Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 4exeter 4‘buoLUte, Sanders: et Creech. Props •TUU ICDA Ye May 26, 1914) ' WIthht tett years the farms of On- tario will double in value." was the pre - de don of Mr. .1. laockle \Wilson just be- fore leaving the Parliament buildings for the, Old country. where he will in- vestigate agricultural methods for the provincial department. Mr. Wilson es- -plains this by the etatentrnl that the prestrtt high prices for faint produce and the increase of population will :e - suit In a greater demand for fain) pro- perty an .t fine paying investment. An act passed by the Provincial Legis lature takes away front ntunl•:lpal councils its towns, villages and town- ships the authority to levy dog taxes and the tee for dog licenses Is fixed by the sante statute as follows :—Male dogs, first 41. second 42: female doge first 42, second 45. The statute a!bo fixed the method ot collection. There are to be no more dog tags„ Instead the assessor enters dogs on the roll and the taxes are collected by the tax col- lector. '''Do Loge pay ?" asks one of our ed- itorial brethren. whose work le to solve agricultural and such problems. Not to any great extent, dear brother. They at- tend church for month, but when a,k- ed to help support the preacher, eoe't pay. That Is, hogs don't. They take a paper and read it until at least three pairs of spectacles are, worn out. yet dont pay. The production of thein in luiel often profitable to those engag- ed therein, but hogs don't pay. FRUIT AND POULTRY.—The Domin- ion Departme.it of Agriculture at Ott- awa has arranged for a series of fruit and poultry meetings in what is known AS the Lake Huron District. There will also be orchard dentonstrationa. These meetings will be held in this county as follaws,—Exeter, town hall. on Wednesday, June 1st; Zurich, town ship hall, Thursday June 2nd; Bruce- field, lruccfield, Dixon's Hall. Friday, June 3rd ; Holiness/Hie. Saturday, June 40 1; Myth r.9fonday, June Gth ; Auburn, Tuesday, June 7th; Dungannon. Wednesday, June 8th; Luckrtow, Thursday, June 9; Brus- sels, Friday. June loth; Wroveter, Saturday, June 11th. All the meetings wlU begin at 7.14) p.m. The speakers will. be Mr. Ales-. 'teN it, Chief of the Fruit Division, and Mr. A. G. Gilbert. x e Poultry Manager. E perlm ala1 Farm. Announcement will b3 made at the nteet- tngs as to the tint_ and Mac) for the orchard demonstration on the following day. The orchard work will lnclud-: in- sttuct'.on in pruning, and dlscues!ons on cultivation and etre .31 fruit trees. Mr. McNeill will Illustrate hie evendig address 'with lantern slides. Ile will be assisted by other sateen)• a n the fruit staff. Every person Interested in fruit growing and poultry raising is Invited to attend these meetings. Mr. McNeill and Mr. Gilbert are specialists In their renp3ettve department» .said we are sure that all who attend these meet- ings will be both interested and Instruct ed. -- LAW iN .\ NUTSIII:LL. A note made by a tnlnor is void. It le a fraud to conceal a fraud. A note dated on Sunday Is void. A contract with a minor is void. Ignorance of the law excuses no One. A contract made with a lunatic he Vold. Notes bear interest only when so stat- ed. Signatures in lead pencil aro goad In law. A receipt for stoney la legally conclus- ive. Principals are responsible for their agents. The acts of one partner hinds all the Others. The Law rotnp^ls no one to do impos- plbilitics. An agreement without consideration lee vold. Contracts made ori Sunday cannot be .enforced. Written contracts concerning land must be under seal. A note obtained by fraud or from one intoxicated Is void. it a note be lost or stolen 1t does not release the maker. ile roust pay it. . Each Individual Inn partnership to re- sponsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm. An endorser of a note is exempt from liability If not served with a notice of of Ste dishonor within 24 hours ot its non-payment. COUNTY OF !HURON !'Oi'ULATION. Front the report sent In by Wunty Clerk Lane to the Government, we take the following figures as showing the population of Huron County for the years named:— Townships Ashfield 4Co1')or.lc Oath rich Grey liullett !lay .Howlett Mortis 'McKillop Stanley 7Stcp'ien Tutn1xrty To- keremith U sborne Wawaaosh. East 1Vawanoeh, \Vest Total Towns and Villages Hayfield Myth Brussels 7, 11nt 11 Esct,., Goderlctt 4icnsall ele.a tort!) Wing'larn W m:Atter 19)l 2.089 1.4.2 1.956 :1,1)04 2,475 :1,1 54 3,602 2,170 2,2:14 1,798 1.81)5 2.121 1.903 1,d1it 1.11:, :17.35. 11)4)11 2.7 1 1 1 .7)27 1,9514 8.o6n 2,43)1 :1.1 t0 :i.fln 1 2.2 , 1,8: 1 :t.r15n1 I ,8n1I 2,109 1,117:, 1,41441 1,909 :17,91') 529 1411 772 A1et 1.110 1,171) 2.I49 2,44.M l.etln !.Han 4,551 4.63. 1.4 2.147 2.2.,1 2,331 2.8141 411 44:, Total 16.1190 1 7.1)8 t (Irani Total 34.4142 51.1)11) —411111e.- .1\ toy baUbn !tent uP on Snout ty night hada few people guessing an to teh[tater is w.as not the r•omel. STAT. Oe Oslo, CITY OF Tut.aoo. ( u. Lvcae t'ut'STY Crank J. Cheney maker oath that he le senior peruse. of the firm of F J. Cheney a ('o.,doingbwi- ness in the City of Toledo. County sad Skate afore• said, sad that said fine will pay the sum of ONE HVNDteED DOLLARS for each aryl every cane ot Catarrh that csnuot be rued lay the use of Hall Catarrh Cure. CKANE J. CHENEY Sworn to before Inc and sus, rit.ed in me prep• ence, this fah day of December, A. n. load. (Saar.) A. w.OLEA80N, NOTARY Pesate Hall's Catarrh lure is taken internally, and ► •t, directly on the bloat and mucous 1urtacee of the system. Send for teatuucuiele free. Y. J. t 1l E N E Y h CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Y.1.' lull's e'amily title tor constipation. Additional Locals Two or throe beautiful showers dur- 'lag the week have assisted materially !n. making vegetation tak^ on a more rapid growth. Monday night was a very stormy, and c•louly night and the eclipse of the too),, was consequently' not visible In t'ta dui•-•t'ty. The cornet which is now supposed to b- seen its the west after sundown is keeping itself securely hidden behind the clouds and few If any have seen it since it got its that quarter. Large congregations attended (liven Presbyterian church on Sunday last. the ore tsion being "Mother's Day". The pastor, Rev. Sharp, occupied the pulpit :and made the service very pleasing and instructive. Mr. John McCullough and tastily who moved here from Farquhar last fall and have shire resided 1n the house he purchased Jeune Mr. John W. Taylor, on Stolidity moved back to the farm to re- side. You don't have W go to war to be patriotic. improve your locality, up- `tuild your town, enlarge its interests and lend a hand to progress and you are a patriot—a lover of your country —a. truly as the soldier who shoulders ale musket. A correspondent water to know when to use shall and should . Never use snail when you ahould use should' and never use should when you should use shall. in short we should always sty should whenever we should a.td never should say shall when we should sty should. Is that plain enough? A ratan who was afraid of thunder crawled Into a hollow log as a place of etferh during .t thunder .torn[. The thunder rolled and rtl-' rain poured Sow,t in torrents, and the old log, began to swell up till the poor fellow was wedged in so tight that he could not get out. All his post sins began passing tar-ot e hUn. Suddenly he rentenlbered se h 'ALA paid his newspaper subscription end he felt so small that hP was abi.' to back right out. SNELL RE-UNION.—.1 re -union of a 1'r;-` nunth'r of the Snell family of rle ne'gi,horhood took place at the ironle of Mrs. Gro. ,.unwell on May 24. where they took tea and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and evening whir Olen: kind hostess. Flfty-Live in all ver present. FOOTBALL.—.\ large crowd of spec- tators attended the football game 011 1'.wrsl-ty might on the School Grounds between Kirkton and Exeter. The result was e lie—aerh team scoring one goal. Emeter got theirs after three minuted play and Kirkton evened up Just at halt time. The gam' was well handled by Tont Hoyle as referee. This was the return game. Exeter having won at Kb - ton. 1-0. a week batore. Exeter had much the better of the game during the first half and 1t should have bee:, won r.ght there, but the latter half was :nu•lt t:n favor o: Kirkton, although tt:t•y- 'ould not succeed in adding another 17oa1. THE )HOLIDAY—It le many years • • ., Ee^ter has spent such a quiet •1'y on May 24th. The dty had almost oat: to be recognized as Exeter's Day. ..'root the tact that tar many years to •u-reialon the day has been celebrated n some manner here. This year, how- ever, the eitizPits were given an oPPor- tur.ity of having a quiet do -as -you- -0-1a, t:pr. Many People visited with :rlends out of town. while others cnter- t tined friends here. A few of the bowl- ers enjoyed a short game on the green for the first time this seaman. The btse:rall boys held a practice In the iefterngni. The small boy had a time with fire -crackers and rock -Os and the girls enjoyed their basket -ball. Several of the baseball enthusiasts went over to C:ellton and whnesrd Crediton de- :e.t Zurich In two gain 'e ')f baseball. t 1.5. and 14-2. FORECASTS FOR JUNE.— A Regular Storm Perio1 is central on the lel. ex- tcndzirg from May :loth to June :lyd. T .c Moon Is on the celestial equator oa the 2nd, calling for derided rise of temnpnature, narked tall of barometer. with rain. wind and thunder on and touchln3 that date. Change to warmer with electrics! storms occur as a rule wilco Moan erosion th^ equator. Watch for yourself .tn1 prove R. Cooler weath- er will follow closely binlnd these storms. A Itetctlonvey Storm Period Is reti- nal on the lith. 7th. and 9th.(. with New Moan 'm the 7tIt, near its perigee and eetrenre north declination. The June 4 ass. lee and the Venus equlnoc are both ',.R.1111114 to be felt at this period. i,,)oh for very high tenlp:'rature. low barometer and vicious thunder Morino ,luring Sha per:od. Ileavy rain. with proh►ble hall. will result during the p-ogreee of three storms. followed 1 m- ,nellttely by mlu'h cooler. Witnin three • Sys of sunset o:t the 7t1, etpect re- ports of se:sntic shakes from various ptrts of the glob'. CI1i1.D KILLED 131 Tit We l'lyt•t. May 21—Sitthis In the ce•'1 )' the Grand Trunk tracks near Lor,des- ,. 1. tittle le th'lli Latta, the three- -r.r-3!'1 dtujhter of Thos. Little a farmer. residing near by, was Wrangled •o death by (1,' Huron and Bruce trait t'i.s afternoon.. The child had wander - at ont, the track n'ar a sharp curve r.)J 'Ithau;h the brakes were put re. as nosh as she was seen by the tra. crew it was 103 late. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A DASI1\WO00 LUMLEY. M BNOA6\3HIkE, 1r1:411u'uot CoN%EY i • Y.SC101.. Reeds, Ovalle, Mortgages sed all Legal ()octane to carefully ace promptly prepared Charges moderate. busier of Marriage Liceusrs. \lias ltiehardeon'e mother of Thathes- ville and ulster Mrs. Mooney of Londo:, were visitors in town over May 240r.— Vrs. Jos. Wambold returned home on Monday after visiting a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ireland. at Stratford. —The hand concert on Thursday night of lost week was a grand success. TIte hell was crowded to the doors and the prc•grain was all that could be expected. —Mise Olivia Holtzman of Crediton and \1i. Whiting, student of Victoria Ut.- iverslty spent 24th with Itev. and Mra. Elide—Quite a number from here took in the baseball games at Credito ons May 24t1, while others went to the Deed fishing. Death.—Mrs. I-'rtd Ileo of Grand Bend a former resident of Dashwood. died at her home on Thursday. May 11). at the age of 56 years. 4 months. and 14 days after an Muesli of about a" yeti-. The funeral took place on Soo- t ty. the reluilns b;;ing bald to rest in the Lutheran cemetery, It being one of the largest funerals held here for sonic• ante, and went to show the high es- teem in which she was held. She is survived by her husband. four eons Three daughters, 1.1 grand ettildren, titre sisters and one brother. Tne service was conducted by itev. Thuun. Cit EDITON. Mr. James Oockwill has sold hie driver to Frank Taylor for a good figure.—August Kubn of Stratford spent the week end in town. He autoed to the city on Monday. Mrs. Hy. Kuhn. Miss Myrtle Clarke and Mise Susie Kubn accompanying him. —Our people have been craning their necks all week trying to find the comet. The learned men tell us it has lost its tail and in fact some be- lieve it has left us altogether. So how are we poor innocent supposed to know how, when and where this mysterious body should appear.— Fortunately the critical period last Wednesday night passed oft without a bitch and we are still bete and can proceed with our gardening.—Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Baker of Woodstock spent last Sunday in town the guest of the letter's father.—The Phone men have completed their work in town and this added improvement is found to be a great convenience.— Geo. Housen of Wingbam spent a few days here visiting bis brother Rich.—Cotnmencing with nest Sun- day, the Sabbath School of the Evan- gelical church will commence at 9:30 a.tn. Please remember change of tiute.—Chas. !wicker bas bad his lawn resodded and the same now presents a beautiful appearance and is a decided improvrrnent.—Last Sou - day morning Rev. Eidt of Dashwood preached a splendid sermon in the Evangelical church. In the evening Mr. Whiting of Victoria University, Tcronto occupied the pulpit and made a very favorable impression.—On Friday evening, the 27tb, the Ladles Aid of the Methodist church will have a Box Social in their ch:trch at 8 p.m. Au excellent program has been pre- pared and a good time is expected.— Miss Melinda Trick of Stratford and Frank Finkbeiner of London spent Victoria Day in town.—Bert Clark is busy painting and papering. The old trade cornea back quite naturally.— Jarnee Harris of St. Thomas was a Sunday visitor in towo.—C. Hoare of Clinton, piano agent, was in town Monday on business.—Mise Strothers spent the holidays at home in Blyth. She was accompanied by her friend Mies Love. BASSHALI..- -Large crowds attended both games of baseball here on May 24tb, when the locals played Zurich morning attd afternoon, and defeated the visitors in both games, 11-5 in the morning and 14-2 in the after- noon. CENTIRALIA W. H. Hutt, medical student, left for the North west on Tuesday. --John Wesley Butt epeut Victoria Day with his parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Butt. —Herb. Hanlon spent the 24th with hie parents.—Mira Wood of London is visiting at the Misses Wilson's.—Mrs. Spencer of 8t. Thomas is visiting her mother, Mrs. Anderson. --Victoria I)ay was spent in a rather quiet way. In the early morning there was some cannonading and through the day some went fusing and others visiting. in the evening some fire works were set ntf,—Empii a Day ryas observed in the p,rblic school when our popular teacher, Miss Pomeroy had a first class programme prepared for the scbo!ers and their parents. The chil- dren showed considerable training and all were well pleased with the en- tertalntnent. Mies Pomeroy is an ed- ucationist of more then average abil• ity and has been re-engaged et en ad- venre in salary.—Mrs. Coughlin west of the railway track has had her house reshingled and is having a verandah put up. --Mrs. Duplen who has been quite ill 18 improving. - As Eden church 1+ going to he vistaed Centrelie church is likely to be made station and will therefore support its own minister. SA INTStb;R\' The entertainment given under the auspices of St. E'atrick's church in the Itarey Hall, on the night of Mey 24th, wait: an unrinalit{ed curress'tot h in et- tendance staid as to program. The sr• Tay of talent w,as of eireiltb)fl,li qual- ity and every member stn the pro- gram was enjoyed with more than the ordinary interest. The choir wits fill- ed by 11 r. Geo. Stanley '.f Lorne in his usual happy trimmer. The singing of Miss 31rkkneel of St. 'rho/ruts were 'PI'' ('dilit 4' i•e•leettone, et !tile the in- inlitsble Mark Vinwent of i:xete•r 1,innght down the boucle on every ap- pe.,ret)ce and h. was compelled to re. ,pond to repeated enrhores. Meek is a whole entertainment in himself. The te,•itels of Mr. Porte of Lucas shit the singing of 11 r. 114111, of Loren were highly pleatting, se wee also the address by Rev. ilacey. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A George Ht,hkirk had the telephone installed this week. ---Mr. Burns of London was a ''ieitor at Jas. Horton', and liugbie McDo ugall's for the past few days.—Mt,.. H. ('hebney and daughter were vibil ors here over 21th. The Misses Anderson and Hunl.in spent 24th with Miss Maggie Hobk irk•. — Miss Nan Hot -ton has returned from Harput hey. ---The recent rains have done a great deal of good in this sec- tion.—The Misses Margaret and Maty Elleringlon have returned to Toronto after a fort -night visit at their home here. --awe — MOORESVILLE S. Mc('oy of London spent a few days last week with Huy Simpson. — Mr. and Mrs. (Iorden Bloomfield spent the holidays under the parental t iof. —Arthur Simpson stent the lith in London.—Mrs. Jas. Lewis is cottoned to the house through illness.—Mrs. Jas. Coreant of London is spending a few days here. ---A number of onr young people spent the holiday ti.h- Ing.—Word has just been received of the death of Mrs. Hiram Miller of Bask., formerly of this place, after a brief illness.—Albert Simpson is put- ting an addition to bis barn and other improvements.—A number of the young people attended the dance et Southgate on Tuesday last.—Mrs. Farrel spent a few days in London last week. OPENING OF THE NEW CHURCH AT BRINSLEY—•St. Marys Church. Brineley. was dedicat- ed to the worship of God by Rt. Rev. D. Williams, D. D.. Bishop of Huron on Sunday. May 16th. The Bishop preached three excellent sermons morning, afternoon and evening to crowded congregations. He com- mended the I'arishers for their zeal and liberality. and congratulated the clergyman and building committee on the completion of one of the prettiest rural churcbe in the Western Ontario. The church is constructed of Milton brick, cement basement and slate roof. It is of Gothic Norman Architecture and the interior furniebings of quar- tered cut Antique oak manufactured by the Valley Field Mfg. Co. are ex- ceedingly trsautiful and of correct de- sign. A number of Memorial figured windows adds greatly to the artistic arrangements of the church. The Rector the Rev. Mr. Bloodsworth ex- changed with the Rev. D. W. Collins of Exeter last Sunday. May 22nd, and again the church was crowded at morning and evening services. The building committee presented the re- port to the Vestry on Monday. when the finances were found on a sale foundation. The church cost 48000 and it is all paid for except $1500 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Thee You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 144. SIGNALS OF' DISTRESS. Exeter People Should Khow How Read and heed Them. Sick kidneys give many signals of dlstrees. Th" eccre'ior,s .ire dark, contain .t toed' inert. Passages are frequent, scanty, palntul. Backache is constant day and might. Headaches and Jizzzy spells are fre- luent. The weakened kidneys need quick help Don't delay. Use a special kidney remedy. Booth's Kidney Piila cure sick kiditeys backache. and urinary disorders. Itensall eat:recs. proves this statenvnt. \1r. G. Scott, of Main St.. Hensall,says — F'lcquently i would suffer :Kith a misttabte, dull btcka-he In the region of ,he kldrtys. These pains woull come on me when 1 would do any nto)ping or lifting axed would rause me ntu- h Inronver.leree. I had tate' teen y remr Pill -s to touted little reli,:. 1 :oak very easily and is would settle In my bat k. and the whir would eho.v a •ilgh- er c olor. 3 learned of Booth's Kidney )'ills through an advertisement and pro- curing a box at Mr. ItemphIll'e Drug Store. I commenced treatment. It was A vet y short time, before the pain had :ohs front my bark and It had strength- ened. 1 feel grateful in reconunt n tint; llwtth'', Kidney Pills as an Ideal rem- edy." For sale at W. S. Cole's I'har- nnac. Solyd by Dealers Price 51) ' etas. The It. T. Booth Co., L't'd, Fort Erie. Ont.. Sole Canadian Agents. to OMEI Ossavicrplst-e- ) CURES CATARRH,‘ ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money tack. Sold and guaranteed bsr W. S, COLE, EXETNIL �j IN IRE RACE FOR BUSINESS The gentleman on the tort..ise represents tae man who does n' alherhsc --the one who tries t•) •! • business as it was done in the 'la), of the tallow candle or the oil lamp Are you tri the glare of the elec- tric light --in the automobile of Modern Mcth,sis' Our Want Nis are high volt. -gr batteries, whether you want Ilght or tower— business publicity or competent hep ..r .v.iea... r t l THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE READ OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUEL 1967 B. E. WALKER, President ( Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every othersfacility. theafforded atsaction ofstrs heiirr banking business. Sales notes will he cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this way with equal 123 Rzeter ,tea: -:—(1, W. Ilarr!so•, )!.►eater. ))ranch also at Crediton. which the congregation hope to wipo' s, ?larye.—Johtl Howard a paralysis„ off this present year. Mr. Bloods- t ,bed 71 years, was found drowned In n worth is to be congratulated upan the .intern ht ilia yard on Nionday mor! t g. completion of the work. +++++44++++.H4++++++++++++ PIANOS To Rent $2 Per month & up Six months' rent al- lowed on the pur- chase price of a new in- strument. 8e MARTIN & SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium They are noted tor the ipialltv of their goods. I+++++t+++++++ Iron Posts [n order (o c'ose oat our stock of Iron Ports we have reduced the pri'v from 25 cents to 18 Cents IRON BRACES 11-o., Pipe Mat all lengths .t' 0.:1y 5 Cents a foot. We wilt take i:: exchange iL)r'a'- hair, Rubbers, iron. Copper itrtss and Wool l'1rkb•.gs. for which we will •1:.,w the hign- est price M. JACKSON'S IRON DEALER Main St., Exeter GRAND TRUNK SY's EM ROUND TItIP SUaiMElt TOURIST TICKETS AT LOW RATES JUNE let to SEPT. 80411. to Portland and Astoria, Ore.. Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Bellingham, Wash.. Victoria, Vancouver and New West- minster, H. C.. San Francisco, Los An- geles, and San Diego, Cal. RETURN LIMIT OCP.:ilst, 1910 HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA Via Chicago. May 31 and Julie 14. Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company—steamer leaves Sarnia :1.3(1 p. in. May 341ttt and June 13th. Secure tickets and full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent, Exeter, or address J. D. McDONALD. D. P. A.. G. T. Rv.. Toronto. At 40 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's High. Grade Business Colleges, located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $1500 per annual. Mail Coueese in 100 different subjects.) Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL Always in the lead OUR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad- vantage of any reduction our keen buying has allowed us to take advantage of. Our WATCH Department is most complete and at prices within the reach of everyone—$1.00 up to $10.4W)—and same warranted from one to three years. Now is the time of year when an ALARM CLOCK does not come amiss. We have a fine selection of them. The alternating ..l,.?tu repeats the rail every Sl seconda Prices "Lie to $2.50 ah,1 s erne warranted for one year. Our Repairing Department is most complete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re ceive our hest Attention. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician eteeeeeeffectroceeccot BCRIIP! The general public will take notice that 1 ant doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Pricy Paid for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Horse, Hair. Copper, Rags, Eta.. also Washed Wool and Woo! Clippings All parcharel to be delivetel to HAWK INS & SON'S (HARDWARE. EXETER, where the rash will he paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will ire given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter,Ont.