Exeter Times, 1908-06-18, Page 7e 0, fir WIFE 1YIIJRBER AND SUICIDE Discarded Husband Perpetrator of Double Crime on Farm in New Ontario. A despatch from CobaIt sage: The village of Earle n, about 25 miles north of here, was stirred by a diublo tragedy on Wednesday afternoon, when Chas. E. Marshall, aged 32 years, shot and killed his wife, aged 24 years, and then 41101 hin►'elf, blowing the top of his hoed off. 'rho tragedy hapienod on the Zarin of Mrs. MarcheIt's father, Absaloin Gray, about one mile front) the town. Marshall filet met his wife while he was attached to a regiment of the U. S. A., stet:oiled in Fort N:agera, about five yens ago. They were married at Lew,.eton, N. Y., ab cit a year ago. They camp to this country on a visit from Niagara Fulls, and returned on Ike. 17Th last to take' up their abode, Marshall getting work on the farm of hi.. wife's brother, James Gray. About a week ago .Marshall went back to Niagara Falls, his wife refusing to live with him any longer. Shortly after M went away they received a letter saying thvt t1• would topent if his w.te wetted cone back to hire. The day be- fore ho canto back he wrote and said ire would be away for a year. Ile re- turned, however, on Iho Cobalt special rel \\'ednesday morning. Instead of taking the road to the farm ho struck off tIir!ugh the woods. Marshall's tatter -:n -lav save him orat- ing and suspecting that s.,nteth ng was wrong fie started towards nee house. When within n kw feet of the. building do heard f• ur shots and on entering the house toune Marshall lying on the din - Ing -room ikoe dead with tho top of his lend blown off and his daughter in the kilelon dying. When he got to his daughter she said, 'ilo kilted me, fa- ther," and expired. She was shot trough tho arm, right thigh, and in the breast. • 1\'ARSIIIP ALMOST SAHs. Narrow Escape of the British Dhtlleahtp IrrraistiWe, A despatch from London says: Tho battleship Irresistible had a narrow es- oepe: from sinking In Portland harbor on Tuesday. Tho crew were engaged in lcang the Khlgsten floDding valves, . µwhich finally refused to close. The ves- sel began to fill tepidly, lfst'ng heavily to starboard and it was neoessat y to call for assistance of tugs. Tho guns were quickly teethed to the fort side in order to restore the balance of the warship. Divers and punirs were set te work as speedily as possib'e. under the sup- erintendency of Adinral Lord Charles Beresford, and finally the leakage was stopped by collision mats. The vessel has a honvy list, but the danger of her sinking has been avoided. A TOUGH AUTO TRIP. Prussian Lkiteuant, (evening Africa, Has Reached Rhode sia. A despatch from Bulwayo, Rhodesia, says: Lieut. Graelz, of the Pius.sian army. who started on Aug. 10 lust to erase Africa from Dar-es-Salaam in a specially built automobile, reached Ser- enje, Rhodesia. on May 26 after a peri- lous panage. His route elternatcd with reeks. swamps and torrents. Ho was ooni elied to build a track for many talks. Ito was marooned for a month lin the desert owing to his petrol becom- ing exbatis'el. Ile had to send a na- tive guide. to Serenje to ob'ain a supply. Lieut. Grrelz's health is excellent. es Mit 'T PAI"r0 FISH. Ne‘l 1'•'rk State Mill Charge Canadians a Fee.s_ A deepakh from Albany, N. Y., says: Sunk Fe,rost, Flslh and Game Conamis- afoner' \\'ltipplo Om \Vedncsiay announc- e(' that the State would exact a fee from all Canadian fishermen fishing in New Perk Stele waters along tho border line. The tax wit' le $5 for u single eel, and flip for a family rod. This action Is taken as a meet of the Canadian Gov- ernment, ilopeeing a similar no upon AnaericaI fishermen using Canadian 10•:.4 rs. t� -•- loll •-Jolt ALMOST OVER. Double -Imam of C. 1'. 11. Irian Win- nipeg 10 Lakes. A deepalch from Winnipeg says: Ex• Cellent pr. gross has 'been endo on ire double -tracking operations of the C. 1'. 