Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-19, Page 81 '�3''�� Af3�b Mrs McGillicuddy is in London this LOCAL DOINGS A Dog with a Muzzle �' , week EXETER uIrET:. t and a than with an in -fitting bolt of cl.,tbea are in the same beat - Both Handicapped ! I! you arc• a man with clothes trouble• have TAMAN diagnose your case. He quite likely will prescribe A SUIT OF DECENTLY MADE CLOTIIES at a cop- ular price. }lc does not send his, goods to out- of-town t iothing manufacturers to be THROWN together and Palmed off or: you for a CUSTOM MADE SUIT. but mak'-s the suits le hie own custom work shop )nvuring you a PERFECT FIT and BEST WORKMANSHIP. NEW SPRING SUITJNGS OVET.COATINGS AND PA NTINGS ARRIVING DAILY W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, 1xeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them -4sk to see our Bosom Buys in I -theta, Tapestry and lf'':ol. We lune all sizes' Stewart. PLANTS FOR SALE. -Two thousand Geranium plants, also Asters, Stocks, Ageratum, Verbena, Double and Single Petuna, Ferns, Salvia, Coles, and all kinds of plants for hanging baskets, Early Cabhage• Cauliflower, Tomato, Ccicr:, Etc., at lowest (ash prices. LOUIS DAY, Market Gardener, Exeter. Our Black Voiles are unbeatable' They are just the thing for summer dress- es, per yard 75e. $1 and $1.2_'5. Steuart. ROUSE FOR SALE -A frame !.oust and 1-2 acres of ground. Good water, fruit trees etc. ApplY to DICKSON & CAIILING, Exeter. Our uritliners can trim a hat for you on shortest notice. Oar styles are exclu- sive. Steuart's. $14.1.50, $1.75, S2, are .four of our best lines in White Waists. See them. Stewart's. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO 'WESTERN CANADA. Through the metropolis of Chicago, thence via Duluth and Fort Francis, or through Chicago and the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul May 3l et. Via Sarnia and Northern Nav- igation Company. Steamer leaves Sar- nia 3.30 p.nt., May 30th. Secure tickets and lull information from Grand Trunk Agents. Anotlur shipment (:f .c'airn's Scotch Linoleirm is ready (r your inspection. Steuart. W. J. STATHAM is now situated in his new and up-to-date bakery. Having Installed one of F'letcher's dough mixers he is now in a position to turn out bread second to none. Notice to Contractors Teodere will be received t.y the undersigned up to ;o'clock, MONDAY, MAY 23rd. len: , fh.r the w • dermentioned works: rllitntt and rt tam ng wall at [atter Dam Plus and specifications may be seen at Clerk's offtre• Lowest or any tender not oeees• tartly accepted JOSEPH SINK'S, Clerk. CII.•RCI I DIRECTORY JAMF.t-ST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Ittchard Hobbs. Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7. Claes Service -9.30 a.m.and after Morn- ing Service and Wednesday night. Toung Men'. Claes and Catechumens - Sunday at 2 p. m. Sunday School axed Bible Classes- 2.30. Epworth League-Tweday 8 p. rn. Prayer Meeting -Thursday 8 p. m May 22 -Rev. J. D. Kestle in the morning. and Rev. J. G. Yelland to tn. evening. Te Sftop for plea We have the finest lines of Trouwing� Fancy Suitings Overcoatings ANID-- Trouserings We are filled up with the new. est and hest goods for the mak- ing of clothing. and we der the utaking in the beet of style. JOHNS W. W. Merakeat Tatler. Bxeter Master Drew Knight ie quite 01 and wader the doctor's rare. Mira. Harris, Huron CCU( t. Is im- proving after several days Illness. Tine Male Street League %vetted t1. Janine Strc;'t League ort Tuesday even lege Mr. and Mr.. Geo. Powell of Mill a! celebrated the fiftieth anniversary o tee!r marriage last week. Trac reason Oa it so many people ilk s:, even tempered ratan is because the `,:k they can give hint the worst 0 Mrs. Susan Elliott has returned from London.. Mr. Donald McInnis is o:t his ,,::;ual trip to the West. Mr. and Mir*. Huger Oke w"e"ed le Sea:ortlt Inst week. Mr. Bennett of New York visited with friends here this week. ales J. Moir of Hernial' spe•;t