Exeter Times, 1908-07-30, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JULY ::oth19u
Dlr. and Mrs. J .S, Metz spent tutu_(
day at
Crediton played their firht game of 1
bawls with a neighboring clot, last
`- -' -- - - - - Friday when a Dashwood riak drove e---
over. The afternoon game ended in
Lreditott favor of Dashwood 22-19 Lot in the
evening Crediton won by 21 -is lest• -1
Mg hl :1
• g them 3 up on the dy'.¢ pay. 1 tour h:cllcrmtuu
30 DAYS SALEZwicker's, Crediton
Mr. August Kula:, and Mr. Teddy
Mahon, of the (tank of Commerce.
During this sale we intend to clear out a great many odd lines at less than stent Sunday at Grand Bend, the
Costs We have a great many Remnants of Sp►•ing and Sttmnrer goods in gtTh es 7t " Inger Stsgr LonLonger" girls at
Silks, Dluslins, Prints, G►nghaurs, Shirtings, Cottonades, Curtain lifusliue, Grand Bend intend returning home
We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry, Union and hemp Carpets. N`is t(tck.
ibletln,s Floor Oil Cloths, etc which the will sacrifice 1 ZV Mr. Jack ,Cookson of -London, for -
offer our large and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off tow
Satins, Dress Goods, etc., which we offer at Bargain Prices.Linacre ca to clear, a also ly of Exeter, spent Monday in
re 1
gu ar prices.
50 Embroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine White Lawn with each to DI r. and :lies. Albert !Cunningham Mr, Siebert spoiled ¢trite a num-
make anysize Waist, regularprice $1,54) to $2.50, saleprice 75C to 1.25, and family splen a fete flays at elle bee of the Cretlitoei shots.
g $ Bend this :week.
Mr. Dan. Mclsaac is all smiles this
Dashwood Crediton 1
Dunlop alshoe.
Siebert Brown
Miller McCue
Tiernan Mutat
of N. W. College, Napervi: . 111.
occupied the pulpit ill the 1..:,ugel-
teal church Zurich, an Sunda; moru-
Skip 22 "IP
1.0 f
hecond game J
Slip 15 \kit, �l
Totes on g;unees
done, Crediton, Victory No. 1.
Crediton players were a little nc•
vous in the afternoon.
We have just opened a dainty lot of week -les a bouncing b b 1 R
We have a nobby line of Men's and t 1 . Sl]ipka
Dress Muslin% Printed Voiles, Organ- Boy's harlot Hats, lies, Shirts, Braces, gra u atwnt Dan
dies (in both black and white); Organ -
rev. Collars, Stiff Hats, Gloves etc, Mr. and ,airs. 11. C. Clark advent Mr. S. J. Sweitzer spent Sundayat
Wednesday in ,Exeter, Hensall,
Elan Lawns, Printed ted Organdies, Swiss iWALL PAPEIt Mr. Fred ,Brock, of Exeter, spent
Muslins, Etc. Do not fail to see them! We offer the balance of our stock at Sunday in town. Some attraction ! A number drotn here spent Sunday oftown.
(before makingyourpurchase. halt the regularprice. nt. hak Smith.
j K Fred. t Mrs. George Kaerchcr and laugh_
Mr. Watson and his two granil- ter. of Tavistock, are renewing ec-
R'e have a line of Ginghams, regu- aILLLINF,HI Threshing .has commenced. a'hc 1 daughters are spcnrdinU a few days !
lar 15e line to clear at Sc per yard. We intend to clean up our stock re- P good. with his daare emending
Mrs. Ilcintznl u. quaff lances i McLaughlinlastweek par_
Miss L. •Lockney, of Detroit, is chased a very stylish driver. The
visiting at her home here. doctor usually wants the best in this
Mrs. DL �Fi�nkbeiner is in London line
• woe attending on her hti'p•t1atteibear', teho Mr. E. Duracher, M. P. 1'., of the
�� is 011 the sick tilt. Quebec Legislature was to town 011
on clothing sale. We offer 40.1' pay special Brows] and Mr. E. Mr. S. J. Sweit zee has sold ltak- business one daylust week. Ile was
Men's Tweed attention to and are offering Falmer spent 1
Goetz is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mr Peter Koehler, 'Lur-
Bargains for ;nis &NextWeek
3 only Dinner Sets, a sna,. t $; 50
Ladies White Canvas Slippers ....$1.2; for t o0
:\lens " Shoes
Jliss Lavina Koch, of Maple Grove 1
spent Sunday lit her home here.
