Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-19, Page 4en with typhoid fever. -Mrs. E. A. Date and fancily of Toronto are upending few weeks with her mother, Mrs. I II. Radcliffe, prior to their departure for Vancouver, where they intend re- siding in future. Mr. Banes has al- ready left for the coast. GRAND TRUNK It= VICTORIA DAY Single Fare FOR Round Trip Between all atatioaa in Canada, alto to Niagara Pall. and Buffalo, N.T., Detroit and Port Huron Micb. Tiekete good gang May 23rd & 24th Return limit May 26th UPPER LAKE 5TIAMilts :Catnap of passenger etsamara from Sarnia tor Boo Sad Port Arthur, every Wednesday and Bator dayst 3110 p.m. Alio additional tailings on friday May 20311, Monday Kay ?Ott sad for DoIutk, May 20th. Sailing from Colliagwood 1.330 p.m., aid Owso Sowad 11.15 peri. W.dnedays and Saint days for Boo and Georgian Bay Porta. Secure tickets and full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent. Exeter, or addrees J. D. McDONALD, D. P. A.. G. T. RT., Toronto. Qx Oct Ablvocate, Sander+ A :ree.:ct Propa TNUKSI).tY. 31:43 1P, 1910 CENTRAl.1A Mao Mabel Butt, who has been e a(.e • 1 et nurse In Harper's Hospital. 1)e•- ao:r. and W. H. Butt of Toronto Med- i:at Co!lege are visiting heir parents at tin: Methodist parson;.se. Baseball. -The local Leant won one and lost nae title week, both games befog played on the local diamond. Thursday night they defeated lVoodhann 10-6 ; and Monday night Exeter won out by 11-5. The boys have the material fora good leant and they are all horse brews. too Death of Mrs. Abbott. -Death has ag- ain invaded out midst and removed an- other respected and beloved citteen in the person of Lydia Ann Revington, be- loved wife of Mr. Prate -is G. Abbott, at the age of 54 years. 17 days. Mrs. Ab- bott had been in very poor health for nioithe, uuffering from the effects of petelysle, but her condition did not be - (0' -t1 s+Iat'n,ing utitll Thursday night last weee at:a took a turn for the worse, gra+luelte striking until death claimed Iter. The deceased was born in Bid- dutp ; Teanship and her whole life has been et: nt In this neighborhood. She was .► woman of a good Christian spirit, hied and affable and was esteem- ed c.Itd rcepected by a large circle ot Mende who will deeply regret her de- mise. Besides a sorrowing husband she is survived by one daughter and tour aorta, Mrs. Wm. Lewis o1 Diddulph; e.eErnest and Benjamin of Lucau. Alouza of Diddulph and Wm. F. of Ctaiideboye. Also one brother. W. W. Revhigton oft 13iddulph. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Nursery cemetery. McGillivray. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of their many friends DREW STEII. Mr. Stephen Webb is putting down a rock welt on his pasture farm. Mr. Walter Statton has the job and is an expert at the buetness.-'Ctrs. Elsie con- tinues very 111. -Miss Glake Is also ver,/ sick at present. We hope for her a speedy recovery. -There are many farm- ers around here sowing their field over again. Some crops have been eat- en by the wire worm. -The weather continues very cold for this time of tete year. -The fishermen are having good catches of fish at present. --Mr. Thos. Turnbull stet with an accident while which drawing gravel the other day will lay him off duty for some time. We whet him a speedy retrovery. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR!A A1cOILLI V RAY. li3eo. Sanders 1191 week purt•!vtee.1 the store and post otelce business at West 'McGillivray from efr Rro.wn. It- was Mr. Sanders Intention to n* V to Lon- don, l ut after a trip to the city he de- cided to rcm'tin here, and f-,.nsequently he purchased the business. On Friday. May 6th. John Scafe pas- sed away at the hon-: of his daughter. at Mt. l'ieasera. Mich., In his 85th year. Ile wan lora lit England. rang to Mon- treal at the age of 0 yearn. Ile ,.eeld ed there until 7,0 years ago, when he came to Allsi Craig and tock up the farm now known as tie old homestead on the towline. west. Uls wife died there 26 years ago. Ile hes resided with its daughter in Michigan for toe last fi'teem years. The body was brought here for interment. ELIYIVILLE (Too late for las! week.) Quite a number of the ladies attend- ed the •Vom'n'e Missionary Convention at Whalen on Thursday last and re port a splendid tirne.-Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Andrews of Granton were guests of etre. Drimarorttbc on eetturday last. -Mr. Mutton Steatuon is on the sick list and confined to his bed with hemorrhage of the stomach. -Large numbers of rattle ):ave pissed through stere the past few days and the farmer wears .t good ensile on the return trip AS the prices arc high. -S. Johns made a business trip to London on Thursday. -Several of our young men have taken their hug- gien to St. Aiarys to have them paint cd, so look out for up-to-date +les that aYmmer.-Mrs. C. Christie of Ezster is visiting her daughter. Mrs. EI1 Coultls. Mies Cora Wilson of near Huesall. who has h. -en learning dressrntkint here with Miss Tont, Is confined to her bed at her home and under the doc- tor's rare. suffering from an attack „f appendlcitts. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Mod You Have Always Bought Bears the St/paters ol HONESTY There .are t'tc . f hrnect people in the t..vtd 1' yeu have lost mine Mete lerhae, 3n honorable person tetra., 1 Tho a an honest paper and honest taeorle read it. Tell them aCwt your loss In oft Classified Went Adc. ..,.. � t. • 11/60111 811/1111 O► 0e13, CITY OF TOLIeO, t u. Lccas .omit Fronk J. Chen.) "mikes oath that he is senior virtue, of the aryl of F. J. ('henry s Co., doing burl• new in the Cite of Toledo. County and State afore - a11.1, and that said aria will pay the taint of ONE 11('NUI(EU DOLLARS for each and ever) case of ('atarrh that canuut be .ural t.y the use of Hall's CeurrhCute. FttANK.1. CUE\EY Sworn to before urs and sube•ritwxl in may pros• ence, this 6th dal of tie -ember, A.lt. Iald. (Snit.) A. W.GLEASON, Noranr Pt SLIC 11511'5 Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and 'mucous surfaces of the ss stein. Send for testimonials free. V. J. CHENEY kCO., Toledo, 0. tioW by all Dntggiata, 75e. Take Hall's family .ills tor constipation. t; St1OItNF. Tee following is the report of S. S. No. 3, Ilsborne, for the month of Ap- ril ;-Sr. IV.. coax. 41)0. -Elea nor Doupe eat); Leonard Harris 236. Jr. IV„ mix. 400 -Ida Irvine 228 ; Reggie Doupe 215, Sr. 111.. max. 400 -May Ilodgert 313 ; Donald Balfour 289; Ines McCurdy 291.; Fern Francis '287; Oactr Copeland 274. Sr. [I., max. 400 - Heber Shute 279 ; Lester McCurdy 25. Roy Fateher 188; Gordon Coplall1 161 Jr. 11.. max. 200-Itoward Shier 138 ; Bella Mccurdy 133 ; Geo. Harsh 108. Pt I. Sr.. rnaz. 200 -Maggie McCurdy 110. Pt. I. Jr., -Iva Francis, Marguer- `.te Doupe, Ira McCurdy. Primary CI tae -L. Irvine, V. Hodgert. E. Harris, A. GI1fUfan. G. Gllfillan, E. Copeland E. McCurdy, L. McCurdy. Number en- rolled 28 ; average attendance 25. Elsie M. Greason, teacher. KIRKTON. Death Carle Suddenly. -Another re- spected citizen was called 10 his reward on Thursday last, Ow 12th !net., at the family residence, 12th con of Ful- lerton. when there passed away John Robinson, eget 51 years. Deceased had not been well for a few days, and on Wednesday the family physlclan de.J ceded It would be best for him to take his bed which he did, and on Thursday the shit messenger tante and he passed peacefully away. Death was due to in- flammation of the lining of the heart. He is survived by his widow and three d-tughters, the eldest or whom is confin- ed to her bed with a severe attack of pneuntonle, end but el4l11 hopes ar en- tertained for her recovery. His aged mother and one sister live in Kirkton, his brother Archie oft the 4th lute of Ulanshard, and Mrs. G. L. Mooney at Stratford. who was in attendance at the funeral which took place on Saturday to the Kirkton cemetery. The cortege was one of the Israel that was ever seen In the Towt.ehip., and went to chow the high esteem in whI. h he was held. The burial eery:ct was conducted by Itev. Reccy, assisted by Rev. Swann, and was very impressive throughout. The writer b ing well acquainted with the deceased can truthfully say that he w►s a hard working, tt.dustrioue ratan, I goad citizen and ,inch respected by his ne:gltbore. Ile was a good standing member of the Orange brotherhood and e member of the English church at this duct: sympathy is felt for the b:rravrtt once it. this their sad hour of Mr. Frei Austin. who Inas been con- -tut -tine a butcher business here for tar past yeti-, has disposed of Inc auainesb to Mr. A. Paul, who has been Mu assistant. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin will leave shortly for 11.e West. Miss Irene F'arey of Fullerton le at present very ili, being laid up with In- flantnletory theunratient and unable to do work of any kind. -Mr. John McCur- dy returned front Toronto Hospital on Soturday. and while still weak. is re- coverine nicely front his recent opera- tion. -Mrs. 