Exeter Times, 1908-04-09, Page 61-H-1-1-11-1-111-1-1-1-1-1-1 L=ash ion Hints. 1 14-1-1 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-14 14-H4 t'A1,5 AND I A\i ILS. Everything new• -a -days is hemmed. flair dressing will continue elab..rate. The jacket has allobelhcr replaced the bolero. Fashion Insistently demands tan foci - wear. Many blouse3 of the owning spring will show kng sleeves. Bordered ginghams offer entrancing suggestions for the summer morning goer). \\ Hite linen crush, with a colored strap, border, is one et the practical thongs ernong the linens- Wreaths inens.Wreaths el frosted foliage and clus- ter; of Hewers aro among the less ex- p4nsi'e at coiffure ad. rnntents. 'fhe Policia strife of the moment 's y��,t and dark orders with diagonal tines all Intervals of an inch or more. Tie new sailor hit has a bread, flat !,r and kw croon, and is practically the same thing that «as worn five years ago. The t, arnbmu', nncient Egypts royal Insect, new hinds favor kir hatpins. rings, seal( pins, , and •a;ifor brncekls. even in shades hue Ls 'Le latest of many h d s c I b 7 known as "Poon," and is a cousin mice r inored from the still popular Copenhagen. White cotton voile, trimmed lavishly with velenciennes and Cluny or Iri h crochet !aces, is being used again kr 11r.gene twists. Many t'.quee for spring wear oro com- pose' entirely of klinge, among which ore placed other rosebuds, bachelors' buttons or poppies. Serge and homespun cloth, once ta- Loer'di ger visiting and !mart afternoon wear. n: w are perfectly correct if only the rnako and whsle nppenrance of the gown tiro sulficicntly.smart. MILLINERY NOVELTIES. DFg black lints promise to be extremely popular. Grid and silver gauze ribbons can be worn on lace garden hats. Chrysanthemums, tulips, and dahlias will be popular in hat trimming. A!! the new approved French models of hits aro worn quite straight on the head. I'c rcelnin blue is n popular spring shade for lints, stockings, millinery, and even kr gloves. Sainte of the early diats aro charming to their combination of cheerfulness and warmth. A smart little three cornered arrangement in cream colored cloth with • knot of brow velvet at one side holds in place n bunch of snowdrops, violets, and n high osprey of shaded hyacinth and jonquil. Pretty blossoms in the many and vnrk•d shades of salmon pink or rose, kmon yellow, white, or deeper amber form lovely trimmings to tulle. lace or nloILsolino de sole hats for restaurnnt cr theatre wear. Tho hvigs are hidden beneath the splendor of Moral beauty. while a tiny bunch of pale green lenf- kis here and there stnnds out from the mass of delicate color. POINTS 01 T MILK PERIL. 1'. S. Surlleen.Genw•al Subnriic Start- linu It. ''il to fouuicss. A "Retort on milk in its relation to public health,' was submitted to Sec- retory of the Treasury Cortclyou, by hurgeron-General Walter Wyman of the Ilcallh Service on the United WELL DRILLS With one rf Loomis' late improved machine* u are sure of large !.mats en the caultal Ir.coste.l. 'They are the 1•-aderr in this line. (•,'rtoicly the gr. atest 110 r,, -y earning We Drilling Machinery made la AoerICa. AAd LOOMIS MACHINE CO., TIFFIN, OHIO. ACENTS, $103.50 PER MONTH >>a aelllnj these wonderful 5cies,•n. V. e;. eitehnsr, (.',•lumbus, 0 , a,ld Y_' pstn In 3 hours, made 115; you eau do it, we shn.w Trow. /BIM Ot TFir. Ipecial Inducements to CenadlanAgents. Thema. Milt Cc., 102 K 1t, Dayton, 0. halt Dir* os. art FEATHER DYEING Cleaning sod,.`urling and Rid Oloves cleaned Thiel can be neat by poet, le per ea 1L. beet place le BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO. MONTREAL WANTED -L to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM fur sale. Not particular about location. Please give price and description, and rea- son for selling State when possession can be had. Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyahlre, Hoz 484, Rochester, N. Y. TERBOR 1` ChltiOE Ca ,OE7ERDOR000N. Ont, Caitsdd! SEND FOR (MAWOGUE le, and the baby Ls gay and haptl without stimulates and excitement— also as i1 should be. As to the exercise part of the pro• carding, the looker-on might almost tlr:nk that the baby had node an ex- haustive study of some excellent sys- tem cf muscle development, so vigor - cis are its movements and so suited to I 11 eir design. When the time comes for the child L • "IIsi its kgs," as the old nurses say, it is quite unnccc•ssnry to aid it in the search. its kgs are to place, and have had plenty .if good, fico exercise; and when they are strong enough to sulotwrt tho little body, the baby will pull itself up by a choir or other p`.eco of furniture, turn with that irresistible a:r of mingled conceit and rapture to see if some one is looking at it, gurgle its satisfaction with this new state of things. and the deed is done. From that day continual fresh pro - Frees w111 be made, at first with support, 'o'er in a staggering run. ending, to its poet • et surprise, in a backward bump, and a new phase of life Ls begun. In spite of good advice, there are still t. be found in the world foolish and ndor.ng young parents whose bobs walked and talker) and thought earlier than all other babies. The result, so fn; as walking is concerned, Ls very likely to be n well-developed cafe of flow-legs.—Youth's Compank)n. A faithful servant had grown old in the service of a railway oompanv, and at last became too feeble to worlk. The general mnnnger was asked if the com- pany would not do something for him, as he was very poor. "clow long has he been with us?' the official inquired. "Over forty years." "Always dud his duty •' "Never missed a day." "You say he is very old and feeble?" "Yes. 'I'Ihe chances are that ho will never leave his bed again." "II'ni! Poor fel- low! We must do something for him. 1'11 give him a free pass for life over all the *company's railway system." MAGISTRATE PRAISES ZA\1-UL'K. !ling:strafe Rasmussen. of 202 Mar- quette St.. Montreal, writes: "For many years 1 was troubled with a serious erup- tion of the skin. This was not only un- sightly, but it was at tinges very pain- ful. I first tried various household re - meds -s, but (hese proved altogether useless. 1 Then look medical advice. Not one, but several doctors in turn were consulted, but I was unable to get any permanent relief. Some time buck 1 noticed a retort from a Justice of the Peace (Magistrate ferry, J. P. for 11. C.) who had been cured of a chronic skin disease by Zan-Buk, and I determined to give this baba a trial. Before this everything 1 tried failed ab- solukly to relieve my pain and rid me cf my trouble, but. three boxes of Zane - Duk worked a complete cure, and i hope that my experience will lead other sufferers who are in despair to try this herbal !tenter, Zam-Ruk.'' For henling eczema. running sores, cuts, bruises, burns, boils. eruptions, scalp sores, pimples, spring eruptions, itch, chapped hands. and diseases of the skin Znm-Buk is without equal. All druggists and stores soil it, 50c. n box or postpaid from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. MAI' BE OLDEST OF TEMPLES. Building Unearthed In Bahylonia Con- tains tricks of 1500 B. C. The oldest temple in the world, so fa- discovered, has been unearthed by excavator's at Bisya, in central Baby. knta, The walls of the tower were first un- covered and the summit cleared. The first inscription on tho surface was on a brick stamped with the name Dungi, which gees back to 2750 D. C. A little kwer appeared a crumpled piece of gold with the name Parana Sim, who lived in 9750 R, C. Just below were large square bricks peculiar to the reign of Sargon, 3300 D. C. and who was probably the first Semitic King of Babylonia A large platform was discovered two and a half yards below the surface which was constructed of peculiar con- vex bricks such ns were used in build- ing material 4500 B. C. ." •• AND FILLING. Seedy Willie (to bar-keeper)—"Your refusal, sir, to trust me to a paltry drink of whiskey fills mo with astonish- ment and indignation." Bar -keeper --"All right, sir; you can fill yourself up with nstontshment and indignation, and it don't cost you a copper, but if you want to fill yourself with whiskey you will have to pay cash." ---- WHEN BABY IS SIOK HIVE BABY'S OWN TABLETS The little ills of childhood often conte very suddenly and often they prove serious if not treated promptly. The wise mother will keep Baby's Own Tab- lets nlways at hand and give her little ones an <:ccnsional dose k, prevent sick- ness or to treat it promptly, if it comes unexpectedly. Rnhy.s Own Tablets cure all the miner ailments of children and are obsolukly safe. Mrs. A. 11. Benny - man, Mallal!, N. S.. says: --"1 have user) nnhy's Own 'cab:e Is for teething. Slates. constipation and other ills of child• The report is the result of nn fnvesti- l;ccel and have found them a safe and Kation entered by ('resident ileoseceht esecllent medicine." Sold try all nosh - and conducted by Federal ens'ts under cine desires or by moil at 25 cents a the dtrocUon of Prot M. J. iK•senau' lex brim The hr. \\'illian's' Medicine of the Hygienic Lntoratory. It is cite Co„ Drockville, Ont. cf the most thorough studies of the milk problem yet produced. Dr. Wyman declares that the Ideal milk, drawn fn ,n n env with It healthy udder anal preserved from contnmina- Lon, Is net the milk of commerce, aid tie cites the fact That samples of mnr- kel milk in New York &hewed 35.214,- 006 bacterin to the cubic, centimetre, I nndnn, 31.5148,000; \Vnehington, 22.- 1340%), and he culls allenlien to the evidence pfesonke1 In the report which fes given as proof that MI) epidemics ef typhoid fever. .s atlet fever and diph- theria were sassed by infected milk. He also refers to the evidence adduced tl nl 11 per r'cnt. of the samples ef %Ws.h iiglen milk contained tubercle germs. Past Assistant Surgeon-Cenernl Jona %V 11•ask has tabulate) the data of five hundred (epidemics that were de- finitely Irncel to the milk sepplies, in- cluding 317 typhoid epidenttes. 123 scar' be exercised, and the child left to his 14 t fever, 317 diplheria and seven of own devices. pseudo -diphtheria, or epidemic sere- It sh',uld Lc lnid down en a soft rug thn-nt. er mattress. in the winter near the open Dr. Trask gives flatiron lo show the fre, in the summer near an <pen, sun- emnzing rapiolty with which typhoid ny v;nd(,w, with lis clothing ecelnevcd, air.l diphtheria germs increase in milk. and nllswcd to kick and wave rind g'es- Seventy-eight typhoid germs in n cubic 'isolate nn•1 indulge in US funny nwno- EXERCISE FOR THE BABY. In considering the question of physi- cal exercise for very sinoli infants, it Ls couifurla1 a to remember that Nntura herself is quite capni Io el taking cure of this matter, unless site is stupidly bulked by the child s other and leu able guardians. Any cine Rho doubts Ih's statement bus newer had the privilege of watching a tiny but healthy baby brow and kkk when its restricting clothes are removed. This halt sheukl be fos'ered by parents, as the baby will never overdo it. 1l is not necessary to hang over 't all the bane. as so many parents do, lolking and laughing and overstilnulat- ing the tiny bruin at the $-sato time. .% few minutes of this each day will do no harm. but then self-control should centimetre (if milk Increased in seven drays to 110.(00.00n, In the sn►ne time thirty•nin0 diphthrr:a gcrnis lncr'coscd 1s) 10,000.0(0. Quoting II' !1:, '°nimRRsinner Dar- l'nglou3 slat, •• . ! haat tine milk sup - 11y. i New , . , 'r is derived horn scree term's el, 1 si Need from ;lt) eraanier;e) satiated in 5., dates, Dr. 1111 ..len says: "It is easy 10 dppreeinte how difil- en d rend expensive it would be to Step til• a s'iITicienlly lnomugh supervi..• of the lnulliple Sources cf the city : Dinh supply," i'X.te I Ll'. iter \les. Ilurt!:r had l,•'•:r,l so 7trol1v j•,kcs about the brides who could' t Innl'kct eueseisfully 'led she media sin lvr mind that the first request she nlmle t cif the ntorkclman wvould slow her I. Iv a sophia:cate,l lr•nseoife. "Sen.! Hie, phew." Rhe sa:•l, "Iwo French cliois and 1(0 green peas." Lfic• iii long as it wilt. !Nature. as vv, i t sfere, is then its nurse, and IL, I is F< and n1ns`1(e r.re n't getting their roper . !< . , .. •s being health : , u' , , ! ` o • !, �, ,• .::,g pro- ,ess i. t • se f , ,.• .t should 1 Black Remark- able for Watch richannessti pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 9167 IIEADACIiE FROM EvEs.rIAIN. Biasing himself on his records of nearly 1,300 eye examinations, Dr. S. W. S. Toms claims that 00 per cent. of at those suffering from relkx or neu- ralgic headache have ocular defects. Over 600 of the patients examined were altogether unaware of tho defect. Fully half the cases were of only slight refractive errors or muscular unbal- ance, and it is in these cases in which ciliary spawn 1s the direct factor in causing hendnche In persons whose oc- cupation calls for near ye—km that ac- commodative asthenopia results. There is, no npparent relation between the severity of the headache and the dc'give of the neuter defect, and nothing especially characteristic, except perhaps 111e patient's nun -suspicion of the cause. Sickeess or health impairment rainy be the lira inciting factor in some patient with c• m:dernble ocular defects which I;avo n., trouble te f• re. EXPERT SEWING-MA(:BINE REPAIRS. a SPRING BLOOD IS BAD BLOOD flow to Het New Health and Strength in the Spring, Tho m.nter months aro trying to the health et even the most robust. Con- finement indoor in uvencented and near- ly always badly venlaatel rooms—in the home, in the shop and in the school taxes the vitality of even the strong- est. The blood becomes titin and wat- ery, or clogged with impurities, tto liver sluggish, the kidneys weakened. Sometimes you get up in the meriting just us tired as when you west to bed. Sortie people have headaches; others oro kw spirited; some have pimples and skin eruption. These are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of con- dition. You can't cure these troubles with purgative medicines, which mere- ly gallop through the system leaving you still weaker. What you need to give you strength In spring is a tonic, and the one always reliable tonic and blood builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills not only banish spring ills, but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such ns anarmin, nervous debility, rheumatism, Indiges- tion and kidney trouble. Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes new rich, red blood, which blrengthens every nerve, every organ artel ' r n e art of and every p the body. This Is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is the favorite spring medi- cine with thousands and thousands Throughout Canada. Try this medicine this spring and you will have energy and strength W resist the torrid hent of the coming summer. Mrs, Jas.Bos- kel, Port Maitland, N. S., says: "I was trembled with headaches, had a bad taste in my meulh, my tongue was coat- ed, and 1 was easily tired and suffered f►'oni a feeling of depression. 1 got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs, and It was not long before they began to help me and 1 was soon feeling as well as ever 1 had been." l'ou cnn get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents n box or six boxes for $2.'i) from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -sir---- \\'IiER1:LN THE DiFFER. '.title Willie—"Say, pa, what's the dif- ference between an optimist and a pes- simist?' 1'a—"An optimist sees only the dough- nut. my sen. while the pessimist sees nothing but the )tole (herein.' itolloway''s Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would endure them wllh such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach? An empty head contains a lot of use- less information. Experlenee and real estate booms are great leachers. Physical Paln ant mental anguish afflict the victims of skin di.eaaee. Net rid of both by rub hind Wervere Cerate on the heated, itching, di.• figured face. 'The relief given is am"ng the wonders of medicine IF. Hew fair this world would he. Ilow free from care, any brothers, It after this nor poor nor rich Would wish to live on profits which Were justly earlu.J by ethers. When yon one Ramsay's Paints, you aro astonished to And how far they g", how beautiful they are, haw long they last, and how reasonable. They work so exalts, anybody can apply them. Your dealer will show a range of Ane colon for your house Inside or out. Write A. Hammy A Pon Co., Montreal, for pack of lrouvenir Picture Post Cards of Homes. JUST AS '11:11111F11\';, I.niy i sachet -"Talk retail bratery--- 1 sin", afraid uy cnnylhing 41st tvolkc." Saoler! Samuel- "Neither ani 1, hal tint ain't .ay`:n' much. A cnke no soap can't %yolk.'' Alan sewlni raschlne nil of absolute purity, and SAT CAUSES READACl3E. et as les sad arts for all wrchtaes at Singer .1 ,... Any lolly Ansing weed any make of wiringninth ine for 8 years or more write S4aUer Hering Machin* Co., Planning C'An„ahers. Toronto, for beaur(tul set of fed Ooueenir giflee of ()Mario. tree Jur seamy. Metep Annntuel--"new• queer! Beres n Glory nt.out a roan oho :unite n fortune out et nn attachment fur n sr'wing-mm chine" Arthur ;swills) --"That's nothing. I vc formed an nllnchment for the sweetest little sewing -machine in the world. and would consider my fortune made it she'd have late." (No (ands.) The merits of Dickies Antt.Cnnsump- tive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving almost in- stnnt relief when the throat is sore a ilh coughing and the echoic pulmon- ary region disonlerel in consequence. A bottle of this vSerld.farned Syrup will save doctors bilis, end n great deal of suffering. Price 25 cents, at nit dealers. Ila\IE ('%'DES. Eye Wash -Add n Iensp'onful of pow- d•red boric ncid to one cup of Loihi►fg water; strain and apply to the eyes night rind morning. T ltemm•e'a ping.--Thra.1 n needle -'rang thread: pass enrefu'ly un- • o ring trend first, wind Ilse threw! y around the finger regularly nil (Sewn te %lie nail In rvluce its site, Then take hold of the short end e.1 the Thread and unwind it. The Ihr.,,,1 pressing age nst ring gradually Mitt re. move it tom Ona: r. Eat plenty of c,niens. rs, rcielly in Pie s) ning. T oke n pint hew). peel and sl:ee hhil of deems. put two-thirds cup el sugar over them and cev. r with n small plate That wilt press them ,.lows. in the merlins/ there will ie n Iho h CI ribs that is excellent i(,r cools (r sore Take n tiw allow• cceas:onally. nc, thicken with cofn ' r p 111.'0, put over lungs kr e• l's. kneon to prevent pneumonia. has October 10 May. Cnida ars the moat fro. twat ammo( Headache. LAXATIVE ISSOMO QUININE reasoveaeasee. R. 1I. Grove ea bag IN/ NO CILeNt;E. Patience -"Thot long-haired nom with the diamonds et the pians matted life 6A a poor rnusician." Petrice- "Weil, he's Ihtit yet," ITCIN, Mang*, !'rause Scratches and every form of contagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wet. kers !estuary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by alt druggtata. 111E 011110 \\\l. "Of course;" remarked Stn} tete, "terms Things go tt itheut saying." "fes." rejotned \gas \Wearyun, ns she glanced at the clock and Irie;l to strangle n yawn, "end some ethers say without going." , How a man does hate to bo grateful for an i)1 -limed favor, to niter yenrs n eourlship converted into a battle ship. may 1e ISSUE NO. 14-0S. TOLD U1 GE:.STLIiES. Silent Te'liuninty of a Deal %lute ha a French \larder Trial. A murder trial at Bordeaux, France, in whi.h an innkeeper, his wife and two accomplices were charged with kil- ling a customer was the occasion of a dramatic seene when one of tho wit- rteesses took the stand. This witness, ranted Lacampagne, was n deaf mute ignorant of the ordinary linger langu- age. Ills brother-in-law and two of his friends appeared to translate his ges- tures into words, but their servi_es were really unnecessay, so clearly did he express himself by that instinctive rnlmicry which is sometimes the ac- companiment of speech but hero be- came its substitute. During his evidence the deaf mute, who haat been the handy man of the inn, always designated the victim by sucking in his cheeks against his teeth, the landlord by shaking ids fist — his employer's usual 'nettled of speaking to him—the landlord's wife by putting his hands to his hair, one accomplice by curling his moustache, and the other by striking an iroglnary match on his trousers, as this prisoner wits a smug- gler of matches. Then with short abrupt gestures, ns clear as they were rapid, he told his story, how tho landlady sent hits away ort an errand, how he returned to find Ih' door locked, how he entered by the cellar door, saw the corpse. saw one murderer washing a blood stained ham- nmer, another cleaning hitt face anal slandlady nibracln her ten and no e hands, the 6 husband as 1f to thunk him for what he had done. The landlord caught sigh) cf him and dealt hire a violent blow, then, changing his mind, mnde signs to hien to help to get rld of tho holy. At this point the landlord, who clearly followed the deaf mules story, broke In with "That's a lie! 'That's a lief' Lnenmpngno turned, looked in the landlord's face, then stamping his foot he raised his hand and stood in the sante solemn attitude in which he had token the oath. ' ThLs evidence and a confession by the mustache wearing pruner were enough to convict tho accused. The landlord and the match smuggler were sentenced) to death. the others to im- prisonment for fifteen years. — T HOT WOOING. • One lover wooed with burning words— Called her his clover honey; Tho other made 'her warm to him 13y simply burning money. A Sure Cure of Ilcadache.—Bilious headache, in which women aro more subject than men, becomes s•) acute in some subjects that they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there is a constant rind distressing ef- fort to free the stomach from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Par - melee's Vegetable Pills are a speedy al- ternative. and In neutralizing the el - feels of the intruding bile relieves the pressure on the nerves which causes the headache. Try then!. THE NOISY EATER. (If table manners such as his No mortal could bo proud; The greatest trouble with him Ls Ile will eat soup aloud, PIUS CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. WAIO OINTMENT It gavranteed to now art arra of Itching, Nllnd, Bleeding or Peseadhle hose la * to 14 days or aa)ney refunded. 100. JusT L11:E A WOMAN. "Isn't that just the n wdnnan? She gave Hie 19 pcn•:e until I !ought her it piano to play.' "Well?" "New ehe'e too lazy to play it, and io after sic W buy her lin uutomatC player.' Itew ars sue of aorta get a bottle of 7errovtat• tlse best tonic, acrd,•will he asrprlsed ►„w Quickly that tired u feeling w111 wear oft. SLUG bottles. 411 dealers le meellda. 111.IJ1' I I'1.! I.D. First \tun—What a blessing che'tlren acct Second Man (enthustasUcally) — Aren't they! Now that my wife has two to look rifler, she has no time te play the piano, To Those of Sedenlnry Occupalien.--- Men who follow r.•edentory• o.-cupnti„nc, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise., are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than (hose who lead active, outdoor lives. The fernier will Mid In Parmelee's Vegetable ihlls a restorative without question the most efficacious en the market. 'They are easily procurable, easily Iu,kr n, nct expeditiously. aril 'Ley are ' mprisingly cheap consid r ng their ex- cellence. ON IIIS KNEES. "'this will bring your father to his knees,” remarked a woman to her chil- dren, as she slowed them a dun of flexr paint. When yon nee Ramsay'a Paint., you are astonished to find how far they go, how beautiful they are, bow long they last. and how reasonable. They work to easily, anybody can apply thrtn. Your dealer w111 show a range of fine colors for your house inside or out. Write A. Ramsay A Pon ('o., Montreal, for pack of Soutettr Picture Post ('ands of Homes. THE \Il !tiff). "Ire loves MO" or "Ile 'eves The question gr'nt to settle The maiden takes a daisy fair And nmputalcs cash petal. Perhaps her mind is set at rest And Ls no longer hazy, nal all observers will agree It's tough upon the daisy. Backache Headache Internal Pains. Mr. Smith, fond of a joke. said to his wife the other day: "1 bcheve there 13 a special Providence which protects beickloycrs' laborers. 1)o you know That only yesterday one silppc,l oft a {0 -fool ladder and was not ihurt In the slightest degree.' 1That rounds almost rnirncutous." mid Mrs. Smith. "Oh, n' : them was nothing rnarellous ages! Ile slipped oft the first rung." "If every suf- fering. woaflan would lake J'e- they Y would soon know as value and never be without it." I1'.: ions 0±1,1 t'.111 the fourth 'settle et it 1 nuns perfectly cured. "I'. r this erases 1 recommend it to n't these who are suffering with that Ir rraLle malady, dyspepsia. 1 hopo that all who are afflicted in this was will take Peruna and Maintain as Idol." Chronic Nasal ('-larrh. Mr. Cha.s. If. Stevens. 122 Sixteenth . Deliset, Mich., writes: "It atfurde 111e great pleasure to testi- fy to the merits of Peruna as a teniedy for catarrh. "1 suffered for some time with cheese!& nand catarrh, Sul utter five months' Imutment during which time 1 used seven betties ef Peruna 1 ant pleased to say that I am entirely well. there not being the slightest trace of catarrh left. "Peruna is without a doubt, In my mind, the greatest remedy known for caturrh." MRS. JOSEPII LACF.LLE, 124 Bronson SI„ Ottawa East. Ontario, Canada, writes: "1 suffered) with backache, }headache and dragging pains for over nine months, and nothing relkvcrl Ise until 1 took Peruna. This medicine Ls by far better than any other medicine for those troubles. A foto bottles relieved Inc of my miserable half-dead, half -alive con- dition. "I ani now in gond health, have nei- ther ache nor pain, nor have I had any for the past year. "If every suffering woman would lake Pertmn, they would soon know its value and never bo without it." Dyspepsia and Indigrst in. Nide. Joseph Beaudoin, 59 flue SI. Olivier, Quebec, P. Q., Can., writes: "Peruna is wonderful for indigestion. 1 eat whatever I want and no longer feel any oppression. Having had dys- pepsia for a long time and having tried vicious . thcr remedies, 1 decided to try N%'eak, Tired Feeling. Miss Martie A. Lesser, 928 W. 3Gth St., Chicago, 111 , Worthy Secretary 1. 0. G. '1'.._ writes: "1 nm glad to give a good word for Peruna, and f hope that all who see this who are Troubled with systemic catarrh as I was for years, will profit by i1. "1 had Iric(1 many remedies, but rone and more thanive me temporary re - Let. anal some did not even do that. "1 to:,k Peruna at the suggestion of a trend, and was more than pleased and surprised et the rest:Ps. "1 ala now perfectly well And strong. That weak, tired feeling has left me, r,nd I feel like a different person en- tirely." n- tirely-." The Slavery of Disease. It is wonderful how many women in Canada and the United States have been practically made new again by the use of Peruna. Not the victims of any organic disease, tut just a half-dead and half -alive, con- dition. Miserable. dragging pains that keep a woman always from doing her best work, front being her best self. Cross and petulant. perhaps. Mitybe even a Mattern in her household, just because her health Is centinuaih' below ,par. She never feels quite right. She gets the reputation of being sullen, or iner- tial, or ill tempered. Her trouble is not a moral ono at all. it is simply n physical one. Make such n•wontan well and AO. immediately be - Mmes transformed into a new being mentally. This is exactly what Peruna has done in a multitude of cases. WANTED Our readers to note the facts regarding the recent important discovery in medicine made by an eminent French physician, and the formula en(Iolsecl by Canadian phy- sicians and druggists—PANGO. This Latin term signifies in the English language pain go, This remedy is not a patent medicine. It is not a specific for all of the human ailments. The company do guar- antee marvellous results in certain cases. These cases are amongst tho most painful to which all are 'lore or less subject, and hence the years of study resulting in this discovery. The company will refund all moneys paid in any case where Tango fails to relieve, and any purchaser can upon ap- plication secure the benefit of this guaran- tee, Neuralgia, Gout, Rheumatism, Colds. Price 23 and 50 cents. The Pango Company, Toronto When 1t comes to rpanSinf ill of their neighbors 'nest terpk tie there n.th the good. Much distress and sickness in clot- dren is cnuse•I by warns. Mother (;raves' Worm Exterminator gives re- ed by lelTov,ng 1114) cause, Ghe It loal rind be convinced. Mary had n tulle lamb, She lit it with her teeth. Then snid, "It may be Iamb outside, But 'Its mutton underneath,' a TO crap A COLD iN ONE DAT t�rurage�istsxr refund mousIVE ey If It fall, 1e coreO Quloine . E. W. Mists sfgrater* is to each hoz. tie. 'I'IIUL'' PIIEDII ZION. "And the clairvoyant kid you Iltat you would bo swindled?" "Exactly." "And were you?" "Yes. Stio charged No 82." —At REST ANO RECUPERATION. To provide a restful environment without sanatorium restrictions, to enable tired hu- manity to recuperate naturally, to tenure to the average man or woman the needed ebonite from worry and rare. and to do these at moderate cost, is the miesion of "The Welland,' the home of "The lit Cath- arines Well." Apply the manager, Pt. Catharines, or any Agent of (fraud Trunk Railway Pystem. 1111: '\IAI.I. BOYS JOEL. "Pa. Ls ll true :oil flesh Ls grass?" risked the inquis,t ve boy, "Yes, my toy. replied the proud par- ent, "that's whirl, the Bible tells us.' 'then. pa, why don't these fat folks who are so tins:eus to be Thin hate the lawn sower run ever them?' A 'I,•\‘•I•. • y, I!.Iy 11 • ur . •.ec, !.:,o bury i.: re- ',' inti honey; They cn-o sur she, ks, 1 , y darn our sacks - ;, , is nil oust n11 our money. Thera la Only Ono //Bromo Quinine' it That la Laxative Brame Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A OOLO /N ONE DAr. Always remember the full name. Look for this signature on every box. 25e.