Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 10The Jaiivary Sale OF Odds and Ends in Suits and Pantings is NOW ON AT PRICES THAT SHOULD SELL THEM QUICK ! Suits worth $24, $22 and $20 for $14, $13 & $12. Pantings from $2.50 up W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario hsiaess Locals -- Read Them Any y our trimmed hats prices frcu, $6 to $8 will be sold during Big special tale $1.98. Stewart. SALE OF SHOES.— By clearing out all of a manufactur- er's samples and paying spot cash the entire stock was bought at a ridiculous- ly low price, and will bo paced on sale this week at The EXETER BARGAIN STORE. All tee goods are the newest spring ehapcu and shades and must be seen to bi appreciated. Come quick and get your choice. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Successor to the late J. W. Broderick. For 15 «lays we will sell any dinner ret at Li.l sf Pei•,i ,!i, r.unt 15 per cent. Stewart's. MOUSE TO itENT. • i 1-2 story Brick House, on William street, owned by Mrs. Perkins, all in first -stens state of repair. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Exeter. 25 per cent discount on any Fur or fur coat during Big special sale. Stewart ,•!b'«ut 25 pieces mu- print, ,holt and light. Good patterns. Big special sale price 10e at Stewart's. • SATURDAY, FEI3. lath, Niles J. J. •1 t'ummercial tiotel, Exeter. Hours, 10 a. .Mian. Eye Sight Specialist. will tx at III. to s p.m. Hig special sale from Feb. 10 to 25, lasting 15 days, :Visit us. Stewart's. About 21 Jlcns' and Boys' Suits, mostly small si:es. Bug special !.rice $4.98. Stewart. ANUTiiI•:It C'IIANCE TO HEAR REQ'. SAM SMALL.—Bev. Sam Small Is to return to Exeter, and will give his' fam- ous let ture, "From Bar -Room to Pulpit," in James Street Methodist church on Friday niche, Feb. 11th. One o: the gte_test treats of yet•r life for ten teats. Don't miss It. 36 in. Pride ,lanneltette regular 12ic. Big !lpeeial sale price 10 yds for $1.00. Stewart. SATURDAi', FEB. 12th, Mise .1. Allan, Eye Sight Specialist, will be Commercial Hotel. Exeter. Hoare. 10 in. to 6 p.nt. J. at a. CHURCH DIRECTORY J.t\IEe-IT METHODIST CHURCH Rev.• itic•t,ard Hobbs, Pastor 8u:tdcy I'u.t.le Worship -10.30 and 7. Chas H rvire-9.30 a.m.and after Mo:'tt- Ing S,• vice and, Wednesday night. You,.g M • Class and Catechumens — bund,y at 2 p. m. Swxda) Sr loot and Bible Classes— 2.30. Epwor'a League—Tuesday 8 p. m. &'ra)a: it +1 ,g—Thursday 8 p. m Feb. lath:—Rev. Arthur Sinclair of l.onc'o••. w I:1 preace morning and even- ing. vcn- ing. Te Shop lor Men We have the tinest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings AND Trouserings We are filled up with the new- est and best goods for the mak- i111R of clothing. and we do the making in the best of style. W. JOHNS Merobast tatter. fleeter .77 4/7777<7'AIF7.7'S• LOCAL, DOINGS. 4 balb alluilb. alk r6aft .4b.A a&Ail .u' M) :d,,y. 1 days are stretcame cu: rile -ell'. Tee grou:,C-hog sa.v his shadow—six weeks more winter. Exeter and St. Marys play a gam c.f hockey acre this Wednesday evening. Mr. Rowland Brennell has been oft duty at the Station for the past week owing to Illness. On Tuesday Mr. Rich. Welsh shipped a load of horses to Saskatchewan front Mitchell, accompanying them himself. The wr.terworks meet:11.17 was given a ttorcugh teat on Thursday and Fri- day, and everything worked satisfactory The Jackson efanutacturing Co. com- men:ced operations on Monday last and have about a dozen employes at work. His old friends were pleased to see Air. G. A. K. McLeod uoe+n towel for e w.:Jk last week. after his recent ill- ! ,C The G. T. II. has lnstailed a telephone In the new station house, which will be a great convenience to the employees and the public. Mrs. (Dr.) A. T. Bond will recelve for the first time on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, from 4 to 0 p.m., and 2nd and 4th Tuesdays thereafter. In commemoration of the fiftieth anni- versary of his becoming a member of the church, Rev. IIobba Sunday cvenlng preached a sermon to the young 'nen. The curling singles was decided on Monday, when Mr. Henry Gould won the German stein put up by Mr. II. E. Hug ton, and Mr. Geo. E. Anderson, who was ru:,ner up, got .the coat offered by Mr. S. G. ilawde•t. Mr. Joseph Senior as leader of the choir was presented with a purse of more, and Miss Nitta Kinsman as or- gar,ist with an increase of salary, at the a:,nual meeting of the Presbyterian rliurc!t last week. Messrs. Mortish & Crooke of Clinton nave dissolved partnership In theft, clothlr, ; business, which ha• be'zi taken over by Mr. Morrish. Mr. Crooks, who Is well known In Exeter, has engaged with a Toronto firm to travel in the Canadian 'West. Mr. Harris, of the Danielle Society, Toronto. preached in Caven Presbyterian c'nurch Sunday morning and gave a talk the Town Hall on Sunday; afternoon. We understand he also examined sev- eral horses about town and in some. in - Meares ordered Clem to be shot. The Dominion and Provincial Govera- ntettts have issued orders that all doge in Western Ontario are to muzzled or fled up. The orders go into force at the lustaucea of thc municipal govern- ments. This action is due to the prev- alence of mad dogs 1n the country. At the official board meeting of the Ellniville circuit on Tuesday last, the Junior minister, Mr. Andrew Butt re- ceived a most hearty and unanimous In- vitrtlon to return Lor another year. Mr. Butt thanked the board and accepted, subject to the action of thc stationing committee. Beverley Tont, the tittle son of Mil and Mrs. W. T. Acheson of the Central Hotel, le at present In a rather disfig- ured conditlo,,. The little fellow has 'been sick for some time and to add to his troubles he fell down stairs Friday last from which he received a bad shaking up. and painful injuries to his nose, head ar.«I otixr parte of his body. The Oddfeauw9 epcat a very pleasant time Tuesday night when D. D. G. M. Fowler and installing team of Seaforth visited the lodge and Metalled the offi- cers in ezc•ellent style. The officers are the sante as those we stated were elect- ed some time ago. After the work of the evening was completed a dainty lunch was served by W. J. Statham, and the remainder of the evening was ,pent 'cockily in speech, song, etc. DON'T $CH.TiTUTE.—Always give your customers what they ask for. "Ju.et as good" or 'the sante thing" may make ono sa'e at a large profit; and at the sane time lose the confid- ence and trade of a dissatisfied patron. —DON'T St'reSTITUTE. HICKS' FoREC.\STS. — A itegular Storm Period covers the 15th to 20th being central on the 17th. The Mer- cury disturbance will be at its culmina- tion during tele 1eriod, with Venus, Earth and Mars all In force. This is a period ween the barometer should be watched and cautiously heeded. If It falls ve-y low generally. t0:n'tdlc atotrns will be probable southward, and biiz- zerds. followed by a great gold wave northward. Dat gcrous lee jams and floods will demand care In central states owing to Venus rains. Destructive sleet roust be riveted at this and the prev- ious poled. \Ve believe that whit ear' ccr,e itices w111 be prolonged and severe AMIBROSE SMITH DEAD.—A former resident of Exeter. Mr. Ambrose Smith. died re_ently In Dundurn. Sask., front an attack of pneumonia. The body was taken to Saskatoon to the home of ale brother, Rev. E. R. Smith, and the fun- eral took place front his residence un- cle. Masonic auspices. Death was ,lue to pneumonia. A wife survives. Mi. Smith was associated with F. E. Karn 1n the Molsons Bank at Hernial]. and later 1n the ,Rcvcrtien flank at Exeter. W, Ile residing here Ire married Miss Bertha Ifodgir.s of Hensall. who died two years later. He was afterwards manager of the Sovereign at Markham, and after the failure of the bank he went west. }le was highly esteemed in business and social (halts herr. W HALEN %ire. James Horn arid ecn Wellington visited her mother. Mrs. Wm. Gunning n Tuesday.—Nfr. J. V. Wilson spent T!,ursday at his brother's. Mr. 9. Mill !we's. rear Mitchell.—A splendid supply of Ice has toren put away by our dairy- men this winter.—Miss Edna Gunn:ng and NIIss Shoebottenn •'sited here on Sunday. --We havt not as yet ]corned welch Society Mr. Wnt. Knowles in- tend+ elating. but he was immersed on Thursday 1r. Flab Creek. where the men are erga*ed cutting lee. The water was rather rcld. so hilly says. Must be more Artful in the future. 11111y.—Mr. std Mrs. }teary Order, of Manitoba are vs.t1 at Wm. (. den's herr. Mrs. Ed. Hooper is visiting is Strat- I ford. Mr. Tu. a. Dia of L,:tdo:: was here over Sunday. alive Edith: (Miley of Blyth 1s visit- ing here with relatives. Miss leettger of New Hamburg Is the guest of Mi.. G. A. Hawkins. Miss Carrie Dyer le the guest of Miss Livi::gstont in Blyth this week. A number from here attended +:.e dteec in liensall Friday night. Mrs. James hurray and daughter Mims Jennie are visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. Hugh Chesney of Seaforth visited his eieter, Mre. Geo. McLeoi, over Sun- day. Mrs. S. A. Yupkstone and daughter of Blyth are guests of Mrs. Popiestone of town. Mr. and airs. J. A .Gregory and child- ren returned to their h3nte In North Bat- tiefcrd last week. Mr. William hill, traveller of Toronto, spent Sunday a'td Monday here, Oa-- guest t:eguest of his father, Mr. Geo. Hill . Mrs. Bert Clark of Crediton, who is qultc• ill, has been brought here to t1.r hems of her parents. Mr. and \fry. T. Brock. Mr. Wm. Bawden of Exeter and Sir. lfossop of St. Marys leave to -day for the Old Country to purchase entire horses. Misses Luttic a:.d Ett., Welsh have re- turned berm after spending a week with the Jackson Manufacturing Company at Clinton. Miss Jantteto:. who Itas been visiting the Misses Dow, has gone Lo Alliston to visit, prior to returning to her (1011,? In Brandon. Messte. E. atrlet!e and W. D. See- ders are this week attending the con- vention of agricultural societies at Torcr.to. Mrs. Harty Golding, nee Miss LOUIE. \\'aiper, who has been visiting friends here for several weeks, leaves to -day for her home In Hamilton. Dr. and Mrs McGillicuddy returned from their weddi.t- trip on Friday even- ing and are now comfortably settled in rooms in the McDonell block. Mrs. Mark Mitch -ell Left Monday nee n- 1 g to join Iter husband In leandoa. \1aN. P. Roweliffe and little son accompanied her, to remain a week or so. Mr. R. N. Treble returned Saturday font a year's sojourn in efanitobi .0 d North Dakota. Mr. Treble will have .t sale of his farm stock and effects and walI go wast to reside. Mr. George lleantan of Regina arriv- ed here Wednesday evening o: last week to visit for a few days. He repents business as brisk In Regina and throu.ehout the west, while the weather :lovers aroma; zerto, and there le only sufflclent snow to stake good sleigh- ing. Mr. Thos. Tapp of Virden, Man., has been in the neighborhood for the past week or so mnnb'nlnt; business with pleasure. Mr. Topp to or, of the most progressive farmers in the West, and will take back with hint a carload ot horses. lie is a brother of Mr. Wm, ?'app of Exeter. 1t has been Lruught to the notice of the business community that quite a number are unaware of the fact that it is necessary to file a copy of a lien note at the county court within ten days Otherwise the goods or chattels in question may be bought and sold again In perfect innocence. Tne registration costa only tern rents and the matter should not be overlooked by anyone: transacting such business. Three copses of note should be made—one for the (buyer—cue for the seller and one for the retlstrar. FARQUIIAIt Mr. Jas. Gardiner, Sr., is getting the material on the ground for a large brick house the coming summer.—Mea- line Som'! Routley and Fred Stewart attended the annual meeting of the Weather Insurance Co. held in Zurich Mr. Charles Monteith was re-elected for another term.—Out school teacher, Mr. Gowans has resumed duties at tit school after a few days absence o'wirig to ili, esu.—The Oyster Supper in the Hall last Friday evening In connecti to wltht the winding up of the Economical Thteshing Co. was a decided success*, a good program of tousle, speeches, etc., being rendered. fir. Andrew Gibson very ably filled the diiair ar:d routribut- ei to the evening's enjoyment. After all had well [Mel up on bivalves the burli- ness cad of the meeting folloWtd. On summing up it was found that 40 was du' for etc t shale of $2:..—The annual ntcetinr of the Usbornt & !libber( eIut- ual Fire Insurance Co. was held !fere alcnday. There was a large attendance. Mr. Ryan was re -elected Director. Mr. Passmore was nominated bast resigned in favor of Mr. Robt. Gardiner. \L. Pass:note gave a very interesting ad- dress in which he went into a retro- spect of the Company and its origin. Mr. Passmore held the position of Di- rcctor for 21 yearn and was tendered a hearty vote of thanks by the meeting for his services. There were three nomina- tions for auditors—Mr. John Kay. Wm. Ward and Wm. Tu: i. bull. A vote was Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BCS and DRAY business of MB. WM. ARNOLD, i desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that 1 am prepared to Rive you the best of satisfaction in work connected with tbe business. For the pre*. est orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOOATR OF'F- iCE, PHONE 16, will receive prompt attention, T. G. Creech Special Sale SCISSORS SHEARS RAZORS Owing to the fact that we are about to move into our new store, we are giving spec- ial prices to clear the follow- ing lines: Reg 25c Reg 25c Reg 50c Reg 75c Reg 80c Reg $1.00 Reg 6Oc Reg 050 Reg 75c Reg 50c Reg 05c Reg .00 Reg $12.75 Ladies Nickle plated Scissors, gilt -handled one sharp and one blunt point. Lace Scissors, solid steel blades,finely tap- ered full nickle plated Full nickle - plated straight tri w m ere, ground sharp, perfect - !y adjusted, fitted shoulder,eztra finish. Full nickle plated bent trim leers, ground sharpR, perfect- !yy adjusted, fitted eboulaer,extra finish. Full nickle plated straight trimmers, heavy malleable iron back Over which is laid s sheet of gesl- idee steel which is firmly welded on, thoroughly tempered and ground. Full nickle plated scissors, blunt ends. Full nickle plated p.rcket scissors "Hol- low (round" blunt ends, shaped linger bow. RAZORS -- Square points, thin concave, black rubber handles, etched on each razor "Special." Horse Blankets Only a Few Left Extra heavy lined jute blankets. 72x72. double twisted warp, soft stock, wide, light and dark grey body stripes, hewed straps and buckles. Yellow colored wool blankets, good weav- ingntaterial,bound to give good satisfaction 20C 20e a50 60c 650 m 4fic 50c 40C SOc �c 1.20 $2 SULPHUR -10 lbs. for 2 c E PSOM SALTS- Iii lits. for 25c OYSTER SHILL -25 lbs. for 25c. HOCKEY STICKS --10c to 75. S KATES -40c up T. Hawkins & Son STOVE and Hardware Store. taken which was found to be In favor of the two old auditory, Messrs. Kay u:td Ward. A lively discussion then took place with rrfere nca ba the risk added to buildings in which gasoline Is used for different purposes. After considerable discussion it was de.•Ided to raise the rates on such buildings. Mr. Joshua Johns. manager of the company for the pas( year, having resigned hie poeitlon. the directors met at the close of the general meeting and appointed Mr. John Campbell at salary of 12 runic as formerly. A New Drand This mill has been using the Star brand c' flour Lor a number of years. but our wade has grown. until we are Pifer—meal by another miller that we must quit axing It. as they have it register- ed. You ran u,iderstaud that we must have been getting their trade. or they would not object. There are other mills not far distant still using the Star brand, and we hellcve they have had no notary to quit using it. In view of the Lica that we are requested to cease us- ing it. we ).ave gotten out a new brand for our fancily flout. which we have registered. From this time on, our Family Flour will be known as 'MODEL." Our Three rtglsttied brands are. "Manitoba's Rest" (pure Manitoba). "Model." (blended flour) 'Welcome" (Ontario flour.) We Inter( these three kinds ot flour in sure. but 1. is the Model that we consider gives the hest watlsfactlon for bread and buns. 1t has the nutty flavor so much deelred. Try it and per that It is • Model. The Jantcs succ•t Official Board on Monday night granted exhorters Ikea se to the following brethren; Dr. Ilealsten Ert:est Buswell, l:obert \Wilc,rx, Melein Southcott. Russ 11 May, and Victor Sae t r Aka& 1 1 1 1 1 FLOUR Breakfast Foods Feed and Seeds 1 All the BEET GRADES of flour always on band. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAL, WHEATLETS & TOASTED WHEAT FLAKE'S Davis' Old Stand - EXETER Oatmeal,7 lbs for 25c Poultry Foods & Feeds such as PANACEA, OYSTER SHELLS, GRIT, CRUSHED BONE, LIN- SEED MEAL, OIL CAKE and FLAX SEED. Wm. Rivers Allr•PriFillig IMF IIIP"'IrIIFNIF AP' �wwww THE BEST Bread Can only be gotten from the beat sour —The lollo.ine brands are unexcelled --Try a hundred nett time yoe hake Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (western Cassia noun ltiusJ f.tave your orders or call sp Phone a. R. G. Beldon, Exeter OMNI Don't Monkey with that is Coughs Take Howey's 'Rite Pine & Tar Sold only at Howey's Drag Store in 25e bottles. Remember the Name --- Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their store is the place to buy FURNITURE. We have a fresh car load in now and every- thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call ... Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 The New Dress Goods are all opened up ---now is the time for the early buyer H E best assortment. the newest colors and the most fashionable goods are found on our counters this season. Among the new goods are Venetians, Broadcloths. Voiles, Crepe de Paris. Resilda. Satin Duchess, Silk Gloria. Poplin, Taffeta, Panama, Whole Serge, Diagnol Serge. and some of the new col'rs are Paris Tan. Wistena, Catawa, Amy thest, Rose, Gray, Red, Brown. Blue and Black, Advance Showing of Spring Wash Goods The Most complete range we bave yet shown. All the newest in the latest colors are now ripen for your inspection. Plain Linen Suitings Jti t the swell goods for this Spring. Coors of Aurythret, ('fttaw,t, Linen, I'ariQ Tan, Blue and Brown. Fancy Ginghams Large and Small. Stripes, Checks and Plaids. Very sea- sonable for Dress or Waist 0r Children's Wear. Fancy Linen Suitings They are very nifty Suiting and come in the same retort as the Plain. 1'r ices of bath, 15^ to 50c yd. White Goods Pure Linen, Vcstings, Indian Head, !rick. Thrill. or Fancy \Biotins. Nothing looks hotter than white. Gents' Furnishings for Spring Our new SHIRTS are better than ever; all the new colol'ts The new TIES are right up to the times New Collars, Belts. Fancy Sox, Gloves, etc, Everything up-to-date in this line A Word for the Housekeeper Bugs ! Linoleum Wall Paper 100 Roost Rus to choose from. T be best assortment ever shown in Exeter. 20 pieces of the finest Scotch Lin- oleum — every piece new. 6,000 rolls of tbe New Wall Paper. We are prepared for our biggest, season. JONES & NAY HARVEY BROS. 1 Headquarter for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing EXETER ONTARIO 4