Exeter Times, 1908-06-04, Page 6*H 1••i-& i-•4114 i-+ i -i -t -hi • 41 *
Silk muslin gowns show cloth hems.
The new }elts:nut is a Here ruffle
tutt n ,I to the eoree(.
Filigree is not adtn.ttea to the decer•at-
eel scheme of para: ohs.
Some smart princess gowns simulate
the tunic by means of a tuck.
\\'ti tc pique sults are trimmed on the
skirt wits bane's of c cored linen.
Smart oolored effects arc this year ob-
tained ut the doted Swses.
Straw colorings, pongee shades, and
other light tones ure much s:,ught in cot-
ton stuffs.
Thu new rose red Ls being made up
with touches of black et the belt and
ae -
ands of dented Swiss threaded with
ribbcan make a pretty finish for night-
Dyed lace made over chiffon of a 1t1!ht.
<r shade is sometimes seen on sane
arriart new blouses.
Many of the new princes: gowns are
rrede with n rr.ncess slip, but deny the
fact by tell or sash.
1t.e skeveless coat In allk, lace an-
broIe..ered net, or what one will is to be
a ytC %Iresque feature.
The heavy filet :aces gain constantly
In lrputarily and have quite aupersedcd
the Irish and Venise.
The idea of braiding an entire coat of
druk color with white or biscuit sou-
tacY.e is popular In Pars.
Green is favored in gown trimmings
th's year and lingerie drees are embroi-
dered in lis delicate shades.
Long sleeves are making gradual head-
way and it is advisable to have a few
summer dresses made with Them.
Cluny lace, the color of the dot, :s
combine.' with the Swiss and the dress
Its worn over a slip of self -color or white.
The skirt with the plain, close fit -
Ung top but flaring at the lower part
contines to grow in favor. It is some-
times trimmed with a wide fold, but just
as often 1l is plain.
Pretty and new are the jabots made
of fine plaited lawn with n colored hem-
stitch like a handkerchief, of oourse, to
wash'ng fibres. They are black and
white. with pale blue, mauve, and yel-
low edging.
The management of the Grecian drap-
fr'les, especially in the skirts, is adroit.
They are wonderfully plastic wtea well
handed and lend themselves admirably
to tare c •neealment of lee points and the
<ntphas zing of good ones.
The summit of juvenile jauntiness Is
reached by a reefer of snowy white
serge to which is attached a sailor col-
lar of dark blue serge and on which
si.a rkle brass -buttons. However, it 'a
sdapted only to those uncanny children
who arc careful of their clothes.
A walking suit may mean a close fit-
ting cloth cutaway with a frotteur skirt
in ankle length, or it may mean a di-
rcctono coat of Shantung with •a skirl
that awceps the floor by several inches,
end with unabashed assurance the Par-
L-denno will inform you That both skirls
ere short.
Bandy that suggest the tunic are more
ttactical for walking skirts Min the
unic draperies that are seen et their
best in the soft materials of house gowns
and evening dre . e.-. The Itne of trim -
rang that is nest generally tecoming
dips towards the front and en's on the
olde.a, giving a aught forward move-
The do lgners of children's clothes ad-
here to sunpl city in style and the mak-
era try to awed the mistake of over -
trimming. They are made dainty,
with hand run tucks, brier stitched or
tugoted tends. insets of fine lace, (.r
sprays of ernhrotdery, but the embroi-
dery and lace should be used in small
quantities and suggest the Idea of fin-
Ore of the most beautiful while serge
gowns has a dir(elotra coat with lapels
and cuffs ef :noel:<ler silk. The skirt is
titled up high above Ilk whist in a way
revcaloe by the coat. and in the dont
are two tiny flaps piped with lavender.
TIS.• front gore is outlined by lavender
I r..ng and small funks, commencing at
the hips, and ate continued for a dis-
tance down the skirt.
India Natise Alttny.s Knows Where Ile
May be Found.
