Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-19, Page 6ECZEMA IS CAUSED
1! is B ln:shed by Dr WV:11 a1n3' Pink
Becaul They Mike
Gad Blond.
-1, any dikter and he will tell
•e that eczema is caused by Me
p e I itiee in the blood ; that nothing
eel. cure it that does not reach the
eked- -that outward application
are eurehless. That is the reason
why Dr. Williams' Pink I'ills have
Sways proved •u successful they
at -1 on the blood, and in acting on
the blood they banish those crup-
Rionr and pimples, relieve the irri-
talien and itching and give perfect
htelth. They have cured thousands
of rases where poor blood has rc
st,1,. d in disease. Among those
It 11 11 BECOM l:1 tit' t .t \ t 11 V\ _ 1.. •.k Th.,Late of the•
flzttt-ie. and Western Canada
B1 1' i i )t 'S Id N el PI 1.1.s Millin, Cornpantes.
t'l ltl:I► J. 1f111.I.titi.l:0\'S `awatdC;RONYN q Co.
lluluriu leads in Hal.in� 1.:11h,, It11!.F%I 1'h1s%j Our nese
building 911 Oay Street, Toronto
bol i, Left Itch;ud in shingle - -eseeeseseeseseeesseesseeeesee
STOCKS. I OL1TF:x F:tib.
1115 Il.l.-tiF AL'f H "T'., )< .r....._ __...-
Itu�iur t.', Enteher Proof That no Case of
1 nit tee SII' . it AND 1'oei'I l'1eY, tee pastry.
Kidney 1)Ive•:1se' la 11 \too Before Cold >;1•.cl, In,�,stht and ....Id En. ,
gineer.' Reports on I'"r. pilule writ. for Til't, what was asked sharply
%Thal, h •s.mos of the trees of the OIJ Reliable kidney Renit.dy. t,arti.•ular. P . Hairston, ±.) Manning tiei.; tune.
Canada after they are hewn I Last !scar,•. 1.,rmnto, o„t
Monte etelL,, Labelle Co., Que., "Tort first " unswrred Tommy
year the total value ei ;utstie t w•as Q tshim ,Itsntly,
$1;7,425,011 anti the Department ..f May 0 (8p'eiall. That a man may 1NI11.11.`.! tie. harrier Lucri•er hal int esti xtevl the be cured even of inherited ill -health
g if he keeps 1►i, bleed per. and Inc The huunace of Santa Cruz digs MINISTER 11110 'I'}:5'1'1:11
fete of this weed in he sawn inn of betty toned up In wing Dudci'st :t*' own grove• %.111-111'1►.
the country. i The r.ocoanut crab climbs cocoa -
Kidney fills is the rxprrienee of lies. ! . E. writes:
••The Manse,-
fifths of Iuiiiherout ,uttluudf Ontario
Jt ho liaillargeon• of this place. n'Ir trtce and cuts off the rite nuts (urp, Ont., N rites : n using
1 with its clews,
leads with a production last year 1 inherited hour health from entitle time ago 11►etiau iig it 7.nm
1 1 my parents," Mr. Baillargeon says.
Snakes, for their size, weigh very,1/OK Walla vires le testing it tiler
of 1,291,791,000 fret hoard nreasutr. 1 t'i was bothered with Rheumatism, little. A twenty -foot pytlu,n gores highly, 1 am troubled with eczema,
Qtebec COI/let; secuud with half as' um tit twelve pounds, and the grrce
much. i Lumbago and Gravel. I was al- N Lich is inters worse in the earls
an(! deadly tiger snake of .lttslra-' part of winter, and scents to leave
li i will, when six feet lung, tip the: me about spring. 1 tried 'Gate- llub
beam at only two pounds. .1 half ' immediately my hands started tt
pound is mere than the average rat- break out, and ant pleased to say
tier's weight' tlutt it checked the disease, which
The climbing perch of Incite; is inure than I can say for anything
travels from pool to pool, and in I have ever before tried. We now
its cross-country tramps aseeeds hate ?ail-Buk in the house eon•
trees to moisten its gills with the tiauunsly. and 1 carry a small
Hater collected in the hollows of tho sample box in my pocket. One even -
.the tiger's voice has a tone sof old man had inet with an acidt•nt a
bark. ing 1 happened to nook in where an
reverberating that it seems to come week before, and had lost a finger
from all sides at once. The tiger, nail. I dressed the wound with
when stalking the deer, utters his Zitnt-Buk and left the sample box
dreadful cry and the deer halts and with them. I have seen the old
stands motionless, trying to locate
the sound. It is then that the tiger,
approaching noiselessly. leaps on
its victim.
