Exeter Times, 1908-07-16, Page 6III
_ Y
The negligee or flowered mull is find
ire, great fervor with milady just now.
There is a great vogue for barred :ne-
t orals --lawns, leiestes, and muslin.
Th.: present sleeve is close, but not
141t; it molds the arm without bind-
ing it.
Eutbrodared Swfsses, either dowered
or in plain while, am much used in the
making of tea gowns ani jackets.
Goat . fit\ is are still liked in the prov-
ince of the elegant negtibb'. e, and crn-
broidoied crepe shawls wth fringe arc
used in some of the c1aL.orat> gowns.
For a dress of silk or veiling, the col-
lar, yoke and sleeves may Ix) of lace or
embroidered net, and the inserted vest
sxLions may be of heavier lace.
The tune idea presents many charm-
ing pessibilites for trnim nfg, since the
overskirt almost invariably is bordered
in ono way or another. Of course, with
the Parisienne such an opening is the
signal for the intre.duc!ion of Its: bizarre
rind the extravagant note that so often
characterizes her dress.
Appropriate garments to lesson the
depressing look of mourning in hot wea-
ther may be found in great variety. Re-
cruits from these ranks are voile, crepe
de chine, mousseline .le sole, nw►'s veil-
ing, pongee, mull, and lawn.
Os'rch feathers are not considered
profer for rnourninf and the flowers
should show no touch of color. The
sailor is permitted, but the ornamenta-
tion of alt millinery is confined to time,
net, cr ribion.
Embroidered filet net bands oonttnue
k b. conspicuous. Ono of the newest
is wide, five or six inches, worked heav-
ily in barbaric oolors and styles -
"Montenegrin' the buyers call it. The
Lands come in various widths end their•
price is not exorbitant.
To say that a skirl has a high waist -
lino (les•;ribes it only partially. For in -
Mance, it may bo gored or circular, or
gored circular, or again, gored plaited.
It may be fitted in to the figure, or it
may tiring from its belt in true empire
fashion. There are so many versions
that almost any type of woman can be
The tunic fold is from four to six Inch-
es wide, is cut on the Liao is often of
another material, and meets in a roint
Lack and front. This is applied to the
shirt with ene row of st lching. It gives
that appearance of •the end of the tunic
falling over the skirt, therefore. its name.
The exeellence of ane guimpe design
Ties in the fact that there is not an inch
of surplus fabric about the waist line,
where it is closely fitted. It can be
faced with a round or square yoke, ac-
cording to the top outline of the dress
It is won w ith. or the plastron extend-
ing to the wa lino is effective.
A (taint}- afternoon gown Is carried
cut in lotus blue shantung silk, woven
with the new bright surfaced silk, and
far softer and more supple in texture
than the s bks that were warn last year,
and known sometimes as lussoro and
iscmet'mes as shantung. This new lo-
u. blue, too, is a lovely shade and ono
which is almost universally becoming.
Fash`ons wide diversi:.ns th's seseon
have the r compensating touches. The
tall and naturally short waisted women
in the high waister gown becomes all
skirl Sha finds relict in the Grecian
luno, which breaks the long Luc from
waist to heir and relieves the unbroken
expanse of sk.'rt that otherwise would
b t impassible for her.
The res.urceful woman will find an
inexhaustible flea for trimming in many
of the silks on sale this season. Such
varieties as shantung, ondoyant, and
tt.e lake roma spattered with large or
small nredall-ons, which can bo•cul out
and appliqued on gowns for trimmings.
And s bks printed in eight wido stripes
pres:nt effectively bands of trimming for
plain mnferials.
No garment could be morn deVghtful
than the rout French morning wrapper
tot those wh 1 spend the:r mornings in
their loloxmis. This does not mean that
many French women do not misuse !tris
petty gown by postponing their toilet
ung 1 they aro going out. But (me should
not fall into this mistake, even when
one has learned the fnscinntion of the
"matinee," as this garment is called.
No part of a woman's outfit is so be-
C1n ng as a well chosen and daintily
!made tea gown, and, while it is only
intent 'e l for tha most informal wear, it
is as ne •r ssa ry as a reception gown.
