Exeter Times, 1908-04-16, Page 2PERCH BOWINS NOT IIJ1LTY Lotroit Jury Acquitted Him of Charge of Murder. A dc9:•a'ch from Deft►'tt rays: 1'crcy Tuwits was •t .plotted at noon cit 7 nureday of Fee murder of "\tether' (an nelet \\ &inti. The jury %v ie out not (mite Three hours. Tito v.•rdiet came n.. u Lrw;rnrndous surpriee to the entire city, although those who had been watching IN; trial closely during its el.,.sing days saw evidences among the jury %%h+ch k\1 than to believe that a conviction might not be reached. "W this veedict unaninsuuy, gentk- meter inquired the Judge when the foreman 1►nd given the derision. The jury was polled by the clerk, atd euch member separately declared that the: %erdict was his. Tie. Judge was plainly Indignant, ant telere ordering the release of the pi•lsoner the bitterly scored the jury for it.: action. "This is the grossest niL%Carringe of justice that has stained the records of cd "Vol men havo deliberately set tree a had criminal, eel hint iroo after ho Lad been fairly proveu guilty of this eruuo. You are putting a premium up - en murder. for you aro publishing to the wort) trot in Detroit a merit de- gerh.rrate slay with impunity tako hu- man life. pato citizens of this commu- nity should be thankful that none of these gent,14e nen can servo on another jury in three years," added Judge Phelan. Bowing was released from custody at owe, one wilt pro•eecd to Toronto with hes mother, and then to the hotuo 'n \\'ooJville. On being vet free he went at once to the jail to obtain his effects. Ile had hardly stepped into the cell block to procure his belongings from hi, cell when the ivmot of acquittal flashed thi\high the cells. There was e roar of applause from rho prisoners, end it onntinued during the time Pet\:Y lhts court for many years," ho deelar•- was in lite cell. TIES ON TiIE TRACK. Attempt to Wreck a C. P. R. Traht Near Edmonton. A despatch from Edmonton, Alberta, • says: Aa attempt to wrckk the late ren ffirm: d, C. P. R. train was made a little south of Strathoona, on Wed- nesday. Sonto miscreant placed two teas on the track, and it was only by good luck that a calamity was avoided. t'he Lit'S when struck by tho engine %%ere thrown aside, and rho locomotive est not leave the rails. No clue to the eert trator of the outrage could be f•.:tnd. C. P. R. otfletaLs ore Waned t.• believe that it wwas the work of chit - e'en, but the opinion of the police :s teat tho ties were placed on the track hen tramp. who had been thrown off en earlier train when stealing a ride, and wbo was anxious to get even to this way. TWOMEN ASPHYXIATED. Accidents (n the Waterworks Well at Y hittipeg. \ despatch (rent Winnipeg .oays: \. 3e %memo engineer of the waterworks department. and Thomas Claverloy were aspttyxiuttd by gas in well No. 4 of life city water system on Wednesday morning. Claverley was in charge nt right. and evidently went down the air shaft without testing it for gas. acconl- Ont; to Instructions, and Johnson last lees life in an heroic attempt to rescue him. Cleverly was a young Englidt• mall and had no relatives here, it Johnson han a wife and family. SEEDING HAS COMMENCED. blanhobn and Saskatchewan Farmers Putting in Their Grain. IIE SIIOT H:S AIOTIIER. THE WORLD'S MARKETS RI VOLTS FROM T11[ LEADING 7 I %DE Cl \ IIU:3. Brooklyn MniComplained That She Wits Keeping (lint in Prison. A despatch froth New York says: Re - owls., his mother, Susan Carlin, had out hint to various reformatories, in which ho had been a prisoner tot. really )cars, Bernard Carlin on Weltteseday, shot and killed leer at ler home in Qtuncy street, Brooklyn. Young Carlin had just been relea'e.'d from tho refer - oratory at \apanoch, where leo had Prices of Cattle, Grain. Ceres* sr" Other Dairy Produce al Home aced Abroad. been sentennevl for stealing a horse and wagon. Ito was arrested after the sivxoting. To the pollee he said he itilled his mol her "because she mus slak- ing tree do bits all my life." AN EMft tRGO ON LIQUOR. 7111: siIItiNK.%(,E OF 7't\ll:. Dieaplwinteient of the Man \\'ho \vent Back W Ili, Ito) loud Ilene. "1 got a great Shock 1aet summer.' said the matt who has been iuirriet.t,1 1'1 bur;incu ill a distant city for thirty years, "when I made trey first visit W my boyhood home. "Ail my lite since 1 left the country I havo looked back on those childl►uod scenes with a great deal of ieverencee. Everything connected with (hose curly (».1U.