They were at a dinner, and the
dainties were on the table.
"Will you have tart or pudd.ug
as'.ed papa of Tommy.
"Tart," said Temnty promptly.
His father sighed as he recalled
O.- snarly- Ies,•ols un manners Ito
it:..l given the boy.
"Tal;•. what 1" he queried kindly.
Rut Tunlnly's eyes were glued on
Tho total ) i ways tired and nervous. In fact
the. have cured is Mrs, James Will production of wo(xii was a total wrack. I tried all kinds
pulp is 303,079 tons, made from of medicines but I
46,777 cords of wood and valued at gut no relief till
II tried Death's Kidney Pills They
kin - Aylmer, Ont., who says.
sure led a good deal with eczema
an.did not get anything to hells
me I,util 1 teek 1)r. Williams' Pink
Pills. These freed Lav blood of all
impurities and gave me speedy re-
lief I am. therefore, naturally
very enthusiastic in praise of these
A medicine that can make rich.
red blood will cure anaemia, rheu-
N11.1.I0\S Oh LATHS. !Skeen
me good and no mistake. I took
boxes in all but I am cured.
This province leads in the mak- "My wife also has taken Dodd's
ire{ of laths, having 203,211,000 to Kidney Pills and received great be-
lle- credit. just twice as many as uefit from them."
New Brunswick turned out.; Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid -
Shingles aro the hobby of British ncys. Cured Kidneys strain all ins
(•'t,junlbia which, with 7.24,65',000. purities, all that disease feeds on,
made more !'tan Quebec and On- owe of the blood. That is why they
matism. eezensa, neuralgia, indiges• tario together. always cure Rheumatism. Lumbago,
tit n, heart palpitation, the ills el
girlhood and of womanhood and a
host of other troubles ----simply be-
cause these trembles are the result
of bad blood- -that is why they al-
ways cure the above troubles and
leing the glow of health to pale
cheeks. Sold by all medicine deal-
ers Or direct at 50 teams a box or
six boxes for ee.50, from The Dr.
Wit:iams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Germany is a country of nine-eds.
There are 600,0111) sportsmen, which
mon ns one gun for every 100 IR'uple. poles, paying for these, at the
Ea: i, year fall to the gun, on an point of purchase, $2.44,519. Of
average, 400.000 hares, 4,000,000 tl.ese 185,907 poles 162,211 were of
prtrtr•idges, 2,000,000 thrushes, 500,- cedar. other woods used being tam -
0)) rabbits. 190.000 deer, J45.000 arack, spruce and Douglas fir.
weteleeeks, 40,00 wild ducks, 25.000
Why go limping and whinine
Mega vour corns when a e, cent
hcttle of Holloway's ('urn Cure wil:
rem•we them! Give it a trial an,
yeti will not regret it.
t. -AA--
`S\.1h}:S IN -11''III('-1.
Natives Ilal•e Many Superstiticna
Connected With Them.
•• The African cobra is regarded
BABY CRIED + s.,atewhat reverently by the nt-
Lor railway ties and telegraph Dropsy and Heart Disease.
poles a vastamount of wood is
used. During the year the railways THE GOLF ELBOW.
purchased 13,97.4,116 cross -ties,
mostly cedar and worth about forty Mistah M,ony-"How is youah
rents apiece. gtod •Jtealtil die mania', Mistab
Reports as to the pules purchased , 111istalt Black---"1'se all hunks.-
recoiled from es turcha pit Ebot, 'rcpt my right tem, '_1listah
I'se sufieriu'ow.from de
and telephone companies, 151 !•Ice- eow.golf
toe light, power and railway cum- "Wot you been dein' 1"
paries and 19 sivetun railways own- ' •Bcatin' oa'pet."
int: their polo lines. These repre-
sent 66,514 miles of lines, support- ItEMARB.tBL}; }:Y11/1;\('}:
eel by 2,433,245 poles. 'these cum _
panies bought a total of 185,807 Of Prosperity Shown by Govera-
pl easants, 22.500 deer, 15,000
quails:. 13.509 backs, 1.100 wild
hears an(1 1,300 bustards. In weight
this "bag" represents 25,000,000
kilogranines. The monetary value
is 32,000,000 marks, or $6,900,000.
Tht sunt received for licenses to
shoot' is 7,500,000 marks, or $1,-
CONTINUALLY + tees of that country. who once a
+ -' ♦ sear kill a cobra de cnpello and
+ Mrs. Eugene Cagan, L'Islct i
I hung its skin to the branch of a 'there is perhaps no (lank in Ceti ; District" Passenger• Agent. Union
gentleman since. and the injury is
"On another occasion a farmer
called at 'The Manse,' and I notie-
('ertain species of crabs pluck ed a rag on his finger. Enquiring
and plant on their shells seaweed about the injury, I learned that he
or bits of sponge, which, growing, 1 brad somehow taken a piece of flesh
afford excellent concealment. This. off. and the wound had started to
crab is amusing in an aquarium.! het-cr. I ave him about a third of
Ver} uneasy without its usual COV a box of 'Lam-Buk and a few days
erutg, it seizes bits of ' paper or, later he said That's great, salve of
ft ori and tries to fix them on its • wars. my finger is now doing
back. One such captive had a lit- fine.. t,
tic overcoat made for him, whi"I`i Test Zam-Buk: Don't, go by hear -
he put un in a hurry as soon as it, say You will find it gives the best
to as lowered
duwllroto the water results in all cases of eczerua, ring
meat Statement.
worm, festering sores, piles, cuts,
burns, face sores, eruptions, and
all skin injuries and diseases. All
A magnificent summer trip is en- druggists and stores, 50c box, or
joyed by taking this "Fresh Water from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for
Sen Voyage" front Sarnia, Ontario, price, but refuse all substitutes.
to Fort William, Ontario, through _ 4''
first three months of this year oyer these great. iul ted Set15, New; "Nurse:. exclaimed little Tem -
One and a Half Millions of Dollars, steamers have been added to tate tet• in distress, "Nellie has swal-
bringing their total deposits up to NI rthern Navigation Co's. fleet, lowed a button.'' "Mercy on us''
$3;,300,000. i Stell the finest and fastest vessel, reliicd the nurse-' '•:1n 1 el et
An equally pleasing increase is 1 ou the Great Lakes will fly the geed will that be to her l•' Twinss
shown in the total assets to tae I house flag of this popular toms; 111ought awhile, and then naivety
Bank. The batik reports to the i Patty. Tho steaiu•rs run in cermet•' answered: ''No geed at all te.;rse,
U( vernment 00 increase of its to- . tie 1 with the (!rand 'Drunk Ball' unless site's swallowed the all,
assets to the grand total sum war' System. and all particulars, hole, too."
of $12,000.000, which is an increase l rates and descriptive literature.
One of the most Iemarkable show
ings made by any flank in Canada
is made evident on the part of the
Traders Bank by their Government
Statement recently submitted.
showing that the deposits of the
IGank have increased dul•iug •tlu•
of over $2,000,000 over the report , etc.. can be had for the asking by I ,.
made at the end of the Fear. 1 applying to le. J. I). 11cDonald, is a that
I ill. Many of tl,�
ailments that man has to content
+ Station, Qui„ says :---"1 be- tree, 14111 dotvntt•ard. Then all the alta which is showing such magni- I Station, Toronto, Ont.
♦ lirve Baby's Own Tablets the t children born (luring the last year tic int evidences of prosperity ands - - -K'
• hest m4:edicine in the world for t ars brought out and made to toucl' such rapid growth as the '!'ruder:' Twit tyretched looking tramps
little outs. 1 have sicca •♦ ; the ; skin. 'Chis, the parents thick, Bank at the prr.cnt tiulc, 1 were brought before a magistrate,
4 them to niy baby for colic, tints 'hem under tire serpent's pro- - v ' I tl 1 k' f
tv:t., he said : ''Where do yt.0 live !"
'\ tam heie, sir.' "And where Ile)
v••.1 live 1'' addressing the second.
' I've get the room above him, your
t' (IShlp."
A Liniment for the' Logger.--
Leggers lead a life %Odell exposes
tl'cin to many perils. Wounds,
cute and bruises cannot be alto
gethcr avoided in preparing timber
fur the drive and in river work.
;there wet lied cold combined are
of daily experience coughs and
(olds attd muscular pains cannot
foune)( most effective, abating the bttt ensue. 1)r. Thornas' Eclectt•ie
fetes and subduhng the ague in a 4:4'. when applied lo the injured or
I:N days. 'There are many who ate at!ministe'ed to the ailing. works
ttibjeet to the:e uist1tssing distur-
Lances and to these there is no bet --
:t r preparation procurable as a The Earn er -•..la. boy gets a
means of relief.
bet --
let deal et fun otit of maturing."
The Visitor- ''But he doesn't. own
a car.'' The Farmer ' Of course
not. He's one n' the eolmty con-
!••. tion. The cobra de capcllu di- �Irs, Sfatrcnly"-"You are at the
ides with -Ile horned vit.er of Af bctt.orn of the spelling class a uiu.
1 ice the questiuiable honor of be- 1 . , Dorsally 1) I .
Nile." o "Yes mm�ttny." '•How did it I
fail r. l you, orot I oral I',
ul,t the wurul of the Nil t 1 i•tt,
4.4 1 pen 1 I got Luo litany / u
Tablets ins baby was v o v than death was due The Kathie • use the. v Issol s
then she Is t green splendid ._ puff adder. kt poison their
d I
1 also gave the Tablets to ray quantity left they swallow it. hal-
ite's tears old child who suf- + ing a theory that it will )t•ut•ret
• fered frequently from cnnvul- + them frau) the bad effects of fotu o
sloes and they made a per- • hitt s. The Snake tribe of the Put-
• mimed curt. When 1 hat 4. +' jab say that the bites of snakes do
• Bahv's Own 'rat►let5 in the • me hurt them, and if they rev, a
4 h"r,se i feel safe, and I. act 4 dead serpent they dress it in
• tis. ether mothers also to* telt thes and give it- a superb funer-
• keel; them on hanel.- Sepal ♦ al
• le medicine dealers or by ♦ 1 see--
e___mail at tents a box front +; Wife (erossly) -"Well, have your
• 'rise Dr. Williams' Medicine 4. owWan, anti theft you'll be satisft-
• Coe Brockville, Ont. 2 • ( n ed Husbsnd-- "Pm not. so cer-
•1���•�♦�♦��t+♦��?♦N�M'taie about that. I had my sawn way
t ! cn I married you, but I'm int The broit:s of the Scottish pro
e us4.
I s:.tis
Marion -''I sliewetf palet thew
vet Fes you wrote 1111', 1111 1 h.• ce1'n1 d
Han ey ••Ile did'"
liver always precede attacks of
fever and ague. showing derange
-meta of the digestive organs and
eteiioration in the quality of the
Ill od. In these ailments Panne
!a(.'s Vegetable Pilis have been
; '1' weigh more, en an average,
than those of the English.
lesion-- "Yes. 11e said he was so Keep Mlnard's Llnlment In the houN,
glad to sec you :y ere not a palet." e s Llnlment Llmlted I 1 1
A • .ugh is . Let. the forerunn, .
cif es -.e,05 pulmenar) ufflict'ous, vee.
titre is a s.nrl.l,' c!1re within the
resell t -f all in itiekle's Anti -Cott
sun►ptive Syrup, ati,old•tinie anti
yid Is recognized reined -a.. which, if
resorted to at the iucel ', ,n eif a
colo, will invariably give relief. and
by tvereteuing the trouble, guar(:
the ss %tem from any serious con.'••
lit nee. Price ::, cents. at all
1111tiNO HELP.