White Hut line, aro lo :so and graceful,
the flgu:e is usually filled, and the loose
flowing effect is given by the drapery
and sleeves. Tho latter often are of the
s,mple frill style, and sometimes are
.raped In Grecian style from the lip of
The shoulder, the ssft fabric falling 'n
Peep points nearly to the foot of the
'rioted laces seem to grow more and
More popular as lime goes nn, and they
are sex% perhaps t) the greatest advant-
age. when they are employed for the
fashioning of blouses composed of cluny
lnserton and intended for wearing with
skirls of siikuline or crepe de chine.
They are being largely used, too, In
combination with silk soutnebe braiding
1. r the making of thet'e small sncque
coals which are so easily slipped on
over blouses of net or chiffon. rind which
tell) !o }Hake a pretty picture when eche,
L'torm`, and sk[rt are all of the same
\\'il lam had just learned how to use
the dit'o mark. He Ror.auy;hly npp,reci-
aled its LLC ns a tinge -saver rind deter-
mined to pout it to aco.unt. Therefore,
Vs next letter home read lake this:
`Dear Fatixr:
"1 hole you nre weal.
SO " mother is "
sister "
brother " "
"1 wls!► you were 1ie.o.
II '"
mother wets "
.. "
.. .,
r Ls'ei' " "
boutia••r " "
gee s s•Ins i ke v Ty lee, rvrd girl."
"Yes. 1 wonder whom fol'?"
A Remarkable Recovery.
Sirs. Frank SU.,.t.e, Ii. F. D. 1, Apple-
ton, \Vis.. writes: "1 began using Peruna
a few !Tenths ago, when my health and
strength were all gone, and 1 was no-
thing by a nervous wreck, could not
steep, cal or rest properly, and felt no
des re to live. Peruna made me look at
Ste in a different light, as 1 began to
repon m 1. st sir ngih.
l cella n y 11, its Perrino Is without
a rival as a Ionic and siieneth builder."
Ivory packet
will kill
more flies than
300 sheets
of sticky paper
100. per packet, or 3 packets for 25o.
will last a whole seasons
esti, 1''011 TAKING LOAN
IIanknipt Loses Horror and Rank by
Buying Horses on Credit.
English law is always very strict with
regard to bankrupts, who, having failed
to secure a discharge of their bankruptcy
from the courts, secure credit for more
than $100.
'This Everard William Wylde has just
found to his coot. For he has been sen-
tenced to three months' imprisonment
for an offence of this kind and will in
all probability entail the forfeiture of his
cross of the Order of St. Michael and St.
George, which he received for his services
as delegate of the British Government to
the International Slave Trade Congress
at Brussels in 1889.
Wylde is a plan of GO years of age, who
has spent a number of years in the For-
eign Office, from which he was obliged
after 30 years of service to retire on ac-
count of financial difficulties.
He has on several occasions been em-
ployed as secretary of legation and hears
a name honored in the annals of the
Foreign Office, where his father and
grandfather served with distinction be-
fore him, and also at court, with which
his people were likewise connected.
But he seems to have completely lost
Ks head, having while an undischarged
bankrupt, not only purchased race hor-
se; on credit. but even having thein
trained by the well known trainer,
Charles Waugh, without having a penny
ler pay either the latter or the vendors of
the horses.
There was a moment's silence after
the Introducton. Womanlike, each was
-Mentally "sizing the other up." Then
one spoke.
"My husband frequently speaks • 1
you," she said.
"Indeed!" returned the other.
"My hustand thinks you am wonder-
fully c'ever.•'
"Really? Why, that's tho way my
husband talks about you. Ile told mo
how you reshaped and recovered that
cki parasol, and so saved $3.75;'
"Parasol! \Vhy, 1 never touched I.
rntl my husband had harped all ono
day on your cleverness in upholstering
and rel ning a pxrombulator at a saving
of ago."
"Nortsens^! The thing that mode the
d t that was the way my husband talked
about that parasol. Then he got nie to
The finest tea g:o,vn in the world is
the standard of quality used in prepnr-
int: "Salad(" Ten. Sold only in sealed
lead packets,
re-utrrning a last year's iuit because
yell were w rking over an old dress.'
"But 1 never started to do that until
my husband had told mo five time
ahoul your hat. i wasn't going to ad-
mit that you could be any more eco-
nomical than I."
"\Vhy, really, 1 heard of that dress
twenty-four hours betvre 1 touched the
'Impossible! "i-" then she Stopped
and her eyes began to fa.h. "1 believe
cur husbands-" she began again.
"1 believe they have," chimed in the
olh'r, becoming excited also.
"It's a wicked shame,"
"An outrog". They've just tricked iia,
tint's all.'
'It was n regular plot. And to think
hew Ite made ale work. I'll get a new
g(.tvn lo -.lay."
''And 1 a hat.''
The Iwo w,nnen went into n millin•r'.�
rind sten, all the money tiro. could
s rnp>n 1 gather. And Ih • two 11 en got
re ;Oily littl.' for (linter IMO night, and
when they mmpinine,l they wore
promptly convtn ed that they ought to
hove Sitid nothing.
Duni ask for a stone and expert to
p;e t 1 rc: d.
(:reel 1 ti' --"I env. .! n v.' . ., ,
yitl bel out of di ! .
tole. It kceos uic b • Y e :1 :
What Is Goinrg On In the highlands
ani Lottlands of Auld
The price of the 4 1" tend loaf u► Aber-
d(ti•n'1►s. has been reduced Iron, 13 to t.
The two days' show of the Agricul-
tural Sor:o'y was held on the S'-ots!oun
g i (nods.
Fifeshiro is Mart ng a crusa'e aga'n,t
Lurveet.ug immature herring, tet the
F,1 th of Forth.
win. waters and win. Mackenzie,
I. hg Sly, have lien lined $5 cacti for
fishing with salmon t'(e.
TLe.o have assn !ergo crowds at the
Edinburgh Exhibition; t!o attendance
Le. one day totalled 52 605.
At Newton of Deershaw, near Banff.
two pt,ughnien were fatally suffocated
by the lutnos trent a stove.
The death is announ':c'd of Major C.
E 1111, at Banchory, abed 41. Ile took
part in the reit• f of Lady_mith.
The Archaeologists of Glasgow have
got $2,500 with a view to saving David
Dales o'd ntanslon-louse, but $15,000
is required.
Twenty II ousand men aro atferted by
tile shipyard lock -out in Glasgow. Aliout
6.000 of these belong to the Clyde dis-
A niernor:al was unvci'eJ in Ero,t-
Inn:is (:emelo.y, Galnshiel.ls, over the
grave el Private conte• John Morrison, an In-
dian Mutiny v.t•ran.
The dead boy of Wm. M^ldrum,
ghillie, was found in Glenn ore Forest.
Ile was shot through the head and a pis•
lief lay at his side.
Tho Inver sk School Board of Edin-
burgh have learned that some school
pr. in sus teeth n the:r district are swarm-
ing w th hundred of rats.
Kilrnalcolm can offer more attractions
Urn most places of the same size, and
that is the reason why It is Leooming
more and more popular.
James Shaw, grave digger, was found
hang ng by the rot dead in Kilmadock
Cemetery by Lady ,Muir, of Mansion,
and a lady companion.
The 0, en Churches. Aseocinti::n inti-
mate that arrnniements have ben made
by which St. Andrew's Church and
Barony Church of Glasgow will be open
The splend•d new bridge which forms
part of the extensive scheme by the
Caledonian Railway Company at Egling-
ton street has now been opened for
At the first signs of ildne..s during the
hot weather months give the little ones
Baby's Own Tablets, or in a few hours
the child may be beyond curt. These
Tablets will prevent summer complaints
if given occasionally to well children,
and will promptly cure these (roubles
if they come unexpectedly. Baby's Own
Tablets shouki always be kept in every
home where there aro young children.
There is no other medicine so effective
and the mother has the gunrnntee of a
gcvernment analyst that !)ie 'I'ablctsaro
absolutely safe. Mrs. E. Lefurn, Caril-
len, Que., says:- "Baby's Own Tablets
ars the best }ned-cine 1 know of for re-
gulating the stomach and bowels. f
think no no 'her should be without this
medicine." tld by med:clne dealers or
t•y mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
1)f the 15,074 empty houses in Glas-
gow. 14.000 are Mouses of three rooms
and kitchen and under. The tramways
can only be )wed responsible to n small
extent for this.
Is there anything more annoying than
heaving your corn stepped upon? Is them
anything more delightful Than getting
rid of 11? Holloway's Corn Cure war do
it. Try it and be convinced.
What becomes of old hoots and shoes
has hitherto been almost as puzzling a
problem as where all the pins to go.
1 he solution, however, is given in trade
journal. "Old boots and shoes of lea-
ther," the Journal says, "are cut up into
small pieces, and then nre put for Iwo
days into chloride of sulphur, the effect
o! which is to make the leather very
bard and brittle. When this is fully
effected the material Is withdrawn from
th. action of the chlorideof sulphur,
washed with water, dried, and ground to
powder. Il is then mixed with some
substance that will cause it to adhere to-
gether, such as shellac or other resinot;s
material, or even n good glue, and a
(hick solution of strong gum. It is after-
wards pressed into moulds to form
combs, buttons, and n variety of other
useful nrlicles. Prussiate of potash Is
also made out of old leather. it is heated
with pearl-ash and old iron hoops in n
large pot. The nitrogen and carbon form
cyanogen, and then unite with the Iron
and potassium. The soluble portions aro
dissolved out, and the resulting salt,
added to one of iron, produces the well-
krown Prussian blue. either for dyeing
purposes or ns a pigment."
ISSUE NO. 23--68.
Llbby's Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a big differ-
ence betweenust
corned beef -the kind
sold in bulk -and
Libby's Cooked Corned
Beef. The difference
is in the taste, quality of
meat and natural flavor.
Every fiber of the
meat of Libby's Cooked
Corned Beef is evenly
and mildli•' cured,
cooked scientifically
and carefully packed in
Libby's Great White Kitchen
It forms an appetiz-
ing dish, rich in food
value and makes a sum-
mer meal that satisfies.
For Quick Serving :-
Libby's Cooked Corn.
ed Beef, cut into thin
slices. Arrange on a
platter and garnish with
Libby's Chow Chow.
A tempting dish for
Write for free
Louk1-•1- noir
to _Make (:end
Things to Eat."
111141 et
lDb's at
your dealers.
Libby, McNeill &
Libby, Cbkaya
"But these potatoes have black eyes,"
L.rotestd the angry housewife.
"Oi can't help that, murn," replied
Marketnian Grogan. "Yt.0 see, the po-
1r►'ots got mixed w.th tt:o squashes an'
got to nun'.'
Something More Than a Purgative. -
Tc purge is the only effect of many
pills now on the market. l'artnelee's
Vegetable Pills inc more than a purga-
tive. They strengthen tho stomach,
where other pills weaken it. They
cleanse the blood by regulating the liver
and kidneys, and they stimulate w'heru
other pill compounds depress. Nothing
of an injurious nature, used for merely
purgative powers, enters into their com-
Blinks -"The first principle of anar-
chism is to divide wait your fell:,winen,
Is It not?"
Winks -';\o. The first principle is
to make your fd: 3w -Winn divide with
11 a dog bites you don't be.reared. noho the
wound with oold water and cover it w a cl„th
rn whish tV Cerate h i boon (r,riy
spread. 'rho Citrate relieves the pain cituse 1 by
the sting of Insecta
'111110E611 LOVES EYES.
The Bride -'That woman wo just pass -
eel has poor taste.'
The Groom -"Why do you thank sii,
The Bride -"She nlcrtly glanced at
Worms cause feverishness. mooring
and restlessness during sleep. \tutttcr
Graves' Worm Exterminator is pl. nmol,
sure and effectual. It your drus,'g:sl has
none in sock, get hien to procure it for
"So you have decide I to get another
"I have," answered Mrs. Cumrox.
"Tho idea of his presctsbhig flaxseed
tee and mustard plasters for is op le as
rich as we are."
Stooks, Bonds and Debentures.
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stooks of
Canada and United States.
Orders errrute•t with pr,mptue+•e'orrn4•
pondence solicited.
821 to 821 Traders Bank Building, Toronto, Ont.
Fuous `lain ?19.
Tact is l!:e happy way cJ doing things
--t!:0 loving way. It is sensitive as to
the feelings eif olh<'rs. 'There is a plant
that. grows in the desert ---the mimosa,
I! Ls called. and it is a sen.itive p'anl.
No sooner does it hear the distant tram-
pk of heir. es' feet upon the ( arch than
it curls up its trembling leaves. There
are p. ople like that Mont. The tactful
s ul knows how to draw eut these shy
and backward ones --the ' b.,ys and
grim that hntdly dare venture to piny
a game in Ih' playground with otltev's.
'1'::et always finds rt way to pet them at
case. and bring out whoever good them
is in 1hrnl--indeed, tact kn•ws Trow 1(.
.'cal with till kinds of people.
The Eiffel Tower. which Is painted once
every six years, (laims, nn an averoge,
five victims on cowl' oc nsbon.
"Ile has no regard hr anyone else.
1!' has no milk of human len+Iress,"
"0! 1 woul.Inl saw that. Ile:w'a very
smell man, you know; probably he 1.,,8
it, but it's condensed."
Tho Cauifeclsoner--Fudge
The Chinaman -natal
The Suisesin-Cut It Outt
The Drummer--Zuunds!
The Culprit --Mercy!
The Tax demist -Stuff!
The Joker- SNonsense!
The Accountant--Twenty-thr(el
'rhe l.utnbernnn-Skid-o ,1
The Adverls,r-('un►el Comel
1'le I1.'porler--heat Its
The Mus cion-Fieldl.:sticksl
The \'e'1 w Journalist -horrors!
'1'Iµ 1) ver -Oh splash!
Tho l'o_il cion ---Cont Juni Ill
1't,e Exi cutioner-I1. lig !ll
The Egctlst-011 n►e! Ot,, myl
The Cook -Cite. so 11!
The Massimo -Rubber!
The Preacher -Heavens!
The Miller -Damn!
lha S.unca`Hclll
"Rut." said the lawyer, your case
s•rnis hopeless. I don't so' %%hit I can
d.: for you. You adroit that you beat
your wife."
"Yes." ropl!ol the de'endant. "But
my wit testimony will dis;ount that.
She'd never admit that she was beat-
To compete for the SEVEN HUNDRED
CA: -d1 l'RI'll•: offered by the ORANGE
MEAT' people? '1'o those sending in the
lurgest minter of carton bottoms before
May 3L 1909. they differ FIV 1'1'=r\VO
Ask your grocer f..r particulars or
send postcard to ORANGE MEA'-, King-
S'On, and receive full ;n'olmat.n. Tee
urly complete and p , ie 1 hod is milk.
Token with ORANiiE \IEA1', which is
made e.1 the whole eh'itl, Reid prxlu e
the most evenly-balai c d f..od (lo hu-
man subject can se.w•e.
1116111' IIACK AT 111\I.
Two famous physicians of different
schools ilio introduced one evening at
a dinner.
"Sir," said the allodath, "1 ant glad
'o meet you as a gentleman, though I
cant admit that you are a phys ciao."
"And," rept ed the ho,n•-opalh, "I'm
.lad to meet y u els a physician, though
1 cant admit ;hat yeuu're u gentleman."
When going away from honk, or at
any change of habitat, he is a wise man
who nurnbcrs among his belongings a
Cottle of J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor-
dial. Change of food and )enter in some
strange place where there are no doc-
tors may bring on an attack of dysen-
tery. Ile then has a standard remedy
Et hand with which to cope with thedis-
order, and forearmed ho can successfully
fight the ailment and subdue it.
"O,tend," remomt. ated his mother,
"how often have 1 told you not to star
a! people with your mouth own? They
don't like it, my son."
'Brit That gentleman won't Hind ma,'
hastened 'Pommy, "he is a dentist."
I'd Itke to dress; my wile to sties,
But go 4Lr:a•s knows
I cent afford to pay the i r-oo
For sicken hese.
P11.\R\IA( 1:UTICAL,
Dcc'.or--"If sik•nw 1, golden, speech
Elliot be silver..,
Druggists -"Yes, espec.elly when it
happen to be caustic."
Doctor --"How's that "
Druggst--"Pecan it's silver Florae-.'
Ater a man has kno •keit amuni the
w. r d for a 1. w yeas without ii• .'Ing
Is su.cles lar begins knock,ng the
A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick•
nem 1. alwarr the case when " Fel ro,im the
best tonic 1s use.). 11 bniids, It atiengtlieus, it
glvea new life. 'try it.
"A lot of pc(i do swear that there's
nothing in faith cure," says the Philo-
sopher of Folly. "And yet •every doe -
lot' in the land knows that there's about
nine -tenths of ifs salary in it 4.r hon.•'
To Know is to Prevent. -11 the miners
who work in cold water most of lheday
would rub their feet and legs with Dr.
Thomas Ecleclric Oil they would escape
muscular rheumatism and render their
nether hints proof against the ill ef-
fects of exposure to the cold. 'Those set-
ting out for mining regions would do ,
well to provide themselves with a sup-
ply before starting.
The Bridegroom -"Ah, darling, 1 oan
see the love ight in your eyes."
The 13►:do--"Don t be silly, George.
There is nothing in my eyes but cin-
For 4he Overworked. -What are the
cruises of despondency and inelnnchoty"
A (lisoredered liver LS one cause and n
prime one. A disordered liver means a
disordered stomach, and a disordered
stomach means disturbance of the nerv-
ous system. flits brings the whole beefy
into subjection and the victtn feels sic),
all over. l'armclee's Vegetable little are
a recognizes! remedy in this state and
relief will follow their use.
An army Meer In charge of a nut ve
distret its South Africa presented to Lie
K:,fllr boy, who acted as his particular
s roan', n pair of strong, heavily nailed
:Mond' 1.'ooh,
The boy was delighted with the gift,
and at once sat down and put the bods
on. They were the very first pair he
hrd ever had in his life, and for several
days aftcrwclyds he strutted proudly
about the comp.
But at the end of the week he appeared
as usual with tare feet, and the bouts
lied round tiffs neck.
"Ilelt�l" said his master. "\Vhy dent
you wear your bouts? Are they too screed
to' you?"
"Oh, no. soh," replied the Keno,
"they plenty big. Berry nice b uls, soh,
hub no o-oo(1 for walking .:r running.
\take 'ret fellnh too much slow, srlh.
Keep Loots now for moor in Lel."
BlackAnsae on.
A real
Watch pleasure.
The big
Mr. Alfred Brown, of iderrfton,
Ont. says i-" For ids years I lase
net known what it wy to be free
(torn pain. No one Ong HAI
more from itching bteddjrag tiles
than I did and 1 tried everything
to get cured t.ut failed. One day a
Mend of tai.• silts bad Men curd vriib
L1pErle (114 VII ns a part s( a ban t• try,
and the r.lt.f r got wee rrwrensea t ikon
bought a supply and before 1 had usui It all
wait c sm ley cured."
Of all druggists and stores, foe.
AM- = : TQC
AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in every
city and town in Canada with waterworks to sell
& patent article Deeded in ever home. hote
l and
public building.Sells at sight. Hustlers can
kid are making 15.10 • day. Write at one. foil
particulars. Geo. T. Cole, Owen donut', Ontario.:
Claudius mod curilo( sod Kid (Hovis cleaned These
oma be .int by post, le per ea. the teat place A
Is the malt preparation that
real.; restores QRBV OR
113080 HAIR to Its eligInal color Ali drug.
gr.ts, It. 00 Lieut lent cal aisle* els tn. ♦d.lresa,
CV hind Int. west, Toronto.
All prices and styles from $12 so to-
o$2.4o. Write for free catalogue.
DEPT. 1)
264 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Agents wanted in every town.
how much money he e.wld save by using a
Fairbanks -Mors" .u► of -:►11- trades (J i aline n•
gine t•i astr wood. pomp water. grind
food Ac.
. we,c,ntldnot beable t y r 1,
cut this ad. out and send to us today, and we.
will xoud you our free catalogue.
Tats Canadian Falrban'te Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont
Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver.
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pairi, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
W HOI.ssAl8
LYM.AN BROS. & f.0., Toronto and 1lontrenl; LYMAN KNOX -R
CLAitKt;UN, Toronto; NATIONAL DREG CO., London.
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.
Ideal Manufacturing Premises
Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each
Steam Power, float, Electric Light
Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. -
Most Central Location. Four Large
Freight Elevators.
S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 tAdelnide St., West
aider City Cold
INo Personal 1.10414)
Authorized Capital, - $4,000,000.00
DIRE I:T011q.
Arthur Dann s. C,onlract r, Pres4dent.
A. S. Wigm..re. Mgr. holm. a 1•: cclr.c and Protectlon Co., Vice-Pr(sldent.
Fred. Armstrong. Contractor, See.- s n.• ore r.
F. 11. Herbert, Arch t el. J. C. 11 ditty. Contractor.
George Dulh'.e, Sr., Conti ac'er. J. II. 'rigbe. Miner.
The Crews] Bunk. Toronto.
Henry Barl i'r, Toront t.
Tho property c• -ns see e1 28 to acre Claims immediately ndjoin:ns/ Iho
now famous IIARRIS \i\XWEI.t., and upon L':e same amount of develop-
evelop'rne'nt should prove triunity as ;.•noel.
1(0.m0 shares aur, now off• 11'11 1n the pub) a at t', cents per 'hare. DO
not loan this (X)l.DI':r OI'1'014'fUNI'1'1' e•f tote• ' iss • n • f 1'0 menet protn-
Ning properl:es in the el -tit 1. F'. r full i ..
No. 8 Colborne Street, Toronto.