Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-19, Page 1dirt at le. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1910. NDERS & CREECH Careful People Know the necessity of having good qualities in goods in order to secure the longest service. It is only the careless and wasteful who buy second and third class articles because they seem to he cheap. We dot not cater to that class, but carry goods that you will not bre afraid to look at when you get Bowe, LADIES' WHITEWEAR A choice line of Waists Ranging from $1.00 up to $3.26 Neat patterns in Underskirts, new goods just in From $1.00 to S4.50 Don't Forget to examine the summer underwear Ladies' Vests from 10o. to 25c. Misses' Vests from 8c. to 13c. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Our remnant table is again leaders with Muslin ends, Flannels and Wrapperettesat bargin prices. A choice line of goods in Foulards, Silk Mulis and Muslins Ranging from 10o. and 500. Do Not FaiI�� t. see the Ladies' Shoes. We are showing a line of Ladies' Shoes which are second to none for style, quality and fit, prices Ranging from $2.50 to $3.75 MENS' NECKWEAR A new line just arrived. life have a line at 25c. which looks as good as 50c. goads; while our 50c. goods are equal to the 75c. goods sold in the cities. W. J. CARLING HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE reefe.elemal COs4s. DR 0 F. ROt'LSTO', LD.S.; D.D.S. 1!' ner Graduate of Toronto Uniter.ity. DENTIST OOEces:--Cher Dickson & ('arlinc's haw Ged,-ee. Exeter. Telephone No. 5. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DS. A. R. 111NSylAN, L D. L. D. D. h.. �Henor graduate of Toronto Ualverl.ty. DENTIST. *'sit extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office over Madman A Stanbury's office, Main street assts,. Modica) la B. BRIGHT', M. D., M. C. P. It 9. HONOR LL. Graduate of Toronto Unlyersity, Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra hospital, rte. Office and ltesldence, Irr. Amos Old Stand Andrew Street. LI&TLR, DR. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POST GRADUATE of Niew York Post Graduate College, anc•ce.s'r to practice of Ur. A. F. Malloy, Exeter. Residence lately occupied by nr. Malloy. Andrew St. On e Formerly the Elliot Law Office, opposite Central 110111. Da. T. P. McLAIOHL1N Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col- lege) at Brilisk end Continental hospitals Genets! practice with special attention to Eye, (witll refrac• Don) Lr Soot and Throat. OOce: Dubwood, 010. Legal. D10190N t CARL1N0, BARRISTER.!, 901.1C1 tors, Notaries, Conceyanren, Commissioners Retleltors for Molsons Bank, etc. •eBay t. Loss at lowe.t rates of lotereet Offices, Main street, Exeter, S. Cau,tso. R.A., L, H. lhaso$ 1LONST TO LORA. W. have 'large amount of private funds to loss Ahem and village properties at low rate@ of Iatr OLADMAN a STARDUST,' Berrletan, $dkltors.Yals st., Last.r Os .�• B. 8. PHILLiPS, Rzrrsit. Lte.Bse4 hect1.BNt. Sides attended 1s all pada Rstldsetlos gauss. tad sr so M Toss r.asosable. All stews left OS at Advocate e. will M promptly atte.ded to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Oompany. also Fire Ineurenee in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -8t.. teeter. LICENSED ATIONiI!)RR - L?C W$. ANDERSON. Licensed Asctloneer for Miran County. Terns reasonable.' Dates ran be made a1 ire Adve-ste.