Exeter Times, 1908-06-04, Page 4'!'he Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
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Six Good Reasons
Independent citizens can readily lind
Many good reasons why they should
Mt their vote on Monday next for
Jacob Kellertnann instead of for Hen-
ry Eilber. We refer to only a few of
1—Mr. Eilber voted to give lion.
Mr. Cochrane's brother'in-law and his
associates $130,000 of your tuouey in
connection with the La Rose twine ou
tits pretence that it was for furnishing
evidence. How is that for a fat pull?
2—Mr. Either voted with his party
to pledge the Province's credit for
$3,0UO,Ot)t) as a hacking for McKenzie
la Mann, the railway magnates, when
throughout youth Huron for years he
has been denouncing just such aid to
railways. The natural question is,
what was the price paid for this sone
3—Mr. «ilber supports a govern-
inent who fear to trust the peoplo who
deal with the temperance question,
but handicap the cause of retorts by
requiring a three-fifths vote. The Lib-
erals believe in majority rule, local
option or no looal option.
4—Mr. Either introduced the spoils
System into South Huron, dismissing
without a pretence of right, magis-
a is•trates and other officials. and replac-
ing thea) by his own friends, in many
instances the appointments being
notoriously bad.
5—Mr. Eiiber stooped to the lowest
game of politics, when through fear of
defeat, he loaded the dice against his
opponent by altering the riding in or-
der to make it "solid' . He may chuck-
le, but many ot his friends are sur-
prised and pained.
0—A vote for Kellertnnnn will be a
vote for honor, honesty and fair deal-
ing in polities the same as any here
The Spoils System
The great need for civil service re-
form advocated by the Liberal party
is seen when attention is turned to
the course pursued by the Whitney
Government since coming into power
t t maril
inlfxu. They e 1 u dismissed
all the Justices of the Peace, License
Inspectors, but three, and License
Commissioners in the province, and
appointed their own friends, to the
number of thousands, to fill those of-
fices. It is true that a very few Grit
Justices of the Peace were re -appoint-
ed but not iu the excess of 2 per cent.
of the now appointments.
The Whitney Government came in-
to power in February 1906. A careful
review of the official Gazette com-
mencing February 18, 1005, to the end
of that year shims that, in this period
of ten and one-half months their) were
002 appointments to office by the Gov-
overnluent, exclusive of coroners, Jus-
tices of the Peace, Notaries Public.
and Commissioners for taking affida-
vits. This notwithstanding that there
were only thirty-five vacancies from
death or other normal causes. There
were 105 Boards of License Commiss-
ioners: 76 Division Court Clerks; 117
Division Court Bailiffs; 76 License In-
spectors; 6 Provincial License Ofllcera;
34 Police Magistrates; 11 Registrars of
Deeds, etc. In fact, throughout the
year, not one week passed without
the removal from office of some o01-
cial, to make place for friends of the
government, And further, it hair been
stated that, throughout that year,
there was no uleetiui, of the Execu-
tive Council at which some official
Was not decapitated.
The Government have been in pow•
er three years and three months and
we flute, in what is strictly the civil
service, that there aro now 113 lnot-e
officials than there were on December
31st, 11011. There are now 817 civil
servants of w11o111 321 are appointees
of the present government, One hund-
red and sixty-five of the total of 704
• fae )
ofTiinn office rd, t n December 31st '04
were dismissed or resigned; if there is
any di,tinctien between these Words
under the present administration.
Whether or not these changes are
in the public interest, or are made
merely to provide offices for party
friends In ty beat he judged by glanc-
ing nv. r some of the appointn.entsiu
South Huron.
A Hair
Nearly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage-
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair -food.
Well-fed hair will bestrong,und
will remain where it helo gs --
on til" head, not on :he camp!
The best kind of n tea' imonial --
"Sold for over sixty years."
Matt• IVO- (' Arr C•', t.-w.l1.:sss..
Aaw mumvr� :nrcr cf
jo Sal:SAP..'TILL
_ vers � Y Pet70RAt.
