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Exeter Times, 1908-04-02, Page 5
I Zwicker's, Crediton Wo beg to announce that we have opened stock of new Spring Goods and invite your ins have increased our stock in many lines and can Large selection from which to make your choice This is the Time of the Year for House F HE EXE E 1111I1ES, •il'hIl._'tldnous an immense pection, We give you a • urnishings. Rugs and Carpets Lace Curtains Our stock of room hugs are the best Special values in this department. we have evvr shown. All sizes, from $9.00 to $2:7.1)0 each We have also a Laces, Embroideries, etc large stock of Brussels. Tapestry. Un- Our stock of Laces, Insertions, Etra- fon and Hemp Carpets at from .0 to broideries, Allovers, has arrived for 90c per yard. , your inspection. Llnoleums ! Dress Goods We import Nairn's Linoleuuts. Wei 1Ve slow the very latest goods in have the new Floral, Tile and Block this department all the new shades in patterns in all the different widths. Panama' Clothe. Taffeta Cloths, I'op- factio s Linolaums give the best satis-litre Tweeds, Venetian Suitings and faction of any line we have ever hand- etc. led. 1Ve will cut and lay them for yon. Our prices are right., Wall Papers I Our stock of Skirtings' Cottonades, �1'e have the Staunton line. .Also a Grey Cottons. White Cottons, Sheet - line of AFtlerican papers beautiful pat- terns ings, Flannelettes and etc. is marked terns from 5c. to lac. per. roll Border Ceiling and wall at one price per. roll. Staple Goods Wash Goods Our stook in this line is complete the best make of English prints (fast colors) Ginghnms, Chambrays, Mus - lino &c are shown in this department. at very close prices. GROCERY STOCK Our Grocery Stock is complete, also our China and Dinnerware stock has been increased. See our swell New Dinner Setts before making your pur- chase. We have the leading manu- facturers goods in thls line. Butter, Eggs Dutch Setts and Seeds wanted for which we will pay the highest prices A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKER A Young Man's Success Depends largely on his personal appearance. Tbat "smartly dressed" appearance has a great prestige. If a young ratan starts off seeking a position, whether in town or city, how closely he is sized up If he is well dressed his position is half secured -if well dressed he has a pride, a dignity and confidence. These help a young than on won- derfully. Be Successful Young Men "Smart Clothes" will help to crake you so, so let us give you this important boost. We are here with the goods and the KNOW -1101V - TO -MAKE -THEM. See our new style plates for spring. Get our prices. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Woodham (Crowded, but Last ,Week.) \\jt< are glad that James Mills is nblu to be nround again. flues Annie Dutton is spending a few .days with Miss Annie Sinclair. Don't forget the; dressmaking shop elf► Queens Ave. (Mies Lila Hong has moved to Sid - sic;; Mills where she will make her ;soma In the future. r\1r. Samuel Speech), o[ Salem, spent Smirk*. with D. 511jl1s, i IGa'rnht 'Minors twos in the village Sunday' last. Mir. Ed. Colgan has moved to his Ervin on the 8th Conce cion and A. W. Eaten bur barber, has moved Into the house M•hich was occupied by f11r. Colgan. 'George .Ilopkin fins hired with 'Ben Wilson for t h. summer months. INIT.. Walter Itus'tin hod the mis- fortune to [ip en Sunday evening inbt' and hurt lois leg. : `Mr. Frank (.4. inn vied n flying ,vis. it: to his horn,• here on Sunday. 'allies Mitchell. of Watford has re- turned to 1 .r duties as milliner with A. 'Mills. 'Mr. Lymua Tripp and this sister Eva left for their home in the \Vent, last week. Tho wood bee on Thursday i :<t MIR a grand tiuccess but the hop at night was better. Spent Eighteen Dollars "Qentlomen; T have pleasure is stating that I have used *13.00 worth of Psychine, and as a result was cured of very serious throat and lung trouble. My case was a most difficult one, and the doctors had practically said that I could not get well. I tried Psychine, and it did me so much good that I con- tinued its use until I had taken $18.00 worth, with the result that I am now a new man physically. I have gained thirty-five pounds. "It is with the greatest confidence that I recommend Psychine to all who aro afflicted with throat or lung trouble. Yours truly, C. A. PINKITAM. Scotstown, Que., Sept., '07. This man speaks from experience. Psychine cure, all throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down peo• pee. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, Or Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, Toronto. Saw& of this New S•.:o1• Ds. t- , & Hunter c t..; Co., Ltd., London, Cut. rEd CaLlia ••ttroel:;ce our 17c•v Swede Turnip, the "Canadian we will give to every inquirer for our New 1908 eo a package of these seeds abee:a-:e ly free. The nip growing e'.i'.triet near (htetph shipped 400 cats turnips to the United States last stetson. "Cana- . :u " never grows loci or narrow, is free from side :and is of unsurpassed gnniitp. 1i } „tt prefer, we %%ill scud a package of our " Santa Baia'' lumpy or "Cana'la's Pride" tomato instead of the t.'•'; ercl \Write to-,'...•- ami name your choice. Turnip Free VARICOCELE CURED ►.^ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work. severe graining and cid habits In youth brought nn a double s-nNeoeetr. when 1 worked haul the itching would tee•mo severe and 1 was often tall up for a week nt a time. My family 1,hyateian told me an operation was my only hope- td link 1 reand it. I tried several specialists. but soon found mut all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon al doctors os little better than rogues. one day my boss ft/AMMO why I was off writ k w. much and l told ldin my condition. Ice advised no. 10 consult Un. Krmie4y & Kennedy. as ter hal taken treatment Lti,en them himself and knew they were square and sklllfel. i wrote them and rot Ttir. Nr:w Mrt•ratnl, TRr.Ar5xsr. My 'wormer; was someehn' slow and during the first month's trentrn., ,' I was somewhat dlvourngeil. itnw•ever, 1 row Hattori treatment • r three months longer an.l was reasnled w Nit complete cure. I e. 9d only earn 112 11 seek in a machine shop 1. fore treatment. now r :ern earning 391 and neer lose n day. 1 nil sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. IIF;\kl' c. Lot•CST. HAS YOUR BLOOD OLEN DISEASED? mee i p JolSoee are the most pre, alert and most serlous,tisea.ea. Thrysap the err life 1319.41 of the vletim and miles. entirely eradi•atevl from the system will crouse aer;oo, complications Ilcware of Mert•urr. li only suppresses the rymptoms- our :se' ylETIp el, cures all 1,1,s.1 diseases. VOG\o ()it SIMPLE .tOEn NF:\._hup nbtrnt nets or tater Cxeease. Imre; troki'•, down pour .'stem. Von tv4 the symptoms stealing over won. Mental) phys cnllt. nn I •:tally you are not the man you used to be or should he. wet you bee,) tL damK; r :rats: READER .`re you ^ +-1''thnt ihtve you lost hope! Arepmt Intending tomaul:11! ifs+ your ta•v„1 1..,•n dis.•aa,v r Ila'•' yrm 5117 w,•akneucs t,ur N.w Msn:. r ,e ill cmc you. what i' has (..tie for other( 1t will do for you Consultatio:, Free. N., matter e'le has treatedos.. write for an honest opinion Free of Chart.. ck hos Veen -"The Golden ylonitor. t illustrate 1' rill pl. •:a -••s "f Men NO NAMES' USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE.. No names on hoses or envelopes. Feerylhine confidential. Question list and cost of Treatment FRF:F: FOR HOME 1REAiMEAT. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. In Time ©f Peace prepare for war. In time of health keep the resistant powers of your h.idy unimpaired. This is the surest defence ag.inst disease. An occasional cup of "BOVRIL" supphe.i that extra strength and nourishment which everyone needs to escape the ills which are so prevalent at this season. a6 gr, -en. The. 'Tuscan culorcc. mush- ' room bh1►pe trimmed, '.alb pink tiny roses and brown velvet ribbon rosette was greatly admired. The lady's bonnott of black mohair brant Irii:i:i: t with white Lily of tela Val - 1 ley and chiffon and ribbon is pretty. In children's wear a pr f coke bonurt 1 thinned wit h obi and lrtlz blue tiny roses also ano child's bonnet with pale blues 1 wings with silk late and cl;iffo match. Siebert & Co. held their milli openings on Tuesday and Wedncs The show room was very taste( decorated with ferns and basket Amerie:,i Beauties. Splendid ass merits in hats, flowers ribbons, s • laces, ,nets, braids, and novelties Crediton ncsday. The anillinery ,parlor %vas displayed. Among the colors sit DIt. I', J. h1oCUE, MEMBER O\- dud tily klecorate,l with palms, ferns worn 'blue in navy, Copenhagen, TA 1'. COLLEGE IJERPLIYO - primroses. The innovation shown Pala blue. Pink in old roso old w in the spring and summer millinery cerise and light zer:tnjuw, brown, ins and Surgeons. Successor to Dr• are of such an interesting character tuscan and tan, Turh:uts and sailors B. A. Heist. Crediton. Ont. that certainly 1 he most skeptical of ++'oro especially prominent. Bats jee Mr. J. C1testnut. who 'has .x'en con- observers cannot fill to award them these lines have fi: -t place. Roses ducting Iles Royal hotel for months words of praise. The mushroom brim combined with lilacs, ::lies-of-the-val- • sold out to 3Ir. Deli. Clark who took which has been such a conspicuous ley, or forget -me -hots are; excellent,' to ssion on '\Vednesday- of last feature 'in millinery for the last t wo 1':rncy fee rhers %svit1 return theirI week. !B1r. tied -Mrs. Chestnut left i seasons is replaced by the strnight I vogue. The upshooting military ai_' for Colbourne on Thursday •where or tet.: upturned brims, The merry they will make their future :tome•. wiiaw is on of extremely largo a -ti- Uurine the it stay jiere they Fon- tors, that promises to be so popular. ie. i, . class house aail w•er, it is of black mohair. The crown always »o,.,,itg to the; public, is iUrrounhed by a garland of Amer. Mr. Bruce Kienzlio ono has leen lean beauty roses. backed by green Siebert & L O .r • used trey .•fly • • Miilinery& 11 to Dress Goods ut ry Alchou;h Tuesday being a very unpleasant day for of . Millinery opening, there were quite a number of Ladies from art_ the Village and country in to attend the opening, 811(1 all ad- mired our hats and nota few have bought or left their l t Otu' text for 11:•; week will 1.E' E' Or( el' maty Remember that Airs. Symonds can suit your taste for your gritte as a notable fad in fancy fens-' titers of the season. The ladies .:will I • find res ing sedan any Ile :t they feel 1 S, e b e rt f� like qua}ing «nitany style :that pleasesr Co, )heir fancy. Mr. Shore, principal of our rutin°' Iiartlelb 131ock, tttendsng business colle3et in Ghat- ],'eves. A eery pretty liar shown \yes school spent Sunday with friends In! NASI-i�1VOOD, ham for thee past three. menthe has a leghorn, a roll of corn colored urns• ___ `�Mr. (Lewis wis ltavolle, of Grand Bend 1 tea. ''�-! We have just opened a case of Fine Dress Goods and will be much pleasd to show them. returned, home. velvet t on the Und•.rr 1de]. which is 1 Miss Gert McCue, who has /been fac:d with all over lace. The. top of, tato our town a visit on business visiting :with her brother Dr. Me- the hat is (hoped with yellow true Cue returned to her home in Whine- .brown net w,tli clusters of forget- thon on •Friday last, tlZa_nots nn l rl,rk green folia,; e. All `.lir. Moss Taist, who was laid) up sorts of beautiful fancy braids are with n slight attack of bronchitis beim_ used in hand made models. last week, is, we ore glad' to 907, TL•: shirred Point ile esprit arta net. able to bu at his vast again. shapes were very prominent, Small - Mrs. McKeever menthe'. ofe Jamas er 'flowers as forget-me-nots, violets and Jim. McKeever, South Boundary, and similir tiny blossoms ►w, rn coo• is critically ill nt present. combined u'itla roses) jn rho trimmin, Inspector Toum rind `Mr. Cowley, in- of the bats. Ono very popular fe•a- spectors of high Schools, visited our tutu •w•as the high crown trimmin„ school on '1'hurstley: last and speak of ribbon combined with masses of very highly of the way our school flowers. Also very mriny t tiey pins is progressin3. in pearl jet worn shown .w'itti other Mrs. Iiruce Kingsley, avho has novelties, been spending the past 3 months lit - tending high School at Chatham, re- turned hone Saturday last. Ile will return again after midsummer. Dr. Orme: paid our village a fly- Miss Clara \Villert, of Detroit and ing visit Saturday last. Miss Claret \Veber, of Tot 'Miss Emma Morlock spent several days with Mrs. Orme. Centralia. The Ladies Aid of Zion :Evangeli- cal church held its minted meeting and elections 'c • - r � n of o1 .)t t par- sonage r i i ► c l ,. I• sonage Thursday last. The report of the various officers and• committees showed that the Ladies Aid Society is in a flourishing condition. Follow- ing is the result of the election. Pres, Mrs. G. .K, IIrown, Vice• -fres. 'Mrs. E. •1f. Be:rrn; BCC. 'Jere. li. Grown ; Cor Sac. Mrs. J. 11. Boltzmann ; ,Treats. Mrs. 11. biota. Sixte:•n scholars of ').ion Evan 8, S. took the pledge of tot:11 nbstin- ence, Sunday aftet•noot, making a total number of I►0 fano .l.. far have talon the pledge'. Grent interest is Dashwood last •,v:'ek, Mr. Elmore Krueger Las accep :t position us clerk with J. .l. M net', of Zurich. 'The millinery openings held h Lha -fore part of this Areal: were decided success, ted e r- Ineorporated by Special Act of Parliament. ere Member of The Canadian Backers' Association and n Tho Toronto Clearing douse. HEAD OFFICE, W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager, A Branch of this Bank has been opened in DASA WOOD and a general banking business will be taansacted at this branch. Interest allowed in the Savings Bank on � ne farmers ank of Canada BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT. Canadian Tetterine is an absolute, certain cure for Eczema. Acne kosea, Tetter, Pimples, Blackheads, Ringworm, Barbers' Itch Scald (lead, itching Piles Ulcers, 'otlto. ever . Sores at. all cutaneous and facial blemishes. hroW•tltis tyeek to attend flee Rests --Das been thoroughly and successfully tested muyer-Burmeister, wedding, Inhundreds ofsocalled incurable cases Bead the nelvertis,vnent for the rutar•'s JB:uik in this issue. A very pretty ++'ed,tling look pence at elle home of Mr. :ink Airs. Lewis 'Jtesternayer on f hd 1411i. on Tucsduy last •wli it their .1,iighter Susi • was united ilt in:arri,ge to Mr. Clu'a Bur- meister by the Ituv. 11 r. !l'uttn in the presence of a numb.•r of relatives It is entirely unlike any other preparation, mixture or ointment that has been sold or pre- scribed. A few applications will convince that is has wonderful medical virtue and intrinsic merit. It is made in Canada. A good honest Cana. dian preparation. :'rice one hoz Fifty Cents, or five boxes Two i We are offering .Bargains in all lines of gocds to re - gistsPrice. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. ' rI flee our large stock. Note a few of the many bargains we Sold and recommended by all leading Drug- ' g guts in Canada. )lave to offer. Space will not allow us to mention them all. N TORONTO. ONE DOLL4R and upwards at the highest current rates and paid four times a year, Farmers Sale Notes discounted, Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, Farmees and others. Do your banking business at home and keep your account in The Farmers Bank of Canada. Dashwood, Ont. G. P. ASH. Manager Great 6icdrIflij Sale No'Oo .and draends. The bride was rtjcely Manufacturedhlet and ee to sold by he sole propri attended, Miss ,\)aria Burmeister tors. 1 mad a charming bridesmaid whiloThe Tetterine Chemical Co the groom was assisted by ;Mr. Lewis ! Windsor. Ontario. 'ltestemayer, After the cremony, nit Sold in Exeter by W. 8, Cole, sat xlown to a wedding supper. Mr, I `r• llowey and J. W. Browning, Dru and Leers. Burmeister tvi11 make their I gists. home in Dash wood, Their many manifest. nlotg theses lines sof late, friends wish them n happy and pros - Upon Invitation the Y. 1 . A. of porous wet(slod lite. Zion 'Evangelical church paid a visit w'he severe storm of brei! on Leri - to The league. of the .lielhodhsit they ,night Last rjid cousid •cable dam. church on ,\bonds} night last, a ag in Diashwoo and vicinity, break- �:_� +�!�:?las♦■ very interesting program, being 1•en- ing .. inflows. Large hull stories fell dared, atter which refreshments were to tit, depth of three or four intihes .served. and a very rnjoyablo time It ^vas 11)3 heaviest hailstorm in �-•- Hazo7 r�nsN£s _';_ spent. years, I �� ' im_ • Dress Goods regular 40, 45 and 50 cents the yard for t25cts• Dress \V• Goods, regular 35 for 20c the yard. g- Dress Goods regular 25 for 20 cents thn yd. Do, not fail to sea our new Dress Goods. All the latest in Venetians, Panamas, Taffetas, Voiles, Poplins, &e., &c.. at close pric.s. A company calling themselves the Mr. tiro, Schroeder lost a valuable Modern :Medicine Company hire 'been dog on •Friday, iii3111: last. The dog giving shows in the Town hall the became •frightened by the thunder past week. One feature which cat's- and lightning and ran away. Ile is ed some excitement wns the t3ivin a yellow slog, short hair, and short of a watch to the ,most popular , 1,•iis with Ion, tail. Mr. Schroeder young lady receiving the most %vitt give a suitable reward for in- vote4 which wero given accord. formation leading to his recovery, ing to how much medicine bought Ind 'Miss Davidson. of Crediton, wens a vote. Conseeuently a great many 1117 mese of M r. arid Mrs, \Ven, have atoned, n way enough medicine 10rl:•res over Sunday. Miss 1)tvidsot to last 1twin for years. At 'the con- - was a former (eaeher on the 14th, elusion it was found that bliss Walls The millinery opening of Messrs. 11i11 lead received the largest ,number Tiernan & Edighoffcr was a decided of vote's. 911CPe99 :end many weer, the ladies The Miss •Alruina Tager left Monday t bat visited (his drlrarlrnent and gsertJ of labor employed is a last :for Stratford In attend hu Riess showed their apprrcialion of Ib,, mea csaenel. point is producing tole(' st:eh The men intrusted college, grand. ilia pep • by with t regrinding tf Carbo Magnetic Thu weekly meeting of the erect- leaving their orders for new spirct � sued have apene the t! sir pare of y t':ai: t:v :a t;adr:ng t!,ar resent iton Literary Society was held on hats. Among the rneny striking fen-' e wee: un• 7hcy are Ham - Friday least when a very spicy pro. •tures in hats were to b.' seen n pretty i k o.-,;,.-' i;.: ri zoblyblade gratin!' • o: is rendered. white )lfohair braid hal. burned up rat .�sr.:,;a.tat!ie:rhand.isabsolutey Tei • ;tiiili,acty department udder , left side wit le itigla crown Irimmed 'eit'r..I:',S,?...,'':1,w;tltnoirregulari- t.h • re in from nt of Mrs. Link at S. ; with whit • silk inn line and ospreys ; c•o t:: soots. The shaving Dune I,'. It' i1? openings oft Teles- i and f,-tney pins. Anol her was a. Cpl •1noct , dcartaa,d3comfortable day and \\' '!n ;y o[ this weak: pertly bookie){• jaunt}• htnek hal.!ta:;n,;rias..tart. - ccrsation. ' Th.+ '1'corations are a pleasing of I raised al Irft. side anti fancy straw Vet to the ,.y,,. owing to their being bral'1 crown 1 r}unn(v) wit h t wo large shown itt •deer natural etat'•. Among! black pieties and champagne and re - the variety of hats shown are the silt) .;rren roses. Also a pretty Co. merry widow ani broad sailor. The pallele/et blue hat with crown coy. bits this yeer are entirely different .es•ti with /lowers and !ergo roses al in style to those shown last season I •ft side. A very stylish Leghorn hat and are much prettier. The hats are 'n it flee -Live crown and•old rosy fae- both Iarn.•t and small. so That it 1%011 ire,, ►rdmmrrI %w't) tr s• Ido. 4 The finest steel rade and tempered b7 electricity will not make a perfect Carbo Magnetic razor blade. it still requires grinding to complete the work. This grinding must be as true and reliable as the ingredients named. Griadinientirely by hard is imper• feet -wobbly -by machine, too me• chanical to search out every point needing attention -but combine the two with the secret test each blade is finally subjected to and you have a perfect Carbo Magnetic razor. ::•- :c snot 1,no brittleness will :p;.. :.1 in a Carbo Magnetic rasor no rant, how long used. No method of tempering by fire with its constant variation of he.•t will produce s,..h irirormity. Every blade, has 1 l:oaght to t fixed temperature . curatelr measured by electricity br• fore being "plunged," any variation r ! r. car► rbtro from d his precision would reduce the by rosy to suit the tast3 of every- ol;1 rose ,flowers• A veryrpnr,'attc•nd' Ion'' 111;4 year. Tho leading cshadcs 1 ping taus a sharp. resed't rr,'en col- Brit test t:,isonooi,:!!(/onsl/y ane pink, p,le blue, in fact Nearly all or turned up nt side with res,.,ln col_ ouararstned razor in yo.rr own ; colors ,t:- being worn. The trim- or.•.1 'malinrinnd brown flowers. svith you- rr hay-, ba:;e: use it o, you -for thin ming ermsi'-ts of ostrich osprey:. Cop-•nhagen btnr anti brown trim.. Drop us a fine •t� of .all kinds, ferns and moss i' postal, or betterwllyet mittfta, A vr'ty as brawl, tome in and see us and we will give are a1..o nw, Ribbons in laden anti in 1),' hetet New York Atyla trim-� you our new proposition for having small how 4. signs ore very protein- toed wit It red tulips nitre brown roses these ra'irors tested withput obliga- I rut• Ther;. is a iso a stood -ari,'ly of and ribinn. Also Jho mere widow , tion to larli4s' 'llonrtel.s, ehildrens' h•als an i a•.iior, y purchase, together with our infants' bonn•,ls shown. eliatopiern^Rcoleo•edtribbo,, wa_s very I (reebookler"Hiatsoa5bavjpl<,^ Th • millinery oprnbegs at C. %wick - st riking A d•,rk ;rrcen sailor shape) W S. Coley Druggist rs were held on Tur.y sd , ant \Ve:I- 11 inure,d •e -% 111; d i i k brown ribbon nett a .•...rvr..k •M.. aT re t. _1 i ''j ,'t ! ILS, .. ee,.- ;. , „i + Q� 1•) li„,, 1 \t ,.11 1 t,� C1 Y i 1 „ li !� j"..=.i It� lei )A ►, ,:i.-"rL1 octor Withdrew his Remedies in favor of Zam-Buk. M,. Ab. Wheeler, Marine and Stationary Engineer, of 145 Front St., Belle vile, O.•'.. says : " Two months ago. while employed in a steam laundry in this city, :, , left hand became caught and was accidently drawn into a hot mangle. As soon as nossibl•t the machinery was stopped and my hand was extricated, but not before the flesh or ths. palm of the hand was literally cooked to the bone and the fingers flattened out of shape 11 ,wever, r nt cite soon after the accidemy handl and arm' came frightfully swollen to the elbow and the hand presented a shocking sight. No one can imagine what 1 now suffered and endured. Not only was it hard to Bear on account of the cruel pains, 1,4 it was a great shock to my nervous system. It was some time after the injury before the c•soked Mesh could he removed from the palm and then only a very little at a time. As soon as all this bad been nett remove,!, healing balms were applied, but as the impr•e.nrem was so slow i (,) t .:.,e,) perm:=.ion (torn the Doctor ter lam•lluk to he used exchisi,. ;, a. ,cverat of my men filen t. '.,icing i.,••%i..usly used it for severe inj vies► spoke in the highest terms of its unusual Healing quahr; • an 1 ; • .1 iii! to give it a trial. From the commencement /.in:•ltuk soothed and relieved the paws B„ a :row reit the ' "'""'"• sore-e•s. lnnwl.rgantnenjoyag..,dn;Rhbreetandsleep. inatrautthreeweekstimethepalmofmyhandwasnicelyhcaledn'etthr,'.1. ie '11•I c'•i • .•1thi.won.lettul remcdy7.am•Bak, an.l alt inflammation and swelling was thoroughly tonishe,f 'r:,m l.,rh hen.) an•i '••:, IRaat•nsrk cnr-e. - 1E1111E1: +‘t;. rot •, -t V'•ur matt ski•, treat• .n w• t base lotto is to Jost JI •. ,. ., 17m, atalnp 1. 1',. 7t,,,. Cu+e.,. i m,t..../•.'.iii1-.r1rr,,.:,• send Tow a ,ia,.,e v .,nnn.g s,ec. ,ilv,., 1. ,.,.i,s. n,!•, barber • ra•h. ..,,, 80.; .-,•and<, rat. bruins• !•.,n.4, e• I, i•.1 ',n.d m ,..;•a•, • . -.ALL New Prints 200 patterns to cl►oostl from, 5 cents the yd. to ;14cts, New ':Ginghams, .11uslies, VictorEe Lawns, Persian Lawns, 'Organdie, Fancy Muslims, Factory Cottons worth 12 1-2 for 10cts. Towellings 5 ccs. The yd and +up3 %yards, Shirt ings, Cottonad'•s and Danlos. Millinery Opening This dcpa►•tnl<nt is ire, charge of Miss Kerr, who is ready to take your orders for your spring millinery. The stock is :ill new rind ftp -to -date in Men and Boys' Clothing A large and (well assorted stock iof Mens' and Iloys' ready-to-wear Clothings, Mens' Suits regular $10.00 for $8.00. Mons' Suits regular 9.00 for 7.00. Mens' Suits regular 8.00 for 0.00. Mens' Suits regular 6.00 for 4.50. Boys' Suits for $1.25 upwards. Ordered Clothing a specialty. Bar- gains to clear. See the very latest in Browns and Grey ,Worsteds and q'an- cy, Suitings. A [ell lin:' of Gents Ttirnishings, Hats, Ties, Braces, Gloves, Collars, Shirts. Mens' Caps regular 25 to 50 cents for 15 cents. Mens' Dress Shirts $1.00 for 50cta.I Mons' Shirts GO ito 75 dor 35 cents, all the Leading Styles in shapes, Trimmings, etc. Do not fail to (WI our display, We invite you to sal$ • borone making your purohases, House Furnishings New Wail 1'apars, New Carpots, New Floor Oilcloths Llnoleums Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, Art Bateons all prices that will quit thy roost fastide ions housekeeper. Boots and Shoes ( Must be Fold r:zar.iless of colt. Hardware Sherwin-Williams Paints, this, Vary nishes, Spades, Shovels, Forks. Nails and Shelf .,flardwar'. ideal :SVlra Fencing, Coil Wire. Itarb Wiro ht close so prices. a. Grocery and Crockery Department A full line of Crockery and (lance ware. Our Grocery Department . ja dealt and fresh with now goods an4 prices as low os Ito lowest. We call ltedpath's Granulated Sugar, the best by ,test. We respectfully invite you to call and take a look through our stock. Our motto is "Good Goods and Right Prices,' Market Prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, UASH WOO[' Bylarivisit to our store you can be convinced that our stock of Wall Paper is most complete and of the newest pain., n, dip I best designs We have them from lie up to 30c n sine.. tall tor Kitchens, Dining Rooms, Ifalk, Parlors and Bed Is (min.( See our stock 'B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar Kirxton Hardware Store Sap Buckets, Sap Pans, Sap Spouts p s Everything.* that is necessary for making Maple Syrup in stock now, arld(sold a cheap:as can he had any wh'-r'. The Hest Paints always on hand, W. MOORE - KIRKTON