Exeter Advocate, 1910-05-05, Page 2TUL MYSTERY CLEARED UP;
('}IAPTI:11 V1.--(Cunt'tl)
'.Look!" said :,laxiine. laying his
stand on the arm of M. Ilidard, '`do
yu.l see those three shadows out -
'lied on the curtain of the saint' I"
"Certainly, the woman and the
two messieurs, parbleu ! Must he
that supper isn't ready. or they are
enacting some one; they don't ap-
s •1 rat. He asked ate first if 1 wo.eld
(lriye hitt home—only two steps,
awl 1 should have a hundred sous.
10 might have offered me a loris,
and I'd have stayed by you. And
whet he saw I didn't bite, he filed
off. 1 would lay a litre he's al-
it adv at the Boulevard de (bur -
pear to be going to the dining- "You did well, DOW brave, to
!w•m.'' send that man off to walk. and 1
"T!•cy are standing though." promise you shall lose nothing. He sent for six boxes. Now I ata entirely lase it.
"Yes, or sowing and scraping.
Beethe talk,' haws, and the co-
cotte gives hilt her hand; it's
amusing like any thing, 'pun my
wont. One alight believe himself
at i eraphin's Chinese shadows."
"Alt! ah! the one that bowed is
Ding out ; there are only two sil-
.t 1:ettes to be seen now."
"Likely lie's gone to bed. The
!nor. more than ten fret forts thef in
ST0MACN MISERY ; ;;n;did it seem ;;;; ht r A Revelation Tea Goodness
BANISHED BY "FRUIT-I-TI�Ef' theto ,vale it. The %alet leaned on the
balcony. measuring %%till Itis eye
tile distance from tots t • bottom.
The master, on the 1.4 t•rnlcnt, !ill•a-
hllled it from last► ,lit to top. The
men who guarded the door, and
these placed against the wall, :y►-
pruaelied the ....hetet and formed a
et►cle around him. The little troop
disposed itself as if for assault. 'rho
111411 who held the horses brought
forward the be din and placed it
under the wiuduw.
..•rh% are :lhuut to invade the
house,•' Jlaxitue cried out : • •two of
titian arc climbing on the b ,x ; the
MR. ALCIDE HEBERT cat riage is to serve thein for a lad -
Stratton! Centre, Wolfe Co., nue. der." is a delicious and fragrant blend of the finest Ceylon Tea.
"I have been completely cured of • Ili '.%et verily,- exclaimedllidartl,
frightful condition of toy Stomach !`'that i. tato much. Hight here, in Get a package front your grocer and enjoy its excellent qualities.
through the wonderful fruit medicine the finest neighborhood in Paris, to: _
•Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything have th,•,e brigands acting like; '1'111: s'fo1i t I it •11:1,1:st oi't:. 1+i.:' the ioerr:l-ed use .,i the _.,-
but What I suffered awful pain from liay Ic lit.%ed it was the forest of .-_-_
Indigestion. ! t• crepe will in the future
My brad ached incessantly. 11 ndy. 1 tun going to give the lutculiou Ihotes of 1"alae iu Ili:i a :,ray' lives that would uther•wi: •• is
I was told to try 'fruit-a-ti.e,:' and :tI tial if monsieur dues not op -i toxins Sloutaeh '1'rouhlcs, ••'.ttlhly be lust through that dis-
t ase. --London Telegraph.
will return, the animal, and as I well, can rat any ordinary ftxxl and
\t this element the cock-crowingi the ''stomach teleseupc," or gas -
want to watch hint, 1 ant going to
peter have a lteadact►e." sounded out still more clearly, ac tet'( pc, invented at the London
station myself as sentry at at ,lace AI.CIDB IIEIIERT.