Tune - lay w:t'. Irieede in town. \err:. F. J. Wickwire is visiting `dra. T. M. W!ate of Windsor. etre. (Dr.) Itond wr:,t to Toronto on f T .ursday on a short visit. \Ira. W. J. Pisaett and Mutt. McDowell war. :,, Lo:,do:, Thursday. e• Mi. and airs. Geo. McLeod are visit - y :u;; relatives to Egntondvlile. Mr. Joint Mrl;,tyre of tteneall wee 'n town over Sunda with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Dearing, Step- hen, were in Lucan over Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Ross has returned to Cal- gary, after a few days visit here. Misses Mabel Follick and C�trrle Ray of St. Marys visited here Sunday. Mie. Enoch Follick and Mrs. E. Ai Follick visited in Arkona during the week. Mr. James Bawden of the Miolsane Lank, Port Arthur, arrived here Mon- day to holiday for three weeks. Mr. Win. Hooper returned on Friday evening front .e month's visit in Pig- eon and other points in Michigan. Mrs. Wm. Iiawkehaw and daughter, Miss Jean, leave to -day (Thursday) for Winthorat, Sask., where they will spend a few months with Mr. W. J. }lawkehaw. Mrs. Wen. Shosenberg of London, ac- companied by her little daughter, spent a few days here w th her mother, ,.lire. Wm. Hawkehaw, during the week, re- turning Monday. It. Mr. T. E. Handford hab beer" on the sick list and confined to his home dur- ing part of the past week. but le now improving. Revs. Crossley and Hunter have com- pleted their series of Joint evangelis- Ile meetings at Listowell and have op- ened a campaign at Parkhill. Mr. 11. Levett has sold his produce business, also store and residence on Main street to Mr. Anderson of Chicago, who takes possession on Monday next. - Parkhill Gazette. Rev. Lochael of London occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, owing to the Illness of the pastor, Itev. Sharp, who is now recov- ering, and again able to be out. Mrs. Wm. Sweet, London Road. who nae been sick for several weeks, is Im- proving slowly. }ler eteter, Mrs. Geo. Bawden of Lucan, returned home Mon- day. after spending several days here. Reports from the north state that one to two inches of snow fell on Friday morning last at Wingham and other painti along the L. IL. and 13. A few flakes fell at Exeter, but they were hardly noticeable. Mr. Wm. Trlcbner has resigned his boeitfon as teacher In S. S. No. 3, Ste- phen, to take effect at the gild of June, and will attend Chatham }1usineae Col- lege for two months, afterwards tak- ing the Normal Course. A brooder belonging to Mr. Artlah Roll'ns, Londe,: Road south, took fire from the enclosed lamp, and before die- tovered was almost campl'tely consuln- ed, together with a larbe number of y.uag chicken. Luckily no further dam- age was done. We want you to try Wood -Lac Stain- t!:e aristocrat of all varnish stains; de - wined to become a prime favorite of the Canadian connolescur, now winning favor rapidly with the most particular lovers of an artistic home. Mr. W. J. Neaman sella it. • The Epworth League Anniversary of Cie Main Street church was held Sun- day last when lite s^rvices were con- ducted by Rev. Baird of London. Mr. Willison and his son Ted of London were present and the latter Bang sever- al solos in excellent voice. The pastor, Itev. Fear, was is London for the day. The Advocate goes right into the reader's home -goes 1n and Bite down witt, hint. It Is on the table when he eats. and In his hands when ne is amok ing after the meal. It roaches him when he is In an approachable condition. The newspaper cannot b3 outdone by any other advertioing scheme contrived by the br:ghteet brains working along that line. The Exeter Football team won a vic- tory over the Klrkton boys on Friday eve ning last at Kirklon, the score be - Ing 1 to 0. The Exeter line-up consist- ed of. -Goal. M. Hoskins: backs. B. Anderson and S. Dobler; half -backs, S. G. Bawden, C. Northcott. O. Walker; centre forward, T. Carling ; right wing P. Wilson. 