Note and Comment
,a, H E EXETER T1MES. JUNE 4th 1905.
The %Vhituey government are giv-,
ing aid to the extent of *est per head
to the et mimes at Toronto University
while to the students in our pltlolie
schools they only allow $2 per head.
• • • • •
Even the 'toss Administration in
their struggling last year's didn't at-
tempt to save themselves by a gerry-
mander as the Whitney government
have done. 'There .was no redistribu-
tion in Ontario since1188 . But then
it is whispered that it was NECES-
lion. I)r. Pyne, Minister Of Educa-
tion, insisted upon the Toronto Li-
cense Commissioners giving a license
to a political favorite of his, who had
fifteen convictions registered against
hits, 'J'hat is not far ouldietanced byy
some ot the appointments in South
1 The provincial expenditure iucreas-
i ed $1 per head in 33 years of Liberal
government. In :i years of Conserva-
tive government it increased the same
'tow s that for going?
John A. Cooper, a Conservative ed-
itor, who was one of the coulluissiou
appointed by the Whitney adminis•
tration to look into the school book
question, speaking of the redaction in
school books. 'This reduction in price
may last one and otee•half years, what
will happen then is only a matter of
conjecture. The probability is that if
the new set of readers is prepared and
the printing and binding brought up
to date, the price will go back to the
old figures, if not higher.',
\Vhittxy promised law reform and
Saul. Blake wouldn't let him.
A couple of years ago a great pre-
tence was made at reducing licenses in
South Huron, but it is wonderful how
they all went back again. Barney
Cunningham, it is said, gave South
Huron's most popular tnan a scare,
then he wilted. ..
The Spoils system. in the introduc-
tion of which the :Whitney 'Govern-
ment are following closely the prin-
ciples in force, south of the line,
should be done away with. All ap-
pointments to and promotions . in
the Civil Service should depend up-
on fitness and ability without regare
to party service, and such appoint-
ments and promotions • should bei
placed under the centred of an inde-
pendent commission.
The present Premier mov ad a res-
olution 'having for its object 11 he
abolition of the office o[ 'Minister of
Education. 'When he came trite pow-
er 'he continued the position of :Min-
ister of Education and nppointed a
Superintendent of Education, who
is not h member of the house but
who is really directing nil education-
al changes. with the result, for ex-
ample, that in October, 1907, the
Minister of Education issued n reg-
ulation dealing with ,educatio;cal
changes, stating emphatically that
but a few Model Schools nvould 'be
hereafter lretnined for the poorer
counties :and districts. This regula-
tion had not been repealed. and yet
Conserv:nice members in their con-
Fiituencies and 'the Premier on the.
floor bf the (louse in effect contr1-
dict the regulation. The Superinten-
dent evidently intended to snipe out
the 'Model Schools except in Lite dis.
tricts of New Ontario. while 'the
Conservative politician is busy tel-
ling 'the people lint this will not
be done for some long time.
Another nwhtllly unjustifiable net.
on 1 he start of 1118 present Govt'nl-
Inentwas the rushing !through in
the dying hour of the Session of n
grant of t$130,000 to the members of
the la litose ,Mining ,Company. Ap-
parently n few years ago these
people contended t hey were t he
rightful discoverers of -what is
commonly known •as the O'Brien
Mine. The !Honorable she Attorney -
General explained Ito the 'diens: that
they desired his I)cpartntcnt to grant i
there n fint in order that they tnigltlh
contest 4n .I he Courts with 1Nl►e
O'Brien !peoplo ti heir right 'to this
mine. The IGowernment apparently
i refused do grant theta n fint but
look .up the fight in the (lovern-
Bneul'a name. with the result that
a ret clement Was arrived es before
trial with the O'itriee people, where-
by elle Government got Q5 per cent.