'What salary 11.e y..11 want. '••
"1/h. fifty a week."
e•1 judge I'd better frame my
question diff. rents% 11'hat salary
do you ',twee
To Use
r ... a..'i r M••... kn....M• f end ,'f,lat!
7••'•• ra.4' e.. M.1. ..1 e.tttr 11,. .,,. 711.
es••••e.. r. 1.1POStlai ► F..( end
t ..,.+.7 N ..e., U•s. INA re tern asmp►r turd
1 N /obe r.. k. s..d., C t Y.a,.d NnMresl
1.'''.» s reel wealth is .•ften ac -
•titling to its apparent waste.
is our
alb or
it tie
tort, Your ill Co., %Re t; I.IY1M1 S 1 By t ►r time a sae ichor Lhings lie I e d brings into Switzerland about
remedy for •- re throat, colds and ran afford to marry he dnt•sn t %aiit
t0,0)0,001) every year.
Ask for Mlnard's and take no other.
The hotel industry, it is estiiint•-
denary ailment. to.
err fails to reliev.• .,.d rare prompt
( H.ARRI.F.4 WHOOTL\ STINT MOUls larita-mu•t often act its •
Y alg rave. tame p•hr.ic,.tn. 1'aint111sr tor A11 the 1101. MIN,
cut• trot sprains a• sell 77 for !sowed complaints,
Is In 11spen•.at.le. ATen! .ab -•titin.!. theirs le but
If IS ItEase Oex.
"There ought to Ise but one heed
to every !muse/told "' shouted the
"That'~ right !"inuttered a svur-
rcd-looking elan in the atitliene•e.
"Yon agree with ate .'" shouted
the orator, singling hits out.
"I de. i have just finished pay -
iry for the hat+ of in nine thtugh-
te rs :"
Young flusl,And_ Did you snake
these biecuits, my dear f
His Wife- Yee, darling. .
Her Husband -Well, Cd rather
would not Make any more,
,wcethca rt.
Iiis Wife Why not, my lute'
[Ire Husband -Because, angel
ranee you are ton light for such
heavy murk:
Red, W .ak. 5t•eary, !{eatery Nye..
h,•Iirv••1 Hy Mortise 1•:Ye 1b -,,.rd)•, 'cry
Murine t -or Your 1')•o Tronbl.•n. You
%1'111 lake merino. it seeti .•,•, see At
..ae " ral7liller' ferry Dm.. fps and elle' Your l)rugg,ttt5. Nate For Eye (Hooks.
flee. Judie Eye Itetnedp t'o,, Tuiontu, , gr, -n• t
v-iIh have tlirir origin in a dis
ordered liver. which is 0 delient.
organ. peculiarly susceptible to tin
disturbances that come front irre
golar habits or luck of care in 1'.11
ing and drinking. This account.
fol the great many liver regulator:-
egulatorsnow pressed (.n the attention oI
sufferers. Of these there is none
superior to I'artnelee's Vegetable
Pills. 'their operation though gen•
t1.• iv effective, and the most. deli
cafe can use thein.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Foot Fills
are Jut the r1.71-• in, -,i. ., • for Mit
children When tnoy ,. „•natl-
paled when Ott it 51.ln.•.. are out
of order when u''er-indulger• a iu
sows fatnrit.• find sits- then, in -
digest 1..11 Ur ),nrse'a Indisu Root
Pills will quickly and enrol, •?u$
them right. Purely veg. table, they
neither sicken. weaken or grips.
like harsh pun:letitc... Huard your
children's health by always keep.
ing a hos of Dr. )tons"+ Indian
Root !'ills la the house. They
Ke.op the. Children Wcctl
Eva- -"How queer of 1'11ie'I
Fe"e ry time she glances at her old
i0-.•er's watch she starts to cry. I
wl oder why 1" Edna - "Oh, there
i, atiutlier woman in the case:"
elotnet. Grit yes v1 wen Externrin•
tier in plcasaat to take: sure and
effet.ttl1 in d.;troying worms.
U:uly have triad it with best roe
She (indignalitly)'-"You had t n
business to kiss me:" He •- ' • li
it wasn't business; it was Isle
Minard's Liniment Lutnberman's Friend.
Make your own footprints in-
stead of fullowiug in the other fel-
�CHRISTIAN M 1 TOa}:LI. 111011
grade teas. .tlfred Tyler, London,
:• (11 N•1'x 3 A DAY EASY. NO 14x•
i pettenco needed. 5rti. on eight.
At.•olute neces,Ity to (armors. Does work
of 30 men. Pays for it+elf a. ono limit.
Write today. 0. R. Adams l'o., Sarnia.,
!;}:vies WANTED IN )a'LI: , 1'ow•N
-11 to sell a si,. d ,liar %.n•uom I•nrpet
('leaner: rapid .:eller; hist coruwidsion.
Hills. 556 Dovercourt Rd.. Tornntn
-' ststem enn.tant Oraetiee; careful
tnarrnrtlnn.: few weekrl enmpleto mnrse;
trsols free: graduates earn twelve to
eighteen dollar. weekly: write for rata•
ingue. Motor Barber College. !It Que,.n
F.aet. Toronto.
,s Iron arid wood -working ma, holm,.
engines. boilers, steam putupt. gasoline
engines, eieetrio motors. c•ontrartor•
machinery, etc. Pend for catalogue of
over 1100 machines. 11. W. PE'rittll.
Limited. Toronto. Montreal. Vancouver.
"1t:TIIERN .tl.i,1;ir1',t 640 tiltF4
choice land. *ill *01 .heap for
1'.•wtres+, 8t familial). Rd . Tmr..nt•,
`g 1':S'I'ERN 1'.51151 1.1NDS CITY 1.O'1.1
It OH easy 1,•x111+. If yo11 jr' going
w:.a.. semi for 1117 Ii+t, it .6:11 pay you.
Mathew,., 771 Ynnge 't .
.%ltM FOR SALE OI: ETc111`tir A
a.-rc. in 11111 O'•unt•y of F,+•, 1. will
-s.•haug.• for a, buster farm. The t1'.• -t-
e',t }teeI ):stab• ):1••h:tn,••. Linti:.d I•.,,,i
GAL VES Italie Them WItnout lane
tsteele,, Briggs )teed Co. Ltd., roost ,,;Ue<
THE LINOMAR TRUSS • 111 h ' 4.'.n, rudnclble
ernia. Sudor+ed by 0•n•11o0•t inmates' mesa.
Write for P rticalars. IL 11No1ISA,
ono of tie marvels of tb.
n nae throughout the world write 1••
SUogee. Umtata Acoustic Co., et Canada, 1.1.1
Twigs Nass. Toronto.
Is Your Hearing Good?
The HEAR 0 PHONE will give .on the
benefit.' of g.•.,d hearing Rend tar tree
borAilet, giving partl••,ilara and Lames
New Bride -''of a.iti.fird utrrl Al"\171tnllla says She
RpecIal otter for a Months Nome Trial
frt•(c !tot t11iiik we will ever quer LME GRAND ELECTRO O1'ONE LIMITED,
rel as she (111(1 pap:! do." (11.00m 334 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto.