11. Art ; lett wing. G.Taylor and Dr. Rolston. Mr Jos. W. Bawden of London, who for many years has been connected with the firm of Lawson & Jones, and who was a former Exctcr young man. has moved to Winnlprg, where he has charge of the Dittman (eros.' Drug Label and Itot I)tp.,rt::tent. Mr. Bawden 1s a specialist in this line of work and the company has every reason to congratu- late themselves on securing his services. The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Per- kins was the scene of a quiet wedding on May llth. when Rev. Rich. ilobber In the presence of the Immediate rela- tives, united in marriage their daugh- ter. Miss Cora M., to Mr. Alwyn Day - man, son of Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Day - man of Ueborne. The young couple have the best wishes of their rneny friends. Statistics. -From, the 1910 Assess- ment Roll o1 the Village of Exeter we take the following statistics. The vil- lage contains 1044 acres. The land value Ib $1.8,637: value of buildings. 8391,896; property liable for school rate only $16,890: property exempt from all taxation $84,03a0: business as- sessment $11.977: taxable income 88.- 463; 8:463; total assessment 857(1.57:1; popul- ation 1606. The Medal Contest under the aus- pices of the W. C. T. ,U. will b • held in the Opera house on Friday evening, May 27th. Resides the contestants in Elocution there will b^ chorutes by the girls and boyo. The Orchestra from }Ieneall, under the Aeadership of Dr. Sellcry, and consisting of six instru- ments -two violins, carnet. clarionet, (ello and piano -will also be present and give several selections. A full house 1s exp cted. Tnc G. T. nail C3. has laid a five' foot curio nt walk from the end of Vic- toria street to the enuth platform at the •tat;o' . What 1s needed now Is a similar walk, on the north side Tne head of tee wat'r servile department is now In cornriiul,lcation with the town council as to terns on which they could r,c. are water from the town for the tank a:,d other purposes. Thr (tanning tat o• y .tui evaporator .1.0 want water supply, and it is up to the town to •..r mains laid down the old station ,e I f•' t. \ furt'er decrease L, thr prire• of poh.h echool text books for the pt.,v- .e Ie the result of contracts award - rd by the Government for the new artth- nnetit and grammar. The pubile school srithmet'c. cons:stirg of 216 pages. rorme-ly retailed at 25 rents. Tee t ew ,e, consisting of 24(I pagre. will re- tail at nine rents. The old pubic school grammar of 10') pages retailed at 2S r- 's The new text book on a bt.te of 224 puree will be sold at IN 1' -1 w. aIs•, h a d'scount of 20 per ,r' books. eft the rtta 1 price Of the new Mr. and Mrs. Thos Wilcox of Oshawa visited Mire. llodgson here this week, being called here owing to the illness of Mrs. Hodgson. who is now happily. mutat improved. Miss Vera Campbell has taken a post tion in the poet office as mall clerk. Mrs. Rich, Culbert, London Rd. South, who has been quite ill for some time, is recovering under the rareful nursing of Mir s. Wm. Herbert. Mr. Samt'l Hlcke last week sold a team of heavy draught gelding colts to Mr. James Norris of Staffa for 4400 T.ney were a pair of gold horses. A dog belonging to Mr. John Perkins of Usborne is supposed to have gone mad on Monday, and a chase was made after 1t, but without resulting in its capture, as far as we have heard. The Exeter Public School Board will attend the National Memorial service in honor of His Late Most Gracious Maj- esty King Edward VII., to be held In the Trtvitt Memorial church on Friday :afternoon, at 2.80, in a body and will next it the Library of the Town liall at 2.15 for that purpose 1'OOTBALL GAME.-Kirkton vs. Eze- ter on Thu. sday evening. May 19. on the echoul grounds. A collection of five cents will b:: taken at tt.- gate. Every- b3dy conte. ECLIPSE. -A total eclipse of the moon on May 23rd will add to the inter est which Halley's comet will give to the skies. The eclipse begins at 9.46 central time, and le total at 11,09. HURON DOT MODERATOR -Rev. Dr J. A. Turnbull is the new moderator for the Presbyterian synod in Toronto. Dr. Turnbull is a native of Usborne Tp., and his first charge was at St. Marys. HICKS' FORECASTS.- A reactionary storm period is central on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Falling barometer and stomas will appear promptly and pass from west to east over the country, dur- ing these days, followed by cooler wea- ther. The month ends as we (rase a regular storm p-riod. EXTENSIVE FARMING. -Mr. P.tul Madge, who, on Tuesday, had a sale tut Ms f eon eta k and effects and Raves this we,k for Alberta, where he recent- ly purchased 4:ural acres. 50 Wailes notch of Lethbridbc, has given an Immense order for farm machinery to Mr. John Hunter. Implement agent. Among the li plennr•nts or.. -4 eight -foot binders. a toe borne power gasatine engine, 3 210 - dist drills. 4 lumber wagons. 2 die - foot mowers, 10 -foot rake, Democrat wegon, 4 disc harrows. 4 plows and 2 smoothing harrows, and a 20 -horst power traction engine with plows at- tached. The outfit will cost about $4.500. When Mr. Madge naves he will have almost a train of his own. there h li:g three cars of sheep. o:,e of horses two of settlers' effects, two of redar pasts. one of fence wire. That this Is farming on an extensive scale _there Ie no doubt, and we all wish Mr. Madge Ile greatest success. }IALLEY'S COMET. -The best view of tate comet should be. ab3ut May 20 to 24, when It may be seen In the evening. Out unfortunately the moon Is full re. May, 23rd. Comet sets Sun eel. May 241 8.11 pan. 7.11 p.rn. May 1 9.12 p.m. 7.12 p.m. May 0.58 p.m. 7.13 p.n. May 2310.24 p.m. 7.14 pen. May 24 10.3:. p.m. 7.13 p.m. May 2. May 26 10.56 p.m. 7.1 F, p.m. 11.07 p.m. 7.17 p.m. \ray 37 11.17 p.m. 7.17 p.m. \try 2W 11.23 p.rn. 7.19 p.m. ay y 29 11.13 pan. 7.18 p.m. estia30 11.09 p.m. 7.19 p.m. Tec comet's brighter es on May 20 10 de•s'gnated a. %, It gradually reducer, to 1" by May 24th. and 2.:1,.oe Mf,ey, 30. Death. -Thr death of I alma Pearl, the (Ides' daught r of Mr. and Mrs. Richard 1'enhale. took place at the family resi- dence 1n Toronto on leaturday last at the age of tight years. She had been 111 of lyphold Lever about slit weeks. but ht r condition for recovery continued favorable until about a weak ago. when she bxsmt worse. and her weakened onstitut'o.I gave way under the strain. She was a pretty and bright little girl and her many associates will natant tier death as well :to th' bereaved parent. and friends. The remains were brought t"re fen burial. the funeral taking plate from the Reetcr depot on Tuesday •Wore, 'ng to the Eeeter cemetery, whc.e an- other 1 111•' sister Iles buried. Mr. and Mr.. Penhalc, Mr. Manuel Hick.. .u:d Mr.. John Sanders and daughter Mia. Nora. a rornpanled the remains here. Mr a -A ,ttw Pr '1' and '.f:•. Hicks tc- tu: ,;:4 Wed• eed.ty. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 94 95 Barley 45 48 Oats. ;i2 34 Peas 74 75 Potatoes, per bag 50 Hay. per ton 1:t 00 14 00 Flour, per cwt„ family 2 75 Flour, low grade 'ter ew 1 45 1 50 Butter 20 Eggs 18 Live hogs. per cwt 9 15 Shorty per ton 23 00 Bran per ton 20 00 T to long needed rale fell in copious yu•ntitica on Tuesday night and the `.e ells of the farmers and gardeners aro glad lit consequence. It was great- ly needed, as vegetation of all kiude was making very little progress. The presentation of the Neeson Menn- o-i.l Shield to the school will take place o.n Wednesday, May 25, on the school grounds at ten a. in. The resident Min- isters and civic dignitaries are being Invited and a general Invitation is giv- en by the Board to all parents and ;friends of the school to grace the oc- raeton With their presence. YOUNG AND OLD LOOKING GLASSES P.'rhape you often wondered why some of the men among your acquaintances !,,eked older than others. Never stop - pot to think of the re:es-:rn. It's the ghrrscs. Some of the old fashioned ones ed t et -out tern years to a man's life. We fit EYEGLASSES tint take away the years. They actually make a man look younger. Came In and get a pair. The tow is not great. W. S. HOWEY, Phm 13. C: amino and Optician, Exeter, Ontario. --Eyes Tested Flee. -- Piano for Sale Ont good second Laid piano, Am(rican make, nearly new $ 160, at J.PEDLER'S \"aim Street south. 04114/41CCCCCCO41006 1 Cement, Lime, I Bran & Shorts I ALWAYS ON HANi) -BEST OF- R. G. Seldon, Exeter 111111011011110.11.031111110 ALA&ALA. etftt FLOUR Breakfast Foods Feed and Seeds All the BEST GRADES of floor always on hand. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAL, WHEATLETS & TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Oatmeal,7 lbs for 260 Poultry Foods & Feede nuchae PANACEA, OYSTERS/JELLS, GRiT, ('RUSHED BONE, LIN- SEED MEAL. OIL CAKE and FLAX SEED. Wm. Rivers Davis' 01d Stand • EXETER strISFIVIIF Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purcbaaed the BUS sed DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, i desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that 1 am prepared to Rive you the hest of satisfaetion in work connected with the httein.s.. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other. wise at THE ADVO('ATE OFF. iC& PHONE 25, w ill receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech " DETROIT " VAPOR STOVES mean easy cooking 20 STYLES -From a "One Burner Hot Plate" to a "Handsome Cabi- net Range." Burn gasolene or alcohol. It burns Wrote air and lets gasoline than x11 other's, Perfect Combustion! Simple and Durable! No Smoke! No Odor! Absolutely Safe! Pure fire! We have the largest as- sortment of vapor, gash. line and oil stoves in the county. SEEDS NOW IN STOCK -weenie' Liula Beans, Broad Wini,tu• Beans, Little Gent Peas, \Tangle, Turnip, Cut n, Feeding Carrot, Lawn Grass, Nasturtiums and Gladioli, etc. Tinsmithing, Plumbing, Furnace Work a Specialty Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store One Door North of Browning's Drug Store, Exeter. Special Discount Sale of Furniture We are starting our annual discount sale, comprising every article in our large and well assorted stock, which we are offering at a special discount for NEXT 30 DAYS Intending purchasers will consult their own interests l y examining our goods and getting our prices before purchasing their Spring Furniture We Can Save You Many Dollars! 'Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Silks Are Very Popular I This is going to be a big Silk season. Nice light weight silks are the leaders for Summer Dresses. We are showing a large range of something very new in silks in all the leading colors. Prices are Very Moderate Japanese Silk One of the leading silks in all the new Bummer shades, Fancy et Striped &0c Per Yd Shanties Silk A good raw silk in all the good Spring and Summer shades SOc. and 76c. Per Yd Silk Mills Another good eumtner siik. Gond selling colors in plain and fancy 26, 35, 45 cts. Per Yd Taffeta Silks Are as popular as ever. We are showing every saleable shade for 6Oc. to $1 Per Yd Ladies' Fancy Wearables Fancy Parasols A beautiful line of Silk Parasols are Shown here for $1.00 to $3.O0 Fancy ,van Our summer ' e,ock is all here. Plain and Fancy Cotton and Lisle in Bleck, White, Tan, Blue Pink, etc. 1Paucy Waists Silk Waists, Net Waists, Fanny Lawn Waists, Tailored Waists. Many styles to choose from. Farcy Belts aid Collars Some real new things are being shown in Fancy Neckwear, Waab Belts in abundance. Summer Wash Goods We are showing an exceptionally floe aeeortment of Wash Goods for this season. Every lady can have something to her taste from our many lines. Plsio colored Lanni, Fancy Striped Linens, Plain Repp, Gingham., Chamhraye, Ducks, iodian Head, Piques. All in the New Shades Ladies' Wash Suits A nice display of Wash Suite for present wear. They ars made up very stylish and come in different colors. Stripes or Plain Duck, Linen or Repp. Come and see them. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing