Ethel Armstrong is
:ng in Sarnia.
-Mr. It. Pickard arrived
from the west last week.
-Miss May Armstrong is visiting
at the home of her n.nole in Paris.
-Miss Mattie ifolloway. of Clin-
ton, is visiting et the hone of Mr.
It. N. Rowe.
-Miss Amy Johns who has been on
a visit to tit. Marys returned last
-Miss Jennie Friend. of Chicago,
is visiting at the hone of Mr. J.
-Herb Southcott and Douglas
Stewart are spending the week at
Grand Bend.
-Miss Grace Jlullock, of Toronto.
is the guest of her cousin Miss R.
Essery of J.den.
-Miss Tillie White was called to
Toronto last week owing to the ser-
ious illness of Mrs. Boone.
-Mrs. Aquilla Sheers. nines t wo
children of .Lansing. Mich. are visit -
Mr. Sheerc'a mother Mrs. A. Sheere.
-Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. White and
fatally ami Miss Dorothy 1.onsberry.
of Detroit are camping nt the Rend
this week. .
-Miss 1-:ffie 1'. '1': :or drove to
Luce► Friday and : s-compnuicd a
load of Erie -111s to 1;, In l Bend on
genu, will he at the Commercial
Hotel. 1iours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p.
m. ([lasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit Friday July 31st.
Gallon Apples for Rale. -A few
r,ees slightly rusted tins of gallon
apples for sale at 15 cents per can or
two for 25e. at factory : ateo the
pea straw nt 15 cents for one toric
load and 25c for two horse load.
-The Times to mew subscribers
from now until Jan. 1st, 1909 for
10 collie, or 25c for three enouths
trill. Show these offers to your
friends nds ww'bo are not subscribers. or
Fend us their name rind address and
we will mail them n sample copy.
-Prof. W. J. O'Brien C. S. .who
has filled the position of Commerc-
ial specialist of \Voodstock College
for .caernl years. nni formerlyrl
mercial Master in the high School
department of Exeter has eervcd his
connection with that institution and
accepted n similar one in Regina
Collegiate Institute nt a salary of
81300 per year.
visiting re-
visit -
Market Report. -Tho follow lug to
thu report of Exeter marLcls, cor-
rected ep to Ju:y li1h[..
Wt,,•at, 75 to Hie. .,P:,t 3�t to Bi
Child's Kid Slippers
to 43 A Crest
Flour S'r:A.t, *2.50. I In Iced, Tan and Black, with strap
Iiran, F=0• and fancy silk hew :ucd buckle,
Shorts > 23. ,' SI 3es Slippers for till!)
Feed flour. *1.3J to $1.35.
Saving 1 tri.•_':, Slippers f"r $.l In
til est Slippers f,u ��:.
Snell se 'Rowe THE OLD RELIABC
Clover seed. *8 to ell; per bushel.
Coal. 87.25 a toss.
Eels, 18c.
Mutter. 19c.
Potatoes OOc per bag.
1!0s6=, ,'.ress,'1 *7.75 to
:log•, li% '•'. 'cat
e6.50. 1 ustreS
Hay ell 57.
Are You Going Travelling
if you are going away for a few days or a few weeks to
in Plain and Fancy ` Men's Fine Straw Hats spend your vacation it will pay you to call on us an- get
equipped with all your travelling necessities. We are show-
--`.1.-.. (hi pg is v•.iting relative•'..
in (ll u,wa and f(luntr,al.
-'.1 r. James Grieve nand fancily are
t'ar:,i ng at The (lend.
-`dr. and Mrs. T. ilendford nil
[::mils sptmt 'the past t•:,•.•k at the
-Mrs. Chas. Shell visit( .1 friends
i11 Loudon the former p:, rt o fairs
To Rent.-I)ressruaking shop; ,Iso
for sale or rent furnixhings for
,ante. -V. 'Treble.
