Exeter Times, 1908-07-23, Page 41 The Exeter Times Exeter. Ontario. '.neem: of Subscription $1.00 per tlensall. Mr. Barnum and Mr. E. 'R. Blake are visiting relatives here. Mrs. 111. Paterson is having her Pear in advance, $1.50 may to dwelling on Richmond St. eolith nice- sParged if not tso paid. To United ly repaintea. I;..chciter and fourth earl of Clarcn- atetea subscribers. $1.50 strictly in Mrs. (lest of Portage la Prairie I lion anJ a great-granddaughter of ea- ' tisanoe. No. •paper discontinued Dlauitoha, has been tbe guest of Iles. j rased, n.1 first and famous earl of Chir- ac▪ all arrears are paid, unless at J. L. McArthur during she Y44t endo; • • • Ono of the :teeniest (the option of the publisher. 'Ihe week. Alis. iGoddiugs ,recently arrived` of her caprices was to be unlike other here from England to join her hus- people, and she succeeded admirably band, who is and has been for some in the attempt. Bolingbroke nieknane time past an efficient employee Of est her "La Sin ularite;" Horace \\':l- our foundry. • ' pole, more bluntly, "the Mad Duchess," 'Dir, 11. l'hompson has been quilt i 1'hls oddity was specially displayed in seriously illl for the past week or so, but we are pleased to sec him suffice her dress. 1u 1717, after a good deal of icntly recovered to be on our streets intriguing, she Iiad obtained permle again. slou to appear again at court, and In Vay • payment. Miss Nellie Anderson, Miss Jesle 17113 Horace Walpole tells Lord Ilcrt- If a person orders his papers dit;- 51cMortan, and Mr. Frank Mcltor- ford that she presented herself there continued be must pay all arrears, ran, all of Chicago, are here visiting hi :t gown and petticoat of red flannel. or the publisher may continue to their relatives. Making all allowance for male igno- send it until payment is made, and 'Miss Edith McEwen, who is teach- Trane on such a subject and Walpole's Ilc et the whole +amount ing at Bath, is spending .her vacat-1 tendency to embroider a story, It Is HE EXETER TIMES, JUL I 23rd I9O . THE MAD DUCHESS. , Lady Catherine Hyde and Her Eccen- tricities of Dress. Lady Catherine Hyde was the third slaughter of Henry, second earl of date to w•lticb every subscription ►s Mid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. 1)I.:Ck-DONS RESPECTING NE\WSI'A1'1s1tS Any person or persons who takes a paper regularly from a post office. whether addressed in his rime or another's, or whether ke has but:- scribed or not, is responsible for whether the paper is taken or not - !The 'Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or period- icals from the post office or remov- ing and leaving .them uncalled for while subscription remains unpaid, is prima facia evidence of intentional f rau(1. THE EXETER TIMER I"T'G CO. O Note and Comment The fourth session of the tenth parliament came to a quiet close at :loon (Monthly, on tbe 230th day of the session. In the absence of Itis Excellency the Governor-General. Sir Charles in the Senate4h and Fitzpatrick e end e al spe ech rfrotn the throne, 'which was an unusually long document. he was not a{tended nor was he received by a guard of boner, both of which were dispensed m'ith for the first time on record at the request of Sir Charles. The us- ual salute evhiclt marks the closing boomed forth from Nepean Point. There was a meagre attendance of members from both houses for the closing ceremonies. The Commons met at 11 a. m. and occupied itself with miscellaneous work until noon. Coir Wilfrid Laurier moved seconded by :Mr. It. L. Borden, a resolution inviting the 'interparliamentary Un- ion to meet in Ottawa in 1909. In moving this the premier paid a tri- bute to !the excellence of the objects of this organization. Mr. Borden spoke to the same purpose. Huron The voters' list for the township of Goderich was posted on Friday last. Part one contains 621 voters, part two 132, and part three 31. There are 445 jurors. SI B:4OIttB FOIL P1tE. TIMES. The Dominion Government has granted a subsidy to the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway from Woodstock to Exeter a distance of 45 miles. The subsidy amounts to 53200 a mile. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TI'MLES. on at her home. Mr. and ,Mrs. G. F. Scott, of Lou- don, who have been visiting .with relatives here returned to the For- est City last week. Our flax manufacturers have este tered this season's work of pulling, and from now on a large force of hands will h¢ at work. The acre- age is large and the yield is very good. We are pleased to learn that IDTrs. James Coxworth is improving nice - beyond doubt that she deliberately courted the peculiar In her costume. She was fond of weaving nn apron and 11ppeat•ed in one at court after this gar- ment had been forbidden ut the royal drawing rooms. Her entrance being g opposed by one of the lords In wait- ing, she tore It off, threw it In Itis face and walked on. Beau Nash on n stinI- I:+r occasion took the law Into lila own hands, for when she attempted to eu- ly from the recent accident in the ter the ballroom nt Bath wearing an ivay of spraining her ankle while en- apron he promptly stripped it off and gaged in picking ,berries. threw 1t among the ladies' maids, ob- serving b- sening that none but Abigalls sir peered In white nitrous. It was her fancy as she grew older to disregard the changes of fashion and to adhere slistinntely to the dress of her younger days. Iter attire at thnes was so weird that Lord Cornbury wrote, "She has Mees culled 'sir' upon the road above twenty times." -Nineteenth Century. Reeve Petty recently received a fine gold headed cane as n Prize offered by the 'Hensel' lodge of Odd - fellows for 'securing ,the largest number of members for ,the past term of six mouths. From the Eskridge, Kansas, Star, refers to the marriage of the daugh- ter of, Mr. W. A. Waugh, huhu was, well and favorably known here, as hardware merchant for many. years; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Waugh, of Esk- ridge, announce the engagement of their daughter, Florence Grace Jose- phine, to :Ur. Charles Williatn Walk- er. The ;wedding will take place in the fall. Miss ,Waugh was a student last year at Washburn College, She Is a pretty girl and made many friends at college and in !Topeka. Dr. Walker graduated from Wash- burn several years ago, and is now a practiciug physician in Eskridge. Engineer Rogers has been in Hen - sell for some time past drawing .out plans and specifications for two new sewers which the council propose to lay up south Richmond street, and 'Wellington and .Mill streets respec- tively, subject to the approval of the ratepayers receiving benefit from the drains. A meeting of said rate- payers was called last week, when the plans were laid before 'them. No conclusion was reached, it being pro- bable that the plans will have to be somewhat changed and modified be- fore they will be accepted. The es- timated cost of the two sewers is a little over *2,400. • Ellmvllle The sacrament of the Lord's Sup - The survey of the electric rail- Per will be administered next Sun. tvny is now practically complete from day morning and the regular quart - Kincardine to Goderich. It follows erly collection taken. the Blind line through Colborne, and The Official hoard will meet one it is expected the construction work week front 'Monday. will commence the latter part of this -�-' month or early in August. BORN SUBSCRIBE FOR (rim TIMES. Mr. 'Monday, July 20th, to 'Mutt. a � K. 11 and 'Mrs. C. Tr I k On Monday afternoon of last week ce daughter. an unfortunate accident t.efrll Mr. DIEDGeorge Munroe. butcher of Bruce- SPENCER -In Zurich, Tuesday July field. Mr. Munroe is erecting a new 14th. David Spencer aged 80years. shop and while engaged at work on OESCII-In Itay, Saturday July llth. Mrs. Joseph tl. Oesch aged 38 years. McNICOL-lu 3libbert. t\Vednesday July 15th, James Ernest McNicol. scions. Ile is only 30 years of age aged 30 years, 4 months and 15 days. and his unfortunate accident is much 'SELLANi)-In Itlanshard, on !July regretted. 19th, 1908, Mary Elva. ttheloved A rather dangerous accident occur- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John red in Tuckersmith of last week Mr. Kelland, aged 9 years, 5 months Carnochan was putting Paris green 6 days. to a patch of potatoes. when two \\TING. -At Shipka, Thursday. July little gran t children got hold of the 16th, harry Wing. aged '43 y:ars. poison. and lefore they were notic. e(1, each of them had swallowed a considerable quantity. So far es 'Dir. Carnochan could tee only one took any of the poison and he drove to t(eaforth with all speed. taking the child with hits. The doctors, fear- ing that the other child might also have swallowed some sent for her. and their r•uspicions proved correct. They are two and three years of ngc respectively. The one is n Smith child, from Toronto; the other is Leena Cameron. who lire: with her grandfather. the building he fell