Exeter Times, 1908-02-13, Page 8r; X .E T E R Ti Del 1. S FEBRUARY 13th 19O$,
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fit e you }vetting Itedl)aths Extra Standard Gt'an-
uktted Sugar' --We sell Itedpaths and none
othet -Remember it's the Sugar of (duality
and it pays to pay for (duality.-lte(lpath's
is Best by Test.
Sailcr l3oy , uncolored
japan Tea is the best val-
ue we know of. It comes
to us in the original cases
direct from the gardens in
:3O ('E,N'1'S
Mixawatta Mixed Tca
a Beautiful Blend of Cey-
lon, Green and Black Tea
a rich, nutty, Flavor, and
good clear Liquor, -try a
30 ('EN'1'S
Black Beauty black Tca
is all that the name im-
plies. It's a gond looker,
a good drawer and most
satisfactory. Will you try
a satnplc.
Try our special Teas. They will please you.
Crums Prints.
The kind that wear. The kind that hold fast
to the color to the very last. We believe that
'rums Prints are the best that cross the ocean.
Ves, they will cost you a little more than the com-
mon prints, but see the difference in quality, and
\ ou know it pays to pay for quality. Crums come
111light grounds with small neat figures and Cadet
Blues Lilacs and Navys. You can boil them, they
won't fade, the color that won't come off. Ask
for (1'111215.
Fur Coats For Men, Fur coats
for Ladies and fur lined coats for Ladies, all at
prices that will make you wonder !low we do it.
We have a few Beauties left, we will refuse no
1 easonable offer. They must go out quick. --Come
and See.
\Ve are selling lots of goods to our Western friends. Visi-
tois from Manitoba and the West will find in this store bargains
that will set then, thinking.
Just think of it a fur or fur -lined coat for just about half price
Ladies' and Girls wool lined Rubbers, first qual-
ity, regular value 95c, clearing at 50c
4--aa-e--1-4+++++++4-4-144:- 0.4÷4.+++++++++.;+++++++4•.f$.+++
4 -t-'..+-14++++++++-4•++++++++++4 •-t•++++++++-f•+++++++
We p ►y special attention to
this line and are this season
showing a large and choice
collection of
Diamonds, Pearls,
Rubies, Emeralds,
Sapphire, Opals, and
Set singly and in combination
Values are of the Best.
In Suits
For 30 Days
$18 Suits
for $9, $10
d 12
in !
;Merchant Tailor.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected i
MONEY to loan 41 10..•41, rates.
North wept ianAs tor Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
in large variety. A hot water bottle
often prevents a serious illness. It
coats only a small sum but many a
time saves a big drug and doctor's
to tell you to have a hot water bottle
bandy so you can use it at midnight
if it's needed. Look oyer our drug-
gists' sundries and buy what you need
while our stock ii fresh and new.
W. S. Howey, Phm. D.
Market Report. -Tho following to
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
rected up to February 13t h,
oats. 47e. per bushel.
Harley. 50 cents to GO cent=.
1'(•as, 75 cents to 50 cents.
Blended Flour (HTA11), $2.75.
\1 he:tt. 90 cents per bushel.
Ifran. $23.
Shorts. 1423.
Feed Flour 61.4+4 to X1.50.
Ilay, $12 to $13.
Dried apples 5 cents ler pound.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.
Potatoes. 750. to 90e. per bag•
Mutter, 23 cents.
Eggs, 2.2 cents per dui,it.
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
Chicken. 9 cents per Ib.
Geese, 0 cents per lb.
Ducks, 9 cents per Ib.
Turkeys, 11 cents per Ib.
!logs. liver%eight. $I.Fn.
dr.• --ed. &L75.
FAi(M FOR BALE -53 1-2 acres
just North of Salt Block. Exeter.
Terms easy. Apply A. Q. !Wirier.
HOUSE TO RENT. - On Andrew
Street. first house North of Main Ht.
church parsonage. Furnace in house.
Two-fifths acre of l,nd. Apply John
Broderick. Sarepta I'. 0. 12-21-07.
geon. will bo at the Commercial
Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
tn. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye car and nose treated.
