Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-24, Page 8A Dog Muzzle ► 1 EXETER MARKETS. U I Ilton. I with a � LOCAL I)OI�IG� ►i ell ) � 111 e t to do on CHARGED And :e wan with an ill-fitting suit of clothes are in the sante boat - loth Haadicappod ! It you are a man with clothes troubles ',aye TAMAN diagnose your case. Ile quite likely will prescribe A SLIT OF DECENTLY MADE CLOTIIES at a roe- ular price. Ile does not send his goods to out- ot-town . bathing manufacturers to be THROWN together and Palmed off on you for a CUSTOM a1ADE SLIT, but makes the sults Ls hes own eastern work shop insuring you a PERFECT FIT and REST WORKMANSHIP. NEW Sz'JtING SC1TlNGS 0V 1:COATINGS AND VANTINGS .11tf1V1NG DAILY W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, gizeter, - Ontario losisess Locals -- Read Them In Black, Grey, Brutes, and New Blue. Sea the New Diagonal Serge. Just the thing for your new suit. Stew- art's. MAN WANTED A farm hand wanted at once. Apply at this office. A look trill convince you that we have the bat assortment of Dinner Sets in town. 7:75, 10.00, 12.50, 16.00, $20. Stewart's. EACH WEDNESDAY Ft�s/3='i�3�'�33 a Viral Fisher Is visiting in Ham- ♦ rs. cv. Collins went to London a A��xiIa��a`iSIa� Mcnday• \\'ilbui Martin was in Clinton business Tuesday. Two medium sized, comfortable t.outee for sale. Apply at this office. Ladies' Rain Coats—just the thing for Spring wear. New motor style's. New_fawn and green shades. Price $10 at Stewart's. 147:, to I'1oe weekly made handling our goods. Salary or comnliselon. -FAIR- FAX REFINING CO., Cleveland. Ohio. Something nett in Underskirts 11Regal Taffeta—wear guaranteed," looks like silk, but wears better. See them at Stew- art's. 2.60, 2.76, 3.25. Leave your ordt: early for 1 -lot -Cross Rune at Stathan•.'e. MILLINERY. We incite you to see our Spring 3fillirlery. 11'e hare erery- thing that is newest and brat in the world offashion. At Stewart's. A 111011 GRADE SCi1OOL.-The three tactors in the acquiring of an education aro teacher, test -book and student. Ever since its inception the Clinton Business Cclkae has secured teachers of ' the wider e•;p:ricnre and ripest scholarship The text -books used arc the best publish ed. consequently their graduates have received the best positions, and their success has bean unrivalled. This school receives additional prestige by being affllI)tcd with the Commercial Ed- ucators Association of Canada, which comprises Canada's greatest chain of High Grade flodern Actual Business Schools. The Spring Term openings are ,tar. lath and April 4th. � Mls Gcud Fr aday tv-::,o1 row. Spey tad rates on the railways• good Loin Thurs- day to Wednesday. Rev. E. A. Fogs, assisted by Mr. J. E. Drown, es -policeman of New York. Is conducting special rervlres in the Niels street this week. Tat. Exeter Gun Club are holding their aa:,ual shooting match on i3t1o1 Friday. Five Events of 20 tareet v each will be shot. The annual meeting of the South Ilu- ron Liberal Association has been c shod for Monday. March _Nth, at 1.3o, at Diro•t'■ (tall, frucefteld. Mr. Ed. Hooper made a deal with Mr. August Guhr last week by which the former got a fine automobile and the tatter a half section of land In the west. Mr. Hooper left Monday for \Win- ::iper. taking the auto with him. Rev. Robbs' sermon Sunday evening on "Tobacco" was a strong and able one, although, as he said he expect- ed, many people would consider some statements as extreme. However, he le usually logical and gives strong reas- ons for his statements. The report le given currency that the C. P. R. Intends at an early dater to un- dertake the construction of a branch line between Goderlch and St. Marys. The C. P. R. has ao line through this ipart of the province and the proposed line would tap a rich agricultural sett:oir. On Friday last Judge holt sentenced Jacob J. Wilton of Brussels convicted of an unnatural crane to seven years Jn Ki:,geton Penitentiary. The sentence was none too severe coneidering the facts, but owing to the prisoner's ago it is likely to pretty nearly use cup ,the remainder of his term of life. Ile was taker, to Kingston on Monday. Mr. John Ilawkehaw had a successful sale of his faros and effects on Satur- day last. The farm was purchased by Mr. Robert Galles, owner of the saw mill, for 45000. air. Ilawkehaw will move to the residence now occupied by Mr. It. G. Seldon on Main street. while \S r. Seldon will move into Mrs. Crock- er's t,ouse on Andrew street. Rev. D. W. Collins commenced a ser- ies o: Easter sermons in the Trivia Me•ntorial Church on Sunday morning c•ttitled the "Seven sayings of Christ from the Cross," one of w;ti,•:t he las and will consider each night during this wee'. The discourses thus far have been deeply interesting' aid instructive and the meetings have been well attend- ed. Wall rapers—All the newest ideas and designs art shown. ire hare them to suit any room. elf "te)rart'a. 5c, 8e, 10e, 124)', 15c, 20c, .151•. HICKS' GI ESSEct, -.\ Iod of storm centres on 31st. Tr is is the crisis dleturtrante, and so ),car the centre or the Mars and Earth periods on the, 21st that prolonged storms of rain, sleet and snow should riot be surprising during tar last week of Martha mat tlonary per the 30th and ,re the Mercury CHURCH DIRECTORY .1 \\1ES-ST METIIODIST CHURCH itev. Richard Ifobbe, Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7. Class Service -9.30 a.nt.and atter Mc: n - Ing !crvice and Wednesday nldht. You,1g Men's Class and Catechumens - Sun:day at p. M. Sunday School and Vibie Clastics- 2.n0. Epxort:l League -Tuesday 8 p. :n. Pre)e: )Meat` .F-Tuu: mday 8 p• m • Te Sop eu for We have the finest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings ANt) Trouserings We are filled up with the new- est and best goods for the mak- ing of clothing, and we do the mskinp in the best of style. W. JOHNS lliloratlaat Toilet. Baetsr Mr. Frank J. Dclbridge, writing from Clareshoint, Alta., Bays, -To show the difference In weather here and in Ont- ariospring work has started In earn - eat and the ground 1s plowing nicely. There was some harrowing and dlseing done In January. Feb. was a little colder, but with the last two weeks of warns weather all the fell wheat is looking fine. The usual spring meeting ot the Exeter Agricultural Society took pla"e In tate Central Hotel on Saturday last, when considerable business was tran- sacted. The Society has decided to hold a Field Competition in Oats this year -5 tc 21 acres -conducted under the supervision of the Ontario Government. A governnient mail will judge the grain. Anitcurttcmeht of the conditions will be made later. A few weeks ago we inlagined we had sufficient snow to snake the sun and rata work over -time for several weeks to get rid of It, but the warm sunshine or Friday. Saturday and Sunday and the rain of Saturday night has made it all disappear. We have had some beautiful spring weather, but it le a little early yet. and we must still ex- pect some wintery weather. although It can't be for long. on Mrs. Key, v 1s v.slting Mr. and Mitt. F4. Stewart at London. Mr. Samuel Adair of Parkhill called o , abrade In town Tuesday. Mr and firs. Robert Sweet ot Clin- ton are visiting relatives here. (r. Paul Madge and eon Martin left Saturday tot Lethbridge, Alta. Mrs. \WIllianr Westcott of Seaforth spent So•iday with relatives here. Mr Fred Flawkshaw o1 Toronto vis- itel his parents here over Sunday. Rte.,. \\'nl. Itawden sailed from Liv- erpool on Meiday tot hie home here. Mr. John ?tallett attended 'hc etas', "lien Bur", In London Monday .tight. Rev. Dr. Ramsay of Ottawa le here visiting with trlate/es for a few days. Me. Livingstone of Milverton le visit- ing at the home of Mr. Jvhn Ilawkehaw. Cuuacillor Cures. Luker attended the W. 0. T. \V. Convv!.tio:l at London last wt-ek. Miss Lizzie Flayne visit 111 London : and Brantford. Mr. Frank Knight returned on 'Tues- day :roan a several months visit in C.eli:orltia. \fr. liance,ck of Detroit was (:etc at- tending the funeral of hle uncle, the late George Lewis. Mrs. Powell returned Monday 1111111 from Listowel, where she has been vis- iting the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Salter, who have been spending the winter in England, 'are ex- pected to arrive home this week. Miss Margaret JScakins of Brandon, etan., is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. Mark Meakii&s, who is 111. Mrs. ffarchand and two children left Wednesday for Hamilton and Buffalo. wla re they Intend spending a few weeks Mr. and airs. Jos. Bawden and child of London are visiting the fornmer's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 13awden. for a few• days. Mr. Boner Pagshaw, who has been visiting his parcels here during the win- ter. left Monday fur his home. at Elbow Salk.. taking with him a carload 0' set- tler's effects. Mrs. Wm. Kydd and Mies Myitic Moodie left Tuesday to visit with friends and relatives at Lenrbeeg. Sask., while Mal. John Allison left the sante day for Regina. Mrs. Wnt. Routley 1s Improving nlce;y. Mr. Thos. Prior is on the sick flet at present and confined to the haunt'. Miss Brown is o'f duty act Messrs. Jones & May's, owing to an attack of illness. CSrarley, the 16 year old ,son of \!r. Andy Robinaon, formerly of Exeter, died in Saskatoon on Friday last. Mlltan Clark who went to Unity, Sask., last Thursday, was the first to buy a ttckct from this station over the Brand Trunk Pacific. The annual Vestry meeting of the Tray itt Memorial church will be held o'1 Monday evening next when the usual church business will be transacted. Mr. Geo. Mantle sold his house o:; North-st Wednesday to Mr. Thomas Boyle. Mr. Mantle intends leaving in a short time for Lethbridge, Alta.. and is having a sale o: his household effects on April 2nd. . Mr. Win. Wilson. who has been liv- ing in t_ sbonle for the past few months. Is moving back to town, and will reside 111 the residence vacated by Mr. Richard Treble on Ann street. Mi. Treble has morel to Centralia to reside. "Should the ladles of the choir remove their hats?" Is a matter being discussed by the choir and congregation of the James Street church. And, strange to may. motile of the ladies are In favor of dorm eo. but. perhaps It is not strange to them. Mr Alex Dow has disposed of his :At arty farm in the Township of MY. be - Ing South 11a11 of Lot 'i, Con. 1. id Mr. Robert Munn, son of Mr. Aleft. Munn of the *ante township. The price p.tld was •2400. Mr. Munn purchased a hundred acres from Mr. Jot10 'Welsh on the Loi,dun hoed over a year ago, and the present purchase Is just oppos- ite. This will make for Mr. Munn a good farm. leaves lo -day to Mrs. Shceres (0 Bank of Commerce ve. l'eb)r:a .d }libber. }tutual Fire Insurance Conn- ear.y. This was a County Court rase wheat carte up for trial in Ooderich o:t tee 16th Inst., an at tier for $7,414 loss by fire on farm but;dings near Sca- forth, loss being assigned to the bank. The insurance company refused to pay on the ground of want of notice of a certain deed and other ground*. The ac- tion was settled for $400. As we stated last week the marriage took place on the 16th at the Rectory, of Mr. Melvin Gould, awl of Mr. James Gould of Seisndtl' to Mass Flor- ence, daughter of Mr. lead Mrs. William Durnford of the Lake Road, Stephen. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. W. Collins. The young couple left on tine evening train for a trip to Ham- ilton, returning FaturtlaY evening. and are now comfortably settled an \Ir. Gould's tarns. Con. 2. Hay Tp. Tee bust wishes of their many free • de are crte:rded to them. A very severe electrical storm passed over this section early Sunday morning. One flash of lightning was almost blind Ins and the resultant thunder report al- most deafening. T Insulation was burned oft the, electric light wires in several places, and fuse wires were de- 'aroytd. The Trlvitt Memorial and '•fain street