Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 11 TwzNTY-THIRD YEAR. 1 EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1910. Clothing) We are Agents for the Largest Tailor- ing Houses in Canada for Made -to- Your - Measure Clothing. We have the Largest Range and can Eve you the biggest choice of styles nd patterns in English, Scotch and Irish Woollens EVER SHOWN IN EXETER. There is no need of you paying a BIG PRICE FORA TAILOR-MADE GARMENT. We can give you the Best at $12.50. 4. 15.00, and 20.00 and \ve Kt,..rantee to satisfy you. Ready -to -Wear Clothing In this line we have a hig choke at prices from $5,00 up to $0.50, $10.5(1 and $15.00. New Hats and Ties. SANDY BAWDEN All Overcoats at Cost THE CLOTHIER le. .110004/411,041440*****0,31-333436 HURRAH! for the great BARGAIN SALE Next Door to the Post Office Goods are going cbeaper than any n they per, on can hue then) at wholesale. I)o not mise this oppertenity of vetting good goods at such low prices. MUST BE SOLD! Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST-OFFi('E St'JI C O GOCOCC C-3-34.-3- 2 . re•)fettlet.■sl Cards. MONEY T01,01.14 ON FARM AND V11.1.AGE Properties at lowest rates of Interest. DL O. !. lO1JIATON, L D. S , D. D. S ERNEIIT ELLIOT Office Opposite Central Hotel. Exeter. Ont. DENTIST raw raduat of To L o. D. 6. nr o.t.rie and Honor,,bldar Posts for Salo graduate Of Toronto CD. D. Ry. ce OMOI: Orsi Dickson a Carling's Law Office, 1s. DI. Aad. •• former Dental Fallon. �DL A. IL ZINNIAS, 1. D. II., D. D. 8.• osor. graduate of Toronto Univerlste. DENTIST. nesse ssltseted without any pale, or any bad elects Ones over Oledmaa A 8taaburre office, Main street tisetes, Medical Lie L SHORT. M. D., Nit'. Vale, HONOR Graduate of Toronto Unirereit wo years reddest sklician Royal Alexandra Rospital, etc. Osco and ReNdenae, r Amo,' Old Stand, Andrew Street, RIETER. DR. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POST ORADL'ATF. 01 New York root Graduate College, ,,(riser to Nutlet of Dr. A. F. Malloy-, Exeter. Residence Lately occupied by Dr Malloy, Andrew let. Office - Formerly the Ell it Law tiffs- e, opposite Central 11cte1. DI, T. P. McLACOHf.IN Has roeumed pewee/ after spending • year (Col. lege).4 Br4Lti and Continental Hr,pttals. Genteel pt.ctice with rpecial attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Ear Note and Threat. (Mike: D•ehwood, Ont. /.elan . Di01805 a CARLINO, BARRIQTER.9, 801,1C1 bas, Notaries, ('ons ryancer,, ('nmm;wienrn SollcIton for Opiates Bank, ere. Messy is Leas .1 lowest rates of Inter,.t Daces, Main street, Rueter, 1. Oaauss, B A., L, H. h,cittc • • 3ONET TO LOAA. ♦ We have a large amount of private foade to loos ahem aad village properties at low rate, of later OLADMAN & 8TANIWIT,I Sarrlsten, $otelton,Main et.. Rester Oa 8, 8. PHILLIPS, EIETIR. 114»tss1 A.ctlosoor. Dalai Mended is all parts. PMiersrtioe guano M.1 M N jay._Terms moveable, A11 eraser left at Advocate 0 e. will 1e promptly %treaded to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. sue Fire Insurance in lead - Main -St- gxeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER W 1 . ANDERSON. Lleensed Awt' leer for tlrtron County. Terns relieor.Able. Date, can be made at tr. Advo•atr. ate,. or 1Jr'-ry Kilter's Otfice, Cred- 11ee.e iia• \4, L„v( the finest quality of Cedar Pont at moderate 'prices. U. E. }LICKS, CENTRALIA HORSES FOR SALE Mr. A. Dow has a number of good colts-Sllee and gelding -rising three and four years old, which be is offer- ing for sale. Apply at stables. FARM FOR SALE. One of the finest fauna 1ti 1'sborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECH. Exeter PiANO AND CUTTER F'Olt SALE. A new first-class Plano for sale cheap; oleo (utter. Apply to W. Arnold. Exeter. RUG STOLEN From the Commercial }louse shed on Wednesday, Feb. 16th, a lap rug. The party Is known and It rug Is not re- turned to this office lege* proccedlegs will be taken. FOR SALE Cottage a;,d twee lots 1n Exeter. being lots Nos. 55, 56, and 77. on the South side of Simcoe Street. Ce. tie. property is a frame cottage (brick foundatlon)con taint? g five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Coed garden and fruit trees. Tee pro- perty 1, to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to CIL\DMAN A STANBURT. Barrister,. Fitter, Ontario. F'AR\i FOR SALE. (`•(:•.e euadred acre farm, being j.ot 3, Con. 1, i'sborne, London Road, 3-4 n;ile front Centralia. 1 miles from Ri- fler. C-, tee premiers there is erected a ri00 beck !louse, all conveniences, large• eerie bare *even. finished In latest improved style ; drive house, good orchard. r.tver falling water, well III hc.rn and house. 1! *fres fall wheat. All plowing done. 1f not sold privately on or hetors the 20 day of Dee. will be sold by public auction at a date to be fiee•tt later. Easy terms of payment. F',.' 'Sime and particulars apply to Jus ltandford. prop., Oeetra11a, or to T. (lar neren, rwdlonetr, Farquhar P. O. Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements, and Household Effects. The undersigned Auctioueer has been instructed to offer for sale by Public Auction on the premises, LOT 11, Con. b. t'NBORNE, In the Village of N'inchelser. ou THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1010 At one O'clock p.m., the following, viz STUCK -1 brown gelding 7 yrs old, strong driver, bound and perfectly reliable; 1 mare, N yrs old, strong driver, sound and reliable; 1 aged gelding general purpose; 3 heavy draught colts, coming 2 vet, old; 1 cow due in March; 1 young sows due loth Starch, IMPLEMENT'S 1 two -seated democrat wagon, nearly new: 1 good open buggy; 1 good top buggy, 1 cutter, wheelbarrow, new; set single harness. 2 sets collar and haves, robes, blankets, rugs, oilclothes halter., forks, ete. IIOCSEIIOLD FURNITURE -1 coal or wood cooking range, nearly new; 1 coal heating stove, nearly new, • number good stove pipes, sideboard, evteotion table, centre table, bedroom set complete 1 bed stead, 2 set of mattresses and springs, couch. 2 rocking chairs, arrn chair, half dozen kitchen chairs, 15 yards Carpet, number wall pictures, win- dow blinds and curtains, 1 dinner set of dishes, I(o) quarte and half gallon sealers, crocks, pots, pans, 3 galvanised iron palls, water pails, set carpenters tools and numerous other articles. The above mentioned funniture is all nearly new and in find -class I rondition. Alt srast positively be sold as the pro- prietor is hoist/ West. TERMS -Ali some of t6 and under cash; over that amount B months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent per amu,:nn off for cash on r-rtdit amount.. Frank Ballantyne•, Proprietor THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar, Ont. Auction Sale Of Choice Farms, Stock & Implements The undersigned Auctioneer has been Instructed to sell by public auction at. LOT 11, S. B. STEPHEN TWP., MONDAY. MARCH 7TH, 1910 at 1 o'clock p. m, sharp. The following valuable property: 110118E14 -Draft pare rising 6 yr., draft horse ris- ing 5 yrs, draft horse rising 4 yrs, draft mate rising 4 yrs, in foal; driving mare, 12 yrs. in foal; driving pare, 4 yrs; general purpose mare riving 2 yrs; draft colt rising 2 yrs, draft colt rising 1 yr CATTLE-- 2 cows due to calve in kay, 2 Keen rising 3 yea s, 2 heifers rising 2 yrs, 3 steers rising years :a steers rising 1 year, 3 heifers rising 1 yr. PIGS - •' brood sows, 12 pigs 7 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS -McCormick binder nearly new, Maxwell mower, Massey --Harris seed drill nearly new, land roller, hay rake, 2 walking plow., double plow, set diamond harrows, fanning mill, waggon. pair sleighs, gravel box, hay rack, d )ubte carriage. luggv nearly new ,cutter nearly new, 2 robes, ladder, 2 setts working harness. double set light harness , Y single set. harness. 2 doz hags. Mi hens, Piano and some honest' ld effects. Real Estate There will also be offered for sale at the same time and place Lot 11, F R. Stephen, cenu• tainting 14P, scree. tilled; Lot 11. N. It. McGillivray, DO acres, grass; N ', Lot 3 and S Lot 4, Con. 4, Stephen, grass farms. 1f not sold on or before shote date will be open for sale or to rent. Terms made known on day of sale. TERMS --All sorsa of iso and under, ('ASH; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on turn• lshing approved joint notes. 3 per cent per annum off for cash or,tredlt amounts. Mrs. Johanna Coughlin, Proprietress James Stanley. Auctioneer •AUCTION SALE -OF VALUABLE -- Real Estate. Farm Stock and ituple• menta, Household Effects, lac, it. 8. Phillips. Licensed Auctioneer, has recelsel instructloos from Treble Brothers to sell by Public Auction on their premises, London Road, j Mile South of Exeter 05 SATURDAY, FEI1. 20rn, 1010 at 1 o'elot•k p.m. sharp. the following property, viz, IIOl4SEw loris' Ing mare, s years old; drat ing colt rising 2 years. sired by Jap. heat colt 1 year old, sired by Loral Sharp. CATTLE- 6 steers ricin... tears. 3 .teen rising 2 y-esr., steer rising 1 year 11008- 3I.Igs. 2 months old POt'I.TRi --A number of hens, IMPLEMENTS Brantford mower, MasseyHarris drill and mower. Mann cultivator, hay rake, Maple Leal gang plow , single plow, w agpton, pulper. hay rack, Clinton fanning mill, set of Diamond harrow•,, two water troughs, culter, eheelearrow, • number of cedar posts S and 16 fret long, quantity of lune her, 120 feet of hay fork rope, pulleys and car; sling ropes large feed bin. HaUsEIloLD EFFECTS- Y stores, 3 large tables, number of stairs, 3 small tables, large wardrobe, dresser, two 'tends. two easels, music rack, number of pictures, rocking churn, lawn mo• es. stepladder, clothes reel. 9double copse of stove wood and other articles ton numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE -Thur. will also be offered foe sale at the same place and place. if not previously sold, South !' of Lot 4, Con. 6, 1a the Township of Hay, containing A acres There is on the premises about b acre. of soft maple bush and • good creek running through the farm. TA'. is a gond pasture farm. TERMS- Chattels. rut and under, cash: over that amount h months' credit given on forni.hing ap• proved joint note. 6 per cent per annum off for rash onrelit amountslie al I.tat. (lade known on day el sale C Powitivcly all will be %old se the Proprl- etore aro going West. holt. N. & F. W. Treble, Props. II. S. Phillipe, Auctioneer. t'iLLAUE flt(,I'ERTY Efilt SALE. The underst.ried Is offering for sale that desirahle Vlllnee property, being lots 13. 14. 1:., corner of William aid Waterloo'Ore•ts, There 1% on the prem- iers a splendid brick house, small stable and other convenient -ea: also a number of e'eofe fruit trees. The prop- erty 1s tlrst-class In every respect and Is well situated. Will be sold reaeon- ablc. :\prly on premises. ALFRED HOWICY. Exeter P. O. TAKE NOTICE. Ocelot Is tirr by given that persons purcla.ing or Intending to purchase the dwelling Louse sed contents of the es- tate 1rt tee Township of McGillivray of the late SUS/ Tina lt Gower, who died on Sept. 21st. 1909. w111 apply to Mrs. Thos. Heanian, e-erutrlx. Exeter. i'ar ticulars eoreernletg the peoperty rosy Aliso be had by applying to the said trete utrii. )'ARM FOR SALE 74 acnes of farm land In the village of Exeter. 13 acres In tall wheat, fall plowing nearly finished, well fenced. well drained and watered • good 1 1-2 storey brick house. containing 9 Ruing rooms, hard and soft water In tete house, good barn, number of fruit trees. situate north of the station road, Exeter or partkulars apply to JO11N IIAWK- HAW. Proprietor, or fl. S. i li)LL11'S. tactloneer. i Local Items Miss Olive \Viii!, ie learning tailoring at W. W. Tamara's. Mary, dau,hler o: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Achescn, who has been quite 111 of late underwent a painful operation on Mon- day for the removal of a large gather - U3 behind (he ea: which had very much Inip:.lrei her heeling. \\-bile being very rtuce re -Allred It: flesh elle 1■ now doti'g nicely. NO LiCENSE FOR URANTON Mr. C0:b'tt of. lert:leley aad Mr. Stev- CI:9o.1 of Strathroy have been appointed lice:ese contnitasloners for North Mid- •lieees, in the ',teed o' G. Grieves and E. Mare. At a rneetinT of the board 10 Mese Cra':f on tee 16th a petition was p-eacnted and a deputation waited upon the conuniselo;.e's ::eking that no lic- ense b: erantel to Granton Village, and the board de Fled not to grant a license at the explr..t:ou of the present one held by the Ontario House in May nest. COMM U N iC.\TION. Exeter, Feb. '22nd, 19103 To tt:e Advocatc,- Will you allow rale space in your valu- abl_ p.tpe• to give a hint to our vil- lage Council to do as the city of Lon- don has done already -that is to have all the gratinge to our drains located and opened up eo to prevent the water (tetrjng into our ccllare and houses in case of a quick thaw which might oc- cur any d:ay. There la an old proverb ' Never put o'f till to-niorl ow what cart be done to -Jay." To -morrow may ba too Late. Another hint to them alae. i de not know ;: they have a ntap. marking all the spots wher_ the above mentioned ;rates and d:alns ale or not. butelf not they should have. t)ur road Contml.- sioner Is u! cap used re carry all the depths and exact spots of beth gratinge and drains 1n his memory ; and If het does in case of ale ;;:,ass w►jO would know? It would be well to look Into this. • NODRUII". EXETER SCHOOL BOARD Tae Council met In the Reading Itoont o. the Town !tall Friday, 18th, at 9 p.m. Absent -the reeve and councillor Ile unan. Per Palkwtll and Luker -That `dr. Levett b3 t halrman.-tarried, The ntinute3 of the mteethti held Feb. 41e) end that of the Jolla meeting with' the itourd of Health were reed and approved Mr. D. Gillis asked aid from the coun- (elr. The commtsetoncr was Instruetod to forward 100 lbs. I1 -aur to Mr. 01111s. eel mollon of Lauker ,tn: Ilalkw111.-C.tr- t:ed, Councillor L•alkwill on behalf 0; the r',nu)ittoe reported having secured Mr. Itoulden to look after and care for the waterworks plant, aereeng to pay hint ?_'.Ci, per weak, hegtn ling Feb. loth; Per Luker and Lovett -That the report Ire accepted.-C:trrled. The following accounts were read and p-esscd,-T. Hartnoll, woad, 10.12; The tlueen City Oil Co., gasoline, 8.30; J. Senior, ezprees, 30c.; London Engine Supplies Co., pleasure guaee. 2.71 ; W. Cres. it, labor and supplies water works account 10.75; T. }louldcn, fuel for waterworks, 7.00; it. O. Seldom, coal for N. E. Fire lIeli 2.00, coal for water- works. 4.70; Smart Turner Co•, certif- icate No. 3, :193.32 , Canadian Falrbank Co., certificate No. 8.. 622.18; Canada Foundry Co., cerllftcate No. 1.. 2503.- 89; 503:89; O. Cudntore, labor, :Lot► ; T. Drock or.. do. 4.413; T. Brock, jr., 2.78 ; S, West 4:,e. ; A. liissett, do., 1.2e; C. '1. Berney do. 45c; T. Itoulden, one week pay care waterworks plant, 2.50; in all .3,581.2e. -passed on motion of i)alk- will and Luker.-Oarrkd. AdJourt•itient by Ilalkwlll. Jos. Senior. Clerk. egeo- STi':.NG): 1)O(1 IIIT BULL ON THE NOSE. Dr Tce:ttanl of London has forwarded the herd 01 a but! that caused a ',lg stir at Dashwood recently to Ottawa. and It will be c►,.mlhed in the blo:nt: cal dip: rtntent. The bovine was bP:rn nbcut throe weeks ago be an unknown dose which corse to the home of Joseph Tetreau, and followed tint Into the st;t- blt' when he want to water the rattle. The dog bit the bull calf on the r:r)se w',en It looked out from 1t■ stall. The dot was throw,: rev of the stable by Mr. Tetre,u, and then went up to Isle hougo. and as he had left a door open, 1t went t;,, EIC tried to frighten 1t out, but it would not go. and he finally sefir.l 1t by the tail and pulled It out. Some time ale, wards 1t bit a couple of colts and some cows, and then rat. nway. The animals that were bete. here bevc. quarantined. }tom. EMPLOYE St ICiDES. Godertctn, Feb. 18. -George Astrell, a Young Er gllshrnan, aged 23, whir worked as hustler at the Claiborne Hotel committed suicide las: evening by tak- ing carbolic acid. Dr. hunter. ford•tet. will hold an inquest. Clearing Auction Sale VALUABLE FARM STOCK. Mr. Theo Cameron hasrrr'vI•ed se Den by public motion cm Lot 5, South Thames Road, Usborne on Tuesday, March 1st, 1910 at 1 o'clock p m Nuri, the following valwble property: HORPEA- Ursugut Mare. 4 yeah, elegll4 for reg• titration; draught gelding, 4 yeah; Sigh alam dray- gut Ally, t years, from imported .Moth; 2 draught teenage, r years; einem/torsi colt, rtUac 1 ye; Ilse carriage gelding. t yeses, by lewd of the Wooer. C'ATTLR-3 cows with calf N foot; Stowe doe is March, April •ed Wy; ! tat steers 3 year old; 2 1•t Wien, 3 years; 7 stoves nod 6 heifers, good grassers, ! years .11; 6 reeves. 110OR -4 Yorkshire. 3 Rtrkshln and 1 T•a.e.Ui sewn, all da, is Masek; It bogs from 100 to 110 Ib. TRRMl.-6 mew credit on runtish'sg.pproved )Stat note., otlk,toont of 14 pet tent rer assess of Me cash or. credit amo,enta Positively so reserve. Andrew (iib. n . T. Cameron. Prop. A uef. GOOD ROADS. Nineteen counties in the Province have adopted the Good Roads system and planned the improvement of three thou- sand miles of their leading highways. The Good Roads Association of Ontar- io consider the time favorable for a general advance in the construction of good roads throughout the whole Prov- ince, with this in view they are arrang- Itte for a widely representative (.•oeven- tion to be held in T*)rento on March the Sed, 3rd and 4th. Efforts are being made to secure the attendance of mem- bers trot only of County Councils, but from the township bodies, and all other fessoclationa that arc Interested in the roads of the country, such as the Far- mers' institu'es, Agricultural Societies, Fair Associations, tee various live stock aseoctatlone, fruit growers and others. The movement is spreading al- so to the towns and cities. ( The pro;rant will provide tar a val- uable eerlce of addressee from Superin- tendents of county road systems already in operation, explatning the method of de'dgnethug roads, the machinery and Ineterial used, the cost, and how the money 1s raised. Experts in addition, are being eecul- ei from New York, Pennsylvania, Mae- .a(huesette, and other states where the finest roads !n America have been built up. After a thorough discussion, it Is propo ;ed to decide upon some policy that will Include the moat valuable points of all these systems. Dunne the convention a huge deputation will wait upon tee P: ovineial government to con- sult with it as to future assistance. As over 500 delegates are expected to attend, single tare rates will pro- bably be secured. Communicattanv should be seat to the Secretary of the O:ttario Good Roads Association at \Whit by. M GORES V ILLS. Mr. and Mrs. Gordo,' }lloomfield and son of London paid a flying visit to the fornter'e father, Mr. John Bloomfield -Roy Simpson of London spent a couple days under the parental roof.- MIin Levitt of Exeter Is visiting Mrs. J:t,. Neil. -Mrs. and Miss McCoy of Ceeralle spent Sunday with Mrs. \Will Derlir•:;.-Mr. and Mrs Win. forever of E=^ter spent Sunday with Miiss Lily Freeer.-Misses May and ida Hodgins a' Dcit:irld were the guests of Antes Ida Sintl'son a couple days this week. -Mr. Percy Simpson has returned after a couple we:ks logging in Exeter. -Mr. end Mrs. \Vm, Donley spent Tuesday it the home of W. J. Itepdg;ns.-)fir. an l Mrs. Jo'.in Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nlcltann of Clandcboyc visit - at at Win. Murdy'tr one day thea week: -Albert Simpson recently purchased a fine horse from Win. Oolwill.-Mooed Simplon is busy drawit, hay thane ,lays. -W111 Darling 1s wearing a 0' autiful snipe these days -its a boy. Death of Mrs. llodglns.-It becwnlee our sad duty to reteerd the death of Mrs. William J. !lodging, who passed away on Wcit:esday last. Mrs. }lodging had bean a long sufferer, and while at lints it would seem that she would recover front her affliction, the great puler oft ,all this:Ss willed 1t otherwise' and elle was called home. Mrs. Hodgins was formerly a Mise Donnelly, a resident of Lordot township aid was much r'e- spet tee and esteemed by a large clr_le t w w r •ere her o friends, lin 1!1 deeply e, t demise She leaves to ntourn a hue - hand and father, one sister and foul brotLcrs. interment took place 011 Fie day n1 St James' cemetery, Chuid'•- boy(•. The bereaved family and rela- tives have the sympathy of a large eir- rlc o: friends. I,REWSTP:11. Ntr. Wm. Huchanan has gone to Un- cle Si, m's domain 'o secure a wife. -- Misses Mary and Annie Wraner :are vis - lens at their uncle's in Sarnia. -Thos. Webb Is getting the material ou the ground for a been of the up-to-date Med.-Jos. Sparrow is having a sale 'Mere,. bit, E. )iossenbl'lry to wend the hammer.-Mtlss May Wilson 1s in- creaslhg her euntber of pupils in music. -Wm Turnbull 1 steads adding a kl'c x n to els house, welch will Increlse its ccnnfort-Mrs. Ilse continues very 111. - Jenks Latta Is very 111 at Owetd Sowed. -The Lord's Supper will ba celebrated the first Sunday In /larch In the Pres- byterian church at Grand Bend. -Mr. P. Biker visited hie daughter. Mr.. E. Uhii, t E ANDERS & CREECH at Riverside fare: on St'urday.-)1r. W. lielkwlll and wife of Exeter visited at Grand Icer:d on Thursday. LC'MLEY. Mr. J. T. Kitchell lost a valuable horse (brough Indigestion on Monday -We were sorry 10 hear of the deaths of Mrs. David Olbt; of Exeter, for:nerly of *hie ne-1lhborhood, 5"c extend ow- aynipathy to the bereaved husband In his hour of sorrow, -Mt. and Mrs. Money of Sed - lay, Seek., are visiting relatives here. - Mr. and hies. Gordon Boltor, very pleaq- antl), entertained a few trlends end nelsrbore on Monday evening, to honor o: the latter's sister, Mrs. Hummel. w:to is oh a viva here. -Mr. Jae. And- erson had a w. ,d bee on Friday after- noon last and in the evening gave a dance. All report a good time, -Mies Dal: ample of \loesejew is the gine: 01 her couetn, O1:ve F'alrbairt,.-Mr. Geo. Hobkirk, Jr., wet, in ltageravillo part of this' week, attendee; the funeral o: his nephew, tine late Andrew Sittig.- Mr. and Mrs. Jae. IJroadfoot spent Sunday at lerurefieid with the fornrer's - mother. BIRTHS Darldne.-At Mooresville, on Feb. 8th, to Mr. and Site. Will Darling, a gen. Sararas.-At Yui ich, on Feb. 14th, to Mr. and 5L'e. Noah Sararas, a daugh- ter. MARRIAGES 11twden.-LinY..-In Thodford, on Feb. 231.4, Mr. Fred W. Fatwden of Ez_tcl, to Miss Lovina Link, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Link. hear Dashwood. DEATHS Clambcr..-in Stephen, on Feb. 19th,. Selena Chambers, wife of Mr. Thomas Chambers, eget 41, years, 8 months- - 28 days. Gibb. -In E-eter North, 0s. Feb. 1'-. Jane Hay Envie, wife of David Gityb in her ::8th year. Powell, -Li Exeter, on Feb. 19th, Htn- ry Powell, agul 81 years. 2 months, • and 19 days. itodeine.-On Fob. 161.11, Emily Mar- garet Donley. wife of William J. }lodging. aged 41 ye,re. Taylor. -In Atlanta, Ga., on Feb. 10:h William Taylor, formerly of tJebornc, aged 70 year.. Johnston -In 11,bbcr', Feb. 11, Robert Johnston, aged 85 years. \Vlltesfde.-A• Corbt:'t, Feb. 12, Mee. Wm. Whiteside-. LI FE INSUItANt EXAMINA- TIONS If you were ever examined foe life Insurance you noticed how carefully you were examined for symptoms of kidney disease. There are reasot,e. 11 you have any symptosis of kllec y tdiocese, such as pain in the bat -k. ::r quem, scanty, or painful urination, do not let It run into a chronic condition. Nyal's Stone )toot Compound Is a cor- rretive for all forms of kidney disease. We do not claim it will cured ' Bright's' Di,0: se," but we do claim that If taken in time 1t will check the conditions ti at merit result In the dreaded ' Brlght'a Deo t91... Fifty cents aad dollar tea - ties. We are agents for Nyal's Family Ise:neJl •s -nothing else is quite so good. W. S. IIOWEY, flint. 13. Chemist and Optician. Exeter, Onta.ri0. TP. OF USBORNE PROCLAMATION Dogs Running at Large• Prohibited Pursuant to Hy law No. 2. 1910, and a ,t•,(nlol ion 1 the Municipal Council, 1 hereby declare that all dogs, within the Township of l'sborne,'hall be either *curtly chained in an outhouse or other iuildir�� kept melee leand key or efficiently mnssled tsy, mttalllc measles so as to prevent them from biting nr snapping, in a'rordan. c with rte regulation• c,f lht Provincial Board of Health and order of the Dep- uty Minister of Agriculture of Canada, during the period of lime,eommencing on the 2141 day of F'ebnt- ars' 1910, and ending nn the 21.1 day of Slay, 19)0, 601 41). ireliniye. Allcot...table•. or othereerw,n. are hereby author• iced to kill any wino's/led dug found running at large during slrch;perinrl, Any pereon owning or haiboring a dogfa. l peraete tine it to pin at large without being ntu,s'nel se alore- saki,.ha11beliable 'nth,fine prenkl(d by the 4ta- tate•. (:hers under my hand�r1 16th 11a, ..f rehnury, 191t, John Moir, Reeve toves, Ran&e and Fnrnaces Easy on Fuel, Cood Bakers, At Low Prices. Imperial Oxfords with Reservoir $25.00 e a and Shelf 38.00 44.00 Garland 0 38,00 without a 38.00 Souvenir with 35,00 Steel Range with Closet and Reservoir53,00 Heaters at Cost. New Idea Furnaces for coal or wood. Tinsmithing and Plumbing of every description at reasonable prices. HEAIAN'S IILRDARE & STOVE STO