Exeter Times, 1908-06-04, Page 1THIRTY-FI!'TH YEAR—NO iSOS
Phone No. 32.
BJij WflIte Wear DISflIdij
We are just into the White Wear season. Now is the time
to do our selling and you to do your buying. Tho newest and
daintiest for this season will be fortedu on our counters. You
will not have to pass us to make your purchases as we have
something to please you all. Come right in and let us show
you what we can do.
•• • •
• i�
•i• �
:• Z
Eilber and Kellermann
Selected to Contest
South Huron
The nominations for the cooling
provincial election .were held
the trovince Monday. Seven .Conner-
vativcs tvero r1ec.t�'d by acclamation,
White ♦ ♦ W. J. Paul. Addington ; J. I. Pres-
ton, East. 'Durham ; Col. Malt h •soil.
♦ South Lanark; ;A. A..3Ia•Jraffy, 11u.
Waist• • kokka ; C. R. McKeown, Dufferin :
* Alex Ferguson, South Simcoe ; J. H.
s Carnegie, E. 'Victoria.
It teas thought that lion. J. 0.
lle:tunte, 'Minister Of Public t\Vorks
For $1 % would be elected by neclatnation in
.North ;Essex, but he is being opposed
by Alex McNee, editor of the Wind-
sor Record.
The local election campaign was
officially inaugurated at noon !Nieto
day, 'when henry 'Silber, Conserv;a-
tive, the sitting member and Jacob
2 K. Kellermann, 'Liberal, were nom-
inated at Mensal!. The meeting was
largely attended alid for 'the most
part was orderly, while both candi-
dates . Pero received with consid. rabic
enthusiasm. Owing to i the opera
house being too small, it Was or -
ranged that the speaking . shoul:l
take place at the rink. Mr. Hugh
Spackman, of Exeter, was appointed
•• chairman, and by an agreement be-
.• +tween the candidates, lir. `Either .was
♦ 1 given one hour in which to make his
•• address, Mr. Kellermann 'fifteen
• minutes and Mr. Blair, of Goderich,
telco was present in behalf of Mr.
Kellermann, forty-five minutes.
Mr. Silber was given a good re-
ception when he arose 'to speak. He
lauded Dlr. Whitney and his govern-
ment and the good work done dur-
i♦ trig the present administration. dlo
• spoke of the ►abolishing of the lite -
Zi al I'enatanguishioe and
• the elerccr (Reformatory,' eta ting
•• that it was the twists of Lim govern -
Some very fancy designs •: merit not to brand young boys and
and all real new 2.ie. Mc. 50c. • • girls and first offenders es hardened
75c. •} criminals, but to assist them in lead -
•a ing better lives, by giving them a
Colored Childs Itefping heed. It is the bnte.ntiott
• he said. Lo at, i t n farm. and have
= i the first offeudcoil
, n,s work it, and
Underskirts Underskirts • n this tray when they return Jo
•, their homes, they mill not be brand;
• cd .with short hair and pointrd out
;as criminals, who had serv. •. time
.in a felon's cell.
iHe spoke also of the abolishing ot
the *system of electing county
councillors and returning to the
old w -ay of allowing reeves and/
deputy reeve to reps. sent. ;the rar-
t...is municipalities at dhe county
council boards. The Whitney.gov-
ernment ho gave credit for +loin;
Clark this'
Jones & • Tu the presctit government he ;ave
♦ the credit o[ the present secret sys-
• tem of voting.
Ile said he had been branded as a
coward, owing to the recent redis-
tribution or gerrymander of Huron.
In explaining this he said the object
was to do away frith the cutting up
of townships and for that reason,
Goderich township (strongly Conser-
vative) was put In one and placed in
the South riding. itr, however, did
not. icier to the first draft when
Tuckersmith (strong Liberal) was
placed in Centre Huron, find :after -
Good frame 'dwelling house ntid wards put back in South Huron. Nur
',table, .Lots Nos. 120, 121, and 122 on did he mention lino fact that Sea.
the !South side. of the 'Lake ltoae. forth was taken away from Soutla
Exeter, Ontario. Ithe property of Huron and placed in Centre Huron.
the lat.; 'William Hoskin. For par_ Mi. Either took the entire credit
titulars n pply to fur framing t he hill In connection
G'LADMAN & STANiIIiRY, with poorhouses and asylums, ill
Ilarristers, F;xetir. which those w ho had money or pro.
RICHARD HO.SKIN, ieirkton. potty erre trade to turn it civet( to
MRIs. JOHN •1icLAI t;RLIN, Exeter. the county, and in cast of death, a
eloSES AMY, St'ptt •n 'I'(.. certain amount wens deduced ,for
Executors. their keep, the balance, except fif-
_ 1y dollar s,ewhich was taken out a t
first for burial expenses, to be R-
eid/el cuuong the heirs, it any, and if
not Could eo into the county tires -
01y. -
1 1, • automobile hill was taken up
Ile. Paid the bill had been fremeiL so
and by virtu• of the' power that anotorists should stop •weber►
scale in n certain ;\lort;a;e,which meeting c, driver who uplifted /his
will be produced at the time of sale, band, and stop ,the motor on (hi' ma -
there will be offered for sale by pub- chine, :and it neecssary ret out and
GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitor' he auction en assist the driver of the vehicle. lo
_ TIIi ltSDAY, JUNE lith, 1908 case of meeting n funeral the mot -
at 1 o'clock, 1'. Jt., on rho premises crest should go up n sideroad • or
part of 'Lot No. Ten. in the Sixteent `1 drivettay until the funeral gets by.
Concession of thea Township of Step- A license fee of i 2 is charged and in-
lien, in the Count of Iluro coY ►► t trcr tor.9hr L:•+i a to 011 t w'net ��,�`�} p t 1 to toV 1 . j. oft1 pBornum i lninin� in tt•
t, n C t enlizlhs of on Hero alU•r tiolaters of t he la w, and in -
that said,-- "Von can fool some of the more or less basin; a fronts;.s on stead of $1 being levied, the fine lets
people all the time, and all the people the `ideroad of nine rode by n depth been 1;est d to not .less than $10 and
etc' t
it r'o s
Bowe oft ( t tui no , c
to t3 ! rtl a •at
h( time, but 1-"n't fool cense nut ►ucto than $50.
all of the people all the time. -
3'"" of `aid propt'rtY grin; four roda,aet 11 • .poke of the spoils to stem.
from the northwest an;1,• of said lot which has been very flagrant in this
number l; n, riding. but teferrvd only to Mr.
You Run No Risk On mite property Is a ;ood frame Ballantine. 'License inspector and
house 18 by 24 feet and n franto stable the removal of the former License
of bring fra.led when you use TERMS OI' SALE. commissioners, staling that Mr. Bal -
Twenty per cent. of the purchese 'amine had ►.•sae(ned and that ono
money on 'the day of i'tle and the. of the 1nspectots lived in 1'iikhill
balance in thirty (lays thereafter. the other had taken the stump
without interest. against him end lir. 1)oue1le• the
• Tired, 'fender. Aching, Bore and Further terms end conditions will third member was re -appointed•.
fewest Feet. , st, be made known on the day of sale or lie also spoke of the reduction in
the market. 'Try it.
Sold only at
\Ve will give you a dainty
Lawn waist with Lace and
insert ton trimming, A beauty
for the price.
Buys a very swell waist.
Ileal fine Indian Linen with
allover or shadow Embroid-
ery. This is real good value.
For something extra tine,
extra goods, extra trimming
and a waist to please you.
Gowns, Skirts and Corset Covers
Skirts Gowns
All kinds to choose fron the
prettiest of Lace and Em-
broidery trintuniug $1. $1.50
$2. and $3,
Ladies Vests
Long sleeves Short sleeves
and No sleeves every kind for
10c, 13c. 20e. 23e.
Plain and Fancy trimmed
made ot good cambric ZiOc,
The, $1, $1 50.
Corcet Covers
in Black, Blue. Brown.
Grey, and Fancy Plaids $1.
ftp to 85.
