Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 5Olt
Madam, Stop Buying
Your Flour on a Guess
Which do YOU buy, Mistress Housewife ?
Flour cr. a GUESS?
Flour cn a GUARANTEE?
When you hand over the Han! -Earned --suppose you guessed
1f yon can purchase flour that i3
guaranteedpastltvdl. surely you will
not buy a " guess" Iran ! shich
leaves you no recourse in the event
of dissatis; fiction o r loss ofgcx J Pm:renal.
A3 a thrifty kitchen manager.
Madam. YOU will buy FIVE ROSES
flour every time the only "money-
back" flour where you take its
chance since every sack i; warr,ntei
We know, Madam, FIVE ROSES
will save you time. trnub.'e. disappa:nt-
nten: - ;y. and MONEY, too.
We rt:s)w what it is doing for thou-
sar is of happy housewives. in
Canada. In England, In Scottand.
ev_ . in South -Africa.
A household help for 21 years.
• • a
The label on every sack or barrel is
your absolute guarantee. as redeemable
as a signeJ statement, that the flour is
RIGHT. the packing rrght, the baking
ng..t. the results rig1N.
When we say FIVE ROSES is right.
we mean it Ls all right. Not
one pound, or two pounds at
the top of the sack, but the
who!, sack, the entire barrel
trom the first cupful to the
very last grain at the bottom.
Even if it takes you six months to
reach the bottorn. the guaranty still
holds -the strongest guaranty ever
given by any muter anywhere.
FIVE ROSES, Madam, will " make
good" every time. Try it for tread.
cakes, biscuits. puddings, pies.
puffs -anything you like.
Use it down to half the sack. Then
it you don't want the flour after that.
your grocer will take it back and
refund the full price charging you
nothing for the flour used.
Surely, that's fair enough. isn't it ?
* s * *
Do you know. Madam, why the
COMPANY, a responsible and hon-
orable concern backed by 21 years
of " square " dealing. can give this
binding pledge, which no other miller
in Canada cares to give?
Because FIVE ROSES doesn't awed a
Decide NOW, M edam, who-
ther to continue buying on a
ROSES which guarantees
YOUR success every time.
LAIC Of iMi WOODS Mnll',rs CO., [ID.. MOMtkIAt
Do You Want trim floods?
If you will write for our interesting
new 1910 Catalogue we will send 1t free.
and Include, also free of charge, a pack-
age of seed of our Burbank's Gla Crltn-
son California Poppy. This Pop Is an
entirely new creation in Esch3oJ t sea for
flower lovers. It grows immense, be&utlful
flowers. It was originated by Luther Bur-
bank, "The Wizard of Horticultdre," Our
1910 Seed Catalogue is one of the largest
and most complete ever issued by us. If
you prefer, Instead of the Poppy, we will
send a freepackage f our Asparagus
Beet or D. & s Excelsior Swe. Write
to -day, If Int Wed, mentioning choice.
Please name this paper. It Is Import-
ant to us.
Lend.rn, Ont. 5
How the Frost Fence "Gives" an
"Takes" Like a Spring
ANY •'caillessFence is liable to snap in
certain weather conditions.
But the Front is a coil Fence. In %Tinter.
when steel ?Vire contracts, Frost cols ",five'
their slrplos, instead of snapping like
••codtest • Fence.
.?rid in Summer, when the %Vire expands,
that surplus returns to the Frost coils. in-
stead of sagging and causing the Fernee to
!ase .t, shape.
And no matter how often contraction or
r•.. •i. on is caused. the Frost Fen. a always
.,,te tae same. like a Spring.
Merely Excuses
Lot, of other Wire Fences have a Tension.
Curve or K•nk, as an excuse for -Give- and
"fake. net the number of these "Gives'
and "Takes' is limited. They cannot keep
it up. It isn't in the Wire or the m;that.
Both the Frost Field -Erected and the
Frost %Voven Fence tune retro provisions
for 'Give and "Take." But no others have
at. You simply cannot finJ another Fence
which will retain its shape Ike the Frost.
Make Our Own Wire
V,7. a-;• t:,; ..nlv Fence Makers in Canada
is,, M ak . and l;alvanite Wire exclusively
t. r K. -we purposes.
',Vi -e ',i give satisfactory servix in
e'anad... s`,,.idJ he made especially to fight
ort the peculiar Canadian ,timate. which
sloop:, 'snacks the
s.•ry I - out of most Fences.
Itut Wire is not made
with Canadian conditions in
The Wire formerly used
for the Front Fence vas
made in the States. But
we had i t made especially for
us. It gave better satisfac•
tion than most Wire, but we
wanted far better.
For that reason we decided to Make and
Galvanize our own Wire. Sou we built a Mill
for Wire -making, and another for Galvaniz-
ing, anJ installed the most m rdern Machin-
ery. ,n use.
Then ue obtained the services of one of
the most Expert Wire -Makers in America.
with years of Wir•-) i
Aman , as yea , Zak i,, es•
perience bask of him.
The new Frost Wire is Annealed u scion•
tificalty that it possesses the proper temper
for Canadian conditions.
Every inch is of uniform temper. and
stronger than any other Pio. 9 wire.
ft will not snap. regardtese of peculiar
Canadian weather variations.
Send for free Booklet and samples.
The Front Wire Fence Co.,
Handl son., Oa tut, as
Agents wanted its Open District.
Local De'a;ers-T. If twki ,i A So:., Ex titer. Andrew Iloslgert. Farquhar
"The Best Editorial Page in Canada"
The Toronto Daily Star publishes every day six columns of
editorials and editorial features -and there's not dry line in the
six columns.
John Lewis. author of "The Life of john Brown" (Morang's
Series) has fety equals in Canada. He is by many considered to be
second only to GolJwin Smith as a master of English.
Joseph T. Clark, known as "Mack" when he was editor
of "Saturday Night", is known throughout Canada as a keen, clever
and witty writer. His cables and letters on the British elections
from England, where he was sent by the Star, have attracted
wide attention.
Two things 'o be specially noted about ail the Star's editorials
are first that they are always Lair -no bitterness or biased partizanship
-and second that they ar- never dull, but deal in a bright way with
the subjects in which you and your neighbors are interested.
in a lighter vein are the "Chronicles of the Khan" -
de:ightful'.y humorous•pathetic studies f om real lite, particularly rural
hie -"Uncle Wait'+ Corner" of clever poetry in prose - and
"A Little of Everything" -that you can always count on for a
pleasant ten minutes.
A regular r -@,ling of the Star's Editorial page is i'i keep J man
informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not
subscribe now ?
$1.50 A Year
This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for
one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c.
added to above subscription prices.
Toronto Daily Star
Quite a lot of exelteintut WAS caused
around 1 ere by the shooting match got
up by Piny Pa.*tliOre and Jot,:: lit tiki.
and held at the hones" of J. lfunkin bar
Thursday last, when quite a lot of epec-
tators as well as shooters watched the
different rvet.ts with increasing t:,ter-
ost• The aro' t opened by P. 1'..ss-
more and J. Hunkms choosing side* to:
the uy'eter supper, with 3 tmercnandise•
event beinS al.ot at the same time, the
t:titst hlgl est men wl,tt1itsJ(_the prizes,
as follows, -F. Kerr. Salt and pepper
stands ; T. Ctriu,{, ton -bon dia's ; S.
Fitton, watch Loo. J. Trleoaer, nweiard
dish ; T. Vehner, gold watch chain : P
Boa, china tea pot ; D. ilritttnell. ruff
buttons ; W. Ford, tie pin. The cup put
up by S. Fitton, Exeter, for the s'nam-
pionahlp of C,b.rme, Ribbert and Tuck-
s,c-snslth Wan well concealed and w.sttl
won by J. 11unkiu. ,etting nine out .of
teas targets. Tis next went was open
13 all ahoo'ers, ru;.sisung of thre pt•iz-
I. silver sugar bowl and cream pitch-
er. presented by J. Ilunkin. China vase.
P. Passmore and a butter knife and sur
at shell Mrs. J. Ilunkin-wort by F;
Kerr, S. Fit toil. J. Hunk( n. The last
event wag that of tete supper shoot,
the eight highest being barred. The
prizes put up tor.thia event were a very
good aesorrrnesst. b. -Ing contributed most
ly by the business men of Exeter. which
are as follows :-11 Sparkman, razor .
V/0:1 by J. 11uatkin : W. J. Item:Ian, pock
et knife, won by 11. Veneer ; P. Fra ne
pair mite, won by J. Passntctlre: W.
Johne, shirt and overalls, won by J.
Allison and P. Passmore ; W. Statham
box bon -bons, won by A. Ilunkin ; W.
Ford, pair braces, woes by W. Manley
Jones & May, tie, won by R. Ford: Dr.
Drowning, pipe, won by M. Madge. The
scores of the different eve:ita are as fol
Fi St Event -_u Targets.
J. lfunkin 10 ; P. Passmore 10 ; 1•',
Kerr 12 , J. Tt iebnce 12 ; D. Ilrintnell
,I2 : W. Johns 6 ; S. Fitton 9; P. Loa
.12 ; T. Carling 14 ; J. Passmore 9 : G.
1)erumple e ; 11, Vcnner 3; \V. Ford 11 ;
S. Passmore 5 • tf Madge 2; A. Hun -
kin :t ; F', Veneer 13 ; 0. Cann 6 : 11.
«"illert 9: It. Ford 4 ; J. Cams 9 ; W.
Statham 7.
Second Event -1.0 Targets.
D. ltrintnell 5 ; T. Vernier 5; J, Bass -
more Cl ; 1'. Iloa 5 ; G. Deruntplet 1 ; W.
Ford 6 ; J. lfunkin 9 ; P. Paesmoro 4,
Third Event -15 Targets.
W. Johns 6 ; W. Statham 3 ; F. Kerr
1:1; J. Trlebner 7 ; T. Carlin.' , 1'. Boa
: S. Fitton 10 ; J. Ilunkin' 13 : W.
Ford 9 ; D. Rrlatnell 9 ;
F'our'th Event -10 Targets.
u. Cants 2 ; J. Passmore 5 ; A. Ifuukin
4 ; H. \Vlllert :1 ; W. Homey 4 ; G. De -
rumple 2 ; M. Madge 3 ; J. Allison 5;
H. Veneer 6 ; 11, Ford :l : P. Passmore
; J. lfunkin 'l ,
The day being cold the scores were
i:ot large. but all welt home well pleas -
0..1 with the afternoon's sport. wishing
that such days would conte oftener.
John Hunkln, Thames Road
Children Cry
Nu improvement Ilan taken place in
the condition of Jas. Carlisle. -T. Pal-
mer, Sr., wlw was dowel wilt ,tn •+t-
rack of pleurisy. is recovering.-Mrn. W.
11. McLean and :sire. Rutherford lel*?
Lest week to visit In Barrie and H:um-
tltoa.-Miss Maware' Bonthron left on
Saturday for Barrie, wnere she intends
retiatilitig for some tents -Mies Lucy
Fiun:nseston is recoveri,sg,-Wt'le work -
int; at the ertation las' week Alex. Smith
had the misfortune to get the end
k;:oc ked off one of his fingers. -Rev.
David Rodgers of Seaforth, es-l',erni-
dent of the Loudon Conference. prea. L-
ed In the Methodlat church here last
Sunday. Rey. Mr. Mlllyard supplied at
Sesfortt:.-On Wednesday, Feb. 16th, of
p. ns., a wedding took place .et Wit -
Everyone needs sonteti'itig
tJ create and 1::..:. r tin
strength f. -r t11.
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than all Ale Or Porter, tits
polity :ink' tr.crit of whi:lt
bee:1 ,.ttcsted by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
erloo, of Miss I'rancis A. Longhurst
and Oliver Geiger of the 5folsons Bank
staff of that place, formerly of Hensall,
Reeve Geiser and wife and Roca attend-
ed the wedding. -Wilson McLean was
home from London owing t0 the death
of kis brother.- Avery pleasant evening
was spent Monday- by the Epworth
League, when they were visited by the
Local ue of Janus -at. church, Exeter, bit -
visitors rendering a very cholce pro-
grarit. after which, a lunch was served.
-A very quiet wedding took place at the
German Lutheran church, Toronto,wnen
Mtss Lelia etildred Hertel became the
wife of Dr. iikiney A. Welsntiller. son of
Mr. D.tt•eisnsiller.
Children Cry
"I Find Them Marvellous"
Ma Is Mrs. Chas. Brooks' Opl.lo.
of "Utile Digesters"
Here is a short but very eonvineing
letter which we received recently:
I have been using "Little Digesters"
for some time. I still use them and find
them marvellous. I recommend them
Low, Wright Co., Que.
Here is another letter, dated Nov. 9th,
1909, almost equally brief and to the
would say that the box of "Tinel°
Dicestern" has done me a lot of good.
I think they 'tre all right for tiny
Stomach Trouble.
"front Creek P.O., Parry Su. Dist., Ont.
Letters like these are the hest poo•
able proof that "Little i)igesters" ilo
ex:t.•tly what we e1airn--relieve and cure
indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of
stomach Troubles. We are so sure that
'' Little i)igesters will cure that we offer
to hand your money back without heli•
tation if they fail.
Put up in dainty little red boxes --
25e. at your druggists or by mail from
Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. 37
Make Each Animal Worth
25"o Over Its Cost
On of a Cent Day
Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curio the trots or colic. making
hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cow a day.
or restoring rundown animals to plumpness and vigor.
When you feed 'stock food '• to your cow, horse, swine or poultry.
you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm.
Your animals do need not mars feed, but something to help their
bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat
and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep
them up to the best ppossib1. cot N st k food" can do all these
things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC tan and does. 1t is
Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
I • -ec1
ani pacer on
<.. i., L'.ce,l, 'nt
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECi iC contains no grain• nor farm producte• It increases
• :1 of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific hos been used two
. It makes the preilk richer" and adds flesh faster than any other preparation knuw-n;
S , .g calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are aslarge at six weeks old as they would be when
t vie', nr ins�r�mat ria a t*e��r�eks
ROMA PURP1. STO�KSPiCIFIChttildsuprun-down animals and restores them to
ptu,npness almost magically. Curls bots. colic. worm lkin aag
ipscs r►n debillity_permanent ly
Dan MkEwan. the horseman, says' ' 1 have used NUTAL PURPLESTOCK SP![CIFICj
p :r.ntently in the feeling of 'The Bel,' 2.01#. largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in
I',1. and 'Ilenry Winters.' 2.09t. brother of Allen Winters.' winner of 936.100 in trotting stakes
s 14 )4 These horses have never been off their feed since I commenced using Royal Purple
Specific almost a year alto, and L will always have it in my stables•"
One floe. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC wt�iqn,lllast one
f rya, which is a little over twgiven
of a cant a . ROYAL stock food*
5.1 hut fifty Jays and are given three times a day. R
i • given but once a day, and last, half again as ion``. A 9t.50 ail containing four times the
im hunt o1 the fifty ant package will last DUOdays. ROYAL PURPLE will ins resat the value
,f your stick ass- It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the
,-matt for food. assisting nature to digest and turn feed 'ntes flesh. Asa ho fattener it is a leader
t will save many times it, coot in veterinary bills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI-
FIC is our other Specific Inc poultry, not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty five
in,14 70 days. ora pail costing /I TO will last twenty-five hens Zap days. which is four times more
material for only three times the cost. It makes s ' laying machine " out of your hens
simmer and winter events owls losing,ash te�trte ltingtime. and curl? 1 rydiseases.
?:very package of rsuYAL PURPLE TOCi< SPECIFIC or OULTR "SPECIFIC is
Just tree ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other preparation art another
ann•t 11 in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE has
them all heat to death, or else back cornea your money. PRRR-Ask
your merchant or write us for our valuable 32 -page booklet on cattle
and poultry dis.asres. containing alw
If you cannot get Royal Purple
Specifics front merchants or agent,, we
will amply you direct. express prepaid.
on receipt of SI Tel a pail for either Poultry
Or Stn:k Specifics.
Make money a tine as our agent in
your district. tVritc for terms. 1
Por sale by all up-to-date merchants
W. 1. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Can.
pt In stock by W. J. IIEA.MP,N, FXE'Tgtt, and HANLON .4 O'BRiEN Centralia
We feel that, owing to the large trade that we are doing
that it would not be wise on our part to close THE RIG
SALE so have concluded to extend same
Our TEN DAYS' SALE will go down in the
history of business as the most successful ever
held in Exeter or Huron County.
Notwithstanding the enormous selling of the past 10 day s',
Thousands of Articles Still Remain,
consequently we have decided to hold a
10 Days' Extension Sale
Thursday, Feb. 24th
and continuing for 10 days only!
No Old Coods ! All New !
Bear in mind that the good@ offered in this sale do not con.ia ',f an
aggregation of old shop-worn ;goods or undesirable sizes -every n t rich- in
clean and up-to-date. and we can fit and suit the choicest buyer.
The Prices We Quote on This Page
Will Be Talked Ot For Years'
Stop! Chance of a Lifetime t
You Will Be Sorry if You Miss It !
And Think of This honey Saving Opportunity !
Hundreds are just finding out about THIS MONSTER SAFE' Their
lucky neighbors who were here have been talking about it and hundreds of
new faces were seen here every day.
Often 25c here will do the work of SI elsewhere !
The word "BARGAIN" never had a stronger or truer nlenning than
now, right here. Remember these prices go into effect THURSDAY, FEB,
THE ?ATH, and the goods will be sold at the price advertised. fi.' sure to
come early and get first choice. You will never see such prices sg:sin. Fol-
low the crowd to this BONA FIDE SALE!
Ladies' Silk Waists' Ladies' Wrappers
$2 138 Sl. 75 for 49c
2.89 1.35 89c
2.98 Furs
$22 sable ruff for...15.49
Men's Night Shirts; 20 - _14.27
50c night shirts 43c 35 fur coat for... 26.45
75c 59c 20 ...15.49
waists for
4.50 "
1.00 " 89c
Men's;& Boys' Suits
and Overcoats
79c 98c 2.29
3.48 4.19 5.27
Water Proof Buggy
Rugs worth $2 for 1.681
Ladies' Hand Bags
50c hand bag for 43c
75c - 59c
i.e0 89c
Ladies' Shoes
$2 ladies' shoes for.. , . 1.19
2.50 - ....1.69
3.90 - ....1.98
Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00
Groceries Proportionately Low
The Toronto factories and
Mill Syndicate