Exeter Times, 1908-04-02, Page 6TIED TO RAILWAY TRACK Armenians Undertake to Discipline a Fel- low -worker A deo patch from St. Catharines says: A vel y termite; case was on Wednes- day recoiled resin the Armenian colony 4:1 the Mel'inn'.n DlI.ti Metal \\'irks. A young Armenian of c,ghkon years, who was brought to the w.,rks /rein !kung - en Iwo years ago, was tnken ilt rec- ently and has since been at well. Ile refuels to juin This fellows el work or plays sits by h r we It in u corner of the general sitting -room and cannot he per- eimeel to enter into oonvcrsatIn. Ile • also refuses to partake of meals, end les comrades havo leen under the no. too IV of forcing him to take food dough to M11.2in life. Acting on the b• eef that tho young man line been shamming.', the teen who aro housed with hilt dragged hint to the table on Tuesday night and forced Liul to par- take of fond•. According to the tory told by 4•1)e of the Armenians, the young man tarn. teeing to reply to quest ons, was seized and carried to the Niagara, F1, Cnthariues k Tenant.) Railway, ►,•her.• he was tied to the track, but was rts,tx'd stein alter by other Arneni- ans. Sergi. \fe<:urlhy inwostigalod the cage, but Mold get no infeamaiion again(.t anyone, and was of the opin- ion that the 111011 was not ill at all. THE WORLD'S MARKETS IEPOI.TS FRO3i TIIB LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prkes of Cattle, Grain, c..eese a(►J Other Dairy Produce at !tome and Abroad. Termite, March 31. -Flour ---Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents aro quoted et $3.45Jo $3.50 in buyers' sacks out- side for export. \Iuiitoba flour un- changed; Met patents, $5.80 to 88; sec - cud patents, $5.35 to 35.•10, and strung bakers', 35.25. Wheat. -.No. 1 Northern is quoted at 31.21, lake ports, and No. 2 at 31.18, lake tee r's. out No. 2 at 31.18, lake torts. No 1 feed wheat, 68yec; No. 2, 62%e. Ontario wheat --No. 2 wwh to and nod med.(' at 91eSc outside, and No. 2 rr.ixed at 90 to 90%C outside. Oats --No. 2 white on track, Toronto, 49% to 50e, and outside at 48e. Corn -No. 3 American new yellow is quote's at 74c, Toronto, and No. 3 mix. ell al 73e, Tor nto, [lye -No. 2 quoted at 85c, outside. Pens -No. 2 quoted at 87c, outside. Barley -Priers purely nominal. Bran -$23 to 323.50 In bulk °Weide. Siwrts, 321.50 to $25 in bulk outside. COUNTRY J'FODUCE. App`, -Winter, 31.75 to *3 j>;cr bark! Beals -Prime. 31.70 to 1$1.1i5, and Land -picked, $1.80 to $1.185. Iloney-12 to 13e t`Irnilred, anf 4► 01.75 to $2.50 for rices • would been oLta• ed 324.50 to $25; middlings, $20 to $27; shorts, $25.50 to 326 per ton, including Lags; pure grain mouth°, $34 t.I 4135, and milled grades, $25 to 82'9 per ton. P'rc.vistems-Barrels short cut mese, 311; Lalf-barrels du., 310.75; clear fat lacks, $2. to 323; long cut heavy mess, $20; half -barrels do., 810.50; dry salt long clear backs, 11)3 c; Lamle plate beef, 813.50 to 815; half -barrels do., $7.25 to 3:.75; ferrels heavy J114'SS Leet. 310 10 $11; 1vilf-barrels do.. 35.50 to 36; com- pound lard, 8y, to 9c; pure lard, 113 Wee; ee; kettle rendered, 11% to 12c; hams' 13%c; breakfast bacon, 14 to 15c; Windsor bacon, 1431, to 115%c; fresh killed. abattoir dressed hogs, $8.50 to 3`1.75; alive, 36.15 to $6.3:(. Butter - Fall grades, 30.; fresh supplies, 3t to 32c; dairy. 24 to 26c. Cheese -12% to 13%e. Eggs ---The market continues to decllne under heavy arrivals and to- day buyers reeked their bids lc per & zen to 15e west of Toronto, and 16c east of foronta. Sales were made on this market at 18 to 19e, and a further decline is exreeted to -morrow. Maple Syrup-The first lot of new maple syrup arrived. lo -day in 9 -pound tins and sold for 85c. NEWYOI1K \\'111:A'f MARKET. New York, starch M. -Wheat - Spot, easy; No. 2 red. $l.00'N, elevator; No. 2 red. $1.0134, j,4,lt, ell0al• .N4 1 noltji' e'en„ Duluth, $1.13%, t.o.b. alkali 1o. 2 hard ww:ntcr, 81.11'% f.o.b. afloat. CATTLE 'MARKET', Toronto, March 31. -An aotivc busi- ness In Cattle aaaln prevailed at the kat 'e -day, Prices ad. Western ma• to potted for I wattcrd (roti 10 1U 250, per cal., enol (enc prices have 10 • any extra choice lots. Iikea went up 25c per cwt. The arrivals were 70 cars, containing 1,11)1) cattle, 146 »hoop and lanbs, 700 hogs and 125 calves. The expert cattle that changed ihands were of fair to choice quality. Their prices ranged from 34.75 to 35.35 per cwt. Export bulls were ww irlh $3.90 to 31.40 per cwt. Straight loads of chvlee exporters rnnlled in value from 31.50 to $4.90 per cwt. Medium butchers' cnttle, 54 to 34.50 per cwt.; common to medium, 83.25 to 34; choice cows, 33.60 to 8.1.25; medium cows, $3 to 33.50; common ccs, 32.50 to 33 per cwt. A few sto^kers were wanted at $3 to $3.61 •per cwt. Slightly higher prices obininel for calve'. Prices were ng to 7c 4:er pound. Spring lambs sold from $.`. tc $7.5( each. Export e►wcs were worth 34.50 le 35: bucks. 83 to $4; claire lgptbs, n.75 to 87.50; common Iambs, $5 to utj' Ce sk- ewc•t Vets were worth $5.75, and 1.ghts and fats, $5.50 per cwt. event's. ....y- No. 1 timothy quoted at 316 to $1: here in ear k.16. Straw -$10 to 310.50 a ton on track 1.c Ir. Potatoes -Car lots of Ontario, 85 to Mr, and Delawares, 95e per bag out. side. P.ouhry-Turkey-", dressed, 14 to 17c jet pound for choice; chickens, alive. 7 tr 9r, per pound; (livered. 10 to 12c; ducks, dressed, 10 to 11c. -- THE DAiRY NIAfKCI'.S. Rutter -Nun! prints, 25 to 27e. and irugee voile, 24 to 25e: do., inferior, 21 I:, 22c. (:rr-•trnery rules at 3l to 32s. and solids at 29 to 30c. Eggs -(ase lots of flew laid, 18c per dozen. Ch:rse--13 ; to l is per pound in a jobbing way. 1106 1'Rnl ►UC'fS. flacon -long clear, 0% to 10c per towel in en•e lots; Mess pork, $17.50 t • $18; r-hort cul, $20.50 to $21. aliens -Light In mrdlum, 12), to Oct da.. heavy; 1131 to 12": rolls, 9''% to 10c; t;te.ieder". 93%e; backs, iGc; breakfast LNoon, 111. Lard-- Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 11';c; pills, 11%c. BUSINESS :1'r MONTREAL. M•.ntreal, March 31.-Grnin--Eastern (inn:!a No. 2 while oats. We; No. 3. 47% to 4ec; No. 4. 46'4 to 47e. and re- jected at 44%c per bushel (•X stem and elnnttobrt rejected at 48 t, 48'4c per bushel ex track North Tiny. Floats-- leheice Se+rirnga ahem pnlenls, 1;6.1D; Ml'onas, 1;5.50 to $5.00; Winter wheal iv.tente. $7).410; straight tonere. $1.75 to SS, do., In begs, 32 25 to *2.35: extras, ! I An In *Lei. Feel--\fanilol,a bran, 32:. to $24 5e; shorts, 325; Ontnrin bran, \OTHER EXPLOSION. , Two Italians Killed on G. T. Pn'•ific Near Dryden. A despatch from Kendra says: Two more vktuns were added to the fright- fully long list of fatalities among the railway constriction camps on 'Thurs- day morning; when an explosion occur• red at McDougall's Camp on the Grand Trunk i'acific, near Dryden. Teo Italians, whose nnmcs aro unknown herr, were killed, and another terribly mangled. Ile is iii the hospital in a p:•ecarous oondition. Throe fires were kindled 1)t walely separated points in Pekin on i hur.:,ny, by rev.,luUonnries. CAN GROG BEST TOBACCO Canadian Cigars Shown to Agricultural Committee A o! si•nt•:h free, Ottawa soy-;. "rim- ed(' can pr'4)ucs n cigar equal to the 1.•..!." mins the :pinion expressed ey elr•. I'. X. (1nrlan, Denenivn totnc�0 \g e11. 111 g v.ng cvi.lonce en \\'e'•lnes- d w l(f ere the Committee on Agit' IiI- 1.; • • t.• Muting the tobacco-g'r,wing pis- s t : nos of the country. S4,ume of the w t e: of t'•Inccn at present grown h.. , 1,1,11 were. he admitted. very In- f. rf. • . •. t :' • es had propel legs ly ss i t'I n Quebec and (habit.,.). e. : ! 1, ..., ea,l pelmets of tel . wt e al ('., sola, peetribly 1.000.970 g• end+ we:-' • f en hlt.sier 'ruddy. ((.etoc and Ontario grew tele, e. in 11 out equal 11(41 oI I:onlr ani al •1st Moe -quart: rel et the total quantity grow n ens manufa• tared. 11e was in 41•1•011.11.. - "lel. \('K 11 \ND" BUSY IN 5:OVUM:: \l.. The Wife of Senator Forgrl Was Re- 1,ratcdl) Thrt-atevi.•d. A despatch tem !Written: :aye: ?thin- kers of the "Black (land" are getting told in their opera. . ns. For came time past sladnme 1.. J. Ft tea 1, Wife of Senator 1'.rget, i::,. been rteseeng letters euggesti ng thut the "Bleck (land' required the SUIII o1 82,000, unci that if the payment were not promptly Mack death would knee,. '1'110 care with inn- ►11trliatety placed In 1h' hands of de- ice -eves. with the result that a 11101), w11.. is known as Ivo Eden.), an Itali- an, lies been lime lee1. I)ceely letters had been sent to Ediaro, Bud he was arrested ::s a mull of the work of the &festive e. Ediero i.ppeai'ed befmtu J::dge (Ji quet n \Vedne,doy and was charged with sending threatening let- tere, Ili -mantling (he sura of 82,000 on pain of &erlle The ictuses Fl eaded net gt:•illi• and was remanded for en- quete. The penally for the offence charged is 14 years' imprisonment. \IAUIIINE BLE"' 1'1' IN CELLAR. Hotel Building In New Brunswkk Town M reeked. A despak•h from McAdam Jct., N. R., isnyls: The norltt well of the Hotel City Gant) was moved about eight metes. the dining -room ani:eletely devnelished, and every window In 1110 house Flown out by an eepleslon .1 an aectC' len° gns machine in the le tel basement on \Velneaday ce ening. The clerk of the hotel was in the basement at the lime, and received serious injuries, being thrown ton feel. Mrs. Meredith, wife o! the p4Oprietot•. is very ill as (1 result e•f the shock. Several guests In the dining-Ioonl at the limo escape) i'lie ous injuries. WHISKEY AND TUBERCULOSIS. Condirioti of Indians Along Ontario's itoundary is lamentable. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Mr. A. S. Helmut of Toronto 1s here after a lttp along the C. N. R. in New On- tnrio. He says the condition of the In- tinns along the border is lainentab'e. They nee v Hills of whiskey and tuber- u1i S; "'tdtliF TITAN '1'". GREAT ITALIAN BRIGANDS 1.4ever► (`(truer 'Traitors Sentem,rd to Long 'ferias. A despite h from Pekin says: Seven leen crest -toe retrial), churgcd with 114111 k. ng in (1 vertimental bests, hoe leen found guilty and eentenceel ling terns 4,1 uuprisuuwtul. 'flus punis.luutml s generally considered to be wore then death. N:,tung and 1.iang Tun leu, DK ns of the, Foreign Ward. wire on the c,url that handtd 1LUMioNI: IS HATED, \CIIILE t.(►\'I' Is A 11E110. Stilt Peters 4i Si. i 1y ._ Nen !Tape! Man Fell foul (1 Fa111a Mulurie. de,wn the sentences. The eensp.r•rn'y A I'alcrnw ;Italy) corre'spu►Klent agrenet the Government is fairly wide- 11•rIks:-Altlwuge 1114 t. rn;hdubic \ tr- spr(1sd and Ito 1•cwelatk,r.,- within tho b4,1u111.1 is heard 4,1 Wo nwre, during the lief kw days hew censidseettly elan"' lust year or leo there havo been &Acre' ,.1 the (:curl 4111:1 the Admuuistiate11. chudidrltes for suet -es -Oen. Ali ►uug No less than thirty ilp(r•tont 1 neon- these. Sakenone and Failla Mutouc haw'e e:8 are now being hold in (use dye. and outstripped the others. The former has U Is eeported that the (:loci of Police been arrested and is to to tried in tee • 1 Lilo Forbielden 441) t.' eh" ng nos Assize Court of Caltanissetta. The tat- tuurnber. (:er'ttt:n teen at present In kr is still at large. Tho Hien pieSent the Government serttu., are thought to curious c(nhtrnl;L, for, while Satomnne be acting as Wee. against the dynasty 14 hated by Sicilian,. \Iulone is their as well eu- trafficking in Stale secrets, hero. The first becalm. a brigan.l clad other arrests are exposed. lIiik ugh 4►ulilics; the second through low. .1. ▪ VACCINES TIIROUG.I '.1101"1'11. . Satisfactory Innnunirallnn Against Tu- bercutuats Thus Secured. A despatch from London Nay's: Dr. Le:thaen, of Kt. Gorge's Ilo>1+-ta1, rend it peelim:nary paper before the !loyal eciely of Medicine on Wednesday. tending to show that satisfactory lni- n,unitwitien against tubercules'cs could l,( obtained by ednenistcring vaccines through the mouth instead •. f injecting them into the blood. He do :gild care ei in which ho cured glandular tutcr•- culosk end markedly improved pulmon- ary tuberculosis. Dr. t.ntham's system is base] on the original reconunen.la- 1on of Prof. Kooh, modified by Prof. \Vright's work on the optenic index. SUICIDE AT OTTAWA. An Ilntkul Out of Work lumps: From Laurier Bridge. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mari• ono Dioggtottl, en Italian out of work, jumped from Laurier bridge in an at- tempt to fall in front of a C. 1'. H. freight engine on the tracks below. 11e loll abort, wag badly Injured and suc- cumbed uecun,bed on Thuisday afternoon. De- spondency is said to have ltd to the act. PEOPLE WANT GOOD ROADS System of Improving Highways Spreading in Ontario laver .1 lees •.•I'on which would en- munsge the Inr►ners to grow tobacco. What WAS pari eu1nrly needed was peens lionising hen:.un not the edah- '1r-hneent of Ila'•e w41,1111 lead to g:ooJ rc•nits. \Ir. Mullin .predik d samples (I tamed on !Mincer, t4:r cigar binding %thie', be scclane'i, woe equal to any. thing grown in Wiseensin. \Ir. Duncan (loss. M. 1'., su! nutte4 smie acs 4 f Canndan cigar; wlech he said acro ereeil in gnalily to IL•:wnnns. Mr. \Visite. a large lobn"e•t grower 8l King,' -v 1)e, ebb ;.owe eval.'n'e. 1;s=•,x and Kent, he seta. were wen suited b r tol,a,•.'o gs' s'ving purpneses and width se nog en'enrragtement fmm 11x± Govern• men!, es/peel:Illy in the dire, tkon of pack- ing bwucrc, his elivlrict could prow Iwwcn'y-five to fairly million pounds• Mr. A. W. Campbell, Deputy Min- lsler of i'ublic Works, in an address delivered be'oio a meeting cf the Good !toads Associntion of Ontario. held in 'reroute Tho otter day, strongly advo• bated the building of bridges tri (�c blest. sutstwuiCnl h;lylo by nSlnuns of ce- ment cr conco1'. If this is carried oil She Government will bo glad to con- tribute etc -third of the cost.. Mr. Campbell laid sloes on the inet thnl the County Councils should strive le familiarize themselves with the financial Ondil'ons of the county and the ex- penQ,s in eonne.lion with repairing the rand.. In making small repairs in the roads ho rented out that the expends, Sure nlnountctl to prnctically as moth es if more sutwslnntial roads were built, in the last ten years the municipalities had contributed about $10,000.000 cash !n 11 a it:l 'riwlni of tpcir reels, IL!.' r,n1e Ihat this money. if properly brind- led. would be sufTn^tent In e••nslruc•t 'teadwries Ihnt would hot fr+r at least n per:ed of len genre. ile believed That if the county Councils would lake over this work and avail themselves of the pesvls:ons of the act the T•,wnship Counsels would bo ready to offer their aseistanco in the work of making good roajs. "11 is surpraing" continued Mr. Canapbell, "how contagious this thing Ls atter the work of impr:•ving a road has commenced, 11 is not wise, low - ewer, to attempt to do too much, it be- ing much Wei r to adopt the policy of do a little and do it well. Th -s tends k. convert the people to ndvecate nn cxlension of the good roars e.ycl41n in nitincipatitos where it does not ex- ist It is not the lung mil:oge that counts, but the &ample of the geed work core that trnpresbw the petiole w)i0 will ultimately conclude that n sluml- ord road shall boa policy hi all des - !riots. The work was done well and cc.or :caily jj1 sonl+l:ince pith ccttnin regal ation.s of the. act relulivc to (,.,w•- crriment inspectlen. If counties .lo not adhere to Iles rule the Government will not pay ifs ono -third o1 the expendi- lcre." TRADING STAMPS worn (:o1FINS. nearly dark, 'when he was permitted -- U./ go hr e, and was devoured along (sni e:ile+n Gime Mad Among lender- the trail. takers In Chicago. 4' (:1111. PLAYED WITH FIRE. A despatch from Chicago 'ny "1 rail- ing, e•kunpv with every funeral'. is tho placard That ono Hwy expect to eec �exut in t!:e Wind ,ww'.c of tap -to -dale Chi• erg) untt•rtokcrs. 'ITnat tt'o ce Three funeral dire'cl• rs on the north side of the city tame whetted the trading etamp 6)Skiii lea inc1<+.ase bu'.iness was reveal - T114 5.thy eveal- T114:1'ny w Heti a bereave 1 widow Nelselkd an order at a downtown uii- derleker's bcaatvie he would not gime her s ul o stamps. Friends of here. the anis. whet Iscenlly had depths in their (amelia,. wen•. given !Ending stamps by the undertaker, and she insisted on get- ting the compote or she would gu else - Eke -Year -0141 Burned In i►eaih Near Hunts% ill.. A d.spnlch from Huntsville 5ny \ in Fletcher, the Ilvteyear-old .laughter el stn. W. J. telae:her. eta, lives al Havens elifl., six mites from 1lu,iLt.t1e, died en 'Ihureilay mornings, 1110 miclim of n ,lsstressing occident Met occurred stout 5 o'clock un ee'elmwlny night. The father was abseil from home, and the teenier had pone In the barn to milk the cows. She left her two little daugh- ters, Viten. nerd live, and Mary, aged threw, In the house. Hut n fee min - ides after she left the older girl inn s -•reaming to her mother will, her clnth- cc►MI\G Fi1011 t NIiEI)':TATES. Mg cn fire. 'fhe frenzied parent car - tied her back to the house, and ex- In111119 10 Corinth* Largely In- haustert every effort to extinguish the ereased--Fewer from Brilabi. DRUGGED AND TAKEN. Four years ago Salomone shot in the back his political opponent, the 5)11die of Hnrrafranco. Since then lie has lived by robbery, and has never hesitated to kill any►xidy who atteu,pted I.; betray Min. The theinnstanccs of has arrest are tragic. A landlord, from whom, rifle in hand, he had demanded hospitality, administered to him a new- oclic, mixed in has food. When Sato - none was asleep the landlord sunuion- ce the carubinleri. The brigand, how- ever, managed to awake at the right moment an took to les hods. Ile had not gone very far before he found himself ourrounded by eight cnrabinieri, who managed to secure hiin after a brief struggle. '1'11cn Salomone,culled the leader of the carabinieri and offered him 5,000 lire (31,000) for permission to escape. Naturally, the brine was refused, an.l the brigand was hauled off to jail. With him were arrested Iwo priests and two gentlemen of Borraf•anco, who urged him to kill the Syndic, and they will be tried with him. MUI.ONE IS 11E11O. The Sicilians, uncultured, but chival- rous, (nate Salomone. They have never fergIven him for shooting tho Syndic iu the back. That was treachery, be- cause o-cause in Sicily homicide is regarded as n sort of duel without witnesses, In which the adversaries should face each other loyally and fight Recording to the tiaditlonal rules of chivalry in the 001111 - try. But there is no doubt that his forte ming trial will be followed with much interest. Faille Mulone, who took to Ute for- est niter he had killed his sweetheart and his rival for her affection, is the true brignnd of minimise or melodrama, and he is beloved by the people, who recognize in him the ardent disposition, as ready for ferocious revenge as for magnanimous generosity. which is char- acteristic of the Sicilian ince. TO KiLL REPOII'I'Elt. Two years ago he had one glorkous )hour of celebrity when he wwas surprised b}}• a squad of carabinicri in a house in fhe Menlcdoro country. but mnnoged to escape, killing two of the police and wounding several others. On !lint occnsem n MOnlcdoro jour- nalist telegraphed n long account of the affair to a Palernul newt:-pnp�r. But Mulone, who is n 11141. rn ).rigand rind reads the ne ww•,.pap, r'. tees it ssr►t- islled edit the narrative 4.f hie lin,wwess. Accordingly, he smile to the editor of tee Palermo journal a letter, 'n white) he swore that if the reporter re- turned to sfonledero he would be killed. Tic enclose.! len lire with the letter to Pay for the publicnlion. The poor jour- nalist hurriedly left Mentedoro, where he lived, rind 4401(144] in Palermo. 'Fell 10 IN't\I: .AstLl M. eolith's.). dart 'Ili,r l,ned to Sheol Anyone 'Thal Approached Ilion. A despatch tr- In Str•nthroy arty Wal• tri Saxton, u young noon about 25 years of age, was arrested by County Con- stable (kcrge C. Weisel' en Wednes- day night kir fk,urishing (irenrn►s and Ihrenlening to shoot anyone that cane near hiin. Saxton had been showing A despatch fivm 011nwa says: The lig•tres 4 1 ininegrtlion for January and h „ r. -I Iicnte (hot i:nnslgralion to tc a n•. ..oi aest. how the United Stale- 11, • year. will be re -i nsidcrably wetter than last year. For the tee uhonlh in►n> g alien fern 111 t'uited Metes sh wws un increase. s f 61 per cent., aes oonnpr►IaI a th January rind Fcbru• ory of last year. Inimigtlntion from Great Hritain and European lolls. en the either bend. shows n tae r••n•e of 36 per cent. during the S411114' 1" ri..d. We 1: \T1:\ Rh ‘101.Nles. Tragedy at It:11511. k. Near the 1 :unadian Boundary. A tleseatr'I from lest linnsie :•+F Unite! Slates sedate l.i ngg up the Big fork Iliver celeste the (oana+lien I.•nn• dory, who visaed 1141111 ck. vepe.rt that a nine-year-old bey wvae killed nn,1 eat- en 1 y timl et wolves one soy last week. They say the 111110 fellow was relent- ing 'the I, And was for Tome rt 854 n or a !ter kept in alter I oekck wail flames and relieve the child's suffer- ings. but the link body was ribly horned that dtnth folluwel flour later. �n nnEn ND SII:111:. lee- an eee- an eigms et insanity, and, while creating a 41•sturhnncr 1)l his Ia.Ine. WAS ihrcat- 61.,41 11,111 arrest. Maddened at N 16, Saxton got hold of n gun. and threat- ened to sl:o ,t anyone who would at- e nee to arrest him. County r'e n -fable \\'ileon took him unawares lune are rs sled him. Ile was subsequently sent to the Linden Asylum. A sod feature of the affair is that Sextons father hes been a patient at the London Asylum for ease years. E:AitTHQUAKE IN MEXICO. Number of Malls Cracked and Wirral A ROBBER'S CONFESSION Shooting of Pierre Delerme Near Montreal Explained A despatch from \'entreat says: The pollee in the city were 1)e, tat• dun \\'ed- ne_duy might that a roan naiad \\ i'• hum Sangster •gave h nisei( up in Ncwv for k mail had tonere-el l to a cringe conr- n4'01 ''• 4 e 11' 11114111 seeernl mouths ego. Ile stated that, with two other m..,►, I.i1 I .i i . ter t,jc Ii ani Joe+ La- mer•cke. he had attacked a young Man manned !':cryo Delerme, and had shut Delei ma when ho reused to give up his money. 'tette cringe to which he confessed was ceminittcd on Oe:olx•r 26. Pietro De - kink. n young farmer, was roturning from the market in the early evening. i'he highwaymen junipcd up and de- mand -s money. When De'crine offered resistance he was shot trwee, one but - '41 entering behind the right ear. The u:oir,o of Ilii' shooting frightened his horse, an.l they ran away and were later stepp,e1 by the parents of the un- t•,rtunate young man. Ile wvas found In tho bottom of the waggon, bleeding profusely, ant barely conscious. 11.. was taken back to \(entreat, but died shortly attar. Metra dyeing he told of the attack on him by three robbrs. The cnnfesslon of Sangster has cleared up the eiyetery. and ho will be brought here to stand his Trial. 11is two acvo- cknl.s are already in prison, having been sentenced Fonio time ago for burglary. - CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11.1FI'Ei\IN(;:3 FROM ALL Ob...: TiBi GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Bement Events. CANADA. Tho Hudson's Ray line has been built to La Passe. Mr. P. H. Guyette, a Montreal lawyer, deemed dead on Thursday. Tho C. N. R. will offer for sale thirty tewvnshiles this snnnnler. Tito \Vubush Railway crews be centralized in St. 'Phorias. Montreal Socialists are preparing for a big demenslrnUun on May day. Senator Claran has introduced a bill to prevent the Marriage of divorcees. Immigration filen Thu United State promises to be larger this year than ever before. In view of the celebration at Quctee, (here may be no military carne at Ni- agara this year. 'fhe Conadian Nrn will put about Thirty lownsltes un thorthee market This coir ing summer. C. W. Speers, at Winnipeg, says the Ik•ukhobours will do more marching this spring. Collingwood's by-law making Itquor licenses 32.500 has been quashed by Mr. Justice 81311011. Earl Dudley will attend the Quebec tercentenary celebration as alio repre- sentative of Australia. A rich gold strike has been made al the mouth of the Mackenzie, GO miles cast of Herschel island. Mr. Rodolphe Forget, M. P., is said to bo financing a scheme for a merger of breweries of (n -tern Canada. Damin`on rind city police aro endea- voring to !rice makers of counterfeit money which is circulating in Toronto. The 11rewger nutenintic telephone stet.'ln will be installed by the cities (.1 E:dilonten an•k Sttnthcona. Tho Legislature of Prince Edward Is- land has passel n law forbidding the yenning of autt mobiles in the Prov ince. The Edmonton packet. which left Ed- monton Nev. 2911i, delivered the mail al Fort \I:I'herson on Feb. 17th. Hamillen Beard of Education has adopted n plan to spend a quarter of a million dollars in improving the school eccommelnGon. A bill providing for old age and dis- ability ieability (Lesions to colliery workers tins been Inlreduccd . in the Iowa Sootia Legislature. Montreal citizens pawed n resolution culling on the Government to give The city direct connection with the National Transrontinentn1 Railway. Mr. Justice Clement gnve judgment at Vancouver finding the Dominion order In Council under which 4evern1 Iltndtis were held for deportation immelid. Iloti. Frank Oliver will introduce legislation to remedy the dcfeet. are 1,0 Thrown (Dottie A de's)ntch from Mexico 1: tv. Mexico, says: M. xico City experxnced Iwo se- vere earthquake shocks on Thursday. The flat shock occurred nt 4.30 o'clock In the evening, lasting 4 minutes nnd 211 seconds. No lives were last. and the eeiperly dtnnnge was insignificant. Numerous weal's were crocked. A sec - nate imitable Cringe of n (titelrer 1)l ' nil and much mere severe earth shock 1 4. cured at 9.17 o'clock at night. Walls I'arr.lorei , N. S. ww. t o cracked and dicks all over lh•; A tkspnlet) fmrn Halifax. N. s.. say.7 tiny were slopped. Th' theatre Crowds \sees mooted .lmherst al 1 r.. ►n. oil rushed to the Skeels. The pe'ple are Thurelay of n terrible tragedy et Parrs- c• IiS(kIally ninrn►tel 'u . r the tc;.eat- t..ive, r:unmberinnd minify. At noon a el shocks. No geed damage hs, yet peimini nt young conn. nnnnee Lew :9 heel r. -:s reed. though a nnnnber of K. Smith. who centimes n butcher ship w'. alis luee foil n. Fear n sh< rt lime in ('81 r.l, re . was eerking ns ovum in b egrap!t comnnmicalit;n ewes intu- hi- shot,, waren Jame.: Iteclor. a15,the r v, ung, man. entered and Lunde The re. marl.: "sill Ili. ye,:1 fro lel b (lint: well this in elm ug.' Smith Mime,l:;Mtei)? dre11 n reve,II t from hes O let. and• with 111 toying; n %t oed, Mid tient Munk at R,•ctor. fhe bullet ant• r,n;t the espied. Tie 1., 4111te spiral, Bose y, __ es -- n ale hes p 1).e t e d a ill convert a decree of • ire al the end of A sue, T. i"IS can breast near the right !:mg. 114' Ili• n 1 meet oat .1.s .. t '• teeth - turned the weapon 4 n hung :f and fired (rite' over Ili. s s • :he. +•• s. r1).' a shot in his ir.oulh. fleet. r ) 541 only to tie t.nr"lua-' n That 1.e inn meet her five minutes. Smith is still nL•we. I.ul t w ru.►,r•,.ieh:ng her bora an opposite cannot reoovcl. . (Ure:tion. Dr. Stanton Ccit, editor of The Ethi- cal Review, has been sentenped to a it nut's imprisonment in London for assaulting an omnibus conductor. The Iir,erial Government will send a. s[•eeinl commissioner to ,:amnia to seek a solution of the difficulties arising out. of Hindu immigration into British Co- lumbia. Because the. Washington Government does not wish the voyngo of Its Lanka - stip squadron to be further delayed, Great Britain has not asked the squud. non to visit any of her ports. Dr. (tall Edwards, of Ilir►hinghan, who lost an arm in the course of his 1•eseai'clws into the X-ray, but who is the discoverer of a successful method of treatment for X-ray cancer, has had a civil service pension of 3600 a year conferred on him. GiREAT BiRITAIN. Drury lone Theatre. In London, ens completely de&r(yed by fire early ee'e(1- nreday incl nirng. The prevnlence of cigarette smoklng in the British arnny Is seri"•usly' alto: mg the efficiency et the st•rv,ce. Itnlph C. Manny, a litigates scholar from New Oriente; nt Oxford, wag wristlet off the necks and drowned at [rel (cane, Cornwnit. UNITED STATES. Tornadoes have caused great property damage and some loss of life in the Gulf Stales. Two Canadian clerks of a New R• C11011e, N. Y., Merchant were Icft for- tunes by their former employer. James Kane, a boy of eighteen, was shot and killed by a policeman in Chi- cago on Thursday. Prrsldenl Roosevelt, in a special mes- sage to Congress, urged the abolition ul the duty on wood pulp. Afoul three hundred and fitly lives mere lost on the North AIIanUc coast during the toll and winter. Fire re -lilting from crossed etcetera light whys damaged the Grand Pueifio Hotel in Chicago 3100,000. At Aurora, ill., an intoxicated man was lhroen from his wagon and was drowned in the street -mud. The Women's Trade League is plan- ning to get all of the 6.000.000 Ameri- can working women into labor unions. Eleven year old Alice Joyce Morden, of Chicago, an heiress, is allowed $9.000 for a trip to Europe this summer. Ended Stales customs allher.t.ea al- Icge that during several months post Chlnnrnen have been smuggled whole- sale from Ontario into Buffalo. In nn nddress the other evening in .New York, Jacob Rtis said there were "61.000 rooms in tenements to which no light or fresh air penetrnles. At Shenandoah. 1'r.. the. Cambridge Coal Company closed is eolllery for on Ind(finite period. 'hr -,wing 1,100 ►ern and boys out of empkymcnt. Alleging that his ren hnd stolen has bent.* end sold them for liquor. the age:i father of Arlhl4r Finnegan tip - penny] againsthiin in court at Logans- port, ind. Gnawed by reels and multi deeom. pe,sed, the body of a w••man named Florence Reynolds. aline Thompson. 35 pars old, was found to a woodshed in n cellar to New fork. An industrial revival has taken plane al P4ILsville. Pu.. during the last few days, the mills and shops having In. creased their working schedule by many [:'inns per week. Ligi►ting his pipe In his cell In the wilInge fall, John Doherty. of Middle- villc, N: Y.. accidentally set fire to the mattress of has bed. and before help could mach him he ens burned to death. GENITAL. tepee 11nc rsked Chinn to prevent the proposed hrnycott of Japanese goods aid to put an end to the onthlapaneso ngi- lntion Over n hundred person's were drown- eJ in the sinking of the Japanese steam- er yut'n Miro in a oollisk;n near 1lakodate. MOBILIZATION AT QIIEBEC Twenty-five Thousand Troops May Be Concentrated A <1c.spateh from Ottawa rays: The Millie De pnrinient expects to Le Milo to make &lanae nnnuunceinent shortly Of, 1e, Vie plans kr the mobithzatie1n of n Canadian arniy e -,f some twenty -lite Ileeivan:l men at Q Ietsei in July next on the e ' ! 'h (:hampinin ter• cenlsnary. s. trnn eeinr- lotion (oni ; 4.. ,. ...: lm ng carried 011 relative le etul•yaig the hoops to end front Quebe', and arrengcnKnts for k.e tang rifler the cemin issa iiit de- pr.rtnKent are 1:1111 under consideration. Pending definite inf• relation err these Iwwe- most :niportnnt asper(s of Ile un- it( edit ngt. the 5(111118 (seinen ss ill Hol to nth, to state definitely j,lrl what will !.• the eel, r,' of ?P,e+ preptt,ed m<;hiLzn- 1 • n. Sol far. however, the plans are eurking out satisfactorily. i"►-& , In the event of the feasibility of the scheme as at present contemplated be- ing os'uresl there will he no annual mililla camps east of Manitoba oris summer. 1t le proposc<I that sixty per cent. of all the corps. both city rind rural, herrn Ontario, Quebec. and the slnrit:mc Provinces shall mobilize nt Quebec during the )est week of July. The selecluon of these wtai are to go will to decided on later, but it Is the lnicntien to have only nlemlers of Ibo militia well qualified to lake pail In military n,4nel•IVres by rtnson of csn• alde►rnpti previous training. 4