Exeter Times, 1908-01-30, Page 21'UUNQ FOLKS 0000-0000 coo '1 11. TEL S TALE. A year Ago 1 was born—wha:'a 1 could Lear the aouneing sea. I was born ctwith a light hear!, it strong bill, swift 'wings and spry feet. "1'.::t -sect! Peet -steel!" 1 say all day. i am sop happy, and alt I know is one kind of work and seven kinds of play. Work is bicakfus ; tome call "fish- ing." When I was two days old, and only a tiny fluff of buff doer, 1 began le work. My niolh:r, Mrs. Sally Forth Sand- piper, showed me !tow to lInd wee water wigglers, and I've provided my own food ever slnee. All Our race like to week; I never knew a single shirk. I'.et-ween! No work, no eat! The law of life, short, sweet, complete. feel -weer! All good sandpipers say Ibis over litany timers a day, especially the last lane, "Poet- vt-. L!" \\'.,rk Is very easy when your bill is long and strong. Al- though the day be breezy, I work and sing my song—"Peet-ween'' But although i like work, 1 like "the seven gnmcti, ' too. The first, "bob - low,' I never had to (earn—neffeer ttid mother, nor Brother Ip, nor Bro- ther Kip. nor little Sister Wee Tee. We all began to play bob -bow as rSoon as w'o could walk, and before we learned to.. ta!J . It's such fun when rightly done! 111 tell you how. Just run a cozen steps or .so, quickly, stop suddenly, bob your head down and flirt your tail up, ruin a few steps more along the shore, and "teeter' again. A thousand times a day t do it just that way. 1 hop along, to gaily sway in play amid Attu spray, and never stray ilwny. \Vhen we Lob -bow, my little Sister Wee will cry, "See, oil, see Till Tee tilt and ip tip and Kip ftp" and all the lime she's saying it little Wee Tee will teeter. Our friends, the little waves, playing, lap -lap on the beach, bob to us polite- ly. A million years and more they've lobbed upon the shore. If we didn't low back with all our might, we'd be extremely impolite. But there arc six other games. The second is "downsquat," or "quick sit.' One day, near night, when I was two (days), I team a frightful "mete -a -do,' one suddenly a scnry, hairy giant (the kind that roars "Bow -wow!') crashed Ilnd dashed into sight—crushed the crackling gress and rushed to left and tight. Alas! l didn't know what had nems to pn.<s! 1 tried to flutter and Ily, or utter a cry; but out of the cor- ner of ply eye I saw tnoU►er playing lttrick cit. Then 1 saw Ip quick sit, and Kip quick sit, and little Wee Tee quick sit, too, and 1 knew what to do. \Ve were sate. The scary, hairy baw- wow giant couldn't see us, and with n great commotion, rushed away. That quick sit is n good name. i've .played it many times since. It has Only one rule, very easy to remenCer. \Vhen danger threatens, make your 'beat sit quick. The enemy will take yon for a atone or stick. lt's a very Tretly trick, but not the only way to safety. Sometimes it s het - let to play the game of "run, run, Di- lle feet," or "lightly skirt the wave.' Cr even 9-2-3—dive!" When on a senweed raft I stand, and britt away from Homo and lana, it \makes Ole feel so very grand to know II i should look on high, and see a hanger in the sky, I'd only hove to lip One slip from off tine deck my seewee1 (t3hip, and take a steady, long strong dive• and after that come tip alive! Peet -wee -1! It's great fun Ceing a (sandpiper! You ought to try it. There ere two more games. Number Fit• is "kick tho slicks." I've played this many limps in iho edgo of the vette with my brother's. At night we piny run, run, little feet fa!ong the beach until we reach the sedge edge; then 1 jump quick. and give n stick a kick, ail Ip will pick (another stick to kick, and Kip will keep bls feet a -kicking against the thicket. 'Pick—lick—Uck—a-tick. Soon we fake the rough way slick, and bring to view n new. grand. graded evs'nue for our little Sister Wee Tee—like a (royal princess -10 pass through. Wo like to do It for her, and she likes to Cave us, too. . We play this every night— with all our might --in the olusky light. The eoventh game Is—"going tame." t 1olh^r always played thi; Lest when encu e3 were near our nest. She d flut- ter feebly. just nrwnd. always keeping out of reach. A mon would think her 'atmos dead. and chase her away along the teach. So go the days—one work, and rev- ert plays! Play-slaye soon go Ly and one has to think of the serious side of •Ihirtgs. 1 an old. quite old, now—a yens last tnighl. Stothero and Ip nnrl Kip and Wee Tee have gene somewlt. ro-1 alon't know where. Perhaps I shalt rtever sco them again, but 1 am not nc..ome. 1 have the white sane bench. and the friendly 1' t+-teweig waves, the smell el the salt sea-hrv'ze; the fishing is PINK PILLS WILL CURE RHEUMATISM EVLItl' FORM OF DISEASE 1'1if:LDS '1'O 7 U15 111001) BUILDING it Is easy 10 make the statement that a medicine will cure rheumatuln, but the rheumatic &utterer must Have more than mere stale stents—he must have Loth reasons and .proof. Dr. Williams. Pink Pills cure all forms ef rheumatism. Here is the reason: Itheurnatisnl Ls a disease of the blood. Every dao of Dr. Williams' fink Pili actually make new, reo'e, red blood. This new blood drives out the poisonous acid, loosen] the aching joints, rind rheumatism is banished. Thousands have testified to the truth of these slaten;ents, and hero Is further fresh proof. Mr. Itaoel Mon- tigny, of Sl. Jer•)me, Que., says: "For ninny years I was a victim of rheuma- tism anti was almost a cripple. My work (made it necessary tor me to be or, my feet a good bit of the day, but my limbs became so swollen and the t.nin :o agonizing that 1 was forced to slop work. 1 tried remedy after rem- edy. but nothing gave me relief and 1 began to think 1' would never gel. Let- ter At last 1 was persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In Less than a month 1 noted a slight change in my condition. I continued the Pills for three months and at the end of this time the swelling had disappeared; every pain and ache had left mo and I felt better in every way. 1 was completely cured and once more able to go about my work with ease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are certainly worthy of all the praise 1 can give them." Thousands write giving just as strong proof of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills—not only as a cure for rheumatism, hut as a cure for nll the ailments finding their root in had blood such as anaemia, heart palepitation, in- digestion, kidney trouble, headache and backache, disordered nerves, etc. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a lox or six Coxes, for 32.50 from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •A — RED LIGHT AIDS GROWTH. Remarkable Powers. Camille Flammarlon, the eminent sci- entist, publishes this week the results of the remarkable experiments that he has been conducting for the past two years to discover the effect of various lights- on the growth of vegetation. Ile teas a nuns er of plants which he sub- jected to red, green, blue and white Tight—tile condllloits otherwise being similar—and the results were most as- knishing. M.• Fl0mmarion exhibited to friends lettuce stock which was as hard as cane. This had been grown under the influence of red light. The leaves, how- ever, of this stock had lost all their quality and were inedible. Under the effects of red light certain vegetables, such as lettuce, grew fif- teen times as fast as under blue light. On the other hand, blue light has re- markable preservative powers. An oak tree planted two years ago has kept It first leaves, which are now as fresh and vigorous as . when. they first ap- peared. In the sane way ripe frail can be kept fresh under a blue screen for twenty days without decay. The strawberry plant cnn be retarded for a similar period and then allowed to fructify. The experiments are expected to have a wide application to market gardening. The discussion has brought to light a curious story from Lyons, where many people are employed in the great cine- matograph works. ll Is declared that workers who Ore developing films un- aer n ref light for a long lime become nervous and Wheelie. One day the women workers were so overwrought that they allacked the men. and a greet row wns only stopped when the light was changed. —4. TOWAItnS THE POLE. peel, very good, mid last night 1 saw h sight. i was s) wonderful 1 want to dell you about It. The 1n on was full, the t:dc was hign; Int the waters edge 1 did espy the dein- ! est lithe Indy, all alone, playing run. bun. Mlle fort, avid the fonme But lvhen 1 went lewart the spot, one tried lc; sap "So sweet!' she shyly flew nwny. But there upon the soft. wet sand she'd written with her little feel, in liaguai.e 1 eould un lcrstan.l, her name and her address complete -"Miss Sweet, Sea Street.'' I could easily lead it. -..elle it winner day. not far nwnv. 1'.i tall In see the thinly little lady- bird with spe'c!c'es on her Irene?. Then 1 will say, "I wi it you'd play The. sew. e rl games with rte. Let's he %Ir. and Mrr. T,I Tee. amt--and—build a nest!" - Youth's (smpanitn. Blue Ilas Preservative THUNDEROUS MISSILE.. (Dy A. Banker.) During tho past three or four de -1 cad the senewce of gunnery has niado Querulous etrides, and the modern gun as fur excels the old 3? -pounder ef Nel- sen and Napier as that tune -honoree ell weapon exceeded in fighting value the catapult of the oil (Romans. The olbolele 100 -tots gun, for instance, was capable of throwing a great steel .pm jet tie weigLing afoul a ten a distance f live mitts, the curlridga teeing atout the size of a suck of coals, and every grain of powder ltbout the appearance and size of the goals in a scuttle. And when the monster was discharged it was neeessary for those working ttie gun to open their mouths wide, or the drum of their ears might have been damaged, and to hold their caps on tightly or they would hove leen blown off tis by a hurricane. Windows, lex), of houses within, (perhaps, a cotyle of miles of the fort, if not opened would bo blown In. But the mighty orde,an'o of the Dreadn:)ug'lt is far more effective than even thoso monsters, for they llitow art enornsouo shell no less than fifteen milts; oro of those guns therefore plant - 'tel on Epsom racecourse could throw a shell into tho Bank of England; and, according to a statement of the great- est British authority on gunnery, 'f Mont [Ilene were situate Mlwoen those tw'p places the flight of the projectile would be some hundreds of feet above the Smninit of the mountain. The thun- derous, deafening roar of niece Tonder - ells misslos ns they hurtle in their deadly mime is altogether indescrib- able. It Ls as though a furious hurri- cane were raging. a hoarse crashing blast, angrily rending the air with a discordant, grating s,lrillor, wlhiat, as the distance increases. changes to a snarling hiss; until with a dull thud the projectile strikes lir water, raising a fouuta:a of foam high in nir, fot'ow- e.l half a anile Nether away by an - ether fonming geyser, as the ricochet - ling s{:ot again rebounds; sometimes raising quite a long series of these w•atertspotets rigtth away into the far distance. Ilut how utterly puny and Insigni- ficant are theme achievements of nian co►uparee with the work of the Omni- potent Creator Who has started on their course through the dread abyss of the illimitable, untold myriads of mighty globes, at a velocity infinitely exceed- ing tent of any cannon ball. And yet this Almighty Being m His wondrous condescension and love has provided a moans by which all who have in any way transgressed agninst Hun, Instead or receiving the condemnation clue to justice. may, if they will, receive a free end immediate pardon. For the atone- ment made by the Scat of God upon the cross is a full, perfect, and com- plete satisfaction for the sins of all vitro will lay them upon flim; for Ile Coro the punishment due as their Sub- stitute. 11ANI) AND ARM ENDANGERED ire eight feet thick on the ocean, and snow falling even in summer. Such is the weather experienced in the Polar re- gions. When the air is dry and still, it is remarkable how low a temperature can be borne with ease. One explorer tells us that, with the thermometer nl. 1) deg., it wns too wenn for skating. The summer weather in this region is, more- over, in some respects pleasant and Manlike.Within the Arctic zone there are wonderfully -colored sunrises and sunsets to be seen. They are beth bril- liant and impressive. But the nights -- the nights are monotonous and repelling. A rigid world buried lit everlasting snow, silent save for the cracking et the Ice or the wail of the vine!. Travellers it these regions experience many dis- co -ink -ale. The keen nir crimes their skin to burn end blister. while their lips swell and crack. Thirst( again, line been ,',.cit complained of, prising from the nctk)n of the low temperature on the warm body. MODERN MEDICINES. No sane mother souk! wish herself treated under the conailious of Medi- cine or surgery of half a century ago. \\'hy then should she give her 1i111e one the old-fashioned medicines of half a century ago, wh!c•h more likely than ro,t contain pulverous opiates that can- nel cure the child. but mcreiy drugs it into temporary Insensibility. itll's Own Tablets is n modern melte-Me pre- pared with nit the care end skill of modern medical science. And the me Ther who gives this medicine 10 her chile! has iLe grnrnntee of a Cs.'. rn- ment analyst that it does not contain eine pnrti.le elf opiate or poisonous sexlth:ng sluff. This medicine cures ell the ninor ailmenle of little once, awl makes baby a lienllhy. laughing. happy child. S,,kl by all runlicin,' dealers er 1.y ma 1 at 2'. cents a lox from The nr. \\'ileum»' Moticine Co., Brockville, Ont. For Churches and Schools Just ass Coaling is label for churches sed schap.sfor r.s beauty, desalinise. sco*o.y--lar its &•miry pref.c o. (so wear to catch diff)—to. as a -proal qualities PEDLAR. WI I MR R Above 2.000 .stem anises is eery .tyle of good art to snatch in harmony with interior schemes—adapted to say caw -schema or arciireetu,sl motive. Allow us to seed you ilisruated details sad quota priori. AtL e,. ws Tho PEDLAR People utj Oshawa Yoatreat Ottawa Toronto Loodoa Whistle( D. H. Bastedo & Co FUR MAI(UFACTURERC, 77 Klns St,, Watt - Toronto All Ladies' and Men's Furs at Cost Write for Catalog. R..91LNiit rvICTREM SHIP 13 Ya, The el BIIT RAW FIIO HOUSE in Ctnada. We pay highest New York prices. We pay aspens&. No 1osmlai,tnn. rete OW MONTHLY OATAL001 Neglect a cut or a scratch and It may turn 10 blood poisoning. Mr. Joseph Lalibe'tie of 3.4 Ar tillerie Street, Quebec, says: "I gut one of my lingers on a rusty piece of tin and had no idem it would become so serious, but In two trays blood poison had set in and my fingers became terribly discolored, and my hand and arm swollen. I was alarmed and began using one ointment after another, but none relieved me. t wns about to consult a doctor when a friend advised me to try Zan -Bok. This 1 did. %nm -Bok began by drawing out the inflammation and In one week the wound was nicely healed. I feel ,so grate- ful for my speedy cure that 1 unhesitat- ingly give nay testimonial to the merits of %anelick." %am -Bok cures Cuts, Burns. Chapped !(ands, Chitlings, Cold Sores, Itch, Chil- blains, Eczema, Running Sores, Sore 'throat,- Bad CI►esll, Ringworm, Pile (blind or bleeding), Bad Legs, Inflamed Patches, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scia- tica, Abscesses and all diseased, In- jured and Irritated conditions of the Skin. Of all druggists and stores, 50c., er post paid upon receipt of price, from %ant-ittlk (,o., 'Toronto. 50c. a box, t; toxo; $2.50. . ,1• IN (.:ASI OF FIRE. A Few Hints as to \%hat \ltty Ile Done In An I:uu•ripacy. The than who knows exactly what to do in ousts of strenuous emergency is of it.esliutable value to the community at haste. A few hints, therefore, with re- gard lo simple expedients which rimy be resorted to in ease of lire should prove of interest to our readers. In the first pince—keep out nir. With- out nir lire cermet bt.rn, and nine the danger will be at least retarded 11 the doors and windows of all rooms aro s1ceslily closed and the flre•e:tgine Ins inedintety sent for. Should Ute clothes catch fire, throw yourself upon the floor and mil over and crier on the flames, dragging the Werth - rug or some thick material with you if possible. Stroke is one of the most fornlideble drngers, tund i hen houses are on lire es many death: are caused by snffocatlon as burning. \\ hest attempting to cross n irxnn lineal with smoke, creep on the hands and knees. keeping yew* lend 116 Cis se to the gr utit1 as possible. 'This is effective t+eceuso smoke rises, and the trust l:rcathable nir is therefore near the floor. A fairly efficient resplraler cnn be quickly devised by drenching n hnndker- ct.Ief with wetter and covering the moi.lh nn•l nose with 11. But prevention is hiller than cure. and a small brnd-pturll) or chetnlcal extin- guisher will nf,en be sulli' icnt la atop n fir. when it is in its early stages. Gra'eful 1'alienl-"Doctor. bow cnn f 0) or repny you for ymn' kintIn's to me?' 11•)rtor--"Doesn't minter. o1.1 n.im. Cheque, money order. or crash!" 1lubhy--"I cont }tet the casters un- tie:' the leeckcose In work at all. alt! FYe o lnl Them twice.' Wile--"Ilut Jia eel.; use castor-oil, deariel" FEATHER DYEING Oiesnl.g*ed Curllag fid LN 01esee &humid T►alr out *seat by peek M per ea W beat place la BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Ca DiEsD OF STARVATION. Wandsworth, 1:nt)Iansl, Man Four Years Out of Work. Alfred Marlyn, aged sixty -flue, on whom an inquest was held cat Wands- worth, England, a few days ago, was fcund to have died from starvation. The widow said her husband had been ctrl of work for four years, and had been %cry ill. She supported him as best she could, for he was too proud to go to. the workhouse. He was brotight home by a policeman, who discovered hire lying on Wands- worth Common, and said he had been walking about all night. Some days afterwards he was Luken to the Infirm- ary. where he died. ''We have been living on a little bit of bread and (ca," the poor woman de- clared. - "1 went out to work, but 1 could only earn 2d. or 3d. 1 sold everything 1 had ;o keep him. "Just before he wits removed to the infirmary I put hint on the floor and sold the bedstead as old iron for 53d. to get him a cup of tea and a bit of bread. Ile could eat a bit of bread as lig as your baud.". A nurse who removed the old man to the infirmary said the was lying on the llor in rags, and was unable to walk. The only furniture in the house was a table and a box. There Ls Only Ono Eclectric 011. — \Wlten an article, be it medicine or nny- thing else, becomes popular, invitations invariably spring up to derive advant- ages from the original, which they themselves could Hever win on their own merits. Imitations of Dr. 'Thomas Ecleclric Oil have been numerous, but never successful. 'Those who know the genuine are not put off with a sub- stitute, but demand the real thing. A MOTHER'S SONG. Baby, listen whole 1 tel "!hut 1 favi y+cu very woll— Love your Uttte In s und eyes, Love your language, wonder wise; Love your httle smile of glee, Love your laughing melody; Love you for the joy ye,u bring For our constant harboringi "Pere," said a lady to n beggar, "Is a glass of water—pure, cold dtlicknts wa- ter What 2 \fou reilse it?" Ile shook hi: head and sighed. "1 :utve to ma'am," )t said. "You see. i've got an iron con- stitution, and water would rust it !" The Greatest Tonic 1e " Ferrovim." It la pleasant in taste and contains )11M the nnuri.h- went and Atron'th-gi.ing qualities that are must• ed by those w hu are sick and weakly. Baby, Wen while 1 pray Heave( to guard you night and day. Angels watch you from aboeu With tho lettersets of love; 11; awl evil conte not near To o-ersh.'tiow thy young choc•r Only 1:fo and joy be thine, Gill of living levo divine! Ilaby listen while I sing ' 01 your life of golden spring, Bringing to the barren eartit Beauty of the L'nissorn's birth! Baby, listen while 1 tell That 1 love you very well— Cheeks and chin, and nolo and eyes. Anil your language, wonder wise! MY AMBITION. 11 choice were urine of futile or workl'y glory, 1f 1 might choose of all the world might say Of me, it would be this, a sad lieut.'s tribute, "Tito day is brighter for she passed this way." I ask no plaudits from lite hands of 111811)', Nc cheering things to murk my Ohwar:t way, But just Biot some dear heart will fond- ly whisper: "Your pre_sencc here has made a bright- er day." If I can feel that I have scattered brighLnees, That I. perchance, have cheered a !ant- i f will not grieve that fame has never beckoned Since love has given me the tetter part. i•— ETIQUETTE OF CHINA TEA. The etiquette pertaining to tea -drinking In China is curious. If a lady asks you so drink tea with her—and especially if the tea Le sweetened—you can count yc'urself as well received and much liked. If she does not like you, the tea is bitter, and report has it that in cases of this sorl drainings are often used. Of course it is needless to say that after one sip of such tea the enliked visitor makes a prompt exit ! \Vhen paying a call, if the servant should bring in a cup of tea there Is no need to take any particular malice of it. Allow the servant to place it where he likes near you, and continue your conversation as though nothing Mid happened. If your business is pleasant and agreeable to the n►istress or the master of the house, he or she will pass the beverage to you; if not, you are ex- pected to leave it t ntouchel, otherwise you are likely lb Have a quarrel on hand, and n Chinese quarrel—tither with a mean or a woman—is unpleasant. Some orators are unable to deliver the gods because they lack proper terminal facilities. Biliousness Burdens Life.—The .bitons loan Is never a companionable Ulan because his ailment renders hint 1110 - MAC and glconly. The mil -dant' is. not so dangerous us it is dlsngrceable. Yet no one need suffer from it who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the liver and obviating the effects of bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. Wise Is the man she know.; whet not to say, and rennentters not to say it Jaat a Word r•f caution: Where the skin le 'kid to) ed by bnrn.+ nt spelt+ apply w'earer's Lerale iwme.11:.torr : the sooner the setter. PICTURE BOOKS OF POLICE. Picture (books for the benefit of Irav• eliers are kept in the Paris police stet - hens. 11 frequently amore that for- eigners lose things which they aro un- nble 1r) describe 1eeituse of their un- familiarity with the Fren^h language. The picture !woks contain representa- tions of various articles. and the in- quirer has only In Itnrn the leaves and .1•ointi out fie illnstraLi'tnw which re" eemble the properly ht+ hes kat. bel E NO. i ee. • HIST AND RECUPERATION. To provide a restful environment without sanatorium restrictions, to en- able tired humanity to recuperate na- turally, to secure to the overage non e r woman the n00ict( change from wor- ry and care, and to eo these at mod- erate cost, is the. ntiseeei of "The \Vel - land," the home of "'lite St. Catharines \Nell." Apply the manager, S1. Catharines, (,e tiny Agent of Grand Trunk Rail- way Systenn. CLSE DF BRONCHI&L CATARRH PROMPTLY RELIEVED BV PERUiA. Brorrhial Catarrh Unnesy Stopped Often SpYeadg To The, Lungs. Causing Catarrh of tangs. EXAMPLE. Father: "Remember, my son, that hon- esty is the best policy." Son: "\Vhy, father ! you &flus said you wanted me to follow in your footsteps." Time trice all things, and as Tickle's Anti. onsumplive Syrup has stood the test of years it now rnhks as n lean- ing specific in the treatment of ell ail- ments of the throat and lungs. It will poles and subdue the most stubrorn cough by relieving the in talion, and vstoro the affected organs to healthy 'conditions. Use will show its value. 'Ivy it and Le convinced of its efficacy. AL1'I:iIFD. Tramp: "Mndnnl, 1 was not always thus," Mudnm: "No. it was your other arm you had in a sling yesterday." No Reasonable flan expecte 11 euro A ne„lect- ed cold In a day. But time amt Allen'. Lung Inal•am will ore,cnmo the cold and et,se off c,.neninpti"n. ('.ugh will cease and lungs be es'louod as a new dollar. WON 'till: 1'111%1: At n party recently they were playing O game shish consisted in everybody in the room snaking n face, and the one who rntide the wort face was awarded •I prize. They all did their level best and then n rerun went up to one of the women and snid : "Well. madam, i think you have von Ill.' prize." "oh," she said, "1 wasn't pinying." 1.:11'tiil. ,Vice: "Don't you think a cookery book e. fascinating reading?" (earn: "Yes, indeed. it contains so many a;11rring incidents." No nuts fears the woman he cnn It:, tter, Blaekable for Wateli richness and pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2281 et MR.J.C. MERVoUS PELLETIER • I. C. itervus i'clletier, Deli t de I'Agriculeure, Ottawa, Ont., writers: "The I'eruna is particularly efficacious in the cure of catarrhal affections of the bongs and bronchial Tubes, and it is in consequence the remedy most appreciated herr in Ottawa. Six bottles cured me this winter of bronchitis. 1 ant completely restored and 1 oite (hanks to the Peruna. 1 have recom- mended this remedy to a large number of my friends afflicted with the sante trouble, and they have verified my hood opinion of this valuable remedy.' CATARIII! of the bronchial tubes often very quickly become catarrh of the lungs. Catarrh of the lungs makes the patient an easy victim to the germs that cause tuberculosis. Sound lungs protect themselves against ells. case germs. Peruna has acquired a lasting reputa- tion in relieving catarrh of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. This should prevent the tubercular bacilli from gain- ing any foothold in the lungs, and saves the patient from tl.e inevitable result. Mr. Wickliffe R. Smith, Editor of The Potlatch Herald. formerly Principal of the Schools at Cameron, Idaho, writes: "For some erne"! sulfered with ca- tarrh of tho throat and bronchial lutes. 1 tried many remedies, but could find nothing that would give the relief. "Finally 1 tried Peruna. Three bottles cured me, made me sound and well. i believe it will do as much for other-~ as it did for me. 1 shall be glad to recommend it to those suffering with catarrh." SEATS WERE SAFE. "It would please ine mightily, Miss Stout," said Mr. Mugley, "to have you go to the theatre with me this evening." "!lave you secured the seals?" asked Alists Vera Stout. "0111 come now," he protested, "you- 're not so heavy as all that." Useful at All Tunes.—in winter or in summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irregu- larities of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of residence, or variation of lernpt rature natty bring ,nbcut. They should Le always kept at hand, and once (heir beneficial action becomes known, no one win be with- out then!. There is nothing nauseating in their structure, and the most deli- cate can use them confidently. THE CUBE. "Doc," said the man who was trying 1'p get a free prescription, "s t'in'e the test thing for a cold 7" "Coinpe:ent medical adv ice u y friend." The Effects Produced by Witrh Hazel when. combined with Menthol a' are )forma in "'lite Ii h 1." ryeciac tor rhunumattnm 1.3.1 neurolSia. it being • 1IUD- 1)t\l;. Norah : "An' plovers do your mis• thrr.ss be goin' to -night 2" Bridget : "Shure, she didn't inform me, but Iran tete looks iv her Oi teko it She be goin' to wan iv trim comm' out wanes." /Jollier Graves' Wonn Exterminator 1; plcnsant to take; stare and effectual i'1 destroying worms. \luny have tried :t with best results. \Ingiatrale : "You gave !hie young wt n,nn such n hit on the face That she can 1 see out of her eyes. What have you to say for yourself ?" Accused : "Well, she often told me she tient wont to see me any more." ITCH, Mange. f- 'rnir!e Scratches awl every form of contngi• its Itch in human re animals cared in 30 minutes by \Vat- f;rd's Sunftnry Lotion. It never fails. Send Ly all druggists. \I. n seldom fly for their lives when they curet o wer..an who is ch'c'ssel to kill. \Vhy go lumping and whining about your corns when n 25 cent butte of Ilellownys torn Cure will remove Mon? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. AIIXED. The professor in one of our universities wits noted for being very absent minded. It was his custom Io pith Uie roll each morning before the lecture. One mnrn- ing atter calling n Warne to whirl' there gas no response, he !comet up, and, peering over his spectacles. nskcd sharp - Every Woman 151 tereaud and should %now about the woodertui MARVEL W'hirllrtg Spray me new 'r.el..l yr rte. Best—If get canye"- lent, 1t cleaner* ay. {i*t .ttortt. Ilii elsmol supply the AuvleL ascent no other. but sena elan Not bo illustrated ok—sealed. It a1V tall yartirelsre and directions to. m►M. (a Ir i WINDSOR SUPPLY : ort"deo. Wt1EN IN NEW YORK SATP THE NEW FIREPROOP HOTEL NAVARRE 7th Ave. and 31Ith St. 300 FEET WEST OF BROADWAY, Maximums of Luxury at Minimum Cyst Arres•thle Quint and Et"g,nt. Within Five Minute.' Walt, of Theatres. n1) •;.. and Club.. New hutch (kill 11 ,,,ins Largest in laity. Cable Car. Pas, Ante, 1 all Railroads. European Plan. (1.01 per day without bath, (.t.vi per day with hath. Suites $9.51.1 upwards. Send for Itooklet. STEAM & hAtilt. Prop* .1611,0 NOT A CA -i: F01t Rla'.�1115. "I wish you'd tell me what ails Ihic %,etch," said the caller, pasiug it over the showcase. Ttie jeweller look the timepiece and koked at ft. "Where did you get it?" he asked. "At 1111 auction ~lore." "Thet'e. nil That nils it," salt the jew• elier, handing it Luck. \ttffkin': "1 he happiest hours of my lite were when 1 %%n9 going Io school.' Iliffkins: "I cannot tell n lie, old nem. The happiest hours of my life were when I was playing truant fmm sehapl r" Shiloh 5itt tthher,`eatll ip Cure I)' "Who is the nl�scnt boy in ilir Cures vnenul shnir 1 see t dare nM T' A men who dots not mind a joke at his owns expense sine he went into n clenitl'a recently awl asked wire morphine. The objerf(,1 1-, giving it without n prtseet•Ililion. "no, I look like n man who would kilt h'mself?." rte customer Asked. "1 don't keno'. l'rr sure," sold the nssisimll: "hut it 1 looked like you, I selould be templed." Coughs and Colds QUICKLY ergo alsmr--eatel --try it on a guar- antee of you• r.wney back if it dectin't actually CURE eel( ker than anything you ever trial 5aeic to take,— unthing in it to hurt even a baby 31 years of ru;tcss ccn,nien'1 Shiloh's Cure -- 26c., IiC:.. St. 1.4 1