Exeter Times, 1908-02-20, Page 81' ti t; X .P.; 1 F h '1' 1 M t S FEBRUARY 20th 1908, + +•:-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 + +4 •: +-:• d.+ :• -! .+++-t• + $-d•+•l•+ ++ •f• -:• + :• +++++•: ++++++++++ STEWART'S fi11' on getting Redl)atlls Extra Standard Gran- lilat('d Sugar! --«'e sell Redlrttlis and none whet ---Itelnelllber it's the Sugar of Quality and it pays to pay for Quality. -1 cdpttth's 1= lit'st by '!'est. ..Z ('EN" 1'S Sailor lioy , uncolored japan 'l'ca is the best val- ue we know of. It comes to us in the original cases direct from the gardens in Japan. 30 ('EN'1'M Mixawatta Mixed Tea a Beautiful Blend of Cey- lon, Green and Black Tea a rich, nutty, Flavor, and good clear Liquor, -try a bound. 30 (_'EN'1'S Black Beauty black Tea is all that the name im- plies. It's a good looker, a good drawer and most satisfactory. Will you try a sample. Try our special Teas. They will please you. Cruors Prints. The kind that wear. The kind that hold fast to the color to the very last. We believe that ()inns Prints are the best that cross the ocean. Yes, they will cost you a little more than the com- mon prints, but see the (li leretice in quality, and 3 on know it pays to pay for quality. Crums collie in light grounds with small neat figures and Cadet flhies Lilacs and Navvs. You can boil then), they on't fade, the color that won't conte off. Ask for Crums. !Aur Coats For Men, Fur coats for Ladies and fut linea coats for Ladies, all at prices that will slake you wonder )low we do it. We have a f'ew Beauties left, we will refuse no I (>asonable offer. They must go out quick. -Come ;111(I Seo. We are selling lots of goods tt, our Western friends. Visi- tees from Manitoba and the West will find in this store bargains that will set them thinking. Just think of it a fur or fur -lined coat for just about half price Ladies' and Girls wool lined Rubbers, first qual- ity, regular value S5e, clearing at 50e S A. STEWA E , :.:..�. �. a -1 ++•1•-:•-'r+ :11 1;1.;..•i• :••1•-:••++q.•�.1.✓,..I..Y.+•l••i-++++•I•++ ..,+.+++++++++++++++++++++++ •+++-:•.t•+++•1•++++++++ IR:NOS .e. 11111111111=10111.111.1.1 Wt' pi y special attention to this line 811(1 are. this season Showing a large and choice collection of Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphire, Opals, and Torquois. Set singly find in combination Values are of the Best. A, MARCHAND Great Reduction In Suits For 30 Days $18 Suits for $9, $10 and $12. W. W. TAMAN Mcrr}ta- t Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. E:RNE:ST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY t.1 lr.tn at 1m.e.t rates, North West land+ for Sale. Office. Main Street, Exeter fl DRIPPY TIME Are you having a Grippy Time? foweu's Gure-fl-Gold Capsules. are the ''Best 'Thing on Earth" for Coughs, Colds and LaGrippe. Try them and be convinceO. Manufactured only by W.S.Howey, Phn.B. Chemist & Optician. Phone 50, 'Howey's Liniment for sore throat can't he beth. htdrke't Report. -The following Is the repot t of E.xerter markets. core rooted up to 1'ebru try '((tit., Pilo Barley, 30 cents to (0 cent <. Peas. 75 cents to 80 cents. Blended flour (STAR), ti2.75. .4:12 Shorts. S.5. Oats. 40 to 4g cents per bushel. Wheat. ct:l ceii. i t►,•r bushel. 1•'e('(1 Flour. Stele to *1.45. Bay, $1•'2 to S13. Dried apples C► cents per round. Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.; 1'.tta1 a -• 7Gc. to 90'. eer beg. Butter. :'3 cosh.. Elres, 2.2 cents t' a• .tuz,•11. Co;ii, 57.25 a ton. Chicken. t) cents 11.•r lb. Geese, 11 cetlts per lb. Ducks. 9 cents per lb. Turkeys. 11 cents per Ib. lto,;- liveweielit. 85.01). Hogs. dreseed, $5.75. s••>t►• .4.• e••••d•••••••••••• • • • d• • • •c •aaaat•4 ,l#••••• " :l .r} liliit'1►t, of 11.it•rtoII, is % iso ing Irl t1Ives in town). - Cedar Posts for bale. -Apply .1.! I'. Itrickw'ood's Store, Exeter North.) - Mrs. C. Smith. of Mens:tll, is the guest of Mrs:. .1. .l n rrot t, E xet.