Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 7Another Modern Miracle
Paralysis Permanently Cured
Oho Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet—Encased in Plaster of
Paris for gine Maths- -Dr. Williams' Pink Pips Cure After
Four Doctor;; Had Failed—The Cure Vouch d for by a Well
%ncwn Clergyman.
Paralysis, no matter how slight, made n remarkable change in me.
Ifs a terrible uffli •tion, but to be I was able to get out of bed and
paralyzed from waist to the feet, crawl along the floor on my hands
Lo be a helpless cripple, totally de and knees. Gradually my limbs be-
upon what others do for carne' stranger. Soon I could walk
you, is a condition its wretched as with the aid if u Cane and inside of
lean could possibly bear. Such nine months after I had begun the
was the state of Mr. Allan J. Mc- use of the Pills 1 was totally cured,
Donald. of Rice- Point, P.E.1. For and once more able to do light
over a year he was a helpless in- work. Now 1 am as strong as ever
valid. He was paralyzed from his I %vas and can do my work about
waist to his feet and for nine ti'e farm without the least trouble
months lay in bed encased in a I think i)r. 11'illiams' Pink Pills
plaster of Paris cast. Fot' of the are nithout an equal, for, besides
Le st doctors in Prince Edward 1s- my own case, i know of two other
land were unable to help him and ('ages of paralysis cured by thein.
hr. seemed doomed for a life of mis- '1'wa seeing girls who had been crip-
ery and despair. But hope came tiles and whom 1 advised to try the
to him when he read of what 1)r. fills."
William/4' Pink Pills had dent toe In corroboration of what Mr.
other sufferers from paralysis. He _N -Donald says, the Rev. 1). Mac -
procured a supply of the Pills and Lean of Charlottetown, P.E.I.
began taking their. Gradually they strites :--"I visited Mr. McDonald
;broke the chains of disease that mane times during his illness. He
mend him, and fitted his whole was attended by three or more doc-
eds. with new blood, life and vigor. tors and put in plaster Paris. and
Ir. McDonald says:--` I am a far- e+erything imaginable which might
neer and in consequence have a be of benefit was done for him with -
greet deal of hard work to do. One out success. He had lost all pow-
ilny while about my work I injured er of his body from his waist down
illy back, but at the time I paid and I think he was nearly a year
little attention to the injury and under treatment before he began
F't ntinued my work. As time went t ' use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
pre though. the pain became more Was with hint the first day he moved
;severe and I soon found ruyself his big tee and from that time on
unable to lift anything, no matter he gradually improved and for the
how light. it was nut long before last few years he has been per -
I had to stop work altogether and finely well. I can vouch for the
consult, a doctor. He treated tae cure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ef-
'but his t•reatrnent did not help tae, fected in his case."
fend I rapidly grew worse. I had If you are sick and the treatment
in take to inyebed, and in the hope you are now taking does not help
Ittiat my spine might receive you, give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
�trength I was encased in a plaster a fair trial. They have toured thou-
hnu-ief Paris cast. This did not help sands after doctors and other me-
kne. and I could feel the paralysis dical treatment had hopelessly
slcwly creeping over me till I was failed. There Pills actually make
tetally paralyzed from my waist new. rich, red blood, feed the
to my feet. I. lost all control over starved nr ryes and bring health and
'pry bowels and bladder and my strength to every part of the body.
lc gs had no more feeling than .if This is why l)r. Williams' Pink
they were made of wood. Three Pills cure such apparently hope -
ether doctors strived to cure ale, less cases as Mr. McDonald's, and
but their treatment also was a fail- it is why they have cured thnu-
ure, and for eleven 'months I lay in sands and thousands of sick. dis-
hed unable to move. Dr. Williams' couraged people in every part of
'Pink Pills were then advised, and the world. Sold by all medicine
1 w•i:s shown testimonials of others dealers nr by mail at 50 cents a hex
elm had been cured of paralysis or six boxes for $2.50 from The
through them. I Fought a supply Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -
Geed in less than three Months they rine. Qat,.
e_ - - — -
A KII.L-JOY. "Who gave the bride away 1"
\I'o come near lynchin' the "Nor little brother. He stood u1' Mitch distress slid sicker.: in
wrong man yistiy," said t hnppnral right im the rnidrlle of the ceremony hildren is caused by worms. Me -
and yell�d, 'Hurrah, Fanny, you've �'
('ha cele• ; "jilt as we wuz gain to got him at last'" ether Graves' \form TXterminatur
swing him off, lou,' ;gives relief by removing the cause.
"Ali'" exclaimed the Eastern -" 'Give it a trial and bo convinced.
to wrist, "and then you discovered ?.anus pose" s►4wet.
doss net delay atoms.
Opium iadeu me• Or" •' may check con;hinaR
3 our mistake, eli1 What luck :'
sal ho n• t Irifle;when gnu bes
'•N'rizn't i', though 1- The worst a eoutb tak• Allan's Lang Dabao, fN• trot;
,, •plan, tort tot beeline pow•t.
1 ever heard tell ef. .5,
(i Ili 31 iS FEEBLER.
t the u11131dN on 20 cents a day and!•
tiE FOUND TNE�I (grow fat, harbor hie strength and Baby Smiles
Ac•cerding to an Indiana las' add constantie to it.
ser, the scrdict of the jury in >t case THE BEST OF ALLWhen He Takes
1 tried in that State was distinctly Ih. 1'rankliu \1'1►it 's favorite
menus, which should prove as so- I
metol need by an unfortunate break lace to the hungry workman are
I made by a youthful attorney in his WHAT Ill'I'l N HUMS; SAYS OF lirctikf:► t (ti-nnteal mush, one I v�
• closing address. 'fele defence put
f(,warll had been that the defend- DOUI/'S h1Nt:1' Pl1.L, �r nt ; ole,nuarF;urine, Iw'o cents;
.y rap, one cent ; total, four cents,
ant was an imbecile, and cense-
(.i sr' —1)- Lunch I',aut .es, two cents; oleo CURE
quently was unable /o di•tin};uish ,liter Trying FiveDoctors for Ilts ntarg•irir.e, two cents; smoked her- Tilt ZEST ttteirU t fJC�SdSt: .PS,
i•t•teern right and' wrong. In his Kidney Disease ile Found fieliel ria!, rine rent ; cocoa shells and
summing tip the young lawyer made,.u'ilk, two scuts; total, seven cent
clever use of this point ; but, when
in tete Great Canadian bidet', three cents; le,
shout to close, expressed himself' Rew1`dy. tellies, three coats; cocoa, two
in this extraordinary manner:-
"Gentlemen of the jury, gaze up-' llAli rflrloc cillter+in- , ?I:4n , Ftiweeb. 1.(t1,ac(Sptorscc'a1)fat. sccuentsts.; bread, onGila'
cent; total, nin
on this unfortunate defendant. lie- I
Kidney Trouble,
from which 1 hail- 'p- 1
gat -ti, gentlemen, that receding; s;tffercd for three years. I find tha: To Men \\'lin i.ive Inactive Lives,.!
forehead, the s;isniticant angle of Dodd'Kidney fills relieve No Lest l: 'rcise iu the open air i• the;;
those ears, the lack -lustre expres- of all.If I keep en feeling as 1
h; st tonic fee the slonrlcll and sys
secs. Need 1 remind have since I began taking Dodd-:+ ;les generally
fee ; but there are those 1
the.. gentlemen of the jury that those
siun of those Kittle > fills I shall be well p{rsst ti who are comnetled to fallow sedtn- I
are unmistakable evidences of :`'+t clod 1 run hoping; they will cure tory oeeit ations and the inactivity
lure's deprivation ..f the power to n e."
distinguish to restrict the tie like Action
distinguish right. fromwrong . 1E j $o says Rufus Harris, well ''of the digestive organs and siek'tess
neraut of this distinction between known in this village. "I had stiff- follows. Parutelre's Vegetable fills
right and wrung, gentlemen of the ; ness in the Dints ho continues, '
jury, and
can this poor imbecile' „j regulate the stoma •h and liver and,
cramps in the muscles, backadIn ',restore healthy action. It is wise
be cons hIted of the charge brought ;and was bossy and sleepy after 1e h tse a packet of tho pills always i
against him? Why, gentlemen, this 1 meals. I was depressed and low etas hand•
unhappy man is like a two -year -Old a �'rited, perspired freely, was often ,e, 1
t 1
c{,ild-ho .neither knows why h(i dizzy and always thirsty. but since) She was shopping. She drifted!
dues n thing nor how. 'Therefore' I
taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I sin ]lets the place where they sell binn
geetlemen, it is with peculiar pride feeling very Rood." kits. 11011 oticr roll wss deposited
I reflect that, such are the id most you have any of the symptoms, 7ind spr1`ad Diff before her. Still,
tions of this, the greatest and most I
Mr. Harris teals of, it is t.inle for : she listlessly asked for more. Fin -
glorious of all nations, that my eli-
yoll to hewn re. They are the sump i alt?• Fin -
with brazen face, she remark -
glorious Ia•lie.l.�rp'ain.n•l li:ht.ewlnK,
ells, imbecile though he be, to-dayed AS she rose, ''Oh, well; 1 don't at home eh de or .p.re tfma.: "0 pay:
toms of Kidney 1)►sPnse and may, , work tont any distance, rh.ree% pari. Nerd
stands for trial by a jury of lois' 4nn lar tali arliculrea .5 ti. nal +Lwufac•
1•e the forerunners of Rheumatism, ; really mean to buy any, I w•as mile % P r
peers!„ ^•R-. Dropsy, Luntbtago, heart. Disease, 1••ekinR for a friend." "l'raw +toil -luria� Crfult ntreal.
GOING TO 'TAKE A CH \Nt E. or even thy. dread Bright's Disease a moment, ma'am," said the attend- FARM FOR RENT.
itself. Take warning and guard Iant, suavele; "there is one ,note
R e l blAnkrt all tele , p 1 r tilt, •r() neve. het wenn +toaf .r,l an4 noose
apainst suffering Or es -en death itel Fret. Pei -ha 9 4 c.,nndTwnhon,treta••re•nnder.ro'•'r„inn,
self by puttingthe Kidneys ingood i y•.'ttr friend is in that." see nr•t i -e farm h ,nil e . 4 motile! ling•.
R J. w. o Whitney, Y: T.iro:tt , Street Toronto
working order with Dodd's Kidney - - —••b•
-'I' ' rt -von ALR +3 •c,e•. 1 m:Te from Londa
A case at Kingston shows vividly
Diner -"Here, landlord, what'smarket brio; hour•, name b rn. 'a u.t
the platter with your dog? I've the danger of neglecting to apply •ol.uiIkint.nitntit. Terme to •nit. We bars
R Zain-Buk
of all ► f fr and afire t to. suit se t ra
to a cut ora sore. Mrs. .
heall hers away a dozen times, butarticular, 'i he Western Keel K+tat Exchange,
he always comes back again and A Harrlrfon, living in Place til , Loudon, tint.
d'Arraes, while attending to her
sits close to my chair, watchingA1. nAReit1V-allied larro. 5�(t scree
r•. ort mouthful I take. Do t urn household •duties, struck her ankle �� eel hone, bufldii'Ca, tencin;, ha.. water,
against a Start) projection on the nd seine. b all R'W+1 ,tea. e••i- n, Anal. Folli
erten out and let inc have my diviner' rttcalsre (too Maaera, r.rrulell, ,w,k
in peace." Landloid --'':1h, sir.'furniture. She took no notice of
in Carlo is such a knowing brute. the injury, deeming it trivial. In ! , EDUCATIONAL.
i expert you have Rot the plate he day or two the ankle began to swell Even THE 14 4/1111.11 '1'(r+Dr "'FTC ,
generally eats tiff." • and cause excessive pain. A doe- ' e / •�d►m rnn(t3 'f pra�•'e^' r,rnfnl
House -Hunter - "Seems to me tor, called ill, found that, dye from I"ctrnr+inn: few w•enk. rn•nn'rtr coarse:
tr.nts tyre: arnduetn• ears t.-^etre to
Ills her stocking had entered the wound r'j f,''" Anllar. u 51'- "clic r^r rnta-
Il+i. house isn't very well built. The
tenor shakes when we walk." Agent and set rep blood poison. Treat- „„''. Motor Barber College. 221 Queen
"Um -y -e -s; that's the new kind 'tient with Zain-Buk followed, but . }•a«t, Tnrnntn.
e f spring flout for dancing, you it was several days before the limb AL VES II""
wf rang out of danger. "Had it not Cj ts.keel Free. Hurl e -Hunter ''And stets:., Briggs Sind Co.. Ltd., Toreuto,ioatt.
these stairs creak terrible." Agent been for the powerful antiseptic
Y e -s ; w( furnish this new nit properties of Zara-Buk and its ex- MOPE FOR THE DEAF -IN ACOUSTICOR -
1 er ItjOUat healingvirtues. the •.ne ur the ma rely a( tb• e'ectrical a.'..
Pet burglar -alarm Staircase +with_: 1 u u,. t, nuchout tho .Doted. ++tits for rata•
t, wound plight have had a very seri- i'gue. General Arau•tic Cu., of C'anal*. Ltd.,
••ltl e•Xtl'A c•hnrge. _ „ .etis Yuma, Stre•t.Toronto. '
ons result, says Mrs. Harrison.
i A Remedy for Bilious Tleadaehe-- 1�larlatt's Bair Promoter
To those snhieet to bilious head -t. Wives look remit ed to haeme nen Creiws Hair en any ■ala Head
ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Page, clothes, and husbands to pat in On sale at the R•,ht. siitnr."n ('o..T,•rnntn,
X Ca node. nr the itarlt.a stair Promoting
are reeemmcntled ns the way to- fel thymi. Co., •1'orouto, ('•nada.
•it'edw relief. T7^.ken according to ; Blind, Bleeding, Itching,
Jlrertiens they will subdue irregu- renew Jap•Th 1t, They •nppn«t the Montle! PIlES Blind, Piles quickly
found In •'Th• 1) k 1." +tenthnl 1'Iw.ter, whisk
iarlllrR of the [tlln1ac11 and 5U net. In•tantl b•,ckwch., bea.ln.;he, acarol i and permanently. cured by
main Ibe nerves and blood vessels rb•umatiam and sciatica the matt scientific anti rt 1`nunti.:.1 remedy
(that the pains in the. head will LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILE*
1 111 ts. McDuff- - "This paper says t,r, r S'.00 G for 85.00. mailed on res.
e se. There are few who are not
that. trice are attraettd by music, i
sometime slthi1` t to hilion'nnss mint ..f prier.
a el familiar with its attendant but. I don't believe it.''
es ils. Yet n•:"e need suffer with " Why not .''' \ire. M^Duff -"Be tie Ou••n west, TORONTO,
these pills at ha:)d• cense I never see any mice around'
_ s"hen I play the pian,,. •' McJ)Itft—! APPENDICITIS
HF•R I?RPI,A\:1TiO\, "\\'cit, that's no reason for doubt -
II the paper's statement,"
Howard -Bridget, did Illy wife
+'„incl in a few mi1101CS ago 1
Bridget --\o, sir. That's the
parrot eon heard ahellerin'.
$.' picauni that 0- ro
am t
i.., tin.utuW,
Antuna r.. d ,wt and kap.
- A Stamtari I . t • • rntu r.
An Oru, e*a. 26 C•nta -
1':dward-- ' Wilt your mother con-
sent, do you think'"
Angelina --'•We'; I can fix that.
1 11. get papa to top},use it."
Cheapest of all Medicines.- ('on-
sidering the curative qualities of
1)r. Thomas' I?c1,ct ric Oil it is tho
cheapest medicine now offered to
,the public. The close required in
any ailment is small and a brittle
contains many doses. If it were
vultted at the benefit it confers it
could not be purchase 1 for many
times the price asked for it, but in,
;creased consumption has simplified
and cheapened its Manufacture.
"Are you really going to 'n^rt+'
that seeing man,"
"Yes, his parents strike me, ae
being very agreeable people."
1 Simple Remedy That Any One Can
Prepare at dome.
Most people are more or less sub-
: Jeet to coughs and colds. A simple
remedy that will break up a cold
quickly and cure any cough that is
curable is made by mixing two
ounces of Glycerine. a half ounce
of Virgin Oil of Pine compound
pure and eight ounces of pure
Whisky. You can get these in any
good drug store and easily mix
;Lem in a large bottle. The mixture
is highly recommended by the Leach
Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, who
prepare the genuine Virein Oil of
Pine compound pure for dispensing.
H:1111► HIT.
Stella -"Young Riddell seems to
he infatuated with the girl he is
I c terage(1 to."
Aloud --"Yen. They say he pre -
posed after seeing her with her hair
(lune up in curl papers."
felt/ BABY •
♦ -- - 4h
The healthy child is alw•itts •
+ a happy (•hill. All its little
♦ trembles vanish when its food
digests properly and it is free 1►
• from childish ailments. ale, •t •
4 of these ailments come (rein •
• stomach or bowel troubles.
r colds, feverislinet;s, teething ♦
4 inr1 worms. Baby's Own 'fabs •
♦ let ; promptly cure all these •
+ troubles and Leon little ones +
♦ -tell. Mrs. 1!. G. Marti'►, •
• hosenscliffe. Que., sass: "1 4'
♦ have usedfR:lby's Own Tao- +.
• !•••- in ale home for the tenet .0.
♦ 1 i r years, And since using 1'
teem MI,' 111111` ,tnPv have en-
♦ d the best of health. i
♦ 1
,:, rmntend them to seers
• i• r ns a sure eure fee Ilio A.
• ' ; t • ' rolthlrs of childleind." }
♦ t
♦ ti„ld by medicine (teeter' or r
• l '• rrinil nt ee cents it hex -
± . "i The 1)r \\illiams' Me
♦ •1t' ('e . ilr,•ekwiiie, Ont.
14-14-Mf••14-14-1-1-1-1-14-14-d-11 — 'i' fest table. (hilar When they areeon t
•.• .-• pitted when their kidneys are not
Ifr,llnwav's ('urn (etre d'struys "Yes.' replied the talkative, of nrdtr when oyer-Indutgenrr, In i:CY1\OlIIZINt;.
nit! Lady "i want y''u t•. take !elf kilns of comes end wart', ro„t ben r. "\\'hy !” pomp favorite fond give• them in. ti -c, hu, the cost of living' 1 no.
1 , I: !hal ,arrmt gull s,.1:1 '2t,•. 1 't'id'e. Tun mi
its lite paper that dig,'etlion 1)r. Uurer's Indian Root I start bra Who. then would en Pitts will quickly and surely put Our fn. rl begins to vary,
t 7 ,1 that it Sweatt very 1,7tllt. s.{►,itt1 i Interest yell particularly: them right. Putety vegetable. `\'r can't nifartl a pufter•iletl'<r,
1 id 1)talt•r "\\'.II, Iradnm, it'sn • reale` them with sorb a cheap olid
t florin tl remedy w11.110 react►, Tt. trot- nice rutinm for gent, with they neltker harsh, wet, ken or So pass the route! :,teak, teary.
., rt tt.nn 1,11+' • ttrlta•• like harsh purgatires. l
qas. Guard your r•hUdrrn'• health by (. It II l+7111 It'i 6 always keeping n Mit of Dr. �1••r••• a The ('h„lee ( cuts are me far us,
e 1 L, 'ter w hen it's a bit el ler.-
er,' i �� r
-_ i11' measure of leve is not whe- Often you Molest forget the geed tndi,tit Root Iills in the h•oe-'.
�• I'' ', In (lrn•king ellen h'r wise. '• i,t`i it drains \-Veer bank account, i cull have null 5„ wadi the }("(+(l you They 'the pi -it'(, 111akr' 11...Miter.
tut whether it draw• en your heart. ' v.ould be. Keep the Ch ltdreln WeI1 Ot., \lacy, kite the (emp:tny
• h• •,• n number of patients 1 Another slice . f lisrr.
• e;es mitt) "\I'he has beet, w•1 i; "-'- --
1,. • the l„attest ' ' Tailor I,,' . 1, � "AUttIEete,Ts,.I0I w” *In beenta•a react Y,•u (an always get. the price .•f —1.1) 1. (1\ 20 1•f,\ I' 1 II I1 , .. `
If 11 he atL,wed 4• reach down the t n.•e ---
r •,1 '• t ' delivered
1119 1118) 1 it'tt. ` t. t5• lung' Nip the peril in the bud wit\ Ih(• 1117111 +thn wears his t)1'Ide ell til'' ,•,
,i. , • - 1 .i� 1jvi't'cl 1)1.' , - tt• All.,e's t.ar• n.,.a,. ..o,. ,ae..de eontalalia :•1., II.Il %:ll'd PI'efI'» sI' Rt•lie►e. Il to
• DO opiates.
. . 11 : +ear, nsto. 1
Present Itac influenza is of tI 31ltd
The (hinge in the character of
telluenen in England in the
pest deelide wavy explained by rt
physician, who has Walde a careful
study of the epidemics of this dis-
c./4i e
"'Ihcre k no question," said the
deceit, "that present-day influenza
of n much milder chartt'ler than
It vas ten years ng'.. The reasons
are twofold: a natural nttenuntion
of the germ, and a partial inunu-
nit\• aequired by our systems.
"influenza germs do not COIn-
tat telt die nut nt the end of one
4 1'i.liut (•. C.'elt•lin of diem last me r
from ane year to another. The
sante crop planted from its awn
seed in the sante field will gradu-
ally decrcas” in virulence and the
some principle Replies to sterile'.
"Time immunity left behind after
ir.Aurnz'i is Flight. but (non a series
of at'aeks must of us have n rtnirc(
We need to change the propor-
tions between the nein who are
pray ing for peace ie heaven an(1
those who are promoting it here.
w1'�"f•EilN' L,1N US,
Why not bay it Western ('avrole
Farm that will pay for itself in •t
or 5 years. ('huicest new lands and
n few great bargains in improved
levees. Apply immediately, Farm
Lends, 301 K('n'eedv Building, Port-
age Avenue, Winnipeg.
"Owen Fla•initgan: Ar:'sot: Owen
l'lannngan 1" said the clerk of the
ct.urt. "Yes, begorra," replied the
prisoner. with it merry twinkle in
his e:.e. '•1'in ()twin' everybody:"
Pres to Our Readers.
Write Marine Eye Remedy t'n, Chicago.
far strew illnst rated Eye Rook Free,
Write .11 shoot Tour Fre Trotible and
Cher wt11 ndviae ■• to the Proper APPltea•
tion of the Murine Fre Remedies in your
ttperial Cope. Your Drage:.t will telt you
that )Iurine Relieves Sore Eyes. strength•
eau Weak Fye+, t)nrsn't Smart, Seothe4
Ere Pnln. aril sell• for Ser. Try 1t in
Veer Fars and in nnhv's Eyes for bcaly
Eyelids and Granulation.
Si'cif .\ (a :NT.
After a Cold Drive •tno•t fall to take • t•aspo•s•
Pal of Painkiller roiled with a gla•v of hot water
and +near. it .argilt p,areuts shill.. Avoid tab-
.titutoa, there e• but vs* "Painkiller' --Perry
Davie-rm. and Mo. - - -
A 0001) MEMORY.
"Has your wife a good nunnery '
"I should say she has. I burrow-• GEORGE KEITH & SONS, Seed Marsh•
ed n dollar trent her six +seeks ago. i ants. Toronto, ore offering Seotch grown
and she basil • t fur'u U•11 It 'Ct. •'I17etieti rafed Banner Oat". in 5 bushel
F t J lots. no it ':5 tier bush. Bags free rend
.. foo a.::. -..:u etau catalogue.
PAZ° Oi5T+1KNl• t+ entranteel to core any
e,,. of Itching. Hnel. 11:4111 1101 or Protruding
file+in,: to 14 days or money refunded. Su..,
Lady Visitor --"'That new girl of
ursseems very nice and yuiel."
1 t ••- - \'es, she's very g%t et.
she doe•e't even disturb the (lust
.t Len she's cleaning the ronin."
• Only One '•HR031O QUININI„
T).at Is I.%Xtflyl! TIttivIa O1'iSINK honk
far tisePisa ,elro of F. 4 entree:. Used the
world overt,. cur. a ('old in 41ue sty. Y6e.
\ PPIOPli 1.1 TE .\ I I. \I I:NT.
"That park dealer hes a most
appropriate nfflictiun just naw.''
•'\What is it "
1 sty' in him •'.i'."
Dr. Morse' Ci
2�', 1 "You're looking fur new quarter,. iIndian Root 1311116‘
T a certain ability to withstand it."
I hear," said Ki;:der, at the break-
i<,•• ' .• right mcdm,ne for the
a l•
if a man looks at his watch while
you are telling 0stun\', cut it short.
it• is easier 1•, pies ent than it is
to cure. Inflammation ref the limes
1e the contpnnion of neglected cold..,
and once it fine; a 1••lgrnent in the
•tem it is difii'-Ielt to den) with.
Treatment with iliekle's .Anti -Con
, Itnpti+-e Syrup will erallieIUe the
'.111 and preye'll iufl•'mnlati in from
setting in. It coals little. and is as
ttiefactory as it surprising in its
• ,I.•ho. ' 'aid the cn'Iteactor ti.
Goose r Don't foreman, "i will have to leave 1
.I: tel s in sour hands to -day. Kee 1
NCWS Miss 7i,:It (1, .0 foundation walls al ..
for Idled With rubbish in the septi.
Dyers It. :lad face', with brick. sto tie to ;t1
,,ear to he made in 'ix cenr,ec, as i
iir•r 'itcriticalis i. See that the nen
a little more gullet and less
hair ie that mortar, tee." ".11I
ripht, s'r. Will you lie heck again
Just Ti*Il of it r W.th tf.• SAME D;: t d^t ' <, 1'te' eta a Inw'uit
yturaatc..vANY - ::d+ OMnPerlsetig..,to t rd'
tbaac• a' :..t.. All colors to:•ots hew ' nen ill) t a swindling tailor, w ho i
genie 1t ;;, , 7' at•: S.tnrpie (.• „1 an 1 :
Bane/ i.e.; : 0- -,itle 1)10 Softie thetei' that nor(
The Jo',nsoo•R:cher<'Sen CO., limited, It: ,( (ellen alien h<' Xuarahtecd
a ydom.•• ae. „ Send ter free sample to
+�••^-^'�•' """'�" 1 tt;pflr to l,e all wool. ',total Druz A Chemltal
• ret::ant
51 ::re kr AltCo`•''-'
.._,_ Po^sil)le.
0.1)t, Nt L.. No
Co , Torenia•
In 111+ nti;l't ..f all the :1"t'ts:•,11
mer high prier. anal the pleat bey.
colt, 1)r. Franklin White, of the
Harvard Medical School, saes that
no.ithrr of those supposed to he pre -
se nt calamities iIhmnld (14414042 the
workingman one whit or worry. In
fact, the present attitntien ah'+ulsl
prove a panaceas to telt' .1m(rirnn
n:el•hxnic and laborer, as it will
Rive hath 11 ehntn t•' nrrnnge their
el:et and pence it en a •site, a111r
and economical bn.i•.
1)r. \1'itite slates (brit, ailhout
tear of (mnttadietien, the ordinary
healthful workingman can live on
1 N 1.
1s'1 1 \:►,
Cored with.•nt ,potation. .ill who ate at•
dieted with thi• dt.r•a•e and niah to he
cared perntaurntly. safely and quirky
with this creat homeopathic remedy.
whieh pill he ..int pust•peiel onrwhr•ro
In the world with full ins.ruetfon. for
using n• In effect a r•rrtuanrnt Burr.
Price e" +ache•.
Jelin T. Walt. nemewnatete Pharmacy.
Arnnrlor, Canada.
1).. .'tat, rt h.ev
Fur.' l nm t anada'e
)atr;est dealer, 1 ray
highest paces. Your
shipments solicited.
1 pay snail and ex-
press. charges: remit
promptly. Also largest dearer to teethidga,
Sheepakius,cte. Qnotations and .0:1; 1• nK tog
Sent t
u rncreite lratfcir• <y7
wI.7AUES aarALLgC f'X'lld
. t4 w } Keitrt
,•ni . 'h•t w r r 110111.
(rola nn• to t wen' y
minutes, Far
vow Is ck ur net +
(at. Toot ''a•t.•
Srnralrla ft h r i
•;.ria nr'4.•til.{�
I. tn. wen 1 /'ewe,
1i.. r. p l e n r t I.
•;rent••:. ,.. !,e 1.2 .t•. ati,1�
;rola• u' .4' kin 4, n44
RAO'11AY' 1 READY ';Ft.;rr.
lout Flood hat becort►c thin aed t• yak
The drain utron your system the No let+
months has leen very treat. You are tor -
seep,cstly feeling "all out of sorts" and
"run down." four .(opal to is had aed
you hardly ha.r ennui% ei-eEY let In (le
our (lady duties. 1"4 should take
PS) CHINE. the Fussiest .4 'Tons s, w tit,
uut delay. I hu w Il put you oo your feet
,,t once.
G•nl:croon:-_"I have u•<J PSYCHIN:.
and 1 do think it is the 8:eatrrt tonic and
system hu;ltler known. 1 wunlets•1vese all
who are tun -down of ph.,itally weak h.
use PSYCHINE." 1 ours truly. Mr• Ja•
Bertrand, West -1-mteen.
If yes an weak f STCHIIE will .es+e v,• •t'••r
Far Set. H a0 Dreatite A D:akt •. A. 4 41
per Medi.
11►, ,�.ast .