� Raster. or IIenry Ytlber's Office. CrM- lten. PARlt FOR DALR. One of the finest farms In tleborne Apply to SANDER@ & CRErcit. Meter Cedar Posts for Sale W, `.,,ve tic finest quality of Cedar 1't r,' :.t moderate -prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTRALIA EGGS FOR HATCHING Flom selected Barred Rocks. Male birds Model learnt breed. 83.23 per 100 or 50c. a setting. Also pen of Mod- el Farm Barred Rock liens, specially bred to lay, 81.00 per setting. Will In- cubate eggs for you at a reasonable prier. Baby thick' for sale after the 20th of April. Two Brooders and some Harrel Frock reales for sale. A call so) - :tet. Orders taken t:ow.-WILLIAM A s' M i1ilUOK, CREDITON, ONT. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick cottage in excellent condition, with at: goof living rooms, good cellar two lots of good land, good well of water and cistern. Three blocks ftonn Main street. For particulars apply to Ails( TINA FISHER, Huron st.. Exeter. TEACHER WANTED. Male teacher with second-class pro- f, ss:oval certificate, for S. S. No. q. Stephen. Dulles to commence It Aug- ust. Apply to John I'reszeator, Set •Y- Treas.. Exeter Ont. HOUSE TO RENT. A good Brick Haus,. In Exeter, cen- trally located. or: Oidicy street. contain - :ng ',tar roon,s, including up -stairs; hard ar.d soft water. and a good gar- dc.t }leaso:table rental. Apply to DICKSON & CABLING. Exeter. BASEBALL )'i.e baseball season for the !oval ,1ut opened on Mondayevening with a victory for Exeter, when they defeat- to the house. (.1 Centralia team at :.'entralla by a T .e friends ti -re of Nir. Ttios Oke. score of 11 to 5. The game was a good London, will be pleased to learn crowd of spectators. Tom Cirl:ny 1 t t11e he is recovering frota- hi. recent 8 1,01 for Exeter played a steady and con- vete attack of intestinal trouble. sistent game, allowing his opponents only one hit, while five hits were soot- The District Meeting to: the Methudtat c•1 off Bruce Mitchell, the Centralia r: arch of Ezeter District is being held twirler. Unfortunately Frank i?oy1- got fn the James Street thatch this week, a finger of its right hand smashed hy and as It Is In progress as we go to a fowl tip when receiving behind the bat p:css, a report of the proceedings will after which M. Hoskin and G..tchesou ►" given in our next issue. were given a try -out in that position. NL'. C. B. *all sustained a severe H. Steer on first playean excellent strain to bis left hated on Monday white gauze, reaching for and "biding every- at work in the power house. A heavy thing that came his way. while Sandy plece of machinery rolled against his Iiawden on second and Roily lJrintnell hand and hent It backward. It is on third played their positions well, and now much swollen and very painful, but the fielders took in everything that cameluckily no bones were broken. to therm. All 1n all the boys are slow - NOTICE. -Owing ltg 0:welleut early -Season forst and are expected to give a good account of Canadian Dental Association at Torun - themselves. Dick Creech umpired the to Drs. Kinsman and itoulston desire game, and tight innings in all were piay to announce that their offices will he e3 with the following Ind vtdual store; donee during the week conunenettig Centralia Exeter. May 30th. 11. Mitchell 1 F. Boyle 1 1 T. Carling 0 Il. Steer 1 o G. Maims 2 O S. G. Bawdeu 1 2 M. Hoskin 1 0 H. Blesett 1 0 it. Bri melt 1 1 G. Acheson 1 11 Two Candidates ter Gouncillor Local Items WM. RIVERS a�dW\. tt-a LIER are 1,,c c'ndidatter. Although a large numh r of nomina- tions were made. 0.1 Tuesday evening at the c tp:rat:on of the hour for qualify- ing it was found that only two then had qualif:ed, Mr. Wm. Rivers and air. Wm Wolper, and on Monday next the elcctton will take place, at the time and ;'te places mentioned in the notice in another column. The list of those none 'n,tei 1s glveu NOMINATION At At the iii ting on Monday last from 12 to 1 o clock to made nominations for councillor to fill the vacancy made hy the res'ynatlon of Mr. C. J. Luker the folloeing gentlemen were nominated. W. G. BISSETT, by T. f3. Carling and L. 11. Dickson. F.D. CHRISTIE, by T. 13. Carling and 0. A. ifyndman. A. E. FUER, 1-y W. Johns and F. Wood. W. C. RIVERS, by D. Mill and John 'McLaughlin. J. W. TAYLOI1, by Jos. Davis and L. H. Dickson. W. W. WALPER, by E. Maguire and Jas. \VIIJts. J03. DAVIS, by L. H. Dickson and John McLaughlin. OHN Mc-LAUGIILIN, by Elijah Jory and I.. H. Dickson. L. 11 DICKSON, by Jos. Davis and John McLaughlin. J. R. SCOTT, by John McLaughlin and Jas. Connor. W. JOHNS, by Jos. Davis and John Heiress. T. H. McCALLUM, by E. Jory and Jas. Connor. Mrs. W. W. Taman is i11 and confined (1. Duplan M. illtebell ii. Swann 11. Mitchell C. Duplan Luker Elliott Esse, y LODGE OF 1NSTRUCFION. St. James and St. Marys lodges, A. i'. A. A. M., are preparing for the dis- trict lodge of instruction to ba held in St. Marys on Thursday, May 26. M. W. Bro. D. F. McWatt, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, 11. W. iso. Chris. Ilodglns, and other Grand Lodge officers will be. present and there wit be representatives front the twenty Masonic lodges of South Huron Dle- trict. The lodge of Instruction will be held in the afternoon and evening. The officers of St. James Lodge, St. Marya Will exemplify the first degree. Toe of- ficers of Stratford Lodge. Stratford, will exemplify the second degree and the third degree will be put on by the of- ficers of Tecumseh Lodge. Stratford. PROF. DALE AGAIN APPEALS. Prof. Wm. Dale lies entered an appeal against the judgment of Chief Justice Niulock in the Ihlahshard Railway mat- ter. Recently the Chief Justice dis- missed the action to quash the rail- way by-law, stating that Dale had not proved that the by-law did not receive ,t majority vote, nor had he proved that 1110 voting was not done according to law. But the Prof. is st11l on the war path and has appealed against the judg- ment. NOTICE. '1 are appo stirs agents now l•; every unrepresented county for the erasoa of 191n. Over fi5 per cent. of the year's busleess le done during the Sumner months'. We pay good money wetkiy for services rendered. Give ex- clusive trtrttoty a•,d supply wellteg out - tit fret. OVER Roo ACRES UNDER CULTIVA- TiON. Our acreage Is r.1entla;ed an It is im- portant that you should represent a firm ler Rood standing and size. We supply strictly first grade stock and guaran- tee delivery In good co'idltlon. We want j',e best aed most reliable agent In every district. Established over 35 ytats. For furtt.cr particulars write PcI ant Nursery Co.. Toronto, Ont. it\IEIIS EXCURSION. -The Farmers F-cursion announced to take Place on tic• L. 11. and 13. Railway, 10 the Mod - (1 1-arnm. Guelph. on Tuesday. June 7th has been changed to Monday. June nth. Bills and further particulars later. EXECUTION PJSTPONED.-The Min- ister of Justice has refused to grant a court of inquiry into the sanity of Walter Ross. who murdered Percy Par- kinson, the i'sborne boy, in New On- larlo. but the execution , s flxcd for May 20th has been postponed until a later date, owing to May 20th beteg the date of the King's funeral. FOR RALE Brick house It Exeter. moderate size. In good repair. Well situated oft one of the best streets In the Village. Good lawn. garden and stable.. Apply tit once to OLADM.IN & STANDUISY, it,tn filters. Eretre. WANTED TENDERS FOR CONCRETE CULVERT The undersiglied will receive Tendcre to build a concrete culvert with cem- ent floor, 16 ft. clean span, up to Thorn day May 20th, 1910. at 1 p.m. Plans ,and spet•iflratious can be seen at the office of Samuel Sweitzer, Reeve, Shipka or at the office of the undersigned. Toe lowest or any tender not necess,arile accepted. HENRY EILBElt, Tp. C1crk. Crediton. Ont. TAKE NOTICE. I hereby give notice to men-ha/As a.."1 others that I will pot be reepnnetbie for any debt or debts contracted by any parson in my name. PHILIP BEAVER. LARGE BARNS BURNED. The large and excelleet bank barns owned by Mr. Thomas Morley of Whal- en were totally c•o:isumcd -by fire on Sunday night last. The fire was first discovered about 11.30. but• the flanges had gained such headway that It was :nnpossihte to save much of the contents ra:tsequently the lose to Mr. Morley will b, a very heavy one. Thirteen head of cattle, six pigs. one sheep and iamb and a number of hens pariahed ht tete flames, and among the contents des- troyed were between 500 and 800 bush- es of grain, a large quantity of hay. implements, etc. The origin of the fire e a mystery and gives every evidence of inceedlarylam. These barns were among the bast In the. neighborhood and were insured to the extent of ?11300, but the lose' will mu h exceed tela amount. VILLAGE i'Itol'ERTY FOR SALE. The ut,deratered is offering for sale that desirable Village property. being lots 13, 14, 13, corner of William acid Waterloo etre-ts. There le on the prem- ises a splendid brick 1,ousc, small Cable and other corivenlences; also a number of choice fruit trees. The prop- erty 1s first-class in every respect at d Is well situa'ed. Will be sold reason- able. Apply on premises. ALFRED 1IOWET. Exeter P. 0. Ontario Liquor License Act --- License District .f *nab Rorer.. Notice is br?e 5-; gives that Mr a J. Rasion. of Baybid, bee made application for permtd.los to transfer Me VUlag. tavern lieense (Commercial) in Upheld to George 1. Gray .f Port Ata.).y, Ost., sad that the sold app!Ie.tion will be considered at Ors mortis` of 1s. Beard of License Commisrlonets, to 5- be .1del the Cetetercial Hotel, in Village M toy• an raid.,, the rth day of 0.y 1910, st tbs hoar of 10 a rm. All persons interested .ill govern themeelvee a•• cordisgty. Joliet Totnn•e, Li: a'lse Inapt, tor. Dated at Clinton. this tits day cf Ma; • itis EXETER SCIIOOL BOARD A special session of the Board with all ntcntbers present was held on Nlon day May 111, at 8 p.m when the follow- ing resolution per T. 13. Carling and S. Martin was Introduced and unani- mously carried, - Resolved that we, the Exetr r 1'uhllc School Board, as servants of our late king. Ills Most Gracious MajcetY, King Edward the Seventh. do hereby record at this time our deep sorrow In the knowledge of els death; and further, our high appreciation of the character of his reign, sol only in the ordering of his court and the royal home An wide), were typified the lagttest nation- al vlt tucs and aspirations of our be- loved empire, but also it Its effective influence for the maintenance of peace entor:g the representative nations of the world, and further we would at this time t•ecord our unyielding desirse for the t uutiuued entirety of the Empire do e as at present existing, telleving as In its Divilte mission as a united fain- tly of nations fur the welfare 01 the world and the safe keeping of each, sub- ject in the enjoyment of civil, political, avid reltglous freedom. AUcrIoNEERS.-The following are the Licensed Auctioneers for Huron CountY.-George Beckett, Thos. Gundry James Stanley, Van R. VanNorntatt, Ily. Torrance, John I'urvls. C. F. Vandrick. Alex. Morrison, Patrick Walsh. F. S. Scott. Thns. Cameron, John 01)1. B. S. Phillips, II. NieCharles. W. A. Currie, W. Anderson, G. W. Aalker, D. N. Wat- son, C. I1. Wilson, Jos. White, Thomas Brown, Frank McConnell. Louis Ooe- h•:1, James Henderson, D. W. !tender - son. FA. liossenberty. MITCHELL. -At a lacrosse meeting held here May 12th the following sched- ule was drawn up for Group No. 2. In- termediate C. L. A. June 6 -St. Marys at Mitchell. June lit-Seaforth at 4t. Marys. Jura' 28-Mttchc)1 at Seaforth. .tuty 7-Scatorth at Mitchell. July 13 -Mitchell at St. Marys. July 22 -St. Marys at ACafortli. STORES CLOSE FRIDAY AT NOON - A Large numbE'r of business men have agrcati to close as stand and desire us to sly that stores will close for the Memorial Service. of the Late King Ed- ward at noon on Friday, remaining elosei for the remainder of tihc day. NEPHEW DIES. -Last week the re- m ins were brought to Brussels from the West of a nephew of Messrs. New- ton, Thornton and Nelson Baker of Ex- eter. The young man, Mr. Percy Bak- er was taken ill of typho'.d Laver In WVe:ntac"!l, 'Washington State, and af- ter only 18 days Illness passed away} Deceased lived at Granton for several years. leaving there on April 4th last. :le was 25 years of age. MOTHER'S DAY. -Mother's Day will !,^ observed It the Cavan Presbyterian clutch nest Sunday. Special services are being arranged for. The pastor will speak especially along this line --morn tng subject being, ' The Parapet about The Home". Speciai music by the choir .tastatee by Miss Nina Carling. The emhlent worn for the occas:on is a w',lte carnation or other white flower, and it 1s hoped that every person attend, log these ssrvices will share In the priv leg:; of showing honor to our bast friend, "Mother." EASEBALL CONCERT.-Uader the sus p:res of the Exeter Baseball Club. .1tn- erlc•a's Premier Colored Jubilee Concert Company. known far and wide as The Southland Serenaders", a grand music- al otganizatton of colored people, will give an evening of mirth and rnelodY In the Opera Muer: on Wedl:esday night, May 23th. Reserved seats 33c., Adults 25c., Children 15c. Tickets on sale at Cole's Drug Store. Come out and en- joy an evening of fun. A baseball game will be played on the school grounds on the evening of the 25th, before the concert, between Centralia and Exeter. ----- THE ADVOCATE from now until Jan. 1st, 1911, for 50 cents. Order of Yea srlal Service on Friday The order of the memorial service for the occasion of the funeral of King Edward V11.. held in the Trivitt Me- morial Church on Friday, May 20th, at 2:30 p.m. Organ Prelude. Hymn, "0 Ood our help in ages 1" entences for the burial of the dead. Psalms 3D. 00, read responsively. Leann. 1. Oen.. XV. 20, read by Rev. S. F. Sharp. Hymn. "My Ood, My Father" Addresses: "Edward the Knightly (lentlewao," Rev. E. A. Fear. "Edward the Sovereign." Rev. D. W. Collins. "Edward the Diplomat" Rev. C. Fletcher. Hymn, "Forever with the Lord" Benediction. None Dimittis. PROCLAMATION !n aetord_.nvc with the proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario setting aside F'i tti.ty, May 20th as a Public Holiday, tete ealzens of Exeter are hei- by calls l upon to govern ihcnn- scives • rrordinyly. i3A't'DEN, ltecve. RIVERS FUR COUNCILLOR To the It, a pay: re of Exeter. Since au e1'ctton for Cauncillor for Me Village has b?come necessary, 1 have, at the solicitation of a number o: ,rte nde, decided to allow my name to go before the people, and I respectfully solicit your vete a:id 1rtftucnce on my bt-:tali. Yours truly, \VM. C. RIVERS BIRTHS Jones -1n Toronto, on May Stn, to Mr.. ars.Allan D. Jones. (nee Polly Welsh) ., daughter. r.. Brewster: cm May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mason, twhis-a boy and a girl. H,dg,ne.-In Greenway, May lith, to Mr. andMrs. Jas. E. Hodgins, a eon. Fitl:utt-l:: ttruccfteld, ott May Uth, do Mr. arcs Nits. J. T. Elliott. a daughter Fallie.-1n Harpley, May 7tit. to Mr. and ere. Thos. Faille. a son. MA RRIAGES Deltrlch-'lllcr.-At Mount Carmel 11. C. C:rorch. at 9.:00, May 17th. by Rev. Fr. Dunn of Parkhill, Mr. Peter Deltrich of Ilawkesville, to Mise Katie, second daug iter of Mr. Malcolm Ziler, Stephen Mala,ny-Querirt.-At Mt. Carmel, May 10, by Rev. F. Foster. Mr. Patrick Ma- t ony tc Miss Mary Querhn, daught 2r of itetoh Querin, both of Stephen. Dtyntan.-Perkins.-In Usborne, on Dfay 1lth, AlWyn Dayman, son of Mr. C)tas Wyman. to Miss Cora M.. daughter of . . Mr. C. II. Perkins, all of Usborne. d1:ri;5a.-Repinson.-At EgntondvIlle, On May 11th, by Rev. N. Shaw. Frederick J. Spriggs of Toronto, to Mies Mar- garet Emma Robinson. of Tuckeramtth McNeil -Wok. -At Clinton. May 11th, W W. Cook of Mullett Tp.. to MIs. if Act) Jane McNeil of Clinton. Marks-McCubbin-At Allea Craig, May gut, 1 y Rev. John Kennedy, Mr. John Stacks. o: Greenway, to Mts. McCubbin o: cnr.. 7. McGillivray. DEATHS Penhalc.-L, Toronto, May 1 -111t. Delnur Pearl, daughter of Mr. .txl Mrs. Rich. Penhale. aged 8 years. P..ge•-At Grand Bend. on May 15th, James Page, aged 8,2 years, 11 mos. etc►dnaon.-ht Fullarton, on May 12th 301,n Robinson, aged 51 years. Abbott. -At Centralia, on Niay 18. Mrs‘ F'rat:cis 0. Abbott, aged 54 years. liabklrk.-In Seatortle May 9th, Susan Barbour, wife of John flabkirk, aged 53 years. Falrbaoke.--At Parkhill. May 10. Mrs. Matgatet Ellen Clark, relict of the late Rob( rt I. Fairbanks, aged 40 years. Scafe.-At Mt. Pleasant, Mich., on Ma) 6, Joon Keefe of Allah Craig, aged 84 years. 7 months, and 26 days. To the ma__seking to dress himself in the --=.Best Manner at Moderate Cost. •t WE TAKE IT YOU AitE NOT A MAN 01' WEALTH. YOU A1t1 A IL\RD WORKING MAN W110 WISHES TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOCit INDUS- TRY NDUSTRY TO YOUR HEST ADVANTAGE. ANION() OTHER THINGS YOU W1511 TO DRESS AS WELL. AS PURSE PERMITS. YOU WANT CLOTHES THAT FiT YOU AND HAVE STYLE AND DISTINC- TiON. YOU WILL ISE 'DELIGHTED WITH THE STYLE OF OUR CLOTHES. TIIEY WILL WEAR LONGER TITAN YOU ,tttE PERHAPS ACCUSTOMED TO IIA VE • CLOTHES WEAR. TIIEY WILL AFFORD YOU A MEANS TO DRESS AR WELL AS ANY MAN YOU MAY MEET. THEY WILL COST YOU LESS MONEY ANI) GiVE YOU IIETTER SAT- ISFACTION THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHES. WE IIAS'E SOME SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OF'F'ER AT I'ItE'tENT, YOUR WE ARE I'LEASEI) TO SHOW YOU OUR CLOTIiES, '.VIIETIIEit YOU NEED T1IEM AT PRESENT OR NOT. 111011 CLASS FURNISHINGS, 11Ot1TS AND SHOES, HATS. 1'.t!': -i. NEW SI'E)CiAL LiNES iN COLLARS. SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER Samson Portland Cement -Nothing better -- For Walls, Floors, Walks, Etc. A Large Quantity on Hand. Amatite and Paroid Roofing Ready for the job -82.60 per Sq. Tinsmithing & Plumbing Get °ur Price° HE1ILII'S HARDIARE & STOVE STORI