Next visit Friday. February 28th.
-Good frame torn for sale on
lot 15. Cott. 5, Usbornc. Apply on
the premises or 10 S. Martin & Son.
entre. Oat.
O v idue to )
Otte cow near e
yearling steer. Three ye arlinfr heif-
fere. Must be /told. Short of fccd.
A, Q. nobler.
-Three young smart 11•cks 11%-
ing in the country not far from herw'
on Tuesday night were snaking _nuis-
ances of 1heina,•lYes by driving up
anti .town the streets following
women. making ungentlemanly re-
marks and inviting young girls to
take n drive with th.•rn. Th.`v even
went 1.o far nl to threaten two younu
ladies who paid no attention to their
advances, with force to make. !.hem
take. a drive. Th: names of the
young men tin` known and w,' will
be compelled to publish their name,
if they repot the offence.
•• LOCALS• •••
••f••••• ••i•••••
- Miss Tillie Yeager visited friends
in town last ,week.
- Mr. Alf. \\•alter w:18 111 London,
Wednesday, o,, busin.`ss.
-Miss Louise• E:ictcll, of Toronto,
is at home t i -ii ins lee. mother.
-Cedar 1'u -t s for Sale. -Apply J.
11. Ilrickwootl'a Store, Exeter North.
--Winter amien rs to have Recti Ira n
stve.1 up and thrown at us ill a
-None of lite travellers were held
up at Ilensal1 during the snow block-
- Miss Mabet Mara, of Lucan, is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. W. S.
-Mrs. Win. Stnallacotnbe. of Crys-
tal City. Afar.. is visiting friends in
- Mr. .I:u.r s Walter, %r•ho dvas
.{uile ill last week, returned to work
Monday morning.
-Mr. S. M. Sanders Was 111 Ci,,cin-
nalt in., week attending the Can -
-Mr. and Mrs. W. T. England are
guests at the home of Mr. John 'Tay-
-Mrs. Fitzgerald. of Toronto is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred llawwk-
-If you tvant a watch that is a
time -keeper call and secure one of
S. Fitton's special movements.
o You Want
Better Biscuits
Better Cakes
Better Pies
- Mrs. W. Arscoit. of Killarney,
en us
formerly 'hiss Susan Kellaway, of Than you have had?I a o
Exeter, is a guest at the home of
James Gould.
ner's Convention, -Owing to the unfavorable weath-
-Mr. Harold Ilissett, former iel- er last. Saturday the regular monthly
ler at the Alolson's Hank here. has meeting of the Usborno council was
bran transfr_rred from Sitncoa to Tor- called off. but will be held this coin-
ing Saturday.
- Mr. Joseph Snell, manager of the
Bank of Commerce, who was com-
pelled to take to hiiI bed last %reek
%% on account of a severe cold. has int-
-Saturday night. and Sunday morn- prove(, considerably and is nowt able
ing were the coldest w.,' have had ase to get around.
far this winter. Twenty degrees -Drs. [toulston and Kinsman will
below zero was registered. next week attend the Dental Conven-
tion in Toronto and in conse 4ue.nce
%will be absent from their respective
offices from the 17th. to the '21st.
- Mr. Geo. ]locker, clerk for .\V,
Jr Neaman, met with a painful oc-
cident Monday night. Ile was fixing
the furnace in the base-mettf, for the
night by putting ou a fresh supply
of coal and before he could got out
of the way the accumulated gas ex -
elated, the full force of which struck
hint in the face. Mr. Hockey's eye-
brows and hair were badly singe(! and
his left eye burned.
-Mr. Art 1\'god. tclro vas employ-
ed with I he staff of the Sovereign
(lank at Munt real returned home
last •eek
-The assembly which wens to havo
been given by the bachelors and ben-
eet:ets, Wednesday evening of last
has been postponed until Mon-
day L'eiiy. 21t it,
-The Exeter holders of Sovereign
(tank stock. have been notified of a
meeting of the shareholders to bo
1. Id at Toronto on March 18th.
- Owing to the bad weather 111! as-
s •iubly which was to have bpeii held
in McDonnell's hall. Wednesday
e'. •Hint, of Iasi we.`k_ was postponed.