. Our baseball team visited Zurich
urs ay of last week to play Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed fiats away
a friendly game with the boys •of
that town. Score was 11-9 in favor
of 'Zurich.
We are serry to learn that t11r,'
Ezra Otterbe'.0 i. confined to his If we have nothing to suit we twill trim a hat for you while you
house through i"•:,•ss. We wish him do your shopping. 2 Big reduction in Ladies S '
a speedy- recovery• � Shirt tt stats.
I •co for r'o
•••• 95 for 75
00 for 1 •50
1,50 for 1.20
down in price
11r• s been
visiting. of da ulcer- 100 Baskets Cherries
ens has been visiting his daughter, Wanted
Mrs. J. Vs tt•
crops are
Also a line of American Prints, fast 1 gardless of cost. W e do not belie( a M' -s Wiggins, of Goderieli, spent
Colors at 4c per yard. i n carrying Millinery stock over until •'1 - ' town.
1 another season. Visit this department Mr. .1 Lawson has moved part
READY-MADE CLOTHING and Secure a bargain. of his" gang to Grand Bend to I k
We have made some special prices; GROCERIES
on a big ditch there,
othin for this sae I This department we ii • s ec' il' Tr. Ira 8. Il r
Suits, well made with g them atSunday at Linger Lon- erfi bl. Mr. J. 1►. I1n
ig •masa is the one of the Conservative meubers
good linings, sizes a5 to:38 only, regu- close prices. ger. Grand Bend. plrrchaser, t
Jar $0,ot) to $8.00 for $3.75 per Suit, Good Red Salmon 2 tins for 25c tt( •
r. 1•'rrd Harris sport a few days Mr. Thos. Lynch shipped a carload elected In that province at the last
at the Send, general election, and was successful
of cattle last Saturday to Toronto. in winning a seat which had since
Mr. 11. C. Clark can (what of hat_ f Mr. \Ven. Mason, of :\'t'oodhaut, Confederation been a I4;iberal strong-
ing ripe tomatoes for the past few' Passed through here last Sunday. hold.
(veekg. : 1 . t Mr. A. Itatz, of Hamburg is clerk A rink of our local bowlers nvere
Prof. Almond, of Toronto, is spend- (tor Mrs. 11. \Ping• entertained at Crediton on F
ing a few days in town. ridgy
The Browniebase ball cliub tealast on their new green. In the af-
Centralia on h'base I ys teroon game Dashwood was three
July 31st et Kirkton ►r
Mints up and in the evening ,Cred-
0.30 at Centralia. 'Colne and see the, +►I r. Clark, 11. C., Toronto, is the iron (vas 6 up.
game and help the Brownies along. guest of Mr. John Gilfillan• J)astn('ood ,Crediton
Mr. Dau :Dlcisanc spent Monday in 1 Dr. '1'unnbull and Miss Elsie Turn- It. T. Dun:,a, ,\
Zurich.! E. !Mahon
bull are spending their holidays at W. L. Siebert S. Brown
Mrs. Ort, of Zurich. is spending n the home of Mr. John Gilfillan. \\', C. .\hiller Dr. ffcGue
few days at Mr. and Mrs. Dan. IMc- - ' ; l:. firman
Isaac's of low -v,. 1 C. ,Blurt t
In Children's Sults we have about hi Corn and Peas 3 tins for lac
25 Tomatoes 10c per tin
Suits, in sizes 22 to only. regular Best Selected Raisins 3 Ms for 25c
$2.00 to $3.00 for $1.25 per Suit. Prunes 4 lbs for 25c
r Mons Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, &c. Rice 6 lbs for tie.
All at reduced prices. Lemons lye per dor..
See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc: -
we handle Plymouth Binder Twine. We have a stock of Gold Medal and
Plymouth Special and will be pleased to receive your ords,..
Butter, Eggs and Wool and all Farm Produce taken in exchange
A Call Solicited
As You sew
so Shall You Reap
1,Ve are constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy. We are
reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it? When we sow ;our advertise-
ment in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or
whatever the add. might suggest, we include the best of everything in that
suit, the best cloth, the best linings, the best puddings. the best thread, etc.
es well as the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and snaking. Shouldn't
we reap our reward? This add is sowed to reap you as one of our custotners.