of the output of the mine.. During
the brief alhellMslort on the floor of
the :Howe. IMr. Foy explained that
this $130.0100 Inas bring maid to the
4.a /lost• people Inca use !ley had ats-
sisted in the Jaw suit, late procure('
the evidence owl haul elven cnfor-
mnlion in '311' Gore rnruoIll , The
Minister of \lines, on being inter-
rogated by Dir. McDougall of Ottawa
as 4o 'whether he considered it right
to a;tinction tib • .rrrant, per -neuter!,
in view Of 111' fart that Mr. Coch-
rane's beet li; ren -law, ',lr. Dunlop.
ens one of IIc• '.aldose p^ogle• Mr.
t'orht ane denied that lis brother -in-
t I It i1 el us •d any unf air inftn •ncc to
t• .cur,' from the province thio Qum
„f sill) MM.
3, i, passing strange tire. .f 111,-
(:ot •rnmcnt thought that Ali•• La
Ito people were entitled to .Ile
r • watt! for the services t hey I1;1d ren.
, d 'r'd, 'they slid not settle with them
' loos•ards of Is year tarso v. lion 1 he
itiior•v(inn with O'Brien was 1 •rmin-
;, ol, and that teey Mooted le sec lh'•
t, hole muter off well '1, • 1.'1 trouts
rot I I. neon end until Ike sae of a
I: .,'1 .I ,•lection. If n Liberal Gov -
l rtthour hours had
airscsaimlu slhe
smelt a 5113(3)'
1 , - :r1 i.:1, : .,.ricin„ $130.00(1 to
f, 1 3 1• Minister s un such :t
" -• 1 :• et t. they were abl; to
pee lee .,nil if .i I.ilo•rel Government
Io, I • ,ten '.,-ones100 rearantre.
.,fl• 1 11,1%i1..• r i% ,f the Roues as
to Ih • tier% --e % of •e. 'lig it. whet a
lin%. I -..soot L 1 1 - of by ('oI,s: rt.1-
1it s all over Iii I',ovince. shouts of
1 ft would 1•• li.18d on ail !:ands
i'..1 (!;rent kl.it,•,,iOInt. eou3(3 1t^ 1113(1:'
111,1 n largo campaign ft:n,I Itaa br'cn
t:•cur,-•' out n[ Ibis $110.000 Crlf;
inil enol r,f this fi„50tk(Vn cher ioit
'filo Mee. tl:, 1', •lel.. Smith and
fancily, of Illeus.t(1, ap.etot Lost %ve••ts
at d)r. Ylossack's.
Mrs. A. ;1e lluffle:i n, of \Weiset3
Idaho, is visiting it W. 1.. Sprung's.
'\V. E. U'tviss of New York city, is
spending the summer at RRoht.
Keefe's, Jliddulph.
St. telary's end Lusa n 'High school
teams played un interesting game of
haseb:,l1 bete ton \Vediacsday tretore a
emelt sized crowd. The result teas
in doubt up ,to the last half, of the
ninth. ;floe visitors twinning out by
7 to 6.
Chas. LMcMchcn, o[ this village,
who dost Lis valuable stallion 'friss
tan, from Utflammatiou last nwecle,
made tt trip to tafaette, Ind., on
Monday rind tlurchased from J.
Crouch '& Son the celebrated Belgian
htalliuu lealbrenca, prize winner over
I%venty-five horses at the Interna-
tional horse Httow, Chicago, last
'filo 'celebration et Saintsbury on
tthe 125th was rt grand success. Those
from Lucan taking part were; Miss
Sproat, "Miss Simpson, C. C. llodgins,
M. P. 1'. ; Mira. John Fox end Joseph
The ntomati's 'rissicuary conven-
tion, which was held in the •Metlio-
dist lchurclt here, was one of
most successful meetings ever held
in Itho +district. Rev. E. 33. 'Lance -
ley, of 'London, and Mies htcTuffin,
returned missionary from China,
were the speakers. In the evening
a kluett was rendered by 'Mrs. Orme
and Joseph :IJabb, and a solo by Mrs.
Smith -Maker, of and
The 'Foresters of (hie IIL•acc 1,, to
organized n band, end for :the past
three 'months have been in constant
practise. They made their first pub-
lic 'appearance on Saturday evening
at the Conservative public meeting
in 'the Stanley opera house.
'Harold Fair, son of :the Rev. J. II.
Fair. of Elimville, formerly pastor o[
the 'Methodist church here, Sias taken
a -position with 'McTavish 'Bros., at
nt the electric light power house.
•Wm. Fogarty, late proprietor of
the Queen's motel here, has taken a
position as clerk at the Arlington
Intel, Tilsonburg.
Miss :Madeline O'Neil has gone to
London for n few dtlye' visit bo'fore
returning to Ther home in elonlreal.
Mrs. Thos. (llogg Hutt hoer two
young daughters sof 'London, visited
her another, Mrs. 'Rollins. last week.
�JAl3'I”R =A.
The Kira YOU Hare Always Bought
Bears the
1 The Council of the 'township of
iStephen el Mn the Town hall, Cred-
mRon On 'Tuesday. May 26th, 10tet. at
I10 n. in. All members were present
with :tic exception of Dlr. Keller,
I mann, After each 'member had sub-
t,cribc(' Ito elle necessary bath for
the Township Court of 'ltevision, a
number of tl (rats were dealt with.
The regular business meeting opened
at 1 p. m. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting 'were read and adopted
Gravel contracts to the amount of
$910.25 rt•ern let.
Wuerth—Yearley-Thal this coun-
cil poy Frank T tchrcr the sum of
$15 for attending to the gravel pit
and 4 ile yeard during the present
Sean Itis � 1'f M, '1 Yr: h2.' rain Boo
of fC C ice!
Nature and a woman's work corn•
bined have produced Rha grandest
remedy for woman's i114 that the
world has ever kion -n.
In the ggi►t►(t old-fashioned (lays of
ottr grandmothers they relied upon
the roots and herbs of the field to
cure disease and mitigate suffering.
'1'hc Italians on our \\'estern
Plains to -day can produce 1(Krts and
herbs for every ailment, and cure
diseases that battle the most skilled
physicians who have spent years in
the study of drugs.
Fres the roots and herbs of the
field Lydia l':. 1'inkltant more than
thirty year); ago gave to) the women
of the world a remedy for their pe-
culiar ills, more 3M'lt•nt and etli('a-
ccious than any ('olnbination of drugs.
Lydia E. I'inkhanl'r Vegetable
Compound is now recognized as the
standard remedy for w'oilian's ill:.
311:s. J. 31. 'Tweedale, 12 Nanettee
Street, Toronto, Canada, writes to
:\inns, I'inkhanl:
'• i was a great sufferer from female
troubles, had those dreadful Learing
down pains. and during my monthly
I►er itxls 1 suffered sc, 1 had to go to beth,
i ,Lx turret for a long time lout the floe-
tor's treatment failed to help me. My
husband saw Lydia E. 1'inklinm's Vege-
table Compound a.lrertised and got a
Mottle for me. I comrnenec.l its use and
soon felt better. i kept on taking it
until 1 was well and an entirely differ-
ent woman. i also found that Lydia E.
i'inkhanis Vegetable ('omponnrl made
childbirth much caster for Inn. 1 tvoul.l
recommend your Vegetable Compound
to every woman who is atllictetl with
female tr mblef.."
\\'hat. Lydia E. 1'inklr,snt's Vegeta-
lalte Compound (lid f,mt JIl:-.'I'lwrf dale,
it will do for other sutfe ing women.
.snu nniunaN!sussronelnnsnmett atlestuMutaa;i.J
(30 ])Itl)1'0
rttnssesmonnu* W
$111111ating tbEfoodanc1RegQ ula-
titog the StAmfrlhs andl3owels of
I\1 \\ lti ( HIL1)141:\
Q1rou%* slian,Cheerfu1-
Fal? 1I st•Contains neither
in, orphine nor Iliac/al.
hotsdad 17rS414Z1PROW
Ape rfect Remedy for Constipa-
fiofl. Sour-Stomath,Diarrhoea.
