Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 5The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1111.55 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - - $3,500,000 $3,500,000 Has lis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. I SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate. ▪ EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, • 1 How to Get Free Seeds Ws want to send everybody Interested In gardening or farming our new freo 1910 Seed Catalogue. If you will write us to- y. we will include, free, a package Of our • Bus Bset. This Beet is most dellcio . a get two distinct dishes from one vegeta Use the ribs as Asparagus—the leaved as Spinach or greens. Our new Catalogue is one of the most completeubllahed title J.ir. 0 you prefer, we will se free pad• of our Burbank's Giant n tit Ma Poppy, or D. & H.'s Excels or Swede. In- stead of th.� Asparagus Beek Let us know to -day which you want. Kindly mention this paper. It Is import- ant to us. DARCH • HUNTER SEED CO., Ltd., London, Ont. 4 Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On Y3 of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cowa day, or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed 'stock food" to your cow. horse, swine or poultry. you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not were feed, but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you seive thorn so they can get fat and stayem up ��f�oat all year round: alsodto ent disease. cure disease and keep thiinggs. ROYALsPURPLE ST t K SPaciFic tock loan"at d does J it these EEL" 2:02i l.aoresg ti',nwtr o/ any pacer- on G.si•n.t cjrtult, •o3 Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECt lC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases ( r ld of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks. It makes the raj richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with ordinary matitriate attenweeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bots, colic. worms. stun diseases and debilitty�permanently. Dan McEwan. the horseman, says: t have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC p=rsistently in the feeding of 'The Eel,' 2.02} largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 19tH, and 'Henry \\'inters,' 2.091., brother of AIIen Winters.' winner of 936.000 in trotting stakes in I9tltt. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and 1 will always have it in my stables." oval Purple STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One 50:. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a day, Most stock foods in fifty cent packages R last hat fifty days and are given three times a day- OYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC i :given hat once a day, and lasts half again as ions A 91.50 ail containing four times the amount of the fih cent package will last 290days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value of your stock 254- It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the relish for food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hug fattener it is a leader. It will save many times its cost In veterinary bills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FiC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty-five hens 70 days, ora pail costing 91.50 will last twenty-five hens 2s0 days. which is four times more material for only three times the cost. it makes a "laying machine" out of your hens summer and winter, revents fowls losingflesh at moulting time. and cuns poultry diseases. livery package of ROYAL PURPLE TOCK SPECIFIC :IC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guaranteed. Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other preparation on other animal in the sante condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPanLE has them all beat to death, or else backcomes your money. PRES—Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 32 -page booklet on cattle and poultry pedissases• containing also ROYAL PURPLE STOCK' and POUL.. TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents, we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of 51 50 a pail for either Poultry Or Sto.'k Specifics. Make money a ting as our agent in yourd,stri.t. Write for terms. Por sale by all up -to date merchants. W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co,, London, Can. ROYAL PCRI'LE STOCK AND 1'OCLTRY SI'1X'l1105 and free booklets are kept In atock by W. J. HEAMAN. EXET ER, and HANLON & O'BRIEN (Vntralle The Most Popular Paper In Ontario The Toronlo Daily Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market Reports 1 2 to 18 hours earlier than the morning papers. It is a Newspaper—not an "Organ"—political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This paper end the `Toronto Daily Star" together for Me freer—$2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. edd.d to ebore subscription prices. 4 ZURICH Albert lietdtinan, Jr.. of Detroit is L. (own this week. -111•:: Geiger of Michi- gan 1■ visiting lie another, Mra. Wing. Goshen Li:,e south.—John Schllbe t:as gate to visit his sons and daughters in Detroit.—Oscar Koehler has sold a building lot to Mr. J. J. Merner, on which it is reported a brick evaporat- will be built.—Mrs. W111. Klopp of Strat- f,rd here on %%ediresday for a month's visit with her sone.—Miss Qsrt'le Gall- ntt.t left o:l Wednesday for Stratford for a vial:. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ZASTORIA 11ENSALL Mrs. O. V. Harter of Chicago is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Dick.— Mrs. Charlie Chapman and ct:iidren c,f Berlin are here visiting Mrs. Chapman s p meats.—\W111 Buchanan, son of .flex. Hu liana,, has gone to Winnipeg.—Mrs. P. Dut•klow of Milverton is spending a '.s ek with her daughter, Mrl,. E. Prue - t :r.—Miss Nellie Stoneman and Miss J,::::lo McQueen have gone to Toronto to take situations.—Mrs. Goo. Moir and daughter, Mra. Dalrymple, who has been visiting here for some time, returned to the \Vest last week. --Geo. Rtchart a:,d brother Albert and wife left last week for Buffalo to join the boat On wait h thr y have arranged to sail for t:le season.—An assembly was held in the Opera House on Friday night. The Tony Vita Orchestra furnished music. —Mr. hawthorn of Oollingwood came to town on Tuesday in response to an ad- v •rtisentent for a band leader. Ile corn's very highly recommended and ap- p •ars to be a gentleman who knows his profession. A POSITIVE CURE FOR INDIGESTION If you have indigestion, your food fer- ments in the stontaci: and bowels. I1 does more; It decays. :and the nutritious matter widen should go to marcs new blood decays with it. and this leads to an impoverished condition of the 11ood, to nervousness, biliousness, const'pati ):1 atck headache, bad breath which guste your friends, and other ,1i la;.:? - able and unpleasant condiilons. And all this trouble is caused by the food that doesn't digest, but ferments and ottintets rots In the stomach. And fermentation Is caused by tate stomach not being strong enough and energetic enough to thoroughly nrit the food with the digeative juices. M -I -O -N -A le responsible for techs of thousands of cures. In fact, it is such tt positive cure for Indigestion and all stomach troubles that It is guaranteed by W. S. Cole to euro or money back. The price of a large box of Mi-o-na tab lets is 50 cents, and they are sure to promptly relieve the worst case of kith- gestion or gastritis. Try them. W. S. COLE. 0 ( ¢m) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, ov money trick. Sold and guaranteed by W. S. COLE, EXETER. Spools! Rollos. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. bars. M. Summers, Box 840 'Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Bend no money,but write bet to -dray if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. rIP vipv Hughel's1 Dander -off . 1 1 1 Having received the sole ag- ency of that most remarkable discover — HUGHEL S DAN. DER-OFF—we are now prepar- ed to offer it to the public. This remedy is GUARANTEED TO CURE or money refunded, so you take no chance. The most obstinate cases have been cured and it will cure you. DANDRR-OFF iHAIR TONIC and DANDRUFF CURE has proven, beyond any doubt, to be the greatest preparation for the hair and scalp that defence has produced, a fact which thousands ',behave used it will testify, Price 11Oc, a es. Bottle, or Application toe W. D. Burke, Barber fluting's Old Stand, SISTER Rath ille>t>ktkall♦tala rtlk a1kailloatikaat 1 ALJALatlaf aai ALIALALlik Manure Litters rrar tt �:'-r. and retnalmed a rooiltillued residenuntil about n year ago, when old age necessitated her going to .Strat- ford. where she would re,elve propyl rare. ST. ?t.►itYS.--Mr. Oeorgo Grant. an old resident of this town. passed away Sun- day in his 701? year. Ile was formerly a dealer 1n farm Implements. and was a highly resperlei rltizen. The funeral was heir! 0:1 the afternoon of the 20th. BRUCEFIEL.D—An informal donee is to h' givc;n 1n 1he town hall on Thure day evening. April 2let. under the aus- picea of the football elute.—Mr. C. A. Mustard. lr. A.. of this place eondueted sarviees in Kippc•n i'reabytrrlan church Sunday last.—Rev. E. 11. Sowers prcach- ied morning and evening of Sunday In flrue field Presbyterian church. i:. a church shed In F3tat \r'twunoah Township on Sunday evening a number of young run p'rtorntrd a dastardly act by rutting off a horse's tail. They have since been arrested and 1t is .loped that they get the full brneflt of the law. Dom young m^n ran be so inhumt:i Is he- yOad comprehension. USBOIINFJ COUNCIL. COW.: h met at the Township Hall o:. tp:ir 2nd. All the members were pies - eat. The minutes of the last meeting µ•,•re read and approved. The engineer's r_ part on the Vii ci:elsca Crock drain was read to the ratepayers present. Al- to!' a lengthy and thorough discussion and consideration it was decided not to adopt the report until it was referred back to the engineer fur correction or explanation of a few points which were not considered satisfactory. Statute labor divisions Nos. 2 and 4 !n Ward 1 • were changed by taking the west half Lot d, con. 2. from Div. 4 and adding it to Div. 2. Accounts 10 Ole amuu:.t of $d3.'0 were passed and orders Issued 1:, payment. Council their adjourned to meet Saturday, May :i,, at one o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk. 1c1.EWSTEI1. \1r. Phillip Baker has been appoihtcd posumast. r for Brewster.—Mrs. Turn- bull has fully recovered from her recent rinses.—Mr. John Luther sold a (Inc horse this week to T. E. Ilandfprd for it good price.—For an account of a death in out midst see Grand Be::d items. CENTRALIA The Parsons Davie Co. are shipping an inmtense quantity of hen fruit these days. Prices range high.—Robt. Mc -- Falls is going to move to London he having secured a situation at the C. 1'. R. freight suede.—Mrs. Sam. Smith Is vi ailing friends in Detroit.—The re- fr:.vhhng rains of the past couple of days are making the farmers hearts glad. GRAND BEND. Marriage.—A quiet marriage took place at the Presbyterian manse, Grand •:1:1. on April 4th at 3.30 o'clock. The b idcgroon was Mr. George Campbell, youngest eon of Mrs. 1'. Campbell of the third con of Stanley, and the bride was MIAs Emma Elizabeth ichnell, .faugitt'r of John Schnell of Zurich. The •nar- ri.tg, was solemnized by tine Rev. Mr. C:,rrirre uncle o: the bridegroom. After 8p:tiding a few days with friends 1n Stanley the happy couple left for their home in Edmonton, Alta., where Mr. Canipball is nookkecper in the Locomot- ive Foreman's office. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rau visited around here Saturday.—A welcome and re- freshing rain tell here Sunday, which brightened up the farmers' faces some- what.—Mr. and Mrs Henry Huston of Exeter visited here Saturday.—Mr. Kobel to moved to Cioderich Thursday. —Mr. Walter Page who hes been Buf- fering from the effects of an abscess is his head, is improving nicely.—Quite a number around here are suffering ft'ow a attack of grip.—The fishermen have some of their nets in and have Itfted them. Their biggest catch is herring, but they are exceeding small this seasou.—Mr. John Baird is on the sick list. We hope he may he may soon recover,—The farmers atound here are nearly done seeding. DEATH.—The home of Mr. James Wilson has been visited by the angel of death who carried away his son, Paul, at the age of IU years. It is in- deed sad to see our young men snatch- ed away in their youth, but to the de- ceased death carte as a happy release, and to -day he rest at peace with the world. The young man had been suf- fering for some time with that dread malady, consumption, coupled with abscess of the hip, which he bore with much resignation. He was highly re- spected by his associates and friends. He is survived by his father, six broth- ers and three sisters and to them we extend our genuine sympathy in this their hour of deep bereavement. this being the second death in their home this year, the mother having been called home in January. but way the Hand that deals the blow, be stretch- ed out and heal the bleeding hearts. The funeral on Saturday was very largely attended. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A THAMES ROAD.—Rev. W. 1I. Butt of Centralia, will give tats celebrate(' lecture, entitled "Front Ocean to Ocean." illustrated with limelight views of (`an- adian scenery. in Bethany church nn April 2001. CLiNTON—On April 12th at the On- tario street parsonage. Rev. T. Wesley Cozens tied the nuptial knot between \1r. .\lb'rt Norman Manna of Scaforth and Mies Gladys Isabel Switzer of the Township of Tuckc•tsmlth. They will reside. In Swift Current, Sask. ECIMONDVILLE.