\. Toronto. Apri 1i.-Flour-Onlariu days loomed large in the nand. wheat 94) per rent. patents are cpuutd e'1'Ito river that flowed through mycf. Thomas' fax rule 6el mills. at $1.43 U1 buyers' sucks ouLsidu ler grondf•itber's farm %vas something wag -Earl Grey has subscribed 81,1100 to the export. ,\lun.tuta flour t urbupgod; hill ent, the hoose was a mansion, the �•t.elxec btilticGcl.Ls fun 1. ,at_nts, 35.x', to $8: seco•s Pat- trees grew to extraord nary proportions, 'foe steel plant u: Sauhl Sts'. Matte has fts l } uud swing butt-c:cstd (gown a a.n for lack of 1 6 only, $5.35 t+ 145.40, b tt:e garden was mighty )yeas, the or- g ,► * ,run. buts - et . $5..5. (hard was the greatest ever, in fact At N iui.ipeg 330 cases 01 canned ape ea heat. -Manitoba grades were quiet. the whole scheme of ;ale was on a largo ries from Oshawa were seized LIS nista, with prices l ower. No. 1 Nei tlr_rn s scale. leer food. motel at fsl.1S34. lake Forts. and No. "New I was wont to boast of (hose the 131h mind of t A 1 feted eco es to any ct trey friends who oeiuh1 ow Lund coucerh CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 1f.111'1\1NGS 1110\I ALL O1...1 Tl13 GLOBE. Telegraph Driers From Our Own Other Countries of Rectal Estate. and at $1.14';, hike ports. o• wheat, G9e; No. 2. Glc. Ontateo wheat -•Ne. 2 while and red quoted at 90e outside, and No. 2 mixed at 89e outside. Oats No. 2 w:ttte on track. Toronto, 18v to 4'1 end outside nt 46%c. consent to lir b'rs'1. They could'1't af. e.;0 per n ght. show inc anyth ng In the county line Iiaunito.t's poi ce raided Spring:'ead's but i was ready with a remark begin- fakery and beized over 200 loaves al- ning. '\\'ill. when I was a boy, and egad to be underweight. so on througgh boast after boast. Port Arthur has ndoi,ted eastern time, "I havo stnpred all that now. for which gives nu additional hour of day- . Munition offer to ie. the puttee for yr when 1 went back last summer i found tight a.trr work for recces run. Cone -No. 3 American new yellow Ls Iterbert Wrip, quoted at 72yc, Toronto; kill dr:ee,i •ml t!:al it was just en o+•dFnnry farmhouse wood, son of mayor \\'right qu 7tye., and No. 3 mixed at 71j.;c, To- end the elver was a tiny. lazy stream.' e` 4hi<t•snti, is under arrest charge d and the rr'horrl was small. and there with smuggling immoral women into wasn't much left of the gar len. 1 wish . Pic United Stases. i Int Int gene heck at alt. 1t wis much Mrs. Pritchard, of Montreal. in whose more coni'rteb;e to keen that f•icturo n,onts Smith mooted arreet by ('lief In the mind and talk nlout It to my C.urpenter and tits ncen, has put in a heart's con'ent. Tho sub?eels of con- bil. for $1,200. versat.on aro few enough as it is." Sir Caspar Pardon Clarke. director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New - -� Y.-rk, will be given an honorary degree COMIC EASTER GIFTS. by McGill. Sir alortimer (Nark's teres ns l.teuten• A curious case o e ereorutinn is to ronto. tlye-No. 2 quoted at 65 to 87c out- side. Peas -No. 2 quoted at, 68 to 88%c outside. Barley -Prices purely nominal. Bran --$23 in bulk outside. Shorts, 821 in bulk outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples-Winter, $1.75 to $3 per bar- rel. (;cans --Prune, $1.70 to $1.75, and Mail Carriers Will No Longer Be i - lowed to Transport It. A despatch froth Ottawa says: The. Peeti►►aster-General has taken a new de - partum in regard to all future contracts erlercd into with mail carriers, which will have the approval and support of the tmperance people of the Dominion. A provision will be included in all future contracts which III prevent titan car - A despatch loan l.ylelon, an, ay s Smelling has colnmerrcel aow..l a field to oats on Tuesday, sera andd work on the land is quite Ibis d(strme t. •\ despatch iron" (:'eleven, Sask.. says: Several farriers have started seeding and the ground is in g Farm work will become general prae- Uc4lly at once. V aSTED TI111tT1'•OVF DAYS. BIG YV!ESTERN !AND SALES Great Dealatld for Town Lots .long tho Lino cf the C. P. E. t d t nul•Governor of Onlnr!o %vitt expire flus be noted in the cm.aI1,e gradol +y tae -MC-11111. ills honor will probably be Con- trp, place ill rho n:u Le e. 1 t.