When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Fancy Vest, let this add
lead you to our shop where we can prove to you that we1live up to our word
Special Announcement
Unparalleled Slaughter Sale
We ate giving a discount of 25 per cent until August 1st on
our White Waists of which we have but a limited supply.
Here are the prices, 81,00 for 75c, $2.25 for $1.e0
$1.50 for $1.15 $2.00 for $1.50
All Muslins and White Goods to go at the same reductions. See our
display on table.
a d :Se Catton Voiiea and Muslins now lOc, 2Jc and 25c White and
Colored Matins 15c. Also showing a good line of Print at 10e per yard.
Hove but short ends of three pieces of Checked Mercerized Oinghams
Which has every appearance of silk, something new. Regular price 2.1c, dur-
ing Bale 17c.
It i., one of the finest goods made for its purpose. Just as good
and rustles like silk and is taking the place of silk for Undershirts
and linings, 36 inches wide at 5oc per yard.
One Hammock regular $3 for $2
in Men's (foods we are also giving snaps anti showing ninny new things.
Straw Hats, but a few left, gelid! at a reduction,
Will Give You a Summer Suit it 23 per cent Off
lust received a new thing to 'ries. They are the Knit Tle and Swagger
Stnfr, many shades to choose from. Shirts, Collars, Fancy Sox, etc. will he
seen here in abur.dauce.
Dealer in Lineced, Machine and Separator t)ils. Twine ;tilt( all the other
necessaries for the present season.
.A (',all Solicited.
The Kirkton Hardware Store
,Wants for the Summer Months
I a! I. Green, Binder ► \Vine, of the following
.Pk -month Special, Salmon Tag, Silver Sheaf
Gold iledtal, and Hobbs' Best.
• Sterling Machine Oil and Oil of all Kind
We have a barge supply of Binder Mitts and all kinds of
supplies for threshers
Skip 22
Quite :t number intend taking in' Skip la Skit 22
the Old floy's re -union next week. 1 Mrs. F. le llutch:saail and children, i Mr. 11. ]t. Laird. manager of the
Who can beat this. Mr. IS. c.1 are visitin6.tIse Misses Hutchison, 1'arnler4 hank. Brncefie:d, spent
Clark raised two pigs to the 'eight North Maio, street Sea fort h. Mr. Sunday in town with It. T. Dunlop,
of 400 ,pounds. The pigs were four ( Hutchison was also the guest of ilia our local bank manager.
and I
half 'months' sisters \
O C+
nths s over[ h
o! f3u r (t•
1)r A( d._dtday. Edward L'dighof[er, wife tad
. . c
Cu '
e and DI r. Fred .Young rss Carling spent Sunday in townsentp a fe aydays in London alai the guest of ::\Ir. and Mrs. 4 . Shan -
Toronto this ,meek. aban, Seaforth. Miss Carling (gent
Mr. Frank Mellott, of Exeter,.to Daybed(' an Monday to visit the
spent Sunday in town. Misses Williams nt•ho are camping at
Mr. August •Huhn lost his valuable I Jowetts. Miss Crotty, of St Col
) have returnened -to !their
home in Bad Axe. Mich., after n
Pleasant holiday in Dashwood and
Mr. William Klienstiyer is slight-
ly indisposed at his horns here. We
g Jiob lust Sunday. Rob teas a uutban, Is also their guest' look for hem around again in n few
great favorite and was sick for a 'Elva.
ew days. -'�-
Peter Schroeder was very un-
WObd ham fortunate recently, losing two heavy
Phillip St. John has the cement draugh thorses in one week. This
wall under his barn, It adds 4o• 'the means a serious loss to Mr. Schroe.
value of his farm. der judging from the qua:•iy of
•Mrs. Richard Selves while visit- ; stock he keepss
ing at her home here was s,triken ! Rev. Mr. Gishler, of Zurich, oc.
with an attack of nervous pros- i ctPied the P"' -Pit of the Evautxeli-
tration. We hope for her speedy re- cal church on Sunday evening last,
covery. to the absence of Rev. Mr. hid(, rwbo
M r. and Mrs. W. J. Roy Laterad was attending the Chilklren's ;Day
Miss Eva 1lirtzel, of Sarnia, ispa
spending a faw• days in town. (week has helped the farmers 3n
Mr. John Either, of l'lby, returned i harvesting. All the Reheat is now in
home Monday last. an 1 barley and other grains are be -
Mr. August l(artdon spent Sunday i►ig at. ,
Mr. Conrad Kuhn has returned
home after a few weeks Slily at •the
lake side.