a distance of some 26 feet and sustained very ser- ious injuries. rendering him uncon- CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough; ought Bears Signature of FO1 a li,ritt lunch , afternoon tells, I)icnic-, anti ental), there is softline tli;tt %yill egtlnl a BOVRIL SANDVN ICH It is 1:►3ty, 111(11 l' 11Ut l'ItiOt18 than h11tn, beef or chicken, and mole et'en(lnlical. Sond 41 i► )st 1';lr(1 dor I1('1Y 11001:lt't '''I'11st y Dishy':" 10 BOVRII, 1.1111.11:.1) a7 ST. Pii1filt el RI:F.1',.110N Pili:A1. After sui-feriii. eight yeai•:, this 55 f,tli:l '1 Its real erect to health by lia 1:. I'inl:llntn's Vegetable table Compound. Read her lel ter. JlI:. ,A. 1). •I'rudcau, .lrnitrior, Ontario, w'r'ites to MFS. P111kham: "I suffered terribly from ulcera- tion of the feminine organs for eight years:. 1 tried four doctors but got nu relief. and thought 1 would have to die. •• One .l:iv i sate an a.lvettisement of Lydia E. 1'inkluim's Vegetable Com - petrel in the paper. I sent for :some. and bcforr I had used five bottles I cured. ed 1 hope every Was entirely c suf- fering woman will fa's • my advice and sere I.}•tli't 1•:. I'inkharns Vegetable t'o1n1'..wt,•1. . FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirt•• .'1 I.}.li,t 1'.. I'ink- tilUll'y , ('},T•': 1 O ::1)hIIt(I, 111.(1(' front root -'t ilii+l lU runs dart 1)('en th(• standard remedy for female i11:4, and has posit hely cured t houvnnda of women who have leen troubled with enu'nt I ttl,nntn.►tl a Illt•era dll17t(, , tion, tlhrold tumors, iri,-gul:►ritie,. ix'ri(Mlie trains, backache, that heal ng4lotvn feeling, flatilleney, in(lige.- t .o..1 itziness or nervous pt•ost nit ion. 'Why don'! You try it 1)on't hesitate to write to'.1t•c. I'inkl.afli if yon need eels ieeabotii r,•ottr' lis te'-. she v,1!1 trent toter letter in confidence and :lathe• you free. Itet•utfse of her fast experience she has helped 11 sands. .Address, Lynn, Maes. THE MARINER'S COMPASS. Influences That Draw it From Its Alle- giance 'o tho Pole. Nothing iu the navigational equip- ment of a ship has been the subject of more nnxlous research or receives more jealous care than the mnariner's cunt pa ss. The popular notion of the compass needle always ;•olnting north and south Is -well, t.. .e inaccurate than even popular notions usually are. Even eticr the most favorable conditions Choc me only certain places upon the 'urfnce of the mirth where the compass t:ct•il!e does point north and south, :furl it 1; quite safe to say that such ec idt- 'See; are never found on board of any In:;t we must go further tied say that so more unfavorable position could be fount] for a compass than on board of it I'r)tlern steatuship, which Is n com- plicated mass of steel, all tending to draw the conip:tot needle from its alle- giance to the magnetic pole of the earth, warring influences which must ,it'eds be counteracted by alt sorts of tict•ice'1 which hedge round the Instru- ment by an invl:iible wall of conflicting currents; of magnetism. .inti :Is if this were not enough there are uow huge (tynaulos to be reckoned with. producing electric currents for a!1 sorts of purposes on board. In the midYt of these In3stic currents 9 t1C poor Tittle compass needle, upon which the mariner depends for his guide across the trnekteee deep, hangs suspended like one shrinking saint surrounded by legions of devils. Martian Life Dying. A sadder interest attaches to such existence -that it Is, cosmically speak- ing, soon to pass away. To our eventual descendants life on Mars will no longer be something to scan and Interpret. it will have lapsed beyond the hope of study or recall. Thus to us It takes on an added glamour from the fact that It has not long to last. for the process that brought It to its present pass must go on to the bitter end until the last spark ot Martian life goes out. The drying up of the planet Is certain to proceed until its surface can support no life nt all. Slowly, but surely, Bine swill snuff it out. When the last ember is thus ex- tinguished tlio planet will roll a deed world through space, its evolutionary career forever ended. -Professor Low- ell in Century. Doctors' Bills. Who, having obtained an honest bill for the medicine, will wish to have particulate; ,•f the doctor's "profession- al services?' imagine a 1+111 made up with such nicety as this: "To count• ing pulse, sixpence; to viewing tongue. threepence; to making four questions (three Irrelevant), fourpence; 10 telling patients to say 'ninety-nine,' eight- pence; to medicine, 1s. tale to bottle, twopence; to label, 1 penny; total, 3s. Gd." -Yorkshire Observer. Advantage ot Credit. ".My big sister has n beau." "So's mine, but I don't 111:e hila." "Know what my sister '11 do if i ..' ' like her bettor' didn't "No. What'd she dor' ".She'd send him l+mel: and get hit) changed, 'cause we've got a charge me• count nt the store he comes from." Different Opinions. "I res a man intends to let a rattle- snake bite him and depend on prayer for a arae. I call that faith." 