Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 31
Some Investment Offerings
of a Superior Character:—
April, 1910
Government Bonds
abase, r. Ceras De. bane. beds
Province of Ontario 4't 1927 4r
Previous of Manitoba 4's 1936 ever 4
Province o/Nsw Brunewieb Si'1938 4 .
Municipal Debentures
City of Toronto, Ontario 354's 1915 and 29 43i( and 4 t
City of Montreal, P..t. 33 'i 1939 41
City of Winnipeg, Man. 4's 1920 and 43 43i and 4 )41.
City of Peterbor., Ont. 4 M's 1939 4M .
Township of Barton, Ont. 45jii's 1929 • 4 jt
City./Ste.Hyacixthe,P.f. 4's 38 instalments 454?
City.f Moose Jaw, Safi. 4 3414. 1910-19 4 g1
City of Moose Jaw, Sask. 4 . 's 1910-15 4 g .
City .f Strathcono, 4/1a. 4 W, 1929, 39 and 49 43'4
City of Edmaxton, A/ro.,
(Schuh) 5's 1910-38 4g°b�'
City .f Revelrt.ks, B.C. 5'r 1934 54
City .f Fernis, B.C. 5's 1939 51
City of Kamloops, B.C. 3's 1934 5I
City ./Medicine Hat, Alta. 5's 1910-21 4
Town .f 7iherold, Ont. 5's 1911-30 4b1
Town of High River, Alta. 5'1 1910-21 5 1
Town of Selkirk, Man. 5'r 1958 4g
We also hate to offer a number of add
Roth .f Municipals at attractive yields
Railroad, Corporation and Industrial Bonds
Canadian Northern Railway ti'n'ge
Co., (Equipments) 45; s 1911-2r 57.
Rio de Janeiro Tramu'e'y, Light
and Power q. 5', 1935 41 market
Hamilton Cataract, Power,
Light and Tractien (:e.. 5's 1941 5
Suburban Rapid Transit Co. 5's 1938 4.95
Dominion Iron & Steel Co.,
Limited, Consolidated 5's 1939 5ij%
Western Canada Flour dulls
Company, Limited 6's 1928 3.55
P. Burns and Co.'Limited 6'r 1924 534%
Canadian Car & Foundry
Company, Ltd. 6's J919 5.65
Long Bell Lumber Company 6'1 1913-22 6 °
Canada Cement Co., Limited 6's 1929 6°.
The income boric shown gives the
approximate interest return to the investor
Shocking Accident on Ha Ha Bay Railway
Near Alphonse, Quebec.
A despatch from Quebec Rays:
News was received Thursday even-
ing from fit. Alphonse. Saguenay
County. of a terrible accident which
oceurred on Thursday afternoon
*rout five o'clock, on the line of
the Ha -Ha Bay Railway. about
three miles from St. Alphonse. it
appears that while blasting in an
earth dump. the man working the
buttery did not give the workmen
su®cient time to get out of the
way. The mine exploded with t.•r-
afic force. burying some twenty
men under a huge pile of earth and
rock. Vp to a late hour ten men
had been taken out, two of them
dead and three Reriourly injured.
The work of rescue is being pushed
with much vigor.
The chief engineer, Mr. l.adiotis
Gagne. bad just arrived 4.'n the Rpot
when the exploaiou occurred. and
he is huri.•d in the debris. It is
imeosslhle is get the name of the
:no n killed and injured, 4.r those
buried at the present writing, but
it is said there were only nine
h;cnch-Canadians working in the
gent; at the time of the explosion,
the remainder of the men being
for egners.
CHA\t:1:S IN i'OP1 L-1'I'111NS.
I 'c first 50 towns, villages and (•it -
Rural l'i're' Decrease. WhileCitiesie marked in alphabetical order,
Show Increases.
1 despatch from, Toronto Nays:
1.1 a report issued by the Ontario
License Department some interest-
ieg •tntiatiev are given regarding
the derreaae of town and village
I.ol'ul:ttions throughout Ontario. In
' 14 shun decrease between 1909 and
1110, 27 increased and three remain-
ed stationary. The free cities in the
province showed to considerable in-
crease. Hetwee;u 1907 and 11109 the
first 50 ieturns showed IS decreases
tied :31 increases of tewria and s il-
Caught by Back Draught Which Slammed
Doors and Shut Thein in Building,
.% despatch
(senna, says:
doers and barred windows. ale
1101 who were fighting tlatnea in a
w.•r1 l' p vier(' caught by a hack
draft and burned to d, nth during
the partial destruction of the New
Haven county jail en Wednesday.