-Mrs. John 11. Scott and children
are visiting /Mrs. Scott's sister at
-Mr. J. G. Jones and fancily left
Tuesday for taro weeks' holiday at
Grand (lend.
-Mrs. Glazier and little son, of
London. are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. I'ollick.
-Mr. ,and Sirs. Saxon Milton and
son Gerald epcnt a few days at
the head during the past week.
-Mr. Enr!' Spackman. of the Mol-
SOII'S hank staff nt }Alvinston, has
been promoted to the position of tet-
ter at that branch.
Mr. Wm. Creech had the index fin-
ger of this right hand badly torn in
one of the machines at The Canning
factory on Tuesday.
-Miss Celia I•'ergusc.1. of London.
who %with the masters ilodson and
Arthur Abbott of 'Mtden. Neb.
has spent the pant few weeks s'ith
her sister Mrs. C. W. Christie of
Stephen. has returned to Tondos.
-Mr. 'rhos. 1larvey aald daughter
Mi=s Gertrude ;who have Been visit -
Ole friend; in 'Moncton. N. 1!. re-
in r•1,•.I house Ira .Friday evening.
They visited nt Quebec. 'Montreal.
and other points on their evwee
-Monday. August and is Exeter
Civic holiday. Homedt.ee% rtickets
will be sold nt single first-class fare
to all stations in Canada, East. of
and including Port Arthur. Sault Ste
Marie. tend the St. Clair and Detroit
rivers, nlsa to Detroit. Port iiuron
ale! Sault Ste Marie. Mich.. Buffalo.
1•'ck Rock. Mature Falls. Sttspen-
e, n Bridge. N. V. Tickets good go-
ing by al) t rains August 1st and Ord :
go, 1 returning by nll (rains up to
' including 'August •nth. 1908.
--Capt. W. J. lleama.n, Color -Sergi.
1'enhnle and Corp. Elliott returned
Monday eveninz from Quebec where
they took part in the tercentenary.
They all enjoyed themselves to the
(idlest extent. Capt. Ileamata with
a number of other officers visited
the French and Engglish warships and
Were royally entertained. Corp:
Elliott was selected as one of the
!seards of honor for the Prince of
Wales when he was decorating Wolfs
and .\fonteeen's monuments.
Two weeks ago the Purity offered
10 prizes to the first teat who guess-
ed the nearest - number of black
beans in a jar in the window. Many
veople in and around town took ad-
vantage of the offer and the lucky
an(•s were named last Saturday
night. Mr. W. Triebner being the
nearest secured the gramaphoiie, the
next nine nearest were: Mr. Alf.
ifolmes ; et. 1,. Lindsay. Melbourne.
Ont.; Miss G. Watson, Detroit ; Miss
Erno Sweet. Hiss Maud (nuance. 1h•.
Kinsman b[t. Alf. Bennett,
hill: 'ir. Ernest Taylor. The cor-
rect number wise 141. 'fhe nearest
was 140. Another contest is now on
at the same store in whirls the lead-
ing ctmere will ra ei wc
besides a number of other prizes.
-In order to cover the course for
Senior Leaving or First Class certifi-
cate standing the Exeter Public
School .ilonrd has secured the servi-
ces of a 11. A. graduate of reroute
University as principal fol the en -
Ailing education:A year. With eight
years of high school experience to
his credit, five of which has •leen
spent as principal. wish the result of
doubling to hl,�
sn g the attendance. ec•
. the Exeter
school tinder his leadership and that
of the 0141 staff Fhould lake a still
more pronounces place in the minds
end hearts of the surrounding dis-
trict ns its higher educational centre.
We note that the incoming principal
1'5 nn honor graduate in English.
history, French and German 811(1 a
at Reduced Prices islets, a handsome variety of Travelling Goods
Colors Browns, Blues, Going to sell eyety slat all this sea.
Eons styles Sailer shapes.
Greens and Blacks
regular Price
50 c''nts
All on Sale at One
38 cts
122.75 stat for eless
82.r'(' Hat for $I.51)
$1.Sn Hat for Siete
Sl.tl,t Hat for 75e.
75e. Hat for 0(lc.
Our stock of Groceries are fresh you
1 can depend upon it we sell nothing but
, the Best Fresh new Fruit, Pure Spice,
' Canned Goods, Extract, Baking Pow-
der, Cereals, ala pare and good. Nile
!also sell Red Itose Tea which every-
body Tikes. Try a Pound package.
I Black or Mixed 30, 40. 50 a Ih.
Ln compliance with a pt•1 it ion
signed by several ratepayers the
Mayor has proclaimed Monday -Aug.
nst 3rd as Civic holiday for the
town of Seaforth.
-Rt•v. E. Grigg returned mission-
ary front lturmalh. India. has been
invited to Guelph on Sunday next to
take part it: the services of the un-
ion of the two Baptist churches
there. ltev. Mr. Grigg was at one
time pastor of one of the churches.
-The following item taken from
the Zurich herald hits the iltvtsell
boys rather hard. "About a dozen
young men from Ilensalh were in
town ton Sunday evening. Either
our fair sex must be more attract-
ive or they (the young men) [lave
been tabooed by the ladies of their
own town. One of our girls makes
the remark that none of The young
fellows will ever he hung for their
' good looks and that one or two of
their faces would actually stop a
grand fathers cloek.
-Two very interesting games of
bowls were played on the green here.
an Friday ,between the Three rinks
which are attending London 'tour-
nament this ;week. The first game
was between the rinks skipped by
Rev.' D. \V. Collins and W. W. 'Taman
respectives and the second was be-
taveen ethc ;winners of that contest
and Win. 'Ratcltford's rink. r01 -
towing are the scores.
:1. 0. tit:wintry T. Acheson
W. R. Alger W. 11. Levert
Itev. Wm. Martini. It. Carling
Ttev. Collins W. W. Taman 17 Skip 11)
W. R. Aigct' .1. 0. Stamhury
Jas. Taylor. \\-ib. Martin
C. li. Snell Rev. \V. M. Martin
ee. M. Iliatchtord iter. Collins
Skip 7 Skip 1:3
-Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fleming and
family left on friday for Clinton
where they evil' make their 'new
hone, 51r. Fleming was principal of
our school for a number of years
And the present high standing of our
school is due to his hard work nmd
good management. ns :t teacher lie
twias Ioved Hard respected by the schol-
ars. Ile was oblige,) to resign his
work in the school owing to ill
health and has since accepted the
A position or%Huron a i l
r as y %�i1lf tltcommenee
his new duties shortly. Both Mr.
and. Mrs. Fleming hive made inane
friends while among us who regret
that they are leaving town but who
wish them every success iti their
new field of labor.
-Amherstburg Methodists do .not
want Rev. Richard Redmond
jority of the members are no%v just
in open and obstinate revolt against
the constituted authories of the de-
nomination. and are flatly refusing
to receive Rev. dichard jtedmond.
the pastor recently assigned them
by the appointive powers of 'the Lon-
don conference.
Rev 51r. Redmond preached .last
Sliming for the first time in the'Am-
herstburg church. but the official
members locked him out of the par-
sonage, and he is forte.( to stop at
the Amherst hotel because no one
nppears to be posecssed of suffic-
ient Christian charity to ;rive him
Those most bitterly oppnse.l to Mr.
Redmond's incumbency submit that
they have no personal feeling against
n less rather sham ac-
cept his leadership for twelve months
c ua asked t -
c. President to allow their oath-
drawal from the Methodist conuntPl-
ion •for one year, that they Maycall
a man of their own Fe.ec ion.
"sure GllrG"
6lioIera Rcm&Iu
It is not a 1'eeiss'r MEDICINE but is
carefully compounded by us personally
from a time tried prescription.
It is not a "CURE Al.t.' !Otitis simply
and wholly as it is labelled a safe cure
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diar-
rhoea and Pain in the Stomach and
Bowels and etc.
2 5 cents a bottle.
Prepared by
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Prescription Druggist.
Two 6 Octave Organs
Second Iland.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines
The hest made at pie( s that
will suit you.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
Very attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Vacation
Clothing, Hat and Foot Wear
Everything you will need to help slake your summer outing
a pleasant one. Conic in and look our stock of travelling
goods over. You will surely find things that you will re-
quire. «'e are sure our prices will please yon.
Highest Price Paid for Produce.
Butter 19c, Eggs 17c
New Grocery and Shoe Store.
2 Doors North of Postoflice,opposite Wood's Meat Market
Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women*
and Children, all sires, at the very lowest cash price
Call and be convinced.
fresh �ioeerleS qud ShOeS
Fall Term Opens
Sept. lst.
• •
• The sooner you complete a
course in this school the sooner •
• you may expect to hold a posit- •
• ion of trust. Our coursee are •
• thorough :old practical. •Our •
• students always succeed. \Ve •
• assist graduates to positiont. •
• We have three departments, ••
•Commercial, Shorthand and •
Telegraphy. \Ve employ exper-
tienced instructors. Catalogue •
• free. •
• Principals.
• •
++++++++++++++++++•t•+++++ :•+
• •
• Book-keepers •
6 0 0 Stenographers and :
Telegraphers ••
• trained i,y our Olanag%•
♦ •��'` meta last S ear. lixls r•
• ienee counts. Graduates
• most sucresstul Special Course for Teaeh-
Zccs. Mail Courses. Send po�tat for partic- •
• ulars.
61v16 HOIItlaU
Return Tickets at Single Fare
To all stations in Canada, also to
Detroit, and Port Huron Mich., Buff-
alo. Black Rock, and Suspension
Bridge N. V. Tickets good going
August 1st. and 3rd. return limit
August 4th. Totts.
TERM OPENS SEPT. I : For a few days for ire=
CIInl00 BONS C011ege !pair but have a good
supply of our popular
Train Service and Equipment
the best.
For tickets and full information call
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Uniotr
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
• GEO. SP011'ON, Pet:,;ctt'.te. •
Sr Martin & Sooh..•••••••41
111.1.1. E011 e:ItVI(:i:-COWS Fon
\ I . E.
Hurons King, No. 80142.. American
Jersey Cattle Club. for service at
the undersigned stables. Service fee
$2.00 for registered cows ; 11.50 for
grades. Three exceptionally good
Jersey cows for sale. '(lust be sold
to slake roost for other stock.
Manager of Jersey Stock Farm
Linsley I'. 0. Ont.
cents, 85 cents and 95 cant-. 'ne-
ther(' grade is maid to be r..tll. 1he
second to meet the cut le ice. of t h.
independent men.
The canners of the big combinat-
ion say goods this year twill Ase sol.(
at less than cost of production.
specialist in Mathematics. Intending
him. Nevertheless '�---
nppUcan(. : hold(' apply to the Sec-
retary, Storm, Period Mr..1. Grigg. for desks early. they have n t sly k 1 it a canter the first five days of August. Isar -
The school opens Sept. Ise and m'e e u c 1 rang its centre on Sunday the 2nd.
• 1icipnte n furl register, 'Ilse Moon is on the celestial epee-
torfhe new [sate of clamps is prob. 11 t oat the 2nd and at first quarter
:y the most beautiful 541(0181 set t•n the 5th. As early as the 2nd the
r ; postage atnmps ever issued in the -es-- -'" barometer will fall to storm remi-
t:western central r no
�. nt and
I uminion. The designs are truly no.- -The following ijtcut which o.1 tJ gs in e. e n a 1
tonal in cjtnracter and the colors. peered in the Toronto 'Telegram swill attended by c_oudiness rind Sever•,
in addition to being pleasing, also be of interest to many of our readers thutuler-gusts. Baring the 3rd, 401
harmonize with one another a point "There is to he a merry "war he- and nth, these conditions till paps
which will nppen) to scamp collectors lwecn the independent canners and across the country to the Atlantic.
at least. There are eight Flalrtps in the canning concerns that are nf- breaking ,into revere wind and
the tercentenary act. ranging in val- filleted with the big combination1 thunder storms in many toea111ies.