41 Mil It cruelty to animals unless 3omebesly's going to pray for the snake after It's bitten such a fool ns thnt." The Mute. "She has no friends to speak of." "Good,heavens' What dove she talk Shout?" 1 tianef! A1>iA��COt>�llbl,>< atm MAN XXX Tho 1Kiad You IIavo Alu•a;s Rought, and which Las beau In use fill' over :;O 3.ears, has borno the signature of :ui:1 luta been made tinllt•r his per- sonal supervision since its itit:►itey-. D • 'tCW5 Allots no ono to deceive you in (itis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that Urine with and endanger the health ut' It titnls and Children-l:xperieneo m ainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for (.'a'tor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing S, raps. It is Pleasant. it contains neither Opium, i1orphine 11o►• other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, Ii desti'(►ys WUt1114 n and allays Feverishness. carIes satrl►(ea and Wind Colin. It relieves Teething '!'roubles, cares l:on.tiptat' and flatulency. It assimilates the food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and 1181111ul sleep. The Children's 1': iiaeea--Tho ,tlotiler's Friend. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••••••• lZ • 1• 1 • • • • • The Molsons Bank fwitablished 1`.155. NEAR OFFICE - MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP - $3,372,50000 RESERVE FUND • • • $3.372,500.00 Assets Over $33,000,000.00 Savings Bank Department General Banking Business Traus'tcted. • • $ 1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUBDON, Manager •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••J••••••••••••••••••••••••• Times a Year. THE CANADIAN BANK OF CQMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONW0 ESTABLISHED 11407 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager I A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund,5.000,000 I Re GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by Bears the Signature Of telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. The Kind You Have Always Bought' in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CtNt.,,n cO..P.•,V, 11 M„NN.Y 6TPrrr, NEW TOPA CITY 'FARQUHAlt Misses Gladys and Creeta Kaufman of Glonecp, also Mr. and Mrs, E3. It. Eacrett, of Brantford, are visiting at buI1. lls\V. F. Beavers and \V. A. 'furn- • Mr. Mitchell, of \Vingham, spent a few days of last week with. Mrs. 11. 'McNicol. • A large number from here attend- ed the funeral of the late J. E. ate - Nicol at Cromarty on Friday last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Douglas visited the former's parents at St. Paul on Sun- day last. .Miss Vera Itondbousc, who was a guest of Miss Adeline Turnbull re- turned to her home at Kirkton last week. 'Dlr. and Mrs. D. aleDouga.11, of Comber, are visiting at the former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John McDou- gal an the boundary during the holi- days. Itev. George hackney, of Quebec, visited his mother Mrs. Jas. hackney last week. !Mrs. Hiram Borland is in Saska- toon with her son lla'nvey, who is at pr.cnt ill •with typhoid fever. Miss Maggie 'Turnbull entertained n number of her young friends to a Wednesday last. tea » dnc sda e O 0 y Mr. and :Mrs. !'rank Wickwire, of Exeter, called on Mr. and 'Mrs. Ilra- yers on Monday last. Mrs. Wagborn, of Caledonia, vis- ited friends and ncqueintances in the village last week. Miss Kathlene Robb is visiting rel- atives here during the summer vaca- tion. Misses Gardiner and Miss Elsie Turnbull visited in Goderich last week. Miss Ilamilton, of Motherwell, who has been visiting her father at Cromarty, ended on friends here on Monday .Inst. Mr. rind Mrs. 1) .A. McNicol anti children sp •nt a couple of days Inst week frith ''•1r-. I). Mr Nicol. Mr. Ten alt, of llow•manville, who has been visiting his sister. Mrs. Thos. trundle, returned to his home last week. Dir. Fred Ifunkiu, who met with a painful accident rt couple of weeks ago. is improving slowly. It was with deep feelings of re- gret that the news of the death of Jam: - E. McNicol was learned, the sail event occuring on Wednesday of last week. The deceased was the son of the late David McNicol and was 30 years of age. Ernie, as he wns familiarly called, had n host of friends and his Jolly good nature was really contagions. Afterthe death of his father he assumed the work in the blacksmith shop here, het ' 4-t fell awing to ill health he tt .- to •' •I to give up the work. For ,has breti manag- ing the V I t term in Jlibbert, but his health s •i not itnprove any, a weak t'eart icing the cause of his trot' The funeral took place on intctn:'sit stung in the Exe- ter Ile, cortege was one t h a :,•, • :1 in Ih; : e'ction for -owe wee. usher ene,.r,g from n ti t i •.e t . 1 .11r• ins:t : • -p :eta to tl .. iI • it s•rrt t••I by a tt : n t . eeeLselal Syaopls of 1110 calodial Norm W61 HOMESTEAD RKOCLATIO\8.,,.; ANY even numbered section of Dominion lands in Ayanitoba, asakatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not rceerve.l, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 13 yet re of age, to the extent of one -quay, ter section of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry must be made in person by 1 the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency- or Sub. agency- for the distract in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, however, be trade at an Agen• cy on ccrtainconditions by the father, nether, son, daughter brother or sister of an intending home- steader. The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following plans: (1) At least six vation of the land in l each year for three] jence upon eers. d cults• (2) A homesteader may, i1 he so desires, perform the required residence duties b • Ining on farming land owned solely by him. not less than eighty 1.60) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this require. ment. (3) It the father (or mother, if the father Is de• ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence on fanning land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the sicluity of rhe homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by 1' o + his may ',Worm r such homesteadert in the ti cinit eu3 >. tir h be li y + own residence duties by g with t father or mother. 4 The term "detail)" In the two preeeed;ng paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles n adiret line, exclashe of road a1 ow• antes crossed in the measurement. 6 A homesteader intending to perform his resi- dence duties in accordance with the ribose while living with his parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent of the district of suct, Intention, Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. n,-t'nauthorized pnblicatton of this ether' ire meat w ill not be paid for awre...... A Doctor's Statement Baits St. Paul, c.c., (nes Murch 27th, 1907. "Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen:- I the recipient. Mymany thanks for Pegehlno and We carry a complete line of the Oxomnlslon. I have used them with s:noondltlona►lly grsraran- ver• great satisfaction both in my own Cood Carbo Magnetic Razors, and :ase and in that of my friends. It of • w,IicanyCeiuedinitialengeaved, fords mo much pleasure to rceommen,l en tShea: lade without extra charge. a remedy which is really good in cases - --- -' for which it is intended. I nm, yours1 THE 1304'' .v very truly,"i d� as netts D1(. ERNEST .\ .\L1..1i(D 1 • .� RAZOR Ir. 414, No Honing— No Grinding +• R� OR rA )i�S _ •.,ra..tr. �.,•. No. 3 "A. L. S. from M. A. C." Have his initials with yours etched neon a Carbo Magnetic blade. Doesn'tthis solve the hauntingques- tion •• What shall 1 give him i " There are a thousand pleasing gifts for a woman to o.