Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 3-
Lll'0''s 01:'1'I.00K C'0WHOY STUNTS.
ton I'OL•NG HIRES. tuatrallau Whip Cruelties - The
Crinoline ut Mr. Welch.
Nat use 11 0.1.4 Ile Inands 1 0011 Tho steel( hip in the Skilful
Unlit Which 0111) Such n 1
an IJr. N itlianlx' Piuk fill»
('::'' Supply.
hands of the Australian is not only
an article of the )(Pretest utility-,
but also a formidable weapon. Ow-
ing to its great length ---the lath
saris from twelve to thirty feet --
The girl of to day is the 'roman
and the il►ortuei>s of the butt, %smrh
atn-morm(v and until that, l pleasures only eighteen inches, o
11(111 DO1►II•c lith\1:1 I'Il.1.�1
('1Itl:ll 'IIs'. s.tit1 1:1.
j j CURE
Gives instant relief when little throats
are irritated and sore. Contains
no opiates and is as pleasant to take
as it i4 effective.4
All Druesi•, 25 coats
t for Children •Ir WERE REALLY KISSES. 'pr. Morse's
1 o -
hwrroW off Aim( s she suffers a is an extremely diflilult and die Hers Was a 'I'elvitile lyase and the '
Nranu••ss and less of strength and ward (hi"to Nit•ld 311(1 the begin Ilocto:•. ever I'(wel•less to Cheek
nriy(htue;. These woes. Nili, t rer is apt to hurt. hinls(If if he dors' it, bei the (.teat htdai.% Remedy
lid (ilepkS shortness of htealh and not exercise care Nle•n practising.
flcnrslent he adnche» tett A well trained htr.cknlaII, hoe- 1 I "red 11'
plaiu''r ever, can hit a cent etcry time at 11e.1), t 1111„ Jan 31 (Special).
thap Kurds that she needs assist• 1( 11 Hll•e:a dltitalit'( ihd with lir
ince in the form of new, rich red ! All the i,.unlry side uhrut here ii
blood, dreaded lash in his hand, eras- Itdkieg of the tvoudcrful rule 01
1)r. 1Tiilinn,s' Piuk fills for Palo ing like pistol sluts, ctn keep a Airs. Samuel 'Tleimpson of thi-
Ycolds arc jurat the• toed -wine grow- mob of wild cattle iia check. Ii idaey. she wits taken sick wit's
lege kills nerd, livery dose helps to used Kith full terse it will ..`i't Jaundice, aid though the dnrtel
teak I. roc:ti tics blood, the; LI Il,ing through skin and flesh like a. hunt . was called, in she grew „lead,'
t,taki d, .(r,pondent girls en so the says the (Tide 11'orid Maga;:iu(', worse. ,ler Stumacli N'as so ba''
full lnleoln of Womanhood, utahiog, but uules» a beast shoes distinct title could net keep anythit►g on iti
vtn robust, cheerful and ultras- i-Nl•i(•C the stockman 'lees it more for 1) ophy sept in and she bloated I'j
Fl.ivc•. Mrs, Albert ii anan, attracts -
the purpose of installing fear than a terrible sire. The doctor cal../
Robinson, Ont., ortnts.s:"A couple of of causing pain. three titers to tap her, but her hie -1
years ago ray daughter Hattie, nets; , II can also be used as a bolas --a band would not allow hie, to de it;
(rftp.'n, war. ie declining ht•:,Ith..fihe! 1 atagouian form of the las»o--and saying that if Ithe multi not get:
roitplllin+'d of severe headache•cl lie adept can catch and held a beast tetter they might let her die in
peace. homily she dropped lhu
doctors and tried other nudicinesl
but they did her no geed. Her lel
burst and the %tater streamed frotrj
it.. 'Then someone told her about
Weld's Kidney Pille and so she
asked her husband to get her a
After taking them a while si.e
took a bad turn. Something would
come in her throat and she would
iutprimemrnt. wag n•)tierd; the head. t_r►ck looks ridiculously easy, but „watt. The water would just 11'.
relics eel.- not so frequent, nor so the beginner will find that like 'rem her month. But horn that
%et(re, and her appetite was much many simple looking feats it ear- time she commenced to get. bettor,
improved. This gay indeed cheer- not. he learned in a dlav: he will and to -day she is a 'sell woman.
inc and ihr continued taking the also probably diseot'er that a Ida- j)e,(I(1'g Kidney Pills cured her.
,J'ill'i !iota she had used Fettle nila rope is painfully hard when it Dodd's'Kidney }'ills cure Dropsy
rant bases. when she n'a9 119 well comes in ((intact N•11h the !lead. by putting the Kidneys in condition,
vis ete•r she had been in her life, and Mr. 1Velch will undertake to a,) take the surplus hatter out of thei
aim e that time the has been as ro- throw this lasso ar and any portion bloocl. They always eure it.
nest a•• any girl could wish to be. of a horse or its rider as it passes - ,b
I wrald strongly urge all mothers at a gallop and the skilful Ivan q'IIE r A'fCRAL 1 ES{'I.T.
of grieving girl- to keep their health ner in which he gets his rope about
let titled through the use of Or. a horse'» legs as the animal lifts "I tell you in that railway col
11 illi3lnx' fink Pills." then, from the ground for an in -
had nu nl.ln lite, wax ver} pale, anr1� b,: causing the lash to curl around
exhausted at the least. excision, ,Ay' il, Irk;•..
1inie passed on she was hardly able 'rhe skill of the AnStralian with
1•, drug h•-•rself about, notwith- the Steck whip i» more that► cgual-
ataodiiIg till S1/(! n•as under medical. lea by .111ieriran cowboys with the
1 ea1men t alt:l continuously taking Irtaso. Orae of the guild by (he
medicine. Ai 1 his juncture a name of Welch has a pretty trick
IIIigltI•-.1 >tren(tly ad%is,,d )roe to called the crinoline in which the
trite Haiti.- lir. Williams' fink role is kept whirling around the
Pills, and 1 decided to do so. After body in coneent•ric rings like a huge
she had taken three boxes some and very animated hoopskirt. This
roe .udrprnd.•nr ,.ill Mur WICKET
1.A1'I: Users body buys at tight.'
Hr• her, hero.'.- ha•01.111 Lila vers.
a nionl.rinl,c(., ht(y.lrau, el Pctrie,.u.w,
"Anicllit," said A *tern father,
h..lding up a letter Lie daughter'
had accidentally dropped. •-1 found
this on the stairs. Why %%rute and
sr lit it 1"
Its it's Irmo Illi. Johnson,"
answered the girl in embarrass -
"Indeed! And what arc all these
thing:, rot the foot 1"
"Oh, then.- et.- are star., fa-
ther! Mr. Johnson is teaching lee
alt ninon's' !•'
1'I111: DESTROYS 1'1Sn AND
Quite frequently a heading such
1 and Maier• to., it to wind balsa's.. as the above strikes 0110'8 atien-
interiuisd tire.. teal y garden hair: lien in the papers. Blow foolish
niendine broken furniture, factory be Ili.
iueutaling wire end 'house ids of ethr it 1» of
epeople to keep rnoney in the
uses, we snake It in small rolls. 16 to the , house that may 110 dehll•uyetl by
ponerl. !0 feet 1.' the tell, nicely w,ati••' „it -expected tire,
wed in tin foil. They sell fast at in (11111
ear h. will send sample triol pound rat k• Fire is not the only way 1n which
;•►•• b)• lee.?tere,1 wail. 75 rente. N rite - 1 our money may disappear if kept
nil.. 1, auel vet tire n(el.r♦ for your frown •
in the boost„ Thie%e» may break
MPANv, Limited,
n through and steal and there are
The Guaranteed ONE Dye for
ALL Goods
Just MIsb o1 It 1 Witi, the "LAME Dye
you ran color ANY Riad of cloth Perfectly -No
chance of it/Wakes. All colors remota front
your Dn.gaiat or Dealer. Sample Card and
Booklet Free from
Th. Jelrnsetl-Rbhardse" Cs., Limited,
Dept. O. Flnntreal, (bre.
Her_ "Wake up, Jirn. You're
talking in your sleet:!"
Him-- "Ermine 'lone ! It's the
only chalice I !"
numerous ways in which your hard
earned cash may be lust to you for-
%Indl:sn Root pills
ere wade •rrerdiry to a fortnnla 1a
UCP nr:,rlr a r••nrury age oolong
the lud,rn., •ed I.a, r.rd f,. -:n them
lie Dr lines.. TLeug1- repented a1•
temple hale bei, mate. by pht••
runs an•t ilirmi.t•. i. Lae tern foiled
Ili t'(. .ihlr to 'mums in the lorienis
r -r !be yolk Dr. Mor.e'a Indian itn.=t
p.11e ;,rebcu.eh•,ld t.rr..dv
throughout the a•,rld for t'ouwen.•
hon sod all Aidnev and Liven
Ir.•uhlr. TL•v art p,mop(ly and
eifect.v••Ir. and
Cleanse the System
I (((('1 11 1:1': a at a r•nl \Ic.eurd and u.. die
.,•111 IN. u haudent at=e•
L,r,m 1. ' e and ..•..t .•ulbu!I4,njs,
,1 w 1. \% 160,41, 1.'rt.l:l-',let 1r., .•:, 1.•
L• TEA (1 t'LE,Isi iia 1 (t ll'1'. 5I:.(t;l•Y
tl.•w, fifty lest long. :Aide r•ati.o.sinn
engines, everything tin to date W,11 b•
told nl a bargain Molly fur pnrt,ruldre.
O Norhy, t:nelph
A mflI •I(11'V r.•nr.-t atnt;•,n ww, .rd In
Inreltty to ••til •M.'anes; '
t-1,.lti� . R.'.•,i, To••r• torr . •r• now "Torn
Limn ire•' gold." f` re. to tilt) a dP• ran
(f.e easily tend. Write into• 7'•r•.•rn'
Goode f a -t ran ,da. ()wen C..,. I n..•
lite traders Bank of Canada,
tt its over One Hundred Branches CALVES Rala. Them Without rub
If•r.►lel F'tes.
111 Canada, offers special facilities �tee.o,,ItrgreMpd1is 1-tdo'r•.rontn,lOoe,
t.t Sal ings Bank I lepesitors. Peo-
ple who lit i►1 (lit• country or some 1
,uo of the coati Ns .•f the rle•tur,rl a^..
distance from a Bank may easily „•.o ilrotl(huut the . •.,Id (1rltt• 1.•,
transact all their business by Inall. '•ue- UPneral Ac.m•:n t o., of l'ana•la, Ltd.,.
\1 rite to �tl 'eaae �nerl. T"r..nlo.
Advertising 1)epartanent,
The Traders Bunk of Canada, To-
rr:ntn, mentioning this paper and
they Will send yo11 a handsome
' booklet entitled, "Banking by
Mail," explaining how you may
easily do vot• banking safely and
promptly through the mail.
":See here," pretested the house -
ever got . wife', "there is water in the milk
• son bring us.,"
re -
a Gonl) I'rienil.---111 health "i can't help it, ma'am,"
:and happiness %:e need no friend/ plied the milkman. "My cows Are
but when pain and oro»taatioi all temperance advocates, and they
come we look for friendly aid from will drink %tater iia spite of all I
.. 1.111111 a Ie hands. These handa call do."
lision, when 1 wen hurled tiff my
( th t } I
t►r• Williams' Pink Tilts ran be stunt, in the act of cantering, is seat, i holy stare. nn serer 11x no tetter than in rah- crows Hair an any cold Head
it Of contra.; the ear were tele ring in Dr. Thoma:,' Eelecttic Oil, 1 Impurities of the Blood Counter- (►e rate at the R'bt :-impro• (•o..'rnronto.
had from any medicine dealer or
mailing short of marvellous. He 4 ,
('a nada, nr the Marl:at (lair Promoting
• Co., 'Foroutu, ('auada,
The famous new discovery of /he age,
positively, quickly, rornplelav re heves
and cure. Collies Thick Neck. .5,.,,at., A.
Swclliug- 111111 on,, (1 - y. ria'. Si eo,
01'6'ur ac.o.., nlailr,i nu•'r'eipe Ot price by
Lyle Medlclne Co., 711 Queen W„ Toronto.
1)11 vr.0 flap or buy
,;:ht i am Outside's
la,,;,•,l dealer.
h'yne.t pr ices. 1 oar
.hl•t ienfs aoi•rited.
I pay moil and ex-
pree• eherge:=: teen.'
pnrn,p'IT. Al.o largest dealer in Het•fhide•.
tihrerie a3', rt:. Ouatauous and ehlpping taus
tent Ince. 9
Marlatt's Iiair Promoter
b • I f - - -' can also completely tie a man up "'tip''".
Medicine ('it., Brockville, Ont at from a distance of thirty feet by
n'ai reel The Dr. Williams
n. ally UII/ti/1
out. It has brought relief to thou- ; Icrane fr,m, tfefecte in the action el
to rents a box or six boxes' for throwing a succession of half hitches Mothers. sive the Children a Chanoe.
1,'2.50. over him with ast(.•lishing ne Bracy. (tie
Spanking does not cure children of bed•
wetting. There is a constitutional cause ' ,,Cafor thin trouble. Mrs, M. Aamrne,r, Box W
219, Windsor, Om., wtil send free to any ' t r 11 y(
sands who without it would be in-' the liter, They are revealed by
t d friendless. ;pimples and unsightly blotches on
the skin. They most be treater} in.
he sing well'" "Well, i'll ward's, and for this purpose there
,1i. He differed to sing the •is no more effe(•tive eompnlln(I ill
o sleep the other night, and 1•e used than 1'armelee's Vegetable
Pills. They act directly on the liver
and by setting uf, healthy processes
have a benefieial effect upon the
blood, so that impurities are elim-
The Lapps never wash,
The reoret of 11(.Ie04rity is, when
asked for (.6th:isnl to gine praise.
Aii elephant wusks free) the age
of teehc till the age of Ke. He rein
haul fifteen tens, lift a ton in his
flunk and curry four tons on hi»
\1liele a poor young Ivan sudelen•
Is steps yelling nn a millionaire's
slaughter, Ihr rrilti0i IS, (1» a rule,
a parrot - g
The ship passing through 1Iie
Sties ('anal pays a toll of A -I,(00,
15 hat ni11 the Panama tolls be
1Vheri a unman stops breaking
hearts and t4(k,w to breaking (tin-
duws, she culls herself a Inllttaut
A Li i'1 Ci: Co1.D.
caught •a little cold -
That tt•n» all, with full tn.trllc(ions. Send no money, his wife shit!, 'No, let her keep on
hut write her to•(tay if your children e'
ho the neighbors sadly said,
r eying
• trouble you in this way. Don't blame the
As they gathered round his bed. child, the chances ore it can't hell' it.
When they heard that he Was dead. This treatment alst:rores adults and ag►(1 Free to Our Rosettes.
people troubled Nub urine difficulties by 1 P►I'. Mnrirr Eve H. trr.ly Co . (•hie•ro,
Ile caught a little cold -- day or night, /•,r AO Fee, illnes-a led Fs Ror.4 Free,
Write .11 shout Your i- ve Trouble end
That was all. (1'110.) they will alleles as to tt•.. Prnrer Ap.'liee•
Many a saint eats pickles and sten of 11.e 1tn••1ne F••. Rrsnrdte• in Your
to seep unit d then fines ?.,clot ('eel. Poor 1 •nrei•t will tell yah
Neglect of A rough nr mid often r ream anthat Perini. e1.•Iie'•e• Pone F•r.. Risenn11 •
!Pads to Perinu8 tremble. Tt) break ing foi a vision from tied. I re. R•rl•h Furs. T),. -.•••'l uraa'd, ,•'.,.•the1
I r•v 1'•-1,' and •etre I.e. 'roe. 9•e• 1► 111
Up a cold in twenty-four 11rnr8 and -r ! Tour r:eva end to Pabv'. F.yre for Ft sly
cure any entlgh that is curable, mix , Faulties • in Prepal•ation.• I'nitker ; Eyelids And Crunuletiun.
two unnees of tilycerine, a half any other stemnrh regulator, Par- I gine but littie rod\ ice aur! all
seiner of Virgin Oil of fine coin- - melee's Vegetably fills are the re plant (regncnlly if you %.I•Midi 1/r.
pound purr and Piglet ounces of cult of Tong study of vegetable • ,
pure Whisky. 'Take n teaspooifel ' compounds calculated to Stimulate - popular. - - -
mother her successful home trcatnieut, baby t
,e:-ery four hours. You can huv : the stomachic funrlionr and rllain•Nttat N /M a•eThing t' •Irearrnea ,•At
!hese at any good drug store and tarn them at 1110 normal condition. tar►' •'-ib.0& it.' tlruthnl /IA•ie,. ft will
rattily mix them ip a large brittle. Yea of 11r0 hate proved their torr Inmbngn 3101 lbsmoatlsm. •1 rah wain"
1 ..sen n pla.tera, Davie A Lammas' Cu.,
A+4•+•.•••••••4•••4••• faultless. character end established. U„ntre.rl.
escellent reputation. :111(1; _-.•._
Money Inn.:, talk, but time tells. (thi9 reputation they batt rnsintain•' Enamored twain (after being ac-
I:vert delicate babe slxrts ♦ Templet ion defeated is at ren). F 1 ter yea►? and will rontinu'' to Irpled)-"1)nrling. yen lank Sweet
maintain, for these pills must. al. , /1,,1101 to eats" Practical Maid-
life with A rerioue handicap. . wen. ' way•• r(tand at the head of the list
'tlj•' ).f. a trivial illness mn}' end ♦ The rare never goes to the die "15(11, �t•u ran take it that, 1 do
rnnragt.d. • of etandnld 14r -iterations. put. l hope you didn't think that
fat;ell(- nod the trot {WE isle^pt + �_
• in a state of c.:ustattt dread. ♦ A good Iran renrlel. hate too 1 ; 1 Ike on atmosphere alone.'
much triunes. I Many a roan is .n buffy making
Ra1/y'ii Oe ti I'abicfe hat r 'Phis ix a sour world for the man a living for his children that lir •Holy one 'BROMn QIll�tk!
-lune more th:ui any other
tt.lh a Pour disposltlnti. I fo lgl t. ti think bf their real tiles, /hot e• I.AxAllyk Hao%1e' (11 lkINS• I..ra
11•edletrle to make sickly lie for the all et'.,s of R N', (Min k, l'•ed the
r l ane, strong. 1'he% • 1turkin for others is the beet +_
1/1(0 TI q sort., • u1:ie f• It InUnsnor vs.
7* pis a ',ad here a feeling of se 4
•� . er;1t ns threligll their 11,40 •
slit, sere her delicate chill •
(let shilling healthily. Mi. •
Th. "dere Morton, Bala, Ont.,
-;1\ c : "1 can Say with cow •
:• lidrnee flim! )tahv's Own ♦
+ 'Tablet% saved my baby's life.
• 1 did lint know w}lat it ens to 4'
♦ 14 n (loud night's rest un ate fly it. et a bottle 1. 1 t' x►r (Met tne a • b-iiiid etnwplr of Ihie
♦ }•g i Ills'klr'B 1 ell rye' grand Parl'v nr bushel 1M1e, a1 Y. S
,T t i) we ~torted using the Tat. ♦ ,
WIris, but they hese made him + 11hyn you have made your for sntnl+syr Syrup And Inst it. (path- per stab, 7. b,.e•. 1i. t• ,read ter sample.
n drone;, healthy child," Sold + time it, time is lie enough to thitlk tire. it will be fe.und that no moo ..ttsieser.
)r- u:c(lieine dealers or by +
eat of working for yenrself. PII.ra Cuvr.t) es e. To 14 DAMP.
f)Ile kind) of rhal',tt alwa.3s }las ►•A8o nisrerta1' .• en-•a,1.e1 In eure .ey
ewe nl lt• luni(, HtuJ h'er• Iter or Protruding
a mrd attached to It. /Ileaa In .4 day. or money re rinded b.r,
It is Wi:te and commendable to be
patient w'hcn its the only way out, 'Thr we•rld i• not likrly t.. I.rli ;f'
ity all means consider amlrsylf in y( -ii it luek5 (or
iln11011 11111• but kPyp that opinion f fruit leu can Phew only 50(1114
to teurs••lf, ; lett . n A f' Yn ?I Slaver(truri all rnvort
Conscience iP A rnrrc(•t P0111p11e•, llnrlsv 'e the 1•11,1 You will gMe 11
a•re ar••t e. or Isley. why ant now (ire.
hitt it is net .11(11139 easy to Anti- 1f von are a sufferer from. ei'lels kr,lh b poor. K..,t %1e III.. Toronto•
"1 (1011'1 Frli^%e George letes me
any Inure," What's the matter !
Hate you quarrelled?" "No; 1/111
III' doOS1l'1 offer (o V• ;ye the supper
dishes for me
$in:ril :'l2"I •,. ut . a hem from •
'floe i lr. \1 i' :.Ilnv' Medieine
1 .. , Brock%it'''. Ont. +,
V +
"-- 4--- --
You cannot stir up Imp with the
/joker of anger.
Nea'e Lung i• especially 'mooted to
tP n•; lel s•cle4 l coelh* and asA'•y h••pp.,e-•
•e. have heal saved by 110 u'e. 1•na14fni n..
pin(ll it, any loxes.
r :; -turtle.) hr; rlrtinsy
1 . l•>• ...•:'•-1 tie' other day xy lel-�
leu ' y1 •!early Helm est friepds,I
)'(lulu is; 1 1 rewind you that 1t
eerie' herr 1r preach, 11,.1 to ant av
empire iia a snoring mat •h.,,
',col ter free ,.- 111 IA Danl. Vt. 1..,
Lv., i,srenie.
Or • ("tier's;al
about 'pending it. i prai•-r b.rinwed en it is ten hitch, -
-- r--•--- I It (lees all that is riaimed for it,- The tau.lit' ton of einotIrina lirrn
A milli lleglnl to •lit• a. soon As! and dor, it $h r.-tlghly. 100 net 11`11811•. pit les 11,e slew g1•0N til of
I. • note rs his ideas. 1 take any s,lh'titute for Bi(•kle'ri Oa II' c .4 r 1.1racter,
-' - ', Syrup, her Anse 1t is the heat, flat' ' ----
\Vnrle• derange the whole erten'. ink ,t,,,.4 tile test hf '.Pars. Alt Patnbi5M in w.•.ler rh.Ap .Rule, bombe ■p
Mother (Ira5rs 11't111 Extrtminn• the best dealers sell it.eta-.'hi
b1• sad thae rotreel. lirntti., Lapp.
the dPran/!ee Nertn! and1\'re (rat . andnbs.onlAttem 1 ey.i,rl:ed a.a I,•irnenl 1-r
' :riot 11,10‘, ehllblsis•. h.•sla••, 'patio.. u.ld by
lo the sufferer. It hill% 10et.e 2 1
1 i Test 11.1a .F the plan of pnarr whoI w, wily all druggistll olio l'afuklllor P•rry both e '.
er rots fo try 11 and br (t•nvine•rd, ' dodge all pain. I It's true • to he lurks than to he
1 •.And coo will ;rite ns yd iii bless •
flee a' • •ui,rratilien� about
ing n'krd the clet•Ing bride, re _
!turtling' er,""repl ed tI►'ere►etl t APPENDICITIS
Ne man '':111 be wholly
?eels aS a•,: 11 main heard
As Mrs apeaHlo day g:aa •r d•e• CI, tsMm•
ins inn lu ihr Ihr'•al Anew d..wn 1st•• the loot■.
lh•al pnneptl. with a e.=tel a. with • b•e. an,1 hill bn*rll alit) Iedeing %111 by
1.1.8 ire begin to an.(h sus Antos Lu'•a H.•l •e•., - l-egal:sr later.''
"fir tremble entail the Idesaing. caeca 'ria 111 r.1 ..-•• n. Al' who are sr
dutr4 alt •1 , 1.-,,,-e and w..h to hs
enrol r•'•rin.e,1 welt. -tele end holo Is
with IMO grin! Homeopathic remrde.
whet will be ..nt i' --aid ancwFrtP
In the world with toll to.,riwo mi. for
n.in¢ .•, e• to egret s iermat,1nt tor8
• r a (4.1,...
John 1 Wilt. Hemnen/lhle Pharmacy,
Arn:,rlor, Canons
.1 ('t\INl }:34.1N.
ilio of 1l1•` smart
•titbits in \Vale's ha- 1 :.r 11,
.tt.5wcr. to the name of \lnlhtte,
and I►y) mg, to Police 1•ons1:1We
.\IIrrl Swage, of the (dl.unnlgan•
shire cefrst.,1/+ilary, wht, Blas trained
lune to p"!ice (Indy, -Ile aria.ktt the
Lack* of :rouses while his tn:teter
\t,'i-les 111 funnel ar
'' , and t ice. PPrEa,
sass the i'uliec li. •. ).t- a'td Parade
(twill►, "Ho ret r In issl'( II man
if (herr is me el • •,1. end him warn-
ing bark r - 0 1 tk • known to his
l,:ast,•r tl►r' 1., '_x11,0 of tramp• lei-
leriee or • It•rl•;n'r in (110 farm -
1, .in •r• inane\ birth t0 .1 v(1(.1
:'lr'.rc. ,'l'
t► 1S: - 'I 1. O. 6 IllI
OiityLITLI9 JiL(7ir,(,U,Y3i5.
&,4 .411 Pt, V' •('PAs
5�ba Kidneys, of rhe �1
BI ad der, of the ,
Rowel., of ih•
Lunt, More Thr, 't,
Nm.,ohitis, I(lin nli
Breatz,ln``. l'101,18 ('11.
tarrh. fnfluru►a, nrul
sea., !within he. hen
ra1gta. libennutem u, (Ad(
come, Ague timesf 511-
ltslna, Ytuetblte, quickly
°omit by
Isdasg's Rielly lIslist
Caller -"Are re yol: mitre your mis-
tress isn't in t" New Maid - •'1
hope you -don't doubt her word,
.A lads writes • "1 woe enabled
to remove the corns, mot litl(1
branch, by the lime of Hollon'liy's
Corn Cure." Others who nave
tried it have the s.trne experience.
To prepare ham, »oleet it dire
slice and put in a hl►a11ew baking
dish and coyer with milk and hake
in a moderate oven until milk i» all
boiled away and haat is browned.
This makes an excellent dish for
Coll) ere the snort dangerous of all
forms of diuAre. A negle'rted told leads
to Bronchit s. C'ontumptinn, Pneumonia.
"Coughs'. at. the result of irritated bros.
chiall,,?-,,. "f'S'l(HINE••eurelre ghe
by removing the instating panicles arid
Ilealtns the inflamed membrane. 1. is a
germicide And destroy, the tut.rrrle geek.
ft is • tune that strengthens the lung(, the
liver, and lon(r up ti.e system. It makes
for looter health in all sond4iori1l human.
if y. (;-t.trongmid th•cong(i w;!Ic h/appear-
"PSY('lI1r\I:" m.lv( weak people
atrn-ig. It curet cnuah, .4 ilii mart ol,du-
(at• k0nd and breaks up a told is a low
Write for Free Sample.
For Safety 411 Drott;•t. rad Dealers ltr, i tl
div tet4.
Plain Talks toWomen.
Children's Skin Troubles, Cuts, Etc.
?every bealthy child ge;a them, and
every mother has to put something
on." What do YOU put on?
When you put as ointment on to a
ohtM's skin it gets into the blood
through the pores just an surely as if
you put it into the child's stomach.
Did you ev:lr think of that? How im-
portant, therefore. that the salve or
balm should be pure 1
tarn-Qnk is .Mu;ui•Iv pure : item tanks t►e
annual bt ; ao mineral eese.ring A•ts•r ; tae
aekl asttingeatI; an horning sotie.ptle•-yet
1b to antiseptic l 11 rs ;warty Y. s►sl, and
taoa tarots all the usual, of tiffs skis in that
superior gad all-p•wsrful way is wis•eia mature
atone prn•sd•t,
(Nitrites lilt*'Lao-Bei beat h"eaue• to @nos
N timbal it stops Inn two an.l the munr►ing
of the II.iur► nr sore plata Bea.:ell tlsu seta
in immediately.
Ars Da,e,tars .•e Ar^•tas, 1'�
(•\ Ifl( 06.1 A's 1 R(INi•.
A atlm1- rot '01 .40r? err pe -A aJ-meas Is fast Ming gasp;elel, atalnt is fare ,t1
heatelr• Ono erwel1 an4 nee.% na to date •f Atr•q(.e City Hotels A are !ear • 1, tae an, mai
011 ,•1 lr.e 5.4 or ate, ay.rat-nj :e Uel yva••
a•e'y roses ..mro•n4, Ae ...wait rte • gab a,taehr 1 eltl..a• ao4 ir.ta wale, l %ova►-
4'11•. In loopy oesistst Ii.spara,r1 rrea•At•l nr ia.7s•.ta11 lb tate'( toss;spue.v is
.1476*, teat.se ).teplos• la erre Prem Urlr p(,•.,etr. rsp.i ty 1.14 (vr liisatrateJ
Cl1Ai' LBS 0. MARQL;IITIP., TQAYet1URii 110T1?l. C(/'1V,AhY,
Mang=er. b. %%1111E, Prea+d•nts