Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-10, Page 1TWZNTY-THIRD YEAR. tier EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1910. SANDERS & CREE:CH The Old Reliable Look Out ... FOR ... Our Big Sale CARLING BROS. 000 0.066 HURRAH! for the great BARGAIN SALE Next Door to the Post Once Goe•ds are going cheaper than any ether person can buy them at wholesale. Do not miss this opportunity of getting good goods at such low prices. MUST BE SOLD! Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries K. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE rr.res.a.mai Cards. ��oNET TO LOAN ON FARM AND VILLAGE f1 i'rceerties at lowevt rates of interest. Ds. 0. I. SOCLBTON, L. D. D. D. fL 6RNEST 1:LI.IOT, o8.,•e Creeosite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. DENTIST Gedar of To n C. D. 8. of Ot►No ►red Her Posts_for Sale somber ofTorontop.8. it,. co 0E1101: Over D1ckeon a rarling's Law Wine, is De. Aadersor's former Dental Parlors. art. A. R. KIN811AN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.• Senor graduate of Toronto tiDlveristr. DENTIST. WsM eaVscted without any pain, or way bid otece Nee over Oledman a 8tantury's peke, Main street I toelo. Medical �] R. BRIGHT. Y. D , M. c 1'. A B. 110:40RLA* Graduate of Toronto l'r,irereitin Two years resident phyii an Roval Alexandra IIapiW, etc. Office and Residence, ter. Amo. Old Stand, Andrew Street, EIE'TER. DR. A. T. IIO,ND, TORONTO. POST GRADUATE of New York Post Graduate College, woeeseor to pre, flee of Dr. A. r. pallor Exeter. Resldence— !a:ely occnpted by hr. Mallon Andrew St. Office - Formerly the Elliot law calls.•., oppoette Central Hotel. DR. T. P. IIeLA('OiiLIN 11.. resumed practice after spending a year (Cch 'ego) at Britsh and Continental Hospitals. General practice with epeeist attention to Eye, (with tetra- tion) Ear Nose and Throat. — _ Omre: Dashwood, Ont Legal. f1102S0M a CARLING, BARRiSTER9, SOLiCI j! {ore, N 1artee. ('onveyam•ere. CommlNtonere Solicitors for Hoboes Bank, stn. le.ey to Loos at lowest rater of 1otereel / Mee*, Men street, Easter, 1 Caause, I A., L H. eaten OIL1T TO LOAM. We Kava a large amount of private fund' to loan Anna sad village prepertie. at low rates of into. OLADVAPI it BTAI7B('RT,i $ambles, noliclton,Yaia art, [aster On B. 8. PHILLIPS, Blsltrrzp, Lnoosed hoctlssieer. lam attested la all pine. Satan—tin sreesna• is ti tltten left ue.N Nbsaewill M p namable. MeaU d d is el. SENIOR ARN% Confederation Life Assurance Oossppaean7e ahso Fire insurance in lead- ins Canadian and BrANes Oosspaniee. Yain-81., lister. LICENSED AUCTiONNER W$. ANDERSON. Llrenaed Asa tloneer tet Huron County. Terms reasonable. ate. rein be nude a1 ire Advo•atf. Meter. or i Ie -,T7 lather's Office. Crede 11011. tA:• nal We have the finest quality of Cedar Post at moderate -prices. (1. E. HiCKS, CENTRALIA FARM FOlt SALE. 100 acre farm in Usb rne, two and one halt miles from Exeter, also a brl:k houee on Main -street, Exeter, and a car- load of green cedar posts. WM. M. LILA TCHFORD FARM' FOR SALE. One of the finest farms In Osborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECH. Exeter i'IANO AND CUTTER FOR SALE. A new first-class Piano for sale cheap. also cutter. Apply to W. Arnold, Exeter. WANTED To know 11.0 whereabauts of Sadie McDougall. formerly Sadie Page of Springhill, Ont.. or ter son. William James McDougall. Any acquaintance or ((lend Flying information address WALTER R. McDOUGALL. Moosejaw, Sask. FOR SALE --- (Melee a .d three iota In Exeter, bel -g Icte Ncr. 55. 56. and 57, on the South eldc of S.r. roe Street. On this property le a frame cottage (brick foundatlon)con talnhg five rooms and a good cellar. Alec a good welt and a large stable. (food garden and fruit freer. The pro- pe.ty Ie to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to (MADMAN & f(TANBC'RY. Bnriletere. Exeter. Ontario. WARM POR SALE. (Remo hundred acre farm, being Lot 3, Con. 1, Colborne, London Road, 3-4 utile from Centralia. 3 miles from Ex- eteren the premises there is erected a good brick !Louse. all conveniences. large bank barn 80r45, fini.hed In tateet improved •tvie ; drive house. good orctaard. never falling water. well inn Nam and house. 12 ocres fall wheat. Ali plowing done. if not sold privately on or before the 20 day of Dec. will b( sold b7 pub:le auction at a date to pe II toad inter. Plasty terms of paymr t. Fa, terms and particulars apply to .leer llar.dferd. prop.. (er:.traaa. , r to T. (i.rneron, auctioneer, Farquhar f. 0. APOL'T "SKEE JUMPING" DY AN EX- ETER BOY Duluth, M:nh., Jar,. 30, '10 The Advocate, Exeter, Ont. Lear Sirs --1 am pleased to hand you herewith Express/ order in pay- ment for The Advocate to January,1911. The enclosed photographs, taken in Duluth. are illustrative of one of out- most urmost popular ani fascinating winter apc,rta, known as "skcc jumping," and i might incide.,talty state that they are the best photographs of their kind ever taken around this part of the woods. This sport le indulged i:t prin- cipally by the Swe3os and Norwegians: and if you are not familiar with the "game" 1 will briefly elate that the riders slide down a timber slide about 300 feet in length, which distance the riders cover in about four Seco.:de. It might interest you to know that the longest "standing" jump made on this hill was 144 feet, which trick was turned by Ole Tiering at a tournament held Sunday, the 16th of this month, and establishes a new American re'ord. The world's record is 150 fort, made Norway within the last couple of 'years. 1 will here eeplaln that a "_st:tr:ding" jump means a jump with- out a fall. The distance a matt jumps is measur- ed from where he leaves the foot of the timber trestle to where he ligate down the ltil,l and if lie falist he doesn't score, that la, for a record jump, but in competition with other riders he would be credited with so ntarty points, according to the distance he jumped. For instance --one of the contestants at the above mentioned tournament two wick, ago made a . most remarkable jump o: 148 feet, but when he bit the trail he "spilled"; therefore, itis Jump was blank as far as a record wary con- cerned, althoueli good for a certain number of points In competition, which polnt3 are determined by the judges. It is the most daring sport 1 ktttow of, and the aped at which they travel is most terrific. They stake the "Twentieth Century Limited" look like a funeral procession. They also pro- duce what is known as the "team jump' or "twin jump", that is, two riders com- ing down the slide, holding hands .and jumping together. Believe rete. there are some lovely spills. We also have one acrobat who comes down and turns a somersault over the hill. Their tour- naments are held mostly on Sundays, with a brass band and thousands of spectators in attendance If any Sunday stunts like that were ever attempted lit Ctnada, they would all be put in Jail. I thin/cif you show N. D. llurdan this letter and the photographs he will have the sport introduced in Exeter before the winter 1s over. Tours, to a ' swallow", E. 1L. Oldley. • The estate of Herman Gill of Port Frank, Including the summer resort and furniture has been sold by the assignee to Mr. T. Parkinson bf Thedford. FARMS 1011 SALE Tl:at choice farm. being part Lot 119 and 10. Cott. 1. Township of Usb erne. In the Village of Exatcr, containing 100 acre3. On this property there is an up-to-date brick dwelling with all ron- verfehres ; large bank barns, with water In stables, silo, delve !rouse, Ice houee, and all kinds of fruit: 0:) acres in hay and grass, 0 acres fall w,teat, below,* P,ctate• ant fall. Properly ;n a high state of cultivat'on and well adapted 'or a ratan doing a dairy butsness for :encral farming. Also N. 1-2 lot 5, 0311. 1, Jlay, contain 1!.) :.n ac: 01. 2 acres hardwood bush, 35 acres in grass, balance plowed. On the premise*, there is a never falling supply of water with windmill and tanks This property Is well adapted for grat- ing or general farming. I'oaeeselon in Mart h. Easy terns of payment. Must be sold as proprietor's health has fail- ed and he Is retiring. For terms and particulars apply to ALEX. DOW, of Esetcr. or T. CAMERON Aut tioaeer of Farquhar. SEi1VANT WANTEi) Good general servant one veno can ook preferred. good wages. Apply lttatlne experience, Mrs. Chas. F. Ver- ity, 78 Sherid:.,t St., 11.ant'ord. Ont. TAKE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that persons Purchasing or (:;tending to purchase the dwelling Louie and contents of the es- tate i, the Township of McGillivray of the late 8uea121.1;i Gower. who died on Sept. 2111. 1909, will apply to Mrs. Tho3. Heaman, eircutrix. Exeter. Par theaters concerning the property stay aline be had by applying to the Bald executrix. SALE itE(1iSTER Tuesday. Feb. 15th-1'arnt Stock and implements and Household Furniture, the property of Jo',n Finkbeiner, Lot 11. Con. 10, Stephen. Sale at 1 p.m. Fd. llossenberry, Aurt. (CONTRACTS WITH FARMERS The Exeter Canning Factory is now prepared to enter irht, contracts with farmers for growing the different crops for the 1 nnieg Factory for the sea- son 1910. S. M. SANDERS, Manager. FARM FOR SALE 74 acres of farm land In the village of Exeter. 13 acres In fall wheat, fall plowing nearly finiahtd, well fenced. well drained and watered: good 1 1-2 stony brick house, containing 9 living rooms, turd and soft water In the house; good barn, number of fruit trees. situate north of t!.e station road. Eseter For particulars apply to JOHN HAWK - !MAW, Proprietor, nr R. R. PHILLIPS. auctioneer. HOCKEY. Exeter and Heirsall Junior hockey teams played a game here on Friday n;iht when our boys won out by a wide nargut, the score being 12-1 The halt time sco:e was 7-u. A good crowd witnessed the game which was well c•onducto3 with Sandy Bawden as referee The boys of both reams were all home brews and strictly Juniors, but the Ex eter player., outc•laeaei tr.1r opponents at every stage. The an.alleat players 0.1 each side were the goal kecpers. Cud - more for llensall, and little Earl South- cott for Ezettr. Earl stopped a few good bees. but he was hardly needed, as Acheson on paint go' nearly every thine coming. In their respective places the locals all did well and made a pretty stro.t3 c•on:hionatlon. llensall boys play well also. but they did not seem to be able to work together well and found it almost impossible to get past Elliott and Acheson. The teams were,- lleusa11-Co c3, Cudmm-e ; point, Stone - 111331 ; cover, McQueen ; rover, ilr r,dt ; centre, Hudson; right, Smith; hit, Nell:utda. Exeter -Goal, Soutttcutt ; PAW, Aches- on ; cover, Elliott ; rover. II. Sout;r-ott ; centre, Rivers ; right, Mellott , left, Heywood. E nee-'Jun1er Hockey players went to llensall Tuesday night and defeated the Heitman Juniors, 8 to 6. THE EXETER CCUNC,L The Council stet in the leading roots of the Town Hall, Friday, Feb. Stn, at 8 p.nt. All members present. The min- utes of the meeting. held Jan. _let and Feb. 2nd ave-: :c -d and approved. Mr. 13oble - niece" d the council re- garding payment cf moneys on farm lends. etc. Connor Bros. addressed the council in teeard to securing the water works building at the river. The following accounts were passed, - Advocate l'tinting Co., election papers 6.26, Jackson l;y-law 07.49, other prim- ing matter 15.71 ; total 89.46 ; The Dell Telephone Co., messages, 3.25: Va tic:t. Goderlch, registering by-law, a.:15; M. Jackson, scrap iron for water watk3 3.75; Exeter Electric Co, 112.0)8 Jas. Brintnell. labor at waterwotke,19: 19 ; 0. Cudmoro 5.50 , T. Brock, jr. :2.25 T. Brock ar., 1(1.12; W Welsh '75c.; F. Mallett. jr.. 1.20; S. West 1.20; A. Bis sett 1.12; G. Atkinson. 1.20: W. Brim- accmbe 1.20; W. J. Bissett, pt. salary 33.00; C. W. Cross. pt. salary, 29.00 T. Houlden, labor at waterworks 3.00; W. Jo::r*60c.: amounting to $3'21.93 -passed or: motion of Levet( and Ilea man. -Carried. The reeve appointed Councillor) Lev - 011 and Herman to interview the auditors appointed regards labor. The reeve in- formed the council that he would be ab- sent from the municlpall:y for five or six weeks but would appoint an acting reeve In his absence. Councillor Hea- ntan was named. AdJ by Luker. Jos. Senior. Clerk. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Altt,oulh Rue new3papzrs of 1Iu:'on County have repeatedly asked that the County Council send paters a report of their proceedings, yet tney s1111 neg- lect or refuse to do ao, with the result Ithat the rcport3 always appear later than they should. The following are a few of the important items of bushteee- Dr. A. J. Irwin of Winghant was uu- anlmouely elected Warden. The Collegiate institute3 were grant- ed the following t1'Ir0unte Ices fees col- lected from County pupils,- Cloderich, $2000.72: 8caforth, $2986.95; Clinton, $2476.05; WIn_hant, $2097.08. The following educational appoint- ments were made, -W. B. Weldetrhant- mer of Exeter o.t the 11. S. Entrance board at Goderich. itev. D. W. Clolli1ts of Exeter to Senate of Western (!n(ver- sity • e'antincrs of P. S. and continua- tion chaos examinations, -East Huron, D. itobb, A. 1'. Gundry, Clinton. and J. 11. Cameron, Brussels: West Huron J. E. Tota, J. at Field. Goderieh, and C. Mutat, Croditoe The Executive Committee recommend- ed the following which were passed, - That the county printing be awarded to the Seaforth Eeposltor: that the usual grant of *25 he made to the agricultural and horticultural aoctetles holding ex- itiblttnns this year, and sante to Farrar era' institutes; that 25e per day be Jiver) each man of the 33rd Itcginuitt attending camp this year: that In ron- iection with a letter front Dr !truce - Smith, re consumptive hoepltalse in wltic't he stated that the governmeet woul4 ald counties In building such an ftoapital to the extc;tt of $40n0 for building and $3 a week for each patient eureln ; a committee of three, Warden. and Messrs Lamont and Shearer was appc•ir:ted to get all information poss- ible with regard to sites, coat of build - Ing, etc , and report at the Jur meet- ing , that 110 anion be taken o the motion to increase the grant to rural public schools ; that the motion to dcuble tete grant to continuation rtutd fifth class schools. same as In former years, be granted THE i.ONNELLY MURDER Jt'ST for YEARS AGO. Shortly before midnight or: Feb. 4th just 31; years ago there occurred a ,mister tragedy that has made the Roman 1.Ittc in the Township of Iiid- dulp't a place fatuous itt the annals of crane. for on this date Ir. the /year 1880 after long months of feud. a so-called "viellnnc•e committee" dressed ;n some (.3901 as women. artd with their tares maakel, visite! the honte of Jame* Don- nelly. and murdered hint and his aged wife. his son and Bridget Donnelly. a niece, hen going a few miles down the read. arta shooting to death another eon. it Is a perullar tact that of all the per- erme Bald to have been connected with the trasedy. thougt, many of them were comparatively young. scarcely any era Living to -day. a td many of then die4 a violent Math. EXETER SCHOOL REPORT Vera Sweet 87, Irene Easterbrook 63. Leon Dearing 62, Clarence Morley 61, D. Charlton 60, I'. Collhtgwt ud 60. M. eforlock lit. Sr. I't. ll. -lienors, G,Hare vey 88, V. Joacy 814, M. Iiackrtey. 85, B. Jackson 85, W. Knight 79. 1. Zuells 79. Pass, M. Hartlelb 14, M. Marchand 72, V. Mallett 70, N. Norry 70, A.Delve 88, e'. Brintacontbe 6C, C. Ford 60. No on roll 43; average 36. A. Sleeth, Teacher. Jr. Pt. 11. -Honors. V .}3111 91, T.O,;::- nor 82, E. Wells 81, J. 23owey 76, E. Magee 75, W. Gillespie 75, Pase, J,Dav is 72, E. Taylor 67. Part I. -Honors, M. Harvey k6, C. Iiesntan 81, P. Har- ness 76. Paste E. Yellow, 72, May Web ater 69. 0. Senior 61. II. Kuntz 81. No. on roll :,o, average 30. Ii. Pennock, Terve: •r. H. S. 1 epartnteet-Forst 111.-Ifonors, A7 I'iekt, rd 82 ; C. I'IEkard 8'), L. Marlin 78, L. G. \Watson (5 ; Paes, W. Binges 73.11. Jones 72, G. Mutt 69, A. McPher- son 68. No. on Roll 30 ; average at- tendance 28. W. V. Weideuha:nnter, 11. A.. Prin. i•'orm 11. -Honors, 8. Petty 76, 13. Haygarth 75, Pas, E. Case 65.6. No. on Moll :10 ; average attendance 26. E. M Robb, Teacher, Forret 1.-hurt-jrs, C. Pickard 83, P. Brown 79, M. Hobkirk 78; Pass, A. Mer an 74 g I. Ra � 1 til E 74, R. Wood 73, A. Doupe 71, V. Geic;cr 71. F. Welsh 69, A. Willis 69, D. (11se60, A. Brokensldre 65, 11. Iliasett 65, S. Geiger 611, M. Mc- Queen 63, M. Larch 62. Cernmercial-Seniors-U. Hooper 64, W. Bradt 63, S. Gillies 60. Juniors -C, Harvey 64, B. Atkinson 63, E. Brick - wood 03. N. on Roll 49: dally aver- age 44. Ni. Jo1O;sto:1, 1'. S. Departtrtent-Roost IV. -Sr. 4t1 - H r a Jea Seldon Nelson 1119 H .5 , Irene Rivers 85, Florence Arnold 80, Joe Davis 79, Greta Bissett 77, Myra Morgan 75; Paste Willie Snell 74 David Hall 74, Viola Rowe 71, Fred McPher- son 71, Jas. Walker 70, Nellie Jones 67 Russell Balkwill 67 Ariel 13everley 65, Gordon Penhale 64, Chester Couple 61, Iters Gintes 60. Jr. 4th -Honore, irno Sweet 85, Muriel Jones 83, Reta Rowe 827, Frances 13111 79, Florence Howe 70, Bruce 'Walker 76. Maggie Case 75, Eric Hurdon 75; Pass, Oliver Hodgert 74. Sydney Hector 71, Thornton Fear 67, Harper Rivers 66, Blanche Quance 66, Marion 1'latchford 65, Lolo Taylor 65, Ethel Day 64. LaBelle Handford 64. No. on )toll 43; average attendance 39. C. Vosper, teacher. Sr. 3rd -Honors. W. Manson 83. L. Heiden 83, M. Heywood 82, B. Hodgert 82. A Knight 7 u ; Pase, A. Bell 72, Joe Fallick '2, L. Kostle 72, E. Dewey 70, 70, A. Day 70, Oliver Davis 68, W. Kydd 117, 0. Macdonald 65, J. McCul- la:;h 61. Jr. :;rd--Ifonors, Pearl Jack- eoe 80, Marjorie Ruston 80, Alma Mack 78 ; Pass, Slat jorie Seldon 70, If. 1'arso:te 67, Florence Wood 67, Edith Davis 65, Fanny Bowey 65. No. on 8011 :I3: average attendance 30 J. Murray, Teacher. Room Vi. -norm 111., Jr. -Honors, Jleivlllt Gladntan 66, Lila Zuetle 85, Bertha Horsey 63, Maroht Vincent 79. Karl \Vtkderd,anuner 78, Dorothy White 77, Gerald Fitton 76, Dorothy Ku;iz 75 Dora Holden 71, Gordon, Wells 02, 0. Ortwein 61. Form 11. Sr.-Ifmtore, Rhoda CJorillsh 81, Alice Taylor 80, Mar- guerite Pickard. 78,. i.tl!te. Walke" 75, Mildred !lardy 74, Edna loans 72. Vi- ola Welsh 71, Millie Walker 70. Mary Day 69, Milton Kydd 115, Grace Carling 63, \Wne Jacobi 61. No. on Roll :14: average attendance 30. II. N. Kinsman. Teacher. Jr. 1i. -donors, Margaret Sharp 82, Harold Doyle S1, Vera Marshall 79: Pass, Alvin Cornish 73, Millie Brown 67. Gear harness 67, Bruce Rivets 67, KHIVA (lull; IL.; bees are the order of the day -Mlle Martha Sweitzer :,f Shipka stela Sunday with her sister, Mrs. David L:piert.-Mr. Chas. Holt purchased a valuable horse from Mr. Schmieder of Crediton the other day. --Mr. Angus Mc- Cormick has returned to Khiva after v:sltin3 friends in Michigan for about two months. -Mr. Mittleholtz of the Northwest visited at Jacob Querin'e for a few days. -Mr. Jerry Barry returned home Monday after spending a few days with his sister. Mrs. J. O'Rourke of London. -Angus McDonald has pur- r'rase:d a valuable horse from Stephen Tfot neon, of Shipka. Th13 year Lent begins on Wednesday, Feb. 9th, and Easter Su ,day will be en c\ier. 27. Mar. _.) will Ix: 1'alnt Sun'1., and Good Friday will fall on Mar. 25. BIRTHS Dlnnlu.-In Hibbert. on Jan. 29th. to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dinntn, a son. \Vatsoz.-10 McGillivray. on Jan. 28th, to Mr. and !Mrs. Wilbert Watson, arson Anna:. -In McGillivray. Jan. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Amis. .t eon. --- MARRIAGES Dltutcy-Mawhinney.-.\t the Methodlet parsenuge, Crediton, 'jr. Feb. 3rd, by itev. }ticks, Mr. Thos. M. Dinney to Miss Alice E., daughter of Kr. David Mawhinney, both of Stephen. lite-Scctl-At Parkl:ill. Jan. 29, Arthur Bice to Miss Jean Scott, both of 0l1livray. DEATHS ,•.lite l:elJ-in St. Marys, On Jan. 30.8.41. Mitchell. aged 79 yearn. ;\iitc•ttell-lit St. Marys, nn Jan. 31.Adanl Mitchell, aged 76 years. IN MEMORIAM Cooper. -In loving remembrance of our beloved son and brother George. who departed this lite Feb. 2ttd, 1909. Gorse but not forgotten. We Are Strong on Boys' Clothing Our Bloomer Knicker Suits are about the newest in the trade Men's Overcoats and Suits will stand compaaison with any made•to•tieasnre snits. One hundred Tweeds, Vorstedo and Merges to choose from. Prices from 8.12 to 520 Place Your Spring Order with Us SANDY BAWDEN New Collars, Shirts, Ties, Underwear and Caps RAZOR TALKS Does your Razor dull? Does it hurt? Does it make your skin sore? If so let us show you how to make shaving a pleasure, easy and no after effects. Clause Razors from .. .. , . Carbo M tis Razors -at.... Ever - Ready Safety Razors .... Gillettes' Safety Razors.... .... Williams' and Colgate Soap , .. . . • • • . , .. 75c. to $ 1.50 200 5.00 10c. Brushes, 25c.; Straps, .. ... , 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c, 1.00 The Moet Complete Stock of Shaving Outfits Tinsmithing and Plumbingalso Iron Piping. Fitt ngs. Valves. top Cocks We Carry a Full Line HEAIAN'S IIARD!ARE & STOVE STORI