Mr. Dan,. Oestreicher, who • spent
the past fe wweeks at Grand Bend
has returned home.
Mr. Lintel' of the Wrought Iron
Co., Toronto, spent Sunday at the
Mr. G. Tretethick of IJrinsley„
smelt Sunday in tow,
starting for the (test this week. services in Crediton.
The fine at -leather of the past --sass--
Zam-Buk Brought Relief
At this time of the year children
are liable to all kinds of torturing
rashes and eruptions. and P 1 the advice
Centralia of Mrs. F. Rowe of 1 Oxford St..
i London, (Ont.) .is timely. She says;
Rev. B. 1, Mut teal, a Methodist ,A horrid rash broke out on my lit -
minister, formerly stationed at Elim- 1 1.e boy's body. 'the child suffered
vile_ and other places in the county, acutely with the burning and itch -
has retired from the active (work of • "IF and f vett Stolle restless. 'A
tba ministry and has purchased a friend advised me to try Zorn -Bak.
home at Lt.ritloti, where he will re-} I d:d so. and was surprised to see
Sid.: i•t /Wore. I
how quickly it cleared away the
airs. Brown, of London, visited her rash. The very first application
moth \
cr, Mrs. • s •
Moyle Sunday, seemed cS,n t ed
y 1, tocool 0
0 1 and rase the burning
Miss Kettle Elliott, of y' Loudon, and itching, making the child rest
spent Sunday :with her parents here. !easier- in several days he was Com -
Masters Thomas and Jack Essery pletely cured, not a mark rem¢'
in ,urich. - - ----
Tire game of baseball Played be-
t ween Wed esday l of olast n nthed Stars
oughty enjoyed by a large ceowiil.
The Stars won b ya score of 2-8. it
will ,be remembered that Fullarton
c:wb defeated the Stars on the first
of July and thil now makes a game
each and is the first time this season
the Fullerton boys have been de-
feated. It is suggested that the next
game between these teatns be Played
in Exeter.
• A very gl•e'as ng game of bowls
as played on the homegreen on of I almerston, a revisiting their rag on the kin to show where rthc
aunt Miss Flo 14sscry. trouble lied been. Zam-•B,tk is
Monday night d resulted
Mt. Carmel !aunt,
Mable •Butt, of Victoria illos- - Lest heaLmrr balm the
and Crediton and resulted in a vie_ ort user! "
s. If tills
success combines or nth re e 18 110 4eTl ng
where the (boys t%i:1 end.
One of the ►nest successful Child-
ren's Day in connection with the
Evangelical Sunday School was held
Sunday 'Hat. In the evening , u+�
wards of 600 people gathered to hear
the various exercises twitch without
exception were well rendered. and
were listened to with intense inter-
Rev. Mr. Whiting occupied the ptil-
ttit of the Methodist church Sunday
morning :1st.
Mrs. Winkeiiunder, of Dashwood,
is spending a ft- .0 ?lays visiting
friends at the Central
petal, Landon, is spending her holt- l .\l1 druggists noel stores, 50 cents
(lays at the Methodist parsonage. of - boa or Znm-Mk Co., Toronto for
ter a most delightful trip to Nia- Price.
gara Falls and Buffalo.
• Miss Emrna Graham of Smallman CP.A•f11iTORIA.
& Lngram's London, is a guest at i Beare the The Kind You Hate Always BO:ghl
Ei4worth Park. Signature
Miss Fleda Baker, who has been un of
an extended trip to Manitoba and
the Northwest, returned home on ,
Saturday and reports a mast enjoy. Zurich
able wit r• Mr. Horace 'lilopp. rig
Mr. W. ll. Butt, Jr., of Toronto , the Quebec .celehrat°ret,
Medical College is spending his boli- Stratford regiment.
days in Detroit. Mr. w.,11. Bender. :,,,.•ads hutting
The Epworth -League purposes ' in a thrashing outfit to accommod-
holdi•ng an ice create social on 1314&
with the
worth Park Tuesday evening, August ofthe( To inshiPin the eastern part
Aug. llill spent Tuesday in Lon- 11th. The Lutheran church ttas crotvd-
don 011 business. A :number from here intend tak- ed titi Buitelay crenitlg, to hear the
ltev. A. D. Giselder. of Zurich, was ing in the OM I3py's Re -union at pastor,
t caller at the Evanadir:il parsonage • Loddon next week, {feel C. C. .1. aiaaas. The
g 'is!'
i,-• were currductcd in th Eng- rage Sell Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Corand sec us before you
Monday of this fleck. I DI r. !.. i::liotr• of Toronto, is lush Irnngauagr. p
Miss Sialoma and Emma Tiernan, of I s1t1.'nding his ho :id ys with his cou- Mr. A. ,i',t to:holta's horse ran buy and w•.'. will save you money.
Dashwood, renewed nequeinlanecs in sin, Murray i ;liutt.
the viiluge ClIeWy lost.
Mrs. Hancock. formerly of 1\'inni- an a.\fondny morning. rltv}li iR Bill 'Vats i'[
If you are in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley, come and se us
Mrs. James C:ark, olio has spent 1 peg is Visiting her sister-in-law, plea. letting off some surplus steam, Th•
the past year in the \ e,i, errived1 Elliott.mita We have them,home Saturday • night :,.t nccotnpa Miss A:lie Wilson is ;Visiting (front tof thehCommercial. the rtrestilt
daughter Ethel. friends in London. 1 •
We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil
Siebert & Co.
liartleib Block. 1)AS11WOOD,
Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Summer Goods.
They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over
if a price will sell them.
30 pieces of Muslins in all the new
est shades and ratterns, regular 15c
20c, 25c and 30c a yard, your chole
for 10c the yard.
A few pieces of Dress Goods regale
50c to clear at. 25c the yard.
See our prints at 7c the yard, guar
anteed fast colors.
Skirtings 12#c the yard for IOc.
Bargains in Ladies Blouses,Corse
Covers, Night Gowns, SkirtsVests
Ladies Hose 10c a pair.
Mena Dress Shirts at half price
Boys White Shirts at 2.5c each. Men
and Boys Ready to \Veer Suits a
bargain prices. Job line of Mens and
Boys Fine Straw Hats at 1Oc each.
A full supply of Forks, Rakes, Scy-
thes, Snaths, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys
-Pure Paris Green -Screen Doors,
%Vindow Screens, Hammocks, Coil
Wire, Barb Wire, ideal Woven Wil e
Buy your Binder Twine from us, we
aro sole agents for Plymouth Binder
Twines, guaranteed the best.
Just to hand the finest line of Toilet
e ;Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever
hown in Dashwood and at prices that
r ; will suit you. We purchased a large
!line li e
of those ae goods at a special price
land we are giving you the benefit of
+ the stone. Call early.
t All the latest styles in footwear In
Patent Leather, Tans, Chocolates,
Blucher Cuts and Oxfords. Remem-
ber that these are not the cheap kind
81 that will not wear, but these shoes are
t! the good kind at cheap prices and
• guaranteed to wear. Our prices are
lower than the lowest.
Onr Grocery Department is full of
• New and Fresh Goods. 5 lbs good
Green Tea $1, 8 lbs Roasted Coffee $1,
Matches large box IOe. 3 Cans Corn
25c, 3 Cans Peas 25c. 1 lb. Seeded
Raisins 10c, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, 3 Ilse
• Fancy Cakes 25c.
All Millinery to be cleared out re
gardless cf cost.
10,000 pounds of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks
for witch we will Pay highest market, price, cash or trade.
Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of
these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are
helping yourself.
Market Prices for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
The Farmers Bank of
Capital $i,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,000
40 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business
Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal:
1 times a year.
is too
or fire emaystake t from you, or to investleave s nn irisky speche house ulations orlwith do bt.
ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their bard earned
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our
drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible
rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada antl'prin-
cipal points in the United States and Great Britain.
01'tt Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red '!'ape.
R. T. DUNLOP, !'tanager, DASHWOOD
Office one block north of Siebert & Co's. store. `
tedP. by her►e.nag a broken cross -bar and some
W. Clark. our popular harness Mr. Andrew !(ick. has beep i11, damage to the hnrnu•ss.
maker has move dinto his comtnod. but i.s able to be out ag sin, ametitc Roofing, ;Mineral Surface $2 So per square
ions rooms over the harness shop. John Co:will and wife The bowling green is getting into
T (vey fair condition and the formal
op„ Hing of the (..round will take
place shortly.