11. and gra.iing will lc finished this week. Thera aro still seventy miles of steel t, lay, but .elle oticials of the ccmpany ext ect to bo able to open the second irehek some tin.: early In Septem- ber A MONTRE el. MOOSSIIINER. A Whiskey Still Wnn Found In the (Mart of the City. A des, nleh from Montreal says: An iuic.t stili has been eined in the factory of A. 1.. David, Visitation eked., this Oily. ly inland revenue officers. Two hundred gnIbeis .4 "moonshine' whis- key and a still were seized. David was arrested one .': i do tried. ANCIENT S1HP ON AItCTIC 111118. Klonealko hurler Brings Word of a Strange Cratt. A despatch from Seattle, \Nash., says: Practical cemlirrnation of a yelled story growing out of the earlier days of the Klondike gold starnpode, of the find- ing of Iho hull of a ship high upon the hill: within the Arctic circle, is turnsh- ed by N. J. Brown, a well-known miner, just arravod at •Dawson. Brown located the strange craft, which, ho says, is still in a fair stale of preservation. on a hill- side overlooking a chain of lakes from 40 to 50 aisles frau the head of the Chande:ar River and po."sibly 200 miles f:'nnh lies Arctic circle. Brown says tho trig structure has crude door:1 and win - down in the upper works similar to thole, of a ship, and tears letters or heroptyphice which baffle translation by these wt:o have seen it, Itue-sians and Halves al ke. JAI'1NESE HONOR RUSSIAN DEAD. Monument Anudst the Graves of Over 11,000 Soldiers. A despatch from Port Arthur says: A 1tiulitiment to the Russian dead at Port Arthur was unveiled here on Wednes- day. The memorial has torn erected by Japan. It stands at AnLushan, err the midst of graves of mote than 14,000 Russians, who lost their lives in the dee knee of the fortress. It has taken two years to erect the monument. Detach- ments of Japanese and Russian troops took part in the declicafon ceremonies. Tin. [beaten detachtmenl came down frons Herein at tiro invitation: of the Japanese military nuth )Fitts. Th s Em- peror :rn•pror of Russia was represented by Gen- eral Gerngros, and lite Emperor of M - pan by General Nogi. CROPS AitE: FLOURISHING. Trip of C. P. It. Land Commissioner Through Three Provinces. A despatch from \Winnipx g says: Mr. J. Doupe, Aaststant Land Commissioner for lite C. 1'. 11., has returned from a trip oovoring almost Ileo entire three Prov- inces, and gives it as his opinion that t:•: has never hien such magnificent crops neer the promise of such abund- re.nl yields. Out in Alberta the fall wheat is up from twenty-four to thirty inches, and in some places is in the slot blade. A do -patch from Lethbridge says: The benefit lo the cross from the great rains will more than 0 tiijwnerite for any oss frons high wader. Fall wheat can now get along wituut any more rain till the harvest tam. TWO LITTLE GIRLS DROWNED. One Fell Info Michel River and Other A($empled a Rescue. A despatch from atichol, B. C., says: Two little girle. aged two and four film pais, ch Moen of John tattoo, Miner, were dinwnc(1 with Tuesday morn- ing in the Michel River, near herr. They were playing near to water, when the younger one fell into the raging toe rent. The elder one attempted te, save Sec little sister, and Loth lost their by S. ACCUSED OF CAUSING FIRE Chester Buckberough, Tilsonburg Black- smith, Under Arrest. A despatch from Tlllsonburg, Ont , fees: Chewier Rucktx•rough, a man alout thirty years of age, and well known sb..ut town, was arrested by Provincial Detective Miller shortly after 2 o'clock to Thursday nftennoon on suspici' n of Lcing concerned In the burning of tho Queens Hotel on May 20 last, when three persons list their livers and live others weer) Retiously injured. Detective Miller and Chief of Pel Ce John Thilton have hen qui• fly working on Ike eke, ewer since the fire, and las Leto they have a strong cases against the pet ener. They have established a motive and poeseee posesevidence That points very strongly to.tar1 Buekbernugh. Last Febritery, after Buckt.er+.ugh had troth place! on the "let es a teretin to %% hem inner must nst b. nerved," J tin M. re, proprietor cf the burned list I. hail 1h in Oreo te) for to spas. It is said that the • man nurnel a pas.siena'e des're for ven- geance, en•g.atnce, and was heard by eevcrnl pier seas to assert that. he would one day "gel even with utero." At the time of the fatal fire Buckberough was observe - ed hanging around the locality short- ly after ilio alarm was given. The prisoner vote token before Ju+diens of the Peace liens and Sli►1.sid1 and re- manded for a week. Ik was then re• rr,rev.d to \Wuo'lsl.* k Jail, itt•l will 1� halted tigers until Thuis(1ny next, when bee will be brought bark ter 'f,L'sonburg fer ler'Ihninary hearing on a charge e•f nr+en. it c.,l,....o'igh at the tax' of his nrrest wens eel a ng n. n l' aek.nlill►, but is not ten •l 011(111. town fir any regularity of ce ni t en, and Ink k• epees wcro not aIlise•1 to emit!). I:in1 with liquor. Ile is married, but for s• ns' tanto has been sepnratel from his wit.'. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11AiPENINGS 11 MAI ALL 01 -.I TUE GLOVE. ielegraph Drlets From Our Own and Other Countries of Reeeut E %encs. CANADA. Carleton county jurors will receive 12.50 l.or day hereafter. Forty houses are uh quarantine for ionallpox at Grandigne, N.B. London has signed the oontracl for a.000 electric horsepower from Niagara. Several thefts feeoin passengers in steeping cars are topoi•kd from North Bay. American sates to the number of 16,573 arrived in Winnipeg ihis year. The Canadian Pacific Railway ins., opened its now service between 'reroute and Su&Lury. Patrick O'Leary, yard foreman of tho C.P.R. at London, was run over and killed on 'fhiursday. Montreal bricklayers have gone back to work, as there wait no support for them from union funds. Tho total new arrivals in Canada in April were 29,755, as compared with 41,- 051 in April last year. The shortage of W. P. Flewelling, late Deputy Surveyor -General of New Bruns- wick, runs up to $20,000. It. Is reported at Ottawa that the Gov- ernnhent will give eianitoLa more terri- tory than was originally intended. Special pensions will bo issued at the instance of Col. Hughes, M.P., by the War 011lco to needy British veterans in Canada. Chief Justioo \tulo_k has written a let- ter to tho Italian court interpreter at ilontltm advising Iho formation of some organization to carry on a piopaganua to eliminate knife -carrying. GREAT BRITAIN. A great steel oonubine, with a capital of 8375.000.000, is said to have been ef- fected in Britain. UNITED sl'AT['s. Stool prices are to bo ro.uced by the U. S. Steel Corporation. The ant: -race hack gambling bills were passed at Albany on 'Thursday. On TIn:ltsday 1.500 first-class tourists started for Europe from New York. The shortage of cattle will cause a rise in the price of meat in lite United States. Seven were drowned by floods in Montana, six being the meinbars of one family. John Ondis, 49 years old, was ground to death in a rotary coal chute in Jersey City. Two then aro lander arrest at Pitts- burg, Pa., charged with stealing dia- monds worth 875,000 Iran a Birming- ham firm. New York meat packers are complain- ing because the purchasers of meat by housewives have fallen 20 fez cent. A lion walked out of an unfastened cage at a circus in Greenwich, Conn., and was led back, more frightened than the people around. Because many people at St. Charles, Mo., wanted lo soo both a pica o parade and a banging, \\'iiHam Jeffries was reprieved three and a half hours. GENERAL. A .growing state of anarchy is reported from Paris. F:vo persons were killed in a to lroad wreak in Belgium on Thursday. Tho volcano Mu on Sava:! Island, one of the Simon grotty), is in eruption. A petrified forest of two miles is re - roiled from German West Africa. Motel Hafld, lire Insurgent Moroccan Sultan, has entered Fez. wall 12.000 men. Nine Italian pligiims were killed in a railroad wreck in tho Province of No- vara, Italy. A Social Democratic deputy was sus- pended frun the Duma for mocking at rt ligion. A plot to blow up tho membo,n of the Pcrlugucso royal family has been discov- ered at Lisl:on. The net proceeds of (ho Casino, Monte Carla, exooeded this year all re- cords by $1.000,000. it Ls believed that eighty Ch'nrso were !drowned in the wreck of the British steamer Pew An off f.antno Island. During four days the Japnne-o forces in Corea fought 26 engagements with ..ie insurgents, and kok 26,000 plisouer•. Emergency measures ndoploJ 1 y the Vice -rugal Cowie 1 in 111(1 a provide stern p finales for bomb outrages and con- spiracies. 1'1trE TIRADE WITII DOMINION. 0") Millers nl Detroit Cheer the Proposed Polley. 1 enrich from Detroit, Mich., says: 1' ilii mill.•rs frin all parts of the ,it: y w 11 e are, nite„ 1d:ng tee 60th an- ? 11 convent in rel Ih • MJ'erw' National 1 •.!eeratien In this city applauded keel - Ills address made 1xfore then nn Thum -lay by oxenti rasman Wm. 1.. Maybury, o1 Ibis city, in which he de- l iceI for cheer trade rotations with n,.tn and an rhlnd(tion of the duties! 1 even Iho United Stales and that • leery. "Free trade is n In -swelters' inter,' sa!d Mr. Maybury, "let's nmke it fair trade in- stend, and by our nclions have the Can- adians join with us in free intercourse between the countries In every way, part colony from a commercial stand• Loinl.' ROBBBEiRS WERE BOLD. Ternilied Mrs. ItaHsle and Robbed douse -Ik sband In Garden. A despatch from Mon'real says: J. B. Belisle, a resident of St. Agatha, has rep erect ei the Provincial px)liee that on Monday night while ho was sitting in his garden Iwo masked robbers en- tered his how and secured $3,50) which he hail on handl to put through a imenecs deal the next day. Mrs. ile- hoil•' wns in the Iiouen. bat was thrent- eneeJ with death 11 she raised an out- cry. Two Provincial detectives have txen acne to look for the men, PERSONAL I'OI''I'ERS. Inlerestiug Gossip About Sonne of the World's Prominent People. Lady Coleby oke, Winona alike for her beauty, accomplishments, and skill as a Iwlilecal hostess, possw-.es a wonderfully ccmpletu onrpeoters and wood -carving slop at Abuigton, Lana, kshire, Soulland. Ileie sire lnis 1101 only turned out 601110 clever pleas of work, but bas also taught some of the villuge girls on her husband's estate how to fashion wood by hammer and chisel. Lady Colebrooko Is a clever sculptor loo, and WHIMS with her htts- band a love of all that is urilstic and beautiful. The mssv King of Sweden has few hob- bies, but, curiously enough, as very fond of limn -lentils, at which game lie excels. llo is frequently to been seen mixing with tho ordinary players at a kania club, and 11e is always eager for any hint, or information they may bo able to give hint. A short time ago un inter- national tennis tournament was held at Stockhuhu, and the then Crown Prince gave a banquet in honor of tho players is his own private apartments. Fetch guest on arriving was presented with a bundsumo blue and gold badge ornament - e.; with a crown and two crossed tennis racquets, whicih entitled Hint to honorary life membership of the Clown Prince's club. Of the thousands who have worn and still wear the Royal humane Society's deoorations for life-saving, !.lent. -General 8u George Bryan Milman, K.C.B., Major of the Tower of London, who has just celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday, is the only than, it is said, who has been award - e t its gold medal, and that clasp on sixty years ago. It was on Juno 25th, 1858, at the Maurillus, that he was the means of saving the lives of five otlicers of his regiment, the 501 Fusiliers, who, together with himself, went for a sill, A storm arose and Ito boat was capsized. Milman, then a captain, swam to tho shore, comp miles away, procured an- other boat, put off, and ,-eacued his bro- ther officers, who had clung to the keel of the coracle. Ten years later leo was with Campbell at the relief and capture :.f Lucknow, and was mentioned in des- patches. It is a wonder that the poor little Grand Duke who is the heir to tho dignity of Czar Is not already overwhelmed by his lilies. Ito is nearly throe and a half years old. Ho is Heiman of All the Cossacks, chief of the Regiment of the Guard of Finland, colonel of the 51st Regiment of Infantry of 7.itovsk, of tho 12111 Regiment et infantry of Eastern Siberia, of the Ccrps of Calcis of Taslikend, and cap- tain of the 4111 Battery of (horse Artillery. Notwitlrslanding these dignities, it is said that his greatest joy in life Is a golly - wog dressed in blue and red, for posses- sion of which he occasionally lights with his youngest sister, Princess Anastasia, who is six years old. There is no more tragic figure among the prominent people in the world than the Emperor Francis Joseph. ruler of Austria. Ilis whole life and reign have been bound up with sorrows and trage- dies. Ile was called to the/throne during civil strife, in which the Aliniater of War was hanged on a lamp -post, and because his uncle abdicated and This father re- fused the Crown. Itis brother Maximi- lian was executed by his captors in Mex- ico, whither he had gone to fight; his son, the Crown I'rince, put an end to his un- happy marriage by shooting himself; and hi; wife, the Empress, was assassinated on the shores of Lake Geneva to 18:)8. Sir A. I1. Fairbairn, tho third baronet, is probably the only bearer of an heredi- tary title horn deaf and dumb. 116 has devoted his lifo to the succor and relief of those who aro similarly afflicted but less well off than himself. Ile hunts, fishes, shoots, and cycles, but his main (hobbles aro travel and the collecting of ol.jecls of art. Sir Arthur tells, with great glee, a story of an occasion when a friend had invited him to dinner at his club. Two other guests, strangers to each other, had likewise been bidden to the dinner, each of whim had been told tt.at he would meet n deaf and dumb man. Sir Arthur, arriving tato with his hest. was astonished to see other guests by the fire talking laboriously nn their fingers, each thinking that the other was Ste Arthur Fairbairn. Mr. John (tingling, America's "Show- man King," hes proved so successful as a circus proprietor that he has elnorberl Barnum and Bailey's show. and travels In a motor -car worth some thousands of pounds. It is said that even John \'nnd- erbilt envies him. John is one of five brothers -the grandsons of a famous English juggler who settled) in America. Their father Host "a pile" of money in a P.m: and this brothers started concerts to replenish the depleted exchequer. Then they launcher] out Into circles work, be - crane formidable cotnpetltors with Bar- num's, and finally absorbed that famous show. Now there aro over 3,000 ern- h'oyr•d by the free; they own 4410 railways ears, and will pay any price for a novel- ty. (i►1'1? 11111 1'11:('1: 01' 4iittOI'D. Srolrh Pamily "seemed Gaston) 01 1'our- teerllh Century. Some time ago the New Kilpatrick par- ish church minister, Rev. J. 11. Dickie. attended. in a ministerial capacity, a fun- eral in Glasgow. and lin was somewhat surprised when the chief mourner hanei- e.' hint n small culling of the Rhreeet. Naturally Ire asked the reason of the gift, but the mourner could not tell hint, mere- ly remarking that it had boon an old ems - tem of her fnn111y to present the minister with a bit of the slimed on similar oc- Visions. An antiquarl%i friend has been linking Into the matter, and finds Ilint awry bock in tho thirteenth or fourteenth century an ncl was pnssed for the pur- e of encouraging the wool (rade in Scotland, which ordained that every crrpso be ahmuded in a woollen gar- ment, and M make certain that the order teas otleneled to, It was made the duly of the panel' minister to examine the 6hrou.1 before the coffin lid •vas'serewel down." in the event of the Master not hr Ing able to be presort. a "swah'h" of Ihr elead person's garment had to be cut off and handed to the clergymen whit officiated at the "Iiftin'." Tiro fact that Ike old custom has been preserved in the mourner's family ahnwed that their petrological tree had a fairly respectable antiquity. fllE WORLD'S MARKETS GOOD CHOPS AND ECONOMY REPOI1TS 111O11 11111 LEADING TIt.1UE CEN IIL .'3, Prices of Cottle, Grain, (.:eese arae Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BItEA1XSfUFl•S. Toronto, Juno 16. -Ontario \Whecat - No 2, white and red in rather trots sup- ply, between otic and 87c out-.uk1; No. 2 Innel, a lit'.lo lower en sante bas -s. Manitoba \\'teal -Dull market; quota- tions at Georgian Bay torts, No. 1 nor- thern, 31.09; No. 2 not torn, $1.06; No. 3 northern. $1.03%. Oates - No. 2 white, comparatively steady, ielwe-11 46c and 470 outside; No 2 mixed, 44e. Corr --No. 3 yellow, offering lower at 79c to 80e, but stilt above the Market; no busine_s. Four - Manitoba patents special brawls, $6; eeeonds, 85.40; strong bak- ers', $5.30; w.thtor wneat patauts, easter, entering now at $3.30. Barley -,No. 2, fairly plentiful at 550 to 580. Penes -moo. 2, practically alt • gone; ne3uinal pile: 92c. Rye --No. 2, some inquiry, but none offet'ing; quotation about 88c. Buckwheat -No. 2, market pretty well cleaned up; notninally quoted 04%c to 650. Bran -Prices begin to decline; offered outside at $18.50 to $19; ubeut $20.50 track here. Shorts -$21 outeide.._ COUNTi(Y PRODUCE. \Vlolewsa'o quotations are:- Egge--,New-laid, 17c to 17%c. Honey -Strained steady at 110 to 12c Fee round for 60 -pound pails, and 12c V 13c for 5 to 10 -pound palls. Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per (keen. Butter --Tho market is steady, but pric- es aro not yet down to a storage or ex - part level. Creamery. prints .... .... .. 2lc to22c do solids ................19310290 Dairy prints, choice .... ..... 18c to 19c do prints, ordinary .... .... 16c tonic do tub .... .... .... ...... 17c to l8c Inferior .... .... .... .... .. 15c to 16c Potatoes --Prices of Ontario., aro about 10c lower. \'cry few Delawares aro outing through now; Onlarios, 70c to 8(x; Delaware, 90c to 95c in car lots on track I:ere. Beans --51.90 to $2 for ,primes, and $2 to $2.10 for hand-picked. Chocso--i'er pound, 11% to 12c. Bake] S'raw-At $7.50 to $8.50. Itakd Hay -T nottly is quoted at $11 to $12 per ton in our lots on hack item. PROVISIONS. Pork -Short cut, 122 to $22.50 per bar - ml; 11c9s, 318.50 to $19. Lard -Pierces, 11'/.c; tubs, 12c; pails, 12%c. Smckod and Dry Salt:d \tents -Long c'ear bacon, 10%c to Ile. tons and cases; hams, mednsn and light, 13%,c to 14c; hems, large. 113% to 12c; hacks, 16c to 16%sc; shoulders. 93 c to 10c; rolls, 10c to 10%c; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c; groes treats, out of pick's, lo less than stroked. MONTREAL, alAUK ETS. !Montreal, June 16. -FI sur -Manitoba spying wheal patents, 86.10 to $6.20; se-. nd patents, 85.50 to 85.70; winker weeal patents. $5.25 to $5.75; etralght rol'ers, $L25 to 31.50; in bags, $2 to 52.15; extra, 11.50 to $1.75. (tolled oats --$2.75 in bags of 90 pounds. Oat, -Nn. 2, 52c to 530; No. 3. 49c to 50:: No. 4. 48c to 48%e; rejected, 46%c te 47e; Mtnni'M.:a rejected, 48c to 483ac. C.ontntoal-$1.75 t, $1.85 per bag. Mil)feod-Ontario bran 01 bags. 321 to $22; shot -Is, 323 le) $24; elaniloba bran in bates, $23; shorts, $24 4, $25. Butter -is quoted at a wieferrange, 200 to 22%c per found. Eggs-.Selcctod, 18c; No. 1, 16%c to 17c, and No. 2, 14c per dozen. Flour -Choice spring wheat paten's, et) 10; seconds. $5.50; winter wheat pat. mils, $5; straight aliens, 84.50 to 8175; e!o.. in bag,, $2.12 to 82.25; extra, 81.70 to $1.80. Provisions --Barrels short cut mess, 822.`0; half barrels, 811.50; clear tat hacks, $23; dry rail long rlear back+, Ile; barie'.s plat: beef, 817.40; half bnr- refs d i., $9; compound lar), 8%c to 9S;c; pure lard. l23 a to 13e; kettle ren - (kneel. 13: to 13%sc; hams 12%c to Ile, acoorling to size; breakfast bacon. 11e t) 15e; Winds'''. ha"on, 150 to I6r: fresh - kneel nbretto r.ir•essel hogs, $9.25 to 59.50; live, $6.75. l;Nrt'ED STATI.5 MARKETS. Mdanukeo, Jun•' 16. -Wheal -Quiet; N•.. 1 Northern, $1.09 to $1.11; No. 2 Northnn. $1.07 to $1.08%; July, 86%. to 8iNc. Ityet- No. I, 79e. Barley -Dull. No. 1, 57e; maniple, 47 to SBc. Corn - Na 3. 71„ e•: July, 67ye reeked. Minneap o' s, Juno I6. -Wheal -No. 1 hard, $1.07% t.► $1.08X; No. 1 Northern, $1.05% t) $1.06%; No. 2 Northern, 31.03% to $1.04%; No. 3 Northern, ¶r1e4 to $l.�9; July, $1.02; S-'pl., 87', sets 87%c. Bran -In bulk, $19.75 lo $2•,. s h. Flour --First patents. 55.45 In $5.611: e1N1 lal(11t,, :$5.311 41 45.45; !lest c:ear-, 81.25 4r 81.35; second clears, $3.55 1•, 3.1.115. Buffalo. N. Y.. Juno 16. - Wheat - Spring. easy; No. 1 N.erthern, $1.07 in carloads; Winter, steady; N s. 2 red, 96'. (''ern--1:rash. I ewer; No. 2 yelte,w, 76c: No. 2 wht'c. 77c. Oats -Steady; No. 2 white, 55 tel 55% a; No. 2 mixed, 51Xc. Barley -6k. Ifye-85e; No. 1 on track. Canal fee ghte, Wheal, 5e t, N.•••• fork. N w Y-)rk, June 1I.-.\\ ' 11 -split easy; No. 2 rod, 98s' . w 1 Ni.. 2 reel, 99,; spent f.0.11. nfoal, \ 1 neirtherrl Duluth. $1.15%, fob. anent; N . 2 hard win:or, $1.01% f.o.b. albeit. LIVE STO("K M.11tKf.T. To:entne Juno 16.- Qu t a niunl e, of very select ex -loners' woie e n ter• mar- ket. and for Il►o s' fiotn NI I., ft6.1(1 was paid. A f. ss v. ry clone Catchers' silt! at over 36. Co 141 cow c were rather lune I to get. and were in ser ns; demand. In s •111c cna's n+ high as $5.25 st . pad for sp eia'ty rent orxe:. '110• poorer grades, Letterer, were weak, belling Two Things Mr. Byron E, Walker Says Canada Needs. A despatch from Toronto says: "\\'hat Canada mels is a good crop an 1 a yoar et contently. That will bring us buck to normal.' This was the statement Mr. Byron E. Walker, President of the) Rank of Com- rnlerce, made en Wednesday, regarding the outlook this year. The bank has re - ceased crop reports from all over the west, and- the outlook is sold to bo par- ticularly (hopeful. "A good crop would not alone be sun fic:ont," ooittinucd Mr. Walker. "and perhaps it is because w'o have not been badly enough punished that ave do not fully realize that. The West may think that tie dopresslon \vas caused by a bad crop. As a matter of fact the bad crop was only an incident. The d(pres- sioa would have Done without it. In the States they had good crops, got more for their cereals, and their (o!ton than before, but .they had worse trouble fin -4 win/illy than Canada had. "The mal oause of depiesslon was the tendency and the practice of people in living ahead of themselves. If there is a splendid crop and Canadians have not name] their less,n, they will start cut. ling tho same wida swath of over-ox- penditure. Then there wad be the same inevitable trouble following. The coun- try needs a year of eeonoiny. "The natural result of a good crop wit' Le that inoney will bo easier. Mw1'- eupalit`es will find themselves able to sell their bonds. Some of them, per- haps, will lake advantage of this to pante into improvements on the old largo scale. This will not be entitled, let the country needs mullein as well eta crop,' A deltaic)) from Montreal says: In au interv:sw S r (:corgo Drummond, Pr•elia dent of the Rank of \Montreal, 'Duke in generally favorable tennis es to the out. lock of business .throughout the coun- try. Sir George sa'.d that he did not expect to see a complete rvovery of trade condit ons in a vary near future, but with goed crops tho D.sn.nion we,uld surely experie2Ice a cemplele roe newel sif its trade activities. "A great deal,' continued Sir George, "nece=sar•ily depends on the success of cur next harvest, and from present in- dicatons them is every reason to ex- pect bountiful crops. Tnero is as much money in Canada today as eve; but one sees a certain leek of present con. fidonec, which, thow•e.•ser, will gradually disappear. In scene quarters people aro a:.king for cheaper money, but 1 do not expect to see lower rates In Canada, at least for the present. "1 bin of the %onion that speculation in stocks or business generally should bo discouraged, as present business oon- dillons do not warrant it. however, i tan to seo any reason fir uneasiness, as all signs indicate that there will be steady and certain re revery in alt lined ci preelints and industries,•' THE EVIL OF IMPURE IYtILK Causes the Death of 15,000 Children in Canada Yearly. A despateh from Ottawa says: A num- ber of valuable papers on b biecls re- lating to the medical profession were given at el'ednesday's sessions of the Canadian Medical Association. Dr. C. J 0. Hastings of Toronto, in a paper on the importance of pure milk, read bef.)re the sect:on on public health, de- clared that impure milk was primarily responsible for Ilse loss of 15,000 of the 30.000 children who deo ormually In Canada. Ile strongly urged a more stringent inspection of the milk supply, in every municipality, and ile enrpliasis- ed tho paramount importance of the proper pasteurizing of milk in all dair- ies. At the conclusion of tlhe paper a 0,-rmMitttiee was appointed to wait on Rio Cnwe►-►unent with a vkw to securing more stringent ►+egtl'atione generality municipal inspecUon. down to $2.50 for old green cows. Time is still a goal demand fors'ock- cr.;. They bring from $3.25 to 84.50. Milk cows are not wanted quite so much, but good ones can always de- mand a gem.' ':rice. Allh•,ugh there was a pretty liberal run of calves the Market was firth at 35 to $5.50. Sheep were steady, but the trade In them is quiet ret present. 'There Ions been a scarcity of good quality lamhe This sprang, which slakes a wide range in the prices. All tho I*. gs were taken for the local trade at unchanged prices, namely, $6. fol and watered off can 'Toronto, and 85.75 f.o.b. . MAY IWII.D NEW WELL.IND CANAL. Important Statement by the Minister in the (louse. A despatch front Ottawa trays: in the )louse of Commons on Thursday morn- ing Zion. Mr. Graham intimated that it W08 the Intention of the Govcrurnenl to procure (enmities of the coat of deepxen- ing the Well/int Canal to a draught of 25 feel. and alio of the cosi of an en- 1roly new canal. Ile had leen told by engincere it would be cheaper to build a new canal. In reply to Mr. Lances - ter, Mr. Graham said he was prepared to say Ural if we were to c•rrry ntte own lrafiic ns well as American tralflo the Welland ('anal would have to be deepen - ell. As 10 the new canal, the scheme would reduce the number of locks 75 per ctnt., and though he could not say definitely, he thought the cost would ap- proximate $25,070.000 (.r $30,000,000. There were udvantages in the new canal owing to the shorter distance and few- er lona. PRESIDENT ROY ARRESTED. Latest Move in (he Bank of St. John Failure. A despatch from Montreal says: An. important !novo was made in the hank of St. John affairs on 'Thursday night wl,en Hon. I'irilippc itoy, former Prca- dent of the bank, was times:e.t on a charge of making false returns to that Government. It is alIege'd that in the current loan columns of the returns sent to the Government were found promis- sory noted long since outlawed, and which are without any value whatever. The arrest was nlado tl►rotsgh Crown Prosecutor Ilibbard, who oclod under irstrucl:ons from the Attorney -General. Mr. Roy was allowed out on bail of 82,000. and will be tried as soon us tho necessary steps can be token. It is said that tho liabilities of the hank amount to over $500,000, and the amens to not more than $200,000. Mr Roy is personally very wealthy, hong 1110 cowri- e^ of the St. John's waterworks and electric light plant, and outer indus- tries m the t')wn and t'rovince. Ile MIS Si eaker of the last Vrovincate e•g- Islnlure, and run for Mayor of Montreal last February, being defeated by Mr. Lou's Payette. TOO S\\elle f 1011 lli\t. Mrs. Chubb-"Graek,us, John! We neve er will gel through with this home -clean- ing Why, you have only moved five i)tctnre; in the last fifteen minutes." Mr. Stubb- "Well. great ('lute, Maria, 1'111 nes mining picture machine." 111- 1. 1 11 ).1 you can d.. Ls to do your 1..•t. THEY AAE PHYSICALLY UNFIT Immigration From the Factory Towns of Great Britain. \ despatch from Ottawa says: Esq.- den ve.d.'n bearing on the medical regular gens governing immlgraton was given by Df•. P. 11. Bryce, (:h of M•.iical ()M- eet' of Ih•e Initnigrali..n Deportrn'nt, `c• nee t'ho Agricultural (iemnhittee on Wednesday. Ile stated that the greateet nuauber of physically defective tootle (ante from the factory towns of Great ilritain. an 1 more particularly Eng- land. The pre -4m t syst•in of me diem in-pectirm was, in his opin'on, its thor- ough as the pre exit o•neditteals warrant- ed. Mr. )pain suggosle I that the Gov- ernment slinul•1 hnv,, n physician on treed every v.:41el for the puaprse of ani:dy ng the health of tho'imnegrantee Dr llrytn thought Itvit if Lie ;leamsh p Ctrm,lan'es provided s phys ciaht 1.•r coca ship he mght bo peal an extra mint 10 act for this G•)vernment. Dr. McIntyre (Strath•'ona) was (append to Urn eligges- t on. It would be a case of the doet•R serving two masters, and that Mantle' not he satisfect .17. Queetone.I with relined to Irnchnrna, 1)r. Bryce caul there were nut to many I.eople in. nnndn suff. ring 1r nm that disease 05 seas supposed. In thin ro- apect there had been a great improve- ment In r•oent years. Mr. Monk sag• g.-ete1 (Int anm grant., xh .0 d b: melte catty ii p.'eted b 1 re they lett for (an - oda. Dr. Bryce seal lie had crewed/sleet that phew of 1M' qursto,n. Ile was of lir opinion that nothing more effective (teed be done in that devotion Than wait dl Ino at present at the pJrts of depar- ture. epar- tore.