1 companied by a rattling noise, A Hospital last year, has proved to
below', 1 ou will remain hero andSac. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, fatsettn voice cried out: "Cut- b, of the greatest value in the ding
keep your eyes open, and when I ti2les c. Lintt itedall ,Ottawaealers or from Fruit -a-
throat," J base voice roared: I;osis ..f stomach disorders. An
"'Scaling a wall --in the night—oc- . eminent surgeon recently referred
return tell me what you have seen,
eu1'ied house—band of malefactors in the highest terms to the advanc-
If by chance I should nerd your
services, may 1 count on you'" —galleys for life."
"Fully. You have only t•) call (To he continued.)
oat, Auguste! and 1 come at a gal- --4.
fluor are at the window. One is a
comical fellow—likely he'll make us
la ugh."
other is the e „'one's gent1e11a8. !e'- If any thumping is to be Maxime hall little inclination of
The friend wh., ..aunts with them has done, 1 can prove that 1 ant not that sort. and the persons on the
ssio gaud night." one -handed." street still less. They looked up
"No, if that. was so they wouldn't "Thanks, and au revoir to -night to see who had uttered this mock -
have Lighted the salon and dining- or to -morrow, according as events he; appeal --all, including the
room. But we shall see." n.ay determine." coachman un the box, this singular
Five Minutes passed without inti- Auguste, flattered by the conft- ceac•hnlan with a tall hat or.. Thr
dent. The two statics were brilli- Bence in him exhibit••d by his mon- alto who paid least tilt( litiuu to this
antl' lighted, but the shadows had sir ur, made a magnificent gesture, successful imitation of the recipe
djsuppeared. Suddenly the little %Thiel► signified; Inc t tsy ; 1 um chant was undoubtedly Robert de
dr cr through which Madame Ser- here." ('arnoel. He apl,rar.•d in haste Or
gest had 4lisappenred the evening; And having thus arranged his enter, and the %al't who held tilt
of the Rink was opened softly. .\ affairs, Dlaxime hastened to regain eaI'delabra made wary for him tai
mai: appeared on the threshold fol hi, ambuscade. pass.
The pester awaited hint anti upcn- One of the three escorts passed
eel with great alacrity, anxious to
learn the result of the sally.
"Is monsieur satisfied' Has
in. nsietir discovered anything
new .."
"The moan sped away by the
111tcrpret•ed for himself. Boulevard :hale:.herbes, but i ant
"He says he will return," satisfied he cleans to return.'
the tight \l:txime, "and the servant '•Olt, that is clear as day. They
explains that be has only to ring are not going to table without him.
aid they v. i11 open to hint." Ail is lit up and, nothing moves in
The door closes again. Borisoff 1114- house. Proof that they arc
goes toward the Boulevard Male- writing foe hitt."
sherbes. And now the fencing-inas- "Hush said Jlaxitue, in a low
ter and the thief reappear behind %c,iea, .It this nlunient a carriage
the window of the salon. From stopped a hundred metres from
thence: they observe the colonel. Madame Se•rgent's house.
TI-cy are awaiting his return. Tu Maximo s great, amazement,
''Shall I follow their example or Robert do ('arnuel descended from
ri•k a sally to see where he is go- the carriage and advanced toward
ink'" Maxime determined on the the house, flanked by two tall inen
latter. who pressed hint closer, but. did
"Listen,- he said to his ally Bi- net hold hint as policemen do a
card, "1 •.%Ant to find out Whitt that •n•isoner. They had even the un-
man is going to do. 1 ant going to I,earance of talking with him, and
follow hint to the end of the street :t could be seen 1►e walked of his
ant. return." ,'vii free will. 'I'Ite dour was open
"'That is easy. i will open to and a valet de pied stool! there
1.4 nsieur and resume my Aust• t;ith a light. Evidently he waited
A1o11'Iellr has only to klinl•k on the s►41 receive ('xrneel.
44ir.duw when he returns." •-J1onsietir. said Bida,d under
Maxim(• glided into the street li•; breath, `'f believe '.hey are go -
am. vat {'uri,uIT fifteen steps in ad- til, to remise a Crime. They are
varies , and it the same time a man l,r:raging the young mato to the'1,nr
whose feet were patterin•, "n til( d• Neste. Surely it is to strangle
sgta'-c at lite eatranci of line hint. I have a mind to call fur
JoufTroy. 'I'ilis was Ito other than help.'.
1h: e1'achnt'ln of his ticteria. "Not yet,'' replied Mitxi•ne,
•'Got'l'." ine thought, '-1 may let .prickly, "see first what they will
my 1tuF-iaut pars ,n. Mt coachman •Ii,.'
will tell ate which way he took." So •'Look, sir' above there- -in the
he disappeared in the shadow of the salon_thosetwo shadows behind
mal. to watt•! events front afar. Lis. window's--"
The colonel walking quickly soon ••1L is the lady and her friend,
rcaclisd the Boulevard 11ale,her-
b(.s • (here lie stopped, and 011+ery-
:,1 t'11e• ei,ltel1n11111, went straight to -
v and flint. This surpri,. it Maxime,
•t:ti, began to luck with all his eyes,
t' uttering, with a certain anxiety,
e i:at, HorisutT had tit ,sty to this
man. The cont'lsation prolonged
itself for an nnr•a-enabl,• length of
lane, more (haul could be needed
to ascertain from a coachman w•he-
t!nc► his carriage was hIe. But at
le:'gth ilorisi,ft passed on his any
and was lost in the darkness. Jlatx
Ian • After waiting awhile went to-
tems) the boulevard. .1rri%etl at
tile end (if 1 tae St 1 et I he Stopped 10
141,!. around. then turned to the
Iikht and rejoined the coachman,
who ree•ogniied hits immediately
and began to laugh.
otonsilllr.'• he ,raid, ''la
1•ntticuliere's stout', 11 t.1 1tsot^d to
pump me, but 1 t :ruga 111111 off tice-
1( 'Varna that s.•einq int coach
llr,,wn rap herr he nl1')ru,lcd tate at set .by, witem n nocturnal pronten-
t•t•ce tied asked if I had I►ri,ught Ade had 1, d to (tile •luuffro% would
iontebod% to Ione ,1'':ilTruy. 1 knew li1.%e 1)1.01g1t it all finite natural.
what wits rap and loll) him 1 was Four gentlemen, arri%ing in a
t Aiting sur A 11•Mto1 t1111 sited tilt' beautiful carriage before is house
by the 111..111 h. and was en a 1.isit whose master gites a s•.iree is to
lotted by a servant bearing a light
with two branches. By the bright-
ness of this light Maxinte recugni•r,-
td Ilorisoff and redoubled his atten-
tion. He held a short colloquy
with the valet de pied which by
weans of the gestures the ubserver
Irate Creditor—' I shall call
eery week until you pay this ac -
(solid '"
1 tebtol•—"Ift•a11v. Then there
es lately made at that hospital in s4 enl- every 1,1 t.lt•thility of our ae-
the early detection of diseases of (in:tint:ince ril.•-ning into friend -
the stomach by meads of tins in- ship."
st•untent, which will in the imme-
diate future probably come to be
part of the equipment of every up-
to-date hospital. The gastroscope
Diseus.'ees ('arses of Thinness and newenables the physician or sur-
f:it- s New !Dallied of Increasing geon to actually see for himself the
14 eight and Rounding Out the exact condition of the whole of the•
F111111. interior of the stomach, the slight
— 1 oil ulceration, growth or other at,
Prescription Accomplishes 11'otderq uolMality in the lining membrane
t. treatment which anyone can being thus readily observed. To be
I,i t pare cheaply at home, has been aide to do this is of the very great -
("mai to increase the weight, me cs' importance in suspected can-
pesve the health, round out straw- c•tr of the stomach, where the only
[iv figeres, improve the bust, Lepe of cure lies in the eratticu
the; thee -hold immediately after the br;ghten the eyes and put new calor tion of the cancerous growth at the
prisoner, and the two others were i into the cheeks and lips of myon• vc r,: (':,rli sl moment. This nleaus 379 Craig et. W., Montreal
al, ut to (14, the sante, but the! who is too tint and blordlless. It
torch -beater held a brief coll-•quy I puts flesh on those who have be. :a
with tl em, during which they' always thin whether from discuss
paused. -tanding on each side 011 or natural tendency ; on those who
the (1 tor their comrade had just by heavy eating and diet have int
entered. The coachman in citizen's! vain trio d to increase; on those w'llo!
(Iles tied the reins, left his seat feel well but can't get fat; and on I
precipitate's- and handed his whin' those who have tried every known I
to one• of the individuals pressed method in vain. It is a powerful
against the mull. This man left his aid to digestion, nutrition and as-
p1,st and placed hiniss•If at the head's,iu,ilatiou. It assists the blood and:
of the horses. i 1.1 1'' es to distribute alt over the
"Monsieur," said the porter in a' Ilk 41y the flesh elements contained
10s. voice, '•look ! the lights are put il: f., el, and gives the thin person i
out in the salon. Droll idea that ' th : ,Arne ahsurhinq qualities pox
LO blow• 4)111 the candles just as the sessc.l by the naturally fleshy.
guests 3191%.• --the dining -roam, I Everybody is about the same, but
o' They must intend to spend certain elements and organs 1,f
the night playing hide-and-seek. blood and nerves are deficient ant!
Look ! it seems to confound the Until this is corrected, titin people
Man who Inas just gotten down fr••n, will stay thin. Tho nutrition stays
tit., sox ---he looks at the windows it the busty after separation by the
he retreats a little to get n heat 1 (11¶(stive (tnlctions instead of pass -
view --yes, ogle as you will, my ,sits through unused, when this %al -
child, all is black up there; you+ alible treatment- of blended mud, -
lutist go in without. a light." !eines is used. Practically no 014'
Borisoff standing in the middle can remain thin who uses it, f1,r
of the street appeared to lo sitate. ! it supplies the lung need.
He turned and looker! up, probably.Mix in a half pint halite, thee'
l41 see if the persons who had inti_ . ourccs Of essence of pepsin, and
tated the cock were still at the win three ounces of Syrup of rhubarl,.
dotes. He then went straight t.. 'Then add one ounce compound es -
the door guarded by two "f his since cardiol. Shake and let stand
sul alterns. They moved aisle to t".• hotu•s. Then add one ounce of
make way, and just as he was about
to rush it tit.cture cadonlene compound (not.
open, it was closed vii,_ • cau•dunlom). Shake well and take
let,tl' by 5411111' „tic on the inside. n teaspoonful before and sifter
".\h' they have slammed the (14. r meals. Drink plenty of water be -
in his face," exclaimer! M. Bidar.1 : titi rt' meals and when retiring.
•'t: bait was that coachman after ' 15' igh before beginning.
' he suppose himself invited
t i t..
the one who remained --they are, "It. is no coachman," said Max-
eSI,eeting the other. They heard inn•, v,ho had r('ciignizt'd Borisoff.
the carriage :aid have come to the "He is queerly dressed for !wid-
e i1 d"w." ing the reins, that's a fact. But
"1 lay a wager they don't open if he is a monsieur, why was he on
i My tato tenants of the third the box t Oh, oh! he is angry : 110'
story hate opened theirs, and the kt•oc'ks at the dont, ---beats with his
brigands (14n't care to show them- few. and lista. flood! there are t h '
S( Ives. two others taking part in it. I I
"See! the shad tw•s disappear! It the door was not pretty lira the
is the street we Inuit hatch." would break it down, \\'hat an us
\tithing extraordinary occurred, roar they make! They will r'••: -
'::ie carriage slid not rm,ve---neither the neighborhood. I alt Rst••..t li
did the three min who had conte e(1 the two clerks 11p there 1111'' n t
as scouts. They had well chosen (Aim' 1,111 w"lf.•-
-Ea- -• -,.N..—. MEM laic r
Camphor Ice
12 Vaseline Remedies in Pubes
Capsicum. )located. SM,'nthnlatni, (larbn-
1,aed. Camphorated, white Oxide of Zinc,
tic. Each for special purposes. write fur
Ptee Vaseline nook.
tleir places, for they scented to "H11sli' the dinit,g-r"mn wind. s.
make part of the wall, and to dis- opens; a man appears there. It ;
eel II Holli it was necessary to know (enc 41f the tee who entered it its
they were there. lite ago. 1 rryogi' ize bis sqi:r,•
The coachman remained motion- shoulders. .Ila ! there is the a1,,.4
Iess on his seat. Hobert de ('arrn4el tens e..achnuul approaching: they
rt::ehed the little door escorted by are having a talk. I want to hear
1w,e versions suitably attired, and what they say. Open the casement
foll"wed by a third who 1(•ft the a little 4111\ softl%.-
hetlin after hitt. .1 chance pas- "It is itnpriltll•llt, perhaps. hut
if monsieur a i•h'- it
The et onp►lai,ant Itidard ended
his sentence by opening the win
do;v with great caution. and Max-
imo listened.
A li't ly cullorpty was taking place
between the person who had rap
pe:,reel at the window and the col
.,tie' In the street. Both spoke
i. ltd eta• •:t(le t t be heard, but at
Pi • tit,t , i, that. reached hi -
eat. llu�in44 .Gseovercd that tip
shake in Ens -jail
who was listening. ss.
'.11'11:14 :c latlgt r,ee' It Inns( be
('itlne••e. i nought these seat'' -
arre n••t French. Dame' 41
friend, of the Prussian' and sit'
ht••' ill••., are carrying on. minis
Ce-11,re. they make.'.
t tikes. were peaking signal-.
'%I 14'11 \1:48,1114 •i1:•4e to 'Ole/Tref
I�11111••11 It 4,114' 4'I
.• no!ima ''•r d4•s.' ndilltt. f
1'It, 41 1,11,1.1 1•i••114 4111- "1. the
q: • 1,1,1: t' r'8 • 811 1'l.'%Aleil41-
ii.,+ 1, 1 .' ti .1e. but .ice wirsd•,s yeas
in that sig !muse yfinder- on the
"Really" esulaimed Maximo.
you have lint him off the track.
That wits n good idea of yours, and
I -hall reilletllher it when v..• met -
Inn seen often and anywhere: but
this very ordinary spectacle excit-
ed \inxinle to the highest pitch.
ff. beri de (ea rill falling in the
ln•dst „f these ),euple ells stranger
than all the rest.
-Where olid he eon,' 1r6.144: Had
( I1,. •-1111 OW (.)ar 11111111, " I'm lie been 1111 e'ih'tl.•1-. t,ri"i11er, :111(1
o ' 111'.1 about my p"l'rbuirt'; 1 if so, %illy had he 1.1 lotto conte out
1., s ►ray man. That's %t!t% 1 could 11•h:.- 41;41 he Lunt; hint t" the s" -
:hat trill nuc there gas tine railed \I:nl:true SI.,gi•i,t',
lit•.' Intl. and a 11'Isb,►nd jello 4 an Jnst as the ei.(1,'.tn• 4,ta,y
a turkey, rind 1 see soli eni,l'tl)t 1 8111ed the (loot, wit,'1c a ser'r11411
Lha, you :wean to pint hitt n 114.11,." n,ce',l with a torch awaited hilt A
•' Perhaps, 1.,111 dill 111' 11„7 Al: ; •,i 1':11IIre 111,1•+ I'letred Ihr".Igh the
.,b' II try •Itis'• hila s.rtlew•lter-• I -.dents of the undo. it was the
'les: it vcx4d hits 1 , s. a rr1' 1 t 1-'w inn of a ruck, at lather :!e
(anlage drama lip al tin. end . 11LeI.•,I'ltte,f.•it 01 if. lir„r(Pdint- f•..•,
street 9•11^r'' he 141)41 just 1 •faitis a henuau throat.
l.artiruli.11 he knew 1 %'.s•11•1. 11'8 alt there,” wluslter(•J :h44
there for nothing. He Iia - „ i.t:nlpj pf eters "the clerk= oil (!Ie third
Sts.salise; hnre' vats of dollars In
h'llhling a Fplendid home or hsrn
and then deliberately allow It to
s,Ter (or p.lint.
Martin-Senour Paint
l00o10 I'urr. Presr_rves
It fn.,: • the hte.g. y 4 p4 .e r.orr' of th•
word with puro linr,+•d oil. lead and
vire-making the sorters, absolutely
Impervious to climatic changes.
1t seals wool turn d,nnt•eas--pre-
Yenta it from splitting, cracking, from
sun and fn..t, blutertnt heat and blew -
Irs dust. which trip the pre-ese#4 at
decay and ruin. Gm.) pure paint burs
more than 100 cents worth of Inversely.*
at►Inst the ravage. of Ifni.
The l redfrnte of is pure paint aN
4 1111:nowt,. 10 the, main they arc Car.
bottle cf Lint, (►*Me of nc pure
well yr. -,:41 br : p,.'iseiv adept -
ea n.achln.ry. •nd Plano: with pure
hna4,1 ...1 and pure tiirprn'Leedr>tr.
A t11•I'li•a ot,rer who faits to r•'str•
r.ito fit grid a"aertanre sJ ahcNtg It.
i -V Herd, will Ate his prntw,ty value
teore'aa elide he ernwe a,:4x) a••,!
t(.-%i1•b wnnria:lria why.
Ratify iu if your dottier cannot sup•
p.y r•'ti. we'll sladl> direct )v'1 where
e11r warts can be h^d.
Refnaa All Subatitntets
trot• 1 booklet,
� Huns Heautif:a.•'
-"� • 4 a n d i:,terrvl:i.t
> color card Free
for the .stint.
Marna SeseinCe.
P,or.ee.s Pure Pa:A:
The Paint Test
A flavoring used the same a.. lemon or vcnill
By dissnlviog granulated sugar in s Ater ant
adding Slapleine. a delicious syrup it, etude and
a syrup better than maple. 'Andante 1.1. :d bt
grocers. 1f not send 500 for 2 o.. bottle and
r,•, ipa Look. CrescsntMfr. Co.. Seattle. We,
f k the paint that stands up bright
and beautiful through rain or shine.
That is what you want on your home.
You can't experiment. Let
do the experimenting for you. 'I'hry
have done it already and arc fully
guaranteed. Therefore, take no
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and be protected. 1)o you want our
booklet on house painting? It is very
Beautiful. We send it free. Ask fon
bock let ''W''
Established tint.
The Paint Makers. - Montreal.
Gasoline Engines
SIZES 2. 3. 4. 6 H.P.
They are so simple that the average farm
hand can run them, and are practically Fool
('roof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for
catalogue G.1:.-102, W.P. CO., showing full
line of engines for farm use. it means
stoney saved for you.
TERMS Special Terms to Farmers.
Branches: -Tor4nte, St. John, N.E, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver
Canadian Appreciation
1. uJhn,n Hotel, London.
(:enilcnteu, --I wish to cwt.- s my appreciation of the 38
It.p. Daimler wl:ir11 you have delivered to tic. Before ship-
ping the car to Canada I made a three ws eks' trial of it. etov-
ering smite 1,2t1I miles. The tar ran perfectly, and 1 neer
had the slightest trouble of any kind, and t think it quite lives
up to the litany claims you make for it. The silence, smooth-
ness of running, and power of acceleration on hills is renally
Iowl rkable .
My pet rut consumption was Ir, miles to the gallon, ine ind•
ing a treat deal of driving in 1! -.flit. 'fits tyres show no ap-
preciable signs of wear, Will 1 Honk it will prove light on tyre..
1 ant re:nil. delighted with tits car. Yenrs sincerely,
iaurd l ('. .I )0NE, of Toronto, Canada.
"The most
Car of the
The Daimler Motor Co., (1914) Limited,