Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 2INE MYSTERY CLERKED UP ;
1' A L't' A.
t if:1PTl•:it 1 V. (('.tnt'.1)
'I'.1 woman inurinnred her thanks
alt I entered line Beattie'', which
blanched off front the .tsemir de
Friedland at the print where she
had been interrogating the ,unrter.
She soon disc•:,vcred the Magni-
ficent entra!l:•c t , the Yalta man -
Floe, and there her hesitation re-
newed itself. She begin to walk
slowly the length of the iron rail-
ing. behind which was stationed
the majestic porter who had intro-
due•rd Maxiie the Morning before.
This p,'r.:enage, doubtless, inti-
piidale' I Iter, for the nearer she ap-
proached hint the more her foot-
steps relaxed, and she turned away
her head -as site drew the brass
krob near the 1 :Lige.
The bedizened Set !SS a:ltamced
majestically, Measure_) the visitor
with a glance, and inquired polite-
ly %that she wished.
"I want to see Madame the ('nun-
tess'•alta," she stammered.
"Madame the countess does not
receive." replied the colossus;
"but if you will giv; me your name
and ti 11 my why yeti come--"
'rhe girl started and lowered her
head ; then conquering herr t'midity,
raised it again. and said firmly:
"I am sure the countess will re-
ceive me if you will say to her that
Mlle. l)orgl'res wishes to speak to
The p:n'ter changed his tone in-
stantly. He was not ignorant that
the head coaelun:ul had driven Ma-
dame Yalta the day before to the
hi use of M. Dorgeres, Rue de Su-
"I beg mademoiselle t" excuse
,ne, and if mademoiselle will take
the trouble to enter the w•aitittg-
room, 1 will inform madame the
countess,* She is still much indis-
))(•sed, and- 1, had orders to admit
110 one."
This discourse wlas punctuated
by the striking of a bell, which re-
sulted its the appearance on the
stairway of a valet. de pied.
Mlle. Dorgeres, introduced by
tie porter. vas delivered into the
hands of this valet, who conducted
her to the apartments on the
ground-flror in which her cousin
had been received every day for a
,ninth past by 1)r. \'illaguv.
She had not luny: t•' wait for the
It lily "f the c•,nolte e The (lumina
who had int n:lii Ir'I Maxims 011 his
18,1 t isit rani'• d, 44 n '•lairs express -
Il to receive 11Ile i►"tgeres.
e stadetn •is. Il' ' she said 'amil-
i gain, "Ins tili.tre'- is so happy to
1-4 (ti4a ra visithem you that she
will not ask you t" pestp"ne it till
111 -morrow, though she suffers much
just now. tihe haves you will ex-
eiiie her for receivi.ig you in bed..,
Alice .t 1111nu'red it few words of
tl, ink- and fell •vied the woman-)11-
4t:,ilinLt. .
11I1e '?neons ceedm•-ted her by the
saute -l•tirwav rode I in the
rnprlb tlrtrtmlcmle on the first tie •r
through elect' she hail conducted
Maxim... but 4)i'I m .t Lisle r her in-
t • tit' ;is chr114'h^r.
l), • c.•imt••s.. SS :is i t her own
risen to an iumneu•4' )).• I, a genu-
ine •1.:•'•iM: l .,f Il.e L'•ui' X1Y.
11'1•'. 4t 1111 111•:1' 4' rlll•tal'1:; of tint'
.1' •.t r4 . .\ fail( 4t4tlit wet• ,Li
fie I tie ,ugh tit' stain -el 1tl ..
'4, • , .•4414 scarcely manumit
rel.' :olva'ta•e. Tinlidit. leek
11. ••' "I )1 •1', Hew was elle 144
a11,. ,1 h be woman whore pale
out the knew (edge t my father,
because Illy cem•ie I •' I lee you
stere anxi :us to pre t e th ' inn:!: r Tice
of M. de ('arnael. 1 wanted to knew
on what you founded y mr teiief."
"You love hint; is it se • •
"1 did lee,- hint," sail Alice,
with an effort,
rheic reason reason?" he will
1 "FRUIT A TIFFS" MIRACLE "I hope ko. He has transient
glimpses alteadv. but is net yet
waster of hilus'1f. Hl• allows chords
t ! escape hila which he would not
do ordinarily."
"What has 1►e said Y'
"1 to ,k hint to the office where
the theft was ec-mtuitted, and he
mentioned that be knew the words
that opened the safe. the defensive
mechanism that protects it,---de-
tatils of which no rine is in posses-
sion but the cashier, and which
t;• erget could have learned omly
by acting the spy on his chief. 1
beg your 'ratchet for telling you
ft tinkly my opinion that y- ur pro-
tege evas the acctnnpli(•1' of the
rogues, that he furnished them in-
formation, and perhaps assisted
them mere effectively. Ile recog-
nized a hiding-I'la.••• in a hicll he
must have been lurking for the pur-
pose of opening the deur to them.•,
"It is quite possible," said the
countess, indifferently.
"What ' yen are not distressed
to learn that Georgie has been im-
plicated in this affair ?"
"Bah' :t political Matter."
"Political' how?"
"Undoubtedly. What did they
take ? A coffer containing enques-
ttonabl• state papers, since it be-
justiceShe, whose life was the longed to a Russian diplomatic
sport of her caprice:' It Was 11111(•11 Agent. The proof that they wanted
more probable. that she was inter- tally the papers, is that they did
ested .personally in M. de ('urnoel, n( t touch the money in the safe.
and this interest nnlst be very lite- Ceorgt•t is the grands:,n of a wo-
man of high birth who has had re -
some one to hill. lations with Polish emigrants. He
".She loves hint, perhaps," has. perhaps. followed the counsels
thought Mlle Dorgeres, sadly. of his grandmother in guying Aid
Enterprise, Ont., October tet,
"I antlered tortures for seven long
years from a Nater Tumor. 1 was
forced to take morphia constantly to
relieve the awful pains, and I wanted to
die to get relief.'The doctors gave rue
"And vet you ate L:trulhed to up and my friends hourly expected my
death. Then 1 was induced to take
another .'" "1Jruit-a-fives" and this wonderful fruit
"1 fhought—they showed ins that medicine has completely cured roe.
M. de ('a rn„e) had been guilty of When I appeared on the street again
strutotlliug dislunaor►ble. I yielded
my friends exclaimed 'The dead has
come to life,' The cure was a positive
to the entreaties of ley father, who miracle.” AIRS. JAMES FENW1C'IC.
begged me to marry. I ant engag- sue a box -6 for $7.5o—or trial box.
ed in the eyes of the world, but sac. At dealers or from Fruit -a -fives
he heart is my own." Limited, Ottawa.
"They have shown yon that this
young than has—stolen. Why not
speak the word, since it is an odi-
ous calumny ! Before replying to
this calumny, permit me to ask
who informed you of what took
place and what you have heard'?"
"My father. Ho told Inc that on
opening the safe the cashier per-
ceived the disappearance of a cas-
ket containing valuable papers be-
longing to a Russian. M. de Car-
rie -el -had left precipitately the night
before at the es t;y hour the safe ul.ited in the effort to sate 111. de
was opened with a false key," ('arnuel."
".Ind they concluded boldly that "You have known him lung',r
it was he. They did not, stop to she asked timidly.
ask what' interest this young man "1 do not know hint at all; I
et old have in pessessin; himself of have never seen him that 1 am
a casket containing papers of no- aware of."
holy knew what sort, when the Alice's face brightened, and she
safe was full of gold end notes that was about to protest with warmth
were not touched." het devotion to the projects of the
":1 stun Of money was also tak- countess, but at this moment the
et.," said the girl, in a stifled lady -ie -waiting entered, and said to
veiee—"lifts thousand francs." her mistress:
''1t is not true," cried the cutin- ••M. Maxine Dorgeres begs to
less. see the countess immediately. He
"Alas. madame, it is too true! assures me that he brings tows of
The cashier counted the stoney in importance."
the presence of my father and this "Go," cried the countess, "bring
Russian. A roll of bank -notes was hits in."
Hissing." The defame. 1urnt'-I briskly on her
"It is impossible!" said the e•'un- heels, and as soon as she was left
tens, with an exti•werdinaty (unit- atone with the countess. Alice rose
deuce; "bot continue. madenl('1- and said with some agitation:
selle. Your father has given you •' \ladame, I beg you not to com-
r,o ether details of this affair!" pc I me to see in (amain. I would
•'\one, madame," not for the wield have hint find
"He has not spoken to you, then, me here,"'
a. first attempt which failed, and "1f you were to follow my femme
which preceded the second by a few de c•hanlbre you would inevitably
days only 1" meet M. Dorgeres. There is no
"No. Had there bee -t a previous way to eyelet hint but to n in
attempt to rob the safe M. Yignory there," she added, pointing to a
would have told me; it would have door tint tar from the head o1 the
"1 hope now that sen do not re- t t these people."
gret having cone)," said Mme Ya1- "He}pas nolle the less been ply
la "and that henrefurth we are hip high, and if my uncle knew
what this astonishing youngster has
been doing, be wouldn't spare him
--especially since money was taken
as well a; the casket."
"i have been told so. I ut can
scarcely believe it. But I can an-
swer that it was not Georget,"
"Georget has merely eenniyel at
it. Mort over. in the remarks which
:►e let fall, there was one which de-
signated the thief."
"Designated hint by 118411e 1"
('re be continued,)
SEVEN yr..tits Or E('%E"I.t.
Then :After $:100 had been Spent
in Vain. Two iiottles of 11.11.11.
Mrs. Horace Martin, of Sharbot
Lake, Ont.. writes:
"My husband had eczema for
seven years. He spent hundre cls
('f dollars but could not get cured.
He was almost wild with the pain
and itching.
I saw 1),1,1). Prescription adver-
tised in the paper. 1 sent and got
a bottle and it gave my husband
relief at once. He has used a sec
and bottle and is entirely well.
The two bottles of the D.D.D.
which ray husband used have aone
hint more good than the i15OO he
spent before,"
"You know tinily 'Chen you saw, Do you suffer the torments of
your cousin yesterday I" 1year POW( r to leave it `:h(Illl(1 troll akin (115e151'. or d" any of your
"Yes, madame. Maxime brought change your mind ns to the 41"11- family or friends? What's the use?
the poor child to Vie efff •e. 1 inet' t•( Melva. of a electing with 11. Dor- 1)1).1), I reseriptio' will do for
them as 1 was teeing nut with my 1 sere anyone what it did for 1T r. Mai tin.
governess, and it was -the't I had ; Alice ran to the point of exit fedi- For free trial bottle of 1).1,1),
this eone-er=atnet with AIaxiule.jeat :'d, and glided noiselessly int" n Prescription write to the 1).)).i)
Laboratories. Department
Jr rein» St., Toronto.
For sale by all druggists.
. s.
1.1\'1: STOCK NOTES.
lie regular about all work in the
stable. Have proper ventilation.
but event a !!raft. Don't keep the
stable too warns unless sou wish the
animals to take cold when turned
1 went to the lake in n sleigh with "I (lid got out a'd 1 was wrong, out. ,
Al Maxine. Dorgeres. Yen passed I,. ing obtained nothing from M. })racks are the easiest poultry to
1•' :Ir it- ie '1 carriage with yelp• 1)ergeres. and psi 1 for my imprta- Luise of all the d•ml'•stieated birds.
c. e 1 errs. Year cousin expressed dunce this morning. But that Turkeys end pheasants often are
!?,•stet• t.• follow you. and, press- doesn't matter. Tell nn' of sur delicate, chickens sometimes leek
rel 1.4 me. c••ttfcsse.l that It" wished , .:pe clivi 'n with 1:t•"r1(et. First, hardiness, but ducks are '•
t•• he pros••nt at a rendezvous ymt ti(nally hardy and vigorous and
hall gi' eel t" M. d,• l'atrrloel. :\f- cnrc c1r.F crew easy to rear.
t. tw:u:1 I learned that Al. de ('Ir � i , StLIsWSFSIxTY $65 I1e'amsc al cots manufactures hul-
a SEI,IS 1'014
1. r fat in the my stcr;ous proves' of
Hurl had net appeared, m^!rr'1, and that GILSON
been spoken of in my hearing."
"Then he who gave ole the in-
formation was mistaken."
"l,'eerget, was it not. "'
bed, which opened in the midst -of
tapestry hangings.
"Yon trill find it a very commo-
dious prison, nn'I, I think, will not
he detained long. It will be in
lout believe, tie n, that 11. do Car-
le el is in Paris!"
"1 am certain mf it. \you will be
surprised when I say that the day.
you were awaiting him in the Bois
110 Boulogne he must have fallen
i1,t" the hands of some powerful
(' 11.1413.
•'You knew I watt expecting
Ilam "'
—The day the great cold begun
vast apartment, a toilette boudoir
filled with 1uxnrieus furniture, ob-
jects of art and euli'•Sities m glass
cases. She bad no sooner (lisap-
1:, arc(1 than Maxintc entered radi-
linl. His j •s' was somewhat abated
••t being received. not as before.
tan a divan of state, but a real in-
tall•d's conch.
"!that' you are seriously indite -
wised. .and were out yesterday .
fu' , u;I. s •;ll;•i.1' yisihI.' ! H .w j i 1
vleeti'1 -he eeela11) tiale qtr»nuc i he was accuse•I of na Illf'1•l t 1 tee
♦i- , ' \'41 if ll l.‘i 111• h •,1 .' att('r- ( afterward. unfortnnntely. f •: 1'
tit I : If Ala 1 .:;'e Yalta had tile{ was nit bole to :11.4111 what cni.' :
tie flit deer l tet 1 t . express It s'4 ut- { ti nye been pretense l h'td 1 1, t
pntI% (. 11. .i • M. I. with-! I,, Iter informed at iitsl. But fate
GA'OUNE ?.,ilk production is no reason that
ENGINE she most him. fat in her ration.
1r.r,,..r•. teem she can Inamafucture thc•fat in the
S. C.r.'n..,(:t'v'
rn. 4t• A4p
••., r,e. 1999 111111. !' ilk from protein in the feud 844
n•:'^" '' a •' ' far as known, the fat, as well ns
;11LSON MF(.. CO.•tor► St.. r 1'11 P,,. ONT•
s5 tte'•' sloe('?? And sugar of the fend,
pr'•:Ince heat and energy in
the boll.
The first f liter in the educal:c'!l
of a heifer i'1 kiirtii -•. She shen',1
never know what it is t:' fear th'.
oho handle her. 11er 1 rest in 11n11
Affection f ,t• In r mist^r must he
cultieatet at all times, for aft.
tion, as we call 11, in animal& is
the first and greatest principle in
nu, Irl%in4. o'1:1, it ti„ -1 t , Ilefe..,l il'terv''nc••I. 1 fell seriously ill.
lour ;1 :in•I iii u ' ' ' Now the time has :•/,m•' 1e t•ep•tir.
.,I: II. •1i• 14; t.:• 111 th'llpht 1111• r.vil 1 lune nnintec►ti"'ally sof
tiro"" 1" bare v: • . : !,at 1 1 ;11, t, i.' I. 1 %t ult to find NI.- .le ('•lr
Iii. 1
0-1• il- 1'r 1- 1!" I. 11 .1, anal '4411' 11 1 1111' - cl'•tit' 41►'4t111
r •) :et.) him nitwit toy .ur father.'• 1
141.'. h •'.l( t.:. -i 1 ' t'•'r .'Ire' 'it fnlh:•1• woolsl r: f+t 1•. r'
111. ' r.•1,•-.i:(i 11111`1,• 144., i , ;4,' !hilt."
1!e s wt.l•sl• : -- lie 11111FI l'('(('ic'e iii'', w it,
1 knot- leu 44"11111 r4p1)141. 1 rein,; 1,',m the p1•'"f that Ie. 1..
I:ue,.-41 1 had ''11111lli,g 1" -,t 1" i, , , . 1!i. t Ili i.• I :, ::1 i• 41141!!^,I t•;
'4•'ll.•• 1. 1;a rat! 1. •T:' r.n renlnnaF.lrr et 1•M p make 1,'al(1'1'nitC am! maternity and repro'a c•m 111
\1'. t• ,-'.1ore I w X1:1 imippiliI - and I'li, .I. „ t ti t:r•;It • i 51111' Dul'- ('yen a fair quality of syrup Using out -of. ,;;.slim! the the very 1,,un:!aldol! 1111
'ale,— 1 ,,tli• kt . 1(/ I tlnubi : etly.
Maple Syrup
'l I'aok. ter 111111 allyl far iii",' 1 . ilio ei 'ef : fur 1t it is 11'
t, •,role:) idle 1 till n1('1• t. "If veto had . •s i . ,
tee a 'me it is imptissihlr le e. ,
who 4, 7 .h"ml 1 hate se •n 4 .it, 1 . ,
lt.-I-r 1'1. t•'•e.li'.t( al tl'•w c1'1•4.. ,.
((4111• ';'I 441114 .1 i, 1. ''•t tri )..,•"II '1 Li.,
11:ii(1.11 mt. thlat 1 1,, 0 1 off.) "•u i,4e :1 1 • ,
11,1 atm:. hill In? 1':l3'i •i'1.1 Ila- '•t i , , !:, i, ,;
dcre.i me 1•. Iv. n) -.' 111"l 1. 1. •' ,,,• I 1,
1e4•. tit ,teen awl let u, I ilk.•-; Ilse I
.\lir'' leek her -VV. in :t len- r hair . . „ 1.
1,'. 1h,' litd.-i:)". and said in 11n ea:- ii.•• •c
tnf,A tei.•1• : i oil. ., ' •r 4 I-. 11. .rias!{ hely, 1,11,' 1
' 7,?"drone, 1 'i!nt 1'r"f..un'11 cl p susl'i; i,, i git.ir.l Otte herr II •rut
7 tt' I'r 1 ht t..ar wel •141:11', 110 vein 1Ylt3 41`4(7 thy• comu1,•-- m':.Iertnke
P. t 1)'11••r ,lies'. ?hat 1 am "'•'silrle1 s,arink. the it •feem) '..f R,'bert
r r . 'nr gumtree/is throe by telli•'i t,'eu1,1,it 1:e sepl'es' .i ''hr 14.11;•,i ti's
)tett 1:.( whole truth. 1 cache with e.t his ca111e tint '•f Vure 1, •. • of
1 •r to exonerate 1
site will den',unce 11;
• tr 10 sae that it
1 1!•,
1411. Ilml').' i'' ,•• 1''
incl 4tith . ' tete :1 ani 01
a• girl 'hedge 1 it,, I":Ig
h the -smelt knew
•f 11, theft. an I w:ts1i
"- mime.) him! 1 , .414.1`
',1 „" tihe vets :1C'4..'11g-
date• 11o1• and kettles sod pall. for hoilitig 44hirh a (•',W . 1l"t'ftt{tl( Fs t,f failure
pour stile!, Syrup. Write fol booklet onThe eel. 1
the (Itae.pi••t- E.n1-'rty
ornl•.r 1" :1,- a flair\••rests.
The CRINM MSNUFACTURINC Camparly, 1:' 14eu' se .1")11 throbs in un' -"t'
e; Wellington st., Montreal. 4• ith the I;t a- 1;f tnaternit3 nii'I 1•
inlliwie e-1 fur go'n:l er ill he tl,•
treatment All' reveiv((7 as a tali
fEEjICG Big Magic til Ifrl 111 her.
Lantern 1'(11;'1:r11Y dft•:".
?Cr . '.•, r only (11.10 stank of'4'.trta•
l:. a: •t.. •.r 14.1•. 4.,..r't41a••r...
FMB, w.' 4 , at 1.. ,.11 141:4.. of , 4,1
ttewr p•.1 an.p And aact.'tt'.'
411.4♦ 1.444n w oft .4 t oaten':: •1
stetrern•nawe • s !'f yq.r ft eels
tiro „-d. ena.w.r'"I 44r•,
HW. 5+411 t ,.3011 an4
g"" In b. Lusa!:) and 1
I 4;1•1 rat tars Aad 4.11 ht'.
ye., LOVA O. nA aadtr..,
f ineat wrt"ra. A t•+1 .ardwpl.M
sasisnik rattinessto, 0,4. s. Isksiss. saes ss
It i- well 1 . (live the ?lit 1• thele
11 entitle f. —1 ;It night. btir� ing i!
,ie,•p in fie -ii, tlrt litter. ren.•"" .,
elt•ty two • 1 three clays. if t
nl'ol will a hoit. :1 !leek ei
( lrt•kens lire alarmingly ,)1-t,tr1 ,
Is, (T'e'll the gentle -it Its ' • -
litter dnriiiit the des 1:::1r, „i.
they are III the f).'or.
Those siho Think
Boys and girls thrive on it. Shredded Wheat
fortifica them against winter ills builds sturdy,
robust youngsters.
Simply heat biscuit in oven, pour hot milk
over it and salt to taste. Best for every meal
Sold try ■0 ,;rot err. 1l-- i carton, two for .o„
require grit should examine the telligrnee should IiegIect. 'fake,
crop contents of a bird just eft the fee example, the simplest form of
range. (;ravel, coal cinders and all cold weather skin bothers --
hard stuff of all descriptions, chapped hands. Many persons will
*shapes and sizes mss• be found up say, •'My ]lands alas} s chap dread'
to the dimensions of large grains of fully in cold w'eather,•' and if cross=l
earn. examined these ;aloe pe ipile seem to
regard the chapping as an inevit-
able condition from which there is
110 escape. -Let such persons try
the (ollmliag simple treatment :
Never wash the hand:; in very cold
or very het nater. Use a simple,
pure, superfatted sr -:;1', dry very
thoroughly, and apply «nine etnol-
lient—the old -fashioner} glycerin
and ruse -water will often work as
welt as anything. In some cases
it will be Netter not to use: soap in
any forte and to substitute oatmeal.
The hands should always be well-
coeere(1 when in the open air. if
t'• this is added proper exercise, in
order that the circulation may be
simple prccan- geed, there will be no chapped
of ordinary in- ]rands,
It is natural that persons with
delicate, thin skins should suffer
more or less discomfort in the win-
ter: and when to a delicate skin is
added a poor general circulation,
the suffering may become a serious
Some persons always develop skin
troubles in a prolong;•d spell '.f very
cold weather, and all very delicate
skins will suffer frill harsh and bit-
ing cold winds. Persons who are
subject to any form of eczema are
especially liable to an attack in cold
There are many
tions which no one
PLEI A flavoring used the same as lemon or attain
O dtawtviag 'mutated sugar in crater awl
adding Maylaiae, a delicioussyrup is made sad
a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by
grocers. It not send SOC for 2 as. bottle and
recipe book. Gnae=ni Mu.' Co., Seattle. Ws.
Fairbanks -Morse
Semi -Portable
or Skidded Engine
Equipped with Evaporator Tank.
DesiGned especially for general Farm
}tn.!, in 5 end f n P Sir.e!.
Specially Adapted for Work In
ii.P. Remi•Portahle Engine with Cold Weather.
Evaporator '''auk.
These Engines are the tonne a! the Standard horizontal Vsannrat,r En
sines. except that they
base of the engine. where it is well lame( tett, making a very neat. mull:met.
are mounted nn skids with ga*olive• tank placed In
self•mntained outfit, ns eon be ween from the iilu!tration ahore of the 1 h.p.
Gasoline Engine. l'1rs.e eat out Ih'a c.' ugdrte:..14„e:"u,eut an,141110 (''4 ,-,I•if i•siSellilig 51'.1'.1',
Vaseline Camphor Ice
Heals chapped hank:, 4r.tke-d bps and akin.
White Vaseline
Insaluabl' internally for cough, cobs, acre throat, croup.
Capsicums; Vaseletter than �an,eplasters: riots not blister.
Borated Vaseline
A valuable rema1) for catarrh.
Mentholated Vaseline
Allo), nrurah'c pain:, autcc4 headachy ; rr,ld in head.
Camphorated Vaseline
Eil,!;t per cent. gain (snit hor; for rheumatism, gout, etc.
Carbolated rlVaseline ssing k,,ma,
Vaseline Oxide of Zinc
Quickly heels ercp:.,,cs, snrcs anal r:o:;ads.
Pure Vaseline
11nON 11 Y.ul I •. •,'.r CS OP` 1,1'0 a.tvi family remedy.
1-"I (111• 4444,.1 rrril. 1 13(51 \','.'. '. d,rrco.,na 1"r is wooer .ae. :'And or
), nAn1t h.'1. .'f'•: .'iris •., (nrnl,r,::`y 0,_I (.flirt, (4'1.e 4.1, Mel Yu, At'I• 1-•onor lNreari
CHFS!'PROl1C.H MFG. CO. (Coned'. 379 Craig St. West, Montreal
lav i>ar _.azRa nnerssQs..-asc-z!aas
i Ire
I lis
L:ste era r,' Innoenyl, �'lel(t
kyt, r1tt0411t rift
Catarrhal Fever.
fiGtracio;► in Lwin iia
Phar)nRRitis Cetera, ,
end t;ltrt
it, `••
�? ter kts+Js.
:Gr 411 li3 M ell GermkG(t�
II41 n:.L suttrastuyy
kit P,•lrr()n sof 1andirfl
po N 4
As th1- eery remarkable preparation now
silted. Is the greatest Constitutional Remedy
e'er known for Brood .'.;ate•,:, ('ol(,', 14ta111nr,y
and all other horses; also Distemper among
!!nits and $trop. This conn(:mind la nt 'lo of
Ilan purer•t ingredients and not ret atom of
1 "sono'" or injsrlo4te untute entire, Into Ila
, •'mi'r•ritlen, Many per -- ore now taking
-J 1,11X'tt for tat c,rlppe. 4" ls. (•owns. Kla-
'rrotd,le, rte.. and it • 1•.r:,';.: ,.18(1 It
' • •'• the i)isease 6: .t','• ho.lr:
flier•( 1y 041 31, 1 1 (1l t4.41
SP( 411'N'441 la pow . 1 '. , .,or) 41,-
h"' •as an,l hares,t• ,- Lind.. (nd. and .
e.tn get 11 for ')11. u,'1v ,*),t:: and $1.09 a
Lottie, uud 76,00 and *11.09 the duken.
Iteenrd c f .S nnunl Salem.
1st ',•'nr
2nd Year
Art Yc,,r o.2101
411, Year 1.".1 ,A
nth Veal rel.,,(4
6th Year 72Ito,
;th Year tOO,S12
fish Year 1:4.;'!',
9th Year 171,14.1
tOtit Y'ar 221,7641
11th 1'enr 2a7,G:9
12th i'enr si!t'IR!
13111 Year 4a..7 .i
1)1)1 Year 4,44 •
frith Yeses .... r'.- 4
Rend for per 1:• ,
for family anal , - t
Disfrib Tors
All Wholesale Drilkpiists
1,(1-.3 itottles Ro'd
4144 "
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Cil) MISTS A'•O S rii 2101n1)i5T5