BdKIHO roucr
It is a very simple [natter to
snake delicious. wholesome
and nourishing food when you
have the best powder to bake
Once used always in Favor
25 cents a pound.
Prescriptions our Specialty
- Miss Lavine Koch, o[ Exeter
spent Sunday at the homy of her
parents in ,Dashwood.
- The members of the Main. Street
- When the two -dollar and a half, Tho case of Narcisse M. Canon, Epworth League have commenced re-
;;t•e dollar and len dollar gold coins; charged wit h obtaining $2,400 from hearsing their parts for the. "Temple
get in circulation they will to it Zan', Gallagher by false pretences, of Fame" to be presented, in the Op -
great e::t: nt displace th^ circulation : teas dismissed by Magistrate Deni- ' era itouse in the near future.
of filthy lucre. son. last week. According to Gal- -The weather of the ford part of
- Fromgnobservations from the. 1, 6
1,c 'ti evidence . un c
r e
the was somethingmeth
it. Af-
reports of both parties in iLe Wes- illation he had Ioane(the d.defendant ter hitting the twenty below: ,nark
r ition
tern timber deals it: is evident that $300 for 1.11 clays under cont on Sunday the weather gradually
each ore is trying to ,'et his pockets that he be given a bonus of $100 grew warmer and on Monday and
cleaned out before the tallied can go' for the loan. Ile also admitted hay- Tuesday one could got along comfort -
through them. ing loaned ,C:rntin $1.001) for forty bly without nit overcoat.
_Those in 1 he village who own • (lays for n bonus of $1,000.
-sir. John Charlton received wot:t
cows are re;uested by they Council -Mosler uric Burden was unfor this Werk from the North West that
to meet at the Town 11311 next Mons' Innate enough on Tuesday to sus- DIr. Walter I'umlrhrey. while out
day evening to discuss 1113 matter re- t:cin two accidents. When returning
shooting wolves with a friend and on
the cow by-law voted on nt the last horse from school at noon he fell in- returning home, 4 h horse he was
tnunicipaI election. . jurings otte•of his eyes. which nc•ces. riding, stumbled, and Walter lalling
-Mr. E. P. Paulin. a former well- sitated his remaining horn.`. During under the animal received serious
known hardware merchant of Dash- the afternoon he rind ouetof his, bre- •
) in uritis.
,wood, has disposed of his busine,; titers weld to the basement, tomelt.
in Goderich to Mr. M. W. Rowell.' some lead 014(1 possibly because, the -Tho anniversary services of the
of Goderich. Mr. Paulin has not metal W38 .fret it exploded, several Thames Road Presbyterian Church
yet decided as to his plans for the nieces striking Theyoung Intl on the will be held on Sunday February 18.
future. optic he injured al noon. burning 1008. Services at 11 a. m. and 7
-lt any one in town enjoyed the that member quite a vcrely• p. in. to be conducted by Rev. Ilium -
large amount of snow which fell (fur - -Tommy Burns. Thr Cenadian,' side Russell. 11. D., of Irskine church
ing the severe storm, 11. ,was N. 4). champion heavyweight pu„ili=t of tit. 1Gunilton. Miss Anna .Martin. of-
Ilurdon. The genial manager of the .world, knocked out Jack 1' timer, of Exeter, will assist. the Choir with
Molson's Batik had Leen waiting for; Newcastle, tho English champion, in music. All are welcome.
some time for such an opportunity to 111e fourth 101/4141 of what. was ache-' -Mr. Chester Stanlak.� held a
get out and he thoroughly r.njoyed duled to be a 20 -round contest for'blur rock shooting match at his hotno.
the pleasures of snow shoeing: ; the heavyweight. championship. Some 'r.dor o Dt hood afternoon. Thera
-Caid Sir harry \L(cLean. come !,two thousand per -ons saw the• nanfight. �c:ra a good crowd of shooters pres-
)der of the Sultan's bodyguard, `which took place at Wonderland. n I wa1.
big music hill an the vast side, but
Buy where you Call do best; but by all tertius
its best to consider this store first, Why? Because
we sell the best goods at the lowest possible prices.