Thiry of their comrades were saved
1hi 'ugh the heroism r'f firemen out -
The 1»'•lies of the six men
wt rc found late on Wednesday af-
ter the debiat had been removed.
Many other firemen were badly
burned. bell rem'in'd at w' ,k. The
eft ad are • Captain O. 1. ( hapntan.
1' rue 1►.•herty. John Buckley, '1.
Cullen. .Tames N.rtell and Thomas
2 MrI;rat)).
biz men from truck No. 1 were
Prices of Cattle. (rain, Cheese gad
Other Dairy Produce at
none and Abroad.
Toronto. .April 19.--Flour--Wm-
ter wheat 130 per cent. patents,
*1.20 to X54.15 in buyers' sacks on
track, Toronto, and $4.10 to *4.15
outside, in buyers' racks. Manito-
hu flour, first patents„ *5.70: sec -
01141 patents, *5.20 to $5.30, and
strong bakers', $5 to *5.10, 011
track, Toronto.
Manitoba oheut No. 1 Nurt.hcrn,
$3.1.2. Hay ports. and No. a North-
erly, *1.10, Hay ports. A11 rail
),rices *1.17;2 for No. 1 Northern,
alk! $1.!5!•;. for No. 2.
Ont.:trio Wheat --No. 2 white and
:ed Winter, $1.07 outside.
Harley ---No. 2, 54 to 550 outside;
No. 3 extra at 51 to 52e ; No. 3 at
4s) to 50c, and feed at 47 to 48c
Oats ---No. 2 Ontario white 30 to
36! 4e outside, and :3h to :38!...c nn
track, Toronto. Canada \1'4.x4 oats
40!c for No. 2, and 39!.,c for No.
3, Bay ports.
liras—No., 2 for shipment, 76 to
7•r outside.
e ---No. '2, 68 to (78'..t outride.
Ilnrkwheat-51 to 51aSe outside
for No. 2.
I orn--No. 2 kiln -dried American,
t ;t . to 67c, and No. 3 yellow, 134 to
e-1' e, Toronto freights. Canadian
earn, 61 to 62c, Toronto freights.
13ra.n---Manitobas $21 in bags,
Toronto, and shorts at $22, in bags,
Tot auto.
eeles—$1.50 to *2.50 per barrel,
attording to quality.
Beans ----$2 to $2.15 per bushel.
Honey—Combs, dozen. *2 t., $2.-
; extracted. 10}., to Ile per lb.
Baled hitt'--No. 1. $ia to $15.75
on track, and No. 2 at *1.2 to *13.
Baled draw --$7.50 to $7.75 on
track, Toronto. -
Potatoes--Ontarios, 35 to 40c per
bag on track, and New Brunswicks
40 to 45e per bag.
Poultry—Boxed lots nominal.
THE 11:1IR1' M.\11KF?i'S.
The Ingredients Used In
Medicinal and Toilet Preparations are of the same high quality as those
your druggist uses in filling your physician's prescriptions.
The National Drug and Chemical
Company supplies tke greater part of
the drugs dispensed by the physicians
and druggists of Canada, and it is
probable that the ingredients used by
your owls druggist in )iia prescription
work came from oar warehouses.
Prom these mune warehouses come
the ingredients used by our expert
chemists in cotupoaudiag NA -DRU -CU preparations.
Every ounce of material used in every NA -DAV -CO
article is the best that our skill*? buyers can select
from the world'' markets.
We Can Atrord
to ure only the very best materials because, buying
in immense quantities for our wholesale trade, we get
the best crude drugs at rock bottom priers. In our
chemical laboratories these rate materials are refined
and prepared by expert chemists and subjected to
rigid teats beth for strength and purity before being
used in NA -DRU -CO preparations.
NA -DRU -CO Cod Liver Oil Compound, for
instance, is made frorn the best of materials, by our
expert chemists, and is consequently the must perfect
tonic. NA -DRU -CO Nervosane is another striking
example of the results our skilled chemists get from
good ingredients.
.....° ...■ ria
Tet7.t :
Cumplextna Cream
Talcum Powder
Tooth Paste
Witch ileal Cream
TUN tYaa YMa
We Could Not Afford
to use army but the finest and parent
material' in each sad every
IIA -DRU -CO preparation, because on
the quality of each depends the future
of the whole line. Linked together as
they ate by the NA -DKV -CO Trade
Mark. aaiagicarticle found unreliable
would go far to destroy your confidence is all
NA -1)R1.'-00 goods.
Ask your druggist about the quality of the drop
we simply to him- -about our facilities for compound-
ing superior medicinal and toilet preparation' --shout
our reliability.
Go a little further if you like. and ask your phy-
sician or your drnggict what goes into NA-DRi7-CO
preparations. They can tell sou, for we will furnish
to any physician or druggist in Canada, on request, a
frill list of the ingredients in auy NA -DUX -CO
"Money Back"
Purthermore, if any NA -MUT -CO article you bus
does not entirely satisfy you, return it and your
druggist will refund your money.
If your druggist has not the NA -DRU -CO article
you want iu shock be can get it for you widaia two
days from our nearest wholesale branch.
A Few NA -DRU -CO Favorites:
For Children .
Baby's TOO( is
f•uxar of Milk
Dy„pepoiet & Indleespoe:
Dygxpsla Tablet,
Oiatsaent and Salvos,
Carl'•,:'' F.1..
btalu leis rodlue Ointment
(3 area)
1'..e Ointment
Cod t.h.i 011 Cotntumo4,
Taste lon, is star/)
Cod liver Oil 1110 sioa (3 s1se>f
National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited
Wholesale Be..sh.s as t
Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Leaden. Haasiltao,
Winnipeg, Regina, Calgrry, Nelson, Vancouver, Victoria.
to $6, while the average prices paid
were !roan $4.85 to $5.50.
Stockers and feeders were scarce
trial dear. Milkers and springers
at. ady. Sheep and Iarnbs Iirl'n, and
fully 25 cents dearer. Hogs weak
ac.ti unchanged. Selects were quot-
ed at *9.15 f.o.b., and $9.40 fed and
'I'IfIt11'TY NEWtRO►-.
1►(ud(•I'ful Story of a Little Rou-
manian Lad.
:A despatch from Winnipeg says:
The story of the remarkable thrift
Riltter}sound prints, to 2 -lc ; of a little foreign lad, aged four-
-iargP rolls, 20 to 22e ; inferior, Its teen, was revealed when he applied
to iuc; creamery, 30 to 32c; solid;, to the Superintendent of Neglected
21.1 to 29e per 11,.
Eggs --19 U' 20c i'er dozen.
Cheese ---1:3 to la' icy per lb.
la igo , and at 13!..,c for to ins.
Children for a newsboy's license. It
appears that he came out here from
Re unlailia two years ago, unable to
:gook a word of English, and since
tl.a• time has succeeded in master-
ing the language to a certain ex-
tent, has attended school and has
Katon—Long clear, 153/4 to Ilk: trot only supported hiinself, but has
lore tb. in case lots: mess pork, $29 sent ten dollars per month t., his
1.. $213.50: short eut, *31 to $32. widowed mother in Roumania to
Hams I.:erht to medium, tri to assist her in support of the little
ler ; ilea, heavy, 77,' ., to 17e; rolls,
I.,-:shotililers, 14 to 14',;e ; break-
fast bacon. 19 to 20: ; bucks, 2O,
to ''22e.
lard -'tierces. 16!; to Ih'sc;
tubs, 17 to 17',e ; pails, 17•..c.
Montreal. April 19.—Oats--- Ni. •-2
( beadle,' Western, 42 to 421,;c; No.
:7, 41 to 41;,c; Ontario No..2 white,
tt►r: Ontario Nu. 3 white, 39c; On-
t:.rit. N0. 4 white, 347c. Harley—Nu.
3, 00a; No. 4. 57,c ; feed barley, 56c.
i:lour—Manitoba Spring wheat. pat-
ents, firsts, *5.00; do„ secunda,
$5.30; Winter wheat patents, $5.-
50 to $5.60; Aliulitoba strong peak -
1•75•, *5.10; straight rollers, !15.10
to $5.20; straight rollers, in bags,
$2.40 to $2.50. Feed-- Ontario bran,
1r:4 to $22.50; Ontario middlings,
P23.50 to *21 ; Manitoba hour, *20
to $21; Manitoba shorts, $22 to
P1/3; pure grain nlouillie, *32 to
tnixecl nlouillirr. $26 to *211.
Cheese -12's to 12`,e for white, and
I'i!, to 12%c for colored. Butts'r—
('id 'tock. :30c; new milk creamery,
:47 10 :(11.,e. Eggs 19 to 20e per
1.N1T1:1) S I'.1'I1:S 1I.\ II KETS.
Chicago, Ala i1 11'. ( wheat
No. 2 red, *1.10 1.. * I . I 1 l ; ; No.
a red, $1.07!.;, to *1.70; No- 2 hard,
$1.1:11. to $1.11'.• : No. 3 hard. *1.-
00 to *1.09', : No. s Spring, $1.05
to $1.101•.!. Corn -No. 2, 57' to
58'- No. `2 white, 60 to 60iec; No.
2 yellow. 5.1 to 5'l -,c; No. 3, 50!:1
to 57e; No. :3 white. 59 to 59;�,c; No.
:3 yellow, 57 to 57!-2e ; No. 4, 52c ;
frorn \coo Haven, !fighting (heir way through the cell N.-.4 white, 5:i to bOe; No. 4 }el -
Trapped by metal I re.oru of tyle jail into the workshop., lav .052 to .53' Oats-- Oats --No. 2, 42
tire- I then an explosion of a gasoline try 4. , .. e ;,i No. ' white, 4:x• ; No. 3
tank canard n hack draft and rhino! "fie' t: , 1" 44,tc; No. 4 white,
Ined behind them the • irou &sora 4: to 42e; standard, 44% to 4:x•.
separating the two bnildinga. Three' ltd ioit. :lpril t9. Wh('at
of the rnen were hemmed in a car 1 white, cosh. *1.10: vi , -cd,
i'er and burned to death. while the cash. *7.111: 11ny, ?x1.10', ; Jam'-
: liver three made their way to a Ir.. *1.41' 4'
hat ted window•, to v. hieh they
clung. with streams of slater play • 1.11'1: S'f(3th \I •11tKET.
ieg on them fieri the outside. Soon Montreal. April I^. Choice
after n•aehinc the window the roof raters brought *ti.25 to 57: fair to
fell in. and the ladder• were put good, $5.10 to il5.70; fair, $4.+,0 to
!lion the out aide and cio•an the in- $,i 25; hogs. *10: solos. Rn: sheep
.id' aced the men taken out. Thr 'Icady at $4.75 to thio while lambs
Other three firemen were caught by s old at $7..50 to *9. (•r.'tes brought
the same back draft as they were all the nay from $!•1.50 to *S.
vorking at the other end of the Toronto. April 19. Cows Here
t,t.illling and stele carried dean I' again the feature of the inarlrt, a
the too( when it fell in. few extra eh,ice animals telling no
family. Besides this he has saved
thirty-five dollars towards the one
hundred dollars required to pay
her passage to this country. All
Ibis he has accr,mplishrd by selling
,l. -- -
Batch of Itnliau'c Sentenced at Elk
A despatch from Elk Lake Rays :
By the sentencing on Thursday of
I) ,inenico Bucchi to two years, and
so: other Italians to the Central
P1ison, Chief Smith has broken up
the worst gang of thieves in Silver -
land. They had a store here where
they disposed of many hundred
dollars' worth of stolen goodie prin
cif ally from the miners. The po-
lr'e now believe it. was this gang
why, fired the town, as touch pro-
perty that disappeared then lens
been recovered in their pnsaession.
'111171:1: YEARS iN I'iUSO\.
For Man Who Victimized Intrstor•.'
in Mining Stocks.
A despatch from ( h:' -ago say' :
William S. Phillips. President of
the Amerieun-Mexico Mining k
1►e velopment (a:moans. was sen-
tenced to three years' imprisonment
tool assessed a fine of *7,01 by
Judge Landis in the United State:-
tater1►istrict Court stere on Thursday.
He sold $600,000 worth of stock in
the mining company and paid larpe
to:e armed dividends out of money
to (-raved frorn purchasers of the
stork. His victims are said to have
lost an aggregate of $300,000.
17117i 1; I- .i' E.1 R.01,1) H I I .I.1, l) .
Little (.ir•l 1'L•t)ing on the Railway
Efforts to Be Made by the United States
to Stem the Tide.
A th-sl.atch from Washington
sny s: More than 12,000 American
citizens with from $1,000 to *5,000
each, practically all farmers and
heads of families, expatriated them-
selves between March 31, 1909, and
March 1, 1910. They went from all
portions of the country, buy. parti-
cularly from the Middle West, to
take up Government humcsteads in
(:anada. The full number of per- ova.
sons who went• four the United In all eases the emigrants have
States to Canada in this period was
95 370.
')'hese figures were compiled as
the result of an investigation which
has just been completed by ('orn-
tnissienc•r-(lencral of Immigration
Keefe. The figures and inf.rma-
from March 31, 1909, to March 1,
1810, the stun of *95.370,000 "as
taken into Canada. The investiga-
ltcn also disclosed that since March
31, 1897, down to March 1, 71409,
425,4(10 persons left the United
States permanently to reside in
Crtnadu. If they took with thein the
sante average amount as those who
left between March 31, 1909. and
March I, 1910, they took $415.461,-
t,.ken into Canada $520,830.01311 since
1s:r: practically all in gold.
Of the 95,:3717 persons. who left in
the last year, 57.576 were llmeri-
eau horn arid :37,794 were aliens
who had color, to the United States
tion which have been gathered by to rcr.idc herr Iierut;uleutls, but
the Commissioner -General hove changed their minds.
The Middle West contributed the
bulk. of American farmers who have
801(7 cent their land and belonging.
and taken np permanent homes in
Canada. In the last stair North
Dakota, has lost 3.404 heads of fain -
surprised hire, and the influx of
Aleerican farmers into Canada will
be called to President raft's utten-
tit n and efforts may be made to
iter• the tide.
Tht information diseloscs the
fact that the best type of farmers il'r:; Minnesota, 1.741 ; South 1)a -
of the Muddle West were the ones keta, 522; Michigan, 514: \Warhn►g-
who were selling out in this coup- ton, 510; Wisconsin, 477 ; town,
try and taking their money to Can-
ada. there to take np fertile Gov-
ernment lands.
Bureau of Immigration esti-
testes that the amount of money
taken from this country by the 95,-
sto persona who left this country
to make their future horse under
the British flag averaged $1,000 to
a man. this being, it is said, a con-
s; rvative estimate. In the period
430; Illinois, 296; ILlitann, 184. isnd
varying numbers from every State
in the Union. New fork contrihmt-
iug 150.
According to figures given 007 all
the bureau on Tuesday, in January,
February and March of this year,
544,967 immigrants arrived in this
country from all paras of the world.
with an average o1 about *50 each
in their foss( s. '
I'ROGGRESS OF SEEDING. is done in Alberta. about toenty.
seven per vent. in S.►skatchcwan,
of nein twenty -fit per cent. in Mani-
toba. Aholit• 1':drnouton, where ne
glain was soot) at 1111!• time a year
ago. about forty per rent. of the
work is 41.01e. and at Medicine Hat
itis nearly cemplctcd, h. me sPc-
tiona of aoutheru Manitoba are al-
so nearly through, Morden dirt lid,
rr portir:g ninety per crus. sf the
ty per centof the entire seeding grain in.
I.% P. R. Reports Shaw Minh
the Work Ione.
despatch fretn \1 iunipeg Nays :
Most pleasinrt news of the progress
of seeding was given out on Wed-
nesday morning by the C. P. R.,
after reports frons agents covering
the western lines were received.
From the sr it is estimated th:'t for-
& N. 0. EARNINGS h1ll
Northern Ontario Railway Has Surplus
of $105,000 in Ten Months.
:rl halm:u Struck b} '1r:tin. •1 deal att•h front Toronto says:
Ontario s trcnstiry was rep:enisbed
des pa tell frorn Kenora a:lys :
On Thurdnv morning the three- to the extent of $550,000 from the
;'tar -old daughter of F. 7'zarton•k'. Terniakani:ng and Northern Ontario
set tion fort man at Kalmar. tv.en- itailway Commission. according to
Lt three miles west of here, was in- the report of the commission uper-
st,. •1, killed by the second section , atit.;4 the Pres int ial Railway. '1't,e
of tr.'s No. 96, the engineer 111 tt Lal earnings were !-5'.,771.:31 as cm,emits.ionera are proceeding 1..
charge not noticing the child. who ha• been published before. Atter asleep. for the rednrtit.v, o1 the
t' -as playing on tihe t rack. until tree a,d pas men ta their` 1a 37 501'pltla o1 .•1111 HI ore alttl g, Wick 111 ill•• line,
tale. 'fhe child. whose skull nae $105.1771.20. Mileage ander opera- I-rl'i•',,1:1,-: on the .001 11 betneen
fi►,t to rel, had escaped from the tun totals ;ia!,.sis. 'fhe resu;i c v I'. 1311 ;ori•! ties I.isl;card. (3n
h• uRP a few minutes before the ac- from transportation totals 1t1 -':''s. t- 's •reT -en of 113 14 114 rs the . ursa-
r i•-ent occurred. W8.27, anti the into', r' from es; ' ' 0 1 - .. _ '.f the mileage.
Rehire' nevounts to $t,:..•.:'6.61. The
ort l'pelating leers m• was *5443.•
4`3'i, anti the ore loyalties $10'+,:3"
fits. Mired 4(7117nu'uts cc'It >`
07::.41. These figures. of coo i •
cuter ends th.• tee r►,.,nth' of 1
Iasi fiscal year,
\Pith the :II nn -e' of 'Trios the