+e for a roan. He wants something exctusively1 t tcu• Ear and practical enough to be a daily reminder of the donor. "Oh, he•his razors," or "I'e goes 1, the barber 101,32 1 " you (,c _ ra:a. A11 the more reason far a Cavo •:ag- ne'ic raror-he k:io:vs fears ex;ori• encs the difficulty in secer•.it; a raror that will give satisfaction every dal without periodical honing and f,nad• fag. - When you buy • precinct von.: you either secure an expert to se:•ct it or go to • well established Erin that will unconditionally guarantee its purity. Razor steel requires even more care .in selection. It varies more than a precious store in. quality. The Carbo Magnetic razor has all the good qualities a razor should have with the annoyances left out. One of these razors given as a Christmas present will prove • lasting joy to Doctors recognize that Psycbine is one of the very hest remedies for ali Arent, liming and stomach troubles and ill run down conditions. from whatever tease. it is the prewerrptien of one of !be world's greatest ,apte•iahsts in die eases e'f the throat, hangs, and atoms". !tad all wasting dimwit. Aak you, lits gist for it at 50e Aad 1.00, es T. A. Slocum, limited, Toronto. S. Cole, Druggist FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, wGreat Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 Exeter Branch—G.:".V Harrison, A11tua,tc'1• Branch :il-o nt Crediton. 't.' .c t wADIA 0 A EXHIBIT' 1r se ., TOKONT' Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World EverSProvince l00�000•®0 Massed Baud Its Products In Prizes and Attractions Concerts Grand Art Loan Collection Front the Paris Salon and other Old•World Galleries. [International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle The Siege of Sebastopol With 900 Performers. International Dog Show International Cat Show 8'000 Live Stock on View wy f., !rias Lista, LsM $hats erg all latorostiea surest I. 0. 011. Mauler, Cit Hdl, ureide CeEAP-FARES FROM Esti'ERYWHEiR All disorders r:rule ] by a bilious elate of the sy.1(•m col be cured by using Carne's Little Liver !'ills. No pain, griping ro ,liecontfort attend• ing their use. Try them, The Sick Made Well -7S-7s - 5 Without Medicine Preciatis Life and Ilcalt h epos be say d by this New Method All Sickness is alike to 'Oxydo»or 1l applies to all cases, no matter what the film of (firer tie Hutt le. It re - vital zos the human hotly with OXYGEN from the ni'. OXYGEN is ,e vital Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows. \'t u rite apt ly OXYPONOR at home while sot, rest or s1. ep. No loss of t nie Ira In 3r sir wet r r hush est-. it is w.s''v arplitd. cafe14)1,1n'wstsisedt for use. 11 z. lo et i - 1 reIiu-l•. 1l at ill serve 11:e fang!', child, 1II 1') well 8)- stlults. \l't•ite for FRI'.i: EOOF No. 1)1. to Dr. H. Sanclie Co. :illi Sr. ('.tthrcine St. AN .•-I, II, el, '; VARICOCELE CURED tfr NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe training and evil habits in youth brought nn n double Var111004e. When 1 work,+1 hard the netting wool 1 become seven, and t wee often last up fur n week at a time. My family physician told Inc nu operation was my only Ito but I dreaded it. i tried several sp'clall.ta, bat soon found out all they wanted nastily monehan raga. e. One my how asked menced to look lme whin ay 1 was off work s1 rnuchoctors as etrlan 1 i told him nay con.Iition. He advised Inc t0 amtult Pet Kennedy t Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from thein himself and knew they were *wart, and-killfnl. 1 wrote them and got Tnr. Nrw Nr.'rnon Tnr.ATM►ST. My pregresi was somewhat slow and during the first month's treatment F tans somewhat discouraged, however, 1 roti• tinned treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete run'. 1 eonld only earn 112a week Ina tnnehlne shop 14-• fore treatment. now 1 11 m earning $21 andnever tete at day.. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatrnentHENRY' C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED'? BIMOII roil tNR qct' the most prevalent and most e. mons diseases. They sap the v'ry 1Ite hlrr.l of tho victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious eomppilcntlons. 11ewart' of mercury. It only suppresses rho sympluma-our IsE%v II FTHOI► cures all blood diseases. YOUN(s olt 311DDI.1: 6171'11 MEN.-imppnt.knt nets or later excesses Istve broken down your system. You feel the symptntna stealing over you. Mentnlly, physi- enily, nml vitally 3011 are w,t the man you 11s,'.1 to he or should he. Will you l&eetl the danger signals! READER ',r' you n Ilett. ' Have you lost hope? Am yon intcnd"44.14)=7'4, nq tonere) t lint d • t '-w .I.nr�. t"mr bl,u.l Wren .tfx.•�se ! ileac you any weakness. OuAa ',to t r'. t r 4 i(1 cur' you. what ft ha• done for others it will 110 for you. Con suhetion Free. \^ ;.atter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Free -"The (;olden Monitor." 4 Illustrated 1 co Dlsease.sof Men. NO NAMES' USED WrTIIOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on hose' en elo Ti E..,tNTg confidential. Question list and tort of Treatment FREE DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.