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish-
ts,midLoss OF SLEEP.
Tat Simile of
���;-ii• S is e/r
.111) n1unlh� ultl
For Infante and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
The following orders wore pail:
Ilan. :Morrison, 'fp. 'drain awtrl;
$11.:0: Thomas lelumpp, grading N.
13„ $16 : (1', Klupnpp, (grading'. $11,50:
John 's1 sin. rep. culvert, $1.50; N.
Baker and others, shovelling snow, C.
road. :MOO; Fronk Taylor, rep.
bridge. $1.00 ; Young tiros., [tails,
$1.26: 1'r;oak Teichner. rep. bridge'.
$2.09; John Sherritt, Tile across rd.
$,10 :A
., . ,leo la. 'rep. ilritl>;e on (r. it.
$1.00 fanner, Drawing Lum-
ber, e5 vents : John h', Smith, Hem-
lock Cumber, 45.50 ; ;John G. Wein,
Work en E. S. 7t. iiridge, $4.50:
;11ich +heaver, 'Work on Hnell's Bri-
dge, $4.12: John Appleton, it'p.
Culvert C.'Rd, 50 cents ;.Paul Shenk,
Rock Elm lumber. $22.00; 1Vucrthe
Hoist tend tee, Drawing plank Snell
Mtge. $L50 ; Newton Clark, Digeine
drain 14-15 Con. 75 cents.
The Council _adjourned to meet
ageina•In the Town'Hall, Creditors,
on I\ to 0 n
.ion i, v Sloe 1 h [ July A. 1).
1;3c1? nt 1 o'clock t,. in.
Henry 'Either. Tp. Cleo k.
If you had taken two of Carter's
Little Liver I'ills before retiring you
would not have had that coated ton-
guo or bad taste in the mouth this
morning. Keep a tial with you for
occasional use.
J1r. Benny Item vi-its:1 Mr. E. .1.
A very in London on 1 it., .:Slh.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. '1:nylor, of Exe-
ter visited friends in this vicinity
last week.
King Bruce peel aveekly visit
in I his wicinite last. tweak,
•\Vedding bells will tete; in the
neer future.
A munb r 25:11 i:1 1:;"ter
Mr. ,lar:: 1'•:itt sold a vaiu.,blo
L•nrs' to Alt. I: •; ? reeeretl; .
Salvation Army Praise
"I feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit I have received from the use of
Psychine. 'While travelling in New On-
tario conducting special meetings 1 con•
traeted n very bad cold, which gradual•
ly develope(i into Bronchitis of Use
worst form. I was advised to try
Psychine, which I did, and after using
but it few bottles I was completely re•
stored to health. 1 recommend this
wonderful remedy to sufferers from
Bronchitis and other troubles."
Later: "I wish to :eel that my voice,
since using Psychine, is stronger and
has much more carrying power than it
had before 1 had bronchitis, and the
vocal chords do not tire with speaking."
P. TiLi.ERR, Capt. Selv'n. Army.
Ann St., Toronto, Aug, 13, 1907.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles I
eared by, Psychine; also incipient Ann-
snmption. All druggists, 50c and $1.00,
or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto..
Lave on Tu',d,ys
June 9, 23 Aur. 1', 18
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29
Return 2nd Class Tickets
FrOm all Ontarin Stat.nnsloWinnipeg,
Calgary, Edmonton tad print 'pal
points in Ma,utnha, Saskatchewan
and Muerte at
Berths in Tnurat f3lenp,ng Cars at small
ewe cost, if secured .n advance.
Apply to any C P R T.cket Agent for fun
informat,on and free copy of Homese-ker,'
Pamphlet, er write
C. B. FOSTER, Dist. rats. Meat, Toronto
syoopls of me Conlin Norm west
.NY even numbered section of Doi.ir,iou Lands in
aaakatchewan and Alberta, excepting
band 26, not resentd, may be homesteaded by
any person who 1s the sole head of a family, or any
orale ower taverns of age, to the extent of one -guar
ter section 03160 acres, more or less.
Application for entry moat be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency
or Sub-
Ior the distnc•t in which the land is situate.
Entry to proxy may, however, be made at an Agen•
cy oh certainconditions by the father, mother, eon,
daughter brother or sister of an intending home-
The homesteader is required to perform the
homestead duties under one of the following plans:
(1 At least six months' residence upon and Dull!.
vatIon of the land in each year for three yeah.
(2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform
the required residence dutiesbyliving of farming
land owned solely b him not less than eighty (6e
acres in extent in the %kottof his homestead.
Joint ownership
in lard will not meet this require•
(3) 11 the father (or mother, if the father is dr
er-a-sett) of the homesteader has permanent residence
on tannin/ land owned solely by him, not lest than
eighty (80acres in extent, on the sirinity of rhe
imineateac, or upon a homestead entered for by hint
in the sirinit, such homesteader may perloru, his
o.vn residence duties by living with the father or
4 The ten.; "atrially" in the two preceeding
paragraphs is defined u meaning not more than
nine miles n a diret line, excluaise of road al ow
anres crossed in Rha measurement.
5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in accordance with the alio%c whits
living with his parents or on farming land owned b)
himself must notify the agent of the district of such
Six months' notice In writing should be !then to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at ()Oast a of
intention to apply for patent.
Deputy of the Minister of the inferior
N. B,—Unauthorized publication of this advents.
meta wilinot be paid for
:No Honing—
.. No Grinding
-A. L B. from 06. A. C."
Haus his initials with yours etched
opna a Carbo Magnetic blade.
Doesn't this solve the hauntingques-
Lon •'What shall 1 give him?"
There are a thousand pleasinggifts
ler a nonan la one for a man. He
avant:s.mething exclusivelymascu-
lint and practical enough to be a
daily reminder of the donor.
"Oh, he has razors," or "Ne goes
to the barber shop l" you exclaim.
All the more reason for a Cazbo Mag-
netic razor -he knows from expen•
once the difficulty in securing a razor
that win gore satisfaction every day
without periodical honing and grind-
When you buy a precious stony
76u either secure an expert to select
It or go to • well established frm
that will u,xondn'c,naily guarantee
its purity. Raior steel requires Men
More care .1n srtectioa. It Taros
more than a prsci .:1 stone in gca:ay,
The Carlo Magnetic rr.zcr has •11
the good gJalrt,es a razor should have
with the annoyances left out. One
Of these razors given as a C.,ristmas
present w,ll prove a lasting Joy to
the recipient.
We carry • complete line of the
unconditionally gvaran-
toed Carbo Marnet,c Razors, and •
will litre any desired initial engraved
On the blade without extra charge.
W. S. Cole, Druggist
11 1''h, purgative letnedl"-i aro
f:,s' teeing way to t he gentle action
+.n•I mild effects of Ctrter's Little
Liter ''ills, 1f you try (Item t hey
e%ill certainly please you .
The Molsons Bank
Established 1855.
CAPITAL PAID UP • • - • • • • • - - $3,372,500.00
RESERVE FUND •••• $3,372,1300:00
Assets Over $33,000,000.00
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
$1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
• ♦erle•geggge••••••ee•NNee• 4+ge•eegNNgggggeNegge�M
US.tp OFS10E. TORONTO 1.e1.tuLIsuIia' 1887
B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0Qy
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
ALES. LAIRD, General Manager
Branches throughout -Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allow -,;d at current
rates. Accounts may he opened in the manes of two or more
persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the
number or by the survivor. 114
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
Two 6 Octave Organs
Second 'land.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At GI'eat Reduction.
Sewing Machines
The best made at prices that
will suit you.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages es and Go Carts
Very attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
s. MdrtID & son
3- is the leading husineee train- 4
ing school in Western Ontario. .1,
We give a thorough, practical
training of Commercial Subjects
Isaac Pitrr-an's Shorthand, Touch
.. 'Typewriting, and in (;orsmerc-
+ ial and Railroad Operating.
Etch department is in the bands
.;. of experienced instructors. We
+ assist students to positions.
.i, Our graduates always succeed,
+ for our courses are the best,
(set our free catalogue and learn
more ahem us. You may en -
•t• ter now.
The Court of Revision was held on
Monday the 1st of June.
The following changes were made
on appeal in the assessment: The
Telephone Co, et12.00 instead of ?21.75
Lot 13, con. 14 was nseessool to Jos.
Schwartz instead of 1)r. Buchanttye
Geo. Campbell was assessed on lot
9 'K. S. Zurich instead of J. 1'reeter
Tho following owners of does were
struck 'off, E. Gies, C. Fritz, siy.
Weber, IL. G. Messer, tllolsons Ban
assessed ono dog. L. C. 4\losser waa
struck off the A roll as tenant, of
lot 5, K. S. Zurich. Tobias Guenther
was assessed as tenant on 1'. S. pt,
M. 'R. Dashwood,
After (be closing of Court of 1 t i
vision, the council passed u number.
of "recounts amounting to $094.40, acs
ter ;which the council adjourned tiff,
til the 2nd day of July ut 2 o'cloclti
p. m.
Mr. Dominick !Reynolds, of Clinto0'e
lost This Shire ]corse "Birdsall Mete
finite" on frhursday last. Tho nnirtlal
was one eif the ,best in the distrigb
and Faid to be 'worth upwards Of
$40014. On Saturday Dlr. Iteyuol de
bought another lioree of (3m sats)
class from Elawden & 'McDonnell, tial
Exeter dealers, It is a superior not;
Rev. 31. Clement, of Goderich,-was
stricken by paralysis on AVednesdttjl
f •t s hw
0 1. t e and now oIt-t d no acr'lcI
9 n
t i1t
Miss Nellie 9tolmes, third doughy
er of Mr. Robt. Ifolmes, Clinton, dee
parted this life on Wednesday of laflel
week. She was in her twenty-second
year and nppeared to enjoy the best
of health until early in January last
when she 'was attnckerl by tubercula
osis of the kidneys. Prom that time
up to tier death she was confine[: to
h'd• She wee an amiable Christian
sit 1 greatly beloved In the home owl
among her rtssociatcs and deep Fore
row is felt at Ler untimely (loath'.
The bereaved parents, sisters,nn
brothers have the sincere Byritthy
of the whole community.
All disorders caused by a bilious
st:,te of the system oan bo cured by,
using Cat-tem'1 Little Liver ''ills. No
pain, griping or discomfort attend+
ing their use. Try then[.
Auction Sales.
—Get your sale bills printed nt tho
Times O[fiee. Free notice will be
given in the paper when bills are
printed hove. We can have your !bills
ready Tor posting droll two Ito four
hours after the order is received.
1ST CO x
Bon tete lte Kind Ycu Han Always War
Nervous, Diseased Men
Question Blank
for Home
Treatment sent
Fos for
We Guarantee to Cure all Curable Cases of Stricture, Varicocelol,
Nervous Debility, Blood Pelson:, Vital weaknesses,
Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all
Diseases Peculiar to len and Women.
r'en't waste your time and rnnney nn cheap, dangerous. ••s(v•rlrnental trnMrnenf.
Dant lneresee at. veer ,run cost your sufferings by being experimented on with nvue.11efe
whk•h they claim to have Just .Ilrnvered. But come to u, In confidence . 11.' V1111 trcA5
yr.n consca'ntiously, hoti,'atly atilt skillfully, and n -.ton• y'nt to health In the ahnrtest pos.
,,11,1e lane with Mho Mast medicine, dive, inf,.rt nn,l exp•n•o practicable. Fwch cue Is
tr. tiled es the symptoms lodttnte. Our New Method is or tglnat and bae stood the test fur
twenty years.
Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich.