Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-19, Page 8,• • ► - 1r" ► ► h - BARBER APPRENTICE \WANTEL.— Apply to Pcnpracc 4 Durke, Eerier. UMBRELLA LOST.—An umtrel:a b:ar- Ing a horseshoe cmblcnt on the crook end. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at this office. a GOOD APPEARANCE does .'t .ea by chance, neither docs tt grow . , trees. To be presentable you rn'i It PE WELL DRESSED Look over our tine line of suitin.g', pick out what you like, and we'll do the rest. Clothes made here dress you well at small charges. Get mcaeurae. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them 50c buys a good pure -wool Sweeter, cardinal or navy, with fancy collar. Stewart. BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE. —Second hand In good condition of re- palr.—Apply to Rev. J. D. Keetle. Ex- eter. Take your lire Chickens, lino and Ducks to .tcwart's—that the spot .1'r rare values. SECOND HAND BICYCLES Five good second hand Bicycles !or .ale cheap. Join Trlebner, Exeter. Special Sale of White Shirt Waists. 1.75 and 1.50 lines all reduced to 75c to clear. Stewart. Exeter Fair is Monday and Tuesday, September 20th and 21.1. The nicest line tf wore -porcelain China Toilet Sets try lutt•e seen are at Stewart's, T11e basins are all flue nor large roll edge. 2. f.)5, 3.75, 4.50, 5.50. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE.— To learn taliori: g. W. W. TAMAN. Every gallon of White Wine and En- glish Halt Vinegar sold at Stewart's is guaranteed absolutely pure—and fnrl strength. Good Vinegar for good pickles. SUBSCRIBE for the get all the news. Advocate and 11Ot:ND FOlt SALE—Ilabtlt deg. Good Matter . Apply at this office. Lc: uer send you The Advocate for the b.,l. rte of 1909. 1t will give you all the news worth having In the dis- trict. From now till the 1st of January 1910, for 30 cents. Now lit the time to buy Cameras and Kodak.. Big clock to chooes from. Ask for Irce cata'oguc — Ilowcy's Drug Store. Any person wheal g Buckwheat for seed can get same at the grist mill. Wheat, ()ate and Barley wanted at the mill: IiAIt V EY BROS. New supply Writing Papers, Pads and Cnvelopea 1:1 stock. Ask to see our new Initial Fapetctics at 25c.—Howey's Drug Store. FOit SALE at lase than halt price— one Poi safe. combination lock. BRAND NEW, A BEAUTY ; also one pair com- puting scales, BRAND NEW. SCALES cost ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS And FORTY DOLLARS BUTS THEM. Tee Iron Sete cost SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS and TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS buys 1t. See teem at t' a Exeter Bargain Store 3. W. IBRODEIRiCK THE BEAUTY behind a alit is not confln. ed to other clothing estah- lii:himente. There's a love. liners about tent garments that will simply delight all who come to us—that's so. For a Nice Tailor -Made Suit this shop has a good reputation Let us make yours W. JOHNS Merchant Tatter- Exeter SMF 'IF 'PMir 'ta Lt }CAL DOINGS. 4 talk Aka& As alk At al Tengletoot, Fly Polson and Insert Powder are the order of the day. Get your supply at lfowey'a Krug Store. Tire lieeaall Observer le taki:.g vee week off. Now the lawyers and Judge■ begin the ' :ong vacation." The newspaper mare gets his long vacation when he dies. Contractor R. U. Seidon 1s making flee progress with the cement sldc- walk3. and 1s doing a good Job too. If a boy and a half eat a green ap- ple and a half 1n a minute and a half, !:ow would they feel in an hour and it r.alfl Mr. Joseph Senior 1s being troubled somewhat with poisoning, tee tesult of a nail scratch on tee back of 01a lett hand. From the Calgary Daily lierald we learn that Miss Lillian Amos was euc- ceasful In her recent Bilge echoel ex- amination. obtaining standard : dip- loma on the result of her standard 9 examination. The Exeter Junior Baseball team w •nt to Hensel' Monday and played a game with the boys of that village, losing by a score of 8 to 4. Some of the boys went up by train, and It been" an hour late the game waa delayed, and only five Linings were played. Geo. Palmer umpired. The players.—Exeter — Presz- cator, Rivers, Hoskins 1, Acheson, I1ti:ttt;ele 8, Snell, Elliott, Sweet Hey- wood. Hensall —Stacey 1, Smith Lovell 2. Welsh, Heaton, Hebei'k 1, Neelaids 1, Ne belt 1, Brandt. An exchange;—To keep flies front tor- menting horses It is recommended to take two or three small handfuls of green walnut leaves upon which pour two or three quarts of soft, cold water and allow it to stand over night. In the morning pour the whole in a kettle and boil 15 minutes. When cold it will be lit for use. No more is required than to wet a sponge, ane' before a horse go es out 0' the stable, let those parte which are most irritated be smeared ov- er with the liquid. The Winnipeg Free Press of August a former Exeter young lady, being the daughter of the late Edward Snell ' A quiet wedding took place at the 1.o:nc of Hon. It. P. Roblin,. at 8.30 yesterday morning, when Miss lona Evelyn Snell, daughter of Mrs. M. J. Morgan, was united In marriage to r%rt!tur B. Roblin, second son of Hon. R. P. Roblin. Rev. M. Baker officiated. Only immediate friends of the family were present. Mr. and Mre• Roblin left on the early train for tette home at Carman, Matt." We are in receipt of copies of The Maines (Alaalaa) Pioneer Press. The Seattle Daily Tatnee and The Skagway Daily Alaskan from Mr. Robert San- ders, wee is now touring eat part of of the country. We did not notice any- thing marked In al.y of the copier, ow- ing, douhtiese, to the fact that there was nothing remarkable in them—thanks to uncle Robert Just the sante. One thing we did notice '.however was teat the people in Skagway pay dearly for their pewapaper reading, the .tlaekan, a small four paged sheet, costing the subscriber $12 a year to have tee pa- per delivered to them. And yet they call t: a• a modest price for their paper. T:.c IIIgii School Departnxtnt of the Exeter Public School will rt -open Sep. 1st with the principal. Science, Mathe- matics and Moderne., W. 13. tWeldc:.- eantnler, 13. A.; Classico and Engllsh, Miss E. M. Robb (Miss McKinley re- (igning through ill Learnt); Commercial Work and Junior Mathematics, MM. A M. Johnston. The Diplomas granted in toe Commercial Section are government standard, Including type -writing and stenography. The , coarse covered is complete for Second-cla.e Certificates and Junior Matriculation. Over 100 deaks were allotted for P.c past terns. The Inspector's and Goy( r: nxr,t's re- ports give the school first place among the schools of Ontario. For sittings address 3. GRIGG.See. CARD OF TiIANKS.—Mr. George Etherington of t'sborrne desires to thank the many friends and neighbors for their antipathy and help during tie illnesu and subsequent death of his !ate wife. IHICKS' FOiRECASTS FOR ACGUST.— A reactionary storm period Is central o n the 23rd 24th and :nth. with Moon'. first quarter on the 23rd. At this per io1 the barometer will fall again. the temperature will rime and threatening conditions will increase Into summer storms. The outlook for diffused rains is not without hope at thl■ and the pre- ceding period. although we do not ex - pe -t a sufficiency of general rains dur- ing this month. The mercury period eov cring the 15th to the 28th. with probe ability of equatorial storms front tt.e south, gives good hope that August will •.ot be a month of unmitigated heat and drouth. At the sante time. a cycle of ,uch phenomena Is due. when we may expect • all signs to fall" 1n a season of dry hot weather. DEATH Ole MRS. ETHERINGTON. — S.arcely had the grief subsided that was felt by Mr. anti Atre. Ell Snell by tee death of their son Arthur. a short time ago than they are again runged into a similar trial of sorrow and be- reavement. We refer to the death of their daughter ida. beloved wife of Mr. George Ettertngton. wt:o passed away nt her tome In Usborne. on Wednes- day evening. August llth, at the age of as years and llntontes. Mrs. Eth- c r i;igton. welle r.ot en5oying perfect `•calth. was about as usual until a • or' time previous to her demise, when • gave birth to a premature ctild. a',d despite all that could be done see sank until death cialmed her. The dc - emceed was born in Exeter in the year 1Q75 arrd r:ad a'ways resided In Ex - (ter and Its vicinity. Set was a kind aid loving meaner. brtgr.t and cheerful in her disposition. and her early derv's, w;ll be regretted by a large circle of :citede. Besides tee sorr.wicg r.ue- t i;d she is survived by two small reeldre :—te) and gir;—; also father, -totetr, three trothere sed three sisters. T •• fu feral wt kh took place Saturday the Pacer teeatery was largely at• i, nded. T., bereaved ' ave t'.e hear:f. t sympathy of tee wt.o:e conenueity. Mtlrt1/9! PERSONA L . 1141•11sessammusamst&saanaass will Knight spent Monday In London. Mrs. John McInnes Is visiting 10 Lon- do. Mr. 1. it. Carling Ls in Toronto thla week. Mrs. U Johns returned Saturday front Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteford have re- turned to town. Mr. S. A. I'opleetone spent Tuesday evening In town. Flora Dlnney and Irmo Sweet are vis- Iti::g in Clinton. Mrs. S. Fitton and son Gerald are visiting in Toronto. Niles Mabel Walters of London Is vie- ltleg at !:c'• home here. Tee Misses Ida and Lily Marchand are 1: oildaying In Goderich. Niles Beatrice Quick of London is vis- iting ?Ira. W. 11. Dewing Mrs. Daniel Dyer of Caseville, Mich.. le vlsitlnt' friet:ds in town. el:es Edna Dow, nurse of Toronto. is visiting at her home I.ere. Mrs. James Sweet and son James vle' iced In Kincardine over Sunday. Mise 011ie Quance has gone to the millinery openings at Toronto. Aquila( Sheeres returned to his work at Lansing, Mich., on Saturday. flee. and Mrs. Collins are spending a few days this week' In Sarnia. Miss Delia Isaac of Lucan 1s visiting her cousin Mtes Gladys Dearing. :Mss Mary Carling Is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Reg, Elliot, at Norwich. MIs t Lily McLrunes has returned to St. Paul :•fter several weeks visit here. Mise Evelyn Gill of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting friends and relatives here. Miss 11. J. Mills of w'ood!'am spent the past week with Mrs. Wm. Coultas. Walter Drinkwater spent Sunday here with lits sister, Mrs. S. T. Dobler. Miss Bennett of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Stewatt. Mrs. John Floyd of Kalamazoo. MIch. to visiting her mother. Mrs. Welsh. ;Ilse C. Makins left Wednesday to at - teed the millinery openings lit Toronto. Dr. Samuel Thomas of London was the guest of \Vjibur Martin this week. Miss May Hawkins left this week to to attend the millinery openings at To- ronto. NIr. and Mrs. Liddleolt of London vas Iced with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wool this week. Miss Addle Moriock left Saturday to attend the millinery openings at Tor- onto. Atr• John Sorry Of Galetta spent a few days at has home here during the week. Mra. It. It. itogers and brother, E. J. Christie, visited in Detroit during the week. Mr. Miller of London visited Mrs. Mill- er at the home of Mrs. T. Gregory over Sunday. Miss Ila Johnston has returned front a short holiday trip with London ft lends. Mrs. Marchand who els been visiting Buffalo returned to 1..r home here Saturday. Dr. Folllck and Miss Mabel F011tek of St. Marys visited their parents here this week. M:. and Mrs. Garfield Sheers lett on Saturday morning for their home In ,Drai1ford. Mrs. B. 8. Phillips Is visiting[ her son Rev. H. T. Phillip -a, at Ravenswood this week. Mr. Chas. Long, of Winnipeg, son of Mrs. John Welsh, is very 111 of fever in that city. Mr. Frank w'altera, after a few days' visit with his parents here, returned to Detroit Monday. Mrs. Charles 13lrney lett Tuesday for Saginaw. Mich., where she will visit for a short time, Mies Lida Quante left this week to attend millinery openings In London. De true: aid Toru,ite. Dr. and Mrs. Halloway of Peterboro are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. welsh. William street. Messrs. It. N. Taylor and a. E. Fuke rtturi cd from Grand Lodge of Oddfel- lows at Ottawa this week. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor and family of Br two City. Mich„ are guests at the home of Mr. James Gould Mrs. Alex. McKee, nee Minnie Pumph- rey, who was visiting here, left Friday to visit her mother at Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs Beresford and family of Clevclat d a,e vi hint• Mr. and Mrs. \. J. Hearnan here and at the Bend. Mr. Andrew Campbell. Thames Road, who has been on a three months' visit in the West, returned home Saturday. Mr. 1101. Hawkins of Le Marc. Iowa, accompanied by his wife and son, le vleitl:R !as mother. Mrs. W. hawking. Mrs. Pledgers and two children of Londo.t are visiting Mrs. Prodger's mo- r.cr. Mrs. James Ford, acid other rel- atives. Mr. at d etre. \Wtiaam Ford of Elim vials and Mrs. Thos. Brooks of Eden took In tie excursion to Detroit on Sat urday. Mrs. Albert Snell and daughter of Lansing. Mice., arrived here Monday evening to (volt at the !:onio of Mrs. Ann Snell. Miss Millie H lndman of Pembrookc Ls spending a v ek at her home here prior to attending the millinery open- ings In Toronto. Niles Myrta Kent returned to her home to Lucan on Friday last. atter a pleasant visit with Mlescs Etta White- ford aid Eitle Taylor. Mrs Judge of St. T!.omas a::l Mrs. Teomas of Lucan +:ave returned to the' • 'a'tes after a pleasant visit with their r.el:c. Mrs S. J. Itogart':. Torn Carling and Sandy Rawden left Monday to: Fort William. going by boat from Sarnia. That means teat two o' our Lest ball pita -leas are gave. Mas Lily Floody. after a visit with ear grar.dpart;;ts. Mr. and Mrs Richt. Crorkcr. tact we^k went to Toronto 10 visit her uncles. before returning to: er homy' In llalicyburer. Mr. Teo.. Stall of London was here over Sunday. the guest of Mr. Albeit Ford. Miss Neva S :eat, who has been visiting with Niles Gladys Ford. re- turned with r.er father. Rev T E. and Mrs. Sawyer. Lu k - no+► re. G. and Mrs. Jewitt, Laramie and Iter W J. Ashton. T!:ameevillc. spent .e fere part u' tate weae the gill s,t,t et Mr D. C. a•'.d tee Mlsece W-,tr Mr (i. \V. Iaarrison. manager of t:.e Bank of Ccneeerce. left Tuesday morn- ang to saaal a ftw days to London pr!or tc a 'e• dl,.g t' a Tc' : ie Tourta- :,n•• t iati , g.ra Fa:l•. ' r w' 1c'. r.0 will take part. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat lr) 11; Barley 5,1 53 Oats 41 42 Oats. new 31 35 Peas 75 W Potatoes, per bag 90 Hay, per ton 760 S 50 Flour, per cwt., family 3 10 Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55 Butter 10 Eggs 20 Live hogs, per owt 7 55 Shorts per ton 24 00 Bran per ton 22 00 Wool 17 18 And somewhere they're shivering wit!, the cold. Some engagements end happily a::d some end in marriage. Tee man who talks to himself hears a lot of silly remarks. The toper's peck of trouble is always full and s!oppli;g over. No matter how clever a man may be a woman can usually make a fool of him The man who cannot discover a God le tee universe finds one In the mirror. A woman glories In being thought a beauty . a man in being thought smart. Love 1s a dtsease that nothing short of marvlage will cure. And that Is a sure cure. Some omen can't understand why the truth will nearly always ecrve better than a lie. A two weeks 'vacation is a short time compered with the time it takes to make the money. There is no hope for the cid bachelor who can't Induce even a widow to marry him. A ton of oil has been obtained from tee tongue of a Bingle whale. And that .t whale of a fisti story. 1 e 4 4 4 44 1 HAY FORKS ooa to Having secured the agency for Beatty Bros.' Round Track Hay Forks 1%1111 now ready to eymip Farm- ers' Barns and Hay -Mows with sante. These forks, without doubt, are the Best on the Market and to use them is to be convinced. We guaran- tee satisfaction and the price is right. Wm. Gillespie, Exeter P PHONE 51 wrivrigrAFITIPTINFAF1111fflori Here'sGood News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON fi SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no trucks all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from G0c to 75c µ Old Rubber Boots) R Shoes j.. 7c per lb Copper & Brass Horse Hair Lead and Zinc 9c 30c 2ic IRON PIPE K A ;rest rariety of Iron pipe slways on hand at s reseon- able prise,/011/011 for FENCE POST', BRACING .t i:Ot'LEVARiIING M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST.. EXETER. �FPe1l:ITF: ELEc7Nic POWER HOUSE This Week 12 sheets of gond paper 12 envelepee, in ptetty 5c a box leaf. YY 21 of these, 10e a t,n:. i'ad►, Envelopes, :, , Bek, 15c. L'e.t 'i'iI ((,l.. Thou%and+ of all the newest in Post ('.erd•+ of all kihde, besides 5 views of Exeter. ferns ,(ire 511. Bete great and small, And tee cur arsort¢ett. Can e. THE PURITY oae„ -m.iesa • esagesase TitERE;'S A I ILE '0- VALUE 1n a sack of Star Flour. it make. r.• - ter bread and healthier people of tr:oer who eat R. STAR FLOUR MAKES \LORE and better loaves to t` a mark than a other. it In so good teat there are many imitations of It. So In order to be sure of ' e best be careful to get tee aT111 a 1 •.,kc e HARVEY BROS. EXETER '11 71'11E0-. (1NT.1l:1(1 Farmers, Gardeners, and Others ! Come here for your tools. Buy your w ifs and girls a nice hammock. Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass on the lawn in trim. Get the little tots some tools like fathers and they'll be happy. Come here for your flower and grass seed. We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato Bug—let the visitors get busy. Binder Twine for garnering the grain. If there's anything else you need that a good hardware store keeps, we have it. And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy some of our fishing tackle and everybody take a day's outing. T. HAWKINS & SON Furniture and Undertaking Parlor Suit Easy Chair Music Cabinets Sideboards Buffets Dining -room Tables Parlor Tables Odd Chairs Couches Hall Racks Kitchen Cabinets Dining Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresses Springs Brass and Iron Beds Newest styles and all at popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 FIRST Sj-lOZL1IJVCs OF FIUth DRESS GOODS A Good Representation of the Fashionable Fabrics and Shades that will be Correct for the Fall Season. We have prepared for a bigfall's dress goods' trade anhave collected the best values and new- est material to be found on the market, from 50c to $ 1.25 a yd. Prominent Among the Now Cloths French Worsteds Plain Stripe Venetians Duchess and Satin Clothe Fancy Stripe Merges New Shades Shadow Stripe Velours Broadcloths Green's wristena Peyton Tuupe Grays Navy Brown Black They Make Nifty Suits Black Dress Goods are Good for Fall (Inc stuck is large and wt -Il assorted with all the newest black goods. if you want a gond }lark dress or snit, are can please you with our beautiful range. Big Clearance Sale of balance of All Summer Goods White Waists Only IS left --al! to clear nut regardle.s of cost --see there gn'. Muslins Only a few pieces left — you can have there at your own price. Ladies' Whitewear Scone very special bar- gains in whitewear—we want to see them all go. Ladies & Gents' Hats At less that 1P ) rice—just to see them disappear—we are near y giving t cern away. Summer Hose, Gloves, Laces and Embroider- ies all at sale prices. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing • 1