Mr. Orville \';lines, mnnagr of the
Dominion !tank branch, at New Dun-
dee, spent the past (week twit lr his
parents in town.
Itcv. father Loisene of Dryadale,
left la4t 'week on an extended tour
through Europe end Asia. Ile w ill
Is' away four or five month`.
. , everything new and up to•clate.
Lr. c tnent si(l(•wn:ks arc now are attend.
e � ing the funeral of his brother-in-lnty
p:elyd mid expend r Sir. Ila: 'h
conifora ' t near London.
Evangelical remotely a'out 40 on.
o the t•i:page to the Qua
rOOrnits; is
rods wr.r f next Sunda
Seita• . n distaaacr r;f ahoa+t 1.2 dist church here.
n,i:. All the side *1 reel as well Farmer: are in the midst of bar.
i• streets now ha we el'rrleilt vest now.
1 ;• '1 hi, again put, en,,htori airs. (,►r.) Orme 1s satnimerin
L• ,n the foreground g at
ibsibt if any village of its sizo can Mr. Wm. Abbott is s t
1., ,-t of ,=1101 3 sl re: Ch of at alk. snrmmcr on his little farmltaatagClan.
' i a G. Wertz, of Pigeon. thiel*., 1 deboye wher the has a large alum.
i.a lap, n.ling a few weeks with her her of bees and a great quantity of
moth •r and friends in ! bone
reground for we (.rand vend,
and around y
the visage. airs. foster returned home after
1\'ill Brown, of Toronto. renewed a tong visit with her father, Mr,
acquaintances in the village for a Jas. 11andtord.
few days.
Al r. al. :rin 11' ,.
biting. of Parkhill. TiIr SIEGE 01' ME;IAS'I01'or.
`1'•na a few days the guest of J. 'i1. There tw111 be (line hundred
11r. ./arae• a formers in the grand Int rnation:,l
nap popu,.ar manage r Military Tattoo and S:'cctacle. the
of the Camelia() (tank of Cornnaereo, 1`ti(•R•' of Sebastap'oi, 11 at ix to he
QVc have Salmon Tag and Gilt Edge. dict our prices, to at .Present taking his holidays in lirrsentel at the Can. i,.,n •\1tio'ctl
Dfu.nkok r. 1:chibition. 'tomato. 1 his i•bc;odes
('harden.n fu.,
altlrtnry Hands take part in (he Tat -
Mrs. ',oilman of Berlin, is the too and Spect:,c:e every r•veninf.
C r of her aster, .Airs. Chas.
if there ever was a specific for
0711• r*3t T O =dl r. . nny one complaint then Garter's
bean tN lie K'rd i:1 Rare Ain Blot Lit I In Liver Pills ate a specific for
sick headache and every woman
o' ( jL�`��/� • should know this. Oaly one pill a
dose. Try them.
MACN iN E-, Oil rhe kind that wears. .1'1 cents a gallon.
1: I • •r�•1 cents to 40 cents a pair.
['rtt1L 1 �„•�f�E�s :\ large assortment ard fresh every week
Try our f.rm�bn ('akr-• t pounds for 25c.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
Preston Safe Lock Galvinized Shingles and ('orrigated Iron in stock
will last a life time.
A large assortment of Page Gates on hand which we will sell cheap
Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices.
Try Martin Senour Paint 100 per cent pure,
Gcthonc of our 011 Stoves, the proper thing this hot weather. Come
--�_ and sec us th' - ..
why' don't you try Carter's Little Cement always on hand. Butter and Eggs taken,
Liver Pills; They are a positive euro }�
for sick headache and all the ills pro-
duced Hardware D. TI EMA N,
by disordered Jiver. Only one , Dashwood
!till a dose.
Didn't Agree with Me IRON AND W000Mr. Arthur fennisun, 8S London PIIMPS
of Street, Toronto, writes enthusiastically ! I mt.') to inf( ren the Public and those in need of i'nnal•s, that i here n( ts
stomach h tnerit� of Psyching far all the agency for the
., t
tion an•l dyspepsia. I triedse
My room resembled a drug rind will he pl •
store with nostrums which 1 hid bought. in an iron et 1
Eventually I used Paycbine, sa4 every
dose brought permanent relief."
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Mr. C. 'Zw ;cacti, of London, . is t hr, e hug Iced musician tl. nte,a- For seven years 1 Lave had ina�iges-
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