Ile from one -1181f to 20 cents. Four that controls the rnaj0roty of the Riming barometer swill appear in the
of the et amps bear portraits and old-fashioned canneries. The pride %west. bschind the storm urea, (slweat
four bear 5001105 in connection %with of peas ha%'p heeat eulosnced which the 4th. cau5:,ng change to poen„cool-
0000_Quebec's history. The one-hn1f cent are about 27 1.2 per cent. lower than er and clearing event her. This
;(drab) line the portraits of the the rates of last year. change will follow in the wake of
Prince and ,Princess of Wales. the The independent canneries have fix- the storm•. touching most parts of
one -cent (green) shows Cartier and e41 their prices at 05 costs. 75 Cents, the country in the emit %%aid progr, s-
ClhamplaitI. the Ie0-cent (carmine) and 85 cet1(5 per dozen for their by about the 7th. The Florin. d;•1 -
bears the King nthd Queen. and the good`, nhiol they claim are the beet Kram for .August shows that the
Seven -cent (olive) represents the two on the market. To capture the trade Venue Period begins :dwelt the 4th.
heroes of Canada. Wolfe 81111 Mont- the canners' combination. %which re- hence very deeded challgto ie cooler
calm. The five -cent sietel, (lhcr) Presentee invested capital of sums- will be most natural with the on -
has a picture of a typieal French thing over ele.080,000. ,have ;lade Com'ng of the high barometer that
house of the old days. the ten -cent I three grades and the lowest one of follows Dee and all other August
variety (violet) represents Quebec in I these is fixed at the (prices made by stortn period..
A lteactionary Storm Pei loft is
1700. the fifteen -cent (light brown) the Fndeprnde11t ennner5.
represents the (lep:trtitre of an ex- Ordinarily the Ontario canners 00711081 on the 8th and f(Ilt, the Moon
ploring party from Quebec for hte have two grade. of Canned pea.. he ing at greatest eolith declination
west. and Ilse twenteece111 stamp The superior goods sell for 80 cents', on the Oth. A reaction to Horns con-
(elnrk brown) showthe arrival of 90 cents and tl per dozen cane. (('hits dilioa(5 will make itself felt on these
Cartier at Q•ltl`ec iII 1035. the maestri,' grades are leote.l at 75 date. in (sling 0;)rometer. rising
tetnperature, cloudiness and possi-
ible rains. Under the Venus in-
fluence t hreatening areal her WW1
most likelyhe
prolonged r n
ver the
10th, anti 11th, merging into t he
storm period following. 1•'uIl Moon
clear perigee falls on the llth, which
facts promisenot only 10 bridge the
time between the l/t•o storm periods,also considerable mill
but to increase eelsinic probaliht 'feed and hope to be
res on or within three or four slays
of the llth.
If you had t,,kcn two of C.trter's
Little Liver Title before retiring you
would not have had that coated ton-
gue or bad taste in the mouth this
morning. Keep :1 11 11 %t it h you for
occasional use.
Viable to supply your
need along our lines.
Western Fair
Greatest blue Sto6K xh1b1t1oo
of Western Ontario
Full I'rogr:untne of Attractions twice daily, including Krrnp's \Vi1,1 West
Showy. Best of Musi, Fireworks Fetch Evening.
A'T'HLETIC I)AY MONI)AY, SI -31'1'. 14th.
Colne 511(1 0111 ))• yourself at London's Popular Fair.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads
Prise i.ists Felts Forms, Programme s, and all infatuation
trivet) on :tpplicat. •n to
W. J. RFID, ['resident A M. HUNT, Secretary
London, Sept. 11-19