Bemuse WO harp built our business by honest goods
and honest prices. Be-2ause our reputation depends
upon the goods we sell and we guard 0111. reputa-
tion zealously. Because we not only think of your
needs but we are ever ready to Meet thele with
goods that are up.to-date. B(•eauso our business
methods have met with the approval of the discrim-
inating public for over -}(i years which is proof that
this store is \What an up-to-date store should be.
We beg to announce to our many patrons from this time
ward that we purpose rendering our accounts quarterly, viz: 1st
April, 1st July, 1st October, and 1st January, We find the wa3
business is done to -day that 12 months' credit is a thing of the past.
Thanking our many customers for past favors and soliciting a
tinuance of same for the future.
fo r -
con -
Adopting a Cash System
You will agree With sus that ,hero are two ways of doing busi-
ness namely right and wrong, a wrong way by the credit system, and a
right way by paying spot cash for everything you buy. Secondly, you
aro trying to run your business as economically as possible, aren't you,
well you will find it impossible to run it On an economical basis, and use
tho credit system. \\'e have doth our best to run a successful credit
business and do not find it satisfactory. Therefore, w•o ask you to kind-
ly assist us in adopting a Cash system, as it will help you as well as
ourselves. The banks aro refusing to give business men a good lino of
credit, therefore we ars obliged to .cut down Our Credit, this having
been our means of carrying such an extensive acmount of credit in the
It will be better to got in; :rho habit of paying for articles when you
get them. In the first place you will get them cheaper, and secondly,
yoti will save all disputes over aocounts. In our case w•o will be en-
abled to work an a smaller margin and hence you will Iget better
prices. A large number of our customers have preceded us in doing a
cash business, and for those who have not, we take this means of inform-
ing you that we will run our business on a strictly spot cash basis,
not a week or ten days credit, but absolutely Spot Cash, after March let
Would like to have our present outstanding accounts sluared up
by this date.
Owng to the fact that a great many people forget to return what
they borrow, we prefer not to lend Flour on Grists.
Yours sincerely,
B.-No nags "To Lend."
Use "Star Brand" Flour.
Highest Prices Paid
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
,d 5i(1C were chosen by Nelson
and next to the Sultan he i
t' ' t n- it %wet( n one-sided affair from lit.:. Slanlake and John Treilmer, the los-
fluential man in Morocco. has beensound of the first gong, to the raid- r ing side to pay for the supper xerved
released from the bandit Itnisuli, who.die of the fourth round. when Palm -I by Mrs. Stanitkr. (ht ing 10 the ex -
has had hit,, 011(14', bondage for the
t'1.. on his knees. was finally counted crura, ehooting n[ re Tre!i. Ne %who
past seven months. Itis rrlraw colt i,,asde a slrnight score of 1.'i, Nelson's
the British government (118 8100,000. out. aide %won out. There ,were 15; sltoot-
-A }owug 111a11 ramal t:nreloru res on each side. ity. Prrcu aretiti
suit ing to gra (.
-.lodge !toll of (;ndeheld avision n,otw11 was :arraigned before. .1. 1'.,I ‘Need cut to atilt. customers, cold daily until :!pal 29th, to the
in town Wednesday and held Division 'C M. Kay last Monday pn 1 charzet block. followwing points
cOffice ta
i Times
court, intending to hold court at i of entering ,ural stealing from Ole' Orders left at T n
Crediton on Thursday. Ile, nlopt I store of 'I1. W. h. B4'ay.•rs. Far to-' Vancouver \ ict1erie+
with n few others made an attempt h:.r. Mr. heavers for some dirt ha •
'� 'Inn.!'
dOnc way second class ccl(;nist
tickets tw ili be on sale c(>►nmenc-
1:O0cor•d ( hard. cowl. Best (teal- ing Feb. 29th and continuing
• U.\v1t•:[. E. Env, Vice I uucrpal.
• • 0Eo. SPo•rros, Principal.
r. i.
f aide experience, 1.c broad scholarship and
1 n 1
untiring energy, employed by tis, have built
ug. a rurricul unsurpas.e.l In Cal.ada for
thoroughness, system and actual business
THREE COURSES- Telegraphy. Steno.
graph). and Commercial.
Enter say time. Individual Instruction.
nota ates assietc.' to positions,
No wacatiou.
Mail Courses in !Am /mazes, Itookkeeping
sie.rthaud. Penmanship, et e.
Send a postal for information
about CANADA'S (i1E.'TEtiT
Ctauze Rose
Thos. Har tnoll
Seattle Portland
to reach Crediton but on account o[ • 'Tacoma Spe kane
Thr, huge drifts were compelled to( notified5Consta• bletit'mst from
On Sun_ -- ---- San Francisco hos Angeles
return to town. postponing the court San Diego Mexico City
• to I which hotted,
•r can , s t h t h 1
went r snow atone 1
•Bissell. t -Th . no
until Diay. l day Mr. `
-In speaking for the the possible I ioomrjust loaf accreted
storhi nraelf`1iitn earl [rout Friday eight January 1131., to 1 For tickets and full information call on
ca -(41 les under the Conservative Mrs. Beavers the store.
off 1 church Once and you will any it is the sweet- 1'rida} 1'ebruuy 7th.. will go (town J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
in the history of Ontario os the worst or write J. D.MCDONALD, inion
banner for the Ontario hoes, for,,s .t ruse. They had h3►tlly gotten •Pst 11crfunte you ever gn11100 1f you
\Vest Huron end for the Dominion out of tight when your„ Drown made want the genuine go to THE PUSITY
House for Routh Huron the Goderich his rill r.tnce into the store but retch•
Star picks .Dr. J. Benson Whitley, ing sight of Mr. ilissett's hand 11 isl-
et Gotlerltli for West 1101'011 and Ex- ilv de{arled. 011 .5fonday Mr. Itis- We have 3 second (land talk -
Warden (:. a Spackman. oExeter., sett went out n ter t 1c young: n a In7 machines and 50 discs for
the province 11:18 ever haul. Although Depot, Toronto. Ont.
it wean not so severe around herr
ns the memorable storm of .January,
1904. it ,was more general through -
\P i II t 6 k f f 1 , out the province. Every line of rail -
for South Huron. I !, h I t' road in the province was incolven-
and arrested trim, bringing hint In 1 fenced and many were coniplet+ ly tied
-Thr. missionary services of the Exeter. .Ilrow'n admitted • Meting sale at a bar;ain. Call and SCP. I up for several drys. On 1114' London
James and Main Street Methodist l the store on three previous occasions n(1 trouble to show. Huron and Bruce. the last train to
churches will be held next Hurday.i getting mono- cacti 1im:'. l‘'atch \Vindow. go north went through lion• \\'ed -
in the morning. Hey. Alfred(Ilrotwn, ._Tho following is from the I'ort
11(1044 Ile r:.lit 01 F4hv. 2n(1. --A 'til -
ding of much intrust wwbich comes as
Hev. V. G. 11°"211", of \Vingha11• in;ja so -till -0 IO 1.00 101,011 people,waS Watch \Vin(low•. ('se. Exp, Bldg. Thr youth Lound train got mixed
the Main Street church. Al 1 h seleatiesed at St. Strpltet,'s church nt up with snow drifts at. Clandeixed
evening services the ministers will f, 30 o'clock Ibis tuorning ellen Mies __ - c where the 'tight,. went dead. 'Phis
nrsday night. .:ccornponied by SHOWvices in vie a:liner) 0.treei enure,' atm
plows and they 1:4111 •now -bound 4 (ear
11(.1 tt rave
exrhanee pulpits. Anna Il,lktwill. d-tu¢hter of Mr. and i train did not reach London until the
.a it 1 o
and . , taken t
•: k t. n when ,was k
[ 1 I • '1
•, w' I o �• w h a t
r• a 1. 0l- 11. k 1.l following 1
a sL 1.L as 1 t
c• n ♦ .Th ( toll
•r ' of the 1 1 .les Thomas s, )•
-A meeting R •
i .e.
•rl in mar- rlirf engine. • united a t R
tiers o[ the National Company will ,:rank Wellman wt•t•r, rScottish Entertainers ;to the arty by r Didn't Agree 1NIth M�
Commencing Feb. c304. and contin-
,ii1 -
uing daily until April 29th inclusive
one way cnloni"t tickets will b.• on
sale to the following points: Van-
couver. \'ictotc.. Seattle. 1'or:l
Tacouta, Spokalte. 44111 Francisco. Los.
Angeles. San Diego and Me•.ico ('11 v.
Full information may he ohtai,ted
from any tit Ind Trunk Ticket Agent
or tt rite to .1. D. McDonald. D.
A•., Toronto. '
be held in th.. Town ilnll, Exeter, on /Flee by Rev. I':Biter J. 1'. McManus. Thursday the Morin rotit)IIuld unI-
Eli Of the man novelties presented to ("Ail-
is Io Ln transact. Wellman while tit.• uroonr s attend- the 110410 in recent year not one t celled nil Irnms tot Ih,• day. 1 ridgy
Saturday Feby. 15th. at 2.30 p. m. The bride was attained Lr' Mir 1 i } has
and the ratlro}d cont tnv
lin 0Et Int ,
ed retrarding the sending of good ant was 1)r. Wellman. After the crested more enthusiasm and delight 1 word was rrcriccd bele 1bit n snows
ceremony was performed wedding than the program given by the world
men to Toronto on the 19th., the
day of the annual meeting. Bringall
the proxies you can instead of send -
breakfast was .erred at 1h,• home of
the bride's ,rents on Elk-st. Mr.
ing them to the directors. I and Mrs. %% Mum left for a short
-The offer of the Exeter Timm trip throng!' the southern {onion of
and the Toronto weekly Glob.. and (ho state. Miss ,Ilalkwill 1114 been
Canadian farmer for $1.35 is extend - (a teacher in the Torr Ileum schools
(al In .lune 1st. Over 150 of our foe a nnmltrr of yc'rR cart \11.. Well -
subscribers have taken advar►tay.• of man is connected with ib • S1. Clair
this liberal offer nnt1 we aro anxious Count y Savings dank. i reasnrer of
to increase the number to 250 be- the Elk-st : nd alderman of Ihr, third
fare the first of .tune. Atyone who ward. \tr. and Mrs. Thomas Balk -
is now !akin,: the Times can a,e thy will ware farmer residents of Exeter
(;lobe Ly .a •i .• • it here.
pine' followed by a passenger tram
travelled Scottish entertainers.
had lett \\'ingth3m early in the rvrn-
M1ss Nannle Strachan,
Miss Enld Newc
Mr. Gavin Spence
ing. This train .got here Taut nine
o'clock and the one from the south
came ill n1aut midnight.
Several travellers got here on Wed-
nesday and had to be content to hang
in tit,' around the .hotels. passing away the
Ila Iron, 410 COM.
Opera House, March 9
Mr. Arthur Tennison, As London
Street, Toronto, writes enthusiastically
of the merits of Psychino far all
stomach troubles.
"For seven years i hate had indiges-
tion and dyspepsia. I tried scorer of
Taint 'ics. My room resembled a drug
stop•vith nostrums which 1 had bought.
Eve. • sally 1 used Psychlne, and every
dos( 'tr"ught permanent relief."
,' I threat. hung and etnrnaeh troubles
time by arranging1 1 qni. :y cured by Psyching. it is the
cerls. pre ription of a great specialist. At
The rolls from 11,' cotr,try were all • n,irgisls, 50e and $1.00, or I)r. T.
t'nder rtacpieeS of
raven Presbyterian simply impnrsaLlr and thea., who did A. exam, Limited, Toronto.
church choir, come in had to walk.