Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-07, Page 3SPRING BLOOD •1N 1NI'011'1'1Ni IN1'F:NI11►N• CURE WAS QUICK AND COMPLETE 1S BAD BLOOD `tout:u•h 'Ieletu•opeI Wilt be of 1. rt at .1.•i'lauce to I'II .iriaU!. The "atuntut•h telescope," or BOW to Get New Health and New gastroscope, inlet -nip(' at t1 Lon - due Hospital. Loudon, England, Etrerigth in the Spring. lay: year, bas proved to he of the greatest value in the diagnosis of stomach disorders. -1n eminent wittier menthe trying to their F•iirgeon recently referred in the health. Confinement indoors in hiEliest terms to the advances late- eften overheated and nearly always ly etude at that hospital in the Ladle ventilated rooms- in the early detection of diseases of the home, the ease°, the slurps and the stomach by means of this instru- lei:ooi-taxes the vitality of even ment, which %till in the immediate Even the most robust find the Ilio strongest. The blood becomes thitr and watery, or clogged with int] unities. Sometimes you get up in the morning , just as tired us 'their you went to bed. Some peo- future probably come to he part of the equipment. of every tip -to- , date hospital. The gastroscope' now enables the physician or sur - won to actually see for himself p!e have headaches and a feeling the exact condition of the whole of t►f langour ; others are low spirited the interior of the stomach, the and nen one ; still others have pint- slightest ulceration, growth or ptei and skin eruptions. '[hese are other abnorwality in the lining all spring symptoms that the blood ; membrane being thus readily ob- is out of order. Many people rush staved. '1'o be able to do this is of de to purgative tuedieines in the very greatest importance in suspect - spring. This is a mistake. You ed cancer of the stoninell, (where ean't cure these troub)es with a tis only- hope of ears' lies in the medicine which gallops through eradication of the eaeeenate growth your system, and is sure to leave at the very earliest moment. This yoe weaker still. What you need means that the increased use of the to give you health and strength in gastroscope will in the future save many lives that would otherwise inevitably be lost through that dis- ease. the spring is a tonic medicine and the ono always reliable tonic and blood -builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills not only banish spring ills, but guard you against the more serious ailments that fol- low, such as anaeluia, nervous de- bility, indigestion, rheumatism, and other diseases due to bad blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich blood which atiengthens every nerve, every or- gan uud every part of the body. Try this medicine this spring and you will have strength and energy to resist the torrid heat of the coin- ing summer. Mr. Geo. W. Johnson, Hetl'tfortl, N S., mays: "A couple of years ago when I came home from a hnnber- Ing camp whore 1 had been employ - eel my blood was in such a condition thi.t my whole body broke out in boils ---some six and eight in a nest. These were so painful that I was col.fined to the home and for three months was treated by rihy family d(•ctor. I got no better ; in fact the sores began to eat into my flesh, and at, times were so offensive that I refuse(t to sit, at the table with Inv family. A friend asked me ono day why I did not give Dr. Willi- ams' fink Nile a trial and I decid- ed to do so. I got six boxes and before they were all gone the sores began to disappear and my system was much strengthened. I continu- ed using the pills until I had taken twelve boxes, when every boil and sere had disappeared, and I hare since enjoyed the very best of benith." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 5 cents a box or six boxes for 50 from The Dr. Wil- bitins' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont LiTTLE SATISFACTION. SYMPATHY. DAME 1'.1111:N1K 111111'1' Ilt`t- 1:,tS1: ('1 It1:11 Irl' DODD'S KIDNEY 1'11.1,5. She SulTcred for Tao Pears but Now .t di lees all Tentlbled as She Was to t.ive I1udd':s kidaey fills a trial. t Robert. ltichel•ett Co., Que., 11.1i '_3. --(Special).- -1 recommend le dd's Kidney l'ills to all my friends." 'these are the words of Tante Joseph l'arent et this prate. .\nd the peel (lame gives &Xccllent reasons why she dries so. "For t %r• years," she says, "I suffered iron Heart Disease, Headache, I:.r1•L fiche and a dragging senurtt.ion ;til ,; the loins. Seven boxes of 11 :1,1.e Kidney Pills cured me. 1 L e• all who are troubled as I we'GE�f. S, .► DAY E.tRT. NO F -S face. ll •O l�udd's 1 tdtiey Pills 8 A per,enre uredcd. tells on sight t r i i!.'rtY• Absolute nereasity to tanners. Mora work of 30 men. Pays for it,,elt in one hour. `...1110 people utast ask how Dodd'+ Write today, C. R. Adams Co., 8;1,1'1.13.Kelnev Pills, which are purely m o'rt Kidney remedy, can cure Hears rem: NORTHERN LIVE .AtAAPRsNt:: nNailable Dr. Thomas 'select no Disease. Attil the answer is sim- ('o,npany have gond ope,atngs for et- Oti. If not in the house when re- pertrn. .t insurance writers, oleo (••r qu11•ed it can be procured at the i,lt•. Diseased Kidneys fail to drain young men who desire to msec money. the impurities out of (he blood. if Addicts, John Milne. Managing Director. nearest stoic, as all merchants keep these impurities are left in the /southern i.0°. London. out. It for sale. Rheumatism and all blood they not only increase thebodily pains disappear when it is Europ-llriti.3 Isles, Exlen- e- t. o rti p r e h e n a i V e applied, and should they at any sive Continental, Limo return, experience teaches the (9th Poand user• Bassinis,enls lizposPlayition. them.of the 011 how to deal with Withrow illuslratrd Program, 244JARVIS ST TOUR TORONTO. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure mane common ailplent• wilt• a are very disereot, but wile h all arts° from the same cause a sys- tem rlogeed wtth impurities. 'l'bs Pill, eau,° the bowels to molt* r.:ularly, atreugthet and °lituto late the kidneys and open up the por••e of the skin. These organs immediately throw Of the a.•cu- wulated impurities, and Bilious. nose, 1ndig.411.111. Liver Complaint. ido'y 'Trouble. Headaches, Rheumatism and similar ailment •apish. Dr. Morse's Indian Hoot Pills Savo Doctor's Bilis sOJhils HABITS OF THE FLY. SAVED Concerning his experiences while?: studying the life and habits of the; HER, house fly, Henry Hill, the well-' 11.+ sou d plainer, states: "I Nish 1 FINGER• could explain why a t1v nett r walks down, but always up a clean wall-; dr,w Bane. and why on the other I hand it will walk down the slanting glass front of u picture. It is also; a mystery to enc why a Ily� always rests head downward on a wall. 1 These are habits of the house fly which offer n field of intere-ting study." -London Standard. I STOCKS. Pr•• t• Our Readers. Write Murine Eve Remedy Co . Chicago. , for 46 -page Illustrated Eve Rank Flee.' CR0NYN(Trey all about as to 1:7s TroubleeAn mud Edward 4 Ca' they will advise to the Proper Appltca Members Toronto Stock Etehan s. tion of the II urine Five Remedies to Tout e Special ('ase. Tour Druggist will tell you Safe Investments write (..r our weeny that Morino Relieve," Sore Eyes. Strength. circular un aecurit.e, end Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart. Soothe! Recur a. to .t. tiding toanybink. Eve Pain. and sella for 60c. Try It in w•ehavemo•t,'1..Tour Eyes and in Baby's Eyes tor tiesly our new huildinr. 90 Bay St., Toronto. Eyelids and Granulation. ti AGENTS WANTED.A pooh isn't necessarily crooked because he cau't keep a straight Pains Disappear Before It. --No one need suffer pain when they have work of the heart in propelling the. "1 feel sorry for Squinrhlev•" blend through the body, but act on "What's the matter with him!" the valves sensing disease. Pure '•('1u'uu10 insomnia.' blood removes the cause of the dis "So do I feel sorry for hint, if ret;e- Dodd's Kidney Pills make he's as disagreeable company for himself at night as he is for other people in the daytime." pure blood by putting tete Kidneys in condition to strain all the inh- puritics out of it. Everybody appreciates goodness As Fire Spread* le dry grass, u, 4...4 an (nllam- --if it's the real ttillg• a11M'• Lung Balsam 1. e•perislly intended to matiun in the throat grow .Liven int., the lune.. COST OF I•... u 1.ISII ELECTIONS. _, break up negle, te.i a .115114. and many h p flet, Deal promptly with i .:old ♦s with a ti•a, aridThr • fheiul cost. of a °neral cicc 011504 tiara beet. stye,] by it. use. C4111.11111 110whoa you been toCuueb 1110 Allen'al.uua ntl.atn. K PILP.R CI1R80 IN 6 TO it OAPs, Pplutn in any I-,rw. tion in England is, relights speak PA 7.0 015 rM5': r Is [ u.4n 1t•ed to can any Of the eight. sons of the late Rev. ing, $3,000,000; but, if the cost of esve'1lt.-htng. Hued. Rie.t. . or Pr,tri-1i g \\,. tel! have a soft spot in Our Dr. Crulcey, of (;lendernhontt, Co. keeping the party machinery well Piles in a to tt say. or ulnae/ raraadsd. ars Londonderry, seven are Presbyters uttd, and expense of organization heads at birth --and sonic of us al clergymen, while the eighth is ;end propagandist work generally file ;hltetition of those we dislike never lose it. now studying for a career in the . included, $15,000,000 is quite a is e.t.a worst than the neglect of church. The eldest of his three tit.,tlest estimate. The average cost out' friends. daughters is a missionary in Egypt. of a vote over there is $1; though it has been as high as $34.50 and as low as 5 cents. Mind your own business and some day you will be minding a business of your own. Minaret's Liniment Cures Dandruff. SQUELCH ING HIM. The Itev. Sans Junes greatly dis- liked being interrupted when speak- Tilt l'his Recipe Was Tried, ('ure ing, and the rash auditor who at- followed in :i (lours. tempted it generally suet with a Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia .1 pretty sharp retort. Ile waspreaching prominent medical mon, who on prosperity, suffered with a severe cough and Ana frenzied finacier is n chap when a little chi in the front row cod on the lungs, often being kept why d rucks file financinal Lout•. shouted : - awake all night, and Iv( akened by ---- "Prosperity huin't. hit me very lora of sleep. finally diseovered a The never failing niedi(!ne, Nol- ' simple formula which will cure any litany's Corn Cure, removes all hard yet ! 'fell us about suthihh We know about." in five hours by the clock. It kinds of corns, warts, etc.; even Tho speaker paused and glaring '' .ii laxative tonic cough syrup tie, most difficult to remove cannot' down at the diminutive interrupter, v.):ch can be made at home by any- withstand this wonderful remedy. squelched kiln with the following ' olio and the formula is hero given _ ,- g' f„t• the benefit of those who pass , "So prosperity hain't hit you yet, ' si,,,l,less nights in painful paroX (;O�IL'O14T. eh I Well, you can't expect it I" s'ais. Those who have tried it say Excited Individual --"See here, till you grow some. IL its pretty' hard e et to hit nothing!" 1 it Is magical, and heals any high- Mr. Bangs, you're it scoundrel of priced. slow -acting cough medicine the first water. When I bought t+ eve; sold. that horse 1 supposed I was getting Painkiller in whiter checks Mlle' breaks up I Mix ill a butte one-h:]lf ounce it gooti, smolt' animal. but 11C's •1W. and ti,„, pre,,,,,,,,, In-..nrhitl,, 1-4grippo and lttt•uutatistn. t'ueg,nite.l 41 liniment (.,r lin i(1 Will} cherry bark, one ounce epuvined and blind, and got the "I)Id you I ave a good day S frost bites, chilblain.. braise., •pralua. ...d4 h{ compound essence cardiol and three staggers. Now I want to know r r all druagi.ts. truly urn Painkiller -('•:,y ha•11, sheeting ounces syrup white pine compound. what you're going to do about it 1 ' • (i roma "' ,- it ' Take twenty drops every half hour Bangs -"Something ought to be ''Kill many rabbits?„ RItO1•Gt1'l' .1 it R1.11.11T11, i 1 may gut e)ne. But I think I for four hours. Turn take one-half done, that's n fact." "No,to one teaspoonful three or four Excited Lndititluul-"11'cll, 1 I wountfed_at least 20." tau 11 ho Garr 1uaalid L:uly Roses t JJ it Bequeathed !1_'I1, times a day. (sive children less ac- should sey there ought," `'1' rolling to age. This will tune up Bangs ---"Well, Ill give you the YCDERN )4tl DICINI3 , •1 Na towieh (England) shuemak apes rid the system i,i deep-seated name of a good veterinary :,urge's; _ r, , (-:rur�r Itobsnson, lois had an , p • Send for free sample to Dent. W. L., NA roe hs every time, is s a shnnir to allow the horse. to FUR YCIING CHILDREN ;hiea:pe:•t'•tl windfall, which is a ll _-_" Venal Drug f Chepucal Co., Toronto. sequel to an incident that occurred! �d''y� suffer in that Nay. Ila sant mother would wish her -twelve yearn ago. Itub111s1I1, then' k sensible man doesn't. care if , , Belt treated under the condition of a journeyman shoemaker, met just lie 1311 •t good looking, }1C knows A Pleasant 1 tirgative.--1 arme- • m(dirine or surgery of half a ern- j outside I\'nntwich an invalid In(ly that there aro others. ice's Yrgctab!e fills etre so cum 111 ( I tort ago. Why then should silo' and a Hurst. Ile was carrying n, pcuntlyd Cts to oper.ttc on hots the i 1oPE FOR INC DEAF -IR acousrlcon give her tender little chill the old- hunch of roses, and the lady re -i A Thorough fill. To clear the stomach suet the bowels so that, they one'.'111': t too ma'.el. er 1a• •le.rrlr.,i •re. filshienett medicines that have not istet along1110 whole alimentary aitd In ure llaon;hout the world. wNte tot rata. changed in half a century, and marked as le passed, "What. lot idyl RtLn1aC11 and bowels of impurities Ingue Ueneral Aeuurtic Co., of Cantata, Ltd., roses.” }le turned immediately' and irritants is necessary wiles a rftory passage. Tliey are Ilut t4Vou•ntt••t.Torualla whelk inure likely than not contain a Irl 71skcil, `•�i'0111(1 von like some,: tl:sir netinii IS irregular. The pits tll•aRtie in their Vi (Irk, but (111Id1}' Marlatt's flair Promoter pcnaonous opiates that will not madam." The lady 'Mid she would thin will do this stork thoroughly Purgutivc, and the pleasure of tak-Crows Hair on any Sale Head cine the child, but 'reels drug it be very grateful, and added %!int' dl o 1'armelro's Veg('tnble !'ills, ing then is rfonly they equalledby Irre On 'al nrNtTrlronRr,I,tt �nmt^',n`hel'il r hitt Int it temporary IllsellBlblhLV' 'she, wanted some roses ler put on n'l,irli arP tlltld In n('(10n 1)tlt inlQhly gratifying C tflair Premnt og ('n. Teethe, l•.,nerla Baby's Own Tablets is is modern her moth: is grave. Rubinson in iet•ults. 'they purge painlessly Compounded only of vegetable sub - medical science. This medicine; . handed her the roses, and at her and effectively, and work a per- starters the eurative qualities et' tures all atunlaeh, bowel, teething retitle:•% gave her his address. Dur- menent cure. They ran be used ti Melt were fulls tested, they al- io"; f ' o D 1 N 0 L. and other ailtnents of childhood and ; inae the weekend a Llandudno so-'; v. intent fear by the most delicate- foto relief without Chance of al- bahyhood. And the mother has the' Reiter visited Nunlvtich and told ly constituted, as here are no pain jury The famous new discovery of the age, guarantee of a government Al1aivataria, sly, quickly. tnmpplrtely rclirves Itobiueon that Miss Parrainour, of fill effects preceding their gentle ' and niers (*.nitre, Thick Nei k, Sciatica, that it contains no opiate or pais- - Crait{-y I)on, Llandudno, bad died, r 1•crntiun. It's ensy to be a cheerful giver SoeIIaI Ra, Bunion., Onin,y, ilei $i.no. opens drug. Mold by medicine &el• and) by her will left him .f iso. l - -theoretically. Or b'or $3. un, mailed o1 • i -epi 01 prier by ens nr by mail at 25 cents a box ; �- !! V LYLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine '1' 1 Must moral astigmatism k due to Co., Brockville, Ont. , 1n its initial stages a cold is a'the squint of envy. _� f le(•al ailment easily dealt with. But : ---- - 'fliere's a much ignored (lifter- ; many neglect it and the resort is Minard's Liniment Cure; Berns, Etc. epee between heating our drums often the development of distressing ----- and beating the di -oil. ii+i'i ores of the brnnebiel tubes and Tailor "The postal sortic'e is in lunge that render life miserable for t, _- q n wretched rr+edition. Friend - (he unhappy victim. As it float aid Mother Graves' Worm Extermito I Never noticed it. ' wt.al, I have. my 'newer where liniment was required ,there is nothing in the handy medi-uring ast sent and have tiever (ailed to get the dcrired THE GRAND ELECTRO 020Nf LIMITED, t+t'r deers not respire the help of ; eif,c line ao certain in curative re- honed cd RIM re• ality statements oneo f erect. C. A t;tri(a. M. D. I ° sra9ena Avenue. Tnr(ntn stn purgative medicine to complete - stilts as Rickle's :Inti-C'onetnnptivo neconnt, with requests for irnrr.edi- APPENDICITIS i contince• . (lite it a trial and bo Ss-mup, the far-famed remedy for ate payment, and, so far as I can 1 I colds and coughs. learn, not more than two Of my THF. WISE PHYSICIAN. I rustntners received their letters. ' c COUGHED ALL NIGHT What Ie tie Beet Thing (.4 *Lengthen wesk back f "Toe D d: 1:' \L•nthul Plaster. It will cure lumbago and ,heuntatism. 31 roll, make seven Sic. plasters. Darts d; 1.sefence Co., Muntr•el. Peoploa�ho live i1 Flash= should raise early vegetables. Minard's Liniment for Sale Everywhere. Sire -"What becomes of all the money you get from me?" Sun - "I give it Up, dad !" Only One "BROM10 QUININE** That Is 1.4XAlIYS RRO\i0 gt'iNiNP.. Look fur the signature of P. w. (1ROV K. Cse-t tthe world over to Cure a Cold in Oa• Day. HE COULDN'T ESCAPE. "Do you believe in fate 1" he asked as he snuggled closer. "'Well," answered the girl, "I be- - EARN THE RARn1;R TRADE NEW lieve that what's going to happen / evatrm -constant practice: careful rr 1Stsrrnrtlo,,: few weeks complete nnnrset W114 hmppen• tool. free: geed uatee earn twelre to eighteen dollars weekly: write for rats - (:et a move on you in the i'igl:t lugs. Airs. BV. F.. lio.twell, of 337 Pett. voucher Ave., St. Buuifaco, \\'ntnipeg, says ;.- "borne t.:ne ago toy children took diphtheria, and while attending theta the poison entered astuall scrstuh on the second finger of my left band. This became very sure and blood _poison. lag •poll set in. For months after the children were quite well 1 WAS suffer. ing from • shocktugly bad ti•.6•,•r. The scratch was caused originally by a pin, and in itself, ww nal at all serious. The consequences, however, of neglect. iu this scratch, wore very serious toale, "'Whorl rho t•lood•i.ulroniu act in I tried poultices nod n .alve 1 had in rho ho tett These, lure over, did not baro the dQ,1104 etibct- Quite on the contra the auger became more and more swollen and die. colored. It then began to fester, and I hail to.•all In a doctor. Ifo lencod the finger to lot nut the pus, and YOt1 CA11 k-nalilne how painful the linger weal 1e.pite uta caro, however, it again teetered and the oln(ine,ita, liniments, and other prep*ret Dons which the doctor gars me seemed absolutely unable to bring about any rel let. ""r he dootor thereupon advised metogo Into the St. Donitoeo hospital. I feared 13:41 It I went to the Hospital the Roger would be nuipu:ated. Wo were told pr a txiaosimilar totoyown in w111et1t,tnt link had oftoetod a curs when everything else he -1 toilet sod the doctor had said that only amputation could save the person's halal. \Ve, t herefore, dee lod to give Zane Iluk atrial. A supply was procured. and we commenced Ihu Zstu-Duk tr.Alment. 1t only needod a few dap; to show the wisdom of tui4 step. The blood -poisoning and Inflammation were teduoeri, the pain became lest acute, and 1t was eyiis°t very shortly that the trouble won beteg reduce -1 toe lose end °till leu area W. persevered with the Zaru-Duk and et the end the festering eons Yees thoroughly cleaned then healed. In under three weekly front first commencingwith ane Duk, the finger wee .entirelf well; and hurl wean lie.l?.am•flukIntheBretplea), faltered of trying ordlnsry preenraUon.. no doubt 1 should have save(' myself hours and hopes nt acute agony.' All mothers eh,ntld note this CMS. Zam Auk le a sure care for blood-poisouinT, festering, outa• scratches float barbed wire, bruises, e-sems, rashes. tetter, soh rheum, face gorse ub-ors, piles, bid lei. 'erica a veins, and all skin injuries and diseases. 60, a hos, all drug- RRbts and stores or post free from Zara Bilk co., Toronto. for price. fiend 10 sump for postage n?'ree trial hoc. lief uart alt t , tIntluts. EDUCATIONAL, Motor Barber College. 2225. Qneaa East. Toronto. d:reetiun, then keep going. ewer IDELIt0Mtr8 TRUSS sill hold it., ralu.•Ib1.i °,alit- F. -t •,-e•1 1,y f.,teme-t tne•h.-. 41 1110 r1. 5l rite I,.r patt.cu.ara. 13. LINit\IAN (Itez'dl ,4 lei . MACHINERY. ��A(itlst:tiY 1IEADQIIaHeeIt.e. -- 1' lrnn and w-,otl•wcrkinR InaelonerTgi engines. boiler.. steam pumps. gaenlit1 engines, electric motors. cont rectors machinery. rte. !send for catalogue of over 1100 tunthine•. 11. W. l'.E't ibis. Lim lied. 'Toronto, Mont teal t' apruuver. ARTICLES FOR SALE. 6.1 011 If AIDICA N t•F:rF:R IN.; W.aR- � rant• b..tight and roll. 3'o 11.tes. Dirkln.nn. Roost 2-0, t.; Watt St •1'nrortn. '%' .1N'I LI) 5-'01' l'i( AFRICAN t: AR. ratite. Virile• -t price paid. I'os • Boas. S. ott St . 'Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. NO 6'I1 llXt acres in the Tovnrirto ('art,lnc, in the County of 1ltdi:Hemet. snit, rich sr ndy 1nam, 3 L?. Here. or, !void 1 .Corry frame house, 2 frame• barns anel nisei ontbnildinga, a h'w rods to pnbllo school. ■rid (lose to thnreb. a miles from Si rut tiros. market and R It $tatian. .`0. (.27:- 50 metes, tN TRF: Towsslliw of itisee(nrd. in the ('aunty of Oa• tried, and. black clay team, 2 storey inn• rrete holier. frame back horn with 011,1. ince tinder. other ontbeilding'. heteti'ige nearly new and in good repair. satiated on ("rare' road. 4 reties frim Woodstock market and R R Station. "'hit, advertise• mint appears In over 500 newspaper, lnlnirera will please state the paper in wh,e•h they sew thla advertiesment Th• Wester,' Real Eatata F:vr•hange, Limited, 73 Dundn. Rt.. i.ondon. Ont. 1) RiTISII COLi'MlUA - FORT fit:( Rnis Innde, 50.0000 acres fertile when, and mimed 1:melee muds. trend for pho- tographs and surveyors' reports. Th• Wr.eh• Investment Co., Itomi Trust nodding. Vancouver. R. C. LI OR RALE (%R ERI•ilAVOE, Bttll,nINo lute and farm land♦ en ea•V pay tern merits Mathews. Room Roomuy w11s1.2 75 property. Toronto. Is Your Hearing Cood ? CALVES Ra1•e Them wit^° Alt• IS•.•k:a YrN I.lee-.. heirs. Heed Co. Ltd., Tomei-.JOna The iii %a O 1'IIONE +rill give you the benefit. of 1(0' J hearing Send for Tree To wheam It ens? eeneem: Thl• le to b•' Slel Irving earls- nlar. and renes certify that i have titer' BIN ARD'S !ANL of sot5.f..3 p,e•r, AI:•, S11:NT myself nr wall n• prem.1ibed it in fp•olat Offer 10, a Months Home Trial. "The doctor hat ordered me tot FORKS FOR THE SOLDIERS. tat only the plainest food." Turkey's 11'nr Minister has just. "For how 1''ng l" I(ordered forks for the convenience "Till 1 have paid 13,4 hill,I1 of soldiers in barracks. The fork glees."1 di.! not appear in Europe as a eunl• _' mon table implement until thear%•- Try this To nnteenth century, though as early - u as the thi' tecntIt yr ntury gold and ('1� + �/e silver ones were 'mole for special Sure :,�'. .Y purposes. The ordinary /liner was Z Your err; provided with a trencher, a Y Way ' Clothe! t;,tl•kin And a spoon. For knife he used his own, which he carried re ml►ut. There was no segond h ‘e ral courees came along he tee to 1 ve l • no second spoon. When a Yeti don't hare f• knew w: KIND of clelh yJ4c r•)-,dlInt na%ir of. SAME reef. -•ALL - Ma 'memo •1 MlsseSN. All cetera n(cnta 10 in your i otesisl or Denier Samp!• C..rd H. -k!.1 free. The Joh,sea-Rteh•rdeen et. G • n rael • v .02:"1,2•211. ma reined his ingenuity and inopfted his trencher with his bread. The hest euro for worry is to find some (Inc who needs your help. 01 ht '41\ I 1 1 Il \ .L But the things you try to keep dark will come to light sooner or 1:;trr. When You're Hoarse Use can In Cts? moat to zycaseitss Gives immediate relief. The first dose relieves your aching throat and allays the irritation. Guaranteed to crmtain no opiates. Very palatable. AU Druggists. 25c. Cored with • it operation' All who ore Af- flirted with this dieer.•e and wi•h to he eared rermanently. .afely and qui, kly With this Rrcat homeopathic remedy. whieh sal be *cut pewt•paid anywhere In the world with full fn•treetlnn. for tieing en a• 1n effect a permanent cure. PNre a' a-ldrr-• Jelin T. Walt. Hnmeonathie Pharmacy, Arnprior. Canada. IA•A A IIS aOMPIC Kadway'i1t'a. renes the w_r y ;labl 1.. trn41 one to tweet, rnln•itee Tor Ilea•1 a• he 1i'ok or n e w num, Tenth ache Vas*t1. la. R1 •,t m , Lien •sg•,. ( pA • In 'he Nadi. sitne or kidneys Ins Around t 5 e tier, pleurt•v swelling* of the .,fists, •t, paler of oil kin :5 nee RADWAY'3 MILADY RELIEF. INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Your Mood hat ba erne til n and c.r%k. .1 I.. -.train upon your s)stem the past few mor.'hthas been very great. You ere tee - scauently feeling "' all cut of sorts" end "run down." Your appetite it had and ynu hardly Lave enough energy left to do PLour daily duties. You shoal! lake SYCI IINF. the grease.., of 'Yonas, 111111 - out tth- out delay. 'Ilia 1+.11 p:11 you en your feet a1 once. (,rntiemen:.-"Mare used PSYCI LINE and 1 do think it ;s the greatest tonic and •vitem builder known. 1 aouIla/Jtisr all whn are ru,-dnwn or p!tysirai:y weak 11 use PSYCI 'INK:." 1 ours truly, Mr•. Ja.. Bertrand, Wert Toronto. If yes sr. weak PSTCNIN!: win asks roe .eras( roe Sale 1, •p Druti,lt a Dialers, sO,. t.:1 •sr b ttk, Dr. T. A.:;LOCUM LIMITED. TORONfi) Ycii" PRONOU'4C ED 31- KErti