Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 6A FAITH FOR THE OPEN IND Il'liere is no Shorter Road to High Faith Than Love of Truth and Hatred of a Lie "1 have chostu the way of right and truth. justice and honor exix. 30. !will not fail, does it matter to him NO man ought to be rubbed of the ;then why wrote the book of Job or pleasures of religion for his own i that of Daniel t The thing that life simply because he finds himself matters is that he has found a aim- uuable to accept the limitations of '),!(• programme of mike) and sees certain other minds. Nu manta new and glowing ideal before him. seeds to believe that the truth for' He cane get aid oat of .lob while in al; men roust of necessity find its dc.ubt its to its author. way through the atuallcst menta!! NO ratan can walk life's ways with spigot amongst thein. Truth c:uinot'eonftdenc•e who has based lois high - be thus confined. eat hopes on foundations that he There is a religion for the open dare not cyainiie. A religion that wind. It i, found in full faith 'n is afraid of facts results in a char - truth. in confidence that truth is acter without stability because larger than any of our means of , based on a philosophy of t(njeeturo measurement, greater than all our or deceit. definitions; it gives assurance and Somehow to those who set them - hope that life has an ever inereas- selves in absolute uhedien.e to ing richness of meauiing which be- truth. who walk with the open mind comes ears as we face forward in- waiting her word, who follow each to truth. It believes in the right day that eula aging light, there and best that is coming to be. comes a wonderfully refreshing This means to take our lives in sense of the reality of things divine, terms of rational development, to a sense of a universe great enough to take into itself all the best that u,ru have dreamed concerning. THE MOST HIGH. accept the universe as a part of the process of growth, to believe that the highest hepcs that have thrilled the breasts of mea, hopes for free- dom, justice, love, and right, hopes for a nobler world and at larger, To the travelers en that way comes, too, a sense of fellowship No one knoweth the Son — Even Jelin had shown his comparative ign orance of the meaning of Christ's life The unreasonable crow(' who had discarded the wailing of John also rejected the piping of Jesus. The favored cities had remained stt,lidly unrepentant. Only the Fa- ther knew him. The Son, on the other hand, is alone in his knowledge of the Fa- ther (an amazing assumption if J( sus is less than the church has o alv ays affirmed). In a manner that is forever beyond others he knows Camille Flammarien, the fatuous among these meteors there are some God the Father Almighty. AFrench astronomer, in discussing vely large lues and ee ought to l uwlPdgte of the Father, also, he Hailey's comm and the yuestinn'take advantage of the exceptional- elr.ims to be able to reseal to those whether its tail will tench the earth, 1 Is favorable approach of the comet wheel he shall choose, who must vet rtes as follows :- i to endeavor to measure the size of he, as before, the cimple}tearted. 2e-30. 'Those n he are without this Our readers have learned of the these blocks. 1t is admitted that communicated knowledge of the ghastly experience of that modern there ca n he distinguished ai dark Feth er are plowing a hard furrow, 0)ilx'uille who, through fear of apes•. of u tenth of a 'eeond int (pia and must labor aithout rest, and Hulley s cornet, committee} suicide meter standing out from the back- alcne. If they \►ill come unto the other (lay in Hungary, r --,fere ground of a luminous disk. Christ. and learn too bother': will ring, he said, to kill himself in ad -I A: the distance of the comet on from him who is alone able to teach \'ante rather than to be killed by , Ma'' 1`., that is to say, twenty-three • he will bear their heavy bur- the wandering star. At the 1110- million kiluruett•es, we might be able Tail of the &reat Comet C'an ills l�l;uunrtrion, the . 'tronolnelr, 1)iscusses Its Composition. ass den with them and make it Tight. The yoke is nut an extra burden, hi t only the itnplcment by which the 01(1 burden is made light. It is nut for one, but for two, to I wear. In the double pull the yoke becomes easy and the burden light. 4 JL1t'Fl,S AT ('ol'R'I'. Soule of the Fines( Gents; l'osscseeed by English Women. At the two courts held this spring rubies were the favorite genas. and freer being have been but our faint with all who have lived for truth, a some of th*' finest of these stones di'•c•ernings of a glorious and divine consciousness of the onward press- in England were to be seen. At the purpose that runs th;ough all. iug of this great company into larg- first court Queen. Alexandra wore The faith for the open mind holds er living, into a richer world, a the Cullinan diamond and at the that it is butter to spend our days nobler la oven and earth. so that second she wore on her corsage the seeking out the enlarging, clearing the any has more Tight before than famous Agincourt slime, a pigeon vision before, even though now it behind and the best is yet to be. blood ruby which belongs to the seams far off, faint, and dill, than Here is a faith Werth while, to ('t•cwu of England. to wear them away in faking pias- believe that there is moving us all, Another wonderful ruby which ter casts of the footprints of working through us all, the great miikes rare appearances in public OUR YESTERDAYS ; sl.irit of life, that which leads ns and was visible at the second court it believes that if WP Will find the all on into clearer Views of truth, was Lady Carew's uncut stone of 1.e.rd of all life anywhere it will be het ter knowledge of the ways of life, 1::% carats which is over Cin inch its the living present and the vital Ickarer sight of he faces of one 1'.ng. It was obtained in Persia by future rather than in the dead past. ent.ther. deeper love and nobler lie- Lady Carew's great-unclo some fif- That faith plants its feet on as- i ag until we shall attain to that for ty years ago. On its four sides it. curtained facts; it can conceive of %'•1,ich in ourselves we know vve'carries the names and titles of the no conflict between truth in one I were born and meant to be. ;four great Emperors to whorn it form and truth in another, but itt This is to believe th't 1h:s is a' has belonged. discerns between our descriptions! world of orderly progress, that ; It has been bored from end to of the truth we see in ehildhood i here all things work t.,eether for sed and has evidently been worn as and that open to the clearer eyes! this great and far tiff goo(!. not. for a necklet or armlet threaded em a of m:uthoed. That faith would en l' try prizes of the pre -en' alone. re rd. Lady Carew has had it thet be lost reverencing the fart i to he confident that this living el insulated with a diamond for sus - than saved by some contract or ere- ours is 1 highway and not a foul'- pension from :a neck--c•hnin and it dence in a pious fiction. maze, to take life in such clivi•.,• i•. as a pendant that she wears it. Supposing a man steps out on this tnrrns and to yield ourselves to its Her jewellers were anxious it faith. that this is an orderly world, high and heavenly purposes. sl•' old he mounted in n tiara, but a just universe, where in the end FF\ RY F C'Ol'F i I THE SUNDAY SCHOOL I\'TE:RNATIONA1. I,1:SSO\, APRI1. 21. '.moon 19'. Warning and Invita- tion, Matt. 11. 20-30. Golden Text, Malt. 1I. 2y. Verse 20. The cities condemned are Chorazin. Rethsaida, and Ca- per -flaunt. The mighty works done in those places and elsewhere cou- atitlite d the reply of Jesus to the anxious question of John, and to tit unstable, childish multitudes he had declared that these works were his vindication. They relented not—Most of them were Jews, who had no conception of a necessary change of heart be- fore they could belong to the king - don: of Gee. Ae children of Abra- ham, and therefore sons of God, they looked upon their membership in the kingdom as a matter of course. 21 (ehorazin- Not mentioned else- melt when more than one person to see any opaque beefy measuring is disquieted by the event of the abe,ut 11.2 kilometres in width. We night of May is -10 next, and when ca,` hardly huge to discover solid the attention of the entire world nu►sses of such as size in the nuc - is concentrated on the deeds stud leus, but it would be in itself an actions of the comet, while the:important, result to Karn with eer- n'tronomers are actively studying tainty that there do not exist pro - anti vha(•iously discussing the prob-; jectiles so enormous in a comet's lent of comets, we think it is inter-' head. It will be for the astrono- estiug to review here the sugges-I niers stationed in the Far East to liens which Mr. \V. H. Pickering, .undertake this search, for they will 1. ercwn color. If tee be used dry of the Ohserv;ttory of Harvard Col-, he' in the hist conditions to follow serve at. once. If for water toast, lege, has just made apropos of Hal - the passage of the comet in broad dill each slice quickly into hot salt- ed lcy's comet and its approaching daylight. .,,..t meeting with the earth. The most important question for t}rs majority of the inhabitants of oar planet is to know whether the gigantic tail will he so extended as May 18 to 19, about two o'clock in to sweep the surface of the globe ort the morning, Paris time. Howev- evcn to envelope us entirely in its ere the exact hour will depend on waves of vapor. It is difficult 10 the length of the tail at that um - affirm anything up to the present met and also its form:if it is IHOME. 11H11******310114 I►ISIIES FOR THE SICK. Tea -t rot• Garnishing. For poached eggs, cut the Mead into rounds with a large cake . utter be- fore toasting. For small birds or asparagus, remove the crust, and cut into oblong piece . For ,winces and fricassees, vet into small sgvareS or di:messes. For a Ma- de,. cut, after toasting. into inch and a half squares, and then into hales diagonally, leaking tri - tangles; or cut into lung'te.iuted tri- angles. ('119ped Crackers.-- Split butter crackers and spread with butter; put them, the buttered side up, in a pan, and brown in a► hot oven. They are delicious shit aItite and vegetable soups, and in fish Chow .` der and oyster stews. They can he prepared in a short time, when it is nut convenient to fry eruntons or to toast over an open tire. '''cast. --Cut stale bread iu thin slices. Place them) in a funs a ire broiler, and move the broiler over a clear fire. turning often, until the bread is a lut;'e,rrtr golden FOR EUROPEAN OBSERVERS. serve hot. Milk ''bast.—Put a pint of milk Lurupean observers may see the inlu a spider, and a large tablc- taii cross their sky in the night of spoonful of butter, and let the milk boil about five minutes. Have the bread toasted till dry, but not bitiiie 1. Put, the slices in the milk acrd boil till quite soft. Remove to a dish and pour the milk over them. slightly curved we will pass its axis ('ream Toast.—One pint of milk time, but we ran recall that in al this celebrated comet has spread must all its previous appearances a little later. The combined speed or cream, two even tablespoonfuls of the earth and of the tail at the flour, two tablespoonfuls butter, in space an elegant tail, sometimes. moment of meeting will - be 4,600 immense but generally of medium' kilr.met•res (2.875 utiles) a minute, length. Nevertheless, on the occa-I oe 27G 000 kilumet.res (172,500 miles) sista of its IxsI, visit in 1835, a re-! ' an hour. If oetrryatio,5 can be rnaikable phenomenon oecurred;'rnade under good atmospheric con during its perihelion passage, which Inions they will show us whether took place on Nov. 16, the c•onlet the tail is hollow or full, elliptical le st its tail, so that when it, reap- tie or circular in the plane of its sec - peered on the other side of the ti„1, or,what is more probable, sun it had the appearance of a' whether it is of irregular constnlo- round nebulosity, without an ap-1 tion. pendage, and it was only later. j 1' it be admitted that this eau - planet it reached the distance of the' (lei appendage is exclusively cont- plancl Mars, that a new tail was formed. I pored of electrift, d gaseous mole- bee interplanetary wanderer had Lulus, very far apart one from the bee • found on Aug. 5, 1835, and it other, with whirl) is mingled minute ten minutes. wa, on Oct. 2 that astronomers be- curmie dust in insignificant. gaol- Oatmeal. -=Put a teaspoonful of one-half teaspoon salt, and six slic- es dry toast. Heat the milk, melt the butter in a granite sauce pan, add the flour, mix well and stir in or.e-third of the milk. Stir till it thickens and is smooth, then add the remainder gradually. Add the salt. 1)ip the dry toast in hot salt- ed water ; put it in a deep dish and pour the thickened cream over each slice. Broiled Fillets of (Chicken. --Re• !neve the bone from the breast and thighs. Rub the meat with but- ter or olive oil ; season and cover with fine cracker dust. Broil about ' that would not s tow t le inscrp- gal to witness the birth of the first +tions, which form its must remark- tail. --_---- - ---- : nl,le feature. The face that four • 22. More tolerable sot Tyre anti Ea`tern Emperors had then• names PRODIGIOUS ACTIVITY. Sidon Teaching that judgment will incised upon it proved that it must The nucleus. which until then had p)r.c•ec(1 according to the a(l-ant hose been regarded as a tt•asured appeared feeble and small, Sir John ages which people have had. and heirloom and a powerful talisman. th • use they have made of them, i ,i, guilt aitd cendeinnation being rein -1 ti.e. '1'111: Q1 INTA OR CUBA. sending mut to a great detanee rtir- 23. l aprneuum The hcadyt,ar lents of light. 'f his emission, after re - ten, of Japerius during the C:a!ilnran Atinuiil I/rawing for the :1rmy or hating stopped for a time, was re- rnioistry -his "awn city” (Matt. 9, Nary in Spain. newed with still more violence, 1) 8. completely have. the bucca, At the age of rightefIt, ever. rerching its maximum intensity on of 1'apernaum been obliterated malt Spaniard becomes liable to Oct. 8, and continued with intermis- sions its destruction that a long and serve either' in the Army or Navy. `ions until the luminous matter, ci.i yet unsettled t'outovettiy oras, Bt.t. the Government does not need, thrown out in whirlwinds and eject - been waged over the qln"-tiou of or cannot afford, as many soldiersed backward in the dirietion uppo I ori tit e•rfAtt A Herschel relates, became suddenly much more brilliant. It seemed to be the seat of n prodigious activity, it. location. Exalted unto heave: - An ndnp. Cation of the prophecy in tsta. 14. 1:)-15. Was ever city more highly favored? it was the only place where Jeses (vas said to be "at millions. Hence the gninta. ur home" (Mark 2. 1, margin). eh<osing by lot of those who are to Hades --The term employed in the serve in the national forces. New Testament to describe the The word quints literally means abode of d'•1'art'd spirit. !Metal- the selection of every fifth man, or lv. it means "the hidden place." one man out of every five eligibles. consid4'rnhly rhangc•. Here it is used, svtnbolieally, to The r nittta takes lace once a year picture the desolation and humilia- in every- towns. and all the males This \ arinhility ..f lite loolloous tion to which t'ac once proud and' resident in the district who have currents may hr explained by a ro lofty city shall he subjected. jut completed their eighteenth taly movement of the nucleus about . P the mighty works had been yea • are called upon to partici- it'1 axis, and this will be a plleno- done in Sodom. the people, instead pate. 'Those whorn fortune ap- melon of particular interest to where, either in the Old Testament (,(•applauding his miracles and fol- pi int• to serve their' country are astronomers of Japan and Austra- or the Gospels. It was a town lowing. after hien as a hero. would forthwith drafted into Lite Army o1 Ila, who will observe in full day- or tto miles from ('apernaunt, have listened to his message and Nnv;'. light. on May lh next, the passage hailed dont As their deliverer if Exemption may lee bought in time of the (Neuters nucleus before the. au:'. sailors as there are young men s'tc t0 the won, ► in the country. The peace fta ting batons and transparent mass. The of the Army is only h0,000 and eat tn.' "was born. • the Navy about 6,000, in a country During the poria' e.f this feernta- of which the population is seventeen tte'r, the luminous jets %arirct enn- stautly in form and were projected sp,metimes from 41)14' part of the nucleus, sometimes from the other; it 4 phases followed one another with such rapidity that from • pe day to the next its aspect 'chewed a,..! pa••sed very early into decay. itetlisaida - - Some authorities Sodom. in n clay of small things, of peace. the nrnonnt, payable being thenk there were two places of this,- was blotto d out for its iniquity, how !.'f,3 : lint youths approaching the name. According to this belief ono lgreat should be the condemnation military :age frequeiely leave the was Bethsaida Julias, on the east of Capernaum! (omnis before t ►ey are summons sun But it will also be nece'•'.ars t,y, the number o Da1.a- •f sail'. end a scant quart of boiling I which will appear on this anlc'us \stair in the top of a double boiler night will nut. be as considerable' on 1 place it on the stove. When as one Wright imagine. It is esp/e-, t1►� water boils, add gradually one easily about May ti that they should • curial. a coarse oatmeal. al. Conk apt car, when we will arrive in the. ter► minuteo, then atom it. in Cook .r(i will of the comets orbit. Thin licttoni of the double boiler and lel we will doubtless witness some c( feet analogous to that of ,lune 3o, . it cook one hour. Put a tablespoun- 18el. On that date it seems very , fol of salt in the water in the lower probable that the earth 1rovers. d boiler. l'hcn dune remove the the tail of a comet, an c\rIll uhh ie,:eowyr, stir with a fork to let the moreover, passed unperceived by : steam escape. Srr.r it, on n platter the majority of the inhabitants of ;8'1;1 garnish with baked apples. the terrestrial globe. firownct) (lice.- ('ook one capful Nevertheless, Mr. Hind, the as i i'f sire with three cupfuls of tnilk t.tonon►er, in England, noticed in 'm " d"iible boiler until suit. fialt the heavens a very singular phos- • P•..1 It w iib one trnspoont of salt phurescent glow, and 111 r. Lotwe,and one tablest oral of butter. noted that the heavens presented1 ick it closely in a mama'' bread pan. n pale yellow appearance, recalling "hen cold Cut. it in half i►yh Slit."11111•. of the Aurora, although the largest' lar41then' tlelicatel y in hot sun ea. well below the horiron. • butter. Or ""1.1141 the ,•Trow slight- Iy with butter. pat their in a fine, This observation was recorded on; w(ll battered gridiron, and color the daily register of the parochial. a light. brown user a e!'ar fire. ehure•h before it became known that : pried ('hieken. Singe ;eat nl the Thr cath had met the rail u/ a ,•i).ts; remove the 1,,taast banes. appreciably obscured and the comet \tripe each piece with a clean wet presented a marc nebulous appear-; cle.th : dredge with sail, pepper, mice than on the pr4'e:eding nights. ! and flour. aria saute f arm In net vi a sec that if things pass as in ; salt pork frit till brown and tender, lht'. it may he possible that the tailibat. not burned. Arrange on a dish Will not rrnelt our world. ber•ausetwitii hoib•d c•alalillt 1,' or p41late it. v ill disappear after the perihel- t.I,ibaln, nod pour A Alit', 1Auer over i,lu pn. sae, u hien will tike place i them. Ot trip in egg and crumbs and fry in deet, hot fat and serve hairy star. 'the at.ne,sphere a as •• on Apiil 20. On the other hand, Mr 'Inward. the astronomer, of the Yokes Observatur; . has al - featly rer•nsnred the length of the present trail. MI 1rh. 3 and Feb. 10, with tomato sauce. Chicken Broth. ('lean the chick- en and separate it. at the join's. Renit,.e all the skin and fat. Cover that the head of the cornet pos- rite rhicke n with cold anter. Add susses a certain consistency t0 re- and has found that length to be 8, "an lahlespoonfla! ..f call, one •ntt- main visible during the tittle of its 000.000 kilometres t)n the sante s na' l of e , ' r. one she en - Ji h ! tt 1 d flan tern shore of the lake. Near it was I 25 30. In all the l,ospels there is t•• the g•linta. 1 it in arm 'OP .\r- passage before the dazzling disc ut "(nt,(K►Othe tii(trles,f Thetile same astrus! p S 1 tun sherd. homer until the clock - the desertp)aee where the feeding ;no passage more rcrtainly an au. gentine Republic, both spec ish• th• siin :era i.. tender. Ilen,rne the heal part of the multitude occurred. It was;Lhcntic nttrrnure of Jeans than this speak'rtg cuuntrirx, vthrrr we.tk is Noe '►f r. 1'iek4'ring adds that the metier remarks as to this /11(1 that of tilt• meat, nu<I put the hones and b.head of n r41nu•t is e•,tnpesed of a the et,itsiderable extent of the tail gristle hark to simmer until the raised to the rank of a city by ic,t)r and yet it covers everything 11'hilip the tetrarch, and giv,:n the that John's Gospel claims for name of Caesar's daughter. The t ('}arise. other Bctlisaida was en the west- ie3. Lord of heaven and earth - eern shirr of the Ink. not far from Ilec•Anso the Father i• sorb it is Rbnnclnnt, nm fur commort's1 o saa110 of meteors and a small 1 e e months b•fer( the perihelint. jceti.es of the •,ons of ili aerkinq u bones art clean. Wash and s oak quantity or gas extremely rnrcfned'lyrs1►41l,es"lintwwillbe onnlao tablespoonfuls of rice half 111 classes flying from rnn•erileti.•n. \vllich can only be discovered by the pl*'tcly inuncrsed in that app' hdngrr + _ hoar. Strain the broth. Remove F11iH. !possible :spectroscope. Ther meteors roust (•npernaum, and ons known as i possible for dint to make known 1 a be eery much separated from one it(thsaida of Galilee. Here lived. twill unto whom he will. Ile has no Fish l'ie. •-Pick into srnull 1'"' ' another, for they do not prevent Siunun, Andrew, and Philip. This one seeing the hackgronnd of the 1 communications her there who are ar.y left over cele1 fish and put in heavens. even through the central is the place upbraid(d 1,,. Jesus.iconnplacently wise in their ov.n un- baking dish. Pone over it white ,pal' of the nucleus. On the other There are new but few ruins to;(ler'.tandinu. b1,t to those who are m.uuee of flour, butter and water er hand. the ,,cculntun of a star by n ntatk the site of the 'ancient city. :s;tnpie hearted as babes. and there-. part )silk. ('over Nith tseasnn4'•!comet has been o),scrve•(i several Tyr*' and Sidon -These two i'hoe•' fore reedy to receive the truth en'insshed petat"es an inch and a half tinmes, and it leas nlwa s be,n no. natant) towns are often couple/I to- 1, good soil, he is rends to re%eaI it. di re. sprinkle telt with buttered; fiver' that the latter does not di gether in ancient history, both be -I 2t1. For so it ons well -pleasing - litund cimobs, anti bake. Left 0% '•r Ininish or alter i1 any say ti., in, of extreme antiquity. The for- The motive that prompted (rod in:cul(i pleats are nice for this pie. ; bright nes' of the color '•f the 0:1r 111. r ens sixty miles northwest of this method of revelation ens that, Stewed Seie with '1'ornnto Sauer. in front of it Melt it pai•-es. Ti:r. ('aprrnaur11, And Sidon, fort} miles he preferred to have in his king ! 1 rat one .1ua11 ui canned tematae'•observation was made en Hanes •• north. From both places the(1• ,n teadhable rhildern rather than I in a saucepan with a teaspoonful e01041 itsc11 in Is:t3 by St ave a: crowds came to attend upon the'at reent 'pretenders. Jesus AS- ri.. i. of finny chopped parsley, salt.' 1)t.rpat and by (ilnisher in England, ministry of Jesus (Luke G. 17). The 'stones an elm -dote knowledge of the, and olive oil, one finely 011 cloy nod more 1(etntly 0i!1 on (lee. 5 litttscd Vervi.e, makes it plain ,;,. (Ix r• which le erupt (hod to eel 1of gnrlee a Neel' of 5IIga1'. pepper :hist by Herr .trchenhold, of the (Mark 7. 24, 31) that irsus visited p„r,. an'1 8 dash of (•atyenme, and (Ole cup 'I'rrptow Observltor', Berlin. who th, se towns which belonged to the ; .Iii ti,ittgs . . . delivered unto of cold eater. S'mmer for on "\• 1) of the (;entilcs.” He teats MO- .•'The tl,11110rit,• which the I'nther,ha, s1•.• the comet !.1a before n very'( hour• then lay in the fish. ad- pair star of tIic 1N•elfth mlgtiilu(lc *Pea's" t'' so itnpressed by the rag• has in heaven at,d earth he cerrtrnits I ding; a little water if there he not : without altering its light er its eel- err•e, • 1 tit '•e people. shote light ' t" Id. tell. JelU1 rte rt'1scd that 1 `tslTe ,•nt lip. 1e ''sok• pleat rap. ,.r. We may cotn-!11(le then that the *1'.1 .•1� er111nities erre ere tntt,•h ntltIi'•'11\ .latter the limitations of, the yell: of an r' trill' the dice 1 r'. ittlientrl•t to tit' untie!:e1 of 1 1 ug ) (S11'1 11p not nlll(te•tg.� 111\' t ftotyt or tit,. Ili'•.►. im . r t lobed in resat- 1 e: a Mallen. And five n►inutes Ire- an, rap?,rrrinlrl4' a4'nkrn,nv (rein the those et,o eery his oven kin. that lie Ise tine ',Cote, he :4' .,tnr(1 it iu fullfor.' seriing the fish pour it in anti fa••1 of the cornets 1, '•age. i le'•,rd if they had Is en eh1'10ne rent forth 11..1 .diseipre'. to r••!.1:ake caner pan to prevent ctltd- 0111101 ,.p•fln:-tnr.'iy. the' ttonlrlhrtte'to( •••o1 hilts aro.•ng n!I nati,,,'aping. A fl.uotl'r may be substitut. ,''TTI•:111'I''4 :\T ill .ASI '11i-:Mi:''i' repent -11 tong ago. `(J.att. 2A. 19).�Pv1 for sole. Nevertheless, iit may be that en the date r,f May 18. i the (at. Put the broth on to I ,•il He who lives will ser,. npain, and add to it the rice, and ,1,. : (1.,' nicest portions of ,n• at. cul to small pieces. 'ii'ntncr anti! the WW1 \ (: H I.l.l'S. ? )icer is tender. Add seasoning to i'ncking (?sill. When packirlq taste tend servo at once. A few- epnenfttl• of cream may 1.e' added (lalt,swar. 10 be leteeel some dis-'if •dr fired. 1et.ce, use a hart el and pack close -I ly with crumpled paper. Tack a !HUE. pile'. of gunny. sack ..ter open ends ' of barrel. freight handlers w ill ! liter r Hash. -Take equal parts of ter. think of 'ending( the },at rel end , roast ha ef. chopped finely. and well e' • t end alien unleadi•ig. the usual. fit•asoled and boiled rice. Mix anr.nner of smashing goods. Ohl roughly , put in buttered bah- , - Strttlll Glass.- Sat.' the glass (tom;lay dish. cover with tomato 5An(•e. !ail small picture frames that yon! W0!: flavored with onion and .I.ay 'discard for tome reason or other to' leaf. ('over all aith buttered cower bowls er left over feed that hired crumbs and bake nb'n11 half v et put away in pantry or ie. box. an hour. then alien cell want to use a .•!- Vier Pudding.- To three quarts !tam one of them yon see at a glance of fresh milk add our -half cup of where it is without nne<)rrrina' two raw ri o aashetl clean. two cups of '.•1 th►er ether. frt't. It Will he granulated sugar. and two tahle- los:n,l a ^_neat rnnvr')ienie. spronfnl. vanilla. flake slowly three hours. stirring first hour of - tee. then let crust f'errn. will be :11.ai)y a,tnen are uuisp•'ket►, few. like thick errant w l,(ra curd will too t«:ked. 'serve eight people. 1)elicie,vs.