•hsLer gifts. tinued in office for some time hand-picked, 81.80 to $1.85. trod for 1'tuw.rs for grown p-ople and egg. to (:reeegan, the ex collcrlor, e. TI►omld. Honey -12 to 13c per Po tit.`. children were Nw h, ur. ag.n:rl pleaded gaol:) to cutbezzling funds, made strained. and at 81.75 to 82.50 for eoliths. s; abide ut tho sacred festival. i •+ Ila) -\u. 1 timothy quoted at $15 to wy,c, thet►alurut cxraess.on of Iltu rrstituti(uo, and was Int oft on suspended sentence by Magistrate Cruikshank. ck SIG hero in ear lots. great ResurrectionResurrectionl.titlt-ills bursting Th erBritish Gnvenunent will consult Strawy -$10 to $10.;0 a ton on trathrough temporary fetters and s;mritte thethe(:arndirtn nnit before per - here. ing Into now beauty. 'Tlhe first l:as.r witting the passage of armed U. S. wmoE- curds drew their dec+orale,ns thea those Potatoes -Car lots of Ontario. 85e, set: through Canadian canals. and Delawares. 95e per bag outside. simple motives, certainly the u►nal- poultry-Tttrke).s. dressed. 14 to 17c l,aulituL and appropriate which could GREAT BRITAIN. per pound for choice; Chickens, alive. ever 1,o devised, Presently the old u4 r man an legend of the harry and the Easter Lord Curzon hies drelarcd in favor of 7 to 9c To pound; dressed, 10 to 12cs t4 prominence. thought fie'al o form. ducks, dressed, e create THE n.\IRY \ttfKETS. German settlers, it has spread to other forIndia, , cd a Pcer. . Mrs. Hamilton, one of the principal wilnc�ses in the famous nruco ease, has been found guilty of perjury. Owing to lite little progress made in t'.e negotiations between Britain and the tinned Slates over the Atlantic fisher- ies tt is feared n renewul of the modus vivendi may Ljculila necessary. UNITED STATES. 10 to lice eggs Carie into or kilo portions of our Count) by tho \t+. Morley, Secretary IXit d. of Slate • will !t is A dces:,atelt flew Winnipeg say;: F. T Ctet1.u, tool Cummi.'s:uner of the C-t.ua:.aa 1'.cfie. has r.tunled [ramMu..lreal. 1•. GrGratinr\feried to the bt.ong and increasing dement for busi- ness and res:de.:ice saes along the new lines of railway, where towns aro now Lein; built. The :wile of these bots has boonbrn in pn.grres duru►g the winter, and many thousands of dollars have been raid to the company in exchange for them.1Businesse3s wits reported brisk in February, but in March there was a eemattable increase, the sale of town Ws ts fur that metal' having .born three tunes that of the previous moat'. Dur• ing April the demand has ooutinue'. a par kd, b at - Butter -found prints, 25 to c6 + and 20 regions, , Mes our absolutely ni ar(ngkisNeo glllf i tat c rolls, 21 to rules do in! a meantime having leen sup - g to 23c. Creamer) calces al 31 to 31yc, pre me itcd by the chick -presumably to and solids at 29 to 30e. Eggs -Gesso lots of new laid sold at tnake Ethe gills Logan totakethe child's neterchur 17r per dozen. to 1 tc per pound (;ftp : 1e and in a anter of a menagerie. jobbing way.Tho immense popularity of the Wel: _ m any the, hare next stimulated the 10- 1100 PRODUCTS. C('iS, gentrify of the tradesan to invent new %arint:ons of the theme. This season Bacon -hong clear, 10 to 10%c per ii c 41top windows are filitd with t'0OS pound in casei` 4E nines pork, $17.50 p rs chief.. tin c . rmers from carrying intoxicating liquor. t t 81rt 8; ehocu , to f1. , 1t is Fail That at present mail carriers Manns -Light to medi ro1L,JZ to 13e; du , heavy, fly, ,..v,,.4faa1 : and clucks. not only -'1 in their natural feathers and fur, but rutsqucrad ng as policemen and serving - maids, tiding in automobiles, wearing huge hats (time label on one Ls "\Where, neer you get that hat7'1. carrying um- brellas, nod engaged in all sorts of lu- dma:ous pursuits. A rabbit playing on a violin, with three chicks on a bench holding music books. are mounted on o care labelled, "Eaeler Rehearsal." A rabbi s.•n'eed in a wa!nutshell chariot. driving a tram of clucks is another masterpiece. The comic element in all the.so things Is simple anti innocent e.11011!11 In It- self. but what relation do they bear to Easter? We should be properly sheck- ed it they were introduced into the Stm- dayschrxols. Should we not expect the Intluenee of the home to harmon- ize with the snored character of the clay? Is it not irreverent, it not sac- ri'egious. In Connect these animal tra- %rr.tiew with the Lord's rising? Fun I.,. good and necessary, but as an enci• rent writer observed. "To everything there is a season. and n time to every pu'pose under the heaven." For sheer nonsense we have April Fools Day; let tis keep our Easter sacred. Wing liquor into country districts along with Nis Majesty's mails, and Mr. Le- mieux has made: up his mind 10 have Iltis slopped. It anyone violates Otis part of the contract it will be cancelled forthwith by Ito department. .1N IMPERSON•TOIt FINED. Ge►1rp ' Potts Pays Eke Hundred Dol• tars for Election Crookedness. Smote Olmstead Died From Starvation at S1. Paul. A despatch froiii St. Paul, Minn., loom: Kruk Olmstead diad hens on eeet,mes•tay from slarvation, after all at1►nn,tl to fast for 40 .lays in order t; den,onatarte his theory that the mind e•,nleal+ the body. and that mind is mightier than (natter. Otrngtead's last hosted :ti da) s, according t, Moot in the house. --4-- MIFF ni:1Tl:N "1(1 DEATH. 4 despatch from Montreal says: Sen -Sole, seconds, terve was past on \Vedneoley morn- Siring wheat pnLents. Ing upon George Potts, who pleaded IP." to $5.64): Winter when patents. vitt y to having a tempteel t) vote un- $5.30; straight inter $1.75; do., to a falser name in St. Jean Baptiste to 3 82,15 to 82.25; extol. 31.75 to Ward at tho feet municipal election. l' tg'4 Feret/1) 82-25; bran. $75 to 3 Ile was sentenced to ono hour's irnpris- Sol )0 ahotf. 825; Ontario and a line of $500 or an addi- tional six months. The fine was pad. OLD -.AGE PENSIONS. smoulders, 9%c; balls, Racy bacon, lice Lard -'coerces, 11Xc; tubs, 11%c; c; pails, IIXe. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, April 1E -Eastern Canaea, No 2 white oats at 30c, No. 3 at 47 to 47%c, No. 4 at 4i to 46%c, rejected at 4-i to 44%c per bushel ex store, Mani - Lebo rejteted at 47 50 t7%c per bush- el ex track Werth Ray. Flour -Choice Premier Deakin Devt'dng Plan to Start Therm July of Next Year. A de:spate•1► from Mellxn,rne. Auslra• lie, says: Premier Deakin is doVINIng sehemo whereby o1.1 -ago pensions et ten shillings weekly shall begin In July. 1'JtX1. The Laborites propose that the money should be seCIIMI by an appropriation under the Customs Sur- plus Revenue. Bill. now berme the (louse of Repreyentativr.a. BIG TINIIER DE 11.. Seven Hundred Thousand Dn11.1rs Paid for Limit Near Vancouver. :1 despatch from Vancouver says: A Umber deal involving two hundred Ana fifty million fort of lumber within tw•"o- ty-four mile; of Vancouver was closed on Wednesday by D. \'un\Vagnrr, min- im, engineer. London and DCA' York. and 1. G. Fitch. a Californian capitnt- tsl. 'else tract is situated on \anquin Creek. Squeamish \lett^). The aunt of $700,000 will be paid for the timber. and a $100.00( mill ail! Le ere l..l in M•nNre:cl %\,,mama Died nl 'Muriel Ile- .•eited of (lands of husband. e'...,;,alch from \lo,mt,tal soya: An itop A N, m.• t0 be held in regnri to the 1t.tur'.•, received. Iter husband was in emirt •%n T14-dfy, cherg••►1 with druid:. emme�t. hut was remanded In await the resell of 11x• %vuntnl►'S injuries. It is tik••Iy that lie will now be tried for tout•• der •►r manslaughter. bran, $'4.- :.0 to $25; cuiddlings. $26 to $27: shorts, $25.50 to 826 rer ton, including beget .pure, grain nmouillie. $31 10 $3a; and millet grades. $25 to 829 per ton. I'ro- v.Slons--farl•eix short cut mess. $21; half harrela, $10.75; clear fat backs. $22 In 823; long cut !tem.!" mesa, 820; halt bards do.,e 81; 50; dry pls It long e beef, Stclear back.:, 103:.': 50 to $1i; hall barrels. do., $7.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy mess beef. 810 to 811; halt barrels do.. $3.50 to 86; 111; pound lard. 8% to 9c; pure I•• 11 ;r; kettle rendered. 113; to 12c; hams. 12 to 13%c, according to size; breakfast l 1. to l31., 11 fresh killed to 15e; Windsor haeon. 11,; abat- toir 41 mos! hogs. $10 to 810.x:•; alive, $7. Butter -The Buller Market is de- ruhld'y strong et Itigher prices, sale of new make crenmr'ry being made at 31 te, 3:.c. wh't,•. Full goods are selling( at 24 1., -4c. 311 to 31. ; dairy Ls quoted at cheese _-\\lectern c,loreal quoted at THOUSAND SALOONS GO Have Been Voted Out of Existence in the State of Illinois. A dermatch beat (:hi, at(eo sipo, The giant tapir cit1e,1 u1 111u►ois leas re• sit'te.l in the a all 4)11 party winning de. c,3ev•ly in most et the larger cities. but k,slnq 1. prom. of entailer tenet. 