"\�Ne•sho says gnu w`IlvliRrm'Iclsl
en.icr to manage tbxn papa wa•. APPENDICITIS
I'cored without operatlnns All why ere elk
wined with thl. disease 7n4 wish to be
FOR RHEUMATISM it is met nsOS s�y to en ea toted permsnently. safely and gnickir
)1••t 4priu,+ Just n... • 'Ilse n A C ' !leutleol with thle great homeopath!, reined,,
i•li•t„r, and .e•ulta Will tee satisfactory. r.wr It which
In he sent pnet•pall anrwhe ,
dru.(,tide. ostia 8'lawreuce Uoup'nv, *1)7013' l■ the world with full In,trt►rtinn• for
"' rather pride myself ..i, oat•
thing," said the young father-. '•Al
though I have the )(t-ightest, smart-
est cutest, It.•.t ', •.ungvter 1 cyer
saw, 1 never brae about hits.'
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
I1,1bo-Ma'am. 1 to hungry. VII
do anybhin' ter soler buil!.
Hal sewife Peer man! 1 we'l't
tnr-kc you work. Ifere's a fine hot
breakfast --just u -a-1, Your hands.
H bo - M's'aru, I said 1 was hnn-
11•"tt are you, u!d man --feeling WE AS F1'1•;1..
wt 11 ' "Ito you really care a
rip • Not :t rap. 1 mt•rrly ask- .t cake of ice nt 32 degrees Fah -
cel 'un of a politeness which I see renheit is ordinarily considered to
wsa quite thrown away." be rather a cold edest-anee, but it
�--- is as much hotter than liquid sir
Racket; always; nphreid the stars at: the teen in whiell bread is baked;
fir bring so at•.lit{. is !letter than the ice. A teakettle
-----�•�----s pertly- filledwith liquid air arid!
placed on a take of ice receives sol
nlrch heat front the ice that the'
hyoid air soon boils sig•.ronsly.1
and the boiling can he matte Inure
!relent by adding s few lumps of
is • If the normal temperature of
tar .'nrti► w'•re at the freezing point
r.; air and we 'seed obtain a blo. k
of ice ,itch as is diettibuted by, the
iceman of to -day such ice could he
toed as fuel and would be put intu
tin. filen:ll•es insteael of coal.
' r
feet 1
I1n-i,.lid •Ifave ',till donn % •or
1,... to ''e.•n•,ntill' this ni l:t1t,
\far', a•• i reelerctr.l'" Wife,. i ih,
1 spoke to the grocerthe
butcher. Snit the Iandlerd, and int
--I them to pili off presenting their
11, _n I. bilis until next ni..nth."
•t •ryin" ass•l
Rand far fro' sample to Opt. W. 1., Na.
fleaat Deus a Chemlaal Co., Toronto.
gleni NO a7 to 4Rrrt 7 permanent cure.
Pelee at Address
deka T Walt, Homeopaths° enarmaey,
Arnprtor, Canada.
Radtiln7a WIC
.tedw.y'/ It t .y Ite.le:
nye.* 'be w •r•I penis n,
from ens to ?went)
minutest For Ilea
ILA* le ek er n e v
tufo, Toot ha• -h
Neuralgia R h •'
nettLee, Lames*, .
pdie In the b.tc:.
steno or kiinCy •
pains around 1 b
ilvnr, pleurl111
swelling. of .. ;01 .b.. sr. I
palm onll 0kiwis. uee
utas, «arEn
l.il h, v! ,i.,.,l Horn.. 1 rum lir! 1, •r.1
u. her M...h7n.••a1 1). v, -P. .n t 1,- b•q
mf peeing
41,1.• 1' b.•.r, l,•'tu 1114
f01110 the .ern •, •••1 .13 41st .n w. .1
0•1-5•A-P-P•0-1•N•T•M •E•N•T
if r,•1 ort'.,
III Tonga Street. Torenls.
v -+n w,tl i. aril ,.•n,•- C000 Nr WI.
Uo it today b.?ler .1,11
Information on Ibis subject with printed Instructions for ama-
teur Nods and a printed form of (:onstitition and dy-l.awt for
bands, together with our big catalogue, will be malle4 1'Itt:E on
realest. Address Dept."D."