Baby's Own Tat'cts bt good for ail
children, Iran the feeblest baby, whose
life seems to hang by a thread to the
sturdy boy who occasionally gets Ilia .u-
gestive organs out of order. Italy's
Own Tablets promptly cure all stornach
and newel teouLies and Make sicely or
ailing children well rind strong. And
this mal:ei no is absolutely leaf --the mo-
ther has trio guarantee of a government
analyst that (his Is true. Mrs. Alfred
nuddard, itald•imand, Que., says:—el
have used I1aby s Own 'tablets for con-
stipation, stc.nach troubles and restless-
ness and find them a splendid medicine.
They have madb my little ono a heal-
thy, fat and rosy child. 1 always keep
a box of Tablets in my home." Sold
1 y medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Ail you (Require is to Commit These tins
to Memory.
The following lines committed to mem-
ory, give an ea_y method of stating uff-
b€nd the day of the week of any date ut
Just a mother's arms, my jocund Jean;
A spell o'er Nature's dream.
The number of letters in each word
represents the date of Ute first Saturday
ir. the particular month to which it.00r-
respornds; thus, "Just," for January, has
!cur letters, because the first Saturday in
January fs the fourth of that month; "en
representing February, has one letter, as
t►ie first Saturday in February is the first
day of that month; and 60 on through
at. the twelve months.
Each word of the twelve, excepting the
first "a," begins with the &nine letter
ns Iho rnonth it represents. Thus, 'Just"
lx -gins with "J" because January begins
with "J"; "mother's begins with "ni" be-
cause March begins with "M"; and so on
an through, with the exception of "a"
for February.
Having obtained tho dates of the first
Saturdays, the date of every other Satur-
day in the month is got by the addition
of the necessary number of sevens, from
which it is but a step to any intermediate
(:ay. For example, to know the day on
which Christmas Day falls this year,
"dream," standing for December, has five
letters, so the first Saturday in December
is the 5th of that month; the second Sat-
urday Is the 12th; the Third the 19th: the
2tlh, being six days more, gives Friday,
six days on from Saturday.
A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto, revert
the following are the weekly shipments
from Cobalt camp, and those from Jan.
1 to date:
Week end.
May 16. Since Jan. 1
Ore in lbs. Ore in lbs.
Buffalo .... .... ..... ....... 563.bi0
Conlagas .... . . . ...... 380,:,10
Cobalt lake .... ..... 65,845 246.455
Crown Reserve .. ,.. 40,000
Cobalt Central .... .. 49,200 156.380
City of Cobalt .. .. .. ....... 338,600
Drummond .. . . .. . . ....... 92.340
Foster . .... ...... .. ... 238.400
Kerr Lake .. . . , .. . , 61.960 392.670
King Edward .... .... ...... 127,240
La Rose .... .... .... F0,0a0 1.981.652
M^Klni^y .... •••. 60,000 1143,900
Nip ss.ng .... .... ... 133,020 1,316,920
Nova Scotia .... .. .. 106,795 227,555
Nancy I lclen .. .. , .. .... 140.420
O Brien .... .... ..... 63,800 1,826.870
flight of Way 60,500 181,180
Provincial .... .... ....... 143.210
Standard .... .... ....... 39.730
Slyer Queen . ... .. . ....... 524.200
S Iver Cliff ... .... ....... 52,000
Silver Leaf .... .... ....... 132.800
Towvnsite . . .. ... . ..... 85.100
'I•(miskam:rig .. .. 88,140 325.000
Tenliskar:ng & I1. B. 60,000 599.000
Trethewey . . . . .... ...... 679,916
Watts 66.000 180,430
The total shipments for the week were
895.230 pounds, or 447 tons. The total
shipments from Jan. 1 to date are 12,-
3114.418 pcwunds, or 6152 tens. Tho total
sh'pments for the year 1907 were 28.-
8-Ott1.010 pounds, or 14.040 tons, valued
at $6.000,000. In 1904 the camp pro-
duce." 158 tons, valued at `130,217; in
1905, 2144, tuns valued at $1.473,196; in
1906. 5129 kens, valued at 53,900,090.
Crown Reserve, a stock much favored
in Cobalt, has been placed on a d.vidend
t•nsis by the declaration of a dividend
of 4 per cent.