1.011 s, .i.mni t,e'ilep \tted cot of exuteettce. 1 Irtiun9 as Culhedh1 by town - 5111.4 are torn more hnpreseive hhm Ow {r.h:bitiun vatopoint. K:8 leen. shit►.. IA' more than three•fourth* of the t mai number. te ing• ctee%ed W Ihesalaon. ()illy by w•ime ng in the larger (1114 i d,. the liquor ,n' '.est.: save themsel%es from n outnplc•ke mut. Itelorit (muni the 1.201) townships of Ile' Slate are incomplete, and it is net I,.u.ib'tl 10 slate with exactn4w how 1?% to tat.,'; white. nt 123; In 130. Eggs Owing 1n heavier rek•eIpls the market wa.- weaker le>day al a decline of 3;c pe, citizen. sales being made at 173 e tor mind kris. and 18c for small lots. t'Nrl'I?p) STATES M. h1KF.TS. \linneapolis, Apt 11 11.- \\'hr:1t __No. 1 Northern. $1.00'.; No. Northern, 9»y to !18 ;,• No. 3 Northern. 9+) to 93c; No. 1 hard, $1.(1:'/:: Alay, 99% to 99yim': Jtay. 99',••. Pour -First pntents, $5.15 oecoctd patents, 85.03 to $5.20; liret eleare. 88.05 to $1.l3; second clears. ta.10 'o 33.20. Brait-lc► bulk, $21.25 1e $21.30. Duluth, April 11.- \\'heat- No. 1 lintel 41.01',,; No. 1 Northerd , :1`.I';c; May. 41;'."; July. 99•',e'. .14 sales tong 41aity mads of lots at tarts ons point;. Sales of farm 11tmd3 have also been !urge, many settler., from eastern Caste retie tee Url:t'd Mates and Europe co•n- /4;.1.11g negotiations for purctta.stiv. The bu..d.ng of new towns) on what 15 now t\;,91 (rttttie will 0011Snt1/14) r1, pictur- e:quo feature of western 111' during the cuue►g eaminter. Railway t,tattorts, gram elevators. banks, I+:etrl busineen it awes and ptaees ut private residence 'till he require.( and will to conetruct- cd as rapidly na tho conditions of the e4 unlr•y permit. Largo quantilaw of toil ling- material of all kinds wilt be requiro.l, as. in addition 1.0 homes for new farunrri, fifty new town sites will b,; placed on the market by the C. 1'. R. alone. 1;ASl•Elt EGGS AND CANES. Tito simplest egg.' tor Easter are hard -bolted and tinted in pretty col- ors. A 1i111r, more elu...•ratc onus have figures etched on the shell, or some simple greeting in verse, clone with nt• Irk acid. \\'hen the egg is cYilornxt, flits leaves the tracing wvhitr. Empty egg shells may 10 filled with small candles, (.r tiny presents, and gilt wiper pasted over the opening. Another plan 18 tl Ill: 1.110 eggs with maple cream. or n1•t- \\'ORLD'S FAS -11111 C'hSTONie . Tho custom of egg giving on Feaster e.reginated its tho early days of Easter ant is pretty generally obo Yrved in Ilia east, Germany, Switzerland and the '1•)r,i, and Russia. In Russia the peasants give rod egg* lo ono another and the nobility carry g.kIen eggs about with them. lit maul, poem, of France the first foul oaten on Easter Sunday is an egg. In ~pain and ether countries toaster egg, are kept forint ono year t' the other in the toe 1(ef that it prevents miscl►ie.f from en- tering into u 1101110. In the possession of some familtt►s of England a festoon of eggs is handed down from one generation to the other as an heirloom; they may be soma al'out the chimney place. They are added to from year W year. with re- ligious scrupulosity. A Russian pike's to have his Easter eggs bear the words "Cttrist)s t oke $s" :t :hm ist is risco* and whenever he pre - seas an egg to any one Ito uev i farts lo repeat these words, in ail revrenco. in Ilutigary Ibm' 1.evs Sprinkle non giros with nosewatr and they in turn ora given cokmoti egg,. Every ono knows that the hot cross bun is widely eaten not only in Eng - lasses taffy, and after this hardens clip elf rho shells and coat the sweet egg with clwoulat w, or lintel fondant. These tie very pretty wlwmt spuinkkd ivith granulated sugar while they are still moist. Egg shells may be cut into any de- sign, if soaked in milk -warm water un - ht pliable. Cut a large egg in holt, ingthwi,e, gild the outs:41o, or trace pattern or greeting in gilt. Line with satin or velvet of a dainty hue. Then with just a touch of glue. fasten it on a tiny lacqueeod tray, or a bit of- card - locust, and use as a jewel or match holder. Sketch little Moos with India ink on an egg shell, and finish oft with tis-,uc papier fool's cap. Make arms of stir( paper and glue. Illy shell to a pen - wiper of cloth and you will be surprises at (Ito result. Pretty games can Ire played with 11x: oonunon, hard-boiled. colored eggs. First fill a large bread or bak- tug-pan with Iran, sand, or sawdust. and set (t on a small table. Around this table the children stand. Each player chooses a color and all her eggs must be alike. For instance, have ilio eggs dyed red, blue, green, and so on. The object Ls 10 place. the eggs upright in the pan so as to bring five itt to ow, touching cacti outer. The playere ' ke turns about putting down one at a time, trying to 811 the row, and also In cut ef the line of the opponent. Tito one who succeeds first Lit obtaining the five in a row, sings out: ();.eland County; illichigan, has ado;, - ted 1..cal opt.ou. William Jennings Jtrynn bus made clout $54i3O(t) out of lectures in 1907. The (eiet,• 1 Sluts naval appropria- ti +n bill ea! e sur a foal appropriation of $1O1,967.a1'i. Ilertuun Ridder, of the New York 7.rituug, thinks Congress w.0 reniove the duty on pulpwood. Preside:►t lteosevelt sent a ntessnge to Congress usking for legislation with u vkw t) suppressing anarch}. Over three hundred students were dis- messed from Clemson College, Colum- bia. 5. (:., because of some April fool pi auks. Speaker (cannon's resolutions calling for an investigation of the paper tru.st were pas -ed in the blouse of Reprt'sen• tatives a1 Washington. John it. Sendburg, aged 73, a ma- chirlist of Galesburg, 111., wwltilo going down n flight of steps, fell and was strangled to death by his false teeth. About. 8.000 acus of coal landa,in Monterey County, California, about 200 miles from Son Francisco, are about to ler developed in an extensive manner. After n shutdown of three weeks', duratinif, the plant of Iho National India Rubber Works. at Bristol, R. 1., entpinving about 1,100 hands, resumed operations. Italian parents in New \'ork, fright- ened by rumors of proposed Black Hand outrages, caused n panic in a school by demanding that their Children to sent iron') Rte building. thins Adams. of \Vnrw•ick, Po.. Is an expert al )raking patchwork quills Ile hos just completed one containing 11.0441 patches. 1t required about three wears to complete the quilt. \loch American macaroni wheat is now exported to the Russian Mark Sea ports. but the bakers prefer the native product. for which they pay up to 11 renLt a Wallet metre. claiming that it gives better results. • TIIE (71l(.DIIC\i'S EASTER. \\lith 1heo ret.u••n of Easter, just ns the first spring flowers aro untoWing and the earliest. bird songs delight our ears. the, mother finds In natun^ rnani- feld illustrations whereby she ntay' im- pedes upon her chiklren the truth 4,t the reaurr•elian. The brown halls, so devoid of life and ',entity. wheel They planted last autumn have Already push- ed their delicatelyantevl blossom) np lo greet the warm sunshine, and death lint ehang"l to lite. The chrysalis wti''ll trey disevoverod on an apple tree last Thnnkig'ting Day. and which has S••ein- -.1 fti dead as the hit. of wood lo wbit•h many saloons will closer their doors thirty days hence as a resuit of 'Tec. day's balloting. The figures available place tho number at nter 1,00n. being fur the ,is'sl port In lawns which ha.t horn fhe to twenty-five saloons ca••h. ,\ de'ipatch from Denver, (.m!.. set),: 11.111y she lean" in (colored.) in w inch e rct4tni we:e h.•I.t on Tues418y tolevl , n the glia,(/ -n of ketal option. Nineteen o' these ele•et•on+ resulted in no license and aisteen toted 141 lieerrne 8ii $ na. l'he anti-sekoon element wen over Ilia teens that were fernier!), "eel," any IM iigiwr element meds gains of Ore l4eana. givifil !hem I!18 advantage of Alae ut 11w total el changes. 1t w es nitarhrml. has now emergOil from the dnrknevs and is fluttering abut. a brilliant butterfly. Then, tin, the un- developed herds .t tree and plant have been Nought in dm•ors. and na wnrnllt and sunshine have hnstenee,l their um C.VI 1.1: AL\IU:ET. Toronto. April 11.- The• keen ()ottani 1 ter good butcher cattle' absorbed what little was .,ffere.1 for export. wet the mires fisc good butcher: and e•ep, n'e't:, not nbutit on n par. Pi, lied huh•h•r and exp,rl 8I.rrs b„kl al $5.10 to lel. and straight loads of choice at $5 to 8x.10. :\h,uil 211 stockers nn,1 feeders %ter„ offered. and were bought. up readily, Hi there is a good demand for teeni al Ibis sene,m. They sold at $:I.25 to $.1.75. 1•'nl, motors were steady at for :^rr prieee, as were sheep. i:rain•f„ l %e u'• ling lamb.; were n lithe higher. but 11,,' eemn•om quality nt lambs were cru :r land. but in our own country on Good Fr:day-especially in the eastern cites. '11w vogue of the bun sprnng t+P tit England and was the line honored in- dm:lgence on Goad Friday evening atter the rigorous fast day's. Tho belief Ls widespread in England, among many intelligent persons that hot coma buns will keep freeli from Good Friday to Goal Friday. Malty persons go further ana as'4'rt that any sort. of great baked on Good Friday wilt retain its freshness indefinitely. Through the eccentric generosity-•nt LIP unknown person who died sones time during the time of the Plantagenet:, a curious charity' in connection with 1,0(51 Friday took place an 81 Bartholomew churchyard. Sruilhfeld. London. Twvaentyeate of 1.110 oklest widows of "Robin, raven, hawk and crow! this parish assemble) on the morning \tine's the first F►vo In the ituwt" 41 Good Friday, about the unknown's For another gatno place six eggs,flat tombstone. and each picked trona e. each qt pore. t, red. black. it a hot cress bun and a new sixperice, on w%}Hilo mind gold, in a ra%v in ttu+ pall smympos,•.1 50 mark lite haul/ of thew fuvn- ct bran. Ono player L, hlu►dtold•\1 I dc; of the charity. ono t tl eggs reciting ut the senna that on that day the sun 10 risme and with a tight \vanri or suck. tot"''114.-1\ gains Koster sun.lny superstition is time: o :o gives leaps for joy. Tito peasatnte 1 lintthe country station themselves on the "Peggy, Inc touchuMilo and Meg! hills before) dawn on Easter morning See naro my Easter egg. ,n 1110 polo they will behold the sun fount and rod ve, black d t blue, dance in order to have good luck tul- 11ount doh six, of whurile and two; low them through rho year. 1t 1 touch an egg o! while 1 touch The first person to ialulo Ilio Cat A t then will be your right' on Easter morning words, wthe onls, If i touch nn egg nt gold "Christ Is risen.' retial be greeted in 1: Is mine to havo or hold." tarn by a royal kiss, no matter hew Green coumits for six, io•1 for floe, Lavoy the person. black for four. blue for two, and the England is particularly rich In local gold egg tri worth mere than all put I;a..t r customs. This is duo in larges together, for then the pin)•er wins rho part to the cireum.stnnee that centuries 1ftllle, • t moon g 1 •r Tlo whit,' c{(1; is n L. establish F")-Caikd 1:n+1er legacies. I GENER:\1.. ()Mel has again been restored in Lis. /on, but the city is virtually under mar- tial Ina. The high reamed freight role charges folding the various r hnnge., herr leen 1 in Campos. Brazil, inren<eel the inhnhi- w•nlclnvl an 1 enrr.ntenl.•.I upon. The tants. and the mob binned sin tions, cars planting. ~proofing and growth of n and warelouses. bean. n pea. a kernel of corn or n morn Ing-g'•,ry seed are all object lesinna NEW WINNIPEG DI:1'OT. i t wh`Ch children (Might. and which t f the return of lite afire 11111e. spring lambs are of erine a I I• l it mow freely. and ore clown in :•nee to $:t.an to 86 each. The piupnrhnn nt i..gs to the test the,, If rings on 1h.' nserket war sere►( :int the price w•+s 1.1• higher per (.vi. nn l 11to forfeit of an ego from ago It was a deeded fad tar feel mo ear ► p nye "hoodoo." Il not only has no value. Many of them atilt exist to carry out tea when touched, the player has to the ptrrpo_w:, of their founder+. pay n torten. Each player takes his t_ _---- lurn 14) be hlindtulderl, and an n• cnui►t pitsPlitt JOY. Is kept of each one'. luck. \\ Ten a total of twenty has been r'eacli...l, the Thera 19 a peculiar ppladrreit which game is won, even %%•ilhout the golden coolies to us with the aprinutide, Once egg. (11 course lir• position of 1h:) egg again, after tho long a inter, the nlew- s changed for nano player. err app oor on 11n0 earth. and tho tae f time singing of the blr.ls tete core. - \\'e• me gaud once neve to oat f,,rrh ALBERTA'S \F:\\ 1.1('F:NtiF: 1..11Y. ft rely in the 'ovoid air. and nit• li.•irrL+ Price of Urinks \Intod Doublet' al s )rnething of Itis Rmrit! whir+ (• nnets I•. Ilio trees as their leaves tined,: es gar) Early Closing. the birds trhirn to their nee,. and ns A despatch from (:algery sa)a: Hotel- nlr Nature wnkees and aprlige into new keepers have deckled to almost double anlI exulting •reven than Ili.; 's Ito' erten• 1 e. the price vt drinks as a result of the and the pledge which the r.•luruing new license law, that goes into effect se \Iny 1. wtticli ceml:04 Ihern le) C!nse lit of Nature gtite.s 115 nt our own en. the bare at 10 Pimm,, ee tee, sale pl'i0.4 mortality. Just 8.4 there is no udeath to o' t have also 1„'•'n a.ltacre.'. fader the \alarm. but only transition. nen bar tariff all ntlx••t .1r uks will I ' es Ihnt which set'm.v to ixr 41'11111 rs t .I 25 cent4 instead ,i I:. cents. and e.nly clio.ttue. only progress, only Iho lam or. if mieed w:111 mifnernl water, pulling on of a new alrrntlllm in another toill cost n (horst) mon 10 cent.'., It is ;,rel di%iner sphm're, Year by )tiro uv estimated ley the Secretary of 11ve Ai' Fee't'r tritons I. the 1 hrnetin►t. teen. Letts i,ttperenco I.e•'rgne that Roc rr. •n new• jay of feohing It:n1 1 Prance 1 hri- d,ur•lion of boars will curtail Ilse rer4ry,r. e; risen he. to,, shn!1 ar - • nn 1 . n! Iihe i�ticts by A ntllli• tt and a hat (,.e m's,rnuorei in n land '.'.1, • 41m !oar- 0.) sorrow: in a lard w11eaw• 1 aer+fns 1'RF'1; \\IIE%f. ne tears; in a land %%bete. (here t - _- dcnlh, 5, \titters Will .1ek Congress to AN lie\s11:It 1'1.(►\\'lilt (:1F : A dnspalch lean► C.1vcago Ssys::A re• { n dearest Vo•om (l a soar nus km" solution Was adopted by members often I iower hope lnedlttn:lh erthon -tiro;!e Abiler•i National federation, In eon ! the b faith r dc� of .Lill. tom tare on mr• • bht:ithe • R,i as to admit 4:anadhan wheat billet Of life for evermore! f•.•• foreign eveuntries free of duty. TLe e hundred ntetliber4 e,f the organira• 'l the Ihnupg.t of Love ImaNtt t rt o 1► (•.,n in ARrndnn'c dar%ie%se>tl .a4a question. \\ efh h•nJ i�'une'mhrnnc^ of fiefuts; nod 'hen refereed it In +,1+4•^iat Mot. Itih);eei. 0 m is n' (1.44ier, l�^I't• n -'ie,', a bide Inter in Ilse. s's,i•.n report- Ily , et. p,1 (3% moldy for IhP re' 014,0. 1!„' tit 1ttt h.eawe•nir soil (1M! 41111.1! n '1 Im•' bm'am t 4 4:lirr4 •eo' Mrbt - Jobe lir y,rt1Oat WhtWr. fled olMpuen • n Teltears Callc.l ler \fillies -dollar Union nppnrynl death. with s0 many appro. Stnielurc. Wale synljool, always al hand. it seems slrnnge' that the Easter eget contint►es A devrodi from Montreal says: Ten• wear rifler year In be Wasik] ipnn no tiers hnve been culled for the eonsttue- nin>•%sl Ila only atnilnbke Germ ter tion of the Dew' link;n Depot which the Rosier Irv. rs or illustration fix Eo1lr (;rand Trunk I'ncific end the Canndinn lalkt. N tthcrn arc, to coal. in the City of \\'innipeg. 'lite p1•uclure is 10 cost 81.- E.\STE11 %'I(N.ETF. is .,o00. and will le one of the finest t. Akre! the hallowed day h leers. of Oa kind on the continent. Tender.: The joy tel sti sins u( nnraiC clear have to be in by the 1311. of this month. `tad softly on the meriting air, and Ihe work of mnc0riteli;n will be And Easter conies with holy prutyer. begun Ibis _ear. The timid dee( thnt skyward (lies. - $'- The fowera close' perhmtes faintly ARI::I1 T\\ It \1 E. rise. \+l whisper k.ve. in their sweet way pnelk1111e Loa nril I iw.', it al 27 \(ills For Him. who rose to heaven this da r, on Mr troller. \\ ;il:in your leaves. Oh. viokls fair. A drspatee (cont Benet.: �• : Ay.;: Al a eneei31 meeting of the ' . uracil on I find new lege. noel incense rare. _ I oke ea the morn That Trenkm Malay ,te reasy evening velininnithe lax srate Iho dothe It.rc},k•rtdent o'er 11r rnstern way, > p 1milesen is o%t o'. My heart relo�ees in the light; Rejoiced In your bincconta 1.r�! 1. 110111 tell 44 llim. and Iles .b• it 'e+t r. N ho roe taxa earth t, Heaven n1.n e. lar. The incrcnse o ' to conciliable expenditure. tet;i. h amounts to several them:funds of dol- 1• ,,,•'n! w%ns drawn art•I forwarded 10 \\ r%Ntlnynoel. lora 1'1 vfny to putt• \n•l through pion Congress 1n amend the tariff lees And Moss ni eo tw. 4