Exeter Times, 1908-07-30, Page 3YOUNG
"Do little birds do just as their
fathers and mothers dot" question-
ed Molly, a3 she leaned close to
Aunt Elanor, and looked across the
field to where "hob -White" and bis
family had established a summer
"Not always," replied Aunt Elin-
or, slipping her arm about the little
girl. 'Sornetimes they learn by
their own experience to have more
confidence iu inert and women and
children than their parents had."
"What is confidence?" questioned
Molly, who always wanted the mean-
ing of things.
"Well, it's just the feeling you
have when you lean up against me,"
explained Aunt Elinor, with a little
laugh. 'You are sure I won't hurt
you, and you feel safe, as though
you were protected."
"Oh, yes," responded Molly.
"And do some birds feel that way
when they are near people ?"
Aunt Elinor nodded. "In coun-
tries where children are taught to
be gentle and friendly with birds
they become very tame."
"Would those little Bob -Whites
ever have confidence iu me i" ask -
cif Molly.
"Yes, in'doed," said Aunt Elinor.
And that very day Molly went across
the field to where Mrs. Bob -White
wets perched on the low fence, talk-
iegg to her little family.
Molly did not go very near. She
sat down on a big stone, where she
could see them plainly; but Mrs.
Mrs. Bob -White fluttered off the
fence and joined her family, and
they all scuttled away in the tall
grass. Molly sat very quietly, and
scattered the little bag of wheat she
had brought all about the rock.
After a while, as the birds did not
come back, she went home.
The next 'day she started down the
field again, for Aunt Elinor had
told her that she must be very
patient with all small wild creat-
ures, and that it would take many
visits before the quails would know
that she was a friend. As she calve
near the rock where she sat the day
before there was a flutter of wings,
and Alothor Quail flow off to her
perch on the fence, and Molly hoard
a low, plaintive "Quoi-i-hee !" from
the little birds; but they did not fol-
low their mother very far. Molly
sat down in the grass, and saw the
little birds pick up the sweet grains
of wheat; and Mother Quail, after
a few scolding notes, came back to
her family. But she hopped about
nervously, or made little upward
Molly was sure that the birds
were beginnig to know her. This
time she left some pieces of cake
near the rock; and every clay for two
weeks she came faithfully to visit
the Bob -Whites. By this time they
began eto look for her. and these
wildest of wild birds had learned
what their parents had not known—
confidenwa in human beings. Aunt
Elinor Aould sit on the porch and
watch Molly go across the field, and
see the little Bob -Whites come al-
most within reach of her little
niece's hand. Sometimes they
would even follow Molly a little way
toward the house in the most loving
and fearless manner, although their
doubtful mother called warningly
after her family, as though she had
not conquered al her fears, or as
though she would teach thein not to
be too ready to trust.
"They have learned something
their mother doesn't know, haven't
they, Aunt Elinor?" Molly declar-
ed, happily, as she looked back to-
ward the birds, and remembered
what Aunt Elinor had told her of
the meaning of the word "confi-
dence. "&Youth's Companion.
Happy City is undoubtedly a very
orderly town --never more than one
lynching a month being enacted
there—but is has an unenviable rep-
utation for cheating at cards.
A greenhorn, seeing life, visited
the only hotel the city boasts the
other day and some companionable
gentlemen impressed flim into play-
ing poker with them. Against his
will he played. Against his will,
H'tso, he lost.
Realizing that all his money had
departed and that he would have to
`••fit►k about three hundred miles
:ma to civilization, he went to the
Sheriff and said:
'Officer, I want you to arrest those
two en over there for forcing me
into game of cards with them and
then swindling rate."
"Y'r askin too much, stranger,"
replied the guardian of the law. "1
c'an't arrest them gents. One's tit'
honored mayor of this 'ere city, an'
th' other's th' chief of the police."
:tee here !" exclaimed the angry
man. "I wish you would muzzle
that dog of yours at night. His bark-
ing IreCps sty,' baby awake, ' "I was
just going to request you to muzzle
your baby," rejoined the neighbour.
"His nightly howling anneeys my
dog :"
The Felf.maJaelan 1Leica :y Lor :e,: and
neglects lo a4!4 the f1n4,11.1.g 'ouCl,cti.
is the only Dandruff Cure. For
Shampooing it has no equal. Sold by all
ail druggists, got, or sent postpaid from
the Seven Sutherland Sisters, 179 King
St., Toronto, on ret:eipt of price.
Brown—"I say, Green, you are
just the man I want to see. You
have known me now for five years,
haven't yoit ?„
Brown—"Well, I would like you
to accommodate me with a loan of
five dollars."
Green—"Sorry, Brown, but I
Brown—"Can't 1" Why not 2"
Oreen—"Because I've known you
for five years."
lYl 218, Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo.
writes: "Peruna Is the best friend IS
sick man can have.
"A few months ago 1 same here in a
wretched condition. Exposure and
dampness had rained my once robust
health. I had catarrhal affections of
the bronchial tubes, and for a time them
was a doubt as to my recovery.
"My good honest old doctor advised
mo to take Peruna, which I did and in
a short time my health began to im-
prove very rapidly, the bronchial
trouble gradually disappeared, and in
three months my health was fully re-
"Accept a grateful man's thanks tot
his restoration to perfect health."
Pe-ru-na for His Patients.
A. W. Perrin, M. D. S., 1180 Halsey
Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y., says:
"I am using your Peruna myself, and
am recommending it to my patients la
all cases of catarrh, and find it to bo
morn than you represent. Peruna cap
be had now of all druggists in this see.
tion. At tho time I began using it, it
was unknown."
Husband—But why did you dis-
miss the cook this morning, when
the Higges are coming to dinner to-
Wife—Because at 11 a.m. we had
only exactly enough dishes left to
set the table.
Attacks of cholera and dysentery
come quickly, there seldom being
any warning of the visit. Reme-
dial action must be taken just as
quickly if the patient is to be spared
great suffering and permanent in-
bury to the lining membranes of the
owels. The readiest preparation
for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kel-
log's Dysentery Cordial. It can be
got at small cost at any rlrng store
or general dealer's, and it will af-
ford relief before a doctor can be
"I'm afraid, Edward. your'ro
marrying me only because I've in-
herited 850,000 from my uncle."
"Why, Blanche, how can you think
that of me 7 Your uncle is nothing
to me'. I would marry you no matter
from whom you inherited the
----- •+ ----
Ladies in Poor Health
Everywhere, especially those dis-
couraged by failure of previous
treatment are invited to write for
a free trial of my home treatment,
with interesting booklet, all post-
i:aid in plain wrappers, with the
most reliable references and proofs
which will encourage the most (lis -
heartened. You can thus quickly
satisfy yourself, without cost that
Ellis treatment is what you long
Lave sought. I will reply promptly
to all who write. Address,
Wlttdyur, Ont.
Mr. Wiggins, in his study, was en-
deavoring to concentrate his
thought upon a bit of writing. A
perpetual noise in the flat above an-
noyed him beyond human endur-
ance. Rushing into the sitting -room
he cried.
"What is that confounded rack-
"My dear, it is only the lady above
rocking her baby to sleep."
"For heaven's sake, run and tell
her to use smaller rocks!"
De Jones : "There is one good
thing about that man." De Smith:
"What is it 1" De Jones: "His
opinion of himself."
'tSlggest and Best"
Chewing Tobacco
Great Thinge Aehlet;ed by Iii.
Sightless Men.
Great things achieved by two
men of talent and of spirit so
dauntless that even total blindness
could not keep them down have just
been especially recognized iu Am-
erica and Europe.
Seventeen years ago Mr. E. D.
Campbell, now a university profes-
sor and director of the chemical
laboratories in the University of
Michigan, lost his sight through an
accident. In spite of his affliction
he has taken a high place in edu-
cation and has made original re-
searches of much value, especially
in the chemistry of iron and ce-
ment. He has just attended a ban-
quet in his honor at the University
of Wisconsin, where he delivered
an address on "Tho Effect of Free
Magnesia on Cements."
It is forty years since the fam-
ous blind engineer of Belfast died
in Ireland. The Belfast Natural
History and Philosophical Society
has now published a memorial pa-
per on his life and remarkable
achievements. Alexander Mitchell
was 18 years old when he became
blind. His life was shrouded in
darkness for seventy-two years, but
he was in active business till he
was 82, and his influence still lives.
His two greatest works were the
discovery and application of a new
principle in preparing the founds-
: tions for lighthouses and piers and
his improvements in the screw pro-
peller. He built many lighthouses,
and long before his death ho had
the satisfaction of knowing that his
inventions were conferring import-
ant benefits in India and North
and South America as well as in
i Europe and that his improvements
steam propulsion were used on
every sea.
There is no lack of illumination
it: the minds of such as these who
can achieve the exceptional though
from "wisdom at one entrance quite
shut out."
Every mother knows how fats
the summer months are to sural
children. Cholera infantum, diar
rhoea, dysentery and stomach trou
bles are alarmingly frequent at thi
time and too often a precious littl
life is lost after a few hours' ill
nese. The mother who keeps 13aby'
Own Tablets in the house feels
safe. The occasional use of Baby's
Own Tablets prevent stomach and
bowel troubles, or if the trouble
comes soddenly—as it generally
dces--the Tablets will bring the
little one through safely. Mrs
George Howell, Sandy Beach, Que.,
says :—"My baby was suffering with
colic, vomiting and diarrhoea, but
after giving him Baby's Own Tab-
lets the trouble disappeared. I
would ads ise all mothers to keep a
box of Tablets always at hand."
Seld by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25e. a box from The Dr. Willi-
ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Teacher (during history -lesson) :
"Who was Joan of Arc?" For a few
minutes there was silence. Then a
bright little boy put up his hand.
"Please, teacher, she was the
daughter of Noah!"
The Greatest Tonic 1e "Fennvtm." It 1s
plerrant In to+te and contain, Just the nourish.
meat and strength -giving qualities that are need -
Ml by those who are sick sad weakly.
Lilt: Eiinse—":•\l;unnia says you ale a
dt. ' f a duclor." Pompous; M. 1).
1Eacutly Idca<-i•d)`"indcel! How did sho
c enlo k) say Mal?' Little Elmer --"Oh,
Elle didn't say it Just that '.•ay, but 1
heard her tell pap you were a quack.'
Do not delay in getting relief for
the little folks. Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator is a pleasant
and sure cure. If you love your
child why do you let it suffer
when a retnedy is so near at hand 1
\\'ITHI GOOD B1::\‘ -t,\.
Timmin'--"\\';l1 you join us in a lit-
t.c atubver ary celebralh n at our
is use?''
BEnn .--"fl 'iihted. Wcdd:ng nun:ver.
silty or birttalac?"
'Itmmins—"No. Our scrvant"s 1 ts•n
with us Just 11 year."
Count the cups and count tho
ecst. Much is saved by using ."8a -
!oda" Ten. Sold only in sealed
lead packets, never by peddlers or
in bulk.
"Hear about Reggie?"
""What's the latest ?"
Nell, you know how bashful he
"Yep. Get on."
"The other night he proposed to
Miss Coyne. Of course, he got all
balled up. He thought the proper
thing would be to get on his knees
to her."
'So he did. Well, he hadn't been
on his knees since he was a kid.
And, rattled as he was, he couldn't
think a thing to say but 'Now I lay
me down to sleep!"
Nan --"Dia yet& no'lce how• dreadfully
that piano nee111d tun ng?" Fan "Why►
no. dear. 1 t.h'dupht It harman'zd pt!►
kclly with your voioe."
Vienna Sausage
You've never tasted
the best sausage until
you've eaten Libby's
Vienna Sausage.
It's asausage product
of high food value:
Made different: Cook-
ed different Tastes
different and is different
than other sausage!
Libby's Vienna
Sausage, like all of the
Libby Food Products;
is carefully prepared
and cooked in Libby's
Great White Kitchen.
It can be quickly
served for any meal at
any time! It is pleas-
ing; not over -flavored
and has that satisfying
taste: Try it
Libby. McNeill i Libby,
So great is the part played by
birds in disseminating seeds and in
protecting plants by the destruc-
tion of noxious insects that Mr. If.
W. Henshaw reaches the somewhat
astonishing conclusion that if all
birds were exterminated, not only
would successful agriculture be-
come impossible, but the greater
part of the vegetation of the earth
would eventually be destroyed. A
permanent reduction in the bird
population, he says, could not but
have disastrous consequences.
When fate is dealing out hard
Don't try to shako 'em ;
Just buckle in and grit your teeth,
Then stand an' take 'cin.
For when she finds you won't be
As sure as shootin,'
She's very apt to turn around,
And go a-scootin.
Marcy a ratan who imagines he is
world famous is unknown to tho
people in the next block.
Useful at all Tines—In winter or
111 summer I'armelee's Vegetable
Pills will cope with and overcome
any irregularities of the digestive
organs which change of diet,
change of residence, or variation of
temperature may bring about.
They should be always kept at
Land, and once their beneficial ac-
tion becomes known, no one will bo
without them. There is nothing
nauseating in their structure, and
the most delicate can use them
"Willie, is it right to shy 'My sis-
ter has come to school' ?" "No
miss." "Why not." "Because your
sister has went home!"
Jest • Wes of caution; When the skin is
lestroyetl by burns or scald% apply W '
Ceras Immediately ; the sooner the better.
"You're not as strict with that
youngster of yours as you used to
No, for economy's sake. Every
month I used to have to buy n,vselle
a new pair of slippers and hits a
new pair of pants.
More men would acquire that tired
feeling if aid their words were back-
ed by deeds.
Trate fr.ends are !bozo who 1 Flom to
y, ur talk when y, u ,l. n't s•Iy ;,myth ng.
ISSUE NO. 20-09.
1. f. Iee•ef-Mar a'ai.1 lee-elf.w.. Pr a0 Iee•e%Ayr
Narfelle rre.,i
TNf MITIS c/7r l,r//M
Ieef Offleo A4,l,g Reese r.59,,. Rooms
t,/.e„ *Mc' ital.r,tstro, Inds. Ieteae.1/e, a Skye%.
Visitors to the great Tercentenary Celebration will
/Ind at the •' Tent.d City " every conv,•nlence to bo
had at a good hotel, combined with tho delight of
sleeping under canvas.
On the top of tho cliff—commanding a majniii :311t
view of the St. Lawrence, with the Naval Review;
of the Pageants on the Plains of Abraham, and of
old Quebec -a olty of tents is being erected to pro-
vide accommodation for thousands of guests.
Three huge Dining Tents will seat 1,600 at once. and,
under the management of an efficient caterer, meals
will be served here to guests at 60c each. In another
tent meals will be served at 26e.
Five perfectly equipped Lavatory Tents, conneeted
with the City mains, are provided --the one for
Ladles In a separate part of the grounds.
Sleeping Tents are of three sizes.
Pismo of Almay
Class " A," holding 11 cornfortahly. Costs fcr tag
whutr celebrat Lon - 12 days, with 2 ,says beton, and 3
afterward If desired—$160. Separate beds 11.10 pet
Class " P." holding 1. or 4 cont, e-tably. For fu31
term, i76. Separate beds t1 per day.
Class " C," holding 8. or 2 routfortably. 160 foe
full term. Separate beds 12 per day.
.A Class " A " tent Just sults a large party, and
" B " or " C " small party or faintly. Tho cost le
considerably reduecvl by taking the whole tont.
Express, TIaggege and Post-otfoes. itafety I)cpoet$
Vaults, Electric Light, Police Protection and Att,cnd4
ants are provided.
Rift, to-dayr for Programme of Events and Ap.
plication Blank's. and reserve, your ecconunodntt„
Or on your arrival go direct to tho " Tented Cite'
With your baggage..
Lots of accommodation in the "Tented t_'ity." Electric car line passes the leach entrairel
distance from Grand Stand five minutes walk. Plenty of police and fire protection. First- class
caterer from Boston furnishing meals from twenty-five cents upwards. One of the finest views in
the world, showing the harbor and battleships and landing of Champlain.
Address W. A. 1i. WIGGS, Vice -President Tented Clty Co., Quebec, P.Q.
Meeker—"Just one year ago to-
day I led my wife to the altar."
Bleeker—"You did, ehl"
Meeker—"Yes, and right there
and then my leadership ended."
Always a Good Friend—In health
and happiness we need no friends,
but when pain and prostration
conte we look for friendly aid from
sympathetic hands. These hands
can serve us no better than in : eb-
bing in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil,
for when the Oil is -in the pain is
out. It has brought relief to thou-
sands who without it would be in-
deed friendless.
"Pa, what are honest debut'•
"Honest debts, lay love, arc the ac-
counts against a ratan that he always
leaves lar his relatives to pay after he
:s dead."
is made like the
ideal balms of
Ancient Greece- From
pure herbal sep+ S-
lutcea�1 et an oialcieat.
seta 5alve.but
The whip -poor -will both loud and long
Itis doleful note doth strike.
if a mosquito song thus . tr.ong,
What would his bile be Eke?
may help you to win the Cash Prize
given by the OitANGE MEAT Com-
pany for the largest number of bot-
toms of packages sent in. There
arc a great number of other large
cash prizes given in this contest.
Commence saving the ORANGE
MEAT Corton Bottoms and send
your name and address to
ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO-
DAY, stating that you wish to en-
ter and you will be sent fall infor-
mation regarding all the prizes and
conditions. ORANGE MEAT is a
flesh and blood producer and be-
cause of its thorough cooking and
malting, it is easily assimilated.
Eggs for invalids—Cover frying
pan with creast. When hot beat as
many eggs as wanted, seasoned
v. ith little salt, and keep stirring
until light.
To bathe the feet of those too
weak to sit in a chair draw up the
knees, place foot bath or pan of
waren water in bed, put both feet
ill, and see how the sick one will
enjoy it. It is beneficial and sooth-
ing, draws the blood from the bead,
and often induces restful sleep.
lantern for Sickroom.—in the;
country and small towns where gas
and electric lights are not to be
found, hang a lantern from a hook
screwed into the bottoid of an up-
per window• sash on t he outside.
The light in the roots may be regu-
lated by raising or lowering the
shade. This obviates the heat and
odor produced by a kerosene lamp
in the room.
If you arc suffering with a bun
ion or soreness of the low er joint
of the great tree make a pad of cot-
ton batting the length of the toe,
one inch wide and one half inch
thick. Place this pad between the
gtcat toe and second toe. This
throws the great toe out arid the
joint in, so the shoe will net rah
or press un the joint, and the pada
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Montreal; I.111‘1% KNOX R
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.
does not cause any inconvenience
and will alleviate the suffering and
stop the formation of a bunion.
It's much easier to pray for for-
giveness than to fight against temp-
Biliousness Burdens Life — The
bilious man is never a companion-
able man because his ailment ren-
ders him morose and gloomy. Tlie
complaint is not so dangerous as it
is disagreeable. Yet no one need
suffer from it who can procure Par-
rnclee's Vegetable Pills. By regu-
lating the liver and obviating the
effects of bile in the stomach they
restore sten to cheerfulness and
full vigor of action.
In times of peace it doesn't take
mush to start a quarrel.
There are a number of varieties
of corns. IIelloway's Corn Cure
will remove any of thein. Call on
your druggist- and get a bottle at
l.itilo ilaroid—"Papa. did Solomon
have 700 wives?" Papa—"i bereve he
.f d, my :on.' Lligc llarold—"Was he
Ie.: Ivan wl'n said, 'Give mo lflerty, or
give rale death'?"
Anyway, the man who has no
friends never disappoints them.
Stooks, eond9 and Debentures.
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stooks Of
Canada and Unittld States.
Orden tel nith pnomptnese Correa -
pal truce soli tie l
021 1.1127 Trader* sank eut,dtng, Tsroelts, Ont.
1'L„ne Main 9.4.
of equipment for a Public
Library is a aubjeet that
should be carefullly con-
For planning the Stack
Room, arranging the
Charging Counter and
Classifying Books for Cata-
logs. Library Bureau is re-
cognized the world over as
the authority.
Write for Booklet.
Library Bureau of Canada
111 IIA l' sins:K r, rokt,N1o, ON F.
ivory nachnt
will 1:t))
more P'c a than
of 2tic1.y ymper
---- SOLO fast --
iOc. per packet, or 3 packets for 2043.
wilt last w whole season.
AGENTS WANTPO. A rellahts man 15 e•ery
City Km! 1-, n In r'a,i to with wutcrwort• 10 !ell Lal
to t i le nre.led in Geer home 5,1,1 and
ahlin bull ling hells al sight. Hurtle,, eau
d ere making !KW a day. Write at once to
garttoular. (15..7'. Col, ()wen&unit, Ontario
an, C:ualai This 1.a specialty with the �.
soma particulars y,o,t s.1 we anomie toear err
Ns rte Meatreal.
how mueh money he Could save by neing s+
Falrbanke•tior.e Jick-rd a11- trades na.•.11ne 1%n.
gine 1., elle wo„d pump water. grind feed, Ac.„
we wonhl t .t 1, .,bis t . ropply the demand.
Cut this ad telt and .end to ur to day, and we
Will send you our free catalogue.
Tete Canadian Fairbanks Ce., limited, Teronte, ons
\t"m.tre;ll, wlnnipeg, t'ancon,er
All prices and styles front $12.10 to
$2.4o. Write for free catalogue.
Pri'r. D
264 Yong* Street, Toronto.
Agent. wanted in every ay.'s,