Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 8•1
to clothn.g tallurcd by us. Dot s:,'t look
Bice a uniform that ever ybody is wear-
or light top coat for wear during the
cool evening. about doe. You won't
have to be told about the superiority of
our clothing when you acs and wear it.
Tou'l; have the feel of being well dress-
ed, which only first-class tailoring can
Merchant Tailor,
ousiness Locals -- Read Them
Takt your lire Chickens, Ilens and
Ducks to Sterrart's--that's the spot for
rare values.
TWO FOR 25 CENTS.—Fol the remark-
ably low price of 25c. we will send the
to the end of 1000. Subecrlbc now and
get the full benefit of tills very low club.
If you want to gee a swell lot of new
tailor -wade Jackets right down to the
minute call at 'tewart's.
.APPLES WANTED.—Farmers and
others having apples for sale will d)
well to bring them into V.(' F:,: t'or
whlct. openc•l for business last a. .;.
Good prices will be paid.
$2.00 the pair for the new I'elo Nap
Blanket'. the nicest hMnket for the mon-
ey you ever saw. Stewart.
Apply to Penpraae d Burka, Exeter.
Miss .-lull is again in charge of the
Millinery department at Stewart's. She
has just returned from the leading Amer-
ican fashion centres. Qee the new ideas
she is introducing.
BOUND FOR .SALE—Itabbtt dog. Good
hunter. Apply at this office.
FOR SALE.—C'to:ce 1t,urcd Cockerlls
at 11.00 each. Speak qu;t►t. — T. B.
Ry defeat;nj ate ars. .hates Taylor
and Ot-rle.a Lindenfclt, 16 to 1.2, Tues-
day evening Meyers. W. J. 'Iceman and
W. B. We!dc,;hamntcr have placed them-
selves to the finals for tae trophy 1n
Scotch 'Double.'
FREE A1)VEltTiSING--Th t,u stlon of
free advertising is n pub):r source of
worry to Beery publisher of a country
newspaper. Ile does not wish to appear
mean or offend his friends, and yet
he nnr.at ,emember that ne has to depen'l
upon t1.c revenue from his paper to p:o
vide him bread and butter. and mo small
portion of this revenue must be made put
of the advertising. in this office there
Is a rule that whenever an admission fee
is charged to an entertainment or meet-
ing. we charge for all advertising in con-
nect!on therewith. We also charge for
all cards of thanks, or any matter trout
which any person or organization ex-
pects to reap a pecuniary benefit. Th"
storekeeper 1s not expected to hand out
tree of charge the goods he has for
sale ; the publisher has his advertising
space for voile and he should not be ex-
pected to give away free of charge any
more than t1 a merchant Is expected to
give away !.Is goods.
Out of 20 Municipalities in Huron
County nine are now under Loral Option
on no L'tr.r:;t and 11otheis will vote
on Lot al Opt:on January and next.
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
441 I ++++++++++4-444-H-11-1.•
l+++444+'F }4444;
h.'hind a !Mit is not confln-
ctl t,r other clothing estate
lishtn.'nts. There's a love-
liness about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us—that's so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Merch.et Tailors Exeter
I•`r vor'i►IWNF'PiFIliFiF'41FS* Mr. Geo. I'alnwr attended Aylmer lair EXETER MARKETS.
Lo/� i / List week.
A14 1'(. I MiS. 4 Mr. JanaSweet visited In Londo:r CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
du; lig the week.
S. G. Itawden has been In London a few
days during tee week.
Mrs. Itcv. Martin of London is a guest
e• %t r. \Vnt Bowden's.
airy. Fal Tomlinson and son of Lon-
don are visiting at Mr. Robert I rayne's.
Mrs. Barrie of Tuekersnnith visited her
daughter, Mrs. Sidney Davis, last week.
Several from lore attended the Croesl• y
and Hunter farewell service In Myth
on Tuesday.
Mr. Fred Hawkehaw left Saturday for
Toronto where he has secured a situa-
tion and Intends remaining.
Mr. Walter Mw lock of Columbus Ohio,
arrived here Monday night to visit his
mother and sister for a few days.
Mr. John McIntyre, who has been a
mesident of Exeter for some years. left
Thursday last to accept u position as
shoemaker with Mir. Zuefle of Ilene:tn.
Mrs. John McMahon and two children
and Miss Stella I'cnnalc arrived here
front Winnipeg Monday to spend the
winter with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Penhale.
Mr. S. J. Hogarth returned from Ilant-
ilton Friday morning where he attended
the funeral of his cousin, Miss Edna
Bogart'', daughter of Mr. E. S. Hogarth
of the Collegiate staff of that city.
Mr. Jce. Cobblcdick of Calgary, Alta..
who has been visiting here for several
days, lett Saturday for Toronto. and
from there he will go to Orono, where
he will visit Mrs. Cobbledick's relatives.
Dr. H. P. Ross. wife( and daughter of
Nampa. Idaho, arrived here Saturday to
visit at the home of Dr. Ross' parents,
Mr. and Mre. D. A. (toes. It le claw
years since the doctor left Exeter and
he finds considerable improvement In
the old town.
Mr. and Mts. W. D. Waliaee of Waite -
burg. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. liauks of
Prescott, \\'ash. are here vlsitlug rela-
tive.,. Mrs. Wallace and Mrs,. Hawke
are slaters of Mrs. Jae. Atkinson, Mrs.
Thos. Sweet and Mr. Wm. Prout, who,
with the exception of the latter, have not
cr:n them for nearly twenty-five years.
Lest Week Mr. Thos. W. Nell sold his
75 acre farm near Centralia to \Vm. Con-
nor of London Township. Possession is
glv... t,. the 'spring.
A meeting will be held in the Town !tall
next Monday evening for the purpose of
organizing u band. Every person in-
tercetcd is expected to be present.
ARM ItI1OKEN.—M,re. Thos. Gregory
met with an unfortunate accident Satur
day afternoon last. She was engaged
picking grap^a, and while standing oe a
step -ladder ear En some manner lost her
balance and fell, with the result that her
arra ops broken. The injured member
was dressed and although painful 1e
doing nicely. ---_
MAitRIED—A correspondent wi 1! 1n
from Seaforth gives the following par-
ticulars of the marriage of a former res-
ident of Exeter, Mr. Stewart—' At nine
o'clock F.'lay m ornieg. In the St. J3111:03'
C!hurc:t, Miss Margaret Friel. eldest
daughter of Mr. Thos. Brown, was unit-
ed 1n marringe to Chance Stewart, 0;
the firm of Stewart Bros. It_v. P. Cor-
coran Ness the officiating clergyman.
The hrlde wee attended by her sister.
Miss itebecca Friel, while. Mr. H.' M.
(Brown) Jackson, of lacrosse fame. was
the groom's best man. After a short
wedding trip t1 e young couple will take
up I'.ou :ekeeping In the handsome new
residence being built for the groom on
\Wl1!4on street."
i ♦ 15 " I4 Fir A l!k Alta Alit Aft aik ro
1' •\. F'c will preach In Allea
"unday nest.
. Stanalke, Jr.. of the Lake ltd.
.n1 os: work, being 111 with stonlae't
t rouble.
The lord's Day Alliance will meet la,
Main Street Church on Friday evening at
N o'e►oek
Mis. Flossie Hunter las taken a po-
yit;on as s:cnographrr with Messrs.
Dickson & Carling.
Mr. Mart. Natter was taken 111 Satur-
dty with symptoms of pneumonia. and is
co:tfinc.l to his home.
Mrs. Thos. Snell, lluron Street, who
has been under the doctor's care for
several days, is recovering. •
A match game on the Bowling Alleys
between the East and Nest has been
arranged for Friday evening.
Mr. Geo. Mantle has arrived home from
St. Joseph Hospital, London, feeling
very much Inapt oved In health.
Exeter School Field Day Sports will
be held on Friday. Oct. 8th. Bae•'halt.
brakell all and football in the morning
and athletic sports In the afternoon.
L. C. Fleming, pure' County Secret-
ary Y. )f. C. A.. made 08 per cent In !tie
recent examination at Silver Bay, New
York State, getting 3 per cent. higher
than any otter candidate.
The Cave,; Presbyterian Church will be
re -opened on Sunday. Oct. 17th. The
pastor, Rev. S. F. Sharp, will conduct
the servIer•e. An old fashioned tea will
be given on Monday following.
Contractor Scidon has Just completed
the two walks on \\'fill:thy stre2t. south
of Huron street. It Is estimated that
we can now boast of nearly four miles
of Itret-lase cement walk in town.
Rev. D. W. Collins preached a masonic
:sermon to the brethren of Forest on
Sunday last. The ]rev. A. L. Beverley
of that place very acceptably filled the
vacancy in the Trlvitt Memorial Chur^h.
Mrs. Johnston, who recently purchased
the dwelling on Mill street from Mr. Jno
Snell. is this week moving therein, while
Mrs. Morlock will move back Into the
house being vacated by Mrs. Johnston.
Crystal City Courter.—' Grover J. Ills -
sett, who for the past two months had
been employed with the Robertson-Arl-
ama Lumber Cu., has severed h1e connec-
tion with that firm and left on Monday
for 1113 110111e in Winnipeg.—Mr. and Mrs.
Rob,rt Kerslake, who have been visiting
with air and Mrs. J. Sntallacotnbc. left
for Weyburn. Sask.. on Monday. "
From a copy of The Gazette, of Olds,
Alt: rt't, we learn that Mr. A. Bagshaw
In not only sueeeeding in the crop line.
but taut teen raising stack that took
prizes at their Fair, getting (Medals for
general purpose mare, for colt. and for
marc and colt ; and alae second prize
for grade cow out of a showing of
fifteen animals.
Mr. Mason, the eva.nge•llatic secretary
of the Y. M. C. A., arrived in town Tues-
day evening and addressed briefly a
good number of the Y. M. C. A. members
and Chrlellan men In 'he Y. M. C. A.
rooms. The %fleeting was more for the
purpose of getting acquainted with the
men, and getting them lined up for per-
eonal work for the other three days of
hba visit here. Wednesday night ne
speaks to men and boys only in Main
St. Church: Thursday night he will ad-
dress a meeting' In the James St. Chur:h
open to anybody who can get inelde ; and
Friday night he will speak to men and
boys only in Main St. Church. He Is a
winning fellow. a pleasing earnest speak
er, and lie wants to meet every man. Men
don't fail to hear lith and get acquainted
with him while he is here.
Ills Lordship, Mr. Justice elute. pre -
aided at the assizes held In Goderlch last
week Amongst the cases e,1tered for
trial was that of Col. \Vnm. Young, of
Gotierich against the F.xeter Canning and
Preserving Co. Col. Young sued the
Company for the return of 11750 paid
on account of ton eaares of the capital
stock of the Company, for which he had
subscribed, claiming that he was in-
ducted to give his ■uhscrlption by rep-
reeentallons that the stock would be car-
ried until such a time as the dividends
and earning.' of the con parry would pay
for it. The Colonel also claimed that he
had not received a ropy of the Cbm-
pany'e prospectus and that the pray -
pectus had not been filed with the Pro-
vincial Treasurer, as the law requl-ei
and on U.c,te grounds his subscrlp!lan
was void and he was entitled to a re-
turn of his money. Several witnesses
were called and the Judge in giving his
deelolon found against the plaintiff on
all the quettlone raised. Judgnun:t was
given In favor of the Company, dismiss -
sing the act!un. Wm. I'roudfoot. K. C..
apla',.rea for the Plaintiff amid F. W.
(Madman for the Company.
LEG BROKEN.—llarold. r t at vt n -year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. \Veb.ater,
met with a painful accident o•, Turyday
teat The little 'allow was riding on
the front of a load of wood with Mr.
tee:fetes. wit^n the I o'se k':kcd vhlous:y
etrlking the boy and breaking his leg
txtwern the knee and ankle. A doctor
was summoned nn] set the limb. and the
little fellow Is now doing nicely.
AT LONDON NOItMAL.—There are 172
students at the London Normal. Includ
!ng the following from Iiuron County—
\ti.escs ida Cornish. Clinton ; Lillian
liartlelb. Dashwood; Winona Howard
and .Victoria MBncrs of Exeter : Edith
E. Jenklne. Blyth ; Maud E. McGregor,
r o,. tante : Violet M. Petrie and Laura
11. Sawers. Brumfield ; Hattie E. Trick
and Lela Ford, Clinton ; Edna Amy
Re'd, Varnt : An:.le Challenger and Mem-
lo Foster. Golerlrh ; Ethel Pearl Stevens.
Melte: Theo. J lfartielb, Dashwood.
WORK.—Here is a marriage notice d
'cd some years ahead.—The bride
looked very will in a travcllieg drew,
but all ryes were centred on the ,froom.
It" wore a dark suit shat fitted his
forst perfectly and In his dainty /Ow-
( 1 hand he carried a rose. Ills curly
air wail beautifully done• and a dait-
,•ate odor of halt oil, of t'te beet gull -
•;y. floated down the stele as t.t passed.
The young people will hues him now
'!tat he Is married. Ile is loved by all
for his many acrompl !'unrr.'s, ;le
'ender grates and tits winning ways.
Tee bride commands a good salary. te
t bookkeeper, and the groom will 'matt
ane of the luxuries to *relic.; hr 12,1
etee; .rt u,,tontrd, A crowd of prc'ty
)u•tg m•:„ saw t.t.n off at Inc dap-)'
A (.'LOSE CACI. FOlt LIFE.— Lela,
the little nine-year old daughter of Mr.
\W. D. Sanders of the 2nd concession of
Stephen, met with an accident that was
only marvellous that she was not killed
blatantly. The little girl was on lar way
for the cows, and noticing a circular
saw in operation near the barn. chlld-like
picked up a small stick and pracecded
to cut It. Being small the saw passed
throug't it more quickly- than she ex-
pected, and losing her balance she tell
forward. A 'garment she was wearing
on her head caught in the shaft wallah
wound and drew her into the saw. with
the result that a severe gash was in-
flicted In the back of the neck, aeveral
Inches long and 'quite deep. and how she
ever encepcd with her life 1s a marvel.
The wound was dressed by 'a phyalclan
and thespatient is doing nicely.
re'n(tlonary '.tornt period Is central of
the 0th and loth. The temperature will
rive and the barometer will fall and in-
creased cloudiness may result in light
re.tni, with change to enMcr returning
about the lath to 12th. A regular sheen,
period is central on the 141!t covering
the 12th to 17th. About the 1.2th 41 -
cadet storm tonditlons will began form -
in the Nest. By the lath and 14'h
the temp-rature will be high, and the
barometer will be low and falling in
western sections, and front \Vednesday
the lath to Sunday the 17th. heavy au-
tumt.al storms. with lightning and Bop,-
Wrder on and touching the lath, will pass
from west to east across the country.
The sante perbod comprises a very mark --
ed !clash period. central on the 14!11.
Th11 Is a time when navigators of the
north Atlantic and the great lakes should
exercise care against possible danger.
Change to much raider. with high bar-
ometer and violent gales will wind up
this period.
School Reports
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4,
Stephen, for the month of September:
Sr, IN'— Willie Sul twat 7, Otto Hi nwn,
Gordon Cornish, Alvin Cornish, ('lin-
ton Brown. Sr. 11i—Edna Amy, Ilia
Eilher, l.avina Sntith, Emerson Roerz-
ler. Jr. 111- Joseph Schwarz, Eddie
Cornish, .lire Broken«hire, Clinton
Mor lock. 1i Carrie Sehrneder, Olive
Cornish, (Tara Mot lock, Adeline Nein,
Hirzel 1'r ei.zcator, Emerson Wein,
Mary Wild.
'1 he following is a correct report of
the pupils of 8. 8. No. 3, Stephen, for
the month of September: IV --J. Wit•
lis, A. Vallis, C. Parsons, V. Hogarth.
Mr, 111 It. Parson., NI. 'Willis. Jr.
111 L. Striders, C. Triehner, O. Stan -
lake. Sr. 11--C. Parsons, 1.. Sanders,
T. Willis. Jr. 11--M. Triebner, L
Hill. V. Hox, V. Pi.'.zeator, P. Sand -
•.1s. Sr. I. ii t'. 11 tmilton, O. Ham-
ilton, 0. Sanders. Jr. Pt. 1i-- A. Shap -
ton, E Mozart b. H. Parsons. Sr. Pt.
I--- E. Preszcator, 1-. Stanlake. Jr. Pt.
I- V. Ilog,rrth, 1. Hrtuilt.orl, 0. Willis, ,
li. i'..•-teat„r, 1'. S.,nder.. -'iVm. L.
T. 'cher.
Wheat 98 90
Barley 48 60
Oats, new 31 34
Peas 70 75
Potatoes, per bag 75
Hay, per ton 10 00 10 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 75
Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 155
Butter 20
Live hog., per ewt 7 55
Shorts per ton 23 00
Bran per ton 22 00
Wool 17 18
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate
get all the news.
Can only he gotten from the hest flour
--The follow In¢ brands are unexcelled
--Try a hundred next time you bake--
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
HCYAL HOUSEHOLD (t>gitvie',0
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Western Canada Flour hill,)
Leave pour orders or call up
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
1!'118011/103010to t9(»G'S 130510
The Old Way The New
to Cure a Cold Way : Take
Care aCo1d
25': Box, Hooey's Drug Store.
raft Aka&li14 alk ALaniAka&Aka”
Manure litters
Overhead Conveyors. Ir
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installer) as cheap is
lustier and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers and ne-
cessities on a farts.
For sale by
1iWm. Gillespie, Exeter
PIioNrc 51
iii-wrierArnrivrwriv-Gr .1
Here'sGood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
Hrm—M. JACKSON k SON—one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASII:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron f rom'COc to 75c "
Old Rubber Boots'
& Shote 7c per lb
Copper & Brass 9e '
Horse Hair 30c
Lead and Zinc 2;c "
A great %ariety of iron pipe
atuap.nr,hand at a reason -
Ode pri. e, .citable for
FENCE. P(ttTS, IIK.ACINn .t lutt'LEVIltUlNn
M. Jackson & Sons
\\'E AIti-: CIto\VING
because we have the exalted rig,' to •1.,
so. Who wouldn't "clew" and feel t a-
ultant when they knew
gold by Melo was going to give the hest
kind of satisfaction? There Isn't even
the germ of dyspepsia in any pies. cakes
rolls orbread made from our (lour. To
buy it *a to be healthy a rid wise.
WHEAT wanted at the Mill.
ROLE M.'.Nt'F'AlTt'REltn
Have You
Seen Our
Stock Lately
Exeter's Leading Hardware
Furniture and Undertaking
Parlor Suit
Easy Chair
Music Cabinets
Dining -room Tables
Parlor Tables
Odd Chairs
Hall Racks
K itehen Cabinets
Dining Chairs
Dainty. well -made and at reasonable prices
Bed Room Suits
1I>tttresses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
Bed Couches
Newest styles and all at popular prices
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Sftopping Here Is made fi Ploasure
With our immense stock of Fall and Winter Wearables to show
you. Our New Dress Goods, New .Jackets, New Furs, New Fur Lined
Coats, New Skirts and Waists and New Underwear are Tll E BEST we
have ever shown. We want you to come and see them and what we
are doing.
One of our
Season, and yt 't lar,• sure'of getting
the correct thing here.
Ladies' Fur -Lined
Every lady thinking about it fur -
lined coat Ibis season should see
our special limes. Our chats have
the hest rat lining, and genuine
sable collar, with a good broadcloth
shell. 1)o not fail to see there.
This is one of the many cuts
of our popular Winter Coate.
They come in Black, Blue, Green
and Gray.
Popular Prices $10, $12 $14, $16
$18, $20.
Child's Coats.
A great many styles and
cloths to choose from. Colors --
Black, Blue, Brown, Green and
Bring along the girls and we
can )lease them.
'rices $3 to $R.
Another of Our
Popular Coats.
\Vt• have ail the new ideas
anti st Ples shown in coats for the
I t
•ln ,�i°'t�•��'
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
a wont Our milliners are
very busy. Leave y(eir orders ear-
ly. so as to have w.au hat in good
time. They are working every
night to catch up.