Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 61NE MYSTERY CLERKED UP;
OR, THE I11iRl'i'A(il: OF MADAME
Maxirne bed not lost sight. of his
rely. He had followed the two
fetcigner5, and was holding himself
in ambuscade in the ftrst'turu in the
He had seem not to leave the
place until the brunette left her
bee. and to keep close in her fuel -
step so soon as she appeared. Fur -
tine than that his plan was unset -
t1( .l Whether he should approach
her as soon as she left the theatre,
or fellow her unobserved, he had
tees yet determined. The great
point was net to lose sight of her,
level to Lind ant where she lived.
"There is no longer room for;
d(•ubt," growled Maxinle; '.they
are going to the true de Vigny.
What, are they going to do t T.
make an end of C'arneel—get rid of
hint ' :1 spy, a valet., and a knave'
of a woman are capable of combin-
ing to murder a Doan who iucene
modes them; at. least- •that idea has
).ever occurred to me, but it is net
wore inadmissible than all the rest
—et least; if they do not all under-
stand each other, and the Lord
Ruhert does not, make due of the
band. I mean to set my mind at
rest, and shall stick close to the nt
till I have cleared all this up."
Unfortunately, it.was not long be -
Doomed to Suffering !N,,atau rhusnd should I have
ve `This!Tea r1EiliUEO Ile "FRUIT -A-11 '• to enter a house of which sheThat 1SAhirays
M r.es the key in her pocket. and to
there whoever she will. What! "SAL.\1):A" is grown in the finest tea gardens of
I want is ei►nply to find out what
these people arc about." the ISlaild Of Ceylon, picked every day and reaches
may act as if at iiinne,! you not later than fifteen ‘yeeks after beim; gather-
ar,•1 nothing Can escape him here.':i
"Has the house ,nether outictf'' ed. Its native purity and fine flavour are preserved
"1 don't know of any. There is in air -tight scaled "SALADA" packets. You
a garden behind, but it is enol""ll' are guaranteed tea of unvarying, good quality.
and there is no gate on plc
harbor an Bouche, March 24, 1909.
"1 suffered terribly from Biliousness
and Dyspepsia for fifteen years, was
treated by physicians and took many
remedies but got no relief. Then I took
"Fruit-a-tives", and this medicine
completely cured ate when everything
else failed. To all sufferers from Inds..
gestion, Biliousness and Constipation,
1 strongly advise them to try this
fruit medicine". Charles Barrett.
Sue a box, 6 for '2.50—or trial box,
25c. At all dealers or from Fruit-u-tivea
Limited, Ottawa.
•'Hon' i, the house arranged in-
"First there is the ground -flour,
trio, a dining -room and billiard -
room ; on the first floor a largo sa-
lon ; on the second, two bedehan►-
be rs; on the other front a small sa-
lon on the first tl•;or; on the ground-
Itt or—"
"Look interrupted Maxine'.
"there is a light in the first story."•
"True, they are lighting up the KE
1��� Jesse
large salon ; two lamps ---and wax
everywhere, quicker than the
candles. See how it is lighting up
('humps-i?lysces on illumination
(les. The dining -room's turn has cuRE
(sine now—one light—two lights—
ah, the cocatte is going to give a
ball and supper' And the larbins,
where do they conte from.? See how
Ask your grocer for a package to -day. You'll like It.
As tar Borisoff end his companion, fore the problem became still fur- they pass and repass before the
satisfied that they had left not to thou complicated. became
tot tag 1811(0 of the porter he was seeking,, windows. Tun my worts if a body;
return, he thought no more of theta, ing the Boulevard de Cuur(ellcs for s1i"Ile the unobtrusive light u1 a was superstitious he afea; believe
and was not a little surprised to see the Boriseff mansion, the hack con- lamp. the devil was making feast there,'
them reappear after an absence tot touted to roll in the direction of This curtainless window must bo for since the house was built no
a few minetes, and direct their the fortifications. that of the lodge, and looking iu both has seen the end of a candle
steps toward the hoe where Ma -
'dente Sergent still remained. Al-
ready he had ascertained that the
bex-keeper had brought her a su-
perb fur pelisse and hood trimmed
with swan's down, which recalled
ur'pleasant recollections. Evident-
ly she had begun her preparations
f.,r departure, and might he expect-
ed to leave the box every moment.
But Maxllrle had not anticipated !teeing 111ti !yell. It Was the castle (tUpll('ftc'll I)y a (•10111palllun w-hom
that her two cavaliers would return through which he had con(lucte l he. %would have been compelled to
to seek her. The door was opened, Mrtlanle Sergent one beautiful \u- ,mike the confidant of his projects,
there remained nothing but to ap-
proach the porter frankly and en-
list hint as an ally.
Unwilling to quit even for a mo-
ment his 'rest of observation, he
eoi.cluded to strike on the window
of the. lodge. At the sound the, per -
'A It 11 it, be that they intend to aw tle porter, Ills eows on a burning in it."
table and spectacles on his nose, "And you declare that for some
leave Paris!" he asked.
reading •paper,
fru% the evening's 1 r did not occur to him that Ma -g's 1)aerday: past you have seen no one
which one Of his tenants was, per-- enter?"
diene Sergent imitated the Ill)inee%- haps, awaiting with impatience. ...*
vre of the hare, who returns to its He was alone with a big cat and 1 he a eat. Monsieurtheneighborhood. ma} ask
horde after having given a long a featherless parrot. al the tenants iu the tey'd
chase. And when he saw the hack Maxinle, having to enter upon de- bef at y hinln s gone do bed they'd
step at the corner of a certain b. at the windows, and would Make
1 locate negotiations, could not have . ,tl(.Ii a stir people would collect in
street, he had much difficulty in be- been more fortunate. Not being tice streets."
"It is amazing," thought Max-
ine, "evidently they have brought
a squad of servants in the night to
prepare fur the reception of the
master and his guests. Who has
done that and for what purpose l"
"It is my notion the cocotte has
brought two rich foreigners to
-pend the night, at play and get
ter laid clown his paper, turned his their money.
'• don't think play has anything
hciid, and seeing the o« tliue of a to d„ with it.. You say there is a
Ileumthrough the panes, went small salon on the side next the
bravely to open it. garden 1"
"Fear nothing," said Masinle, "Not so small, and richly fur -
in a low voice; '•1 am the person niched. It looks like a lady's bou-
t•4 whom you gave t41911C 111f„1'11)3- dol r.”
then last month about the Prussian "That, is where she has taken the
t ve, men, while she gave orders to
"How, sir, you!" cried the man. Ii ive the apartments for reception
"at this hour:" •'
".Yes; 1 eiunc to ask you to (10 laude ready.
1119 a service. Can you let me in "That's what I said to monsieur.
—inned'nG ly 'they will begin by sitting down to
table. and certainly it will not be
"With pleasure; and 101101 11 :Is to slake way with the leavings of the
Ione as you please." Prussian. But where did they get
"''Chat is what I was )►bout to 1 .
decent .l Not carriage
and the lady all wrapped up ap-
se turd on the threshold and tuck
the direction of the stairway, es -
cot ted en each side by two person-
ages whom Maxine: 1(as sending to
all the devils.
••'fh.'y are accompanying herr'
he said, between his teeth; "this
i5 the climax. Where are they go-
ing ' To supper, perhaps, but no—
there is n mystery in the reunion of
these three creatures who have no
right to know each other, and I
51)811 find out the answer to the en-
igma if I have to pass the whole
eight en my feet."
Talking thin, to himself, Maximo
followed from af:u• the ill-assorted
trio. and arrived almost at the
same time tinder the peristyle.
There he took care to conceal hinl-
6(!t behind a gathering of talkers,
and front his pest of observation
venther night,—that in which was a
house that had been abandoned six
weeks ago by its strange tenants.
"`Shall I stop 1" inquired the in-
telligent coachman. "They are un-
loading yonder, the two gentlemen
Rist and then la pa rticnliere. They
are paying ; seems they've arrived.''
"Go on further," answered Max-
imo, "only take the other side of
the sire t, and put your horse into
a brisk trot.''
'Tilos 111111.+.'I1vi.' was not, ill con-
trived. Jus. as he reached the ris-
ing ground of Rue Jonffr!,y the bru-
nette and her companions entered
it on foot, having sent away their
The victoria continued its route,
bet as soon as it lead passed the
center of the street which the trio
had just ('Merril, Maxine• rose, put
his hand on the coachman'5 shout -
Kills Bone Spavin
Rich Valley. Alta, May '.nh. 195)9
"1 have used your Spavin Cure for a
long time and world not be without it.
Have killed a none Spaviu by Its use."
OLE C AR1,50N.
That tells the whole idol y. And
hundreds of thousands have had the
same experience in the past 10 years.
For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb,
Splint, Swellings and
all Lameness,
Kendall', Spaviu Cure cures the
trouble—makes the horse sound and
writ—gild saves money for the owner
because it removes the cause, of the
Keep a bottle always at hand- =lord
for $5. Loud for man and beast. Ask
your dealer for free copy of our book
'-A Treatise 0u The horse" 04 write us.
Olt e. J. BfROAv.L CO. Ensbary Falb, 1•t.
'1'111: 11'Il)O1W'S DOLE.
Quaint Old Custom Still Survives
in England.
In accordance with a custom be-
lieved to have originated more than
500 years ago, twenty-one aged wi-
dows of the parish of St. llarthelo-
tnew the Great, in the ward of Far-
ringdon Without, attended St.
Bartholomew's church recently to
receive sixpence, which they had
to pick off a gravestone.
This custom is stated to be the
survival of a bequest left by a lady
for the provision of doles for wi-
dows over sixty years of age. on
Condition that players were offered
f Ir her soul every Good Friday.
Whether the tradition is correct
I or nut is open to question, as there
RAW R4)riSofl separate himself from (l.•r, and said, in a low voice: a eccn pro% a
the little group. push aside one of -Quick! '1'o the right: Stop near a)k. There is something new—oven from Poles or Chabot has been seen is no known record of the bequest.,
the doors separating the exterior the other side, and do not budge shoe. But do not Ieavt' Ine longer fu outer Hue J„uflrey.
A.11! the it I and although the tombstone from
bight of stairs from the vestibule .4II 1 return. Here are twenty in. the street. I don't wish to b'' ttunivalors are disa pearn They which the n, to is picked is sup,
1 1 B• rinsed to be that of the benefactress,
ani beckon t•• ....one one. Maxlllle francs in advance. It is possible i !ren over Sunder.' a,•,; g,.. 11 to stn) )Or."
g p 1 it i5 %o crumbled with age that it
( o u• continued.)
. is impossible to say whose it is.
Various persons have left small
suras to continue the gifts. The last
wac left by a Fleet street station-
er named Butterworth, which,
with interest accruing, supplement-
ed by gifts from the church war-
dens, yields 12s. 6d. a year.
It. is easy 10 see (seep mystery in
yt lir faith where there is only
understned toned .►tl ly that 110 111:1.1 keep you here all night. 1 (Dole, sir; I ant running, and! T I ti 1 )
t..,, ordering a voter to advance -0(,.,d:" sneered the sly coach- having closed the window and
n carriage, --a hack to all appear- Ulan. '•I understand. You are af- drawn the cord, M. itidard went _s
ante, for the servants of the boy- tee la J►Ilnticuliere. This sort of himself to receive his unexpected
• r41 were nut there awaiting their bl:Sine:ls always annum% me. Have vi'itur.
Master. u) fear. I was fresh when 1•eu "Quick'" said Maxim', gliding
ie vain In set one's good limbs leek me, and lay horse will hold int,. the alley. ''Let Its go in; and
and twenty -file Yeats against a pair good till nl .ruing. And if yon have inv. out the. lights I beg, or hide it
need of me, e311 1111' in."
"I don't say no," replied Max-
nrt', :is ht! -et foot ton the ground,
raugemetits to follow them. It se alt 1 he rout to gain his 3lmhuseade I lEdard pocketed them, and thrust
happe•lecl that, just as he darted II!, the corner of the street. tile lamp under the table, mutter -
out. nn uncovered victoria was p'r,- Ile arrived just in time to see the ing •
hint rho Itemise at slew pace, .suit• ' laity ring at the door formerly "Monsimtlr. i thank you all the
en b!• a freebooter in dear') •'t glia rded by the cerberus %vita the same, but can assure yon Idhat what
prey. Ile wool:l have preferred :t I •. mustache. ,1 de is 11.,( frons calculation."
close r.trriage, but there was 1110The dour opened iinI.,ediately,1 ' 1 1111) All IT of it. Now station
yr he ses, et on hired ones, and
Ilia stn•.• older-t,u•d that not a min-
ute nn to be lost in making his a r -
in a corner if you can't put it out. Nee .tee•illelltid Ili:envery Gives
Anti to idemnify you for disarrang- startling Itesulls Puts 1'I1•Ii ell
ilia you. here are two loris." 'thin People and Rounds Ilei Ira•
perfect Figures.
Simple Prescr- iption Girfn.
i'or W011lell— 111111 11091 1111/, for
that matter --who can never appear
stylish with anything they wear, by -
(dieted :"t(1 he ju111pcd mte the one: ell 1 closed behind ,Madame Sergeut'yourself' as sentry- with me behind cause of abnormal thinness and :tit-
tle t of, red. with n few very intel-i and her friends. - 1 the window, and let us talk." gularity, this remarkable prescrip-
lirible Words to the c'aehotau, in 11axitne was stupefied, astound -I The man hnstenrd to follow a loo. is d'stined to strive the prob-
lem As n beauty maker for the
figure it is simply wonderful while
it odds brightness to the eyes, and
makes then) move. Moreover, this more he reflected the less capablei '•When did the tenants over there color to the cheeks and lips. it
iman was one 44took k in half � dei he feel of explaining it. return '•' asked . this muuificent requires no particular dieting, but.
a word. He drew tip against the,, itut he must act, or, nt least, try stranger. nets as an aid to nature by its pe-
si.le of Rue Halevv, nod awaited' (•i penetrate this st•rnnge mystery, ''Iteturn : Monsieur knows the either action 011 the nerves and
fin ther rade!.. How' was lie to go about it Happy hessian left six weeks ago, and l,l„(5J supply. The hl 1 and nerves:
Turning toward the theatre, ititas are smnetitnes bort) ..1 great nothing has been heard of him, and ti;s(rihute et er the !eels., all the
ltir,xin:e Raw the brunette 01 the perplexities. `..•thing ever will.” le urishm('nt or flesh building ele
Rink and the toe foreigners get in 'Turbid, : f cannot do better ' Either by hien er 1►y some ether ,:,lilts obtained from the foist. The
a large hack with four )eats, which tl an consult Illy eld acquaintance,. ti house is occupied nosy." trouble with thin 1►eople has always;
touted toward the ('hati,see (1' An-inv. porter opposite. He roust have •• By rata and mice, then. Eye's-- been flint they de not raiser)) or re- I
tin. Ili! only s.lIjl'l 11•'w ad:, to, a pretty geed i.`e.He4't ..0 ul tile. 1 thorn; is shut up. ns monsieur i1135 tAlli 'II•etigh of the fleshy r113tter tot
follow this hark who 11 meted easy. cave hint twenty frailest ev(ry linu!.,o •. and nothing has budged since snake them gain in weight even to
as the peaceable heats which led 1 i talked with hint, and this evening; this l'ru-siren decamped." a normal extent ; but this new (lis -
it lratrllr(1 al a Isito(1etnte'1)(4il will ttlliingl) Kite hint forty if he; 'You must be nll`t tkerl.'' cuvery ••1 blending certain hartilless,
-Where are they glint•:' They %iii consent to serve me. 1 eccn' ' oh, nes sir. i pass half the day dings i- a retelatien to science, and,
Are leaving Ile bons.''. trd, cense- think he would not refuse me his ei, the door -step since the weather hnndre.Is have gained from ten tot
(tr'rttly the night rr.1-iurnnts; then edge as an enhuscadc. I'tovide I I: fine, and no one ha.( been in the f..rty pounds in a few weeks. There
tiles Ifo not intend le sup -that is. 1111' 1114111 Inas not gen' to bed: ' !muse. i nrlswer for It with rely: is no danger of becoming tun fat.
111)'',44 they are going 1t sill) nt Il,` looked at his ‘,....14, and saw head. and 1 beg monsieur to believe; %Cl.en you get the right weight then
llelLuff - Ye'. me; they would it wast calf.past l('lI. ' I set stere by 1111• head." stet, using.
lint, take., Rue Scribe. It ii true '.\o," he resun'••'1, 11,040 ten • .t woman and two men are; The general health and strength
lieu all ',ids lead to lle)lle." nets cannot retire -•.,:l. I'-•! n.' Cerro at this el.•lllent. I hate just; is greatly Improved in anyone (relit
'fin.' postai-Or (mind this ctenir)g time is to he lost." .•et therm go in." 1the ago of sixteen to sixty. We-
il, application. ,Arrived at the The street, well halite i by the • ".%n.1 the Prussian is one " men seen get plump. with well
doss -street whence alight be seen city gas. n41! Silent. and deserted ••\o: they are froeigners whom I, rounded nems and full bast, and
the church of In Trimit••, the hock Nos a passer by. not a settnd. M•IS- ).new, and de not r1'.emble 111e1 filet! become straight, strong-leekturned to the left awl ftle!1 slonq itee glided the length of the wall, hear. ft is not the first time the; int. and healthy.
the li..ulcvard II :Jesse, a le which 11, he had dons• hpfore en his first is .man has eentt here in the nicht. - le a hell pint bottle get tutee
ceded :an the Ceideva4(1 Mele.h,•r- expedition to this quarter, and at 1 escorted her to the doer the night , •'Duces of essence of Irepvin and
tit e(1 W1the'tlt r nuelititot lt)i� a lit- ltlg before I cattle to ,veii for informal- lose.' en.,ee syrup Of simile rh.!
Creature at his wished t"r heves. (lett Aril owl Om( clay 1 told 1.011 the Teel, 1. :1!I(.1 one ounce compound t'!•
From thk 444'!1 chosen site he di•: ; name she gate me Madame Se ,, n (3r(liul. 'finite and let start,'
celned. in hill. Madame Sergent'.' woo." t , hours. Then odd one toupee •
1115 t-terietis 11al,itati.'9, slid l"''''i • "1 ret•elleet. Monsieur Ih.ught : t)L('t.11'e eade111C11e C',lllp„Ittl(1 (ant'
1)111)e.1 that r., light ttas 'i•ibl..,she was a eecette. And monsieur enldamen,l. Take a teaspoonful he -i
from tie• windows. .111 was sombre is certain she is within with the f"rr• 4111(1 )titer meals, and weigh he-
fts un the evening he had eso'.rtetl gentlemen'" fere beginning.
h.'- freun the Rink. Evidently the eebselittell certain.” - ,f,
''riiis .,..hire ':eke i, ver t'eUgh ,
t..v Icy'." "Now, h•e.v can that bet
I tell the nein (•1 give Itle the
yoonge-t, tendcre=t sponges he
Ids character ..f ( xperrenced Paris- cels petrified. met.sieur who gave princely pour-
inne he knew well h 'w- to speak to This denouement WRs the only utle I. huires, end had ways as mystCri-
1hi� ('lass in the Inuguage. that he hind not contemplated, and the ` nus Itte a hero of romance.
Camphor ice
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
capsicum. t!.rated. Menthnluted, (',rho.
tared, l'amphorat(d, 4thtt, Uildc of ;She,
etc. Each for sl'cla) perp.».-, 4'. :t,• fur
Pres Vaseline Ijonk.
370 Grata et. W., Montreul
There's s natiafaetbn ins p-rfe.tly
painted house rinalar W wh,•n or.%w t.xly
is protected by gcs.) stout clothing,
rain -coat, top -•'oat and sturdy boots.
7 he protoctlon sflnrded prop- :' v after
the vain: coating 1. word down to the
taro w`a'd Is no (rester man garments
worn down to tbu Itolcj.
1Oo% Puree
ppnntr.•'R ynar property w that 11 enters•s,
from roast ss hardy. rusee.l and etn.n.
SS It rolr'rod. Quality do.'.. It, Iteitb•
st%nds theora nt winter etnr.•
temrast.. rrp'm
chansss of ternperatu, e.
humidity and Dm dulmt.graling effects
of snn wind. enld, rein, nail and snow.
Everrll.tng That -wrwl. Ie pot.. I'.verr•
thine (4,f dot,n'r i, lel Irl. That'. *to
the nnatlty In.us.
If ywrdev:er cannot .nppI7 von,nnt I
Viand we will gladly ltre,•t you t. %Lers
o5r valeta at• to be b.,4.
Welts fro. illuttrat..t
• booklet. 'Horn.
Dcantt(u I." and
T interesting color
rant Fre'efor
(P c aeL ing,
Plan Pare Pei
A Astro:aq nsed the same a, lernon r.r vanilla.h
fry va►olv,ug (rands%ted saga: in a stet .n?
u .d:n,( Mapleiue, a del:riun► s)7up,a made s::!
a syrup better than maple. Mapinne is old bi
fe.-:t. If mot ...TA `R for ...t bottle sn
rr, ipe book. Cr.e.Sat MN. Co., S.attle, Wo,
be a.
'thee would se els I$..tis.f( it
taking there to his own II.r11rr,"
$'turn►„yrd Mrxi.ue.
The t ietoris maintainer) its dis-
Sance witin•ut diff)!^Ilts. the ....eh
O)a1e. en Did stager. h)utnni, 1 in :1
lea r..i. c Fahtbach's polka.
It was net the first time he had
Torsed a eiti•en in watching a wo-
J111an, aad he knew that such expe
ditior. •ere alw•riys well paid.
Before tM d•'orwav of Saint An-
Itxtili this-ituatiori began t•. deftn:•
receiving teems did not look ell th,', ''Then that lotus.• is the Tour de
stlret. t N'slc,” cried the porter; '.there
(lti the other hand. he tb.erseil, must he honor. going on there.
t.rsfa(•ti,.n. that (rete Ft';,pese I au fe.r lite puttee.''
n window 4•n the ground -floor of the • �(e ; 1 have reasons for net lost
with a lively s*
elnelling c.•nlidod 1', the fu. -veil in j recourse to the Iw.liee. Resides. had.
is made for you.
!see about it. 11
Canada for nearly
the greatest skill.
It will pay lou t.•
has been made in
reventt• )ear% wit!,
It is known as
And it mean%gain to ),1u when you u.,'
it. Remember that you get the big),
standing' durability test and beauty of
torte that vuu can't gel in other paints,
and the price is always r, ,sonahl.'
imros%ihte to he in the le.w grade h,
never to,, high. 11'c issue a lovely
bo.'klet nu house painting. Do you
want it ? \;-rite for Booklet "t1'.
We noel i' fro.•.
The Pat,t Mdi(rs
_•_'xC� Ztlllift__
.,...,1 Gasoline Engines
.51/CS a„;, 4, (r M.P.
They are so simple that the average Wm
hand can run them, and are practically Fool
i'root and Frost Proof. Send to -day for
catalogue G. I;. -boa, W.P. CO,, showing full
line of engines for farm use. It memos
oweeI money saved for you.
TERMS Special Terms to Fotrrv,.-ra
Sran:hff, Tor ate, St sere, 11 e b,!nntn.. „ Ciigary, Vaeccussr
111---• y ----.- ----'..ems