'James Marshall le set tously 111 at her Dome, due to asthma and la f r: p pe. A good game of football was played herr Friday Tright last b-tween the lo- - els and E.:eter, resuititta In favor of r , viaitora by a score •3f 1-11. MOUNT CARMEL. %f cried. -The R. C. rhur,-h here was the scent of a very pretty event Tues- dty mornttes, May 17th. the occasion 's:In; the 1".rrlage of Mr. Peter Del- trit a of Hawkesvttle, to Miss Katie ee.eind daughter of Mr. Malcolm Ziler, o: Sttpl:en. The ceremony was. perform ed at 9.3rf o'clock by the Rev. Father Dunn of Paikhal, in the presence of a large number who had assembled to witness the interesting ceremony. The ere molly h'ing over the bridal party and their twins returned to the home of the bride's permits, where all sat down to IS sumptuous repast provided for tete erasion. atter which rhe happy couple• were driven to Exeter and other sut rounding pietas. The young eouple etil leave for their new home in Haw- kenvlllc the latter part of the week.wttero qtr. Cettrich conducts a blacksmith stop. We extend rongratul )tions. RICH RMD BLOOD. You Will Never Have It as Long as You HAVE Dyspepsia. Just as lung as you have dyspepsia your food will not properly digest. and the nutritious el 'meets in the food will :lot be extracted or absorbed. and int- poverishe1 or wet oy blood will Collo M. This coedit!un may not be apparent at first. but It w31 corse just as sure as the sun will Ilse again. Any stomach aliment. including all (Orme of Indigestion. can be promptly eurel by using M'. -o -eta tablets. a scien- tific t reatntent unsurpassed. It stops fermentation, belching of gas and taste of sour tool almost at once. Tae mighty p)wer ot Ml -o -ria to In- vigorate and restore the atemace to per - perfect condition Is known everywhere. Ml-o-na cures by buildir+.g up -by ban- ;e:ling the rause. For thin p^ogle 1t Is great fleeh bulider, bor *use it nausea tee stomach to give o'er,. and purer r,u- 1(11:0n to the blood. it cures sea attd t- stcknesa .Ltd vomiting of pregnancy ,1 host Immediately. W. R. Cole s^115 Mi int fry 50 ceuti a la-ge box, and guar- antees It to eure or money hack. (iwtares Now -0-10) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bei.ckitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds. or notsey rack. Sad and guaranteed Iry RXISTSR f WOMEN'S MISSIONARY CONTENTION (Continued front last week.) A pres_ntation of a Life Memtbersi.ip (•-t :,heats and Aden es by Mre. W. J. tlodgeoa and Mrs. A. Ululating of the t:ulo:t Auxiliary was trade to little Mise Jessie Marlon Brooks. who 1s the young tat member in the district or London Branch ;'a suitable reply betr,g trade by the child's mother.' A nr.sstortary letter was their read by airs. Wilson from Mier E. Sperling, tel - Fug of her trap to China and sante Chin- ese incidents, one beim a mart -lege cer- t-nron)- in which the couple drink tea out of the serine sup testead of usteg the ring as we do. After another dual by Mrs. Vance ani Mrs. Snell the Crediton Auxiliary r•a- tended an Invitation to the convention to convene with them nest year. which was accepted. Mt s. 811.11 that gave a reeo'u- tion of nourtesy to the ladies of tut (Jnion Aualliary for their kind hospital- ity. which was seconded by Mrs. I)Ickin- sun. Benediction being given all sought tete basement foe tea. The evening seselon opened at 7.30 by the Un'o t Mission land g{vt:tg The Model Mission Band." They showed great interest In this part of the work and sang as only children cart 511,1;) Master Hilton Ogden added greatly to the melody with his violin and many were the favorable comments heard on this part of the program. Tills was fol- lowed by music by the choir. and then a few choice remarks by the pastor on the success of the day. Rev. Butt then delivered his celebrat ed lecture with views an the ntiasion fields. He started at Rome, the seat of Catholicism, giving some idea of the power of this religion h1 Rome; passing front there to Palestine, showing how the Christian rcl'gion had declined where it Bret took root, tete views of the coun- try proving very interesting and in- structive ; and in going from there to India he told of some of the revolting scenes of the Mutiny -Delhi, Cawnpore, Lucknow, etc.. which so many of the Whalen and Centralia people have heard of from an old Mutiny veteran, Mr. Wm. Nairn of the famous Wird H'gt.landers, and who died a few years ago at Whalen. -he told how Buddlsnt was deeply rooted in raffle and that much was yet to b:. don' If India was to know of the Christ. He then cross- ed over to China, the seat of ancestral worship. giving some idea of the lives and modes of travel of the Chinese, and how tar the Christian religion had pene- trated this region of the Globe. Com - leg to Japan he gave some encouraging reports of the work Ming done there. tie also dealt watt Atrte'►n missions. the Cannibal Islands and our Home nils slons. The convention was then brought to a close by seigleg Gol Save the King. Collect!one unwonted to $21.16. KHIVA (Too late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of Parkhill spent Saturday at C. Bolt's. -bites An- nie and Lavine Hanover spent Su!1- day with their parents here. --Mrs. El - sort and family of Parkhill spent Tues- day at C. Holts. -Mise M. Shsrritt spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. :Merritt, Corbett. -Mr. J. Cole of Ezeter spent Tuesday with C. holt.-Miss Laura Lochner of Shlpka spent Sunday with etre. David Lippert Mr. Henry Pfaff of Harpley spent Sun- day at his hone here. Mahoney.-Querrin.-A pretty church wedding took place to Mt. Carmel church on Tuesday, May 10th, when Patrick Mahoney, soil of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mahoney was married to Miss Mary Querrin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ja- cob Querrin of Stephen. Rev. Father Forster sang nuptial High Mass. The bride looked charming in a dress of creent ( loth, tthunted with lace and alpa- ca, with ribbons to tnateh, and wearing a 1•arge picture hat. trimmed with white p'.utnes and carried a bouquet of flow- ers. She was given away by her broth- er Joseph Querrin. The bridesmaid. Miss Susie Querrin, sister of the bride, wore a lovely dress of blue silk mune tri d with lace. Little Elizabeth Connell acted as flower girl. wearing a lovely dress of white muslin. and ,rriei a bouquet of flowers. The cer- emony over the wrddhtg party and guests returned to the bride's home, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was part'kert of. The bridal party took the etre/ o'clock train at Parkhill for Tra- te-- and other points. The bride's trav- elling suit was dark green, with hat to match. The afternoon and evening was spent by the company in dancing and other amuse: neap. Mr. and Mrs. 51a- 'toney 1^ft for the West where they In- tettel melting their [utter. !home.. The Advocate eetrnds congratulations and best wishes. ., iaidren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S 2:ASTORIA CItILDITON. Sr. (al -S. Brown. W. Dean. D. English. 1't. 11. Sr. (b) -R. Drown, K. fiowald L. Sarnbrook, L. Lawson. Pt. 11. Jr. L. Redden, N. Geiser. F. Shout. L. Eh- ler, G. Weiner, A. Haist, P. Lawson. W. Appleton. E. Guenther, le. Hill. Pt. 1. Sr. -A. Sweltzer, G. Slone. W. Snell. L. leinkbeluer. Pt. 1. Jr. -S. King. E. Lamport. G. Wolf. Niles Stot.:e: s, teacher Victoria Day et Crediton -Two games of Baseball wall be played on the local dtantoni. on May 24th. the opposing tame being Zurich and Crediton. The morning game commences at 10 o'clock end the afternoon game at 2.30 The admission Is -Morning, inc. and etc.: _Oar moon 13r. and lot. Rev. A. Y. Hoist, 1'.E., of Ilet-lin, conducted the special quarterly ser- vices in the Evangelical church Satur- day and Sunday. -Quite a number of our people attended the Dedication services of the new church of England in Brinsley on Sunday. On Monday evening a hus•load of young people at- tended the concert and report as Ile. log well pleased with the evening's en- tertainment.-Mr.and Mrs. Fred H+.w- ald entrrt:.fined a number of their friends at their borne Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Will Lewis of South Riv- er are spending a few days with rela- tives iu the village. We are pleased to state that Mr. Les,is has fully re- covered from his recent illness. -Mr. Peter Bawden and workmen of Exeter have commenced the brick work of Het b Btlbel'e new residence. -The Bell Telephone Oo's lineman finished their work Friday and this week a few men are here installing new phones. This addition to the service will be ap- preciated. -Mr. and Mrs. John Young and family left for London Wednes- day where they will reside in future. We are especially sorry to see them leave us as they were highly respected citizens and counted their friends as many. We all join in wishing them every ►uccess and the best of health in their new home. -Rev. E. H, Bean left Monday inc Washington, D.C., to at- tend the Convention of the World's Sunday School. convention. Next Sunday morning Rev. L. K. Eidt of Dashwood will occupy the pulpit and in the evening Mr. Whiting, student in Victoria University, Toronto, will take charge of the services. -Mr. Wel- ter Olark intends to have a sale of his Hotel property and household effects, etc., on Saturday, 28th inst.-We are sorry to learn that Fred Finkbeiner's condition isn't the best. His many friends will be pleased to know of hie recovery. The following Is the School Iteport for April. Thr perc_ntage Is given. Con:Muat'oe Classes -Junior Teachers Suhycts. Literature, Geometry. Ancient It a'ory•. E. Gtleer 83, E. Trio -inner 9u G. Short 87, it. Kfenzle 63. M. Brown 49. Jr. Matrix., sante subjects. 11. Hill Me F', )(r\turray 33. tel efts 11 , eub,e ti. Liter.. Geom.. (look keeping. Geog•• Grant.. Spell.. L. Gainer 80, A. F'inkbelner e4, M. Oretreicher'14 D. Sullivan 63; Class 1.. subjects, Liter. ('.ot.. 'cook-kec-ping. Gram.. Spell.. l.. Brown 63. 1. Hogg:ns 02. 5f. We!,/.61 '•[ S. Finkhetaer 411, M. Fain •e' 4e. C. K. Ifluctt. teacher Dlvtsiott ill., Cites IV.. Sr.. E. itluett e1P.. V. ltoltzet ton 64. E. K:enzie 61, W. 1(aist 61. L. Flekb'1-ncr 60. M.Clark 00. Class iV. Jr.. H. Brown 6,c; Clase III. Sr., IL F'tnkbeiner 016. C. Oestr•etrh el 6o. E. Heist 60. MIAs Kienzle. te'.rher. Dielsto:e 11 -Class I11. Sr.. hmlars. K. Seettzer 90. L. Heist 92. V. Kestle 81 I Wolfe 81, L. Bean 80. G. Bluets 75. pees. M. Nicholson 019. G. Lamport 87. A. Sambrook et 1. elute 111 Jr.. honors. L. l(oltzntamt 84, K Quo r 76. V. Hell - dal 73. piss. A. Gainer 73, M. Brown Kt; (its++ 11. Sr.. ho:tors. 1t. 11111, pass. R. (1 crc. M. Guenther, R. Schenk ; Class 11. Jr.. honors. 1.. Lawson. pass ,L. Me- t1u1r ty. II. deeds;l. E. Brown, It. Heist (1, Weiner. M. King. Miss Love. Teenier. i)ie. 1. -Cites it. -V. Hoffmann. C: fleet. C. 1(su. A. Iloltz11t04:1. fart if. DASIIWOOD EM. BROKSNSIIIRE, DASIIWOOD CONVEY . ENCER. Deeds. Willa, Mortgages and all Legal Documewts carefully and promptly prepared Charrrea moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Don't forget the hand concert Thurs- da7 night, May 19. -Mr. John Grey - bell of Zurich spent Sunday in town with his family.. Miss Sboemacher, who has been visiting Miss Maggie Nsusbwanger for a few days returned to her home Friday. -Mr. P. Bender of Zurich spent Sunday with his broth- ers in town. -Mise Olivia Weltin who bas been training for a nurse in one of the Windsor hospitals, is spending a few weeks at her home here. -The Ladies of the Y.P.A. and their friends are very busy working the blocks for the quilt which is to be finished for the strawberry festival which is to take place some time in June. -Mr. Ira Brown and sisters of Crediton spent Sunday at the home of Mr.W. Siebert. Some people have been staying up till all hours in the morning to see the comet and have not seen it. They are beginning to think there isn't any. - Miss Maggie Nauswanger, who has been residing in Parkhill for the past year, has returned home for the sum- mer. -Mrs. C. Wagner still continues very ill. We hope to see her around again soon. -A memorial service for His Me jesty King Edward was held in the Evangelical church nn Sunday evening conducted by Rev. L. K. Eidt. -The Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church will bold its annual Rally Day next Sunday. A program bas been prepared for the evening to begin at 7 p.m. A collection will be taken in interest of Missions in the Canadian Northwest. aae-- --- GRAND BEND. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Jermette visited at Port Frank Sunday. -Mrs, Joseph Oliver, who was sick, is improving. - Bruce Bossentterry of Brncefleld visit- ed here for a few daye.-Mr. Cornish, of Exeter has arrived here and intends running a barber shop during the sum- mer montbs,-Mr. Smith went to For- est Tuesday. -Mr. [Jevett, who bite been in London during the winter, ar- rived here last week and intends stay- ing in the park for the summer. -Mrs. Morrison of Lonnon has arrived here to camp. -Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson of Arkona attended the funeral of the late Mr. Page on Tuesday. DZATH,-This week it becomes our turd duty to mention the death of an- other of our oldest residents in the per- son of James Page. He lived alone the last few years on Riverside farts. On Feidsy one of the neighbors seeing no stir around thought something was wrong, went to see and found the door locked. It was broken open and it was found that Mr. Page was quite i11 and suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Medical aid was at once procured hut he only lingered till Sunday when his spirit was wafted to the realms above, from whence no traveller ever returns. He had reached the good old age of 82 yenta, 11 months. Ile formerly resid• ed on the 8th con. of Hey previous to moving herr. About 22 years ago his flrst wife died and two yenrs later be tr ok a trip to the Old Country where he was again united in marriage He lived in England until the death of his rrrnnd wife when he returned to ('An• Sart. snaking his home with his diOgh• ter, Mrs, ,ins. Gill. In religion he was A Meth! dist and was A neighbor to whit) honor and respect was dile Arid watt A true anti affectionate hotehind And father. He !raves to nu urn his clrn.ige one son And two daughters, Fred Mtge, Mts. J••seph (sill and ,Mrs. (len. Lnvie, all of this place, besides 15 grand children And 11 great grand children. The funeral was held front the residence of his son on Tneaday, A.rvtce being held in the Methodic, church, the remains then teeing laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery. To the het. axed family And friend, the sem. pithy of the community is extended THE CANADIAiV BANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISUEU 1867 S. S. WALEIR, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,00 0,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS I$$UEO AT THE FOLLOWING RATES $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " e, $30 10 cents 66 $30 $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered bank in Canada (except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the ,E sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 191 Exeter lsranc'.-G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Creditor.. t;l1ANTON.-A message bearing -the u.rd news of the death of Mr. tVilbere It.cker has reached town. Deceased had been in Washington Territory only a short time when he was fatally strtck- PIAN05 To Rent $2 Per month & up Six months' rent al- lowed on the pur- chase price of a new in- strument. 8. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium They are noted for the 1 faith• ot their goods. There is a " right way " of doing bus- iness and there is a " wrong way " of doing business. The I11(1111' WAY of doing busi- ness is to bring your old truck, su-11 as horse hair, rubber, Iron, copper. Ilrase. wool pickings, etc., to M. JACKSON'S main St., Exeter \Vhere you get the highest cage prime and Iweeat dealiegs. FOR SALE -.k lot of iron pipe o:t hand fur retire posts. etc. At 40 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's High - Grade Business Colleges.. located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive feom $400 to $1500 per annum. Mail Couaeas in 100 different subjects. Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL 41100380080000043.800 Always in the lead OCR POLICY hes always been to give our customers the ad- vantage of any reduction our keen buying bas allowed us to take adoantige of. Our WATCH Department is most complete and at prices within the reach of everyone --$1.110 up to $40.011 -and same warranted from one to three years. Now is the time of year when an ALARM CLOCK does not come amiss. We have a Eine selection of them. The alternating Alarm repeats the call every 9 seconds Prices 73c to $2.50 and same warranted for one year. Our Repairing Department is most complete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re eche our best attention. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician • a BCRhtP! The general public will take nnttrr that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing All kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Ruhtlers, Horse, Hair, copper, Rams. E:ta., also Washed Wool and Woof clippings All purchases to Ice delivete3 to IIAWKiNS & SON'S HARDWARE. Et ETER. where the cosh will he paid or trade given. Orders for collection of Acrsp may be left at the same store, where ornmpt attention will he given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter,Ont.