Methodist churches had to see lamps the early pert of the service tt 1 Sunday night as a result. v hale teweral business places and remlisncee were in darkness. Thos. Hawkins' res- deare narrowly escaped burring, and re- ce ived a scorching where the wire enters the house. The thunder clap broke a window in Mr. Jt. Davis' house. and 'tie shock to Mrs. Davis rendered her ill for mine tints. Neloon Shield for Local Schools. -We are au'horized to state that Rt. born. Lord Strathrona'e Nelsen Shield has been uttered by Rev. Alfred Bail of Tore-tt•, to each of the Schools in West 'furor: 1n•pet Iur'ate. There are no eharees or conditions. The Praise sad F'urt'Rn Sailors' S.xica>, which teceivei t'1e "\' it tory" topper from the Lords of t"e Peltier, Admiralty. has under- taken the erpe„*e of mounting. enfrav- 10.3 and dlatr'buting these historic Shields. and 0,11y asks some voluntary eortributlo:l to rv'ntburee Ther.;. and all their Sailors; institutes for me:; of the Royal Navy, Mert t,a; t Ships. ea , 1n C,tnade and all over the world. These Nelson Shields art hist le valued for ('sir patriotic and educational use* In the l'nlversttke. Coilegrs and schools wv.ere they arc already placed Private Sproat will reside In Saskatetoun. tier r'..;te;e• sed Sel.onte are eliplble tomtny trknd• her:. wtlli wah Mr.. Sproat Irvetive the Nelsmt Shleid. and st.ould:and her hWtnnd all happiness and prom apply for there. pertly. Wheat Barley Oats. . Peas Potatoes, per tag Hay. per too Flour. per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Short)per too Bran per ton 1 1): , 1 O 50 52 :ill 311 (11) fli 50 I:1 00 1400 290 I:50 I55 24 18 9 55 24 00 223 00 THE BEST Bread Can only be gotten from the bat flour -The following brands are unexcelled -Try a hundred next time you bake - Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (weetere Canada Flour Hill.) (.trot )ct:r crdtrt or all up Phone 2- R. G. Seldon, Exeter o•••s•,,voti••••••nae GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY EASTER Excursions Return Tickets —at— Single Fare Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron. Mich. Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N, Y. RETURN LIMIT MARCH 30, 1910. Secure tickets and full information nom J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent. Exeter, r r address J.1). M/ DONALD, D.P.A., 0. T. Ry., Tot onto. arillhalluilt 4111 a We art pleased to announce that ar- nt:tytnlcnts have been made for the ap- pearance In Exeter on Friday, April 8, of two celebrated arable in the persons of Miele Mary Jardine -Thomson and Mr. Walter Gordon Craig. Neither has been heard in this district before and both bear an variable reputation. Mies Jardine -Thomson has had the honor of singing before Iicr imperial Majesty 'tueen Alexandra and Is considered one �f the finest sopranos of the present day. She; has been 'faceted and t ntaged and will appear at the Crystal Palace, London. England. this Bummer. During her visit to England she dibcovercd some old and loae forgotten eoriga of the period of Oeorge the Third and Is Mr only artist who sings them, and she is delighting her Canadian audiences by ap petering In the costumes then An vogue. Mr. Walter Gordon Craig is an elocution Ia second to none. and has scored a peri(* of triumphs 141 Toronto and other large cities throughout the province. lie i1 especially appreela'ed S•1 1118 WoVh 'unite rte, para. -Wetly his interpretation of ' Sanely eicLashan'8 Courtet.Ip." The Toronto dally papers speak very favor- ably of Mr. Craig and the Everting Tele- gram says.- 10s readiags were equal to anything' ever heard in Toronto." As riot may be the only chance the people of 'teeter and vicinity will have to !(err two 01.1,1i each -class and well re- commended artt•te. We trust a *plena did patronage will be accorded them. See small bills. programs. and litho- :rapes. ltho- r.tpes. MARRIED 1N w 1NNIPEO-Mass Ed- ith ltobtr, o:i. who has Ixrn visiting re- 111;ve# herr durlrg the winter. left for ti,e West on Thursday last, and in W1,,,441-: she was m•t by .Mr. A. Sproat of Mtaskato,n, 10 whore she v►s8 married n•, Sunday. Mar. 20th. \Ir. and WS. FLOUR Breakfast Foods Feed and Seeds I id All the IIEST GRADES of Boar always un hand. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAi., \VIIEATLETS & 4 TUASTEII WHEAT FLAKES Oatmeal,7 lbs for 26c A I'oultt y Foods & Feeds such as gl PANACEA, OYSTERAHELI , BRIT, CRUSHED BONE, LIN- SEEl) MEAL. OIL ('AKE and FLAX SEED. Wm. Rivers Davis Old Stand - EXETER Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, 1 desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that 1 am prepared to give you the hest of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech FACES THAT fZL THE W STORY - The daily drudgery of sweep- ing with a corn broom with its clouds of dust and back -breaking effort will prematurely age any woman. The use of a . aBmngCiDit Bissell .ri sweeper will conserve you strength and by confining all the germ -laden dust within the sweeper case, will aid in preserving the health of the entire family. You can procure a high-grade Bis- sell for $2.75 which will outlast forty corn brooms costing from $12,00 to $15.00. Headquarters for Washing Machines, Wringers and Churns Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store One Door North of Browning's Drug Store, Exeter. PLEASE THE 000K and benefit yourself and family by us- Ir,g MODEL flour. it bakes so much better and gots so much farther than ordl:rary brands. VIE USE OF MODEL FLOUR meant' tetter reread, ttiscuiterake. pie. etc.. Ir•. yore.- ',onto. and nvore of them, too. Order a sack !10 -day. The nett three you need f1Aur you'll Insist on ha•In; the MODEL brand even if St toot ntnrv'. Hut i' dexmr,'t. HARVEY BROS. EX TER • ONTARIO Remember the Name --- Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their stupe is the place to buy FURNITURE. We have a fresh car load in now and every- thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call .,. Undertaking and Embalming a Speoality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES 8c MAY New Eatef� Millinery Only a few days left to have your New Hat for Easter. Come along early and oar Milliners will do their test for you. We have a large staff in our work rooms and can turn out the hate very fast. Easter News for Men We know you will all require a new outfit for Easter. Every dresser does. Here are some of the new nifty Easter goods at the very lowest prices : NEW TIES NEW SOX NEW HATS NEW COLLARS NEW SHIRTS NEW CAPS NEW GLOVES NEW SUSPENDERS NEW VESTS Everything New for the Ken and Boys Shantung Silks One of the good wearing nov- elties for Spring. This ie a good wide silk with no end of wear and [Hakes a beautiful Spring or Summer dress. All the new colors of Alice, Tan, Buff, Natural, Vis. tena, Amathyet or Raisin. Popular price 30c yd. Linen Suitings One of the most popular fab- rics we are showing this Spring. Plain or Striped Linens in all the new shades. Plain or Fancy Rep in the good selling shades. Holland or Mercerized finish are both good seller's. New Net Waists and White Waists Our New Waists are arriving every day and we ate ready to show something very new in the waist line. Dainty Net Waists with fancy trimming in white, cream, ecru and black -every one s new design. New white Waists are better than ever. All the new ideas are shown here. You will be delighted to see them. Hare Doo to Wear with Yoor Easter Solt or Boost WALL PAPER TALK House Cleaning for Spring 1 We carry a complete stock of Wall Paper from the cheapest to the most expensive in all the latest dialogue and beautiful colorings. We have many new and inexpensive designs for every room in your house. Consult us on the Wall Paper Question. It will pay you, You can bare your selections from the largest stock ever shown in Exeter. Our Wall Papers are used by the Majority. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing