Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-23, Page 1SI to JAN. '11 will pay for The AtivOcate to any subscriber living in at oda. Take relvantage r,f trim Low Club Rates Try The Advocate Offlet For Wedding andJllusi- nens Stationery and (':udt:, I'ueterF, Tickets. IIiI1e at:d all kinds of Printing.!; Type, Styles are the Bel TwrNTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1909. SANDERS di CREECH ;The Old Reliable fie We wish our Customers and Friends A Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Ysar CARLING BROS. ftETIRING FROM BUSINESS Co with the Crowd to R.N.Rowe's Creat Clearing Sale of his entire stock of DRY GOOD. .4, CEA I'HJNG, MANTLE-, FURS, BOO TD AND SHOKJS, HEAVY AND LIGHT' RU13- BER$. WALL PAPER AND LINOLEUMS- ALL GOOD GOODS We hate the cleanest stock in t.nwn and must all be cleared out regardless of cost, as 1 min Riving up business. Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE reefb..leaal Cards. D` S. 1. *OUla?O$. I. D. S.. D. D. a DENTIST Member of the IL O. D. i of Oatarto and Bono, tl,arfsat. of Toted* Udvsrstty. 0111101: Over Dickson a Catlieges law Odce, 1■ Oe Aaas sos's tor... Dental Parlors. inf.A. t KiNSMAN, L D. til., D. D. I.. sot'medwte of Toronto Celestial,. DENTIST, testa.ateaded without soy pain, or arty had dsct• Odes over Oladmaa a Staatury's oaks, !sale street hose. ■oalcal 11 R BRIGHT, M. U.. M t'. P. a S , HONOk • Orduat• of Toronto University,Two yea rsddeot phys1t Ian Ho al Akeat,dra } h tal, e4 . 0111c• and Rm•Wesc•, . Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EIITSIL R. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POST GRADUATE r New Tort Post or -vitiate College. Necessnr lint acre farm in U•b rne, two and one tine of Dr. A F. Malloy, Enter. Re,idenee t i occupied 1,y ler. Malloy. Andrew $t. °flee- half n:.;t• from Exttrr, ileo a bre •k Formerly the Elirct Law 0111.-e, opposite Central house on }fate-rtrect. Ear ter, and a car- t(:tel. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM AND VILLAOL Prestrike at lowest rates of interest. =NM ELLiOT oak, Opposite Corneal Hotel, Uxste,. Ont. WE WANT For Fa I and Winter months in Exeter and surrounding country an active re- liable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD I'AY WEEKLY. OUTFIT I' REP:. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 600 ACRES of the r!.oiceet nut eery etnck which you well direct to your custom. r s. This In one of t! e advantages our men have over jobbers. We guarantee the delivery of beta in GOOD CONDI-NON .end Ci' TO (ONTtt.ACT (TRADE. Write for partic- ulnre- 1'EI.IIA\1 NURSERY (10., T011- ONT(t. ONT. Please• tor fon thin paper. FARM FOR SALE. DR. T. P. McLAtOIILIN Has retained pri'tke after spending a year (Col. !egoist British and Continental Iloapnala General cth `eae w, b merle,/ attention to Eye, (with refrac• lion) Ear Now and Throat. Once: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. D10180N a CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLiCi tons, Notaries, Ono') an.-eto, Commleolcetee Solicitors for Molsoos Bank, tete. •sa.y to Lsaf at newest reesrt let Oakes, Mein street, Exeter, Commis, K.A., L H. ;mom ,1O1ttT ?O LOAN. __ les sass a large aw.oust of pri.ate finds to loan • farm and village properties at low rates cf Inter OS. OLADMAN a STAMBL'RV, f R.,rtsters, ttolicltors,Main st , Exeter On B. 8. PHILLIPS, Emmen. LIc.. 4 *set lases,. es attended to all parts. Satl•fwtioa roam of oo M Tense r•aaatd•. All swiss left dtomi• �o. . will b. proaptly Weeded W. 1106 o3SENIOR federation Life Assurance mpaey, oleo Fire insurance in lead- s Canadian and British Companies. Ha1n•St., Rieter. LICENSED A CCTIONEER WM. ANDENSON Li( ,wed AsRenter ter Huron County. Terms ,rasp atic. Dates can be made at tr. Advo ate. Exeter. or Henry Elltrr's Office. Cred. Itsn. 414 Toad of green cedar po+te. WM. M. HLATCIIFOIID One Apply FARM FOR BALE. of the finest fauns in L'storne to SANDERS & CREECH. Exeter iMOUSE FOit SALE Lots 36 and 37 Duro r street in the village of Exeter ; brick house. kitchen and wood shed . ha Td and soft water ; targe drain house and stables. Tills Is a tier convenient home, and must and will be sold to close an estate. if not «old privately on or before the ' 9t h December it wail be sold by public auction at the Central hotel, Exeter, on December 31st at 2 o'clock. p.m. For terms and particulars apply to Win. & A. Itodgert, executors, or to Thomas Cameron, auct., Farquhar P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Choice ' undred acre farm, being Lot 3, Con. 1. Ceborrte, London Road. 3-4 m110 from Centralia, 3 miles from Ex- eter. On the premises there Is erecttd a good brick ItnuLe. all conveniences. large hank barn 1!0145, finished In tat'et Improved style; drive house. good orchard. never falling water. well In barn and house, 12 e,re• fall wheat. All plowing done. 1t not sold prlvateiy on or before the 20 day of Dec. will he sold by public auction at a date to he :iced later. Fluty terns of payment. For terra a el particulars apply to Jas. Itandford. prop., (llr,tralla, or to T. Caan,eron, Hurt oncer, Fa:gu'.ar r. O. THE EXErElt cOUNCiL Tse council met in the heading Room of the Town Hall on Dec. 15th. Absent Councillor Johns. Minutes o' meetings held Dec. 3rd, 6th, and 7t,, were read and approved. Court of Revedien for confirming of sidewalk measurements was held.- An appeal from J. A. Stewart regard right of way claimind that I.e was not the owner. L. Day objected to paying for the full frontage of the right of way adjo;nin, his property. E. Dignan and Mrs. Wood had the sante ubjertlon. Mr. E. Jory claimed that his Ineaaurcmerit was only 165 feet instead of 175 ft., 6 In. Councillor /Iceman to Investigate. Per Ilea/nail and Carling -That all right of ways be asses•cd to parties ueeng the sante. There lacing no further ap- peals, Court adjourned on motion of Luker and Neaman. Mr. L. II. Dickson addressed the coun- cil on behalf or tne ratepayers owning faun lands, who had been paying de- benture rate In thee- taxes contrary to Village By-law. The Reeve replied, stating that due consideration would be given. Per Beaman and Luker -That Barley Sanders be paid one dollar, an error In doh tan, -Carried. Per Ileanun and Car- 1'nnlr-That the Library Board be grant- ed one hu,tdred dollars payable to H. E. Iluatoi .-G`arried. The following accounts were ordered to be paid, -Jos. Lawson, as per certlf Tette water works account $450; A. Q. Itobler, ditto. $200; F. W. Farnoomb, ditto, $300; W. T. Gillespie, freight and cartage ditto, 88e ; C. T. firooks. express ditto, $5.55; It. Spackman, stove pipes $ditto $14; W. F. Cole. error In busi- ness assess nt ant Knt;ht property. 3.511; \trq. Ann Sutton, charily, 8.89; J. N. Howard. pct tatci of land purchased by the municipality Aug. 23rd, $5.22; S St.+nlake & Son, lumber ace. cemetery, $32.24; Li. Russell, repairs. 80e; Queen City 011 Co, gasoline 7.17 ; P. Ilawden & Son. repairs to sidewalks. $7: H. Spackman, supplies. 3.90; Ed. Treble, repairs 5.05 ; 5. Cudntore, cement tile, 1 6.:18 ; T. Brock. labor. 5.50: T. itrock 1.50; A. Taylor 1.50; G. cudmore :1,87 ; r. Moulden 8.00 , Jas. Ogden 1.40 Sidney Sanders 50e; Wm. Creech 5.25; S. Itandford 1.L0; 8. Buckingham, stor- age for la:mel e. 1.00; D. Hraund re- pairs cemetery 45e; irons 50e ; rent of engine house grounds 2.00; W. J. His - sett, postage etc., 2.75; Jas. Connor, hal ante salary as librarian. $23; W. J. It 's tt, balance ,alar. $37.00; Dr. J. \V. Browning. M. II. 0 :IMO; Jo'. gull.. secretary Hoard of health. 5.00; 5. Sanders, treasurer, .b.tl. salary :15.00 Jos. Senior, bal. salary 36.00; passed on motion of }Iceman and Luker. -Car - rind. Jos. Senior. Clerk. Now who brag of what they give to the world never take stock of what they owe. He1ut'ful Naval Orandcrs front two do -ren for 25e to 6')c. a dozen at, W. J. Statham's. EXTENSIVE BUYER. -There 1s pro- bably no one parson In •Veslern Ontario who has done a more e-tcnstve trade in horses. Than Mr. T E. Itandford of town. For .evcrul year a past lee has be'n engaged In the bu,in, as and during that time has established a remarkable record, both In number., and quality of horses handled. Nine, the tot ginning of t!te year he has shipped 41 carloads. or an a'gregate of Bn0 horse•,, averse In: In price $194t, or In all a total of $162,Ih)O.rn. all of whh In has been pall to the farmer. of this nonununity• Mr. Handford h.as Tern a leniefactor In the ctl'trlct 11; un rm..11 way, and should be considered as ■ur't by the farnters. 1iOR8ER WANTED. Ilavini opened up a trade In the 1)r1t- ls)t Columbia markets i will be at my own home. Heeler, every Saturday for the purpose of buying all cleaner, of horses that are sound and In good con- dition. T. E IiANDFORD. ,.t'CTiON SALE OF 25 CATTLE AND 4 HORSES. There w'li b' sold by public Auction at the Yard, in Shipka at 1 o'clock ,p. nt., Thu-sday. Dor. 23rd. 1000, 25 cat- tle and 4 hornet!. i1. ilossentrerry, Auctioneer; J. D. Jackson. l'mprictor. FARMS F011 SALE. 011 ItENT Tht undersigned offers the following lands for sale or rent, -Lot 11, Com 4. R.: S 1-2 Lot 4 and N 1-2 Lot 8, Con 5. Stephon, and Lot 11, tatne N. 11. M(Cilltvray. Farms are in excellent con- dition with an .abundairee of water and about ten acres of hardwood timber on each. Lot 11. Con. 8. 11. Stephen has ,tole -n house and two bink barne,with 20 acres sown in fall wheat and 50 acre., p:owca. and situated 2 1-2 miles south of Crediton and 1 1-2 miles front a school. kindly apple to the under - sighed. -MRS. JOTIANNA CM:(11ILIN Crediton Ontario. FARM P011 SALE 74 ague of farm land in the village of fleeter. 13 acre") In fall wheat, fall plowing *:early thistled, well feared, well drained orad wah red ; good 1 1-2 storey brick house, containing 9 living rooms, }Lard and soft water in the house ; good barn, number of frust trees. situate r.ort'r of the station road. Exeter For particulars apply to 3011N HAWK - SHAW, Proprietor, or B. R. PHILLIPS, huc11oneer. FOR RAI.E Cottagear.d three lots In Exeter, being lots Nrs. ,7,.'•, 54. and 57, on the Routh aide of Sancoe Street. On thin property Is a frame cottage (brick foundatlonkon talnftng five rooms and a good cellar. Also a Road well and a large .table. cinod Bardet and fruit trees. The pro- p'•rty la to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to GLADMAN a RTAN1L'RT, Barristers, Exeter. Ontario. THE JACKSON 1311 -LAW \a uv• retdcrt are already aware, The , Jar kson Manufucturtng Co. of Clinton are manufacturers of cloys Clothing, an Industry started by them in Clinton ten year, ago. They have made such a ,u. -(*s• that they have been unable to get enou'h Labor to keep up with the derntnds for the goods they stake, and were vcnep lied to start a factory In Goltrlcit four yeaia ago, which now enip:oy,e over e10 people who stake Royer' I< ,1.•kera only. N '•.v they propose starting a third ::..'tory J0 Exeter to make another line o: Heim Clothing If tne people wish to encourage them to conte here by giving them a free building; and free taxes ex- r..pt for school purposes as stated In •: o'her columna of the paper. Tito success they have had and the reputation they enjoy, bealdea the mem- beret of. the firm b. 1 re personally known to many of the reale: of Exeter, snakes tat feel quite sure that we can afford to grant them thins request. We would like to see forty or fifty people in an Industry cf this kind as they would circulate a lot of money in t ye tr and it would keep employed our own girls In place of therm leaving town a, many do. 1f the Ily-Law carries they will com- mence t:ii;n d1ately to install their mach- inery and will employ girls as fast as they can be instructed. We might say further that one of the reasons for their great success in creat- ing such a demand for their goods Is :'t11 they have made boys' suite and boys' odd knickers only and by making -t :psI'lty of It they have been able to 'n ak: It cheaper and better than houses en the city which •Hake t oo many lines, under bigger tnpe .sc. The Exeter brareele will, like the God - e branch Le apsclalty on one par- .Irular class. Will lite third factory o: the Jackson Manufacturing Co. be In Exeter 7 We hope It will. $150.00 DAMAGES AND COSTS. Tho case of Alex. 1f111 vs. Wilbur t.rtln, which wag tried at Stratford o.; Wednesday of last week went �•:. h..tt lee def ladant, who wee fined :13c and coats. This was an action for damage. for $300, the value of a to t.,i o: horses belonging to the plain- tiff one of which was killed by failing over an embankment near Gredito,t, hav- ing been frightened, the plaintiff alleged by the noise of an automobile driven by defendant. R. S. Robertson of Mitch- ell appeared for the plaintiff. and J. G. Stanbury for the defendant. 11 was a jury case tine: presided over by Jud:e Harron. We understand Mr. Martin will efi eal the case. The Stratford lie;ald says of the evidence sahntltted,-"It a p - pear• that the plaintiff's team was standing In front of a farm gate „ear crredlton, deep ditches being at both stdes of the roadway. The lines were tied to the hub of out of the wheels. The automobile driven by defendant Paine along a cross road and turning the caner Into the highway where the tease was nta,nding, the horn was toot- ed. wh'ch :made the tram uneasy. The automobile came along until about half way between the corner and the team. when the driver of the machine, seeing that the hen 9CS were badly fright- ened. reversed and backed the auto to the tamee-sston road and went on J?is way north. The plaintiff claimed that the runaway which resulted in the death of the hereon. was roused by the noise of the automate*. Considerable evident* was taken in 11.' elec. a Targe number of wltnegncn being et,amlerd." Local Items Mr. and Mr.. \Vm. }4jaeer visited 0. London tile week. Mr,. Kestlr o' l.untknt was of Mr.. E. J,rry Iasi wetek. \Iles Nellie Itusscll of Toronto ',crafty le eperrdints the holiday!' her father. \tr. Thee. Rummell. Mr. and Mrs. \' t. Dauhccy leave this morning for \\'yet Ing where they will visit during ('•rrist nen holidays. Mr. and We. 111.1:. Rowney relcbrete•1 t1Mr Wooden wedding anniversary ir; a very happy manner on Monday evening 1 • -1. Quite a numr of friends were pre'enl on the 0rca Lon and a very en- joyable evening was pent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Dowecy's many friends will with them many happy returns of the cc- clot .and that they may be spired to e'elrbral' marry 'teener events. Tortured and fluttering. with life al- 'nott ettinct. a little sparrow wan er(cn ten'* 1 a tree by Mr. 11. 5. Phillip. on Tuesday, and going to Its relief he found the little mutterer had securely f astenerl to 1tt, leg a p•ece of string cit etched to which was small piece of paper taken front a s all note -book. brarieg the tollow;:,g.- 94.11 Option I ,i,1 earthly good -1t ice' ,n trade and it you want to spoil a flour;nitIng town go In and vote Lor ;t, for It assists crimir'atlon." 1t would bo Interesting to know the origin of the note. BHS_-_ the guest U.11 - with DI.jardlre-lo .'tepee Mr. and Mrs \Vnt I(tyter.-tea Stephen and Mr.. Nelson 1 Du. harne--On Saute Der. to Sir. and \tr� .a daugeter. Werwr.-At Zurich. c Red Mr*. Harry \A n. on Dec. 15th. to I)lajerdlne, a mon. 11 04'c. 9th, to Mr. ayter, a son. Line. flay. on 11 r. David Dun harm*. Dec. 11. to \ir. Art. a daugh'rr. lit, R R I� Oq'.t.tes.-O'Itr'rn.-lee by the Rev. hart hurt 1.. Cie-1de.. to ) irre O'Brien, daughte r.ek O'Brien. born o GEN Hay. on Dec. 22, Henson, Mr. Al ia. Alice Joseph - of the late I'at- Hay. DEAN \t ;ly ard.-At (Toderlrh. \targarvt Elizabeth t Rev. R Mlllyard of 1 ;y of Exeter. on Dec. 17th. hnell, wife of oderich. tormer- A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Let US show YOU the Biggezt Bargains iQ ClolViu� ever offered 20 per cent Off until Xmas Suitable Xmas Presents for Mee Muffle' s Ties in Fancy Boxes Gloves Sweater Coats Fancy Vests Slippers, etc. We carry the most up-to.date line in town SANDY BAWDEN Are You Puzzled Over That Xmas Preseni ? Let Us Help You ! WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelery & everything pertaining to a Jewelery Store in Western Ontario Prices, Quality Considered, the Lowest Going 4s pisqk A Pair of Spectacles often makes a much appreciated gift and needed We can supply these if you wish to make a surprise gift of them, We Can Do The Testing at a Later Date and you can make the gift now with that understanding. JEWELER S. Fitton OPTICIAN Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses Air ;Wire. 1,01, to 1.23 Sworn'. Itl11'.. :1.00 to 4.51► N'.ot Uu•t.. 11.5•, to 20.0'► 1118RE1.L'S CARPET SWFEVEItS el :lore,,' 4 mien.. 2 ; and 35. p W hat/Ito Give Let Us Help You Make r Your; Xmas Suggest t. , a.r, ions S1.t5 (.1 TLE1t1' iS ALW.\YSACCEf•T ABLE Pocket Knives from 5c. to 1.25 Carvers in pairs, 1.00, 1.25 to 1.75 Carvers In caeca 2.23. 2.50 t0 4.50 Pie Knives, Merry Spoons and Gold Meat Forks. Food (Z.nppers. 1 40 to 1.85 Raisin Seeders, 65c to 1.45 Spring Skates, 50e. to 1.00 itockey Skates, 1.00 to 5.00 Hockey Sticks, 10. 25. 40 to 75. C1111ette 8atcty Razor,. 5.00 Ever iteady Safety flexor, 1.00 Catrbo-Magnetic Razor, 2.0.) Other Make Razors, 75c. to 1.25 N. P. Tea Pole el 90, and 1.00k N. P. Crofter Pots, On to 1.00. Breed Mixers. 2.25 up. •s_ HINeELL'5 CARPET SWEEPERS Lar:c SIze,, 2.75. 31)0, 3.25, 1.56 \'e ISR SCIS!MOHB AN0 SHEARS 1.11) nicety'rim 30e. to 1.25 St ...Gra 'rum 20to itnast Pans, 85 to 05. rims. thee, 1.24, to LI-, Sal Irons. a,20 to 2.90 Every 1'alr Warranted Eve ; ]'ale Wearer -tied }tread Howe., ten, 1.n,1. ,s; 4 1.20. Crumb Tray,. 0'x•. Lamps. 25e. to 2.00. HEAIAWS HARDVARE & STOVE STORE USC the Genuine SCRANTON COAL!