Exeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 6THE LIGHTENING LOAD
Our Burdens Are Our Blesssings When
We Choose Them Wisely
"Bear ye one another's bur-
defile"- Galatians, ti., 2.
It is an easy matter to talk dole-
fully of the burdens we inust bear
they cared for others. 'this is the
secret of joy in every way of life.
A woman never knows the joy of
tiring, nor is her life a blessing in
ti look out with the tearful eye itself, until she bends beneath the
and survey the whale race going en burdens of hone and motherhood.
its way with hent shoulders, drewThe youth suddenly rises and en -
ping to the vast chasm of the grave riches into manhood when he takes
so the dim hope of a burden be,
life. Rut to use our burdens as in-
spiration fur poems of pessiniisrn is
trust not be thinking :eetinuelty,brow•n fora minute,
of his rights, or ac �r
a 1 and let hull stead 1 • f f• run with an auto•, tt tt the
stir in sl„w•'r 111E AIINDS OF GHILDRENtIat at runs
the ,fury of ,ran'3 life
tS t as his chief tee cupfuls „f water, milk, ,r
ainl was to avenge every *light. cream
40. Let him have thy cluck al�u-- minutes, nut too fast. 11 too� thick '
The outer garment as w sfl as rhe or lumpy put in a little more water, All USING ST iTFM E\'1'S 1\ P1'•
shirt (coat). The hecund rllestra- a pinch of salt end pepper. ,tiffs
tion of the unselfish temper. lee most of the time su not t„ lump.
general 1 pato iple is that a l llri +tzar• Sausage Cakes.-- Make little pats
loan must be ready to surf 'r w-reen•,
rsausage n readyu1 part with his goods for the :tie seusuedlameat
of peace. Mashed potato in which an egg has
41. Whosoever shall conmel titre,! been Mixed to bind it together. Hell
From the custom of comer Itieg tt e If in e
mbs and fry
inhabitants of a village to carni' until til atclislcooke dread rt1Delicious for
baggage when troops pass -'d their luncheons or Sunday supper.
way. The inner spirit of the hro,►d Veal Loaf. -Mince two
statement of the Master is t and a hilt
reply after a moment's thought.
A High School pupil gate as an
t'xc•use for absence : •I eoutdn't
cone to school yesterday because
grandma had athletic fits:"
"Arithmetic is the process of
Colgate Of I'eeuliarilir. 1,Iraned in
shortening things you can't do in
yetis head, ' was the lucid reply to
the Schools of Prot ideuce. ' :ti•,,llier question.
Rhode island, '.\ante the parts of speech,••
brought out the astonishing reply :
Teacher~ in I'rorid ace, It. 1.. "�Iolttle 1eetl►, tongue, breath,
have been getting together the say- ifndpfpe, v,uee, palate, and bran -
teas children there. Some u ur, pounds raw seat, halt pound fat of
of school
fi oft tubes
effect that one must be willing to call ds _ra edit two tablespoonfuls ndat ' f them, printed in the Journal of 11e , Icoaxed," the
reign of Diocletian marry -
labor freely for the public goof, that city, are hath amusing alai fl gdeclared a girl in the
42. The butter, add three tablespoonfuls of i };,�trative eif the tvuri:iuga of the history' class to whom the word loos
great word of this verse milk, one cupful of fine cracker
Taking ftp the burdens of others is give. The love which .mite; nerd crumbs, two teaspoonfuls of salt, Iy.`n►ng mind. 1rtndry could have hu+. one ;;ni
we not only lose the sense of the I qit es in the true spirit .,f br; tlr, riy ,one teaspoonful pepeper, One of the gymnastic teachers met t" li `''
u miss their purpose utterly. weight of our own, but we turn the i service, is to replace the !nisei,' tor'spouuful of allspice, one sand►a half 1a gentleman with his little boy on 11'ben asked to write about the
Man is a strange creature in this whole matter of burden bearingin-
vengeance in personal
teaspoonful of pulycrized su e, the street one day and spoke to the; 'climate near the Amazon River,
matter of burden bearing as io to a process of strengthening, matters. A penurious disposition throe eggs.1 1 g little fellow, who responded with oar hie boy
wrote: "The climate
cannot stand before such an ideal. bake two hours; � baste every ,ten abroad smile of delight at heir ) nr"tend the Amazon is so unhealthy
others. Take this wall, fur instance. +sweetening, and enriching life. In
who has been for years complain this(the hest is developed ; here44. Love your enemies -Jesus sees minutes with little hot water when r retired. 1'he father a ked olio thK: that the Inhabitants have to mote
ing that his land was too much f •r grow the fair floosie of sympathy the old law one better. It :ill r • t done and cold place on a dish. Gar- lady toes, and the• boy astonished most
,his burden bay?gentleness, forgiveness, and mercy; thine sncmthint by replying: `'Oh, she's the in 1'.xcnses also often bring out the
w to the ameliorating ung influences of (43). • But it
parsley. fi`ith lemon and watercress or belt and ex hell tvomuu, mean nK .
been lifted ; „ most ridiculous sentences; one re•
eerily received by a teacher:
tf►e first t} t Y the f +•n- inhale and exhale, terms used ill ' "Please
go forth assiduously k ora} Old Testament teachin children to take due ► ' . 1 lease Excuse George this morn -
b aelii.K 1 I int, he had an earake all night from
In a school not far from Provi- }its rna."
dense a teacher the ether day gave ~''t'
one tablespoon flour, her' bright young scholars an ex- 1-1,000 INCH IN D1.1ifETFR.
t pepper and excise in shelling, and to fasten thei
Balt to taste. Let cream just come' I Four Inch S ►nave Bar of Metal
to a boil. Mix flour in a little cold'feria of the words in her hopeful Si
and stir into the hot cream. charges' minds, had them write' Drawn to Wonderful Fineness.
Add salt and pepper. Let the oy- 1 short sentences in which the words
Y occurred. Among other selections! The drawing of wire is an inter -
sters come to a boil in their own, esting operation. Bars of octal
skim carefully and drain oq for the lesson were these :
I •rWhose " `'prove," and "egg."' passedfetal- inches square are heated and
all the liquor. Add the oysters to #one prornisinK and ambitious ten- wild!'
hot and plastic,
the cream, and boil up once. Fill t year old, after struggling with the i clueing
rapidly revolving roils, re.
patties. t ` gg K clueing then► to wire rods which
task a while, hooked up with is cuts
Pancakes. --Ono cup sour milk. f fidcnt smile and handed in this fear- tary. from one-quarter of an inch
one cup sweet milk, ,eon t 11 and wonderful production:
or more in diameter, according to
soda in sour milk, one teaspoon l have a whose in my back the size of finished wire wanted.
Lakin is foro remove
are ed in acid s withbe
•ministryho eats all how-
theseen setsovingly, 46is
whichd in flour, three eggs,
with increasing loads because they dull slaves we would lie inert under salt, three
flour eenough forthinbatter.
take them upgladly,eagerly shoes our own burdens, but; /Or the call 48. Be perfect -In love, as the pine.
g y{ Father in heaven is perfect in levo.
ing to bear thein. 'of another's need, bidding us arise, An absolute religious and social
The shrill laughter of childho�d� and walk with him. Pot Roast. --A piece of nice beef
mellows inti, calmer, deeper joys or . Look into the faces on the street ; ! human attainmentideal, t oward the µth which all citiler cut in pieces or left in a
latered after browning; pour years as duty canes into ot.r you find depth, light,piece. •Fry out suet, put in the beef
p ,joy, and cheer should strive. and brown; add an onion if desir-
a pint
vocabulary ; we take up our lye •k! never in those wh
discover the meanings of lie -their own needs and ever those
= - -
Oyster Patties. --One pint small
oysters, one-half pint sweet cream
and d o care only for
ing. ora moment we may envy I who take into the area of their own
the '
child s caro free days, but who lives the cares and needs of others.
would lose for them that enri;;hing 1 They have learned the secret of liv-
or our hearts that has really drop- ing, which is to share life. and the
ped into thein from our burdens? secret of lightening our loads, which
worldkhas over
n richest
how lives
heavy is You will the
not need burdens of to huntothers. for
have been their loads. Lincoln burdens; you need not become a
with the nation's woe upon him, professional uplifter. Simply keep
Livingstone with a continent, and' the life hospitable to the lives of MEAT DISHES.
Jesus with a world. Who could bear - others, making living a business of Chicken • Shortcake. -Here is a
more and yet who could give more I sharing strength and love. Never,
than these' The world's stream; say to yourself, I have no strength of oa chicken stewd way to s orrt tfricassehe ninto
flows richer because of the gift of Ito spare. Live for the life of all t a tempting and savory dish: Free
their courage, hope, and love. land you shall find all of life. the chicken from akin and bones
Their cares were not their own; HENRY F. COPE. and cut into small slivers. Put the
. meat on to heat in enough
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL} to make itg gravy
of violence. This is the first of a quite moist. Sift two
threefold, cumulative characterize_ teaspoonfuls of baking powder and
tion of the spirit of hate. It means
one-half teaspoonful of salt with
unexpressed anger, as distin tuiah- one pint of flour. Rub one tea -
unexpressed anger, 11 If7N 11. LESSON, R spoonful of lard and butter into the
sill from the anger which breaks
forth in contemptuous epithet flour, then stir in three-quarters of
P a cup of milk. Stir the dough into
(Race, or "empty head"), and that a small bail and roll into a cake
-� which rashly employs a terns imply- about an inch thick. Bake in a
ing lack of intelligence (Thou fool).' quick oven about fifteen minutes
Lemon V. Some Lowe of the King. The 'ud
* *******
J-1\. 31).
re is also a en
h a
dont, Malt.:,. 17:28, 3•i -1e. polo- threefold umulativeecharacterize- knife and nteae r the cake inen the Itwo. Af-
ro 'feet, Mall. 5. 4.9, tion of punishment. This first re- ts: spreading the hot chicken on
fers to the official local trial of the the lower half replace the upper
Verse 17. The law -The JeH:sit i murderer by the appropriate Jewish half. Over the whole pour a gen-
way of designating the first ;due, court, the penalty for guilt being. erous amount of hot chicken gravy
hooks of 01+1 Testament literati I death. The council is the supreme! and serve at once.
18. One jot --The smallest letter ; Sanhedrin
its the Hebrew Alphabet.
19. The apparent teaching ,.1
Jesus in this verse is that the min-
ute observance and inculcation of
every detail of the taw is strike le
necessary to hire tt ho is to he a ! °rice or the temple, but went there Itakeout, wipe on a clean
member of the kingdom of heave,. I himself only to teach. In this verso cloth, dredge lightly with flour, l one-half
Blit• again, we are sure this els• and the next. he teaches that no act roast brown in butter, then add one
Kitchen t ill a the physical culture teacher is
not be the meaning of Jesus 1t of worship i.e acceptable to Clod so tablespoonful sugar, three cloves,
cupful 1 also indirectly restx,nsihle for the one-half pound bacon, two onions,
has been explained, that 'tie „t; long as the worshiper boars a one bay leaf, and lastly add the n sate, stir
following bon mot. It is the cue• and a few leaves of parsley., celery,
the least commandments d r.•s :,..t grudge against his neighbor. vinegar in which it was it tom in the city schools to toll :he and leek tops, of fine flavor ; then
refer to the law as it esirre from' 2.1,26. Two interpretations are of pickled; al n°► done until it s�:ukea and is children to "sit at case, u►eanin bread,ze the water all out of the
,but to the lett as cif ., ,•d fere!: (i) That a man must 6° an onion sliced finely. Let itl a dark brown in color. When it a relate I position. And when an � and mix these ingredients
and accomplished by .Isco.. put simmer until tender. After senior -
all this stage all together, addingtwo eggs
�aeav hatred from his heart if he ing the meat, thicken the rev K pour �n a hnit;npright attitude is desired the tea-Kt3 and
I g
Except your right emencse I would have the divine forgiveness ; g y cup of baiting hater hot coffee 1 cher says, "Sit erect." One small flour enough to form dumplings.
shall exceed- -What tl, • with flour as usual. This is excel -
s i (2, that it is a matter of wnrldl i lent and a decided itnprotemer,t an pray also be used with good result y„rich eat for this in his mind, it prop into a kettle of (salted) boiling
(learned students, tea s, led prudence for a man to banish ill the ordinary way of seeing a rump`and set hack where it will simmer' is evident, one day he a 111 no rtes. one at a time, from a largo
judges of the law) and Pharisees' will if he would with' until dissolve(' and nh+,tit ilio con- ' e,l to us mo ter that he did not sli1cm' and boil about fifteen min -
did nad taught was insuflhcient to i his fellows. Pri"Ki►ttcan meanleithcr reiast. sistency of thin syrup. Place in sec why his teacher said "cigaret- .rtes• Take.out into a dish and over
admit them tee the kingdom el lice• !generalor Veal 0}stets•` One and one -holt bottle or jelly Blass. cuvr. and set to ' so often when she had told him this porta seasoning of cracker
ccn. Instead of doing early with mediate state, from which itnwAs pounds t•eah from leg. Cut up into away for use. It snakes a splendid' that ciger•ettee were naughty and `crumbs fried in bulli r. Serve hot,
size of oysters; french them like { ('hicken Dumplings. s.
the requirements of the 1•rw, as the f thou ht yolhwout 1 hep k t d stein , sprinkle I cream, for cakes caramel harmful. f g - Prepare
Jews eharge,l, Jegtii act, 11!- de- Y prisoner's release, as escape.8ashe! I In 6n \Alnlnatlon til A prrlAte pieces. for stewing and cut in small
mended more than the scribes, watt Ill has ,roll to fluor f g ie or sense, as it int. pieces. Put plenty of mater on
paid the final farthing f d } and fry in butter till a rich brow school the pupils were asked to
all their loudl
of boiling water, cover, and • let cook {
sleek until tender; add more irg cough•
as t whoop-
if needed, about thirty min- "lou comb yourself like a lady,”
Utes before serving; have three they say to the girl who has her
large tomatoes, 'skinned, cut in hair put up. And one youngster
pieces, and thrown in. If the water
is pretty well cooked down and the
was heard to remark that "Sara
w-ae small for her size."
better. When done add water and ! been telling the story of Jack and ;until the bar, which originally was
snake gravy. It is fine. +Jilt, and how Jack fell down and! four inches square and about four
Veal Loaf. -hour pounds chop- r broke his crown. ! feet long, becorpes reduced to about
ped veal, one-half pound salt pork + What was it he broke :'"' she one. one -thousand of an inch in dia-
l. foto table- �r, meter and extends 1,300 miles in
tion length.
Before so fine a size is reached
the wire ss -ill cut into the steel of
the die plate, so the usual die plates
must be discarded and the drawing
had been sent to bring the ink bot- I continued through holes drilled in
tie which had been found leaki eel diamonds.
the day before. `'This ink botttei The diameter of the holes in these
isn't well yet," she exclaitedl. I diamond dies decrease by fraetion-
"Is she married 1" a little fellow al parts of a thousandth of an inch.
was asked concerning his teacher. From the time the bar of metal en-
"Naw, she's a lady," he replied. tern the furnace nothing is added to
"Who knows all the hones in the it. The wire is made from an ex -
body and knows how to put them) tea high grade of steel, worth in the
back ."" a teacher asked her class, bar about six cents a pound, which
to which she was giving a lesson in
"God," exclaimed a little fellow,
and it was not an easy matter to
explain that a doctor knew as much
as the Almighty about it.
ally if t!
One child who had been out t-,
rusalent, with its, Pickled Rump Roast. --Take four j Boger Williams Park, was asked to
seventy-one members. The hell of pounds young rump, lard it withl Cooking in it, as (he rush of cold - describe the peacock he saw there.
fire means the final olivine judg-f salt pork, rub both hides with salt air is -apt to render it uneppetiz-1 And this was his conception of the
merit and its fearful consequences, l and pepper, then put in a stone ing; but place in it a pan of cold 1 beautiful bird: "I save a big chick•
23. Thy gift at the altar Jesus i111 crock and cover with best vinegar. water, leaving the doors closed. It en and he lifted a thing on his ba !k
often appealed to the Jews' refer• I•et stand in the pickle for three will gtiickly lower the temperature as big as two unlbselin.3.''
c Ava and the steam arising from it will
prevent the food from burning. A PUZZLED Ii01'.
Bouq--iet. --Put half
ofgranulated sugar in a
saucepan and place o t
ring ocensionn y as it melts. ft is
hopped fine, four asked.
spoonfuls of bread crumbs, one-half rhe whole of his tooth," was
teaspoonful of salt, two teaspoon- the reply of one who had evidently
fuls of sage, one-half teaspoonful had some experience in the dentist's
black pepper; mix well and bake chair.
is a pan for three hours; spread! On another occasion a little girl
butter over top before baking. .
Making Tea. -If you once wash
your tea before making you will not
return to the old way. First scald
the teapot, put in the tea, and
pour half a cupful of boiling water
over it ; then pour off the venter
immediately. l.et the loaves stand
a minute or two until they uncurl,
then pour on fresh boiling water
and steep as usual.
To Cool Oven, -Do- not open the
doors of the oven to cool it, especi-
ally is anything already
is much above the price of the
greater bulk of steel. In the fin-
ished product the value varies from
six cents to $50 a pound.
Liver Uuniplings.-Few people
know what an excellent and also
cheap dish can be made of liver, so
here is one that is surely a "prize
winner"; First, soak about a loaf
of dry bread in water, now cup t,p
and grind about one and
pe.unds of liver (calf's liver is hest
c or en e • , n ice
with pepper and salt , cus ar s, and may ►o used r
•n. Ito color gravies
y proclaimed deo- lb; contemplated, and this excludes Cover thein with A quart Uf beef ! Thct santrsxthiingl Kxlactlyden � s� sold int name
the "'nese bole y' and different
Then take one cup of r,er'. waifs
tion t„ the law. Compare Matt. the idea „f he'll. atd•ck and two tablespoons of chile i "' ( and salt. Then put in a small ling
4.. 2 3.sauce; put on hack of the afore to the grocery as kitchen bouquet end kinds of orgies, the right,the left I and tie the end with a string. Lnv
21. It. was said to them of old 38 tooth o .. joy e, .. ism of toth h y, simmer forty minutes. Serve with I at a fancy price.on top of the chicken. When lona
`rho cute and the ohtoeise'" take out and
time --This introduce+ n section law lay in the limitation it tither mashed or boiled potntnes.I Cut (flats.-_tl'Aah well with a 9eftl :\ question as to the produetiona� pert drop dumpli,►q,
put rip-) brush in waren code roads with a „f France brought out this answer for fifteen minutes. boiling all the
(verses 21-19) wherein it is shown t f n the i natural thirst for yPn((r arrCP•
that the Ohl Testament and phari• This privitive idea of mnish,nent r Boneless iiirda.- ('nt up seal i Good
aaic view of life is inferior to that' i 1 degree and kind, utas !teak in pieces about two inches
l • I rgllarr., And pound each pisco until
higher )ifs tthich Jesus same to es.; adapted to the cruder is Pr n))a"
tablish. This is done by mean~ of' an earlier civilization (}:sod. 41, it. i, quite flat. Dust All with salt
And pepper, and lay on each piece
six illustrations: (1) anger, (2) so- 23-25), a strip of ',Aeon. Roll it lip and
sial purity, (3) divorce. (4) oaths, 39. Resist not _Jeaus tie with a string. Dip each piece
(5; retaliation, (R) universal love. nhrogates entirely the right of pri- in flour, and brown in Amixture of
Our lesson includes 1, 8, and 8. I sate vengeance. When a vindi^ butter and drippings. When
Thou shalt net kill - The Jews 1
conscientiously kept the letter of
the sixth commandment and ab-
stained from the act of murder: but
the principle hive/red they dire•
garded, and therefore felt no cnrrt-
pinretions if they chanced to he an-
gry with their brother, or to hate
2.2. 1 say unto you- Inasmuch as
the former precept had come from
Clod, and Jesus claims for his in-
jiinction an equal Authority, he as-
sume% an equality with Clod.
):very one who is angry -All em...
five spirit is let loose it will not, },irdei have become brown pour
Atop at a liars judice of like foron enough water to cover them, let
like. The only safety is in the for
them simmer gently about two
nisi of all human right to retal,•Iflour4. Thicken gravy with a little
rte. flour.
Roasting Sl n ronsting never
Turn to him the other --The tigur use water; it takes all the
ative language must be kept eon fr„01 the meat. Ilse about ltwo
stantly in mind. Jesus spoke its an
Oriental to Orientate. Otherwise he and baste oftuls n lard or drippings,
would not have been heard. tq, and baste often. When roasting
must follow•, not the liters! weir }s, turkey nolarge chickens take ; you
but the essential principle. Cer f bacon and tie around feat; you
evildoers And imposters rrn will find it more juicy. the action of Public. upil
Gravy.- When Ineat i$ roasted re- the liver. One pupil replied to a question :3 that. 1fI►»2 Li there se mortifying
reit to have their way without re move firm .lsparegue benefits the kidneys, �' A biugrgph)' is the sl„rt' of Ai alnnit it'”
strnint v Rut f pan, let fat drip in ,
selfish ,u two tablespoon(1 :
song. Ittn.e in Rood warm blit from a girl : "Crapes, French
ing water, let drain, and dry wit 11 sivh s, modest and tailor-made ha -
soft towel or brash. . bits
bfashing Potatoes. When mash - When asked )i. ss- (Robinson (-'ru-
ing petntoes heat Lite milk and they s„e finally- left the island, one little
wilt be much more foamy.
'nil nips, onions, cabbage. catili-
fowei, watercress, and horseradish
contain sulphur, purifying tee the
Potatoes salt, of potash.
Spinach, one of the most valuable
of vegetables, Batts of • potaasitun
and iron.
time. 'Then take out dumplings and
make gravy. Here you have four
dishes for your dinner.
girl replied: "fn n hcnrsc, I sup•
pose•” I It teas in a sery tearful stale that
A little Ito-, who had been drug• J Mi s. Banks came home from a call
sling with 11ir, hist„rt' lesson, ask + nne dao. She lost no time in be.
ed the teacher, "Was Columbus ginning her expinnatio,i "Ton► ”
deaf'•.. shy said t„ her lin hand. "l ,, ao
\u, wh she you a.k such A slues- n' itified 1 don't know what to do."
tion 1" said the teacher. "�1'h.rt's the matter 1'' asked 31 r.
'' '('Anse ury hi, ton says the King Banks.
gave biro a biasing. ''1 have been calling on Mee.
smith. 1'ou know her husband,
Major Smith'' Well, I have jest
A number „f amazing nod learnt reedits.. to Inti• horror, that
Major isn't his title at all. Major
is his first name."
"Why ceItaiuly. I always knew
i tg oke amus -
Cabbage, eaulitlower, and spinach int; statements are gleaned frr,ui ex -
ale beneficial to anaemic peoph•, atnination papers received in the
To •
matoes stimulatesSchools.
!sons Of hatred And anger are sin. ? forgiveness and ter
jar. all hut 1 your; relei•s for rhe•un►ati�m. neuralgia.
!selfishness nlnst have theft ter a s, ahr,and nervous disorders.
fel, even if they do not issue in acts, The meaning here is plain: a nae this q one tae 83 not flour. Uel Lefton for tired nerves skins, 1,
thio quickly, se es not to lump; let form blond and nitrify the skin.
111811 X IiI4. "Nothing,-
Th,. ?luthina, said Mn, Banks,etl.r f Lecher, anviuua to make a•t with :c groan, ,'only that I'-,,• Been
>t rinpresai n, asked : "Now, ! callin t hila 'Meier' every time I've
tt hat, is an at, io,•traph !"
Y met hen for the last six months,"