Exeter Times, 1908-04-02, Page 7111000000004000000000004
TO1.1066.\N I:t,.
The toboggan was at the door, gay
Wilts flowered cushions. lis curved
leant beckoned the children out.
'%Vow you re sure you 11 le careful,'
said int,ther, in the doorway.
"Oh, Joie needn't hurry," said Fred,
pulling on phis gloves with a grown-
up -,iron air. "1'11 look after Sister Lou
t%o'I as father Ii'nl'elf would. Don't
1 kvitt big enough to take' care of a little
girt like you, Sister Lou?'
"Yes," bald S stet• Iron, Trudging down
the steels. a soft b.,11 of elide: wesoly
wraps. with her frece smiling out the
ert:r opening in the.
"Ili peril yuu to Il:c It►ll, said Fred,
Yelping her up 011 the cushions. "Now
Jr -,1d on! See, one bund on this rope,
and the other on this one: Those are
the side ropes.'
.Saler Lear n:ed•le,l her whit,' h:onriet,
and equeeezed the rape; in her hands.
Fred dragged the toboggan to the top
of tete hill in the side garden.
"Lsn't it fun''" he asked. "flue just
wait till we coast.".
thought that perhaps when she
t•,uu t herself sitting at the top of lite
eatunimg track that the boy; hail made,
she you'd be frigtitened; but she look-
ed as serene as a snow -bird.
"Fred! Fred!' called a void' from the
pt,lzza. "here are your she,.,!"
The new ".Rees" that had taken \(r.
L nsted so king to make!
"See Mere, Sister Lou,' he said, brisk-
ly, "1 want awfully to get them. Witt
you sit right still while 1 go over to
tit,' house 11 minute?"
"Yes,' answered Sister t.:►n. within 200 yards of the Sheffield De -
She nlennt to sit still. Rut Fred was Dr. Williams' Pink fill,. and atter tak- tectivo Force ilendquarters recently,
gene longer than she expeetol, eo iuuclt Ing a couple of boxes we could see an and rifled ttiv. sates. They got away.
1• •ng4•r that after a time she forgot her improvement in her oondition. She A pocket -le .4* containing .£900 in
;►assn;o. She stood up tenet looked the used the pills for some v.e•eks longer, Rank of England notes wad found at
toboggan all over tovinilly. 11 had when they fully restored her health, the Guildhall retiring -rooms by an at-
cemn•, only a few days before, and was and she Ls r►otw enjoying the pest health tendant, who handed them over to the
still Lew to her, hr<d thought it was she ever did. Tr; Dr. Williams' Pink x)hce.
oke a little !►c,al, not to go on the w•alcr. Pitt; this spring if you want to be heal- .A whit:' -haired old gentleman hal:
Nit on the stow," she said. "And it is, the and strong. Sold by all mediefiner lie,.n going round the West End of
tally it has n rope to pull it by." dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box [rcndon with a ba of •.►I1 and silver,
she gave the stt;'ing a Jerk, and rne,vcd (.f* SIX boxes. for $2.50 from The Dr. inviting all sorts of people' to "dip" in
MO toboggan a Mello on the smooth \\ illiams Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. it for coins.
"1W'il,i! Wily don't you sit still?''
shouted Fred. running down the front
ti:.ler i.ou hurrtudly ser•nnailed into
h.', ',eat again. "1 form (,i.' she started
to say. but else 63141 "Oh! Oh!" instead,
for the tobegian began to move. In
peeving with the string she had pulled
it tee4)r lo the slippery hill. Now it was
running away with her! The curvet
font already was dipping toward the
messier, while slide.
Friel ran at the lop of Iris speed.
'-Take holt of the side rapes'" he shout -
"Mild tight!" Ile fell as if he wore
rock. on hts feet instea I of overshoe!
T.-• think of !hat while ball of n baby
s stele g1'dhng away in her little boat
.!t Iva tltc steep elope so 5.. ftly! And
there. nt Iii left 'ef the elide et the bot -
tem •1 the coast, was the pile of stones.
1'14 d !lung himself (le wn on the slide,
1 mit I,e w•as just too late M catch the
'back rope, Thyro was policing to do
PURGATI VES ISIAtS Il,' w ill. Alio, l lolIV Q1 1.1,
Many People Ruin Their Health
Using Purgatives in Spring.
A spring meat: art.' is an actual neeos-
sity. Nature deniends it as an aid to
carrying off the imIpur•ittee that have
accumulated In the blood during the
%. inter months. Thousands of people'
recognizing the hec<.ssity of a sprung;
medicine dose themselves with harsh,
griping purgatives. This is a seri',us
mistake. A'.k ung doctor and ho will
tell you that the use of pergatrve medi-
cine weakens the s}•stern, brit does riot
cure dL-ieatic'. In the sprung the system
noels building up --purgatives weaken.
The blood slwuld be uncle rich, red and
pure --purgatives cannot do the;. What
needed in the spring is a tonic, and
(lie Lost soul,: medical .i"i.'nce hits yet
devised is Dr N'tlliuu, s' 1'i;lk %•ill..
Every diose of the medicine actually
mak.ts JICW rich red Wood. '1'itis new
blond strengthens every organ, every
nerve, every part of tho body. Pito(
15 why Dr. Williams' fink Pitts ban-
ish pinlpl.'s ani unsightly .skin erup-
tions. That is why they cure headaches,
backaches, nceuntattsin. neuralgia, gen-
eral weakness and a host of other trott-
t,les dint oomo from poor, watery
blood. That is why Wren and women
who use 1)r. William Pink Pills eat
well, sloop w.'11, and feel bright, ac-
tive and strong. Mrs. Joseph Lepage.
SI. Jerome, Que., says: "My daughter
stcfle)r'eed from headaches and ,liizitx'sc.
flier appetite wee poor. She had no
strength and could not study or do any
work. ,She was thin and pale as a
sheet. A neighbor ndvise.I the use of
AND ITIS 1'I:U1•I.l:.
Occurrences in the Land Thal 1L..3ns
Supreme in the Commercial
A rat n ne'eon inch's iong has leen
killed ut 1"ewshoet, near Alder,hul.
The late Lord Nunburulsotnts left
tate valued for probate at £983,34i.
It is proposed to hold a pageant in
the Denten anrj,illrcatt'o at 1)urch!'.•G.•r
111 1' i('►'J.
It is estimate! that there ar,' 5,01)0
American., permanently rest hag :n the
city of London.
The guardians of tete Lai, b"ti We're
1'.!ls! etre%',' decided to send thh,I•ty pew
ler children to Canada.
One hundred and twenty officers and
Wren of th' Third Coldstreants left
tit nth :mapt,n recently, blunt] for Egypt.
Themes Bentharl, a Crinwan veteran,
who (heti re.ently in extrenio poverty
in Fulwood rues awarded a Military
The wife of an agricultural lebore'r at
['Wham St. Mary, N'•)rfolk, wee savage-
ly attacked by a cat, which enc\erely bit
her fingerr3.
A centenarian resident of Tottenham
named Sarah Ing. wilt) was in her 101st
year, has died. She was u native of
Thurlow, Suffolk.
The District Railway is now running
thirty-one trans an hour in the buss
Parts of the day, which is claimed as
a record for any tlrne.
Burglars br ,k:' into a suite nt of1iC4's
For somte montes meet of nlesna have
IN HIS BEDROOM t•ccn sitting tight. Nn »e'alth for safe
- - atvestment. At this time et the year
there comes the nature'. )ebound.
Donato the n*c •art illness of tine Cm- Moneyed men want s•»ne place toin-
perm. of Au.trie, lies physician, Dr. vest the r money %% here they will get a
Kers!, had a number u( small pine larger title/Ail than this banks
g pay and
trees, gnowuig ut tul.s, placed in his yet have an al.solute surely that It wilt
l edruorll, o.in 'ert;ng the rs ozn into a t,ot to sunk out of sight with no return.
miniature) pine foretmt. To meet this cond.l:on one of the bet
'1 he healing g►loperlexe of they pines c'►nlpanieee in the city are offering pre -
are recognized by the leading pliy,i- (err•eeel to.•k in their concern and guar-
cians and sCieentrits of the world. Thou- auto.' an 8 per cent. a''cwnulative di%1.
sanely of people afflicted with lung den] j actable each year. They twin
tr•oubie and bronchial affections who tt.ut the privilege of buying out the ,n -
ate not in a i oe:twn to Wt -0 home and vtstor of the s:o• k he lies purchases.) et
l.u,inees to lire out among the pines, the exploit:sin of three years, by giving
42.111 procure at email C-)st the t . a1th- him an advr.nce of 10 per cent. on the
g viiig properties of tlee pine fere;t, guar val,i,e of 11is SIMMs pllrs teed per
deg h! 111 their own home. cent. guarantee,! dividend.
\'!rigin Oil of Rin..' please Tossesses Thie appears to bo an investment
ah the tee'retpeutte: virtu.) for wlrrch the stand and guaranteeing good nlone�.
lila'', rr•• ne)ttA. 11 is carefully prepared, 1l is only those who are anxious 1.,
being .r combine,/ m of Cho a,'ti%.) i,r•in- make a goe'd b• -ma fide inve,trt•'nt that
ciplee 4,f f• oset tree+i, and is gviirenteed the Compan! \visit to talk to. Full in -
free (rein any impure or deleterious formation will be given by addressing
gubsta,,• s. (Seed ocixnedlug W (Noe. Box ei 3, Toronto General Post Mice.
lions it wilt break ftp a poled In :t hours
and piurrlptly relieve and step th' ir-
railing cough. Of3i.l\'101'S.
Virgin Oil of Phis is put tip In 3; -oz.
vials only for druggists to disp.'n-,,,, firs. \1'i m 1a ', de has on:y broken
ea,�tt vial encbsal ler a round wooden e.nN e1i;h t,, -slaw, dear%
case l•, prevent breaks p, Air. \1'igg;s- 1'het's bettor'. flow did
breakage and ex )sure+ it hig►(Ieri°
t4• light. The case Ls sealed with an
engraved wrapper -511-swing the name- il's- \VIg gs-It was OW lu;t one.
Virgin Oil of fine compound (pure), pr'-
parisi only by Leach Chemical (;o.,
\\ indsor, Ont., -plainly printed thereon.
It is w,'!I to get the genuine. Should
your druggist be unable, to supply you,
you can trey.) 1) 1- -oz veal malted to
you by =ending S0 cents to the Leach
Chem ie 1I rte),, \\'lndseir, Ont.
murderer wh,)sa r.►flln had boon ao1d,
sat in Justice upon tho culprit nal con-
demned him to death. Ile asked that
he be burled alive instead n( receiving
the horrible torture of the "thirty sl.cr's.
The father interceded with the other el-
ders to get theme I,0 grant hs son's re-
A grave was dug, and the vielinl, i i leatex,an,plee .,ma'am; [ was the 1:.)r
with his arms and feet se's uroly bound,
was trundled in a wheelbarrow to the TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY
edge? d►f the pit by pts «ifs. There upon the murderer's osren re. la.fat his Tatra Ls$ refund
$80ti() Qulnlao Tablets.
beanie U D (tte refund mosey it It falls to cure. a. W.
nwere loosed and lie walked to oa��A's atsastnre i, se each bog. Lao.
il,e' grave, lowered himself into it and
twit; ready. iN SPITE O1' 'Till: PANIC.
e!r— Mr. Harris. a 'Ugh Wycombe builds!", The victim's wile put a felt hat over Stranger --"What is that crowd elo-
MAKING -A CITY 10ORDiat, who went bankrupt twenty years ago his mouth at his request, and then she ing in front of the Lank!! Ilan it tailed?"
-� and then paid a dividend of 7s. Gs. on helped the older.; to fill In the grave Policeman -"Oil, tie; the depo,;itors
-Prince Rnperl to he the Greatest Model the £ has just paid alt his creditors 'nwith six feet of earth. aro merely having a run for their
Through the long winter one needs a
change. Why go Routh when ''The Wel-
land," Rt. Catharines, offers an environ-
ment at moderate cot which will minister
to tired nerves and worn out bodies' Try
the tonic influence of "The Rt. Catharines
Well" and the restful influence of -The
Welland.'' Apply the manager, 6t. Cath-
arines, or any Agent of Grand Trunk Rail.
way System.
Tramp-"llelp ate, lady, p'eas:'. For
three years 1 worked for tete grand
cause of temperance. ma'am."
Lady-"\Weme you a tern):eruncc' ora-
(:icy 1'M Built.
On taking .s-om8 old business premises . PROOF!
has been a\ti ne led the contract for Weak- seed a groused doer /widest to a cellar, ; Tient Tarn -Rik Grows New Healthy Skin,
A Boston firma .of lanttscape architects irk Biniriighurm, a tradesman diseov-
Tasted by Time. -In his justly ce:ci,rrtt
Ing; the ger •tial plans for the meth.) city which • proved to be st,x\ks'el with old \Ir. S. yt;tt')fletei, of 467 Hamilton w Pills Dr. Parmelee has given to the
which the (:rand Trunk I'ucili,; 'tail- port, sherry, champagne east w•hiskej . ' !t.)rt,f London, Ont., say,; ".i friend world one of the most unique medic'' e-
road is k) build in Brash Columbia es Toward, the £30,000 mitered for the et mince 'Mr. Willietti Ball. of mired i to the public int late ypill mice
the Pncinc terminus of the great new exte.usu,n of the Lond'in Homoeopathic London) wa,- severe) an.1 terribly card to ntui the want for a pill . and
rrrilroa<1 system which w rev%% being ltosp►tal. Lent Cawdor, the treasurer, burned through arty oxp;onion • f could would
taken without nausea, has
built across Canada. ha., received the sum ut £10.000 (KIM kerosene roll. lien w e taken to that all
purge without pet direction, it ns
The contract is one of Itte largest ever Si-' Jlenry Tyler. the hospital otter's he suffered 411- rn'dt all r(' In ge le al inthatoly
given for a similar undertaking, says Statistics 05 t') the eonsilmntlon of tense pain. The wounds refused to heal 'arrd it is in general iI not u1)1�• tee-
the \'silage-. As yet there is only a liquor in the \Vest /lain Workhouse and the doctors decided to resort to cause of these n goeseesti, but ive
small settler nt where it is intended a are ae f,flows: During tau; £Pt 1 . M. skin grafting. and I consented to have canis it is known to fl,11'! C alterative
Berges and imlpoitant commercial and was spelt!, ns aerialist L1tl 8.s. In it)t)I;. some Skin trap, lanteed from my les and curative .powers which place it in
rnnnufacluring city will be built. The .£44J5 I- ('►d. ur 19(1.x, and £),031 1?s, t P Y lett front rank of le kilos.
settlement Ls on Kalen Island and the 1e' in 1941.
new city will be known as Prince Ru• The free baths provided by the Mary-
pert. le•b,m" Rlrutrgh ('council at (trove road. Ruk. F'r,nt the time ho applied Zit
'['he area which is available for the Sl. J.hn'c \\''!
to les lody. Although thee was done
en .severitl oeeastone, the skirt reftlue'I Iii: WAS CURED.
"tel take" until Mr. Ball tte:uvt o! Zane
"They het' tell me that you hate carred
yourself of chronic inso,nnin."
"Yes. I'm completely ental."
"It must bo a great relief."
"Relief( 1 should think it wee. \\'he ,
1 lie awake half the night thinking how
I used to suffer from it."
„ever re . eans'ng Ituk, new healthy skin began tie, grow.
s to comprise; between seven and eight e: i'et.sons Art, were m:ed. In the last I then used kiln -Bok for the places On
tett slide down the hill after her, call- omen, mikes, although only a small municipal }e:rr, by G.701 males. tell my leg faint which the skin was re -
lug alt the way, "I to to the sde ropes!" ),art of this will be developed widen,females, 2,191 boy,, and :1.7.t.t girls, nwved, ant i ala glad to report that
Sister I.ou's totwggan flew clown 1.114) the near future. The island Is of coil-' Although only twenty-ea:lit years et new akin INA grown, end therefore eon -
hill awl spurn part way round with siderable size, but only abut one-third age, \\'m. Brown, en ^lecirician, who sitter ?sired -Boli tete beet skin food t )tate
1.er; then it enrn•• to a gentle slop out will be nvaileblo becau-.e of the muun• died recently at Fulham, weighed Me known...
oil the level field. some dislanco from thin, Mount Ilays. which rises to an Wounds. Medical evidence at the in- For healing ec,em ), runningsorei4
Ilk' tone heap. Fred gavo a gasp of elevation e�f 2,301) feet near the cemt,e quoit sit 'wed that the heart weighed cuts, bruises, burns,
�eli,of, "Only it'll spoil all her fun! c; the island. K bolls. cruplion4,
Qt ounc»; (twice the neer s al weight .,f seal!) wire:. Iteh, chapped hand:: and
81)0'11 never want to heboggan agrtln!' The rennet(' will crts s from the a rain ',f his age), arid the livor seven disease:; of the skin Zan -fink i4
be e e ar:e+d, a, he ran toward her.
igut Sister Lout earnest up al him from 6 without equal. All druggists and store's
cell it. ewe a box of pest -paid front the
Irl -r ctrslriun;. 1 best." she crie'.1, "1 tl fi t ( Zant-Iluk Co.. Tor oto.
Leal! May' f go alone Eon1e mere?'
At hedtim•' I-re'J lead mother abent mime 200 feet long. Already a dock a MEANS SICKLY BABIES Hew happy women weal.' be if they
It "And Sister Lou's no 'trald-eat, ttoirsend text long has been e-rnstrnct. i could It'd
fee said, Ibr.indly, "lint supposing si!e'd
mainland k, Porpoise' Island and then
h, Knien lslnnd by means of brides
to ri. e, which will 1}o abut a quar-
ter of a mile in length and the st'eond
1>, unds.
Rost -colored spots oa the bodies of rhrr,lres
ire eoatetienes mistaken for raeaste.. l hn troohle
may. 1►e ro+oolt, a local 13aes,e of the •ilia;
Promptly cured wit%, weavor's Berate.
Binke--I notice that yeti have a
thread lied around your finger, 1 stip.
f►ose that is to remind you of some-
, wiut get ing edd, thing. '
t ser along a pert .ef the welt -Tined thief ' Ti,' baby who se:ff-•r; from indigos- Jinks -Not ei.actl�•. It is to remind
tR' u111,nO 'nether. is'o )I�n lrmrteha'lerv► all my it Is Wanted h1 extend Ibis for a t1;' ►, tern is simply starving to death, It Tearing Dow.3tttbale deee not delay storms. I my wife to ask me 1f 1 forgot some-
b''o'%+'rt• lunger drslanre. The shows are very I.se II!) de.5 re' 1•or G►'ti1 and the little Apium 1�ien "atodtllnee " Ii not cure w'bes' teeing bite told me to remember.
VP as.1 els ubhi 1 wab:'--You1h'., (one Loll. nil ibis %%•i11 aid gently in pr,- it d0e4 take d'x' it ne good; the child �''a fru'a t" ceetsh1 of b Allen. tins, ttat,aaq, .
res tn,o :,pines. s healing power.
paring (,laces for shipping and also
keep down the eosl of building docks.
It is said lo be the pinn to have the
shipping and wholesale business on the
first level, widish ries to Ti or 100 feet;
the retail business and the public t►uild-
ings on the second level, which is some
200 feet high Hill forms n sort Of ridge,
and the residences still further back
Oft a thirst leevdi of about 100 feet eleva-
(:1:1 i IAC: 1111(01 ti11 1%1' 1.1\%:,4.
tItinee.e Spy Carried a 1iessage From
One Itrrs'efan General to Another.
(.tr.ne"+e honest/ is proverbial, but
werild seem le have its etccptiun. The
!ley. John I1. K. 1)o Forest, for thirty -
Ls f.et'vish, avis, and re•rth'. , and the
mother feeeis worn out in caring for it.
itabys Own Tablets always cure Indi-
gestion, and make the child sleep heal-
ihily nail ncttrrrnlly. 51rs. (fro. uwelI,
::ends lee ileh. Que.. says: "11y bah,.
,suffers" feint indigestion. colic and
voulitin e, and cried day and night, but
after giving hint itahy's Own Tablets
114. (rouble disappeared end he Le now
five years rt's,dent in Japan and high a healthy chill." The Tablet; will cure
,ti the confidence of Japanese atate5- ( Ample provision tor parks will be ell the minor ailments of babyhood and
Men and cefllclals, told of an epiro ie 1 made. There is an cxe ellent chalice for childle:el 1. Sold 1►y medicine Beakers ar
winch h•' had personal knowledge
ts) le watt the; army of Kuroki in Stan -
"Some of the spies 114et1 by kith sides
Iii! ire; the war were Chtneue,' he said,
'1 .)lions not infrequently testifi-
•'•ipetkin one day had a pnrrete
la. v rnporfnnt ineQeage le bend to (.en.
`'t•,.- .•'l. To get lhreetgh the Japan -
•a4. :,e•t eortn'd almost out of l' a qucs-
iie,n. 1 ut 1110 11uss.nn cormmend<r went
1e, R Chinese 'amens for his skill and
intrepidity. The old fellow didn't want
1r risk 11, tut Kuropatkfn cajoled hint
se if. giving him $300 and promising
bin) Seal when lie returned.
"\\ h•ett he rcaehe.l the vicin fy r.( the
talo:.n,'c,' lines. with nn int. nt.on Hint
pad e% el• ntly leen with hits !nom the
item. 1e \tent straight to litooki. In -
e et ng %Matt h.s hits;tress was 11•ry press-
' 11.' explained in (►,1! f i 1Cu;tiki That
the Ilhc.'ian General land given hire n
13si; whish la' could not perform leee-
�.ii •,f the adrolrahle dispesitien of the
J„; •1s. forces, that iherefere he hal
e • 1e next lest 11r:, gl and c- sale
etre t;i t to the itlustriole• leader of the
tr eeigrhant Jepann•e.
"1<,moki re's ) the despatch, gave '1
tar -k leo pima. hide him go on lo Sfoes-
ee: w.th it and rate:rn with the answer
to tee J.tt,rineci Cnrnp. where lie tic )alai
re e % $:e1!) art,) be 1ernlittr+l to carry
tl ee ei ewer en to Kuiopa'k'n and co!-
le,'I 1 A reetne neig $fre). Tee ('hinarrean
carried out tits i'earllct:oris In detail
end c-''e•c!^1 f• r 1;.• exploit 81.40r)."
"Piet illy hair 'n the m delle, p;,,risk.'
"fete, etre but Il,qyr'. an • die one. sir,
what ieel 1 teeter do with (Wt.
one on a central elevation, antler at
lbint (lays. nettled, like the mountain,
In honor .,f the president of the raii-
rend, Char:es Nt. Flays of Nit -introit, and
1 third at the southwestern end of the
1t is probable also that Digl►y island,
jut to the westward of Haien lslnnd,
will be developed for residences, a pure
posy for which it is admirably relented.
The expenditures which ere contemplat-
ee, by the rallroa:l company at lids
place alone will total mnnv trillions if
(.resent plans are curried out.
Prince Rupert is Situated within fifty
miles of the sot;lhern extrema/ of Alai -
and 551 mile north of Vancouver.
at the very entrance to the sahn)n fish-
ing grounds. It is in the inune.11.ete
vic.nlly of a large number of cantle; i•es
which send their preduct• to all parts
of the world. Neer at hand are the
famous halibut fishing grounds.
Already there is consideerrtb:o r+ctit sly
1.n behalf of the r ail''ial. anti reer'nlly
a contract was lel for clearing 2.000
n' -res of land at $220,0110.
Black Watch
Black Ping
The ChewingTobacco
oflit .
fey plait at 25 cents a lox from The
Dr. \\'illhants' Medicine Co., Brockville,
You can learn a little emit day. un-
less you Happen to be ono of those
wise person., wit•) know it all.
Ignorance Le n (:urse.-"gnaw thy-
self" is a goo,) ndmontllon. whether r'
(erring to one'% physical condition or
moral lieletrieleei. The men who 1, nc-
qi.aintiti with himself will. know how
to act when an; dlsarrnng•'meent in his
csrolition nlnnifest-s it.ceelf, i)r. 'Phomas'
Fele( laic Oil Ls n cheap and simple
remedy kir the eradication of pain from
the system end for the cure of all bron-
chial troubles.
:%' hFt) TO 1tl_ /311111:11 ALIVE.
ling,' et i►eath ''tectrd 1, fl Chinaman
Condemned for 1'rtrlicid<'.
Rough jusllco as it is administered
in most parts of Chins is snme'time,
tempered by individual tastes, as an
fnceetent printed in ono of the China
feet journals attest:, .. man in Si.l
(hien, condemned le die, preferred to
be ,bored alive. anti his wishes were
carrel out to the letter.
Dur.ng the famine two !tethers who
!sod in Suchien fought de4peeratcly to
Jews (,11 starvation from their families
rend Iod Mood arose between them. At
!fist the eller brother. Bold his fathe'r's
.,omin for food. When he refused to
divide the proceeds with his yeiung er
brother the letter cut off his head with
a cleat•t`r.
BOcttu.,t► it n'aa too nr( r1s; t•o 1., c'trry
the murderer f►rweflti t'e'rms elf melees
to the nean'st vameen ref Jest' ., tho to-
tal elders, ire -hiding the, hither of the
I1 n nir c ru1.1 4M tumsel( as ethers Every house has ono or more outward
see 11,111 Ire alight bo able to see his applications for pair%.. i'inggo, a recent
finish. important French discovery, is guar-
anteol to remove c+olJs in their early
tt dele►sn'r east much to stages. to give instant relief frotn head-
r►aint. That 1s it
Too get It.msay'a Paints known for over ache, neuralgia, rhemmlatis, , gout and
ni:tr sear, le thn furem•►et hnay. needle palm. It is expressly gxu;lrantceee) that
in e'anada. Your dual,'r hie iiFf reret,•ed this rerue'ely trill fill a larger nutnle'
a torte et s k. i1e will tell you all ahnnt of r••, rt;letnenla than ant• c
theta and show you the splendid color I y'1 procllra)le,
cards Write A Ramsay A Mon Co., )Mont- Pantio is made natter the direction 01 tt
reel. for p.eik of Rouvonir Torture Post leading physician, and etit in your at1-
t'etrds of Homes. dress be r,ialt on receipt of 23 or 50
"Whet ,M wort bet 400 I:f••'' cents by the fango Company, Torun:o.
manded tiro grombinr. what 1 pit
into it. pie: it few Inter'.,t." ins'. ere,'
the thoiielefrrl min
PAZO OIYTNKYT 1, gsarastesil to cure SOF
nasi of ItchinBlind, Blew:Doj or Protedlis
lens. la / to 14 days or ►sey »(varied. b)o.
CAI Si'. raft \! \)tet.
A young man in I eeiennon had been
courting a girl for nine years. 'Jen-
nie," ho srtid, one everting, "1 read the
ether day that its !').0u0 years Niagara
Valle would dry up."
Jennie elu41161 1115 arra excitedly.
"why. .jilt promised to take me
there un our bridal trip. Dont you
think you had better start."
The men who neglects to pert his
l etst foot ',invent when he has a chance
tray feel hike kicking himself later.
Jm•',n "there ere three perio;ls in n
man's life when Ise doe: n )t understand
a women." Gray en --"and the: are!'
Irwin- he )mews her. %then he
knows her, and afterwards!"
Applie•nnl-"\\'hat i; fhee
61.31 thing
to do before. you get a n:,,rri;tg(e-liceti-
se-?" 1.1,1'rse Clock --"Think it over,
young m e' -think it over:"
ITC11. Mange f'ralrte Reratches and
every fora, of con'aginus Itch on human
et.r anima:.; cured :n 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitary f "tion. It never fails.
Sold by a:1 druggists.
.\ Seel h laboring man who had mar -
rice a tech widow, eeceptionnl for her
p`ainne'K.s. twee acco-tel by his employ-
er. "Well, 'Thornes," he said, "1 hear
you are married. ‘‘'hat sort of a wife
have you got?" "\\'eel. Mr," was the
response. '.she's they Treater's handi-
work. but 1 canna say =he's Ifs wester -
"The O & L " !Umbel Plaster• Are marvel -
loon totheir ,mirk a.ttot, wh„n ap lie1 to tem,
btuik.e or atilt rhenm'ti•- muscles „r joints- [bet
give immediate relief.
"Say, paw," queried small Temmy
Texl•ttes, "Whits en optimist?"
"An optimist. my troy," replied old
man Toddles, "L3 a woman whose im-
prael;cabilily makes her husband a
Worms derange the whole system.
#tnth• r (raves' Worm Exterm netor de•
r iii g. -%s worms and gives rest to the
freer. 11 tally cosh, 25 eents to try
at and be Convinced.
Has proved to be one of the most useful remedies yet put on the
nutlet, and is used by the leading physicians with excellent
PANGO will give almost instant relief to those suffering
from Neuralgia, Head -ache and Rheumatism.
For Colds PANGO will be found very useful. The cold
can be checked before the case has developed by using PANGO.
Apply FANGO to the outside of the nose and apply as often
as circumstances seem to warrant. It znay be used on the inside
of the nostrils where the skin is not broken. This might be
followed by an uncomfortable sensation, which will pass *way
quickly. PANGO may also be used on the chest.
For Tooth -ache apply PANGO externally to the face where
the paiu is felt, or to the gums. This may give a asarting sen-
sation for a few minutes, followed by relief. PANGO may
also be put on a small piece of a%sorbent cotton andput is ttze e
PANGO will also give relief to those suffering from Chapped
Hands, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Shingles, Stings of Insects, Mos-
quito Bites, Varicose Veins, Muscular Fatigue, Affections of the
Throat, Gout, Lumbago and Sprains.
Recommended by physicians and druggists.
Manufactured under the direction of a leading physician and
expert chemist.
Price 50 cents. Sample Size 25 cents.
LONDON, England
PARIS, Franca TORONTO, Canada►
Genuine Oriental Rug for $2.00
Every home 1n Canada should have one or more genuine Oriental
Rugs, They are beautiful in the softness and harmony of their fadeless
colors, ani in point of economy are) cheaper than any of the low-priced
domestic products. These Oriental Rugs are imported by us direct from
the great rug -producing centres of Turkey, Asia Minor and Persia. The
Idea used to prevail that Oriental Rugs were costly, and that ordinary
people could not afford them. That Ls only true of the large sized
rugs. While we are the largest Importer; of large rugs and oriental
goods in this country, we do an enormous business in the small sized
rugs, which we can sell at heretofore t.nttenr.i of prices. Especially in
the Anato:lans many rare bits of antique oolering are found, though on
account of their size we can sell them for as little as 82 each.
We make a special bargain of two of our popular ser ,i1 -sized rugs,
They are suitable for door mots, bath morns, to lay in front of fire-
places, or pirmnos, they are nice In bedrooms or ter fo-,t rugs. One kirtet
le 2 to 3 feet long and 1 to IX feet wide, celled Anatol an ruge, made
by the natives of Anatolia, In Asia Minor; very pretty on account of
the soft tones and harmony of the colors; n;any of thein are antiques.
We will send them, charges prepaid, on receipt of the apec!nl
price, en^.Ir $�
An•ethnr kind, tete Hamadan rug, is 3 to fe t lent; and t,'� to 3 feet
wide rni,le in 1'er;le, while larger than the Anef�ellans, they are useful
in the Sarney way and for the seine f�ttrposes. They ere in attractive pat-
tern, ani colors, heavily tufted.
each .. ... Sent nn r•eceif,t of price,
pat -
We heve the large t stock' of Genuine ()rental !trigs, Art •fonds and
Rrassware in Canada. Whenever you want gir•)tati',ns nn nnything In
our line we w•i11 be ghat to nnswer your Inquiry. We send rugs et any
sine and va'.uec,n apprvova) to re epen,ihle parties ordering from a distance.
40 King St, £ast, Tsitree,te.
"The proof of the (,lidding is the eat -
No longer seems the proper view;
For Iota of peop'4» eat their wnrda
Yet it doesn't prove theme trues.
The Man --"Arid yell really think )nu
have an ideal hu.hand, don't your.
The Metre') "1 !mow 1 have. \Vbv,
he treats rn,: les if lie eon, a candidate
fee oflice and d woe a voter."
WHAT CAUSES 111r..4DAcnE. A lady t'. rile,: "1 one enabled 10 re
Prom October to May, Cold. are the moss fro. move the comes, root arid Wrench, bl
of Headaohe. 1.AZATIYR OITO O the use of Iloltoway's (i,r,i (urn.
Ills tataalseo. D. W.aro.e oa butt Lis) (►%hers who trate tried it t,avo the. saute
Muggins-"i am surprise" Mei }•sil1 ce eerience,
believe the story Brown just fated lie.
\Vhy, 1 wouldn't believe it if h told it
myself.” Iluggins---"Oh, well, in that
case neither would 1."
11 Ls a Liver fill.- Many of )hie rot -
needs that plan late to eonten.l with
have their origin in a dL;ordered lever.
which Is a delicate organ, peteu'lAr:y
susceptible 10 the disturbances That
Cornu from irregular habits or lack .,f
caro in eating and drinking. This a. -
Ctfor the great many liver regula-
tors now pre.;sed on the attention of
sufferers. 1)! these there is none super -
ler to l'armelee's \'egetat.lo Pills. Their
c.reralion though gentle is effective
ROUGt�' j
of Cflitj,
Sir oFOR Gn�uncut
Dyeing 1 Cleaning 1
Pe, the eery Met web M tie
MOTION Agic*N mill» M
&e a IIsi Wet In pm tetra. mess/ eed►
and the most delicate edit nee then). ' NastreallTerotlte, Ottawa, IQua
Tencher-"Ceerrect the sentence, 'The
liquor whet the elan bought was soon
drank.'" Bright l'upil-"The man who
bought 110 1.q1:or %t•as soon drunk." t.e hear from owner having
Overworked Perscns, either mentally of
phvs;csliv. hill try Ferrovim," the wont
ren ,w ne,l ne►r, a an 1 ble'At tonic ant they will
kly te• ,r•r strengtl, sad health
O.Rrien--'"11 • doctor area,. what I hey
is ',ns'►mtn3'. O'Toole- -"Oh, Shue'.
Oi've had tint throuble tassel', an'
there's only wan cure fur it." O'Brien
)hot' What d'ye do?''
O'Toole-" iuslit go to sleep ria' furgglt
ell about !t."
"A (Grand Medi'!,',e it the cn•'omium
ellen psseed ori Ill kle's Anti-(nnsump•
tit() S) rup, and when tl:e results from
its use are crinsiderc,l, ns Lorne out by
many persons who bete ernplopel .t
in stepping coughs and eradicate(;
colds. it Is more then 1;ranel. Kept in
the house 1t is alwa}:s at hand nil it
has no equal as n r'nie ty. If yes I~i •'
r,ot Wel 11, do so at on^ -e.
"Id be ashamed to go munJ begging,'
the proepeer,,tn Nikon. 'Tek., alt
�htdi uv 1„001,1. t' make) a world," r+ -
Joined the trove. "11,'re ynll Is Goa
proud t' lr.g, inf I'm too proud t' work.'
for sale. 6"t ptrtlr:liar a►ueut Iorstlnrt•
Please Rlst pare an 1 detcrlption, awl res -
ion for selling state when po+se+*i•,n can
be bad will de.►I with owners only.
1.. Darby ,% re. )1,i )54, Rochester,
LILY roil
Send 10 Cents
,.n1 7sv 1 rater
s,., for d,f-
ferer.tk.- ecirreih,6nest
`rows .e• is, isci.Aing
As•rre, 1 k., tweet
Peas, (.`.r.los, fisles.rs.
eras' ' ,^1s,11.1erri1 ,iv.
ti•e, V, t,, ,ss, PenJ.ctt
TD1e line e'lte-ten, Of
eee11+ i 1lttt (,r 10C•1111
tli•erbr per
GLUM NUR 4t141/1
IIINJE :SO. 13 -N.