—At the manse. o:, .tpril 7th, Frank \I. Kling of Se afore, w.rs united I:: marriage to Miss Mary Allan, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Nell Shaw, B. A. The happy couple left nest morning for a trip t 1 D.ty tote. 0.10. ll,d other points. \IITCIiELL —Mrs. David Durham. one Of 1hr first settlers of \ittrhell. died at Pie House of Refuge. Stratford. on Sun- day. aged about UA years. With her deceased usband, who passed sway In May ,.tet. she came to Mitchell Iii the Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers to Overhead Conveyors. Beady Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder 4 These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Wm. Gillespie, Exeter PHONE 31 1 The Ideal Beverage .\ i'ALI, ALB, p.tLt:Able, Cull of tate tirtues of trait and hop., and in sp.trkling condi- tion, is the ideal beverage. Now when chemists announce it, purity, and judges its merit, one need look no further. • 4300004000.0000• N D5\ 8 Months For 35c Don't Miss This Opportunity The Weekly Mali nd Einplre (Twenty-four pages) is the very best value to any farmer of all the $1.00 a year weeklies. Mews Sootlon (8 Pages) All the latest world's news. Agricultural Seotion (8 Pages) Worth many times the price to any farmer, gardener. fruit -grower. dairyman or poultry raiser. Magazine Section (8 Pages) More good family reading than in any other weekly at the price. Entertaining and instructive. No farmer who has read The Weekly Mali and Em- pire would be without it for four times the price. 11.00 for 12 months. Nosv to prove to you the value of this Greatest of Family Weekly Newspapers, and to secure your next year's subscription, we are making this Wonderful Offer To anyone not now a subscriber to THE MEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE we will send the paper, poet -paid, for the balance of the year, or to Dec. 31, 13111), for 35 cents. Send your name and poet -office address with 35 cents to The Weekly Mail and Empire Toronto, Ont. Sample Copy Free on Application 0 0 • •0 0 • 0 0 • • • • • 00©•0©©000•©000•O0@•' 0000@ SCRI6IPI The general public will take notice that I mut doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Rags, Etc. All purchases to be delivete3 to HAWKiNS A: SON'S HARDWARE, EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may he left at the sante store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. � LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fad to care. Al all Draggiste sr direct fres 2Sc. a Bos. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. Toronto 1 i V hen it Gomes to Pie, Madam, Words Fail Us ween iri till Icng ago when the preacher said "Dearly Beloved", .en then did we tickle our fancy with the greedy thought that Il: really meant --PIE. I'•:r pie, in each of Its myriad varieties, is the grand wind-up to a j y spread, the last act of a play with a happy ending. Do rt. make good pie, Madam—pie that is pie ? YOU ? .iay.► the eminent editor of tis New York Sun : ' The apex of a wedge of pie "is the a'1:errq oterrvre to a ' crescendo of delight ulrich "reaches ds d:max Lt the "crust end-. and as this • rust becomes part of ones.,/ ' one knows Ahcf pie is for... ' • The ''crust en f ' it the jural • •lase of pie ifre/ it; ro:sos f,tre, the solation of the retell riddle. uAy is pie." But the crust Is :node of flour. you know, and FIVE ROSES Is a woo- derfu! flour for pie crust. and puff paste. and such !Ike. • . . . Because, Mistress Housewife. FIVE ROSES makes your paste close grained. even of texture and eating q �al:ties. With a delicate. indescribable fla- vor. sweet as a nut. tender and rich in color and appearance. .1 you should make such pies. Madam, with the FiVE ROSES "crust end" -- Whether of apple. or lemon. or tartllke peach : LA aoa Whether of healthy custard. juicy pineapple. glorious mince or dear old pump- kin and sauash.t.or all soppy with the rich red ;uice of the cherry— Why you get the y7ouw of the pie!dstdye•i•ry time Ino black shoe^ in that family). a truly succulent. tasty article With richftilingof your own compos tion, daintily baked :n a crust that leaves no unpleas- antness . • • Never fear the dire vengeance of an offended stomach. or any calamity due to••ttisidt information- -If you use FIVE ROSES.Madam. Then watch the hungry wedges disappear, showing fine appr•raatton of YOUR c aiu ary skit . To say nothing of the surrept,tious pieces between meals. yo 'now. And pit It Is at its tory b#;f whet. wrapped up in a Fi': E ROSES crust. So, Madam....se y : •-. artr ':;dgrnent. e/ 1111111111 MILTS. NN1RL 1- P►