Exeter Times, 1908-01-09, Page 3• INFANTILE PAItALYSIS. This is an acute disca-e of childhooI co early adult life, the cause of which remiene as great a mystery tc-day as it was when Ilio affecti•in was first clear- ly described by a French physician. ovt. Ility years ago. It occurs for the it part m clukiren rarely in those j' ' bix or eight years of age, al- '.hgit young adults aro occasionally eta cvl. The disecosi is more cointrun ht summer, and sometimes coeurs at that lime in small epidemics. An epi- ttcmle of this kind erevuikd In New j'ork City, and to other parts of the country, during the late sump, i and autumn of the last year. The symptoms, which resemble In their general character those of an in- fectious disease, arti the fact of its oc- castonal occurrence in epidemics, have led the physicians to believe that it LS due to the action of some microorgan- tsrn; but the most diligent search has as yet failed to discover any such cause. The disease begins suddenly with fe- ver, headache. tenderness on pressure, or actual pain in the muscles; vomit- ing, peevishness, and sometimes( al though rarely, convulsions. There is frothing definite in these symptoms to lend the physician to suspect the real stare of the melody, except in tune of an epidermic, when any sudden fever (excites suspicion. The fever lash, as a rule, only two or throe days, and on its sue fdence-- less often before it has disappeared— the chill is seen to be paralyzed. The course of the paralysis is pecu- BOYHOOD'S DAYS. This poem t ns composed and written by the late Joseph Laughlin, Sr., Row• manville, about the year 1862. Dear boyhood duys when 1 loved to stray By the plccsant rifts that did gently play, Down by the meadows green; Where the lark poured forth its tune- ful lay Through't the long, long summer day. When 1 caught the trout in the mur- muring stream. These were the days of happiness, That passed away in innocence, And few were the caress of the morrow. When youth and boyhood were in their prince, from the blighting hand of time, life's perplexing sorrow. boyhood days, how you've passed away, ace fur in the eve of manhood's day; Your fleeting breath to mourn. I. sorrows 1 oft mourn my fate, But, ah, alas, alas, too late— Yeu 11 never on Earth return. The verdant groves where oft I've Leen, My strolls along the haunted stream, Tho hills oft wandered o'er, My boyish footprints in the snow— All these bright visions haunt me so, They oppress my heart full sore. The hawthorns robed in richest bloom Where the linnet sang its love -strained tune, Where oft I've l nger'ed near; The primrose and the daisy gay, Where 1 and brother oft did play; Ah, ain't these memories dear? liar. At first it is extensive, involving, lperhaps, both legs, or an ern► and a eg, and increases a tittle for three or lour days. After that a turn for the better occurs. The paralysis slowly re - freaks, and strength returns in one limb or one group of muscles at a time. At first the return of power is pro- gressive and quite rapid, arousing hope Of a perfect restoration; but that happy termination Ls seldom reached. Usually cne limb, more often a leg, remains paralyzed, and the child is permanent- ly crippled. The limb remains weak, although seldom entirely useless; the IIAffected muscles waste away, extol if the opposing muscles are not paralyz- ed, they pull the part. often the foot, to one side, and thus produce deform- ity—in the case of the foot, a clubfoot. The growth in the affected limb is also retarded, so that the member lags be - plot and is permanently shorter than its fellow. The disease is an inflammation of a jimited portion of the spinal cord, and So far no treatment has been discov- ered that will cure it. The genera 1 health, after the fever has subsided, is itood, and the treatment—electricity, naseage, liyJrotherapy—is directed to- ard n diminution of the paralysis. It hould be continued for a long time, or sometimes there is marked inmprove- nent even after months or may bo a ear.—Youth's Companion. Free Or Dear Left w COLD WEATIIER 11INTS. If baby suffers from earache, a little Vaseline rubbed behind the ear affected will give ease at once. For rheumatism try the very simple cure of hot water. Take at least a pint appointed grave- f!geer, bell-ringer, and organist ut Ilia: Dara h lawn & f Gr: nae. She is the first woman grave- digger in Dencuurk. In German)' a prisoner is acquitted on a Le vote by the jury. A vote of schen to five leaves the decision with the court, while u vote of tight to four means conviction. London (City churches when they conte into the market fetch big price:. The building and site of the Church of `I. Peter le truer in Old Inroad Street have just been sold for $158,000. The most . xpertsive Parliament in Europe is that of Prance, which costa $1.50,000 a year. The French people are eery well represented. There are 300 Senators and 514 Deputies. Each receives a salary of $t.II'U a year'. the Pope docs his private writing v.i•tc a gold pen, but his pontifical signature r• always given with a white -feathered mail, which Ls believed to come (roru the wing o1 a dove. The some quill has been • use for several years There is an old-fashioned precaution of keeping n gout in a stable. Suppos- ing always that the animals are loose, the goat will leave the stable on the outbreak of fire, and the horses will •follow the wall when no amount cf persuasion front own will get lh ter- rified creatures to budge. 4 --- My parents, whom 1 loved most dear, Their voices 1 no longer hear; All these have passed away. The brother and sister group so dear, \Ve all are parted Inc and near, This long and many a day. The old door -stone where at evening late, Mother listened to the childish prate Of the little group going on; The room where stood my little bed, Where mother pillowed oft my head— All these loved scenes are gone. Ah, can these memories pass away, Or from my memory e'er decay? Ah, never, never, never, Till depth shall end my very last day And lake me from this life away -- Then I'll remember ever. But why nese 1 lament my fate, 0! mourn now when it is too laic? Mankind have shored the same. (lope bids me look beyond the tomb \Vhcre boyhood's days again shall come, Never, never, to pass again. ........+.+++......♦a..•++ AN EASY VICTIM TO CONSUMPTION Th. run down craters Is an Inviting field for the sertn of i1t..rcutuds. Yo i cannot avoid brathlag in Oats Berate -- they are *bore -but a robust ale. tens 1e lrntncae from their attacks. To rettutld • weak- nod eyeitew, there is nuttinagg that o• n •••n. .W touch •lrtue as COO IVYIt 1.“! . out the •trtue 1. nut in the Erse., in tact the grease retards the beneficial action ,1 the reels rel,•bl. prlbelplea of the 011. by deranging the ri gtratlon. In "HKIUIS 'fA5TSI,KA5' the g ross+ is . ,. .ted. It Presents the '.tl able prlaelppler of MB 1.1 w' It 1)11, la ft palatdbie feria, cuintr.ned with 0.040c/roue in the form of the C,•m- poued k yrup of Hrt'ophu. lhiter, the o ut, tl.pa Liquid )C street of !telt ted Gee l�rench'el Tonic and Sedative Fluid Extract of \Vnd Chem Hark. Anti YOURSELF •0 INET CONTAGION. "BRICK'S l'Ael'l.1.ESS wilt build up the a. er•ated )sten;nd will acro Rronckltia. Pulru/nary Aaecti000. and the deranged or dt..rd.rsd i ercous system. !Sate your body healthy mud you need dare no fear of germs or 1....ar a. }toad Brick's guarantee with each bots.. "BRICK'S TASTKLESS' 1+ pnt up in eight (E) mince bottles, retell price fifty (!wD) cants, sad 111 twenty 0101 ounce bottles, retell price one (I) dollar. 44 41+..+... .-. ••••••• •+ DOCTOR WANTED TO AMPUTATE.. Mrs. E. F. Fonger, 34 Myrtle Street, Si. Thomas, Ont., says: "I am most thankful I discovered the exist- ence of ?.am-Buk. For about 9 months 1 suffered cruelly from the effects of having a corn remove:l trout my little tee, for with its removal a hole re- niained and my toe was in a terrible state and the doctor thought it necessary to amputate it. About this time 1 received a sample box of Zam- Buk and began using it on my toe. The first application gave me the greatest ease from pain and encouraged me to give Zam-Buk a thorough trial. Two months after commencing with Zam- Buk (here was no sign of a hole for the flesh had grown in very firmly and all soreness and pains were entirely ban- ished. Zam-Buk brought about this healing when all other remedies failed. We find Zam-Buk so valuable that we would not be without a box In the house." Zam-Buk heals cuts, bruises, ole wounds, running sores, eezenma, ulcers, boils, eruptions, scalp sores, itch, plies, chapped hands, burns, scalds, and all skin diseases. 50e. box, all druggists and stores, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. -._- A FISCAL CRASiI. From time to Brno during the last century the financial world of Europe and America was shaken to its founda- tional, many families formerly in af- fluence Leung reduced to penury, and many firsts of repute and standing be- ing swept away. In less than fifty years, from 1825 to 1870, no Icss than six severe panics occurred in London, that of 'tiff, Black Friday, having been, perhaps, the severest of them all, though not attended with such grim desolation and universal havoc as the crash which ensued at the bursting el the South Sea Bubble. And what a pitiable spectacle is pre- sented when the announcement k made of the stoppage of an important financial institution, such as the great Trust Company of New York, which recently closed its doers. The street is fitted with a surging snob of men and woolen, some cursing, sonic weeping, some, half distraught; with a stony glare looking blankly into space. Ilere is a strong roan, furious ani exaspee sled, his fists clenche l in a lowering rage pouring out the vials of his wrath upon the unfortunate officials within; here a widow, pale as death, and trembling like an aspen leaf, as she realizes that her all is engorged in the insatiable maw of the palatial building, Farewell my boyhood's days on earth; Farewell sweet days of manhood's mirth; You've all pnssed like a dream. Faith's anchored now beyond the skies, Or endless rills and fadeless joys, Where I'll be a boy again. A STRONG RANK. The Merchants' Dank Statement Just Issued Shows Its Solid Position. Confronted by the Annt,nl Statement o! the !Merchants' Bunk of Canada, just Issued, one does not require to go far afield to dissever the secret of the sta- Leforo retiring at night. The object of biltly of our Canadian banks, and in laking hot water late at night is that these days when there have been rum - during the hours you are -resting, and 'dings and tumblings in the financial the digestion is not being tried, the hot world in the neighboring republic, we water can do its work un the gastric pride ourselves in tete safeguards to juices. both shareholders and the public pro - A simple way to relic a sore throat video] by our Canadian honking system. Js to toke a lump of roan ab,iut as large TheStatement of the \lerrhentts hank as a walnut, put it tato an o:1 teapot, flour on boiling witer, and thea put the lid on and pl:e: the spout in your mouth; the steam will prove very be,-te- ltcial in allaying inflammation. This cough eyries is ecisily made, credit on that Bank's management. rhe and very good. Take a small handle dale of the c osins of the tcoks by the of dried hos and a men handful of Bank has been charred from May 31st p A; Noveumber siOth. and during Itie past trial horehound, Let and put into a cup hall year the net profits earned, after et rokt water. this steep until the aflnw.ing forInc payment of charges, etc., strength of the herbs is drawn otlt, amount to the large sum of $173,144.50. then nee through a clout. Ad.t es The total deposes by the public amount Dies one cupful of honey and two cues t.. $;;6.254.543.97, which is secured by tuts of sugar. Let this mixture !)ail un- sr the Rank which amount eItclal assets of r - cutwarily so substantial, but, as she Meetpresented at theforty-fourth are o d r s,old Annual fears, fatten at the core, and that she Montrealtag of the Shareholders, held at is now a destitute pauper whose or- e practical manner the best features of planed children will soon b. crying out that system and reflects the greatest for a morsel of bread, or here a new - l) married pair, hand in hand com- tnencing to share together the joys of life, with every prospect of happiness end unalloyed sunshine, ani looking forward to a life of luxury, free of care, and without a solicitude or a misgiving for the future. But now per- haps all their holes and all their glad anticipallens are shattered and hurled prone to the ground, and they may have to wrestle with grinding poverty in a supremo effort to earn their daily bread. Ant en the blanched and dejected countenance of many in that motley throng what corroding heart -aches, what hopeless despair, what gloom and sullen despondency aro stamped. And yet soon the world will go round as tctorc; the unreasoning panic which helped to accentuate all this disnster will subside; confidence will be restor- ed, and !et us hope that alt thee° anxi- otus fears will prove le t.e needless, and that the embarrassment will be but temporary. But though ninn Ls born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards, yet those who, having conformed their lives In the rules laid clown by their Creakier nntl whose names are written in the Beek of Life In virtue of the sufferings of the Redeemer, endured on their be- hal—for o-hal—for by His stripes they are heal- NO—will look with equnnirnily at the evanescent troubles of this life; for they knew that in the life to come sorrow, and sighing and trouble will bo no 111 thick. Pour Into a wide-moutlre.l bottle or small jar, and it is ready for Use. One tenspoonfill every half -hoot until the cough is relieved. I1 is do Glared by a ptrysic•inn who has ninete n study of this subje' t, that If people celled be indu^ed to keep their ;weeks shut on going out of heated Innnls Unto a cold atmosphere, there ev.'u'(t be fewer pubtlonory and throat troubles. and fetter colds and coughs. People should gradually accustom their lungs to the coal. rarely speaking for the first few minutes n( their outdoor hip. To the Ihoughtlees this looks take a small mailer. but on it may depend health. happiness, and long life. c0FFPE AS nEMEDY FOn ASTHMA. • Coffee le a very excellent remes.ly for asthma. Those who do not know how I. out s!'orl tt. r attacks and have not treed coffee should do let) by all means, It often succeeds ndmirably when n1- t:losl • t -rating else has failed. There r r. .,r twva 11111' points to be at- ee• i in laking (Notice for nstlunn. ( ti tee! !de it alreuld be very Ire; '' - ' nilly btee+• . •..(.' . r, 1 i,r,rtn than good. 7A ,.,ate t : y strung much of it nerd 'not 1. taken; a large quanlay is a positive dlisldvanlag-e. for it is lets rapidly ale a,i ut\l 'n.t only (liSends the stomach. Then it should be given without sugar o • intik, pure "cafe noir.' it sh•;uld Le Filen (.11 an empty stornach. ter when token en n l li stomach it erten d• (s boon 1 v' puling a stop to the process of olesolien. Swed nee the our nelghtors. The neighbors may kre±tiw what you have get. bill \chat They don't always anew io tr:w yo;' Ret it. tots cf odi(rsily—for to over fitly -two millions c.f dollars. At a Woe when the management of our hanks have been strengthening the positions of their respective insUtuhens by pursuing n conservative policy and incrensing their cash reserves, we find the "Mer- chants"' to the fore with inimedirlttely mailable teasels amounting to a little over nineteen and a quarter million dollars. Entrenched) In such a strong pesllion this hunk merits the confidence of the thnusnnds of people who; aro in- terested in its position. To the share. leaders n yearly dividend at the rate of see has been pail. while the large hal- mice of $267,400 has leen carried for- s -eel to next year. The paid-up Capital of the Merchants' Hank statoLe at $0,000,- 000, 0,000;(i0(t, behind which there is a Reserve of $1.000,(60. The statement Is a highly satisfactory Dar from every Menet-Ain!, and if the senility of our Canadian banks at the present time has the ct ect of creating cenfidcruto of many foreign lnvesters In Canada, the thanks of the public aro clue tc such nn instilutlon among others as the Merchants,' Balk. GENERAL INFORMATION. TII•Dila of knee ledge About 'Moot !ewers theme. in Japan kissing never recurs excel ! between husband and vole. \lather. - never kiss their children. in the San•lwich &'ands widows hate tees depatte,l hustands' names tattooed en their lo ngues. The medical department of the Kings Loiiselwkl Costs (;2.700 yearly, and 001)u prises twenty-fot.r persons. Free passage and an ailowance of s£15r) a )car hat,' been granted by the Indian Govcrlur era to two native girl teetudes w1)0 pre to study fir too ars in i.ng,nn.t. A woman of twenty-0Se has Loch Cid the free book that tells "When Poul- try Pays,- aed is packed with facts you ought to know about the up -iodate wayto go hatovouitry-lara,tsg without ig capi- tat. Book describes outfits and Ile Bias that mates .aces cortal.. Coots notku,g to get It. asplain• kow we find you • cash buyer fur your pprod- uct. Proves why Peor- ia.* Iaca►e- tor(� Peer- less eer- le sBreeder aad our mo- ca.k•down way of sel- ling. a.sr- ..t..e you ill. ngkt start. Seed for book tM1 ay, before .Stio. is gene—no chars. for 11. with tk. (1.. book we ..ae tall .. t.ilr .rhe. u got a re..i.ee l.uttrl-kr-l'roet OoI&t w to �t^ry up a east w nosy stoner . wan tkJ toe. tor..+ yea start that poultry mien' Got u. book Now. Address The . +♦ LEE-HODGINS CO., tyited Bea l.atbrek. 3t. PEMBROKE, ONT. o . set inewisbr A SOFT IIEAD. Ile was a dandy of the first water, and had about as much intelligence as the average water -melon. "Ya -as," he said, "my hands are soft." And he glanced pensively down upon them. "Do you know how i keep them Well, 1 alwa,ys iso, Miss .�wcelman'f \ ay sleep with my gloves on.' A little red •gleam canto into her lim- pid eyes. 'And do you sleep with your hat on also, Mr. Green?" she querietl. Ile replied solemnly that he did not, end to this day he knows not why everybody laughed. Flipson—"Young \Veggies has got the laugh turned against filmset( in ups little joke against the Blazes Fire In. surance Company." Flopson—"Iloww?'' F;ipson—"He insured 500 cigars, smoked them; and then sent in a claim on file ground that they had been destroyed by Ore." Flo pson—"An,l they laughed at him, 1 suppose?' Fhpson—"No. They had hien arrested on a charge of are ben." MC. The latest success. 06'14 a�eb "The big black plug chewing tobacco. 4985 Alten'. Long Balsam. in which there is nn opium, cures sore throat and Sort) lungs es It allays he mucous that that up the air Vas )mgrs. %Sc.n an Ms you , t S00., el -00 betties. Gentleman (to (house agent)—"'rhe great disadvantage is that. the Clouse is so damp." Ileuse Agent—"Disad- vantage, sir? Advantage, 1 call it. in case of " 'e it wouldn't bo so likely to burnt" Roofing, Is Easy Ri�t ith Work "OS NAWA' "Ale SHINGLES Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears, --can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self -draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or snore inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire .proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28 - gauge toughened sheet steel—only one quality used and that the best— bent cold and double a:vanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily. The Padlar FDp1e A dr .a ot11! Nearest WarshouIe t painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in fret cost ' far cheaper in the long run. "Oshawa " Oa1v Steel Shin - les coat only$4.50 a 8 qua � 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us t o area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. L e t us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question—tells some things you may not know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty.Five Years Ought to Last a Century Band for !RSR Boon lou rs Oet Our Otfer before Toa Zoof a Th1aG 101 OTTAWA {lb Butts! haws Canada, A SECRET. Uncle -"You seem to be living very comfortably hem, my boy, but are you .saving any money'?" Nephew (whispetrng)—"`fres; but for gooiness sake d(n't tell my wife. An End to Bilious Ileadache.—Bili- ousness, which is caused by excessive bile in the stomach, has a marked ef- fect upon the nerves, and often mani- fests itself by severe headache. This is the most distressing headache one can have. There are headaches from cold, from fever, and from other causes, but the most excruciating of all Ls the T,il- ieus headache. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cure it—cure it almost im- mediately. 11 will as soon as the fills operate. There is nothing surer in the treatment of bilious head- ache. A General Favorite.—In every place where introduced Dr. '1'homns' i:clec- tric Oil has not failed to estabiLsh a re• putalion, showing that the sterling qua- lities which it possesses aro valued everywhere when they become known. II is in general use In Connote and ether countries as a household medi- cine and the demand for it enrh year shows that 1t is a favorite wherev r used. ANCESTOItIAL. There Is no objection to one's having notable ancestors if 'they be honestly corse by. But he should never forget that a good descendant is much better than even a good ancestor. The latter is generally dead_—_ A Oreat Combination. "rerrovita" the but tonic is. I1. should be taken by all Invalids, by WI who are run down or out of sorts. It builds up, giros our life. COULD NOT FAIL. "Our club Is going to give a big en- tertainment next month." "Yes, so 1 heard. Do you think it will be n success?" "Sure to be. We've nrrnnged it so that every member is chairmen of BORA Committee or other." ITCII, Mango Prairie S'ralrhes and every form of cnntaglous Itch on human et animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel. ford's Sanitary Legion. it never fails. Sold by all druggists. Papa enters sitting-r'om and discov- ere daughter and young Robinson sit- t.ng tide by side en sofa. "Ah, Mr. ilobinson," remnrke:l he. ratably, "you are n greet athlete, aren't you?" "Oh," saiil Robinson. modestly, "i can do a little in that line. What matte you think it?' "lou show :such marvellous staying power. you ser," said the old gentleman, with a glance al the time- piece. Robinson took the lent and went. Many Thanks are doe from the proprtetnts of Wearer's Cerate to friends who hare written 143 1011 Of tumors,hscald behtl i J otherskis diseases.od word In tulatf HIS NAME WAS ALEXANDER. There was a chap who kept a store, And though there might be grander, Ile sold things cheap, roe asked for more, His name was Alexander. Ile mixed his Ride with cunning hand Ile was n ekilfill brander; Ani since his sugar was half sand, They called him Alex -Sunder. Ilo hod n girl, one day she conte, Then lovingly he seantwol her; Ile asked her would she Change her nnmc4 A ring did Mex•hond-her. "Oh. yes. she Mild. with ernaing lip, ev'l "If 1 con t e mmandcr!" nd eo they framed a partnership. 1 And celled 1t Alex-and•her. When a appointed Isn't. PHILOSOPHICAL. "Beg pardon, ma'am," said the but- ler, "but your son has just eloped with Ilia parlor maid." "Oil, that isn't so bad," rejoined Mrs. Uppson. "Ile might have eloped ww•itn the calk—and 1 never could have re- placed !ler." it is only necessary to read the testi- monials to be convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure Is unequalled for the removal of anus, warts, etc. 11 is a complete extinguisher. pessimist expects to be dis- hc is disappointed it he Mother Graves' Worm Exlerminatnr has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration in runnels 1t always HOSPITABLE. Polite Shopwalker—"Good afternoon, madam. 1 hope you will call again." hat's kin:! of yer. Mrs.. Flallcrbick— "I So 1 will, and ye must come to see us." Did you notice theft o1.1 nisi' limping along a dayor so ago? Well, if he will put on his bark "The D it 1." Menthol Pleader, lu a week be will wall as straight as any one. RICHT AND WRONG THINKING and Their Results, by Aaron Martin Crane. At all booksellers or posipaid for -- $1.50. Lotlhrop, Loe & Shepard Co.. Bcston. She had accepted his offer to escort her home In the rain. "I have been wondering," he remarked, on the way, "whether it is on account of lay um- brella or my company that 1 am nllow- e l to come with you?'' "It Is neither," she replied. "1t is o11 account of my new flat." They are Not Violent In Action. — Solno persons, when they wish to cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom and other purgative salts. 'These are speedy in their action, but serve no permanent good. Their use pr'oducee incipient chills, ant if persLsted in they injure the stomach. Nor do they act upon the intestines in a benefciol way. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all purposes. in this respect, and have no superior. - An Irish lawyer, nnied for hLs wit, was engaged by a lady to defend an action her husband was bringing for judicial separation. While cross-ex- amining the pininliff he asked:—"You wish to leave this woman because she Minks?" "lees, sir." "io you trine y' ursclf?" "That's my business!'' — ongrily. Whereupon the unmoved law - CARPeETaya DYEING Barnet,664 Oussaise•olalty whit tits AMERIOAN DYEING OQ Seed p..tkwlare by pest wad we erasers to satiate B/leaa Boa tea. Montreal. gives aalisfaction by restoring health yer quietly asked !nim:- "Ilavo fall 4� th little folks. any other business?' NOT A FAMILY NECESSITY. "Marnrna Is all mane to-dny, Bessie, dear, and 11 anyone rings you will an- swer• the bell." l'resently the hell sounded. As Bele:e responded to the ring her mother in- quired. "Who is 11, dear?" ' 1'homono Ihelting lhitver polish,' announced the child. "Say no, thank you, and close the door," ronlinue l the mother sweetly. The child obeys;, find n moment lat- e- the bell again was heard. "Who is it this little?" asked the mo- ther in n tone of onnoynnex'. "Oh, madder, mudded here's a man with n wooden leg." "Mercy! another peddler?" voice,' the S,L'c(•ptive woman. "tell him we don't want any.' owner ISSI;E NO. 1--0$. Every Wow; L Neer ..4 shoal t ow pad M WhIelin ' pray L Nw n.y.tpree a, } -0, (Zan / ac Si � �or 0011 tker out crus IlMliated Do to effi re a:,dturf LY CO., windier, Ont. rot Avast* for Canasta HE TOOK THE BLAME. Huggins—"Behold in me a self-made ma)l." Diggtnr—"I congratulate you because of your charitableness." Mugglns—"i beg pardon?" Diggins—"You are certainly cltnrl• table in taking all the blame on your. self." The greater the irritation in the throat the more distressing tho cough be- comes. Coughing is the effort of Na- ture to expel Uus irrilating subwstnnco from the air passages. Bicklc'a Anti - Consumptive Syrup will heat the in. flamed parts, which exude mucous, and restore thein to a healthy state, the cough disappearing under the curative effects cf the medicine. It is pleasant to the taste, nal the price, 25 cents, l8 within the reach of all. UN-ANSWEIIARi.E. Little Gordon was etu.lyieg his Sun. day school lesson. ',Soy, papa, he querdcdi, "what dal the Dead Sea die of?" Ilarotd —"I urn glad you have taken eft that h)rrid veil." Bernie- "Indeed) \Vhy?" Ilurold—"It was liken piece of riser armed a lump of sugar." thequickest cg SI-IIL® S ot h &CURE Gct a bottle to -day from your gist. If it doesn't cure you QUICKER than anything you ever tried he'll give you your money back Aiumemalmeassizarmi Shiloh's is the hest, safest, st.rest and quickest medicine for your children's coughs and colds. It has been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. All druggists - 15c., 50c., and Ikon a bottle. eA 0 FACT WITH Power, Heat, Llectl'ic Li ;h t. to Lease for a Term of Years. �o- Central location. About ten thou:a-td square -t In tour floors and basement. Exoollent shlphn; 1.; lutist Standard Fire Sprinkler System. lo.v insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Atio'aido St. V!c:,t, Torc;)'.o ;,agwrpx. t� ,Q