Very pretty and well made
trimmed with Torcheon Lace
and Insertion for Ole,
Last of Ladies Spring Coats
Only it very few left, but they will be sold at a
big reduction. We carry none over.
dibillEnjoyme Foot Ease
Y A perfect Foot H
.1F, is fel superior to any
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
••N•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
Inc Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont.
I'risideiit-.1. I.. 11t-SSELL.
icc_T'r,'sid nt - W. 11. 1'ASSJtott t
JOHN F. SERY, Exeter, anent for
L7sborne and Jliddulph.
OLIVER HAltl;ls, Munro, agent
(or Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
For Sale
Mortgage Sale
Of House and Lot at Shipka
I' rider
Canadian Express Building,
may be had on application to
Exeter. Ontario, Vendor's Solicitors
Dated at Ex'ter this 2Is1 day of
May V903.
Farm for Sale
the price of school books and the in-
creasing f
i d p (Melt/tit(' salaries. .\I.
ro)'alti s r.'c-!ted from the op rating
of mines.
31►•. Iiellerm:ants wee ,:tacit st .(ood
reception on arising, ll:, said it ens
his first attempt to speak in such
That beautiful 200 acre farm Situ. nodi • but acevetne t n ti that lie 111alert 1
ated lees 'than on.. mile '-forth of a very creditable speech And great -
Exeter on elle London Road. Lots iy surprised both his pnrtix:in►t nut
2'o the .Shareholder's of the Exeter Noe. 4 end 5 1st con. Fsbornt'. On t hose in rppocition to Lim. 11,' toad
Salt Works Co., f.imited, the property is .a lar;,' new brick hr hnd teen given n unanimous nom -
Gentlemen -Please take notice that house, with every convenience, large inn (ioii, and felt that he had a herd
the annual mee,ing of the Sh,trehold• bink barn. thrc.• :windmills ; first task before hits, a. S... wee (hexed
ers of the Exeter Salt %Votes Co.. will c1 es supply of water. The farm it even bttort he reached the wire, but
be held at the Time Han on Friday in first cl as contrition. These farms not eitbeta tilling the handicap, w•tr
June 12th, 111115 at'2 o'eloce p, m. By c.ill be eouzhl together or eep.trate ill i he lace to tbo finish, and shoul I
Order of the Board. I'or further (information Apply to h^ sin out, 1% 041(1 go to Toronto
T. B. ('ARLIN9, Sec. Mr. J. Welsh' 'oft tial Premix*. pre•(.at/A to t'et.• against tiffs party
Your Vote & Influence
dicer was correct,
Respectfully Solicited 111 referring to the reduction In
school books, he said harts 1 and 2,
the thea r ones were reduced, but
as tb� .books nrp expected 14 bccomo
obsolete in =t year and a half., It
could be. c sled nothing but a bar-
gain coutrr;'r sale, and the dealers
were tickled to get lid of them on
such easy terms. Iiowever when the
new looks aro issued, the price will
drop back to the old scale. Mr.
Blair wanted to know miry they
hadn't reduced the prices on other
books, such as the standard vnee,
w•hieh are always used, and tthich
are higher priced. Mr. Eilber, he
said. had stated that in tare :near
future you may expect to receive
books for nothing, the government
paying for them with their money
not the people's ruches.
Thr aboli.9hiltg of the model
►:drools and Continuation classes was
lase taken up by the speaker.
Ile referred to the manner of the
government allot'ia; the board of
control at the Toronto Ilniversitef.
a sum of money to run the institu-
tion, for which they were not com-
pelled to give any account, and he
understood that the Minister of
Education was already trying to in-
stall the patronage system into this
provincial institution. Mr. Either
spoke of the large amount of money
that was annually being returned to
the people_ but he could not 803 that
l•txes were lacing lowered in conse-
In refert-ing to the recent zerry-
mander, he said that iucstlon should
have been left to a competent com-
mission of judges, but Mr. Whitney
wanted to look after that matter
himself. In South Huron, if Mr.
Eilber was not afraid, why didn't he
nut alt of Goderich township - in
Centre Huron instead of South Hu-
ron. Delegations were sent from
Clinton and Goderich to protest, but
Mr. Eilber bad charge of the situa-
tion and had handpicked the riding
J,o suit himself, and the delegations
returned home without accomplish-
ing their purpose.
Mr. Blair also took up 'the matter
of the Laltose deal, the C. N. Ry.
grant, the dismissal of former ;ov-
ernrnent officials and the inefficiency
of the license inspectors in West and
'East Iluron.
Mr. Eilber was given fifteen min-
utes for reply and took up the time
answering the statements made by
Mr. Blair. He said he had not so
much objection to 'Mr. Kellermann
goint to Toronto,it he could only met
Mr. Blair to go with him to do his
speaking, evidently for;ettin„ that
once upon a time, his flow of speech
cit the platform is not what at is
after a number of years of constant
practise. Mr. Kellermann made an
excellent address for the first time
and It le doubtful if Eilher's maiden
speech could compare with it.
The meeting closed with three
cheers for the king and the canr'i-
da trs.
Jacob Kellermann
Literal Candidate for South
if ho saw they Ivens in tlto .wrong,
and to do likewise against Elm a;ot•-
ernurent, it he considered they were
not doing; what was right.
In discussing the Educational bill,
in which the cost of readers was
reduced, he wanted to know welly Die
other books which are used in con-
nection with school studies were not
included. The books i.vlrich were
lowered in price would go out of use
in one .year and a half, and no doubt
the nee• books to be issued ttould „o
hack 'to the old price.
He did not like the discrimination,
against s0um teachers in which the
Minister of Education desired to en-
courage the employment of senior as
against junior teachers. The dis-
crimination was a bar against any
young man or woman w•ishine to
take up the profession. There are
many young teachers, tuft said, who
arc superior to older ones, sand it
was not money that produced educa-
tion, but the leachers.
11r. I{ellerntann spoke of Mr. EiI-
ber's reference to the helping lintel
extended to the first term prisoners.
and thought. instead of sleprivin;
f hose who have nmbitions for fur -
1 her educe tier), from �; (line iib es-
pecially (hose who have not the
mean., by abolishing the auddel
schools, they should also extend the
Inelpine 1 eel to those who have not
committed any offence, by retaining
the schools, where they ore, so that
young men and women, wislin; to
become teachers, ca 11 do .o, without
going to the expense of having to
attend schools in cities.
Heferrin; to the division in Tor-
onto he said that city had been' di-
vided into four sections, each sec-
tion to have two reemisers, hut in-
strad of allowing (he (tt•o hi ;Malt
candidates to take senis. they were
'lit'id:el into classes A and 11. If the
higher candidate in class A gets. say
10,000 votes :nd the lower 9,000, and
the hither candidate in class 11 gets
8,000, the 9,000 than gets left, ow-
ing to the manner of the classifica-
tion. This was not right, he said.
Iii did not believe the people of
Toronto had a tight to have two
votes, more. than any other place
hut Mr. \Vhitncy with hie already
large majority,. felt Insecure lit his
position nail needed the supporters
notwithstanding his confidence in
the people. llow'evcr lir. Whitney
did not propose to lei the people
settle that matter for him.
in closing he asked the. suffra;e of
the p,op.le, promising if hlectecl, to
ase his best endeavor's in behalf of
the riding, end if defeated could _o
back home feeling Piot the least bit
N111. 11L:1111
Mr. Blair. of find, rich. iris pre-
sent 10 sprat; .,n 1, h.,1f of Mr. live-
lcrmann. Ile sod ecc0rdin;; to the
address of ;Mr. hillier (hat the gov-
ernment ale exhibiting all they did
and are tnortga;ing all they intend
to do for years to come in order to
b:' returned (o power.
n sprnkiuK ofr.
\ ..
achievements while in the bons... the
only l hieg pointed out. was t ha t
of t h • pont- hoes.. bill, .and
bein; conversant with the
matter stand (bat the their -
man, Se-venni/1i fllugb Sparkman,
knew ten times snore nbout the Lill
To the Electors of South i1„ron.-
Gtlntlemen.-As i ant the candidate
of the Liberal party in this election in
South Huron for the provincial Legis-
lature, .rs such I now ask your suf-
frages, As it. will be impossible for
ole, in the very limited time at my
disposal. to meet with many of you
personally, I adopt this method of ad-
dressing you very briefly. if elected
as your representative, I shall endeav-
or to support and carry out the en-
lightened and beneficial policy of the
Liberal patty, as has been so ably en-
unciated by our leader. Hon. A. G.
McKay. and which policy 1 honestly
believe would he in the best interests
of this great, growing and puogessive
Province. But while thus rroying
loyal to the principles and policy of
the I.il•errl party as well as to the Lib-
eral leader, i desire also to say that I
shall alway., 1101d myself free to sup-
port what i may consider good legis-
lation, tin matter from whist motile -
it may • initiate, while i shell al-
ways appose +legislation which 1
may consider detrimental to the
moral as Well ns the pecuniary well-
being of i1 he people.
In conclusion, 4 beg to say tit 11 1
nm n native of South Laron. elr
whole life 0•as been spent in the dti.l-
ing ; ell 1 possess is here, and hence
1t will be in my own personal inter-
ests 9 a ns well1
ns tc' ,
L I b^ Ii t
i r l r my t
to do the hest I can for the welf.ar.
$1.00 per year in advance
Are You Interested
in this List
Samson Portland Cement at close prices
Senours Floor faint, the very best .... 45c qt
Just received 120 quarts.
Senours Ready mixed Paint .. , .25 and 5oc.
Elephant Ready mixed Paint 15 25and . c
Alabastine all shades 15
�5 and 5oc,
Campbells stain all shades 15 25 45 and 85c.
Paint and Varnish 13rushcs ........5 10 15 and 25c.
('cal Oil Stoves ....75c. to $IO.oO
Gasoline Stoves 5.co to $14.00
Lawn Mowers• • . • .. 1 75 to $5.5o
Step Ladders, Georgia Pine .. , . 1 oo to $ t 50
Curtain Stretchers, Complete .... ........ $1 4o set
Screen Doors, complete 1 0o to $t 5o
Screen Windows . ...20c to 40C
I lammocks (a swell lot) .... .... • 2 50 to $4 75
Poultry Netting, all sizes 4 to loc a yard
Garden Rakes, hoes, Shovels, etc.
T. Kawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
'Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc.
'We ]slake a specialty of Eavet1'oughing, Roof.
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town
of what constitutes good
clothing differ from the ideas
of most other firms. We de
mand and use in all our Spits
.and Overcoats only the best
material and the highest class
of workmanship
Give us 11 call.
Merchant Tailor
'INR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.
D. S„ Honor graduate of Toronto riON EY TO LOAN.
e have alar/te amount o/ private rands
Dental Surgeon 1 \�'can ou farm and tillage propertLes &slowesa
Office over Madman & Stanbury'eInterest.
Main street -EXETER. Barristers Solicitors, Main SLIExeter
H. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S. �B S:l'IfILI. 1Pei , EXEi I -:I{, me
D• easel :teed' neer. Sales con
D. I). S., Dentist. Member of ducted in all p.rts. Termer reasonable
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Or,ierscan be left at the num Office
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFeteE:--Over Dickson es Carling'e ,) BOtiSF;NBF;ItI{1', ZURICH
Offices in Dr. Anderson's former E
parlors. Licensed Auctioneer. Snits con
1 ducted in all (:arts, Terns !caseload
JW BROWNING M D N C' and satisfaction guaranteed.
P,8 t ,�•
Graduate eVi� ►
ct eta Un
terra,. office and restdenence. DominicnJFRANK ('AIitNB• Veterinary Stir
of Lir (tiding. as my interests ui- Laboratory, Exeter.
j' aeon. 8ucceseor to A. It. i(aan-
sour interest9. Again soliciting your Associate Coroner of Huron. say, V. M. Treats all domestic• ani-
Iotms and influence for Monday nestamals on tenet approved p1ir.(ipalt.
Sincerely your., Special attention to dentistry, office
Reform Candidate for South Huron.
-W. J. fieeman hes just rem:iv-ed
a car of Samson Portland Cement.
lh.• vary beet for w walk'. ere.
['veer, Main St., E. A. hear.
" James St.. A H. tieing, R, A,
1 ,ukhil
R. Redmond
Iaitntilk, 11..t. Fair, h, Burges('
Centralia, W. Ii. flute
Hennall, S,
Kippen, .Iohn Hart
Creditor), ll„1►r. flicks.
Orem] Bend. T. A. 8tedmtn,
Sylvan, A. M. McCulloch
th.n ,Ii l .1r. 1:l11►:•r. and that it tt;.s '%ilsa Craig, it. Snaith Biker,
nn 0ri;Li0 lily Oil the part of hl r. 'mean, Geo. .1. Kerr.
Sidor (hat the bill was framed, but - (irnnton, ('. 1'. t- ells
ill • credit was entiicly due to Mr.
Spiel:lean and :a few others who
went to Toronto to interview the
corernrnrnt rex:Li•line tine matter
and Mr. Eilbn•r bring the local mem-
r. tens teas 'asked to see' Ott the bill -June it the month of t:,eidinrs
was drafted tied looked after. The and don't forzet ilea bhp Times has
shaker tear Set(. interrupt d by the finest line of weddin; et ation••ry
Mr. Editor. helm as1:,•d pern,i.elon to to be bad. Our type for printinz the
allow Mr. Bpack►nan to explain the
\Vn„dham, i,. liertletf,
Kitktort, John Veale.
diet. J. W. Andrews, t,f ('rr+limn,
has been transferred to Stain,
� wig Thomas omassc1
Civil Engineer a Architect
(tate I tlartneet of Pubilo works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and Conntr
Work, EIe.-tric railroad., 9ewerake and tt'atereo►ka
scstem Whar.es, Bridges and Re enforced ('on^re•e
phcne 4240 London Ontario
We have unlimited private funds for Isyeai
ant apon limn or Maas t:ropery a1 Iowa
•cur of interest.
moisten, dolloltors Notaries Conveyancer.
(7omm,.1.nere, Solicitor. for Ina Moleoa•
Bank. Ete.
Noney taloa!' at lowest rates of interest.
IL CARLING R. A. 1., N. D!C C5 i Free Semple et � e Expectorant
Centralia - will be sent to any pe.eon sending their
name and widow and naming this
%...1 l)roe'n;e Andrew's is rigida, paper. It has ettrsblinbH) a won.lerful
i 11 n,1r in 1 his n•'i ehl o, hood. reeor,l as a soeceseful ear, for eelighs,
miss Vorp•r is sp,,,,,e1: •, few say,, eol.ls, %tore tbroat, croup, wtinel.ing
e it h lric•ntle bete, rough, bronehttis and all irritate,) eon•
Ur. theme), left 7'hui s l iv for ei ..,i dation/. of the throat and chest. It is
cork where he will let as a honer the prescription of a groat epeeinlist in
:v1 teOn in one of f he leadinghos. 11101141". At all nod druggist., 25o.
Invitations is new and up-to-dafo, tpitalgi,$ '.•yam„•, yl Pr. T. A. 8laesar,.sited, Toronto.
�Nlrt .s41:1.. ._w
z,...r. •.. , ,. ar --.—'� .:...visa fa.. Mara va. f�iainRnJr..
at stn s
m +ty's old stated on Main s'reet.
Night call at Peter tiawden's te+idence
Main street.
A Prized Cough Cure
• 1 h:ate 1.01 leen without a bottle of
Coltsfoote Expectorant in the house for
over nine years. At tf+at time 1 proeur-
et) it for a bad cold 1 had. it worked
Buell wonders then that it has been a
household remedy ever since, and we
will have no oilier for con
ghs and colds
--it is so pleasant to take, ane all of
my children look for it as anon as they
get a eold at all. Nearly ail of them
have boon flab t to troop, and that's
when I Gadt ieks Rzpectorant ore-
ir1. You are *Ovate to use thio testi-
moaial as sots wish:"