I have Eyed for weeks alongside quite
small, well defined forests containing
tigers. Looking down from the hillside
1 could always tell when a tiger was on
fool, where he was walking and when
lye lay down to net. tear all t1:oso move-
nien's %vete reported by r.e.reanting Lirds
and chattering apes from the treetops,
wr.tcs J. D. Rees 111 the Calcutto Slake,
By the like telegraphy and by the
wnsdc:nfl which is born in them. by
Ile interests and babas of countless gteen-
erati•t►is, the villagers are perfectiy well
tested mending the great beasts, and
particularly regarding tie tiger`, in
their neighborhood. The man eater Is
well known over the, whole of his Jenne.
nines e l ns.ve teat.
A sporlaman arriving—provided the
senate rs have confidence in tum, and
Ib s :s a largo prov.s on, for they must
kiow their man -will have no difficulty
wherever in Deng nccuratey informed
concerning the nuireater a 11 overlie nils,
nut whether ha will persuade the vii•
lagers to help hen Ic get up to his quar-
ry war depend entirely upon his person-
al reputaten.
it is easy enough M build a little leafy
screen In a Tree over a pool and to en
end der' tie's eight nt'er night 111 the
tiger C(ntcs lo drunk In the Moonlight
and earnest 1.0 mend. but It is quite
another tiling to teat out end face tlx:
Iran eater en feot, Consequently the
sFsrlsrnan tie ei not newsy+ get takes up
to tt:e mon eater, blit Ili s is nut b:ceueo
the %1113gers e'3 net know when' he .s,
of �..'�e r Sh f r it 4i the tenet: who
g��tttrrl:y gl*ns on man.
re indt<eran.nstc offs of r.•wnnle In
p,t way tends IQ the destrucl'nn of the
real mean eater. while it :mores the
wh,vsn:e exteim.nall n of Ile 1:s fol,
indeed ind s;xvvablo d or and p.gg stalk•
et on.1 Uie caiiie Liter.
No T %%LS.
\\'ould (late Slensica Village in the
Aeorld if Ile Could Itriinj All Ilia
Houses loorthcrs
The Kaiser Ls trying to have his pay
raised. Ile (Inds it utterly impossible to
play the role of the great and only Wil-
liam on a mere $4,000,000 a year. The
Prussian Dict will be asked to mnke a
substuntial addition to this tax on the
ratepayers, and it is expected that there
will be a lively protest. For it will tie
remembered that Prussia assuancs the
whole burden of the civil list, Emperor
\\'illinui taking on the lob of Kaiser of
the Gernwn Empire without pay, writes
a Berlin, Germany, correspondent.
The reason given for this request for
higher wages is the fact that the Bost
of living has increased materially in Ger-
many and that his majesty's chamber -
lams are no longer able to run his "49
castles" as cheaply as heretofore.
\Vhat the Kaiser does with all his cas-
tles Is it subject for speculation with all
but the initialed. If they could alt be
bunched they would form a good-sized
village—and a village more pretentious
Ban any other in the whole world. Soine
of his places are of mentions size and
most of them are showy in their construc-
tion and style. As a matter of fact,
though, they are all in Garman parlance
called kaiserliches schkss (imperial
castle), very few of them, such as the
widely known palaces al Berlin and at
Potsdam. are really castles in the strict
sense of the word. Many of them, for-
merly built as strongholds. perched upon
peeks. or squatted in the middle of
marshes in order to make thein impreg-
nable against attack, have given way
to ambitious modern palaces. But the
word Schloss is new applied to any house
of considerable size which a nobleman
owns and occupies.
Among the Kaisers Berlin palaces the
royal castle on the Spree is one of the
largest and probably
").aura," growled the husband, "what
have you taken all my clothes out of
the closet for?
"Now. there's no use In making any
fuss about it. George," eakl his wife. with
a nolo of dcglance in her voice. "1 just
had to have some place where 1 could
).ung toy new hal."
Wedderiey--"You look worried, old
man. What's the cause ihereof?'
Singleton ;en a sigh)—"Oh, several
Wtdiderley---"\\'ell, take my advice and
marry one of them and let the others go.
Inc had the mune experience."
Teacher—"Wall it moment, Johnny.
What do you understand by that word
"It's weal you've got when you haven't
get as touch as It you just hadn't nothin."
Get acquainted with
Black Watch
the big black plug
chewing tobacco. A
tremendous favorite
everywhere, because of
itsirichness and pleasing
flavor. lr280
n !SPLENDID I lIi 4CItll'TI(►N.
1'ur tthcunr:rtkm an.l all Kidney, I.iier,
Lllanfder and Urinary Affections.
An eminent physician informs us
Mut he has used the following prr-
scripti.,n ut hu practice for a number
of yews, and found it tory successful
in the treat,nent of Kidney, Liver,
Bladder, and all Urinary affections. He
claims that a very few doses will re-
lieve the !nest severe petits in the back,
arising from disordered kidneys and
in.pure blood: One ounce of sweet
spirits of nitre, one ounce of Viin•sa
Compound, and four ounces of s)nsp
of rhubarb. The ingredients can be
uhtained at any reliable drug store. It
should be taken in dessertspoonful
de.es after meals end at hedtine in
halcr. It is unsurpassed for the cure
of rheumatism. driving the uric octd
entirely frx.n the system. The ingredi-
ents are inexpensive and harmless, an.l
can to given to cli.idren with sufety,
for Tobacco Often .Ilnve
Harmful Effects.
Tho Anna—nen Irid:ans who :nto1:e
dried lolly leaves, the hart: of the tvrl-
tow tree and leaves of the stags horn
minae use the least harmful of the sub-
s) tures for tobaca. Many of .the other
substitutes huve the most harmful ef-
fecls. Indiums along the Alaska coast
injure their eye -sight smok ng wood
shavings saturated with a strong solu-
tion of pepper; excessive smoking by
farmers of the leaves of the (ornate and
potato plant often canes insanity and
suicide; a variety of Indian hemp which
Is smoked by all classes in JaIiiai.^.a has
terrible results, and a weeei known as
mountain tobacco, which is smoked in
great quantities in Sweden, causes its
users to become mental and physical
_ tgl
A SuccessiSul Medicine. — Peery -one
wishes to be successful in any under-
taking in which he may engage. It 's
therefore, extremely gratifying to the
proprietors of I'arnmelee's Vegetable Pills
1'. know that their efforts In compound
a medicine which would prove a blears -
Ing to mankind have been successful be-
yond their expectations. The endorse -
tion of these Pills by the public is a gu-
nrniitoe that a pill has been produced
which will tulfll everything claimed for
t:. tourists. Originally it was of very
modest proportions but from tiine lo time
additions have been made, keeping pace
with the growth of influence and power
o! the Ilohenzollerns. 'i'he castle is
gaudy, raw and pretentious in construe -
nen. The walls outside are of stucco
it:stead of stone masonry. The prelen-
netus columns of the salons indoors are
of imitation marble while the same key-
note of show and pretense governs the
whole structure and all its details.
One more interest is the Charlotten-
burg Castle, n structure much plainer
and of later construction, It is situated
in a charming park and is extraordinary
for Its greet length. Five hundred)
metres, 1 believe, are the correct figures.
At any rate I know that it is only beaten
in this respect by Schonburg, near Vien-
na, and Nymphenburg in Batavia. This
place was the hone of the late Emperor
Frederick IIi. during his last short stay
in Berlin. The maus(elenm in the park
Is the burlal-place of Queen Louisa of
Prussia and of her grandson, William,
Int first German Emperor.
One of the most interesting of Keiser
William's places, historically, is Schloss
Koenigsberg, in the province of East
Prussin. This castle, which was finished
In 1261, was rt famous stronghold of the
order of the 'Teutonic Knights, one of
the three great military and religious
orders to which the Crusaders gave birth,
the other two being the Tempters and the
At one time the order w•ns undisputed
master of a population of 3,000,000 people
and played a leading tole In the political
history of Northern Europe. In the chap-
el of this fanious castle Frederick 119,
Elector of Brandenburg. crowned himself
as Frederick t, King of l'russia, In 1701.
Ono hundred and fifty years later, Wil-
liam, who was afterward to be the first
German emperor, put upon his head the
shine crown in the same chapel.
Perhaps the most widely known royal
hc.rne outside of Berlin is \Vilhelmshohe.
neer Cassel, the sunnrscr resort of Jer-
ome Bonaparte while he was king of
Westphalia. The Versailes of Germany,
ns IL has leen culled. tuns begun by
Frederick Il. and furnished by his succes-
ter, William, and it Ls said that 2.000 ss ork-
nmen were employed for fourteen years
In its construction. Its chief boast is
lite great fountain, which throws up n
pr. of water twelve feel In diameter to
the remarkable height of 190 feet. Ne -
pelmet 111., who was made prisoner at
Sedan with 90,000 of his troops and after-
ward was sent Ly his captors to \\'il-
hclmslwlie (:ostle, was n great admirer
of the place and need to spend hours
watching Use Wean' of water shooting
up Into the air.
But all of the Kaiser's other landed
possessions. be they proud castles, pre-
1(ntiuus m044111 pralnces or extensive
villas, sink into hlsignificanee, historic-
ally, when compared with one small,
situated at Milt an hour's distance by
rail from Perlin. This place is Balled
Kcenigs•Wusterhnusen and once it was
a fatuous hunting -ground. shunted in the
heart. as it Ls, of a very large forest.
To tills day the woods are still frequently
sectored by neyal sgwrtsnicn. '1'hc castle
Is It plain, solid building resembling in
appearance n respectable farmhouse of
the second best.
1Coenig^s•Winterhallscn was the favor -
Ile summer resoat of Frederick \Villinm
!., the second king of Prussia, one of the
r:nsl remarkable rnennrclss that ever sat
en a Marone, and the father et Frederick
th • Great. llere he spent a few months
every year and hero he gave full. unre-
strained vent to the cruel, savage, brutal
aspects of hie nature. rendering (he livers
of his quern and his children it very
hell upon enrth. Here at 5 octtck every
Afternoon of hie stay was convened the
lohncoo parliament, that queer assembly
which is as famous in the pages of his -
trey as Ute same ruler's giant guard at
Potsdam. The sessions were held in a
!ergo room in the castle which to this
day has been religiously preserved.
If nen and women really unmkr'atoOd
(fie'. lir there would be fewer love
"Now, don't tisk( me another question.
Little boys should not be too inquisitive!"
"Why mustn't i ask you any more,
daddy? And what's inquisitive?"
You can lengthen the life of your
louse and give it a distincUve person-
ality nmengst its fellows with the use
of ltarnsay's Paints, guaranteed the
very best. full measure, full value, at
fair honest prices. Your dealer has them
and will show you the splendid range
of colors. Write A. Ramsay & Son Co.,
Montreal. for a park of Summar Picture
Poet Cards of Ilornes.
German friend: "De blclure you haf
bainted is most butlful; dere is only von
vorrl in de Englisch lancgvidge vkh des-
cribes it—and I haf vorgotten it."
Wonderful SUMS* of the Modern
Method of Treating Even Obsti-
nate Cases of Indigestion.
The old fashioned methods et treating
stomach diseases are being discarded.
The e tiouble with the old fashioned tne-
th .ds teas that when the trrntinent rtes
steered the trouble returned in wi ag-
gravated form.
The modern method of treating indi-
gestion, catarrh of the stnntaeh •'r
chronic gastrit's. is to tone up the
stomach and glands to do their normal
work. Every step toward recovery is a
step gained, not to he kst again. The
recovery of Ute appetite, the disappear-
ance of pain, the absence 01 gas—all are
steps on the load to health that thewe
woo have tried the tonic treatment re-
member distinctly.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic
every constituent of which is helpful in
building up the digestive organs and
therefore are tho very best remedy for
chronic cases of stomach trouble. The
success of the treatment is shown by
hrndrldis of cures like the follening:—
Mrs. Wm. E. Dunn, Prince Dale, N.
S., says:—"For upwards of seven yearn
1 was an almost oonUnuous sufferer
from stomach trouble, which was ag-
gravated by elest.na'e constipet:on. Food
was not only distasteful, but every
mouthful I ale was painful. The trouble
a 1 affected nay heart that at tunes I
thought 1 could not live. 1 was con-
stantly doctoring, but did not get the
least relief. indeed I was growing
w('r:e, and in the summer of 1907 had
get so Lad that I went to the City of
Heston, where 1 spent same time under
the caro of a specialist. 1 returned
home, however, no better than when
went away. The pains I endured were
almost intolerable, and would sometimes
cause mo to drop. 1 kept getting weak-
er and weaker and had prnctically giv-
en up hope of even being well again
when my mother urged me to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. How thankful 1
now am that 1 took her advice. My cane
was a severe one and did not yield
A Carefully Prepared Pill.—Much lime
and attention were expended In the ex•
perunenting with the ingredients that
enter into the composition of Parmelee'.►
Vegetable Pills before they were brought
to the state in which they were first of-
fered to the public. Whatever other
pills may he. f arnelec's Vegetable Pills
are the result of much expert study, and
all persons suffering from dyspepsia or
disonlered liver and kidneys may con-
fidently acerin them as being what they
are iepresentedto be.
"Fine feathers,"
remnrked the man with
the quotation habit, "dpi not make fine
birds." "No," rejoined the father of
seven grown daughter., "but they make
fine fortunes for milliners."
Will afford instant relief from pain
caused by Neuralgia, ilendaches, (foul,
Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample
50 cents. All druggists or National
Drug Go., Lcnidon.
Conceited A►nnteur: "I lenrncd to play
the violin when I wars eight years old,"
crusty Professional: "Indeed! Ilow old
were you when you forgot?"
AN With FAMILY nf'tin Algae's is the one
generally described by the word Rotorua. In all
Ile. forms 1t resists ordinary treatment but 1.
completely curet by Weaver's Cerate uehl In eon.
notion wttb Weaver's Syrup.
S\\•I'+i; iRIFI.F:
Iter) Man in tatlrerinshd Learns to l'se
the Rifle.
At n time when 1h:• question of mil:
tary training for cis Mans is being much
el.seuered, a short acc.Unt of the Swiss
system, from the Atan lest -r Guardian.
may be of inkiest. Every plan in the
pea,eful and dunocratic c. entry ui Swit-
z.. t•land is a solder in a modest way, bc-
fi lingf a small nation.
The tth!e-based Swiss enter: the army
fit twenty years of ng.', Haul s/t'we. sai)-
the dogs m in's first sear. F'. r the next
IWeiVet )ears he beans for thio' tweek
(eery nllerna'e yam.. At thirty-two he
enters the I.nndw•e hr, and has eight to
loon days feeler arm; sissy fourth year
uetil. at fifty, ha ret res, and is !equine'
to furnish no further service except In
ens. of tt ar,
What the Swiss mint'.aman lacks in
military orthodox be far more than
makes up by skill a nalien of mark
Hien. The training period): are occupied)
only with drill and lactic+•; tre all-im-
portant matter matter of sho itirg is left
t. the ir.divieual soldier 10 carry out at
other tines. and 110 .toes it under the
tenpins of the sheeting socelies which
air such a feature of Swiss life.
These Focictics, under en se nen1
entree are called Schulzengesellschnf•
ten in the German, and Swine's do ler
in the F'rcn :h cantors. They are volun-
tary assccrations, varying in size iind
irnpor'ance with the town or village they
sere. Triose in tho Iargee towns pos-
sess comp'eLely filled ranges and club -
homes; the small villages do their shoot-
ing in any field hacked by a suitable
ihll. Every reasant and townsman has
easy fee:lities for shooting, and each
anan has his service rifle alttuys in his
Every plan between the ages of twen-
ty and thirty-two must lire thirty-two
shots in f:.ur compulsory exercises every
year, and the societies receive a grant
< f two franrs for every soldier shoot-
ing Itis course on their ranges. The in-
come derived from the grants gens rail)•
suffices for the current expelee's of lhrt
Society, supply of targets ane pay of
rnarker. There Ls no entrance fee nor
sures• ripLion as a rule, and heavy ex-
penditure, su:h as thst incurred by the
censtrt.ctlon of new ranges. is met by
a special grant from he government.
Rules as to speclaters, methods of
readily, but (� c an improvement was trading and conduct on tis ranges are
noticed the cur • progre e l sleadily and stringent. Loss of grant Is incurred by
salistnchrily, mei nf'er the use of ten
any breach or neglect of regdsos,ne.
Loxes of the Pills I v. as again a well In ckl on n to these exet•cses, many
comp•tifons are Leld between different
woman. Every symptom of the trouble
disappeared, and it is years since I en-
jeycd ashealth as I am doing new.
Al:. who now me look upon my cure
as almost a miracle, and I strongly urge
a!i suffering from stomach trouble to
give this medicine a fair trial."
Dr. \\'illiams' l'ink fills are sold by
al medic:me dealers or you can get them
mail at 50 cents a box or six Loxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
'They say tliat Mrs. Climber takes an
anesthetic before sine goes to every re-
"For what reason?"
"So she won't feel
"What L the most aggravating thing
in married life?" asked ik.ndhy. "Some-
Solnatimes," said the bachelor friend, 'it's the
!intend, and 34rrietinles ifs the \vile."
The trnnsilken from winter's cold to
summer's heat frequently puts a slraln
upon the systeln that produces internal
ec►nphcotiona, always painful and often
serious. A common form of disorder is
dysentery, to which many aro prone In
the spring and summer. The very nest
metthune to use in subduing this pain.
fu' ailmmt is Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Dy -
se ntery Cordial. it is a standard rem-
edy, sold ever) where:
TO Till. SUN.
Sir David Gill, formerly astronomer
at Cape 'town, South Africa, had an in-
terview with Cetewayo, the great Zulu
chief. The dusky potentate asked him
bow long It would take to gt to the sun
in a "Cope" wagon. Making a raped
calculation on lits cuff, Sir David told
the amazed chief that it would take 13,-
3;000 years.
"1 bought the walking -click off yeti
lnst week." sand it fitssy old gentleman.
"Yes." agreed the. dealer. "that is en. 1
recognize it." "You maimed me that the
handle was real tory, and 1 find it is
only Imitation." "Very enrry, sir, but
I get my ivory direct from Ceylon, and
the only explanation seems to me that
the elephants must weer tense tusks."
The Guest (fit front door) --alt s merlin
ly good of you to show me the way
outs' The Host—"Not at 0111 it's a
pkllsure, 1 assure your
the cuts sho re -
If your children are troubled with
worms, give them Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator; safe, sure and ef-
fectual. Try it, and mark the improve-
ment in your child.
i understand your husband is a spirit-
e "Lies is not. lb's a prohibitionist.'
Is Highly recommended as affording in-
stant relief from pain --Neuralgia. Hced-
ache, Gout. RCicerone rhal
Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists
o'• Lyman Bros. & Co., wholesale drug-
g:sts, Toronto.
"Dn you happen in know where lie
sends on Me prohibition issue?";
"Yes. Before the bar."
AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases 1s the one
uorally d.scrlbed by the weed Ecrems. In all
11• forms it rests(' ordinary treat meat Mut le
completely cured by Weaver's Cerate used In con-
nectHea with t'eeter's Myrun.
1lElt 111%.
"Why don't you watch the game,
"\Vhnt's the use? non told me the um-
Aire imus was paid to watch it. Let him
kok niter it. I'm sure t don't want the
i11 filling boots and rhos caw corns.
Holloway's (ern Cure is the article to
use. Get a bottle at once and cure your
Visitor (viewing wedding gittc)—
'elhat rug's a beauty. Have you any Wes
what it coat?'
Bride --"Yes. Three hundred dollar.;
worth 01 furniture to match it."
Bacon --"And don) pots sonshowy any
signs of Lis college training?"
Egberl.—"Oh, yes; he's quite larne in am
an injury he received on the fuelled'
villa9o4, towns and canons. In stn -
neer the trains and streams are crowded
with jovial bards of marksmen going
le and from (heir shooting festivals.
The whole of Swi..s &hooting is a god
example of cooperation Lctveen gov-
ernment and individual. Every Switzer
itis his stymy rifle; he can use It when
and where he will, provided he docs not
el:danger other lives; he is insured by
.gcvernmeat ngainst accidents on tri
ranges, and through his society he can
secure the services of qualified military
eficers to organize and control his
By treating rifle shoaling as a sport,
and It is as popular as football is with
us, and for mere generally practised,
the Swiss have removed it from its usu-
al warlike associations; but should oc-
casion arise, that which has been learn-
ed in sport would be used 1n earnest.
A Liniment for the Logger—Loggers
lend a life which exposes them to many
perils. Wounds. cuts and bruises can -
t:01 be altogether avoided In preparing
timber for the drive and In river work,
where wet and cold combined are of
doily experience, coughs and colds and
muscular renins cannot but ensue. Dr.
Themes' Fclectrlc Oil, when applied to
the injured or administered to the ail-
ing, works wonders.
ISSUE NO. fl -M.
"Our baby gives us lots nt trouble.
Fells unless he has his own way."
"C•urs yells anyhow. you don't know
what trouble isl"
Money paid will 1.e refunded where
fango fails. when applied as directed,
ter relieve pain. Sweatily recommended
feir Neuralgia, !fendac)o, Rheumatism,
Gaul, Catarr hnl Cold(. etc. For sale 50
cents at all druggists or Lynam. Knox
& Clarkson, wholesale druggists, T0-
Tamils how a young man saved
the hank by a wise investment.
Every stack buyer and investor
ahou4i rend this book. Not for
solei. Sent trey, on ragtrest. Your
narne on a postal will bring it.
Wr,tc to -day
rlfl aoh'.r aaeAGnaW Bldg., /ease►, este.
-A N E W
ThersuSMy Tasted Mas Na equal
For Potatoes,
Strawberries, et.. •
WAND hMitdar MI%1 Prsssan
Index Piste Shows Pre»ure. Hes Vibratory
Syphon Aeltalor and Pedals to Nide nettles
over uneven tows a d swains! side winds.
Spray norrles In front — No etrsini• s •.f
eyes and neck as with a rear spear. Wats
Asp$.watl eta, P... gas SWIG 51., Jocks*, Sika.
The Wu114Y oldest sad lemon Makers
of Potato Maekiaery.
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation.
There are many ailments
directly dependent upon con-
stipation, such as biliousness,
discolored and pimpled skin,
inactive liver, dyspepsia, over-
worked kidneys and headache.
Remove constlpatton and
all of these aliments dis-
MAN -A -LIN can be relied upon
to produce a gentle action of
the bowels, making pills and
drastic cathartics entirely un-
A dos* or two of Man -a -lin
Is advisable In slight febrile
attacks, la grippe. colds and.\
COLUMBUS, 0(1(0. U.a.A.
AGENTS WANTED. A reliable men In everri
.ivy and town In Canada with waterworks to sell!
a patent article needed in every h:,oue, hotel andl
public building. Sells at sight. Hustlers eau
land are making Ila.00 a day. Write at once for
particulars. Geo. T. Cole. Owen Bound, Ontario.
Clsseoneb.ssee t Curling and
le=Wr oz. the boat ws Ined Isskssf
Ito hese from owner having
style. Not particular about location -
Please give price and de..crlptlon. and res-
vnr for sailing Mets when possession eau
be had. Will deal with owners only.
f,. narbyebtre, Hoa be4, Rochester, N. T.
4 lt143C4ROU6?)
(-S,'ee L..%OR M V.r'rAvo ('4 W,( CO
The Befit en8 Cheapest
Can oea. aYkiffd, La(rndlrea Eta
pHONs M au
Sleeks bought and auk) on
New fork, Borten, Monies -el mei
Toronto Stock Etclinngges 'or
each or murgtn.
Orders teff (obeli 'treks recut.
el .rttr ei menta 'Seising Es -
change or .Ruston and lett
link rurb for rent.
PRI%:1 FE %%lRES.
Correspondents :has. (lead &
Co.. members of 1!:e New fork
and llost.,n Sto_k Exchange.
Our Gasoline Launches
Gambino all the qualil,e. That make for co•n(ort, safely, speed and
durahiltty. We mahe only the beat, 2: to ae ft. All styles, open,
canopied and cabinrd. Special harK:una in other makes—i8 to 30 ft.
lnepection eoL: ite.l. Li pence. 1`.11;(1 in easy of purchase.
Marine aril Stationery Engines. a to ion h p
Heavy discount for cash. Send for ulu.rr:tied as:al,,g;n, :.r,1 rri.•
Canadian Gas Pother at 1.:lunfbe'i, I,illli11'a. 'i''trij to i
Ontario Agents for "Chestnut" Cncapslr•hlc Cones-•
saa."Ali s3tst�t