Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 9ANOTHER MINE EXPLOSIO
Sixty -Eight Men Killed in Mexico ---Others
May be Still Below.
A despatch from Mexico Cite 'flee Palau !rine is cnn►idrred out
saga: .\t nightfall Obi hodiev had ••f tlie best equipped of Mexican
been recovered from the Palau Iltine•K with metier) I,lovisiutli for
mine elf the South ('uabuila Coalthe safety of the workmen.
:1 despatch hem Primera, ('o10-
Cr,mpunY, in the State of Coahuila, rash,, sats: 11oteluy's explosion in
Aft xi, e, where all explosion oc nr- the main mine Uf the l'elereda fuel
red un Wcdne,;day. Besides the and i .•u C(1.. claimed 7', victims
dead. eight, w•„Ended hive'been and Irk 3:, wid,wy and 4:5 fatherless
twilight to the surface. 1Vhile sn children. These fac•til were deter -
accurate estimate of the number at mi cd late Wednesday afternoon,
work wheu the expl.esisn toe:tared when the official canvas of the
not yet possible, it is expected company was eontplet.ed and the
that. few, if any, are still it► the names of the mihe•iok nova were
mine. checked with Ilii• payroll.
Iltt. 1'anstl a 140etr of Millions to
the U. S. Post Office.
NOTES ON lN'1'L'RLs•1' FioO11
Brit BANKS AND Bi1.t1:S.
Mint in Going On in the Ilig111unt1.+
and Lowlands of laid
Scotia. .
111A1't'ENINfi.i Choir AI.L OVER
1•Megrlrpale Briefs From Our Oar
rod Otter Countries 01
Retest Everts.
(” 1N.\U.1.
I'rdres of Cattle, Grain. Chef"
Otber Hairy Produce at
flume and Abroad.
ll r. Burton, Toronto's pay 'forint•,, Fell. S. --Flour (uteri('
matter, diel nn Thursday. wheat 90 per cent. patents., $1.31)
.1n tos;ucces.ful attempt was 14, $i.35 in buyers' hacks ou track,
,11:•11,• to blow alt t11'• T. fi N O. 'I't,ronto, and $1.20 to $1.9.4 outside
station al (see It with dy- in buyers' sucks. Manitoba hour,
t emitt. first patents, 85.711; second,, 85.20
Iter. 'Phoma: Nicholson, a native to 85.30. and strong baker;'. $.; on
e.( !iV ••.;iburn. telt., may be appoint- track. Toronto.
cel 1''•esl lent of Boston University. Manitoba wheat --N u. 1 Nertherl',
.11fitel Neville, who it is alleged 51.13, Hay ports, and No. e North -
was injured by a lamp thrown nt ern 81'.11 Bat- ports.
i nn by his wife, died in 11un'iltoe Ontario wheat - No. 2 mixed red
Ilespitel on 'f)turs lay. Winter or white $1.07 to $1.08 out-
Jlau:►Kerr 'I'uruer of the Canadian ride.
C••pper Company denies that there Burley ---No. e, e7e outside; No.
ii any 40111 bi lie Its the nickel ileitis- 3 extra, 55c ; \:). :1 at 50 to 52e, and
t1y in Can:oda. feed -I$c outside.
Eleauuru Brown, . alias Molly Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, 3'
Booker. a colored woman, wanted to 39c outside, and 4Ic on track,
'1'he enormous extension of fl•e•t• in 11lo'unini ton, 111., for the 11)ur- Toronto. Canada West lets, 13 to
rural delivery has added a burden tier of her mistress, was arrested 43%c for No. `9 and 12 to 12',,• for
of many mullions of dullare to the to, Winnipeg.
United States Post-Oflire Deport- wase-.-
tucnt without britlgiag immediate (;til?.1'1' BBi'r.1Ix.
financial returns. ('ungrc$s ought
to have mad,: stem, direct appro- The lint el the :1uetrali•ll de-
priation fur tills he•rrice, say the '',11."Y'''''\t:1' Ia""ell e1 un Wednes-
American Review of Reviews. Even day. (
The total export of coal for last if the free rural carriers could be •\ lad,, j•e,lt'ualist, wl,o lust a In w- •)._(,sand No. 3 new• y lits. , select-
; -ear was 15,`236,004) tons. permitted to deliver small parcel; suit • against Lord No rt11cliffe for ods 71%e. Torrnitn freights.
Edinburgh's vagrants one day re- f.•1• tllo benefit of the pet,ple tui a rungful tlienli;.al, attempted to Brut► --822.50 in bags, Toronto,
tautly numbered 315, chiefly tutu. their routes, this t•aluable extension connate suicide In the eine(' of The and shorts, $2.1, in bags, Toronto.
Thi rt. is $519,170 at the cre;tit .,f t.i the. service could soon lice made. Iheity NI:tit , on Thursday. (tOUNTltY PRODUCE.
depositors its Dalkeith Snviugs Mutest, seri-supporting. 11 is not ��
Bank. tlninterrslinn t.) uotr t•he iarl. that 1'\1'1't:U ST 1'fl'.S. :Apples --$1.:)0 to 83 per barrel,
At Christmas 30 tons of coal were certain express companies said .\11 82r.•e•,ntnt by which a rarif( according to quality.
distributed amens rho pour of outer private intersets are always war will I,.• a'. oi.t,•.1 has been rt•aeli- hcnn4—(:ar lots outxtcle, fel.,. to
St ranraer. 1..bbt•ing at Washington to prevent rd by the 1 nit.•,1 Slates and (ler- 81.30, and small lots at *2 to ' 2.-
.1t Renfrew the Sa'.Vatinn .\rn,) the passage of such measures as a marry. I5 per bushel.
arc supplying; free breakf.iit, to parcel post for the convenienceof 'ren miners were killed in an ex -
-(,'u•nb4, dozen. it'3 to S2.-
p:)or children. the people. And the public tnaV ,Itsion in a thine at. i)rakesboro', 50, extracted, 101.. to i le per ib.
Ont or two cases of diphtheria
just as welt be inimutcdlof the fact Ky. Seventeen a others probably Bale:l buy \u. 1 4int)lhy, $13.:,0 Ihovintial I'rra4urcr 31 eels With
have been reported in Kirkcoll'an that t.hesc some rote rests have beau met death also. t.. $14, and
Nn. 2 lit 1512 to 1112.50 Painful .1ecidenl.
district, one being tate!. busily tit work fur some yen's try- :\ 1'ersinn ,tude'il at pialtimure on track, Torunlu.
The )puke of (iu.•rleu.h has given Baled straw1 despatch from Toronto says:
Ing; to secure aft atIvatice in the .hot a lady student who spurned $7.5'0 on track, To- While proceeding down the walk
curb of 160 pour families in 1/al „sial rates on periodicals and his attentions, mad then committed ionto• from the Parliament buildings on
kt•ith five cwts. of coal. ucwsgragltrs. It ollll needs Mate Suicide. un 'l'1►ursdaJ. 1'otut.,r, - 17 In 50c per bag on •.fiirsday evening shortly after the
In PortGlasgow several ship -
latent to make it. ,tear that if utast :1 K'tHnntl at 11'aha:h. Ind., war truck for Onlllrio•.
y/leas are se busy that the New adjournment of the Legislnturc,
LlliC4 and newspxprrs were tlunt+'n ►eunitcd to her hushune( ))Sons he 1'uulllv—Tnrkevs, dressed, 17 to }ton. A. J. Matheson slipped and
Year hnlidalys were curtailed. not of tate mails by prol'ibit.ive pas- lead fpr f.,rty-eight year; belie\e11 1'•• per lb.: ducks, 1a t•. 1:,:•: geese, ,
The shipbuilding firms in (;reen 1 1' to 1:1('; elsickens. 13 to 1Ic, and fell, fracturing, his left arm just
irk and Port Glasgow have orders tn, rates certain news con.grru.ies' kilted in one of the baltlts of the below the shoulder. The accident
and express companies might Imps: civil war, 1,111, 10 to Ile. occurred about one hundred feet
representing over 100,000 tons. to ploy a larger part in the dish) 1 pr••l:osul is before the New front the entrance of the House, at
(lteeenuclt is claiming a meant for tuition of such periu(licals. Th, yolk sit ate Legislature to stake fill: h:1I1{1' M.1ItHl:TS.
virtue owing to having had four- a spot where the walk inclines ra
aides" Courts last year. t;rlhject is ate that Mr. flit I.•c- ,he fee -ernes responsible for the Butter—Pound prints, 22 to 23c; then Sharply. The Provincial Trea-
(ecu M not taken up as yet- nt tarsi I. eel. ;,i,..,,intlu4n; of nearly all his est!-
st albs and l:ug;e rolls, 20 to 22c; in- surer, after Sting assisted to his
Che JtoyaI Infirmary report of g terror, 18 t.. _0c ;creamery, lac, and feet by Col. Hugh ('lark, 1f.1'., of
F.diuburgh shows that 631 more pa' and in the nwlliplicitJ ..f g;rr:lt . „toe otlirrr, in4lead ..F alectin n t-
tients were treated last year than topics that have been erowdiig 1, 1,44. solids, 21 to •t>5e per lb. ('mire )%n,ce. who was With him,
upon his attention in the opening Eggs—Case lots ..f now laid, 33 was able to walk back to the rooms
in 100' . weeks of his te rm, it ie, perhaps. C:h:N ER AL. t', 3 -le per dozen, and storage, 25c of the Aon. 1►r. Igoe. The Minis -
les of Dock revenue for the year
not. strange that he should have
amounted to 2103,680—nn increase 11 anesses examined by the West pr.r duzcu. le• o[ Education reduced the frac
x:7,695 compared with prcvivus been misled in a few matters. Indies Commieden at Kingston, Ja-('tecta-12';<: per lb. for largo, tire, and Mr. Matheson Walt later
`'r'— ` n111iea, stale•) that l aiiada's trade and at 13c for twins. removed in a private ambulance to
year. 11.111sT1,1NI: 'I'Ri:1•: or N1.BI1
During the pall year hrlscr with that island could be incrcas the Western Hospital..
burgle exported 175,333 barrels of e.1 1►y n subsidized weekly line of IIOG P1t01)L►UTS. ._
Native' Suy Spirits of Ileal Sing sic mars. '
.need herring; to continent. Some tuwu, 4)fhi _ Macon—Long; clone, 11,E to 115:4"t•
2,300 taros of strain, 2,051► tons of —•...„4, per lb. in cage luta; preys pork• 1'It.11'1:I,I,Y.1{S I111dF.11'.
preserved herring in tins, 900 tons Among the curiosities of tree life SUN 1' I'lON_11t111' 1•'.11111. g2O,54) to 82' ; short cut. ` 2x to $19,
et manure and 210,000 empty bar- is the sofar, or whistling tee, of Halm. --Light to , ie4inrn, 15 l., Closing Winnipeg Poxtoftlre 011 Sul1-
re{; were Ills( exported. Nubia. When the 111)) 1, blow over 1.0111 Acres 10 be 1•Iilize41 a:4 Labor 15'i:
.e : heavy. 11 to 1•'.! :c :rolls. days May Caner. Trouble.
.\ Linlithgow miner pulled the this tree it gives tout flutelike Supply Depot. I1 to It -1141,'-..:c. ; shoulders, 1:3 lt• 13;;c; :1 de sg)nlclit
l from 11'innipcgt 4a►'s
e,trumnnicatiun cord of a train to sounds, playing away to the wit- ,1 despatch from Winnipeg says: breakfast bacon, 17; to 18c; backs, Commcrrial traveller4 who tusk
see if the train would stop. It cost derness for bears at a tinge 51rnnge• A thousand aere fault is to be ds 19 to 2Oc. this city their headquarters oil `ill
Ititn Stn. nveird melodies. 14 is the spirit tahlished by the Salvation Army Lard—Tierces, 15';c; tabs. 1(k ; days are up in urns over the (14.1 -
In Edinburgh last tear there were of the dead eingieg among the �ncnr the city for supplying; a place pulls, 10'/,e. ci4iun ..f the Government to close
10.250 approheesions, slowing a dc• !mulches, the natives say, but the for unenlg,►oved men to work, and '�'�' the I'ualoflice of Sunday at the re
crease compared with those of 1:304 scientific w'hilt mall situs that the
av n conte .,f the farm latera ra and BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. quest of the Lord's Day :11)isnrc
of 2.392. sounds are duet 1 Myriads of stun)) 1'd.•n1t•tie. servants brought to the and most strenuous ug►p►usiliuu i,
Births in ai•Ic1 were last year holes which an insect bores in the
11•sl,t. ,-
west by the arms'. Market. garde1l ('uunatredian 1Vest}'eern, S4(3—toOats lf;'/-c-N:n. No. 2 going( to he (offered to the inuova-
se it wee than the previous year; epinr'9 of the brunches. inn will farm a big part of the farm .2, •t.5 Lir 4ii; c : Ontatriu No. 3 white, ton. A delegation may gt • to Ot
ul;u ri:lg;.•.y were down 3>i, and deaths The weeping frac of the Canary work, told it is hnpe41 to make the 11 to 44�,e ; do., Ni. 3 white, 1:1 to wawa to tight It. tt arse II.2 up, Islands is another rtrborc••tl freak. venture self-supporting.
1; •----
'1'here vivre during last year 1, 'flits tree in the drJtst wctlhcr --.4, 43,vl ; du., \u. 4 white, 42 to •Io. 3. __if._
peeeets apprehended lir riled will rain down showers teen itvBarley-- No. 2. 50% to 60 ; No. :3, .I.1I'.1N'S \-1:W N11'1•.
in L• its a dec•reit-e of 311:) compared leases, and the natives gather up i1.11'I: 111':•11(ri:1) DEMANDS. 54!'•e: No. •l, 58',e b•l
feed rley,
with the pri 1 ions ear. (.l0 eater ir•nl the pool formed of 6.1!.144. Fleur--•Mauituba Spring '1'ttenl),INIc 1%nrehips are living
inures the past y., deaths re- the foot of the Lrenk and tiud it. Railrei,lr Will Not increase Fire- wheat pateet4, first;, 85.4n; di,., Added lo 1111. ileal.
pestered in h. f•Iborgh numbered pure and fresh. The tree exudes itien's 11'ager. seconds, $Si.34i 1Vinicr wheat prat -
.1.7;i::, giving a death rale of 13.13 the water frau► the innumerablecots, $5.51) In 85.60;1ianitol►a \ . a h -pit)Torn hicl.uirl, 1). l'.,
A despetcal fret', New York says: strong bakers', $6.10; straight ref- star•: 'ie(el%-elle ear*hip+ are to
lers $5.10 to $5.25; do., in bags, he built for nddil1,,, t•, the Jayne -
(42.M to lit -2.:.9. reed -Ontario )►ran ase navy h1• 1917, under the new
*22.511 IU *23; Ontario nlid•iliegs, pregranuue, aecordttlg to ailtle•erc
$2:3.50 t.• *21; Manitoba bran. *22; brought by the •1e—it Marti en 11'ed-
Manitoha sh..re.4. 8'23; purr groin ncsdny. Eleven. including fit,•
nu,nille, 831 to lee3; mixed nouille, 4)reatitem ;ilt4, are practtraBy tot' -
827 to 4429. Cheese—westerns. 1e plcte. The others are live erniseri
t.. 42'e; etlsterns, lC",tn 11'.0.. anti two despatch heat.>`. The rest
Butter—Cheiee•4t creamery, 25 to are OP to be laid delete
No. 3, Bay pets.
Peas -83% to etc outside.
Rye --No. 9 6& outside.
Ruekwheat-53': 1,0 55e outside
fur No. 2.
('urn --New kiln -dried No. 3
Spread of Rabies in Ontario May Lead
to the Order.
A despatch front Toronto say.;:
Rabies it) a very violent forst has
broken nut in several portions of
Ontario, particularly the western
district, and 11:e provincial and Do-
minion authorities aro new ex-
changing correspondence and tak-
ing step, to prevent the disease
from eprea:fins; any farther. That
the outbreak ie a serious one is
not doubted, but the provincial au-
thorities prefer not to discuss it.
Numerous dogs and cows have been
destroyed as n result of the out-
break, and no lees than four peo-
ple have had to go to the Pasteur
In.:titute at Now York for treat-
ment, the result, of bites by mad
Llvestigation has proven that the
origin of the outbreak is traceable
• an episode which took place
tlu•ce or four weeks ago, when a
mad dog ran across the Intet•na-
tienal Bridge at Lewiston, to
Quee)ston, and thence up the stone
road to Niagara Falls, Ont., where
it b't several (l•.gs on its rampage.
It finally fell exhausted in a field
and died.
I)r. C. A. Ilodgetts, secretary of
tlte Provincial Board of He'tlth and
Pr. J. 0. Rutherford, Dominion
veterinary director-general, are in
ton(erenee with regsr.I t•., the situ-
at.un. The Dominion depaitrueut
ha. charge of all veterinary and
live stock matters, while' the pro-
s ineial authorities look after 4411
gtiestiuns pertaining to bev1t11.
Numerous conferences already have
taken palace at the Parlixnlrut
Buildings 14ith regard to what ac-
tion is to b' taken to cope with the
spread of the disease.
IL is altogether probable that Is
general inspection will be ordered
and stringent regulations adopted
t•, prevent the spread of hydropho-
bia, which has been alarming, to
say the least. One order whish may
be issued is that all dogs in Ou-
terio must be muzzled, and if so
special officers will be apptinte'I to
enforce the order. The situation is
regarded as being Most dangerous
in the cities. The real danger is
from orad dogs •running at large.
Some owners of cattle have destroy-
ed cows which have been bitten by
lead dogs, and its two cases vete vin-
eries were bitten while atteslling
to sick cattle.
at from 8-t to 85.10. Sheep were
weak and 25c lower, but Iambs
were steady at iast quotations.
1-1.-gs weak and unchanged at $8.10
f.o.b. and $•3.3:8 fed and watered. )11t. MATHESON BREAKS ARM.
per 40c.). nor 1),0{ the death rate pews at the hose of the le•Ite s.
Sixty railroads m the county have
ea- tee:7. — "r `--- 11etifted the representatives of 31.-
'}I„• ,,e,l•bine(l ages 4,1 16 w•r;ly- .1 111 \Intl:Il 11111111 1111:6. Mel firemen of the rejection of their
ers employed in the lu,ullu••ttl I uulndv fur sl '0 to ;, per cent.
aluewl-eeavtt►g depaltum•„ f •.f a Til- Nets iork ('i1J'• Record for the;'tar inirrnrte and other centres•
lienutrs- brit total 1,0341 yeirs. 1'e,• tine( I i05c•1• -jells. Ne a4 of the rejection was
Jelin Chapman Cray. pr„fessien
al ntt'it•ilut, I'at iaMtnlar1• II el, .1 .f.• 1 ,1.11 item New fork sat-. •,sent/lintel in 3 private despatch
i H•eei •k) cut •ni• '}'here eery more time 1,0011 vieleul it ,nt t'hieago e(1 Wednesday. 'the
leads esprees a willingness to ar-
rebitrate the sur -t ion of wages, but
11111ly refused ether demands.
11011 To 1't 1 t 1'1.1'1 111:its'.
Mite Soun'hod)Insured for a Soh
Relent 811111,
nS) it r. u •
in au Edinburgh express train deaths in New Ynrk e•ity last year,
,.tth• end an es -4 11 builder.{ heemiei•1ee,
b rolling his throat. The exact number of t lolled leaflet.
'rhe report (of the Sal into Bank
pie -tents one bright 4pet. During 114 $11111/1 11) the coroner's Ittlntlal
Inst year the deposit. ineretl:sed 1e rep erg, submitted ort Wednesday.
mately id:r00,000, an.i the payment,: w.ls e,414;7. Siete of the h(tni(•ttkeI
tteere,l'ed L•1. 411 er *9.'),140), Were ht' .•l we re due to
layde •hipbnildl•r- 4tunehr,l sur- stabbing. while blunt instruments
ing lest seer 314 1• - ••I•. ..f 103,9171 and f104 were responsible for the
Thiis R11 to .•f ;'t,: t7 ether fourteen. Suter) le, totalledtons.
!'••1•(, but iv 11.2. subwal and eget 144(4 (rain+
ton: eomp;u,•d with"N.
:deface enrs kill.. I s:1 per. ons;
119,1;es below the t•• • i 1••1111 td
1907. nulenm,bile.v ntta nlol•.r 01rle.t. 40;
anal horse vehicles, 79. Of the au•
tum •file the iu14 23 were ('hilllre•n ;
while 41 children were killed by
truck-, waggons, err.. an 1 22 by
se. (:1-•e eels.
.11.1. 1111: 119911:S 1'111 N11.
1)1+er Sure None %Sere 1 Jerred
11' t♦ 1111'' 1111 111 11:1 \1 1:.
1 Iheuv,t„p Iloll.lr for 1'loo1l
:\ dowses!, tion, 4)I,.twa 3nj':
Canada will give ean,0•4t in aid of
the tined sufferers in 1•'1'nne'e. .1
4+1p,►lenlentat, esti tote providing .11441) 1t) Ow ! 0)1('11,1111.
fof fhi.1 1484 brought 41,)13•11 in the - 1 drspakh-' *.o -u !-‘141144Atats:
Commons by lien. Mr. Fielding at .\t '111111'eI.1. •.'.,-lug. nl lllr 111•
the ogn•ning; ••f ill, If Oi ye on '1IIlU i rlu�G uu lh• 111.1,1rwelo,ip'ie.•k 1111•'1::frh Suh.erihr 31:5,0011 for Relief of
,gid stftrrr•••• 1 \ ,• 1• + hats hti"rf ,'r 1..•pint.' s.1i,1 110 1411) sore that he
leehd eat !';trisn I 1•• -1'•'I1 , 1.) tue , a'L;,,._ ili ih thef. 11
c•curh 1111111111111111Sllii'erer.
, 1 all t4
(jotellllle•Itl . itllell' ••f :t few illicitRia'nl,,,.o,:...
prong, \ ,t•'-,rale1
1 front LondonLondonLondon4at',:
app,, slating that. the f'lenrlf'(1:k1'1. 'Ibis 1111'11.111 wens 0,•l r(a'- , Iletieltste earn thee,.:tear Gee 1,,•; I $taiitheonn. the Canadian
�nleP t ,.' f11 • pal 1,eperintentlent GUIs Nil, SaidDial, I%I iiii111S11onf•r, and Flowerer
1•Yllrnelll would Ili(. enit
. pettier. of aid ("MI 4.'"P” :Is 11) • 1.,. 11x1,1 mol In•e'.1 :11.{e• to 11554111 .111\ 111111.11.1 11:110• I•n(•11 d•,tlatr'•l 1!.1131X0
res, was derug:tt••r. I•• tl'•' •,ronin ,laic .,sll40 for the wreck. 11 ibe iMaurion floes.. (told ter the
•rte req+rt►t•• n Rr!..4.. 1
ftlt{net, ,y+. •4:r1; r1_ �� ,,.I•••f .,f flu• wnl(rr..:' b, the ['r,.t11•II
nes m; 1 . 1114' atm',' argils' • '"r'P ))Melt• 111 l,eit'h'/nt ' dr)•Iill.4. is tl.,,,,t.. ',1,.. 'i ,..1 ;i.e..':rm•e,int to
I•; Ihr (;o=,•sorry • ,1,t.
jese, :a •tl , ii1 ► .trole;r.t•sy i1:ae),,,1.
24:41; fresh receipts .at `!1 1.. eye.
Eggs—Selected new laid, :ww t..:tsc;
selected No. 1 stock, 2'c to 30e, ane,
No. 1 candle's, 25 to 27c• per dozen.
l' N ITI:I) ST \'1'I:s JI .\ If NETS.
11ileent'e. Felt. Wheat N• .
Northern. i4.1*;' , to '41.47', : N••.
.1 de$p&ttlh 11U01r liritlg(cpurt• .3 Northern. 81.11 4.. itl.le:
C.1111., says: Insurance on his life t1.10� Itvr No. 1. sp.. (..,I)
for betw'ee'n )S2,000,(X00 and 8:3.000.- Magi, t1t',e. IP,rlrc Slnu.la,.4. 7i
hell. the tit to pay the premiums
and 1,,e, e the benefits undi r the Buffalo. Fel. s. %% heat spring
pelietes at his death, is the novel
P0 hem.. for graying; the env debt,
pre.enl l d by Das id S. Beach. to
Ilse liridgeport common council. Ile
:.lit.tilnlev in return that the city
reel l 111 his me'ner} a 'monument
pith a 'mit tilde ineettpt•'1. aeclniln-
ingt him the origiml;ee et (municipal
tile 111' lrailee
STR1111(•11\ t 1\it h1Is1:Il.
14heat. steak: No. 1 Northern, el4-
lontll, rtore, *1.111.4: Winter, No.
2 wbite , $1.es. Cern No. :t vell.ra•,
C/i'�• ; No. 4 settee., (43',e' No. 3
(it)11, (1.V. 1•, lie ie N... 1 white. lig'
(o ,;:a•. Oats Finn.
1,IV1: 1.4)04 h 11.111KETM.
Montreal. Feb. v. - There nett; n•)
choice eattl1' on the market. anal
3'. c per 11.. was about 1111' top 11rire
hard; pretty gond 81111)1a14 self) at
1'•; to 5' , e : 'onunnn stock, 234 t• 1
k p, r lb.: :illicit cows frofn $10 to
$44) a:v:h. ('alter from 1 to t;e per
lb Sheep 1' .e per lb; iamb', •,'
per lb. Goo” tett of fat hogs from
9 le 940e ;,,) lb.
'feriie.. Feb. e. -Prime b•,teh,•r4'
s,,ld at a45 to *5.61). while expeerl-
r:rs' were firm al $6.'40 to 86. lows
and hills 11 'rc in strong demand
C. P. 11. iMPROV1•;MI•:NT.
(.'ouipa11)• Expected to Spend $:it►,..
000.000 its the )Vest.
,1 despatch trim Winnipeg says:
The Canadian Pacific is preparing
to expend a huge sum, said to bo
thirty million dollars, upon con-
struction and betterment work in
the west this season. The exact
amount and tho programme will bo
finally decided upon at the confer-
ence in Montreal within a few
days, when Vice -President Whyte
and his assistant., t'. Dennis, will
represent the western system. Tho
double -trucking from 1Vinnipeg to
Brandon and the completion of 225
miles of trltt•k-laving rltu.ecting
Moose Jaw with Castor, eking di -
le et
i•reet communication with E inwntou
over the new line, will probably
take place, and the Weyburn -Leth-
bridge line will also be completed.
1'O'rEl► 1ti•:1,A'I'IVES INCRE.1SES
Two hays Before the People Turned
Them Ont.
:1 despat: h from MIuut'eal says:
There are many curious cchoce
filet the city hall. A fu:tien (of rho
tit fatted Inst cluing that two of the
steely elected Cont dlers may be
proceeded against en the ground
that they hate not property quali-
fications. It also transpires that
at 11 secret session of the road com-
mittee two days before the election.
presided over by Chairman Giroux,
a getterll increase was voted te the
eansploves, :t son of liireu., getting
an adl,rlce of 8.0a, and Gallery's
cousin 8600.
111:1[I1I l0\ 111,91'h Ill IlN1:11.
tire ('ai .e11 1, 1:xplueiou of clove
in 4 hiue.e I.auudr).
despatch from :+t. Catharines
: The explosion of a gasolitro
`.1111.1 in a l'hincee laundry in 11er-
riton on Tlnlrvd:ty caused a tiro
whirs almtet completely dest•oy4d
the Hough Block, in which ant
situated Mrs. Ilutuliford's grocery,
Chas. 11 iitntret•'g barber shop. a
('hitiexe laun41r% and no Italiatl
fruit store. The Lincoln, Riordan
•in.1 Meritton hese companies re
sg.onded to the alarm. and after 1W
h. urs' nark sneeeeded in gl;rttiug
centre) of the fire. The loss is eM
tinlated +11 ahem *5.00), with 1••,e
little inserateve
Parisians Must Not Block Sewers With
Confetti During Celebrations.
.\ d1'•p:lt••h from Paris s:1ys: gers t'.” 41 .I wotlder al the
Tile stool. •s,ot tour Ie order. :(oma of 110• 14044 Al.:we
(:on•nrn,ieation' Atte being verism- are Ilrtcintt 111.11 114^ eltni(4) rete -
ed 4•11 all sides• nitheitgh much still 'nation. 1,.• :Ib,tndonr 1 an 1 that
14.1110111% 1•• hi• 1111111'.1)1e mom( or11t11rits .111•nl 1111 (hem
The ielrgtiap}, line; :1 r• het to 110 devoted 4o the •nffereI•4.
poor shape. ism! n)' 'ssges are Th,. Are '
al 'I emelt) is 11614
greatly ,Ie'Iave.1. I':xeept for the •Sown ht' 1110 He:)Its 1).•psrtlnl.ut
(ll•tri)•uti••tl 0( food the 41-tt1''; 11) 14 1111 liti' liew to f.rr• ,lalti/1+t I+n
the st,b,trbs is still ustreliet•ed The t•pid,•n.ie. lltlut foie• ..f ,i -tole e.
water there is still deep in the tato hate b)•en eli,•iribut,'il v4,.•fi.1;
}eotl!•es a11(1 taclo►ies, 1Vork eat' :11141 1111 esti): rolltill0e' . rtl'ele.•11 ,
,i .t be obtained. )err<. font favi' 'fh. 4:1.t.•I nntrt►t will 'apply l0 ('a' -
i' alto 1•er) diffieul(. !lament f,.r mlmell 1:lig.: appto,nt.,
The prefect of pobre ba• fnrle,l• 11041'. Thr tirt1 vote alreeel'• t.,s
theft the thrnw•Illg ,,f r,.rlfettl 111,'1' e teen 8li•ot'h.'d. .1 parl•t! in bra•
the carniva, celebration' chit week ti, t, of the eontrneri•ial lealite% 1.10
leve it block the 4e1%. r.. .1 111hn•ls b •rbtai(o•41 fr the fart (hat ono
who has 'een the anta::ing gt1441)4 wine Iter •I'.ant lost '+4.004) gal' n,+
siert ..f eenfetti 'preen in fele limps '.1 wit,.', wbirll ws, wa•he,l inti' the
in the lemlevardn and left le Le Vein• from bonded warrhol•e• at
washed in to the drains ht •••14•.01) Percy.