•r North. - .1r 11. G. Beldon an(1, Mrs. Sel- tlon visited friends in Clinton on ,1OIl(1 ty, -Mr. .1u5:'ph llaw•den, on 'Tuesday, sold ,1 ho„ to \Ir. \Vint -rt. weighing, 7.5 pounds. -M rs. i L1 rol(1 Smith and Master Clayton. of London, are visiting 'Sirs. Edwin Jones. this %ve,'k. -If you want a watch that is a LOCALS We Sell Red Rose Tea Try a Package Red Rose Tea is Good TEA We Sell Red Rose Tea Try a Package SNELL & ROWE -Owing to the disagreeable welsh -1 er on lfeb'y. 7th., the sale of \Ir• t Thomas Cameron was postponed and it is 1uite likely a sale will be held time -keeper call and secure on•t of on March 6111. '!'hose+ having; arl)'- S. Fitton's special movements. thing for sale kindly lel us know end - Drs. Kit►Nnt:In rind ltoulston left we will arrange with Mr. Cameron last •Sat urday to at lend 'the. Dental to ha ve l hear put on his list - Convention being held in Toronto. • -Mr. Wes. lfawkshaw, 1 raveller -Mr. 1':d. French returned to Tor- for Line, McDonald & Co., of London, onto. Tuesday morning after visiting was in town last Friday and 5 slur- ; Mr. and Mis. E. A. I'olliek: for a day, introducing Mr. MCFallse to the few clays. t rade. Mr. liawkshaw has beenmade Western nt -Mr. \'; . le Alger:, lecountattl of \\ estcrlt \tanager r of the, firm the It:,nk of Commerce, rtctended the' Winnipeg c►nd expects to leave for 10 -1tion in a few1-w'erks. berg, yesterdey. -The Exeter Gun Club will hold IN Powder -Mrs. \\•n1. Treble, of lfillutor.', a shooting match ni blue rock, ot► . Sask., who has been visiting relative's Friday, Feb'y. 21st. at the Gun Club ; u Ira for t1i past six weeks left Oil grounds. Sides will be chosen and \touday eveningfor her home. a supper to be held at the club --Tile tulauy friends) eel Mrs. .las. grounds will be shot for, the losing side to pay. the shooting gill corn- ,. u 1 ill . seriously' 1 ,- :S been b. v , I,.it,shaw. who Ir I t mence at .. o'clock and everybody( is for the piss few weeks, will he pleas- welcome to shoot. ed to learn that she is slowly recov- _At elite meeting of the Official erutg. Board of t he Main Street church, -Miss Ethel Northcott has been , 011i,e l l & It • 1 i held last geek, !Lev. E. A. Fear r was Rev Fear during his pastorate of the 'Maio Street church, has been the COLE'S DRUG STORE was very interesting and inspiring. means of greatly increasing the con- On the whole the missionary' ser- 1'rescril►tinns our Specialty vices were a success and the con- -Lent be'^iti \lard► •lilt. -24th. u1 :.1 iy falls on Sunday this year. -Mr. .101111 'Trott, of Ilcauisville, is visiting friend, in town. -Mrs. [3. Fittton was laid up tot a few days with a severe cold. -Mr. Ed French, of Toronto. is vis- iting his sister Mrs4 E. A. Follick. -Mrs. \Vr. Davidson. of Stratford is visiting her daughter Mrs. (It,'v.) ['ear. -A1'tl'itENTICI•: WANTED - To learn the barber trade. -Ed. Exeter. . -Mr. S. •I'oplestone. of I31yth, vis- ited itis mother the latter part of last week. -Misses 011ie Quant, :Ind Miss Morlock left Monday to attend the millinery openings. -Owing to the illness of Mimi Mil- lie Martin, Monday. her room at th.' school was closed during the (ley. -Mr. and Mrs. \Ven. R. Elliott. (►f ('entrali't. entertained .1 nnnil►(•r c►f Exeter friends at their hone in ('• n - t rali•t last evening. \l r. This. (irrteron last week sold for Mr,. W. 11. Stewart the 100 acre farm to her father-in-law Wm. Stew- art for a good figure. -Say 1 Ilowey's Cherry Cordial is little better than the ordinary cough medicines. Have evil tried it :' Only 25c. (tt ilowey's !)rug Store- -Rev. .'t. 11. Going, 11. A.. popular pastor of the .limey Street church, has been invited to remain for a fourth year by 1Ite cl►u•eh official. -Mr. and lire. Delp!. Evens. or !London, visited at the horn t of the former'! parent!. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Treble for a few day! the pant geek. w,•dding of his brut her in \\'aline;- hes new• 00 You Wan Bet ter Biscuits Bets(- r Cakes Better Pies 'I'ttrtn you have had: 'Then use 6Ol'S It is at very simple matter to make 1elR ous, wholesome and nourishing food when you have the best powder to hake with. (1i.'8,;('(1 by Sco o�r(l as tilt irt- invited to remain for the third year. ,-r for the coming ssason, Miss Northcott. left Monday to aitten(1 ;the openings. -'file Manitoba Government has passed n bill that a majority in- stead of a three-fifths vote will be t, cessary, hereafter, to carry a local ( a,t ion by..1a V. 1 -Rev. Mr. Gauld, missionary- of Formosa, took the services nt the 1's --hy terian church last Sunday used always in Favor :)J cents 31 1)0(111(1. Ammessmssmssi THE OLD RELIABLE A Special Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. Will be given for TWO WEEKS ONLY In order to snake room for our Springy! Goods, in Dry Goods Clothing, Furs, Boots and Shoes and, ).'rockery. Below we give It kw of our sample pi ices, viz: Fur Coats, Meti's, .. regular $35 oo for $28.00 Fur Coats, Men's .. , . regular 2 5.00 for 20.00 Fur Coats, Men's ....regular 2 2.00 for 17.60 Fur Coats, Men's ....regular 20.c0 for 16 00 Fur Ruffs .... regular 22 00 for 17.60 Fnr Ruffs .... regular 15.00 for 12.00 Fur Ruffs .... regular 12.00 for 9 Go Fur Ruffs • .. • regular 11.00 for 8 So Now is your opportunity to get some cheap goods at Rock - bottom prices. Colne early and get your choice. CARLINC BROS. owners of vessels that had been wrecked of their coasts. In Philadelphia it cost $1,60U to convert 4,000 people who were. ,habi- tants of the slums and material for criminals. As the trying of single criminal cases runs as high as $2,000, by the saving of this) multitude the country reaps great benefits. ►• In referring to the pagan Dakota Indians he said they cost the United States $1`20 each but that' every christianized Indian only cost the Government .$7.F0 ; showing that the country makes $112.21) for everyIndian converted. Besides rill this, as the heathens become Christianized, they settle down end take on civilized habits and the barren lands are tilled and fill our .granaries and storehouses. In referring to the �;ivinge of the Christian people he said that thcv only amounted to one-tenth of one per cent. Mr. Ilouston's address throughout was very interesting and those. who heard him wero convinced that be- sides the great spiritual world being, clone, the missions were paying, com- mercially. In the evening- .11ev. Drown -was ,greeted with a full house in the Main Sttreet Ctturclr and his sermon gregatiott and success of the chinch.It is hoped he will accept the invita- tion. -Tate *offer of the Ex,+ter Time!, -• 'Sirs. Gro. Rook; visited relatives and the Toronto weekly Glob, and t at Eden, over Sunday. Canadian Farmer for $1.35 is extend - 1 t , our was played at the rink last e\V,•(lrtes- ed to June 192 Over150 of 1 -An interesting gaits of hockey (sty subsct'ibers hate taken 1 ilia end delivered a very ten- thio liberal offer and we are anxious l day evening between alcnsall and 1g , •ssive rtd(Iress. • to increase .the number to 250 be-! tersExeter,by resulting in favor o[ tl►.: %is- -The 'Times subscription lists v.;re fore the first of .Tune. Anyone who (tors a score o[ 5 to 2. The load boys put up a better game than when the went to llensall several weeks ago. but still the combination work of the forwards erns not up to that of the llensall players. The defence played an excellent game and loy end Clarke ent,'rtainc(1 a aura- medium. Item8nl'ber the Indian who had the forwards more practice there ger of friends to a Leap Year party tested the feather hest idea by lilac- is oto doubt the Exeter Hearts could :It tho house of Mrs. 1l,'arnan, St. ing one feather upon :1 plank and l)•- give the Ilensallites a trimming. Valentine 1;'renitig• ing upon it all night. Iie reasoned -The following is a partial list of -Ii. Either. M.P.P. has been tip- . that if one feather made him so lame the teachers for this year( its the( itt- i►ointed on the following committees and sore in the morning, what ;would s1,ectorate of West Huron, with: the •'itail'vaVs. Municipal ),awe Agricul- a whole mattress full of them dot post office address of each. llay-• lure• and Colonizst ion, Public Ace corrected up to lest. S;iturd:►y., Look i is now taking the Times (s.tn ,,(.t tit at the ditto on your label and teen' Globe by paying- us 33 cents. )tow much you owe. But don'li Plop' -Don't ever place a. five line ad - at looking, remit. vertisetn. itt in your paper once, and -Mesdames 51sw•art llearnart, Mal- then claim that. viol halve tested /the -in renewing his subscription to George .\i:tlrsoie Hay ; ��ratiklin L. counts Fish and Game." -III Times, i1r. R. 1'.. Walker, of ILa- Yeo, llillsgreen ; ,Gertrude Thompson, -I►► some xray too much juice conlb0. Alta., and a for►ner resident *Mary •L. Parsons, Alex. McLeod, Mitt. was 1 timed 011 at 1 h power house 011 of Crediton, says of the northwest. -- lights ey night. Atortly1 after the .••this hag leen ono o[ the finest lights came on, which ressulteek in a winter,: 1 have aver seen. 'Che nest number o[ the incnnd,'sr, nt tamps tiler has just been grand; but it is . Son, Ilensal1 ; Helen Sparks, Bt. .lo- (1ueste(1. burning out. snowing hard to -day. Looks as; i[ Ave septi; jda, Armstrong, Hay;Ethel 1)11. OVENS EYE AND EA11 SUR- might have some sleighing. Ilotli Os Kellermanu, Brewster. Stephen,- goon, will he at the Commercial x11(1 1 are well and 1ika the country Minnie llotteril1, Centralia ; •Ilat1ie 11otcl. Hours 0.30 u. ui. l0 4.30 p. fine. Chapman, Claude llluett, Lillian Rob- Hotel. Glasses properly fitted anti diss--'1'1►0 Exeter Bargain Stores is the inson, Mayne! Girvin, Clara Kienzh., casex of eye ear and none treated. •Spot for Bargains. .lust received a { Iteta Keys, Cr.sditon ; .Jatnes Itolu.'rt- - N, xt visit friday, February 2rth' new stock of Boots and Shoes. Every son, hhipkai ; .tennis, Mills ane! Anuio . -Miss ,hose I inkbein's. of Berlin, pair is brand new up-to-date Goods. Cowan, Grand Lend ; May Hudgins, Scottish Entertaiiiers ,. ► GreenwiI ; Lillie Ilartleil►, George 8. , k is the ,loess of h.'q sister, Mrs. l.sli of courg(, all go at Ilan. iia Prices. 3" , Heywood and will probably stay for Also in Stock n little lot of (sloths Shore, \\'innifred Carling, Martha Of the many novelties preK(nted to several weeks. She will also spend and Tweeds and ltsady-mall:' Cloth- ) Carling. Dashwood ; Annabel Swan, the public it: recent, years not one hots im(s with 1 . • ►a rents NI r. and ins•. This tot of Cloths. 't'weed`=s and Centralia ; Win. L. Treamer. Mabel created 11101.(• enthusiasm and delight . a i • o %x , wive h the world Clothing go al half wee., no humbug travelled Scottish entertainers. we mean half price. This (tattling Cheep Sale %t ill commence to -day 'I•Itur"day, 20111. February . .I. W. lttoderick. -The farmers of Broil Toe nship, hie Best, Clara Koehler. 1). 8. Gordon, Zurich ; Carrie Milligan, Dashwood ; Isabel Thompson and Thos. G. \Vit- gregations were. well satisfied twit! the deputation. It.'v. Fear was at borne for the day and Rev. Going took Mr. Houston's work at \Ving- lant. Public Meeting. k. Public Meeting will be held in the TOWN HALL Monday Evening, Feb. 24 To discuss the question of again submitting the Exeter By-law to the ratepayers of Exeter. A Targe attendance is re - A. Q. BOBIER, Reeve. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Seventeen •; • •• Teachers • • , ►f V. i lc experience. broad sclrot;ir-;.it. and ' • tintirii g enet•Ky, employed bt u., lace built, • ut► a urriculuu unsurpasse(t in Cat.ada for ' • thraott;;hness, system and actual business : i,nx ednre, • THREE COURSES- Telegraphy, steno- • �;rai•hy and Cont$,nrciiL • t:iter any time. Inctis�'dual Instruction, • • r.rtet ates assist(,' to Iwshions, • No vacation, • Mail Comae' in Languages, Ito�okkcehiu.; Shorthand, Penniinshih, etc. Send a postal for inforinat;on • •• about CANADA'S GREATEST • CHAIN 01? 111(111 (11tAI)E 131'51- • • • NESS COLLEGES. • GLINTON BUSINF,sS COLLEGE ; • D..NII:L E. Env, Vice Principal. • GRo. SeorrON, Principal. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Reduced One way second class colonist tickets %%- ill be on sale commenc- ing Feb. 29th and continuing daily until April 29th, to the following points Vancouver Victoria Seattle Portland Tacoma Spokane San Francisco i,os Angeles San Diego Mexico City sMrs. Al. Finkbeiner. at ome I 1 -reditom r C Jamieson, ca u I cl'r Ual,ortx' \1- than the ptogr.inl ), n v -The members of the Main' Street Methodist Church Epworth League were the guests of the James Street League, '1'u,'aday evcniIiR. TIies Pro- gram was taken by Ilse visitors, after ed. with automobiles, becaus:' of the Reynolds and Martha A. Ellis. Ileo- in the -,lames 1lattwick. who is charg- trouble they cauls to people driving sail. I':x'tid M Louis l'. "'lin"' riling, along the rural roads that they -w.int Stella (,r( or Agnes Johnston,1 iniuiOpera Hoose, March 9 ed with murdering hiy wiCs( in \Vest .. tl � K J• which light refreshtn,•nts were 5e1•r- vin Itrintnr.l1, 1)1110ndnle ; Clarence Gowans and Isabella M. Gardiner, Far pillar; ;John W. Ilogart 1.. Exeter Maud hair, hlinicille ; Alice Dougall \Vinchelsr'a ; Victoria litters. Lum- ley urn- lev'; Oliver .1, \Ic\aui:hlon. 1V),alen. County of Bruce are out of v''i,'lIc� 11�'ns=all,- \V ns. ,McKay. t'lorat l,. Miss Nannie Strachan Miss Enid New6onmbe Mr. Gavin SpenGe to prohibit. the ant ns from using ie Clara Vesper, Elsie. A. McCallum, Hannah M. Kinsman. Mildred Mar- tin arid \\Thetis dowsed, Exeter, Missionary services w,'rei held in the two Methodist churches on Sun- day last. i11 the morning Ilev. Itrow•n country roads at all and have en- 1 Under auspices of Carvell Presbyterian trusted Dr. Clapp. M. 1'. 1'. for South church choir. Bruce with a petition .•x:eet 1v r•i;rht '-- feet long slimed by the farmers, of South Bruce, asking the Provincial Governmeet 10 compel the nulos to \issouri, a few weeks ago, had his preliminary hearing Ih•fore, Hoke Chit tick, nt London, on .loiel ty. and has been committed for 1 ri 11 to take place in \larch. -On Wednesday of last w'c(rk the Nielson's hank took over the Sover- eign Rink( at Bengali and Zurich. As the Molsons already had n branch at Ileneill. the Novereign bank branch has beA1t cl('ed. but the branch ;it Zurich %rill be maintained. -Miss Lily Robinson, teacher in Crediton school has been engaged to stiles of Leann (.ranitnar: ject, "1)0 \fissions Pay," and his text teach in the Uslwrns,$,'n I made %:►_ •'"1'1'811'11il;us outtbiiz in parloruns' was taken from Isaiah 2'1rd. ch-,11te1' cant Ly the resignation of \Ir, .)tech- i1►us kisvitlus set%eeli cirlr,run' ;tad pa r1 of the' third tears,' "ill, clot, and until she can h,• relieved J1adi1 it s tiiieus 1(►udi snt:Ick011101 ; 118rve81 of the River shill Ir• Her el the Crediton School board, her si'ts- l:onlihus ($i ekihn� with .I e1u1,11O1- Revenue." For nearly :,n hour. Mr. ter !Edith will leads the school. heti ' Ilouston rpuke along 11►e line of \lis- iloyibus tretlibie• ) rdi s1Nenkoro1' sione. 1n the beginning of t h' dis- course be dwelt 1111011 itfr0111 a 1)11.1- 11054 1iew• show•intt the returns that were paid for ih,s investor •nt. lie stated that missions were paying over five hundred per cent per annum for keep Jo the cities towns and villages of 81. Thomas, occupied the pulpit o[ the .J.Imes 81ree•t Church nein it( -v. -Now. please do not nek_ . .T, Ilouston, of _►barn, the• t►ul- the following incident occurr.'(I, ie'- pit .,f t11e tiiain :it, Church, in ibe. CaUse we really must not t1•11. nciih- csv,,Iing the t%%o cxchan•:►•d pulpits. er is the editor of this paper res - In 1 hr. James 5t. Church in the rven- poneible for any transgressions of the ing Rev. Ilouston took for his sub- -Pitch -holes ate so closely sst rew•n along 1 he London Ito ,f1 :t 11(1 :11 such froluent intervals t11,t the siglrh of the Toed bed retnin(LM one of the rounded billows of the 1 os:sitttr ocean and the very thought of driving over them induces (noughts of sea-sick- nese. ea-sick- n( Landihus next ilius outside dooru111 : Gettibtis upihus a ith a limporunl. Swenribus kissibue eirli nomoruns." -.\bout fort y e'rsnn' ownine cows wit l►in 1ht' corporation met 1h members of the Connell al the Town •ca Ilall Dist Monday evening to talk over the cow by-law pl,'hicit' pissed -Mis- 'Tillie White. milliner for nt 11,,. , e.•i,1 municipal ('Iections. .tune's & Clnrk. left Treeol ly to nt- \I r. 1' . W. (;ladn►ats, who wast presrttt lend the millinery opcttinss at Jae- �,It.,, some IV.t,) at, oft the ail tin. I roil nail Toronto. \liss Edith fieri- tion, #tatin>t t h(% council hid to (lo tiers left for Toronto to att(,'II the ,,ith(•r one of Itto things. to pass u opening!. :,flet• which elle will L. by-law to have the cell le shop up or a position as milliner for a Kine:tr. to pans as her(! by -11 Alter con - cline firm. etderable .liseuss►ion 1 t,,ol iort Wo-, -The remains of the late Wet. F.( made end t►'s,teil ,iii Ittin,ously ask- Abbott formerly of Exeter. who was iiirf the council to elreft 1 ley -law al - killed in an automobile accident. at Ir►tt finer the' eowq to tern 0101 10 1M al - Los Angers. California, were brought in e•h:Irt1I of herders. 1h, s✓elary of to London friday night and the tun- t);.• herder to h• paid by the colo er.tl took place from th,• residence• of ow•,t••rs . The connc;l will very \trs. Mary Sutherland. Saturday af- shortly t11aa a he -la's' con will nv to ternoon. - the vishe•s of 1ll,• ow•n^rs. Cllstom6rS fitteutlon! We would like to announce that we arc in a 1)0,ition t,, ex change CORN for wheat, oats, an,l barley. We want about 25000 bushels of wheat for which we shall be every dollar invested. Tliisi is pleased to pay the hi,;hcst Are- a very hro•id sInternetst. but \i r, `,ailing market price Houston Fend that he had 51 udie(I 1 11,. luestion and Ise would prey.' 10 them that the 5Iatement was Corr..et. Remember y�ter tl'sur wants in Africa since the natives hart en- dors••.) Christianity the ivory trade will be al►Pr2ciated. had picked up greatly and from it the Christina nations derir.• great revenues. The 'Hilus in /ululand have told back to the) Christian no-- and promptly attended to. tions (01plows n101in ev,'ry dollar that was ::pent in Christianizittt; We will he running on a (:;1SI1 theta. llr•sides •this there. are many other benefits in trad ' derived. tir. B:\SIS after March 1st, Yost hen a ted flint the Christianized amount EVROS. ),oaf )sen had rot urn'd n vast .imoutttARV of ,,reeds. 1•u0niil,7 1n(0 110114re(14 of thousands; of pounds. ,aortia,-'. to the At the Mill For tickets and full information canon J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.. or write. J. I). MCDONALI), Union Det)ot, Toronto, Ont. sniff llauze Rose Once and y on will say it. in the sweet- est perfume you ever sniffed. If you want the genuine go to THE PUSI�TY We have 3 second hand talk- ing machines and 50 discs for sale at a bargain. Call and see no trouble to show Watch W indow. THE PURITY I Watch Window. ('atn, Exp, Bldg. Wood Wood Wood 121)0 cord of hard 11 ood, I3est (Inal- ity. ('rices nc•c•ording to grade. \Vno(1 cut to snit customer?, cord block. (betels left at, Time!. Office o Thos. Hartnoll Logs ante Highest Prices Paid delivered or in the woods THOS. ELSTON Centralia Saw Mills